Wake-up Call
Antique Colt Dragoon
This bill will turn all American gun owners into felons on the spot.
From the petition online:
“For the sake of upholding the Constitution and the Second Amendment, please oppose H.R. 5717 (2020). If this bill is passed, it would make 393 million legal gun owners federal felons for wanting to protect their life and liberty to the best of their ability. The taxes imposed on firearms and ammunition in this bill (30% on all non-banned firearms and 50% on all ammunition) would price out the Middle and Lower class Americans from being able to afford to protect themselves and their families. This is simply Unconstitutional, and targeting those from the Upper Middle class, down to the Lower class. ”
You can sign the petition online, but read the entire thing first.
It is a violation of the 2nd Amendment, because the restrictions are not necessary.
States have their own laws regarding gun ownership in place already. This is not just overkill, it is also unconstitutional because it does violate that annoying 2nd Amendment.
You can sort the tyrants out from those who are not because, whether they are petit tyrants like some congress critters or George III’s redcoats acting on the King’s Orders, they are Those Who Make Decisions For You, as if you cannot think for yourselves.
These things are brought up, not because there issue is safety, but because the politic worms who want these laws in place are afraid, to their very core, that You the People will use those very guns on them. Therefore, you the people must not have, possess or handle such dangerous stuff.
I can’t think of a bigger waste of ammo than shooting a politician.
Voting those idiots out of office and then ignoring them is far better punishment.
Here’s a link to the full text of the bill. It’s more tight-assed than New York and Illinois combined.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns
This bill will die in the Senate, if McConnell even bothers to bring it to the floor for a vote. And it would most CERTAINLY never see POTUS’ signature.
It is useful to identify those enemies of the Constitution and of the citizens of these United States.
Whereas it may be the waste of a bullet, Ex, arrows are recyclable. But the 2nd time the arrow may be considered poisoned. YMMV
The bayonet is a good item for use on those not worthy of a little powder and slug.
“Then Sir, we will give them the bayonet!” Thomas Jonathan “Slow Trot”, “Blue Fire”, “Stonewall” Jackson.
Also the FIRST (ht to CW) to use electronic communication (the Telegraph) in a Fire Direction Control/Forward Observer to deliver indirect Artillery (THE King of Battle/THE Winner of Wars/THE Bringer of Dignity to What Would Otherwise Be Considered a Vulgar Brawl) Fire upon the Mexican Army positions during the Mexican American War of 1846. Earned himself a nice little Brevet Promotion for that action plus the praise of Gnrl Winfield Scott and a certain Captain/Major Bob Lee.
“…that You the People will use those very guns on them.” Nails it! The kongress klowne kritters would not be wanting to disarm We the People, if they weren’t planning on doing things that would make We the People want/need to shoot them.
Possession of firearms and ammunition is a mute point for me since the tragedy of the leaky boat in the flooded quicksand lake during hurrinado tornacane. I do miss them tho. One of my favorites was a Colt’s Dragoon similar to the one of the pair that the Beast Butler had. I never did have an aerial electronic platform whose nickname rhymed with “steer” or “dear”. A crew served Aerial Artillery Platform such as the A-6 woulda been nice. Having either GIB or GAS (guy at side) might relieve some of the boredom while awaiting the Fire Mission call while loitering on station.
I think you’d be in hog heaven if you could just sit next to a carriage cannon and light it off once in a while.
Don’t toy with me using all of that word pr0n. Hog, cannon, light it. You know how I am. Snatched many a friction primer with a lanyard. Modern propellants are nice, but there is nothing quite like the smoke ring and the bell like sound coming from a brass 12 pounder Napoleon.
40+ years ago I participated in a reenactment of the firing on the Star of the West with a battery of four muzzle loading cannon, from memory Parrot guns. During the run up to it we practiced and fired dozens of times, over about a six month period. One thing we learned was depending on the elevation selected, we could send a tennis ball a couple hundred yards with our ‘blanks” propellant charge and if soaked in lighter fluid you might get a tracer round out of it for the first 50 or so yards before the wind blew it out.
Also a 12 ounce soda can would fit in the bore, but not stabilize to well.
My Man! The Star of the West, remember that one quite well. Actually the FIRST (ht to CW) shots of the WBTS. Citadel Cadets, Google Foo for those interested. Prolly know some the boys that were with you on that shoot. Lots of things can become projectiles in a muzzle loaded cannon. On the subject of a wad of “caught fire” steel wool fired from a 32 pdr at a Russian Freighter, on it’s way past Fort Jackson to Port Wentworth in Savannah…I know nothing! Or the international incident that it caused.
Introduced by the same guy who thinks that islands can capsize due to population spikes. No wonder it’s so retarded!
Jeeeezus H. Christ…
Hey, Congress!
“…Shall not be infringed.”
Look it up. If you idiots know how to read.
This definitely will not pass muster.
How about a change.org petition to abolish the Democratic Party due to their historical support for slavery?
Or one for a constitutional amendment imposing term limits on members of Congress?
393 million gun owners? Isn’t the total population of the US something like 330 million?
Are there an additional 63 million non-human gun owners in the US? Aliens? Bigfoot? Replicants?
I think someone is either harvesting email addresses or trolling gun owners.
Some of y’all Francises need to lighten up. 😉
Signed and shared on Twitter