Angela Rye: George Washington Statue Must Come Down
This effort to pull down and remove confederate statues is part of a bigger plan. Protestors may think that they’re removing symbols of hate and racism. So do many on the left. However, this is just a step to desensitize the general public to remove any statue associated with slavery… Or perceived and actual racism. The justifications used against Confederate statues can be repurposed against statues of the Founding Fathers.
Christopher Columbus and George Washington come to mind. Christopher Columbus represents the shift in history to where European involvement in the Americas became permanent. The slavery of native Americans and Africans was a part of this package. Consequently, statutes representing European colonialism, and the American Revolution, are also being targetted for similar reasons the Confederate statues are being targetted.
From CNN:
ANGELA RYE, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: We have to get to the heart of the problem here. The heart is the way many of us were taught American history. American history is not all glorious. I love John to death, but I couldn’t disagree more about George Washington. George Washington was a slave owner. We need to call slave owners out for what they are. Whether we think they were protecting American freedom or not, he wasn’t protecting my freedoms. I wasn’t someone — my ancestors weren’t deemed human beings. To me, I don’t care if it’s a George Washington statue or Thomas Jefferson, they all need to come down. There is a way to recognize…
I’m not feeding into white supremacy. I’m calling out white supremacy for what it is. And sometimes what it is, John, are blind spots. Sometimes what it is, is not acknowledging this country was built on a very violent past that resulted in death and the rape and the killing of my ancestors. I’m not going to allow us to say it’s OK for Robert E. Lee and not a George Washington. We need to call it what it is. I don’t say they don’t deserve to be taught about. We definitely need to learn about it so we don’t repeat it. We are close to repeating it right now. I’m not giving any deference to George Washington or Robert E. Lee.
This is also being done in conjunction with the removal of religious statues and monuments. On the surface, it’s an argument to “correct the wrongs” and to remove the “glorification of racism and slavery”. In reality, these are collective attempts to erase our history. This is one of the first steps needed to change our country into something the progressives want it to be.
CNN has the article here.
Category: Politics
” … these are collective attempts to erase our history.”
I believe you are correct. I am convinced that we are at the beginning of a real insurrection.
I get so angry when I hear stuff like this. How can we learn about the mistakes and successes of the past if it is allowed to be erased?
Did anybody watch that Razzist statue fall on a poor victims head? Razzim even in death.
That was a comedy gold mine and boss-level irony.
If it were something you only heard on social media, you would need to fact check it.
Too bad it didn’t hit more than one.. screw em all, nothing but a bunch of racist thugs bent on destroying the nation.
Ooooohhhhh … that’s gonna leave a mark.
When this was started, how many here (there and elsewhere) called this out as the next inevitable step? I hate it when they’re right like this.
The LibTard Left is a hungry beast with no brain but a thousand arms and legs, never satisfied or satiated.
Actually, Angela, you talk like Washington is alive today. News Flash, he isn’t. I would take your faux rage serious if you would lead your screeds off with condemnation of the blacks who sold your ancestors into slavery, and the blacks who bought the slaves. But, that doesn’t fit your narrative, so it’s all white people bad.
My thoughts exactly. They are lifting up the martyr who was convicted of assaulting a pregnant women at gun point, who was high on drugs while he resisted arrest and died because he did it to a .01% Police Officer who did not care who he was (he hated all equally). Yet she won’t acknowledge where those slaves came from and who rounded them up and sold them into slavery in the first place… only those who treated them humanely until they could be emancipated, and fought for them to have rights. She says she wants to teach history, but only her severely redacted, biased form of history. So it can be repeated again and again!
Shit, how about she concern herself with the blacks being sold into slavery today in Africa. Or the Indians and other Asians in indentured servitude in the Arabian Peninsula.
It’s a shame that these idiots have no reference to indentured servants who were generally WHITE people who had run into debt and had no way to pay it off other than by working for nothing. Some of them ran away when they reached American shores.
There’s also that part about what would now be called “Shanghaiing” someone, something that the British Navy did by sending people in press gangs to tavern where the unwary could have a free pint with a shilling at the bottom of the tankard. If the recipient of this largesse was dumb enough to pick up the shilling, he was “pressed’ into the service, willy-nilly, in the British Navy.
And then there were the exports of prisoners from England to other continents, e.g., North America and Australia, where they were dumped and told that they were on their own.
None of those people were anything other than WHITE people. It’s a shame that kind of thing – real history – isn’t taught in schools.
And the CENTURIES of serfdom in Europe.
Serfs belong to the land of Lords, therefor served their master. If two Lords were in contention it was common to raid the oppositions lands and kill everything that moved, burn the fields and taint the wells.
I don’t want to get into this type of debate but it needs to be said: which is worse?
In my view, Roh-Dog, equally bad because serfdom was ignored by the Church, THE authority on everything, until that practice was stopped.
In cammies and face paint, loading STANAGs to 28, listening to Blood Upon the Risers…
*laughs in Revolution*
“Go’head, make MY day…”
Johnny Cash– Ragged Old Flag, also
Hell to-tha-yes!
Ms. Rye is a fucking moron…love him or hate him there is no United States without Washington.
That’s the reality.
He was a slave owner, again true enough. What does that mean in reality?
It means that the men of their times were able to formulate the basis for a nation of equals even if they themselves were unable to live up to that standard during their own lifetimes.
Because they were flawed in that regard in no way changes the powerful vision for a new society based on merit and equality of opportunity any more than the notion that because Einstein wrote about his distaste for the Chinese that the theory of relativity isn’t accurate.
People are flawed, all of us in some way. It doesn’t mean we aren’t capable of doing some great things while failing to do only great things. The failures don’t negate the successes.
In fact you might argue that the concept that flawed humans can still see great things and conceptualize a better future vision for an equal society should give us all hope that we will continue to improve our world and work towards achieving those better futures as anticipated by those flawed men.
Ms. Rye, fuck you.
this is “socialism” in action.
I have been saying this for a while, but “socialism” is the method, Marxism is the ideology, and “Dictatorship of Morons” is the result.
We need to destroy those pyramids in Egypt. They were built with slave labor, yet they are revered as marvels of architectural beauty.
Last year Hack Stone saw a hipster doofus standing in front of the “controversial” Confederate soldier statue at the intersection of Washington and Prince in Old Town Alexandria. He was holding a sign reading “This statue offends me.” Well, if it offends this guy, then it must come down, because we cannot have this man offended. Does he get to decide what is offensive and must come down? He probably has a hard-on about the Vietnam War Memorial, so does that come down too? That statue should come down (it may have been removed already) and replaced with a monument to honor the sacrifice and inspiration of a real American trailblazer. That’s right, Elaine Ricci should be on that pedestal. Then we can all look up her dress. (Stolen from Steve Martin)
I have a better “real hero”, Hack Stone.
How about Florence Nightingale?
And while I”m at it, where’s the monument to the women who volunteered to serve (Navy Yeomen, USMC Marinettes) during World War I? Where’s their bit of history? I don’t see that anywhere in planning stage.
Ex, here’s a linky to the FIRST Statue dedicated to Women during the WBTS in Macon, GA. They had a march the other day in protest of the Soldiers Monument that is a couple hundred feet down the street. The Ladies Monument is being protested too.
Protesting because they don’t like the reality of it, or because they are self-centered and brain-dead.
I challenge you to find even one that knows her backside from a hole in the ground.
I’m waiting for the day when these clowns show up on peoples’ doorsteps, wanting to know what they have on their bookshelves. If they ever come here, I will lock the door behind me and turn the hose on them, after I call the pohlease people. 🙂
That’s what ISIS has been doing; destroying historical sites. Because they offend them.
Vanilla ISIS… accurate on so many levels..
For what it’s worth, they’re starting to think the Pyramids weren’t built by slaves based on a series of interesting, albeit speculative, details. I’d have to see if I could find the articles again. Doesn’t change that that’s what most people think of when hearing about them though – and this group’s never let a good excuse go to break things that don’t belong to them.
George Orwell warned us in “1984”
All must be subsumed to the Party, where there is nothing but the Now.
I first read 1984 in 1984. I’ve read it dozens of times since. I made my daughters read it.
Along with Fahrenheit 451, Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, Animal Farm and Lord Of The Flies.
But no book has been more prophetic than 1984.
Winston was a passive rebel and beta male.
He became an unperson for it too.
Might as well go ahead and rename the CITIES named after slave owners too. Since it causes PAIN to people. We don’t want to cause PAIN to people.
This whole shit has been a PAIN in my ASS.
When are they going to change the name of Washington State???
Lawd halp. Been seeing this coming…for DECADES! God forbid these idiots know anything at all about the history of the slave trade. We won’t even talk about the documented cases of blacks being sold by blacks to Arabs for hundreds of years; and still being sold. The pandering by the demonrat kongress kritters the other day wearing the silk scarves and headgear of the largest tribe of blacks to enslave other blacks, said headgear to be worn by ONLY the “elite leaders” of the tribe. Karmela Harris’ ancestors owning slaves, list goes on.
I owned no slaves, my grand pappys owned no slaves, some were indentured servants themselves, and I owe NO ONE an apology or reparations for anything done to their ancestors in the past. It’s kinda like my 3 war veteran Senior Drill Sergeant at Fort Sill, SFC Sledge (A Black Soldier) told a group of former hood rats in 1971; His words…”…you n****r SOBs better be glad your n****r grandpappy got captured by another n****r SOB and sold to an A Rab or your n****r azz would still be running around, naked in the jungle, eating monkey meat. That white cracker SOB may be the one that saves your n****r azz in Viet Nam and he is gonna bleed out just like you will! Now clean up your mess!” A complaint thru the EO Officer to the Battalion Commander got them nothing but extra duty, a recycle to another battery and a quick trip w/o leave to VN.
A very short Google Foo search turned this up. Pay close attention to #1. It’s worth the read!
SFC Sledge (a great name by the way) was a man ahead of his time.
And so it gets progressively worse by the day, attempting to see how far decent folks are willing to allow themselves to be pushed. Just this morning in RICHMOND a memorial honoring fallen police officers who have died in the line of duty has been removed. Check this out: BTW, where are the unions representing LEO?
If anything honoring Christopher Columbus must be removed, is it not fair to expect, among many other monuments and statues the removal of statues unveiled 9-21-2010 in LAWTON, OK and 4-28-2014 in HUNTSVILLE, AL honoring Buffalo Soldiers? What about the MANY statues throughout this country honoring MLK Jr? How long before certain factions are going to demand the removal of anything making reference to honoring HE who made the ultimate sacrifice, being one Jesus Christ? Think real hard before you say, “No, they aren’t THAT uncivilized”
The zombie plague is finally here. People wandering around with no purpose, check. No brains, check. Desire to consume normal people double check.
We have approximately 41,000 chronic homeless in The People’s Republik Of Kalifornistan.
Actual shopping cart, sleeping at bus stops homeless, not including couch surfers/no-fixed address.
151,000 total homeless on any given day
I watch the homeless walk about on my commute and when I leave my office during the day.
These people are fried. They are zombies. They cannot be fixed.
Bring back the state run mental facilities and store them there until they expire.
Maybe she can start by tearing down all of the buildings, highways and bridges named for KKK Recruiter Robert K. Byrd, esteemed Democrat from West Virginia. Hack is still trying to figure out some race car driver lost an endorsement contract because of something his father said ten years before he was born is acceptable but a guy who literally was a Klan member was a friend and mentor of Hillary Clinton. Sins of the father?
Children of democrat fathers are exempt. Sorry, that’s just how it is.
“1984” was supposed to be a work of fiction, not a prophecy. Those brainless little shitheaded minions just don’t know how they’re being useful idiots to George Soros!
Progressive left/libtards read it and think “But we’d get it right!”
By tossing George Washington into the scrap bin because he did own slaves, the “progressives” (in reality, Marxist heirs to Lenin) can also toss his leadership in creating a form of government based on the rights of citizens as opposed to government which holds all power and grants rights which can be rescinded at any time.
The ideas in the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence were truly revolutionary. Limits on government, freedom to speak and think freely, to be secure in and defend your own self and property, and limits on what the government can do. Radical stuff for the late 1700’s. Seems radical today, come to think of it.
“Progressives” think those ideas and the men who placed them in our national conscience must be erased from the minds of citizens and replaced with beliefs that only the government can dictate what citizens are allowed to do and to think. Sadly, this is well underway and I don’t have any ideas how to stop it.
And if we are to remove the statues of Washington, Jefferson et al, because they were slave owners and therefore somehow illegitimate, does this not also mean that all their ideas, to include the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, must also be torn apart? Of course it does. They’ve been agitating this since the days of Woodrow “Racist” Wilson (D). Only now they feel they are truly on the cusp of achieving it. They would clearly love a Soviet style Constitution in which much is guaranteed and little to none is actually delivered. One need only look at Comrade Sanders and the planks of his and other Democrats proposed policies. They read nearly word for word the same.
Who will be our time’s Joe McCarthy?!
I find it baffling that people are upset over slave owners who have been dead for 150-200 years yet are silent about all the slavery going on in Africa and the middle east. Actual slavery going on today. I remember the first “lady” holding up a “bring back our girls” sign. They of course never brought them back and they all moved on to the next fake outrage and photo op. Not another word.
Slavery today? Oh yeah, like what’s going on RIGHT NOW in the likes of Libya, Sudan and Somalia, but that won’t stir up the PC libtards like festered outrage over a dead career felon!
The CNN article that thebesig referenced on this post came out in August 2017.
It was Angela Rye’s response to President Trump’s Tweets on the Confederate Statues after
Check out what Alan Dershowitz wrote in 2017. President Trump”s Tweets are included in his article:
“Dershowitz: Antifa ‘Trying To Tear Down America'”:
“Attorney Alan Dershowitz warned that radical “hard-left organizations” like anti-fascist groups are “trying to tear down America” by taking down statues of Confederate soldiers.”
“Once you start rewriting history of African-Americans in this country, you have to start rewriting history of discrimination against many, many other groups,” Dershowitz, who is an opinion contributor to The Hill, said Tuesday on “Fox & Friends.”
“Look, we’re both a nation of immigrants and a nation of discrimination against immigrants. That’s an important history for us to remember. And the other important thing is do not glorify the violent people who are now tearing down the statues,” he continued.”
“Many of these people, not all of them, many of these people are trying to tear down America. A radical American, anti-free market communist, socialist, hard-left organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses from speaking. They use violence and just because they’re opposed to fascism and to some of these monuments shouldn’t make them heroes of the liberals.”
“A recent NPR/PBS/Marist University poll conducted after the deadly violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville last week showed that 62 percent of respondents said that statues honoring leaders of the Confederacy should not be removed, with 27 percent saying they should be removed and 11 percent not sure.”
“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) have called for the removal of Confederate monuments in the Capitol.”
“President Trump slammed efforts to remove Confederate statues as “foolish.”
Once again, Dershowitz proves he is an example of something truly rare: a “Progressive” with a fair amount of common sense.
You NAILED it.
The entire blog article, above, focused more on the historic trend behind the move to remove statues than on what’s happening this year. Even though she said that years ago, it’s something that had been a drive before she made that rant, and is still a drive today. We’re seeing that unfold.
We’re looking at being here, years from now, talking about the pulling down of patriot statues and other historical monuments. The players and the arguments advanced would be the same. Years ago, it was about the relocation of religious monuments from public land. Today, confederate statues and what the rioters think are confederate statues. Tomorrow it could be about any statue because of direct or indirect relationship to slavery, to the patriarchy, to capitalism, or to any other “ism” blamed for “oppression”.
All of these are connected. This is part of a trend that began in the 1930s… When the communists made a move to undermine America’s institutions and to attack what makes America “America”. Attacking our history and replacing it with something else is a part of a larger plan to weaken us from inside and to make us ripe for communism and for being controlled in the long run.
Spot On, thebesig.
Spot On.
Again, Alan Dershowitz nailed it when he wrote “Once you start rewriting history of African-Americans in this country, you have to start rewriting history of discrimination against many, many other groups”.
Gee whiz, that sounds like something Joe Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung might have done.
Our KoB commented:
“The pandering by the demonrat kongress kritters the other day wearing the silk scarves and headgear of the largest tribe of blacks to enslave other blacks, said headgear to be worn by ONLY the “elite leaders” of the tribe.”
I believe KoB is addressing this (please see the You Tube Video embedded below the article).
The irony of Nancy Pelosi and others wearing the Kente Cloth.
Can you spell “S-L-A-V-E T-R-A-D-E”…:
“Kente cloth is deeply intertwined with the history of the Ashanti nation. The Ashanti Empire or Confederacy, which was located in what is today Ghana, first emerged in West Africa during the seventeenth century.”
“But Kente cloth also reflects the history of the Ashanti people, from the emergence of the various Ashanti kingdoms to the development of the SLAVE TRADE up to and including contemporary life in Ghana.”
“While Kente cloth was a product of a global trade route which stretched from Asia through Europe to Africa, this cloth and the people also came to be associated with another global trade route—the SLAVE TRADE. In fact, the history of the Ashanti people, who lived on the West Coast of Africa, is strongly tied to the history of the SLAVE TRADE.”
“As was true of many pre-modern societies in Africa, Asia and Europe, the Ashanti practiced SLAVERY. When Europeans, specifically the Portuguese, came into contact with the Ashanti during the sixteenth century, both Europeans and the Ashanti traded gold, ivory, and SLAVES.”
‘Ashanti SLAVES were transported to the New World in large numbers…..From the ancient history of the Ashanti Kingdom, to the Pan-African spread of tradition during the trans-Atlantic SLAVE TRADE, to modern day interpretations and use of cultural heritage, the Kente cloth is both symbolic and representative of the history of the Ashanti people.”
Tanks for this posting ninja. Imma trying to dial it back a little on my comments, length wise and failing miserably at it. Also trying to keep my BP below stroke level. Not doing well on that either. Or my waist line. I had to eat your portions this past weekend. I think I hurt myself.
I see that the spapos seagull has shown back up. He must have missed the abuse he gets or he flat lied about taking a break from TAH.
What you wrote was true, KoB.
So true.
So sorry the ninja family could not make it to KoB Family Reunion to enjoy REAL Southern Cooking AND Hospitality.
Ole Doofus had us still on Lockdown AND Curfew.
Bet he won’t DARE to have Stonewall Jackson’s statue, currently located at VMI, removed.
Our Family was just as your family. Too poor to own Slaves, but still fought as part of the CSA during the War Between The States, because that is where they were born, raised and died…the South.
Alan Dershowitz got it right (please see his article I posted above). He warned that radical “hard-left organizations” like anti-fascist groups are “trying to tear down America” by taking down statues of Confederate soldiers.
He said “Once you start rewriting history of African-Americans in this country, you have to start rewriting history of discrimination against many, many other groups.”
Testify! Yep, caught Alan’s thing when he FIRST sent it out in ’17. I get email linkys right regularly on this subject from my Compatriots in the SCV. One reason I have preached and alluded to the ongoing destruction of War Memorials for awhile. I try to keep my opinions on some of that History in check, after all this is NOT a WBTS blog site. Ironically, I don’t visit many of those. Too many self centered revisionists and trolls. Good thing about TAH is the wealth of knowledge here and the fact that even people from other parts of the Country understand that the History needs to be preserved.
Tanks for your kind words and encouragement. Your backup on the hard research is a Godsend, takes me a good while to get to the source I need to back up my point. Your reward is I get to go eat one more plate of the chicken and dressing and porked loin beast and the last of the mixed greens (with slab bacon sans kale). Might as well eat the last piece of pecan pie with some vanilla bean ice cream. (11 yo Granddaughter made the pie)
Roll Tide Roll How ’bout them Dawgs and GO ARMY BEAT NAVY! 😉 😎 😀
Cultural appropriation must be okay when Democrats do it or something…
The Eisenhower interstate system was copied from NAZI Germany. It must be removed.
Not unless we rename it “The Rainbow Highway system to appease the pervs.
No, I think Sapper’s right: remove it and go back to the Route 66 type of highway transport system.
We don’t need no stinkin’ interstate highway system! Gravel roads and country lanes are just fine!
The Kente Cloth, the cloth Nancy Pelosi and others wore the other day, originated in Ghana.
Think there will be any takers to this offer?
“Ghana Minister Invites African-Americans to Re-settle in Africa If They Feel Unwanted in the U.S.”
Doubt if there will be many takers. Wasn’t too many that took up the resettlement to Liberia Colony that was set up specifically for that purpose. You may remember an obscure remark/order that old Abe had issued to the Navy re moving the blockading ships in to start loading them up for a return to the “homeland”? JW Booth and the Lincoln Conspirators (and I don’t mean the ones hung for it) made sure that didn’t happen. Dig deep into the plots of Seward and Stanton. Surprised Old Abe didn’t bleed out from the knives they had been sticking in his back for years.
Real good to have you back in the fight!
KoB KNOWS our History.
Others do not.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”-George Santayana
Some things NEVER change.
You Be The Judge.
From THREE years ago, 2017:
“Nancy Pelosi’s Father Helped Dedicate Confederate Monument”
“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has ramped up calls to remove “reprehensible” Confederate statues from the halls of Congress — but left unsaid in her public denunciations is that her father helped dedicate such a statue decades ago while mayor of Baltimore.”
“It was May 2, 1948, when, according to a Baltimore Sun article from that day, “3,000” looked on as then-Governor William Preston Lane Jr. and Pelosi’s father, the late Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., spoke at the dedication of a monument to honor Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.”
This one made our rounds back then too, ninja. Some letters and emails were sent to get her thoughts on it….crickets!
Dig into the corruption that her family has been involved in for evah! Whatever it takes to maintain that control on power. They have been compared to the fictional Corleone Family in their influence from one coast to another.
Context is vital to a proper understanding of history. Without context, all the various facts and events lose all meaning, and can be twisted into any manner of false narrative. A true hero can be slandered and a mass-murderer can be lionized. Context is thus the first thing that gets thrown out by revisionists. Among the most important and frequently-ignored components of historical contexts is the fact that we view historical events and people through the lens of a perspective that was IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to have at the time. I’m not just talking about the benefit of hindsight, I’m talking about culture, values, that kind of thing. VOV recently pointed out that the values we consider conservative today, like self-determination and representative government as opposed to divine-right hereditary monarchy, were considered quite liberal, even radical in the 1770s. He’s right. Racism was nigh-universal at the time (it still is today in at least half of the world). Pretty much anyone would generally be taught that their own race was superior to all the others. Blacks disdained whites. Whites disdained blacks. American Indians often regarded both as not even human. Even if somebody was the same color as you, that didn’t make all that much difference. Sure that guy’s white, but he’s a filthy Spaniard, not one of us! Oppression of the Irish was as bad as ever. Russians were dumb, backwards easterners who might as well be chinamen! And don’t even get me started on the brutal inter-tribal warfare of Africa or the Americas. And slavery? Also universal. Slaves, and their owners, came in every color. Hell, the idea that whites should be exempted from forced servitude was considered “progressive!” Was it wrong? Yeah. But look at it this way: everyone—EVERYONE—was raised and educated in that environment with that kind of thinking. How fair is it to judge them individually according to modern standards? The values by which we damn them today contradict everything they were ever taught. Maybe if they had had the benefit of our modern culture and education, they would be different, but they didn’t and… Read more »
The commie cuttlefish would never admit any of that ever happened cuz it isn’t in Howard Zinn’s Commie false history of Amerikkka.
This woman is an idiot.
Calling her an idiot is a compliment to what she really is. Don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve just about had it with all this cowardice from our own white liberals who can’t face reality. Watch this very short video and tell me why we only find out by accident 12 days after this MAJOR event took place. YT is only going to take so much. Sooner or later this is going to lead to war within this country. If somebody gets offended because I posted this, f#*k you!
The more anarchy that can be stirred up, the more rocks can be thrown at Trump, the quicker the dims can take over and next thing you know is martial law…imposed by UN Troops.
George Soros is rubbing himself with glee. The rest of us? Lock and load.
Spot on FA. If you read my above post and clicked on the link, likely any of you are still hot under the collar. But THIS piece of PC bull#*%t absolutely must cause even the blind to see the truth. Cave in, let ’em do as they please and we will be washing all their feet on a daily basis. Wake the f__k up America! We are VERY CLOSE to having all churches torn down, free speech a ticket to imprisonment, seeing a return of Pol Pot’s “Cleansing” in this country, and finding ourselves under the dictatorship of far too many Larsie’s. This link (IMHO) is the biggest sign of cowardly surrender ever seen in this country.
Roger that jarhead, Tanks, and rest assured, I read every comment made on this site and I click on and read every linky that everybody posts. Every.Single.One. Hell might as well, I got nothing better to do. Or can do. I was able to do a little lurking on FB thru Baby Sister’s Page, but had to dog that off after I forgot I wasn’t on TAH and blew up at a phoney baloney valor thief. Didn’t realize it til I hit the damn post/enter button. Oh well.
I did see this on the Fox news feed and just shook my head…again! We’ve been tossing this back and forth for several weeks now and none of us can figure out what dahell are these people thinking. Yeah, there are bad cops, and yeah they’ve done some bad sh^t, but this had really gotten ridiculous. I’ve had run ins/issues with officers of all types but at the end of the day, never felt threatened cause I did as they told me to do. This is not about a 5 time loser thug that got himself killed by a rouge cop any more. This is about a major attempt to destroy our way of life and sadly, for the useful idiots, they will not realize that they were useful idiots until it is too late. I just wish I could get my hands on a case or 12 of those little box like gizmos that stick in the ground and come with an applause device.
Ignorance of history is a major problem in this country.
For instance, Washington may have technically “owned” slaves, but only because his wife’s family had them. His family did not. He was not raised as a slave owner. He even wrote about the evils of the slave trade, slave “ownership,” and other aspects of slavery. He further lived his beliefs by educating the slaves who lived at Mt Vernon, he buried some who died in the family cemetery and freed those few who remained slaves at his death.
All just to say that he prepared the slaves at Mt Vernon for their freedom and freed them. Many remained there as paid employees. It didn’t happen overnight, of course, but he made it happen so that his family and the former slaves all had income and were prepared to be successful without slavery.
Or so the history of Mt Vernon was when I visited there over 50 years ago, saw with my own eyes the graves, and was shown the advancements in farming and horticulture which were credited to former slaves. A testament to what a true hero George Washington was to the history of this country and the abolition of slavery.
Too bad that so few are interested in what really happened.
The first President of the United States and General of the Armies of the United States was not a perfect man by any means. He was prone to arrogance and snobbery in his early years, and was regarded by many who knew him then as kind of an entitled prick. However, he was also a man who grew in his life. Unlike many, he was willing to see the failings in the mirror, rather than just blame others. He went from a junior colonial militia officer notorious for needlessly harsh discipline over chickenshit infractions, to a veteran of unconventional warfare taught harshly by Fort Necessity and Braddock’s expedition, to a general who genuinely cared for his men and earned their respect instead of demanding it. And there you have the key to Washington’s greatness: his recognition of his own fallibility, and his ability to grow as a man. The ambitious, arrogant 22-year-old jackass who marched toward Fort Duquesne looking for a fight would likely have leaped at the chance to be George I of America. But that pompous jackass had long since ceased to exist by the time he addressed the Newburgh conspirators. In his place was a man whose ambition had been replaced with integrity and responsibility, as well as a hard awareness of consequences of his actions. Consider his actions with the conspirators, whom he knew favored either a monarchy or dictatorship with him in charge. He had earned the loyalty not only of these officers, but the enlisted soldiers they commanded. He had taken to coloring his hair with white powder, ostensibly as a fashion choice to mimic the powdered wigs worn by British generals and gentry, but actually to conceal the graying of his naturally-brown hair. He would also avoid reading in view of his subordinates, even going so far as to memorize announcements and orders in private and then reciting them with a paper in his hand to hide his declining eyesight. He entered the meeting hall in dress uniform, but with his gray hair on display, eliciting shocked silence from the men who had… Read more »
Instead of coddling these assholes, this is what needs to happen.
I couldn’t help but notice that the soyboi dickshitter who instigated it was white, and the two cops who jumped out to stomp his candy ass were black. There’s also a bunch of other liberal white kids shouting unprintable, violence-inciting crap at these two black officers. Where does that fit into the Larsissist narrative?
If we continue to allow the statues to be torn down at will in an effort to change history, just how long will it be until we are told (an expected to believe) that Abe Lincoln was a black man?