Poseur lawyer; everybody is SF
Jeff sent us a link to a lawyer’s webpage in which Kelly Gamble (Murphy) makes the claim that she and her husband were assigned to a Special Forces unit;
I met my husband (also an Army Veteran) while finishing my last overseas tour of duty in 1988 – we were both were [sic] assigned to a Special Operations unit.
Jeff tells me that he was in the same unit as Kelly, back in the California Reserves in Oakland and he doesn’t remember anyone in his unit being assigned to Special Forces. They were in a civil affairs battalion, which could have had dealings with Special Forces units, but as an assigned member?
And her records don’t bear that out either;
Sure all Special Forces A Teams have a veterinary food inspector assigned to them, it’s as important a job as the weapons, demo, commo and medical team members. Who else is going to check the food of the Team’s puppies and kittens?
Gamble makes the point of telling her prospective clients how she is proud of her 11 years of service and then she pulls the “Special Operations” thing out. Apparently, she wasn’t proud enough to refrain from pulling the Special Operations shit out.
Jeff says that he warned her to pull that reference off of her website before he wrote to us. I guess she doesn’t know what dicks we are…until now.
Category: Phony soldiers
@188 Well yes actually they kinda did. @ OG So John saw a week of combat. How much combat have yo seen? He’s also been training for combat thinking about combat and all that jazz. HEY I’m a moronic follower YAY? nope sorry, I don’t always agree with John, but more often than not I do. I’d like to think my points are well thought out and while I do like posting on here (and also throwing out a random comment just to piss people off cuz you know that’s frakin HILARIOUS). But here’s a thought, when you DO post on here STOP ALWAYS TRYING TO PISS US OFF. It’s one think to make a point, and stick by it, but you never do. You always have to be an ass about things and you do everything to be a bitch(or Dick as the case may be) to the people who disagree with you. Pretty much from the beginning people have been saying the same thing. YES on a pure TECHNICALITY she is correct. BUT it’s shady as shit to say that to civilians. It’s REALLY close to the line. I don’t like it, and I’m sure those bubble heads in here which did special operations (as submariners often do) but they don’t TALK about it, and if they do at all, they are very clear that they are NOT SEALs or SWCs or whathave you. HELL being in a Boomer is TECHNICALLY a special mission. In the Army we work WITH SF all the time, Hell I’ve even gotten attached to a spec ops unit (no idea which one) for one or two missions, but I NEVER say I was SF I made the point earlier my BN nickname was “rangers” I am TECHNICALLY a Ranger, but if I say that, that would mislead the shit out of people (like Ward Reilly). I’m not gettin an apollogy for any of the shit done to/said about me, and I got a thick skin, I can take it. I can dish it out too. I’m gonna sit here, enjoy a beer… Read more »
Holy crap Lucky!! This guy Jonn insults your branch of service and you’re still ball washing him. You’re the hypocrite, at the beginning of the comments you tried being some kind of patron saint of civil affairs now you’re completely siding with the guy who insulted your branch and your attacking the woman who was completely innocent in all of this.. God forbid she come on here and be rude only you clowns are allowed to do that.. An absolute fucking disgrace!!
The fact this guy Lilyea hasn’t apologized or at the very least tried to post some kind of correction shows everyone what this blog is all about, hit and run baby it doesn’t matter who gets hurt or what happens.
I don’t know whats more shameful Lilyeas actions or his legions of ass kissers who dont have the testicular fortitude to stand up to him.. What a fucking joke!!
Jonn added: No, Richter or DeWald, this is the joke;
Well, well, well! If it isn’t Jonathan “da bomber” DaWald & his trusty dusty side kick, Jenn “The Hawg” Hogg! Long time no see, Jonathan! How the phuck you been? How’s that making threats career working out for ya? Did you finally give up that rank amateur boxing career, hanging out with your marxist buddies on a regular basis now? Was hoping you might have caught a nice long stretch in county at the least or a cold bunk in a nice, cozy prison somewhere but I digress..
Hi ya, Jenn er Ms. Hogg! How’s that OG monicker working for ya now? You still marching your happy ass around pretending you give a nickels worth of chit for victims?
Oh, SNAP!!!
Hey Lilyea you realize I am in a giant Academic Learning Center on a college campus their are over 400 computers.. So thanks for playing
Boxing career? That’s news to me but I challenge you Lilyea to a boxing match for charity in Atlantic City we can call the fight the Commotion by the Ocean. All proceeds will go to the wounded warrior foundation.. I am sure Lilyea would rather donate them to the RNC but I am true Veterans advocate?
Ouch. Double tap. Center mass.
obvious fabrication
That is one panicked comment.
Jonathan, Jonathan….Jonathan. *shaking my head* Good to see you haven’t changed up your *boxing* style. Is that giant “Academic Learning Center” your in called the Union County NJ Jail, or did you finally grajurate to the big house? Jenn has conjugal visitation or do ya have her working the curb to buy you a cut rate ACLU lawyer?
Oh he’s a real deal Weiner, 2-17….lmao! How’s Trenton treating ya Jonathan? You have access to the computer lab? Huh? So, how the phuck you been? That Sphincter er Richter monicker doing any good up there for ya? Staying in shape, keeping out of trouble or what?
Why am I being lumped in with some guy Jonathan? Another typical Lilyea smear campaign, whatever you have on that guy is between you and him.
Just because you can’t beat me or YOUR president in an argument is no reason to pull some stupid BS!!
I want an apology now!!
Oh, this has been better than Shakespeare in the Park! Jonn, you have no idea how much money I’ve saved in theatre tickets since I started reading your blog!!
Will Jonn issue an apology? Will this thread reach 300?
Only The Shadow knows…
OG, as a Veteran of both Theaters, I can assure you, the MPs sat around writing moving violation tickets to cyclists and pedestrians who failed to stop at stop signs, while we CA types actually went out and did missions, I spent a lot of my time, when not doing CA missions, as PSD and as a 240B gunner, while you got fatter, dumber and more butch at Green Beans. Eat it. And as for defending Jonn, I have known him for a while, and he was not insulting my Branch, he was insulting Gamble, and really only after she went off half cocked as she did. By the way, OG, you do know that the only Soldiers that actually like MPs are other MPs right?
OG: I’m sorry my president is a douchenozzle who shamed us in front of my former Queen and PM. Very sorry. I’m sorry my cousins in the UK laughed at him and called him names. I’m sorry he can’t end the war, close Gitmo or fix the economy. Sorrier than you can ever know.
This thread just got worth watching again.
Let’s be real 218. This blog went after Gamble half cocked and then doubled down after she came on here (understanably) angry.
Was there an insult in there somewhere? A whole lotta whinin’ goin’ on, but so inarticulately that it’s impossible to figure out just which part of my family tree, or branch of service, or genetalia, or what was being questioned.
Oh, wait! Got it – these trolls are RACISTS!! (Isn’t that the cause of the week for everything?)
222: I’m a racist, a screeching misogynist, and I also rape puppies. I like to shoot at poor people from my limo using readily available assault pistols and eating veal. I ordered the driver to deliberately de-tune the engine so as to create more CO2. And I hate opera.
Ms. Gamble could have certainly gone about everything vastly different, and everything would have been Zien (Calm), instead she made baseless threats and made wild accusations? And @222, I am not a racist, I am an NCO, I hate everyone equally!!! Just ask Jonn, TSO, and Zero!!!!
222 When have I insulted anyone? Unless you consider calling out hipocrisy to be insulting, I’ve hardly been offensive.
11 Booze at what time did anyone “ball wash” anyone else?
OG: you said you have a BF on an ODA, I want pictures. Your SN alone is proof you are no friend of the military. It would take a HUGE stretch of the imagination to assume that Obama gives two shits and a handshake about the military excepting as looking like a “strong” personality.
There is an epic failure somewhere in here. And OG just keeps this shit going. Well we hit 200. Let’s shoot for 300!
I am not racist, I simply felt like stating sterotypes of female Army MPs since OG seems to want to stereotype my branch such as she has, see, I can play the lets jump to retardiculous conclusions game too!
I had my suspicions about 11 Booze, thinking that he surely showed up at just the right time to be the new name of “No Show Sphincter”. Thanks Jonn. BYW, same IP as he/she/they used at my shop.
Made my internet day.
BYW ??? Big fingers, small keys. Should have been BTW.
How come when you think you’re insulted Lucky you don’t take it in a Zien way instead you make insults and baseless accusations? Hypocrite!!!!!!
Me getting fatter Lucky? I bet I could smoke you on a PT Test on the 17 to 21 Male standards
Am I the only one who noticed that OG responded to a comment directed at Boozer/Richter/Dewald as the person to whom it was directed?
Frankly you need to stop commenting on this thread, everytime you do the average iq of commenters drops about 25 points..
And lastly Richter is not my bf my bf has posted on here before but stopped after some of you insulted his service because he didn’t agree with Lilyea..
I have read some of richters post and don’t think very highly of him honestly.
@230: As do you ya fucking sperm burping gutter snipe. I admit to fully insulting you, since you like to drag me into every thread where you think someone gives a shit if your taint hurts.
Because I am not a butch failed ass MP, Ms. Hogg, if thats you, you and your little Hippie friends scream hypocrite any time anyone disagrees with your failed logic, and any time anyone insults you with a modicum of an IQ above room temperature….. Wow, I renew my Sheeple comment, accept in your case its more of a Pig Call……
Hahahaha, well considering you are no longer in the Army, and I PT for hours on end, I think that might be a dumb idea on your part.
@236 I was responding to him saying she.. He is always saying that richter is my bf.. I could care less about dewald richter or whatever other people you dream up to attack me for just bringing a different viewpoint to the table..
It’s obvious I generate alot of interest in this blog the average story gets like 10 comments but the average story I comment on gets at least 5 times the amount. No need to thank me Lilyea for educating your readers and judging by this story alot of them are starting to come over to my side of the tent.. Worried??
…and the house of cards continues to crumble.
You know OG I doubt very highly you’re this PT stud SUPER MP, that dates an SF super trooper who bitched out over a few insults? you do realize how utterly stupid that sounds don’t you?
And you DO realize that every time you try to shout these crusty bastards (no offense) down, they’re going to bitchslap the everloving snot out of you.
Jonn, TAH’s trolletariat could be the stuff of many doctoral theses in psychology.
Doc, careful, she is one manly looking MP, she might actually enjoy the slapping! And crusty is a nice way to put it, thank you 🙂 She is a Marxist and member of IVAW, has no love for her county, and although she served overseas, has no respect for anything the uniform stands for!
Hey OG? I was an MP and much as I dislike disagreeing with brother lucky over there (because he’s CA, works PSD and humps a gun and a ruck obviously makes him cool on my end) but, I do know even though I may not know you, I damn sure don’t like you. And just what the hell is a “Zien” way? Maybe you meant to type “Zen” but your spell-checking foo went on TDY years ago and forgot to come back, like your brain did.
You have no argument whatsoever that will convince me about how great Obama is when in fact, he’s nothing more than a two time pencil pushing, punk community organizer that’s a Marxist and selling this country I love and have served, down the tubes thanks to unthinking people such as yourself.
Oh yes, you really ought to drop using the “I was an MP in the NG” routine. Remove the cross pistols from your phucking collar, put ’em away and let us big boys and girls handle this. You blow. And by the way? That Obama sticker on the rear bumper or window of your car? It might as well say “Yes! I’m stupid”too….
God(don’t get mad that I didn’t say earth mother, hippies) I love this place.
Now…..where is Smedley butler vet. That would make this complete.
StreetSweeper, Zien is Iraqi Arabic, it essentially means, “Its all good”, like everything is calm, and thank you, not all CA Soldiers are fat, dumb and lazy, some of us actually do the tactical side of the house! BTW, why is it that certain people are so great, even though essentially all they have done for the last three years is play golf while the economy and job market crumble, and while DC is hit with an earthquake? I mean, to me, sounds a lot like a certain fiddle playing Roman Emperor….
OG, you’re so nasty your panties crackle when you take them off.
The only difference between you and a hockey player is that at least the hockey player changes pads after three periods.
Bitch, you so fat you make the RADIO skip.
You so ugly that you walked into a haunted house and walked out with a job application.
You so ugly your momma called you a treasure, and your daddy suggested they bury you.
Richter asked you what was for lunch, you opened up your legs and said tuna surprise.
You’re like a gun–two cocks and you’re loaded.
You’re like a mosquito–I gotta smack you to stop sucking.
@243 I drive a prius what do you drive some h2? You probably want to just can’t afford it on a janitors salary I suppose LOL!!!
@243 I don’t throw the fact that I was an MP in the NG around but when people insult me and say I never served I point out to them that I have.
17-21 Army APFT standards are a joke. Let’s do it on USMC and USAF 18 YO both–since they’re different tests. Have a look online and get back to me.
FWIW I’m 46 and was discharged for asthma.
@ 243 – Welcome aboard!
@ 245 – Lucky, thanks for the interpeting. To OG, I apologize for the “TDY” remark everything else still stands. Lucky, why they think he’s so great? Because their a bunch of liberal apologetic bastages that have mush for brains and no clue what the phuck they are doing? LOL! Stay safe out there, bro.
Not a problem StreetSweeper, and I concur! I will try to, this is going to be an interesting weekend, fam fire, APFT, AND what used to be our SOF qualifying ruck march! GET SOME!!
“They” thought that “the Won” would give them unicorns shitting skittles. “They” have tried to tell us that “They” put the first black president in office. They even scrued that one up. He is, at best, a mulatto, a half white guy with nappy hair and dark skin, raised by his white momma like a rich white boy.
From here on the conservative side, we’ll see you your 1/2 black, and raise you a half, with Herman Cain, and double down with LTC Allen West as SecDef, and Condi Rice as SecState. Whatcha gonna come back with now, libs?