Is It Merely Cancel Culture?

| July 20, 2020

Did you ever think your life may depend on whether or not you vote? Apparently, it just might.

The article at is an op-ed piece, but is definitely worth the time it takes to read it. He refers to it as “cancel culture”, meaning you lose your job and your livelihood and everything else you hold dear if you don’t go along with the herd.  The recent vacating of men in staff positions at the NYSlimes is an example, as is being hired to produce high-end editorials and op-ed pieces and then being bullied by co-workers for doing the job you were hired to do.

From the article:  Think of Gary Garrels, a very left senior curator at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art who was forced out because he said that the museum still had to accept works from white artists to avoiding engaging in racial discrimination.

Think of Bari Weiss** and Andrew Sullivan, both forced out of their jobs in the New York media because they were soft leftists, rather than hard. (Weiss and Sullivan were laughably categorized as “conservatives.” Neither is. They are conservative only to the extent that they are not from the hard left.)

Think of Leo Terrell, a lifelong Democrat and civil rights attorney, who happens to be black. He is now being ostracized by everyone who was once part of his world because he’s called out the Black Lives Matter movement for its criminal acts, whether destroying cities, killing cops, executing fellow blacks, or shaking down corporations for millions of dollars. – article

Well, they can try, but that does not mean they will automatically succeed. The fact that the Lefterds are already starting to eat their own is a dead giveaway that they are barreling along with no thought to the consequences. There is a certain amount of unwarranted vanity in what the Lefterds are doing. One can only hope that they will reap the real reward of what they are doing. And the more obvious they are about it, the better. If we don’t know about it, we can’t fight it, can we?

No. We can’t.

**N.B.: Bari Weiss’s “resignation” letter to the NYSlimes is at the link below. The fact that she was bullied by co-workers over the content of her editorials is telling. She did what she was hired to do, and was hammered for it.  The link is here:

What she refers to as the “cancel culture” is the same thing we are seeing in general media. I’m more and more convinced that this pimple-on-the-ass of humanity, which may have been originally spawned by Merkel’s decision to allow “migrants” from the Middle East to move into Europe with no supervision, has a great deal to do with what we are seeing now.

To make it clear just how bad it has become, the US government is using YOUR tax dollars to hire lecturers to shame white people about their skin color.

These are your tax dollars at work, people. Watch your backs, keep your mouths shut and your ears and eyes open, and go vote in the fall.

And in the meantime, remember that there is always someone who wants to pick a meaningless fight about politics in general and ‘how you gonna vote?’ in particular, which only raises your blood pressure.

Never, ever get into a discussion or an argument (especially about politics) with a narrow-minded moron. I can’t emphasize that enough.

So when someone tries to bring up politics with you, it’s easy enough to avoid the screaming and foul language that will follow if you turn the subject to cooking or fishing or that time you and your best buds were in Sturgis and trashed the Marriott.


Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", 2020 Election, Dumbass Bullshit, Politics

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When do the owners of the New York Times get canceled because their forebearers were slave owners?


Historically, that’s happened shortly after the Marxist Left comes to power. After that occurs, they’re no longer “useful idiots” for the Marxist elite; they become “disposable idiots” instead.


Yes, “outlived their usefulness” as evil megavillains would say. (Where do with think writers got that from?)

5th/77th FA

Careful Doug, can’t mention that. Can’t talk about the New England Shipbuilders that built the slave ships either. Or the Major New England Insurance Companies that insured the slave ships…and the slave cargo. And can’t mention the New England Representatives that wanted the black population only counted as a partial person to keep the number of Southern Representatives lower. Or that the slave picked cotton was sent to New England mills to be turned into cloth…and sewn into clothing in Noo Yawk sweatshops by wimmens and chil’ren. The list goes on.

We are allowing, as a country, a very tiny, tiny percentage of the population of this country to dictate, speech, action, and soon, thought, in this Republic. Again, All Things Confederate are just the low hanging fruit. It will NOT stop there. If Black Lives Matter so much why were there another 10 killed and a dozen or so wounded by persons other than the po po just this past weekend?

Turning on themselves? Yep! The precedent has been around for awhile. History is replete with examples, as the readers of this forum are well aware. Even most of the people who died in the employment/association of a foundation controlled by a former president and secretary of state found that out. Too bad they can’t talk about it.


Oh, they can talk about it…just not for very long.

The Other Whitey

Or that the first slave owner recorded in America was a black guy…

Mustang Major

Just finished this book: “It Wasn’t About Slavery: Exposing the Great Lie of the Civil War” by Samuel W. Mitcham.

Eye opener for me on the level of slavery in the northeast. Of course, there isn’t much mention of that fact these days.

5th/77th FA

Mustang Major, here’s a place where you can get some more factual “rest of the story” information. After you check out this article, root around on their web page, your eyes may get even more open.


“This time, vote like your whole world depended on it.” –Nixon, ’68

This time, it sure does.


Has anybody noticed the Democrat party putting Biden up with no running mate’s similarity to the Paul von Hindenburg election in 30’s Germany?


Oh, it makes a difference. Whoever is the veep pick is destined to become prezzie in short order.

Was that decision made months ago? Will it be someone we even know?? What if it’s somebody like Nancy? Talk about chaos.

But first they have to get Biden elected.