Don’t Shut Protests Over Coronavirus Concerns

| June 7, 2020

Regardless of the validity of the numbers in this meme, there are statistics showing that more blacks are killed by other blacks than those who are killed by police. The health professionals that signed the open letter were politically motivated. (The Donald Win).

Remember when health professionals got angry when armed demonstrators protested the stay at home orders? Well, 1,288 health professionals signed an open letter arguing against shutting down these protests for coronavirus purposes. In this letter, they identify “white supremacy” as a contributor to the coronavirus.

The letter starts off by mentioning the health professionals condemnation of the Michigan protests. This is where armed, but peaceful, demonstrators disregarded social distancing to protest the lockdown orders. However, further down, this letter expresses support for the protests “against white supremacy”.

From CNN, a part of the open letter:

However, as public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders. Those actions not only oppose public health interventions, but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives. Protests against systemic racism, which fosters the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on Black communities and also perpetuates police violence, must be supported.

Therefore, we propose the following guidance to support public health:

* Support local and state governments in upholding the right to protest and allow protesters to gather.

* Do not disband protests under the guise of maintaining public health for COVID-19 restrictions.

* Advocate that protesters not be arrested or held in confined spaces, including jails or police vans, which are some of the highest-risk areas for COVID-19 transmission.

* Oppose any use of tear gas, smoke, or other respiratory irritants, which could increase risk for COVID- 19 by making the respiratory tract more susceptible to infection, exacerbating existing inflammation, and inducing coughing.

* Demand that law enforcement officials also respect infection prevention recommendations by maintaining distance from protesters and wearing masks.

* Reject messaging that face coverings are motivated by concealment and instead celebrate face coverings as protective of the public’s health in the context of COVID-19.

* Prepare for an increased number of infections in the days following a protest. Provide increased access to testing and care for people in the affected communities, especially when they or their family members put themselves at risk by attending protests.

Picking and choosing who gets to protest during the pandemic weakens these health professionals’ arguments. CNN has the article, and full open letter, here.

Category: COVID-19, Politics

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David Dorn’s life mattered.

Pam 645X0

Oh, FFS!

5th/77th FA

I will defend your right to peacefully protest what ever the hell you want to protest. May not agree with your protest subject. Ergo, you have to support my right to shoot your junky, rioting, looting azz, that is attempting to harm me & mine. You do the crime, I’ll end your time.

None of this is ultimately about the control of a virus. It was about the control of the people and is now becoming more about the control of the up coming election.

One question I have had during all of this virus spread is, how are the homeless people infection rates looking? Haven’t seen a whole lot on that.


I want to see the infection data on non binary genders.
Corona data. Not that other stuff.


You said what I was thinking, 5th/77th.

The rotting smell doesn’t come from sick people.


It wasn’t a pandemic it was dem-panic after their coup attempt fell apart. Hoax virus falls apart,riots start. WHAT DO THEY HAVE PLANNED NEXT?


The Covid con is exposed.

Lancet just withdrew a major article that claimed Hydroxychloroquinine was ineffective and dangerous. Seems the “big data” firm behind it was sketchy as a payday used car sale event, and no one was able to recreate the study, or even see the base data.

In other words, it was pseudoscience bullshit, fraud level.


How these clowns can say this about this drug with a straight face is VERY impressive. Considering that the drug has been in use since 1955!


Their lies caused how many to die because their docs withheld treatment from them based on bogus info?


NY governor outlawed its use. He’s not a doctor and neither are the people he gets his health advice from. SMH ,not his fault though. Just ask him.


But the senior dipshit Senator from NY still believes it.


Fuck it. Time to open the country now. Completely.

Sauce for the goose.


I certainly hope that it will be broadcast far and wide in a couple of weeks when there is NO spike in the Wuhan Flue as a result of these “protests.”

I’m willing to bet there will be no spike or one that is statistically insignificant. Having said that, that will be disappointing. There is nothing I would like to see more than all these assholes sicker than dogs.


Our Governor (Cooper) Shut down a stock car track for covid concerns. They held a peaceful (no violence, but loud) protest last night. Cars and high speeds were involved.


“Protesters! Start your engines! Justice for Dale Earnhardt!”


Floggings for looters and rioters need to maintain a minimum 6 foot distance between posts.


So the mostly white health care professionals are encouraging those they declare most susceptible to the virus to hang out together, doing things they discourage everyone else from doing? Sounds almost like genocide to me.

Folks will now call me a racist for pointing out the hypocrisy and true racism.


Genocidal democrats? Tell it to an Indian.


So, these medical SJWs are concerned that the protester communities will be adversely impacted by their ignoring the recommended guidelines? But, it’s OK to encourage the same people to ignore what they’re suggesting.
But, those who wish to protest restrictions on their lives, and how they run their businesses should just shut up and stay home and just let their businesses die?

I’m confused. Thinking I need a questionnaire for any nurse, doctor or health care professional to sort out where they stand.


Everything across this state for the summer has been cancelled, even the state fair that doesn’t happen until the week before Labor Day. The protests though are a-ok.

Maybe all the vendors that have been put out of work all summer by the COVID cancellations of all summer fun can work along the protests. I’m sure all the peaceful protestors would be great customers.


Statistically speaking, the increase in cases and the subsequent exponential increase in total infected due to these protests will probably kill more people than completely eliminating all officer involved deaths would save.

And this virus disproportionally kill blacks.

However, the broader issue of use of force against citizens and the frequent and usually unaccountable violations of civil and constitutional rights is a national crisis that needs to be addressed.

And it goes beyond simple loss of life. The physical and mental casualties are incalculable, and it harms and undermines the foundations of a functional free society.

So I don’t think there is a right answer.


A Proud Infidel®™️

Hey Commissar, what about the black-on-black violence and murders taking place in these riots? What about the Black-owned Small Businesses destroyed? Now the politicians on your side of the fence want to disband Law Enforcement Agencies, let’s see just how quickly that will make inner cities closely resemble the likes of Mogadishu or Monrovia, Liberia! It’s quite obvious to me that the D-rats would rather burn America down than see another four years of President Trump while they sit in their mansions located in gated communities protected by armed Guards.


What about David Dorn? Didn’t his life matter? Or, because he serve his community as a police officer, he sold out to DA MAN and doesn’t count?

Doesn’t David Dorn count, Lars?

A Proud Infidel®™️

More double standards exposed.


If the Left didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all…

Bubblehead Ray

As a healthcare professional, (RN for 24 years) I support ALL of the protester’s Rights to Free Speech and public assembly. Free Americans should be able to do these things. If you’re a free adult you should be able to evaluate the hazards of the Rona and accept personal responsibility for your health. I ain’t your Mama. This lockdown shit is past ridiculous.

What I DON’T support is using these protests as an excuse for stealing and destroying property, or attacking anyone. The conflagration of the terms “protesters” and “looters” is intentional by the left. They want to paint the people arrested at these protests as Gandhi like, peaceful lotus eaters who, through no fault of their own, have been unjustly targeted by the brutal bad guys in Law Enforcement. (Just ignore the Molotov cocktails, bricks, fireworks, frozen water bottles, rocks, and bodily fluids being hurled at the LEOs by these assholes, the fires set, and the looted businesses … those things aren’t important you racist! These are peaceful protests! Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?) The problem with that is it masks REAL abuse of police powers by labeling everything as abuse. Their solution of just disbanding the Police is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve heard since I had a non-qual tell me the location of a valve by saying “If you face aft, it’s on the Port side”. (Port is Port whichever way you’re facing, and he was still wrong)

I support every American’s Right to air their grievances with the government, but if you play stupid games, prepare to receive stupid prizes.

samir sardana

The Future for India By July 2020 – the daily death toll in India – will be the highest in the world By September 2020 – Indians who are cured today,will be re-infected.dindooohindoo By September 2020 – India will rank at No.3 in Total cases By June 2021 – India will rank at No.1 in Number of cases By July 1st week 2020 – India will have the highest number of daily cases By October 2020 – the food supply chain will break down,and there will be food riots In November and December 2020 there will be a false flag operation,and the start of a war which will bury India – forever. If the cases in IRP – Islamic Republic of Pakistan – are not under control,by August 2020 – the cataclysm for India,could occur sooner. It is a classic case study,of doom But the Indians,still have NO CLUE.There is no Cure.The Indian Fools do not get it.The Doctors are just suppressing the symptoms (or trying to – on guesstimates),in the hope that the immune system,will recover (as COVID hits the immune system – aka HIV link).Hence,the virus might still exist – and migrate to te lower tracts,or JUST RE-ENTER LATER – as there is no CURE AND NO VACCINE – to PREVENT A REINFECTION (unlike smallpox,chickenpox etc.) There is NO HOPE of a vaccine and EVEN IF IT COMES – the immunity potion and methodology, WILL NOT LAST – for sure.There has never been a Vaccine for a respiratory INFECTION or for an infection – which destroys immunity (aka-HIV).And so,there will EITHER be no COVID vaccine,or it will fail. Indians are a reservoir of diseases – a race of weasels and supines – as a consequence,of those viruses – which were not fatal.This is what led to their mental and physical slavery,for 2500 years. This virus is for their TERMINAL TERMINATION. I look at the wonders of nature.For 2500 years,the viruses destroyed the DNA and potency of Indians,South Asians and East Asians – and led to their slavery,to races from Colder regions,of the world – and now,this virus will… Read more »