Steve “Snake Eyes” Jordan, MSgt Soup Sandwich’s retarded cousin

| September 8, 2011

This post is now a nightmare with things in the wrong place, but wanted to update with this from POW Net…

UPDATE: Oh Steve, you’ve been a bad little monkey over there on N STILES ST (Or did you move to N WOOD AVE?) in LINDEN NJ…Mom and Dad (Eleanor and William) know about your SF days? You come off probation yet for your charge of UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF IMITATION FIREARM? Phone # still 908-943-7908, or did you get a new one? And by the way, Happy Birthday a little early (13th of this month)! And changing your DOB and SSN by 1 digit doesn’t really do much, the computers cross index by residence and a host of other factors, so that trick of changing your SSN from 152-84-xxxx to 132-84-xxxx didn’t do any good.

Don’t make me angry Steve, you wouldn’t like me when I am angry. Dude, I will go all Bruce Banner on your GI Joe ass. So, write a nice little apology, you can post it in the comments, or send it to I’ve got more fun here, should I share it Steve?

EDIT x2: And what in the holy name of Spongebob’s necrofiliac Aunt is this huge ball of wombat sperm?

EDIT: Is this shittard wearing a turtleneck?

Earlier, back in Gotham….

This morning, in the dawn air, I saw it, the douchebag bat signal.  I swooped in and found this asshat.


I maybe outmand but never out numbered, Country boy whose hunting skills were honed on his grandparent’s farm.He live for the hunt

Bragging rights

I love to kill terrorists when they try stupid shit


U.S. Army Spec Ops. (APO Wolfpack)


  • U.S. Army
    First Sergeant, 1988 – present

Um yeah, ok. When not killing terrorists who do stupid shit, he’s also a ninja.

Dude can sneak in through your window and knock up your chihuahua without even making a sound.

Does have a sweet beard though.

Heroes like this need all the publicity they can get, so, please go forth and find all you can on Steve “Dusty/Snake Eyes” Jordan. He may be from Linden NJ.

Places to start your search:
Google profile.
Flicker page.

More mental illness after the jump.

Extra points to the first person that finds pictures of him in a hot tub with a weatherman and a dead guy with a dog collar on.

This dude is hella fun….here he is before his mission to take out Cobra HQ:

Snake Eyes, you ever shot a machine gun on peyote? Fuggin badass man.

Here he is doing his best Cross-Dresser Barbie imitation:

This may or may not be his current look:


Here is his Myspace.

Here is his Model Profile.

His name is Steve A. Jordan, and he is from Linden.  We’ll get his DD214, if someone could look up on AKO.  Also, I know a PI in New Jersey, so I will do a background check.

Baghdad = Mom’s House. Tell me this isn’t the same house.

Category: Phony soldiers, Politics, Shitbags

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Retired AF NCO

Anything new with this sh!t bag? I seem to recall hearing something about an investigation in regards to sending out nude Christmas cards.

Green Thumb



But I can only imagine he is still reading comic books and taking it the ass at those conventions.


I think this joker is still posing…

Green Thumb

Word has it that Snake Eyes had an interview with All-Points Logistics.

Jersey Girl

I used to see him around in the clubs and we hung out a few times. He told me he was a NYC fire fighter… then he was a sheriff, he did tell me that he was in the military and that he did something like private spying missions over seas. He did tell me that he was making an income from the fire dept and also he had money coming in from the military as well. I never believed him though cause I have been in his house and he always had clothes laying around all over the place like he was making them himself. He also shopped on eBay for his patches or had them specially made just for him. Oh those pics of him with a firemans jacket on and he is shirtless underneath it… they were taken at the Rocky Horror Picture show on Lingerie night. He just had his womens underwear on under the jacket and nothing else. I should know cause I am the won who took the pics that night.


Very Nicely Done.

Green Thumb

I wonder what happened to this shitbag?


I ran jn to this puss nuts with my wife the other month. I live in rockaway park ny. Still claiming all his bullshit email me if u need more details

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