Scotty sends his latest on this guy, Dennis Chevalier, who claims to be a member of the Civil Air Patrol and a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and a pilot, but it turns out that he’s just a corporal in the
Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas National Guard). He even claims to be a
Stolen Valor “Hunter”, but he has yet to bust any posers.
Here he is posing as a LTC in the Civil Air Patrol;
![Dennis Chevalier FB](
And he claims to be a retired AF LTC;
![Dennis chevalier phony claims](
The Air Force says “Who?”
![Dennis Chevalier FOIA](
Yeah, I know he doesn’t look like he’s wired too tightly, but still, phony is a phony;
![Chevalier Screen Cap](
Category: Phony soldiers
OIF: IP geolocation is consistent with either.
According to the first link below, Doc Chevalier has a BS Criminal Justice, Masters Behavioral Psych, and PhD Psych.
When I go to Colorado Technical University’s website, it does not appear that they have a doctoral program in Psychology. The only doctoral programs they do have are offered online only, which I find interesting.
This dude has a “PhD” is Assclownery.
Betting it’s a sock puppet. When the lawsuit threats didn’t work, our boy Elroy figured another tack was needed.
Linda. Thanks for the laugh. You must have the playbook because you are following it perfectly. And, before you ask or demand to know who and where, do read the tool bar just below the masthead. You are a silly gal. Are you blond?
“Paging Doctor Chevalier. Doctor Chevalier. You are needed at TAH. STAT.”
@200…you talked to a son who earlier you swore to us was murdered by a serial killer?
Curious, indeed.
I couldn’t care less where he got his supposed PHD. All I know is his name was never painted on either side of any variant of a C-130. Or, doubtfully, on most of the aircraft he claims to be a pilot. Military pilots, especially USAF pilots, all do one thing, and so far he hasn’t done it once, afaik.
Linda, what is your license in? DUMBASS? From the link that I posted above, one clicks on it and sees presumably personal correspondence with this header:
Crock of shit.
By: a guest on Dec 28th, 2012 | syntax: None | size: 11.53 KB | hits: 48 | expires: Never
You think “we” hacked this letter and posted it publicly on 12/28/2012? You’re a deep thinker aren’t ya…
I am truly sorry for the parties involved, particularly the son that YOU JUST NAMED… but if there’s gonna be some deposin going on, I think the ex-wives better be at the head of the line.
Dammit, Jim. that was marked personal and confidential. How the hell did that make it onto the interplanetary screen?
Don’t bother “Linda” with facts, especially the simple ones like that quite a few questions have been posed here and other places to him and he has responded to none of them except with a silly excuse about a signature line. Otherwise, he’s responded to none of the questions posed to him.
And while we are asking questions, how does one “retire” from an unpaid, volunteer position? How is the pension calculated?
Where were all those aircraft he “flew” before any of us were born hangered?
What exactly has anyone here lied about, “Linda?” I will agree that there has been some significant guessing going on, because this clown WILL NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS! Fortunately, we have among us persons from all sorts of backgrounds, including with the CAP, upon whom we can rely for factual opinions about things in their areas of expertise.
Okay, I admit it. I did it. No need to look at anyone else. Here I am. Just tell me when the warrant is issued and I’ll surrender myself.
Holy crap! Did someone go Paul Wickre on this thread? 😮
For someone who claims in comment #170 “I do professional background checks and am licensed to do so”, Linda does seem to suck at knowing exactly what is openly available.
OWB. Please don’t sell us short. We have graduated from liars to criminals in Linda’s view.
And another thing Linda, there’s no way in hell I would have googled up that personal letter HAD YOU NOT COME IN HERE AND POSTED about the story of his son being shot, and with the fact that “He is featured in several books and papers for investigations” which was a fact that I was unaware of. But since YOU SAID IT, I tried to verify it. I found ONE article in a PI magazine, and I found what appeared to be a letter from son (we now know is Bryan, thanks to you Linda) to father in which the son repeatedly calls the father a LIAR.
So Linda, when you find yourself digging a hole, stop digging. Oh, and go fuck yourself.
Want a doctorate? Send me $49.99 and a notarized statement that you once read a book. Transcipts range from $129.99 to $299.99, depending upon desired GPA and major.
Yeah, AC, “she” slipped that in as I was addressing the liar charge. Google will be interested in knowing that folks who use their product to search the ether become criminals by doing so!
Quite an investigator we got there, eh?
Dennis, you might as well go ahead and claim the blonde thing. You seem to be on a roll now. If it makes your life easier, go ahead an answer all the questions as “Linda.”
“Linda” repeatedly insinuates that she’d going to “leave” but “she” keeps coming back. “She” can’t even get straight what “she’s” going to do.
Well, there’s tomorrow. This ain’t Texas and I’m tired. Nighty night. I’ll be singing “Thank heaven for little girls” until the sandman arrives.
Linda just went full Wickre. Yeah we are believing you are just an average citizen wondering about the reputation of someone you hardly know. You either are him or some poor woman who has had the misfortune to have an encounter with his floppy penis on a regular basis.
She keeps mentioning a book that Doc Chevalier wrote entitled “YaHell”. I want to google some info about it, but I am afraid it might add years to my sentence. Just finding out CTU doesn’t offer PhD’s in Psych probably added 6 mos solitary.
@221 Hardly knows, but has the son she thought was shot dead on speed dial.
2/17 thanks for the laughs! The “interplanetary screen” had me rolling!
You know, I’m impressed with the “good doctor” here. It takes a really special guy to
consend a gullible lady-friend to fight his battles in his place.I can’t say I’m favorably impressed, but I’m impressed.
Oh, is this part of that so-called ‘private’ letter that was published in a public forum? Yes, I think so.
33.Oh and what about that whole ESE trip?
34.I trained and worked my fucking ass off for that trip. I would get up at 4 in the morning and drive all the way to your house just to run and train and i did a lot more when i was home as well.
35.Yet after all that hard work, BIG SURPRISE all of a sudden we can’t go because of some mysterious death threat that Don got and that he didn’t want us up there.
36.Well here my beef, number 1. he has gotten many death threats before and it hasn’t shaken him in the slightest. number 2. even if someone was retarded enough to try
37.he is surrounded by seal instructors and people who would take anyone apart who tried to hurt him or his family. and number 3. just like a lot of your lies, it was pathetically predictable.
38.In passing i mentioned my disappointment to Dora who ding ding told me that you weren’t even training or doing jack shit when i wasn’t there.
See, Linda (Dennis) it’s hardly privated if it’s published in a public forum online where everybody and his uncle can see it and comment on it.
Not doing a very good job of sockpuppeting yourself, dennis, you dumbass.
Just where did you get your PhD, hmmm? Was it an accredited university? Or was it Phoenix? Oooh! That’s REALLY worth about the cost per sheet that it’s printed on.
Oh, while I’m at it, just what do you perceive as criminal behavior, Linda/Dennis?
Or is it that, being a bully, con man, and inveterate liar, you just don’t like being outed for what you are?
I’ve already dealt with that personally this month and last, in spades, and it was fun. I’ll have to add you to the list of people who are big ol’ poopyheads.
*Sits quietly and eats Chipotle popcorn and swigs Jameson*
Hey Linda you pile of pickled pigfeet shit…Before you attempt to threaten or insult any of these most honourable men and women who served to give you your right to spew pygmy turds, you might want to have a good long think on what that could me for you…If they can out this santorum smear Dennis Chevalier, just think what could possibly come around to you….Just a thought….Sock Puppet piece of hippo shyte.
GDContractor: I did use Google. About the only things I found searching using “YaHell” were peoples’ names, a town in Israel, and a reference to a supposed 13-page article (not a book) by that name allegedly written by Chevalier. I couldn’t find any reference to a published book by that title.
Curiously enough, his only listed publication in his LinkedIn profile is “PI Magazine”. I believe that’s where the “YaHell” article I found a reference to was supposed to have been published.
Hey, Linda – got an ISBN for that “book” named “YaHell”? Maybe we’re looking for it the wrong way.
Hmmm, seems that a quick google search “YaHell”
A derogatory term of Yahoo – specifically Yahoo! Chat. Indicative of the evilness and crapness of said website/corporation.
“My god! Yahell Fux0red up again!!!”
No book but a few different chat forums and a dj lol
Hey Toastie Coastie, I appreciate the sentiment, but I want to make sure that you and everyone here knows that I never wore the uniform. I am, and always have been a civvie. I have my reasons for enjoying the company and camaraderie here, and I am honored that I seem to be tolerated. Thanks to all.
However, Chevalier may have written this massive 72-page tome two decades or so ago:
It’s not named “YaHell”, but it’s something – I guess. No one seems to have reviewed it, though.
@231 CG Contractor~
I appreciate your honesty on that, it only ups my respect for you even more…Uniforms come in many different patterns…yours just happens to be Red, White and Blue Civillian style.. 🙂
just wandered back into this thread, I think it’s kind of funny looking at the facebutt thread at the top of the page, Dennis has changed his avatar. Didn’t it used to be a picture of him in uniform? Yea, I think it was Dennis. Part of the poser SOP I do believe.
@232 all the bios I have seen on the good Doctor, his middle initial is “H” and not “M”.
@233 I’ll try to maintain my standards. Let me know if you catch me slipping. Thank you. 🙂
@210 2/17 Air Cav Love it. I remember, “Damn it Jim! I’m a Doctor, not a phony baloney CAP/USAF/Colonel/Retired/PhD/ you name it Jim!!” “Good God man, what do you want from me.”
@200 Linda Now I’m thinking your just dumb as a rock. Look back up at post #167. The link there is PUBLICLY available. If Dennis and whomever else didn’t want it seen…why the hell did they out it on the web in a place that is NEVER wear dated??? Did I say that slowly enough for you? AND…Linda…one…more…time…Where…did…he…get…his…PhD…? If you know so much about the dip, surely as boastful and loud mouthed as he is, he has told you or a mutual friend who confirmed the PhD on him. Pretty simple, this isn’t rocket science I’m talking here! He puts ll the initials for everything from grade school blue ribbons in crayons to the present behind his name, so don’t come on here and pretend you don’t know. That my dear…is out and out horseshit!!! Point is…now his PhD is as suspect as everything else about him. Whew! Wake up and smell the turd and then flush it Linda.
First came the facebook threats of lawsuit, then he came here with more back talk. Now he is sending some “woman” to fight his battles and making false claims of criminal action based on public knowledge.
I am pretty sure that Dennis has been coming here and leaving I bet. Be a man, fess up that you are not the superstar Valor Hunter that you claim to be.
Phony Valor Hunter Phony… Tough to say, you no better than that one guy that use to come here pretending.
@ 170 Linda:
The Air Force provides orientation flights to CAP, the Air Forces does not and never has provided pilot training or flight instruction to CAP members.
The Air Force back during the 1940s and 1950s did provide CAP L-4 and L-5 aircraft and other miscellaneous aircraft but CAP was set up for most of its flying to be done by member owned aircraft that were maintained and operated at their own expense. Policy has been since 1951 that Air Force donated or loaned aircraft were/are not to be used (forbidden) to teach pilot training as part of CAP training programs.
Regarding T-41 and T-34 aircraft, these are military designations for Cessna 172 Skyhawk and Beechcraft Model 35 Bonanza. Even making leap the CAP 172s and T-34 were military specification aircraft, they were not combat performance fighter aircraft or capable of extreme aerobatic/tactical inflight maneuvering.
Also private pilot licenses do not cross flow to being a qualified rated military pilot.
And the beat drums on. Or something… Honestly, it seems there is a script they all follow.
Out them… Indignation. Anger. Threatening missive.
A few posts later, somebody shows up in their defense…
Ad nauseum….
For what it is worth. When the page opens, scroll down the page enough for the comments to load. If I was a psychological profiler, I might draw some conclusions from the comment that he left ….
@200 Linda, the more I think about you the more pissed I get. You show up out of thin air with an agenda. The agenda, to dissuade, persuade, threaten then phony high handed attitudes. Same old shit we here from every sock puppet that comes here to “defend their man”. It’s okay Linda, if he’s your man you can admit it, we won’t judge you. Well, okay…yea we will judge you but it is just like Dennis (this is all assuming you are NOT Dennis posting under a “woman’s” name. Sounds like something the wimp would do) you will only be judged on what you put out here to be read. So, as they say, if it’s too hot in the kitchen…stop fartin’ in your drawers, go outside and air that thang out! Folks like you, as I said, just piss me off to no end. Linda…stupid is as stupid does.
I suppose “Linda” can’s answer how Chevalier could be flying a EC-130H in Iraq when he never served in the Air Force. Perhaps “she” can explain why he calls himself a retired USAF LTC? And one other thing, he’s claimed to have been awarded the “Cold-War Service Commendation.” What the hell is that? Is it supposed to be the Cold War Recognition Certificate? If so, how could he have gotten one when he was never in federal or National Guard service?
Has anyone chased this down? “State officer of the Adjutant Generals Division stationed at the now former Dallas Naval Air Station”. I am too dumb to even know what it means…. It can be found here:
@240, a visit to his youtube page shows he has a love of military and scifi vids. Think he is living in a fantasy world?
Linda…um…hello, yea, it’s me again. Yea, right. Yea, that’s it, yea, same question as before. Right, right. Yea, so who conferred the PhD on Dennis? Uh, yea that’s right Linda. Oh sure, I’m still here. Yea, I’ll hold. Okay thanks for getting back. Sure, what’s that? What? No, you got it all wrong again Linda. Yea, right, I was asking where he got the PhD. Okay, yea, I’ll hold. Hey Linda, glad you’re back. So where were we, right the PhD Linda. Where did he get the PhD? That’s not a hard question is it? I mean I feel like I’m calling my insurance company. You don’t know…or you’re not saying? That’s not an answer Linda. No, no is not an answer to the question. No…I can’t hold again. Tell ya what…you have Dennis call or write and tell us what school gave him his PhD. Okay. Okay? Linda…Linda, ya there. Linda…
@243 GDContractor on the site you linked I Googled the name
“The American College of Forensic Examiners International”
Doesn’t come up only “The American College of Forensic Examiners Institute”
Also his link goes nowhere.
So you guys tell me…who else do we know that this looks like. Dead threads. Good sounding, close to the real thing names?
Until this fuckstick can produce a pic with his name on the fuselage, and a verifiable tail number, I’m telling you everything else is false, too.
And if he produces one, or more, I know enough people to track it down. I really dislike USAF posers.
So he’s scrubbed some of those posts that we’ve all seen. That couldn’t possibly show consciousness of guilt, could it?
You folks spend way to much time on this; quite verbose I might add.
Just an observation.
No offense.
The term I use for the (this/these) clowns is quite simple.
@247, now what are the chances of that happening? Just like every poser that has come here to defend their “LIES”, when we ask for proof, well, they just get back into the ring for another episode of WWE SmackDown.