Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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My prediction: Wittgenfeld either (1) ignores/sidesteps the issue, or (2) tries to play the “100% combat disabled” card as an excuse to refuse. I just don’t think he’s got the balls to do anything else.

Frankly, I kinda hope I’m right. The jerk isn’t worth going to jail over, Yat Yas 1833. I think.

Since he skydives publicly for $$$, his “100% disability” is obviously not due to physical injuries. Therefore, the only way I can figure out Wittgenfeld qualifies for disability is if the disability is based on mental issues. (His comments here lend credence to that theory IMO.) Maybe the shock wave from some incoming in ‘Nam took out one or more of his 3 formerly working brain cells. Or maybe a case of syph he got from a hooker scrambled his eggs before he got effective antibiotic treatment. That’s what took out Capone.

Hell, if he was as much of a jackass as a youngster as he is today hiring a pro could be the only way Wittgenfeld’s ever gotten laid.

Joe Williams

Yat, Iam only 3hrs from Branson so I willbe there when windsock cliams he will jump. Ihave Marines friends that live in the area. I will hand them my bail money before I”Talk” to all mouth no HONOR windsock. AS I said before dallas if you talk down or disrespect service. You will be looking up to me! My apologies for my spelling and structure. This Bloater has ass on fire. For us “wingers” the Air Medal and Wings are the Silver Star and CIB or Car to grunts Brothers.


Joe Williams: for what it’s worth, it appears Wittgenfeld’s Air Medal IS LEGIT. As are his ARCOM w/V and his Purple Hearts. All appear on his FOIA, and the orders for his Purple Hearts and Air Medal are posted on the “Scotty’s Hideaway” link in comment 63 above.

What’s in question is Wittgenfeld’s other claims. At times, he’s apparently claimed a Bronze Star for Valor and appears to have misrepresented his military record when he applied for membership in the Special Forces Association (he doesn’t qualify). He’s also made other ridiculous claims of things he did in ‘Nam, like “skydiving for the kids”. And although his records say he has a CIB, his records show he doesn’t seem to have qualified for the CIB under the Army Regulations in effect in 1969-1970.

IMO, he’s also one of the more disagreeable jackasses who have ever bothered to try and defend themselves at TAH. “Thunder the Clown” IMO describes him perfectly. He’s a clown seeking attention from the crowd.

His actual record in Vietnam appears honorable and something to be proud of, even without a CIB: service with D/75th Infantry as a RTO under very harsh conditions, an ARCOM for Valor, an Air Medal, and 2 Purple Hearts. Why he felt the need to embellish that is beyond me.

His service was honorable and commendable, and deserving of respect. But the man? Uh, no. IMO he’s an jackass and an assclown who deserves scorn, and has discredited his own otherwise commendable record.


Now, now, guys. Joe, calm down.

Going to jail over this delusional my-horn-blower is mighty tempting, but frankly, I think my cat Mikey could take him out just by spraying him right in the face. Stinks worse than skunk musk.

If you go there, he actually could file charges against you, and he is NOT, I repeate NOT, worth it.

You’d do better to make sure that everyone at this affair knows that he’s a lying, stump-sucking jackass, and try to get him ostracized. Works wonders. I’m working on a “Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire” badge for people like him.


This one might be more apropos for Wittgenfeld, Ex-PH2:

Or maybe this one:

After all, he’s acting like a horse’s ass and is a pain in the butt as well. (smile)


Scotty: I need to talk to you offline about some docs on your blog (link in comment 63 above). Can’t seem to find contact info on your blog. How do I drop you a note?


Hondo, THANKS!!!!! I did not know those existed. You made my day.

Joe Williams

Depends on where your honor is. Go to Popasmoke site and check HMM-362 history. A helo squadron is like a good tight grunt unit. Check the KIAs incidents for Cpl John Mooney KIA 010767. Not my last gunner flying for his Wings. Most helo squadrons allow most shop personnel to earn their Wings. We lost 32 KIAs, I knew 23 of personally. First Poe, now this Bloater who has to inflate his ego and put down any other service. Too Much. Yes, I will rip into him and expose in the worse way.I sense he is a bully and with me being the smallerperson(height and weight) he might do that is threatening.

Joe Williams

I still want to see his certs for the Air Medal. Bribe ,bully or buddy with the records clerk and anything can be entered in your records. I cannot see windsock putting himself in danger.

Scottys Hideaway

You should be able to send a message now Hondo


Still no joy, Scotty. Will try this evening from a different machine. If that doesn’t work, I may have to ask you to pass contact info thru Jonn.

Scottys Hideaway

Roger, Scotty. Will contact you shortly.


Just out of curiosity – can anyone ID those things Wittgenfeld are wearing above his unit award ribbons on his right and below his personal ribbons on the left? They appear to be military badges of some sort, but I’m not able to ID them.


So I was turned onto this site by an unnamed source. Without going into what a douche nozzle Dallas is, I just want to say that it would be in your best interest to stay away from places you are not wanted. You pride yourself on your parachute jumps. AWESOME for you. I would never jump out of a perfectly good airplane. But, I see thousands of people skydiving all the time. You are another fucking clown in the mix. (Get it?? Clown.) I much love you show for our flag by wrapping yourself in it then dragging it all across the ground in your drop zone.
Dude, tell your stories to those who listen, but save them from people who know you are full of shit. Thanks for your service. I wasn’t around too much during Nam but did my tours in Iraq. While some call us hero, many of us do what we do for the love of our country. I see you did whatever so you could be called a hero.
Take the advice of a Law Enforcement Officer. Don’t go where you aren’t wanted. It always causes problems and people like you tend to find themselves in jail when they show their ass. Just to add, for your own peace of mind… The organizers of the Gala have every legal right to deny your entrance to their function. It is completely private and I am almost certain they would love for you to be standing outside with news camera all over you. You will be exposed a larger audience like Sgt Poe on America’s Got Talent. Saying you have the right to be there becuase they accept donations is like saying you have the right to walk into any Mcdonalds you want becuase they collect pennies for the Ronald House. Don’t be anymore of a douche than you have already been.


Dalass sure gets quiet when someone calls him out . come one burp 41 take the man up show everyone that your not all just full of shit .Maybe you will get your 1st asskicking LOL. Time to man up clown boy


This has been bumping around in my head for a day or so, so here we go. This is for you, Wittgenfeld. (With apologies to Re Styles and the rest of “The Tubes”)

(Carnival barker talking at a small county fair miday)

Come on up folks! See the one, the only, the amazing “Thunder the Clown” – aka “Thunder Chicken”! Flies through the air like superman – and is sometimes even higher than his plane! Skydives here like he did in ‘Nam to entertain the little kids – though he doubtless used words for them that are not decidedly NOT PC, given what he’s said elsewhere. He’s a real ‘piece of work’ – see him for yourself! But it will cost you a dollar first!

It’s a Whopper

Step right up and don’t be shy –
‘Cause you will not believe your eyes!
He’s right here behind the glass,
But watch out, though,
He’s got no class!

You can look inside his made-up world.
He tells lies ‘till you think you’ll hurl!
He’s everything he dreams about . . .

Don’t buy his bull!
It’s a whopper!
It’s one of a million lies
(one of his million lies)
You ask does he lie?
Oh, how he lies!

He will wear anything he likes –
Surplus stores have the merchandise!
He will lie till your ears are sore
And when you leave, he’ll lie some more!

You can look inside his made-up world.
He tells lies ‘till you think you’ll hurl!
He’s everything he dreams about . . .

Just don’t buy his bull!
It’s a whopper!
Tells lies, lies, plenty more lies,
(some of his million lies)
You ask does he lie?
Oh, how he lies!

Don’t buy his bull!
(If you do, you’ll find out he’s hoodwinked you!)
It’s one of a million lies,
(one of his million lies)
Why does he lie?
Why does he lie?

Don’t buy his bull!


Excellent work, Hondo, et al.

And you have now surpassed 220 whatsits on this post.



Hondo those things he is wearing that you cant id are dallass girl scout badges for cooking and cleaning a embellishing


(chuckling) Thanks, Kato811. Good one.

But seriously – I think they’re military badges of some type. And they’re not ones I see on his FOIA, so I’m curious as to whether they’re US military badges.

If so – and we can ID them – Wittgenfeld may have a bit of a problem. Because as I read Federal law, US military badges and tabs are also covered by the Stolen Valor Act along with medals.


And this stray thought has been rattling around in my brain (with results not nearly as cute as Hondo’s!): Thunder Clown claims that the parachuting pic is of him and that it is recent. While that is not enough for us to believe it, wonder how the VA would classify this claim in regard to his “disability?”

OK – they would probably laugh at anyone posing that question to them. OTOH, it might also spur someone to take another look at his claims to them. Worth a shot?


Thanks, OWB. That old Tubes tune popped into my head a couple of days ago when I was reading these comments and just seemed too, well, perfect for Wittgenfeld – with a few alterations in the lyrics, of course. (smile)

Regarding the VA: my guess is that we’d need someone to witness and record on video Wittgenfeld’s performance, then provide that plus an affidavit to the VA in order to be taken seriously. And if his “100% combat disability” is for mental issues, it might not make any difference even then.

On the other hand, if he has a VA rating based on “unemployability” vice physical/mental disability per se and he’s getting paid . . . .

I’d guess it’s worth a shot if someone here has the time and knows where he’ll be performing in the future – especially if they can also somehow document that Wittgenfeld was paid for his performance.

If anyone wants to do that and has the time/opportunity, please touch base with Jonn. I believe he knows who in the VA’s OIG to contact regarding such inquiries.

Joe Williams

I need infro from a Army C/C.Does being attached to a air company automatically put one on flight status? Another rather oblovious question why an RTO is assinged to aHelo outfit?in the short time he was In-Country, Windsock was in alot of units for short times? Always a grain of truth then Expand it.


I found some of his photos as “Thunder Chicken the Parachuting (Ass)Clown”…hilarious…Dallas, you didn’t even need to dress up to fill that role, you Colonel Mustard looking fuckstick.

I agree with others here, you service was plenty honorable, you were decorated and above all…AIRBORNE!

Why the hell did you feel the need to embellish? And are you sure that wound that got you a PH wasn’t caused by your own guys? 😉


Joe Williams: see comment 162 above. A possibility I hadn’t considered before is that Wittgenfeld was detailed to provide comm support for a US element providing liaison to the Thai forces with II FFORCEV. (That is no way in hell advisor duty, Wittgenfeld – it’s liaison and support to friendly forces.) He was a RTO. Per comment 162 above, that kind of duty (liaison to Thai forces) often involved providing support for arty fire direction. Long range comm guys would have been involved in that. I understand forward observers (FOs) and fire support officers (FSOs? not sure the term was used in Vietnam) often operated from helicopters during Vietnam. If that’s the case, Wittgenfeld may have gone with some of those FOs/FSOs to provide comm or to operate an airborne radio relay. I don’t think he’d have been put on flight status for that, but it would have made him eligible for an air medal under Army criteria for same (see below) if his performance of duty merited that level of recognition. Perhaps one of our older ‘Nam vets here could clarify whether FO/FSO/comm support personnel for same were routinely placed on flight status for such missions. In any case, per Army criteria flight status is not required for award of the Air Medal – but you have to be more than a passenger. Per the Army awards reg, personnel not on flight status would be eligible for the Air Medal if their combat duties require them to fly regularly. A specific example given in the reg is “those directly involved in airborne command and control of combat operations.” Airborne comm support for arty fire direction would appear to qualify as exactly that. A “cheapie” medal? Perhaps. But he has the orders, and may well have done exactly what I described above. His MOS and assignments are consistent with that scenario. Per the Army awards reg he’d be eligible if someone put him in for one. And Wittgenfeld’s Air Medal orders included a number of other individuals as well. I’d be more suspicious if they only included him. I’d love… Read more »

Joe Williams

Hondo, FAC helos and fixed radios were hard wired in the ACs. The pilot or copilot were the ROs. In the helos the FACs used our radios.This is why I askewd for Army imput. If windsock told me the Sun rose in he East I would be out brfore Suntise with my compass.PS ,How do you removr this annoying red underline. Joe PSS, I flew CnC bird many times the Commander always used the helo’s radios.


Joe, the red underlining means that the system thinks whatever you typed is misspelled.

I wasn’t artillery, but from what I can remember from training way back doctrine was the FOs/FSOs brought their own comm. That could have been Wittgenfeld’s role.

Joe Williams

Hondo,pm w/your pone # or ask Jonn or TSO for my e-mail or personal phone #.then I will call you back on my Dime. Thank you Joe


No PM capability here that I’m aware of.

One of the bennies of being able to post articles here at TAH (Jonn lets me do that, and I do occasionally) is that I can see the e-mail addresses people enter when they comment. If you entered yours, I’ll be able to see it.

I always ask first: do I have your OK to contact you at the e-mail address you listed with your comments?

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, my brother, a firefighter, joined the AF Reserves after his Marine Corps service. I’ve seen the zoomie uniform and everybody has an ‘MOS badge’ over the AF name tape. That’s what that thing reminds me of. They look kinda like basic jump wings and in the middle there’s a little MOS symbol. Like I said before, the Marine Corps has a very limited # of badges so I’m just guessing.


Yat Yas 1833: thanks. Really hope someone can ID them. I thought the one below his personal ribbons on his left might be HALO, but I double-checked and the shape is wrong.

It would be poetic justice if it turns out the ass is wearing a US military badge he never earned and which doesn’t appear in his records (unlike his CIB, which is questionable as hell but does in fact appear in his official records). His getting burned for that would IMO be sweet.


While we are at it, I have a question for Mr. Whittgenfeld. You there, Mista Bad Ass….I’m curious as to why you never reported your reported “war crimes” to USA CID but, like your brethren in the anti-war crews, you run around here claiming you witnessed them. So what gives?


“Mister” Wittgenfeld — you admit “War Crimes” ??
You are beginning to sound as John FRAUD Kerry !!


Oh, is it “wHit-gen-feld” ??
“WIT” does not FIT .


And I don’t give a WHIT .

Just Plain Jason

I will have to come back to this. It looks all kinds of funny…


Yat Yas, just so you know, not all AFSC’s have specialty badges in the USAF. No clue how many do these days, but it started out as only a very few then others wanted in on the act.


And no, I don’t recognize one in the pic.

Just Plain Jason

Damn…too bad mamma doesn’t let me pick fights anymore. Branson isn’t that far of a drive from Kansas City…of course he has 9 body guards, a gun, a knife, never had his ass whipped by anyone, a huge body count…

Okay, I fucking HATE guys like this. I don’t don’t know were to start with how fucked up you are. I look at your pictuer and just think who is this asshole? Then I read your posts. Holy shit, wow you are special! I can get the whole hey this is who I was and what I did, but for real? I was an Army Combat Engineer and I worked with Navy EOD, and I personally give anyone who ever sees me wearing an EOD badge full rights to kick me in the nuts. I know fuckall how the infantry works or how it worked, but really? You feel like you have to put on a blue cord and cib to feel special? You have to go around showing off your sparklys to everyone to justify your existence? I would love to do nothing more than mock you in a public place when you started telling one of your bullshit war stories. I have met more than my fair share of space shuttle door gunners and mocked them…but mamma doesn’t let me pick fights anymore.

Just Plain Jason

Wait a minute…I am kind of confused…

Now I am not going to go quoting the ar 670-1, but this is all jacked the fuck up. I don’t usually fuck with retired guys wearing the uniform, but why is he wearing an 82nd patch with a tan beret? That just don’t make no sense…now I could understand maybe if there were a tab or something, but no scroll no tab… I just always thought that airborne guys wore a maroon beret. I know, I know Tan LOOKS cooler, but that is kinda like wtf…really, I mean REALLY?


Is he not limited to items he would have been able to wear during his time of service? Just asking. I don’t really see too many former servicemen who update to the most recent gear the armed forces is using. Just wondering.

Just Plain Jason

I guess he did work with the rangers…hmmm maybe I can go out and buy an EOD badge then…oooo even better a master divers badge! They were all dive certified!


I wonder about you sometimes, JPJ….lol! I’m still waiting for asshat to explain why he hadn’t reported “war crimes” he supposedly witnessed to USACID. That is the only question I have for Mr. Wittgenfeld. Maybe John F. sKerry threatened to “swiftboat” er sKerryboat him if he said anything?

Just Plain Jason

I just never got the whole thing of hey I need to put this, this, this, and this on my uniform and look way cool. I need to prove how much cooler I am than you to justify my service…


This guy rules…what an ass clown. Still want to ehar details on the weekend in Branson. Did “Ranger Dallas” get his ass whipped or what? Inquiring minds want to know…

Frankly Opinionated

The lyin’ thievin’ lardass beggnflee, links to a blog that is so fake that it doesn’t even allow commentary.
He is still a thief, claiming the copyrighted work of others as his, and a liar by accusing said copyrightee of stealing from the Lardass himself.


Dallas your link just shows how big of a cunt bubble you truly are. I’m sure your mom wishes she had pushed the metal hanger inside just a little bit farther.

Joe Williams

Windsock, what about the “war crimes” you did not report? This is a Violation of Army orders and the USMCJ. Where are your orders assigning you as flight crew? Riding as a passenger on LZ inserts and exactions does not count toward a Air Medal.What is your jump date at Branson ?


Yep, ArmyJ was right in comment 180 above.

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