Big Baby Stephen Franklin Cio Burrell

| April 25, 2012

Mary at POW Network sends us some mail she recently received from Stephen Franklin Cio Burrell who, despite calling himself the fourth most dangerous man in the world, decides he wants to threaten Mary more then he wants to apologize for his misdeeds. After his email to her, he’s been harassing her in phone messages. Big man.

Among his claims, he entered into the public record that he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor when he filed a lawsuit (.pdf) against the prison where he got his ass beat, apparently by the third most dangerous man in the world.

Being awarded the MOH was probably kind of difficult since his entire service was 1974-1975 and he was a redleg, not that there’s anything wrong with that – well, unless you write a book about your experiences in Vietnam and you’ve never been anywhere near the place.

But, Stevie-boy, if you want to threaten someone, threaten me. My door is always open to anyone who thinks that I’ll stop calling them names and remove posts about them.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Green Thumb

I have not forgotten about, turd.

I sorta miss your threats.

But I will say this, heads up; there is a new book in town claiming your type of exploits. Could be you, maybe, probably not, who knows? I think it lacks gay sex but I might be wrong.

Better switch gears and get involved.


GT, I don’t think he’s feelin’ the LOVE, man.

Green Thumb

Phildo needs an biography, maggot.

Your the man, well, half-man.

Green Thumb

It has been awhile.



Wonder if he will be gobbling Rita’s turkey this weekend


Green Thumb must be out tonight getting after it

1 hour and no GT comment on our favorite guy

Green Thumb

My bad.

I am slacking; no doubt.



@ GT


Me and the family started for the parent’s house (7 hours away) about 1800…roads covered in ice before we even got to the interstate where we saw the traffic at a dead stop

Turned around and came home

Turkey day at Cracker Barrel

Green Thumb

The only barrel is Cio’s two-hole.

And I can only imagine it will be filled come BMNT.


I wish we could get a studio to do a remake/parody of “The Breakfast club” instead calling it the “Lucky Sperm Club”


The casting possibilities are endless

Who would play the Principal?

Green Thumb



Dallas would have to be Allison Reynolds (Ally Sheedy)

Green Thumb

Bob “The Maggot” Hay can be the rent boy.

Every good party (Christmas special w/ these clowns) needs a Rent Boy.


Time for some more photo caption fun.

“Man, Rita sure looks behind the wheel of that Jag all clad in spandex.”


Stupid IPhone.

“Man, Rita sure looks good behind the wheel of that Jag all clad in spandex.”

Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.

Green Thumb

“Man, I sure would like a hour with the 4thg largest cock in the world!”


Wow!! Everyone of ya’ll claim to dislike this man so much, but then again ya’ll spend all this time, focus, and energy on him. And I do not believe that all the information on Steven is false. That’s because I have seen all the pictures of him and his teacher. I have also read the book where there is a whole chapter talking about his bravery courage to hold on and gave himself the strength to strive everyday.
But, please, tell me there is one person that can answer, WHY it is all these people put time and effort into writing about a man most; or possibly, all of ya’ll have not met, or even given the time of day to get to know??? Every single one of y’all need to realize ya’ll that none of ya’ll are no where close to being better than him. He I obviously trying to move on, learn from his past mistakes and become a better person.
God does not like ugly and anyone who continues to try and hold him back by putting him down for his past.
the way I see it, everyone needs to grow up and get a life.


Please tell me that comment # 267 is meant to be sarcastic. Otherwise Rita’s boyfriend has managed to convince the fourth most gullible person in the world to support him.

A Proud Infidel

Hack, she just HAD to say something, she ran out of glue and spray paint to sniff!


Psychotic Bitch: we like to pick on fakes, poseurs, wannabees, and other low-lifes who claim false military honors and service. It’s just what we do.

Green Thumb

“Ranger” Burrell takes it in the ass.


Are you the one that always claims that you do not know him?


Hey, psychotic bitch, have you been gettin’ it on with Burrell?

If you are, I hope for your sake he’s using a prophylactic of some sort.

I’d hate to see the results if he isn’t. Eeeww!



Rita…is that you?


@267 You stepped in the wrong bear trap here. Everyone that gets a blog thread started about them is vetted for their truth and their lies. Your main man, Burrell brought this on himself for being a big fat LIAR. So if he is lying and got caught here you better think long and hard about anything has told you. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Green Thumb


I think it is probably Sophie or some new one.

What she does not understand is the THREATS that this turd has made.

He makes Paul (of the Ballsack) look like a local rent boy.

OIF '06-'07-'08

@267, That’s some funny shit there Pyscho B!tch, he made his stupid claims, now he can live with the consequences, which means that when ever someone Google’s your boyfriends name, guess what will pop up.

This will do him real good when any potential employer Google’s his name, but then again, maybe that is why you are here. Just like a hole lot of other sock puppets that resurrect dead threads here at TAH trying to excuse the behavior of these POS’s.

Green Thumb


Old Trooper

@267: Well, y’all comin’ on in here an makin’ a nuther complaint an stuff about y’alls man is the kinda thing that keeps this thing goin’ for y’all. If’n y’all wants this ta go away an stuff, y’all needs ta jus go away.

An may the Lord be with y’all.


is it “new girl friend of a poser resurrects a dead thread” day already?


@279 You bet! I put money on she is a new girlfriend who has heard his bullshit and Googled his name and guess what popped up first! All I have to say to new girlfriend, Psycho Bitch, (name says a lot) is if you like lies, get ready, because Burrell is loaded with them. What else is he lying to you about Psycho? But then anyone who chooses a screen name like Psycho Bitch, probably is loaded with a sack full of her own lies. Misery loves company and so do liars. That is a truth I learned a long time ago and posers on TAH confirm it every time we get a new thread for one of the ass wipes.


Burrell is a good reason to not let strangers in bars buy drinks for you.

You REALLY don’t know where they’ve been, or why. Or with what.


Still laughing over that silly post.

Like, yeah, we all are gonna get right on that taking our marching orders from delusional sock puppets who start yammering on a long dead topic about a lying POS. (Perhaps we should suggest that no one hold their breath for that to actually occur?)

Too funny.

2/17 Air Cav

“the way I see it, everyone needs to grow up and get a life.”

I’ll be grown up by noon Thursday but my life is on back order. Keep checking this space.I’ll let you know when it arrives.

Green Thumb

Two-hole Ranger.

Green Thumb

Is that loony-tune woman still sticking up for “Ranger” Burrell?


If you like your poser boyfriend, you can keep your poser boyfriend. Period!


The moron at 267 is just too funny. It has seen the pictures. It has read the book. It says “ya’all” entirely too much.
It is a sock puppet bedwetter. No doubt, y’all.

Green Thumb

I have not forgotten about you, old buddy.



We need a new selfie of ranger Burrell. Something with hairy armpits.

Green Thumb

Still thinking about your picture.

Scratching my head as well.

Loser you are.



Weekends with a Tranny


Next novel is Weekends In Lenoir; The Fourth Most Dangerous Man Meets The Fourth Most Laziest Man.


Thought bubble: “That guy in the red flannel pajamas from the Obamacare ad sure looks a lot like Rita.”

A Proud Infidel

He also looks like the type that could SUCK the cream filling out of a Ding Dong or Twinkie from 500 meters, or SUCK the icing off of a cake or jelly doughnut from 1500 meters away!!


He threatened to drop in to see me one day. That was almost two years ago. He still hasn’t found me. Wonder why?

Green Thumb


I got the same.

But he had some “tools” and someone named Steve.

Not only a coward and blowhard, but a shitbag as well.

“Ranger” Burrell is probably hanging out at a kid’s playground near you.


Green Thumb

I was watching Bruce Lee’s “Enter the Dragon” and I wondered why “Ranger” Burrell, considering his martial arts reputation and just general, all-around “4th Most Dangerous Man” toughness, was not invited to Mr. Hans island to compete in the tournament.

It then dawned on me. He could not make it due to schedule conflicts.

He was filming his own movie with him as the star; “Enter the Loser”.


Press Release!

Just confirmed that Burrell is now the 5th most dangerous man in the world. Due to change in grading criteria.

Green Thumb

Like you at least have to be a man to qualify.

Too bad “Ranger” Burrell did not make the cut.

Rita is probably more man the Burrell.

Green Thumb

Phildo and “Ranger” Burrell.

“The Dukes of Brevard”

Green Thumb

Just checking in, shitbag.

What, no more threats?