So….they cost me a day of work and a round of golf

| July 16, 2013

So yes, once again the forces of evil are trying to force us off the internet. It won’t work. It did waste some of my time, and that of our legal team who had to respond to it, but it certainly won’t work. Also, it rather ruined my golf game yesterday. Actually, it helped at first (I had a drive of 280 when Jonn called with a head’s up) but then I couldn’t tone down my anger and was beaming sand wedges like 120 yards and throwing clubs.

Nonetheless, I spent the day writing a 4,453 word response today. Baldly stated, the entire document can be summed up by my second paragraph:

The Complaint represents the website hosting equivalent of a strategic lawsuit against public participation. Wickre is significantly less interested in any terms of use issues than he is in silencing free speech and veterans’ advocates operating within the law. To date, Wickre has commented no fewer than 118 times on the Blog, which is odd considering his aversion to the nature of what we write. Those 118 comments from his IP address are directly traceable to him. They do not include the numerous comments which were deleted by the authors because they contained social security numbers of bloggers, phone numbers and addresses for the bloggers and other commenters, and some indecipherable strings of letters and numbers.

The Complaint is full of obfuscation, misstatements regarding case law, and lies regarding easily verifiable facts. I will endeavor to respond to only the issues of import regarding the Complaint.

That said, if you guys could refrain from any comments that could get me in trouble for the next few days, that will suffice for my birthday gift (which you all owe me by Saturday.) So, instead of saying something about “hammer a six-inch spike through his penis” (looking at you Nik) or the therapeutic benefits of squatting on a traffic cone and then duck walking home (another classic noted in the complaint) how about blessing him with a million unicorn butterfly kisses, or a TV which receives only 180 channels of ALF reruns. Seriously, I need rest, and I can’t fight any more. Nothing that could be construed as a threat, pornographic imagery etc.

I agree with your unstated comments. Jonn agrees with them. Everyone reading this agrees. Just cut us some slack and don’t write it, at least until we get the all clear from Rackspace (which we will.) This is NOT a win for the bad guys, as I am certain their attorney spent much longer that 8 hours working on it, and costs significantly more than I charge, which is nothing. Besides, when this one gets tossed, we will be stronger even than we were before.

Jonn always ascribes the success of this blog to you guys, the readers. I agree with him of course. Collectively we have the smartest, most diligent, wise-assiest readers and commenters this side of the Mos Eisley cantina. So, use the brain and some restraint while 1SG is watching us *not* do our concurrent training tasks. Kapiche?

Also, please consider tossing Jonn a few shekels. Although the legal counsel stuff doesn’t cost him anything, server space for this house ain’t cheap.

I am taking tomorrow off to celebrate my Birthday a few days early by doing damn near nothing except playing Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants on XBox. It has to be the boringest game in history, which should be good for my blood pressure. SVT will resume Monday though.

BTW- Somehow we got derailed into music again, so answer me this one…the lady at 1:51, is that Susie Benjamin? Because it looks like a younger her to me.

Category: Politics

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Will donate when home today.

Psul is polite and is never late. He enjoys a nice pair of pants.


As to great B movies, how about From Dusk Till Dawn? A Rodriguez Masterpiece!

Weapons clear, acquisition radar in STBY mode.

Just tossed ya some shekels!


Oops, sorry for double post, IE10 has more issues that Lindsay Lohan.


Kris Kristofferson: “and I’d be leaving town if I knew what was good for me – I said it’s nice to learn that that ebveryone was so concerned for my helath” – Paul, we are all SO concerned for yours.

On the subject of unintentionally funny movies – “Zero Hour” was supposed to be serious when released in the ’50s- but after watching “Airplane” a coupla hundred times, I laughed till I cried. They even use the “I guess I picked a bad week to give up smoking” line.


Jonn and TAH, thanks for putting up the donate link again. You should see mine in a while. Plus thanks for the PayPal option.

Jonn Lilyea

There’s a snail mail address on the contact page, too.


Jonn, does Paypal take a piece? If they do I can use a bank account or snail mail, which ever you guys prefer.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

I’m sure that Paul K. Wickre told his Momma he loved her, even when he declared bankruptcy to avoid his debt to her.

Jonn Lilyea

I’d rather that PayPal take a piece than support that blackhole that is the USPS.


Now, now, John. I’ve used that term before in college and was told it was racist. Heck, it was used the exact same way, and the girl who told me that was whiter than I am.

As for Paul K. Wickre (google hit), whom we all know and love, I have never met a more decent or kind man. I especially enjoy the way he volunteers at the women’s shelter, and feeds the homeless, and not to mention the number of times he has taken time out of his day to help the poor. And, let us not forget all of the outreach he does in the minority neighborhoods across D.C.

I also have it on good authority that this man is responsible for helping young women to pay for college. That is, until a disagreement with the owner of the establishment over liquor. But, there were at least five of the young women that he spent time with, helping them to better themselves and then giving them donations for their schooling. Especially one, whose name was Ashley, whom he spent a great deal of time with in a separate room from the rest of the establishment.

The man is as pious as any I have met in my military deployments. If I could say anything bad about him, it is that he lacks only the commitment to his beliefs as those I have met. But, that only means that he wishes to stay and spread the word more. Like Nancy Pelosi, he knows the word and the word is his favorite in the Bible.


I’m gonna need waders before long. It’s really gettin’ deep in here…


As the Spartans would say Paul. “May you have a long life and die in your bed peacefully”.



Do bear in mind, PayPal (as a division of feeBay) is anti-2d Amendment and has been for years. No good choices in the Bein’ Principled dep’t., unfortunately.


Or as King Leonidas told Ephialtes in the final scenes before King Leonidas throws the spear at Xerxes, “Paul, may you live forever.”


@161 Phil slammed two award claims on this his resume, Chief. We was comin’ back from surfin the Internets… just delivered the news. The Stolen Valor News. Eleven hundred posts went into the thread first few weeks. The first thread went down in 12 months. Didn’t see the first posts from Psul for about a half a year. Psul was a Tiger. 13-paragraph poster. You know how you know that when you’re in the thread, TAH? You tell by looking from the top of the post to the tail of the post. What we didn’t know, was our Stolen Valor mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. They didn’t even list us overdue for a week. Very next thread, Chief, Psul comes cruisin’, so we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know, it was kinda like old squares in the battle like you see in the calendar named “The Battle of Waterloo” and the idea was: Psul comes to the nearest man, that man he starts poundin’ and hollerin’ and screamin’ and postin’ and sometimes the Psul will go away… but sometimes he wouldn’t go away. Sometimes that Psul he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about Psul… he’s got lifeless bloodshot eyes. Red, raw, midnight monitor eyes. Like Satin’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be living… until he calls ya out in the thread, and those red, bloodshot eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’. The spandex turns red, and despite all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, Psul comes back in and they… tries to rip you to pieces. You know by the end of that first few months, lost two or three threads. I don’t know how many posts in each thread, maybe a thousand. I know how many men and women defended TAH, they averaged six, maybe 10 or 20 an hour. On one morning, Chief, I bumped into a friend of mine, Philip Monkress from Florida. Logistics Guy. I thought he was asleep. I… Read more »


Yeah, well, I’ll say it. Psul’s probably looking at this thread and doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind.

Personally, he’s probably doing both and then some, courtesy of that cheap swill he chugs.

Sorry guys, I have a horrible allergy to bullshit and if I get one more attack, I’m gonna have to go out of state or do something else, cause I’ve had to buy so many antihistamines I’m probably on a DEA watch list as a possible meth cook from buying so much Claritin-D.


@165 Forget the waders. Submarine. Definitely a submarine.


My Momma always told me “Sug, If y’all can’t say nothing nice then say the truth!” So I’m going to go with a earlier commenter and just say,”Well bless his heart ya’ll”.

Oh and Happy (late) Birthday TSO!

Lucky Sperm

Paul K. Wickre is a valued and generous member of our club



You. magnificent. bastard. (apologies if you’re a woman.)

snerk, snort, guffaw.


I’ve seen Psul walk on water, I saw him heal a wounded geese … Psul is love


We are going to need a bigger thread…

2/17 Air Cav

Well, as you all know, I have kept fairly clear of any mention of our honored guest. Fact is, he is someone I admire greatly and I couldn’t bring myself to engage in any–shall we say–unsavory commentary. I’m really glad to see that you all have come around now and are seeing PW in a fairer light. Now, who’s with me for a chorous of ‘For he’s a jolly good fellow?”


#165 Wow just wow, us with dogs will give you a paw slap:-)

#173 I can’t sing but I can mumble along.

Oh and sharknado 2 comes out next year, just fyi:-)


I have notified the North Shore Sanitary District that they will need to widen the Big Tunnel to accomodate the load in here.

That is all.

Pope Francis

Bueno! Me Latin es very good. Me Spanish perfecto. Me Englis, not so good. Pardon. Please to say three Hail Marys and four Our Fathers and all will be okay. Blessings. Ciao.


Cha-ching. Cha-ching. Love the sound of all those billable hours adding up.

Psul Wickre – keeping legal offices open all over the District and environs. What a guy!


(lol 176 and 175.)

You are aware that the *ENTIRE* area of Southern P.G. County on the South East of the D.C. Beltway (Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission WSSC)has had their water service shut down for 100,000 people in southern Prince George’s County area who would go without water for several days.


Thank the LORD Paul K Wickre is (hopefully)completely unaffected by this.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

I’ve heard tell that Paul K. Wickre still frequently helps little old ladies across the street out of the goodness of his heart, and he voluntarily scoops dog poop from the sidewalk as well. Bless his heart!!


ChipNASA I’m still laughing at your “report”. When you say “TAH?” it makes me think of Stephen King’s Dark Tower Series where every living and dead thing was lead by “KA” which was sort of like destiny…I think. I suppose TAH has led us to admire that upstanding pillar of the community Paul K. Wickre.

(damn convoluted way to get a google hit for our beloved friend Paul K. Wickre)


Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Now if you follow the pope today in twitter you get some sins removed, I think is because Psul’s Love … thank you Psul … <3


ChipNASA: eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! indeedy!

I just keep thinking of Janis’s immortal words:

Oh, Lord, won’t you buy me
A Mercedes Benz
My friends all have Porsches
I must make amends
I worked hard all my life
With no help from my friends
Oh, Lord, won’t you buy me
A Mercedes Benz.

(giggles) That’s all!


I think we should all repair to Zebo’s after hours, where we can get cheeseburgers w/everything, pizza, adult beverages, play some pool, listen to a REAL jukebox, and tell our stories to the bartender.

It’s how life should be.


Ex-PH2: since we’re giving paeans to Psul, shouldn’t that be

“Oh Lord, wont you buy me
An Aston-Martin?
My Jags are all broken
I must make amends
I worked hard all my life but
Got canned by my friend
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me
An Aston-Martin.”


Being a devoted follower of Psul, I simply must add this paean.


@ 351BG


Now we know…know we know


If I have a son I will name him Psul if a daughter I shall name her Psulette I shall also create a shrine and show them how they should behave based on Psul and his heroic deeds.

I want to tattoo his face on my chest so I feel manly … Psul is love <3


Hondo, good job.


@183,any eateries by Wrigley field would be awesome. I haven’t been there since my brother-in-law took me to a Cubs game about a decade ago, but I remember the food was good, even if overpriced.

Phil Collins

In honor of my bestest pal Paul K. Wickre

There’s a fellow that’s been on my mind
All the time, Psu-Psu-Psulio, oh, oh
Now he don’t even know my name
But I think he likes me just the same, Psu-Psu-Psulio, oh, oh

Ah, if he called me I’d be there
I’d come running anywhere, he’s all I need, all my life
I feel so good if I just say the word
Psu-Psu-Psulio, just say the word, oh, Psu-Psu-Psulio

Now I know that I’m too young
My love has just begun, Psu-Psu-Psulio, oh, oh
Ooh, give me a chance, give me a sign
I’ll show him anytime, Psu-Psu-Psulio, oh, oh

Ah, I’ve just got to have him, have him now
I’ve got to get closer but I don’t know how
He makes me nervous and makes me scared
I feel so good if I just say the word, Psu-Psu-Psulio
Just say the word, oh, Psu-Psu-Psulio, oh

Ah, he’s all I need, all of my life
I feel so good if I just say the word, Psu-Psu-Psulio
I just say the word, oh, Psu-Psu-Psulio
I just say the word, oh, Psu-Psu-Psulio
I’ll say the word, oh, Psu-Psu-Psulio, oh, oh, oh


ChipNASA@165, you get the post of the day. Well done, my friend, well done.

May I add “He’s going to need a bigger spandex suit”?


Twist, Zebog’s exists only in my mind and in a book I wrote. Sorry.

Green Thumb

There seems to be a high number of poser bikers this year.

Elton John

Not to be outdone by my mate Phil

Here’s to you Psul

Goodbye Psulie boy
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you guffawed
They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your interwebs
They set you on the treadmill of fury
And they made you change your name to some weird Euro handle


And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a bottle of Thunderbird in a hobo nest
Never knowing who to cling to
When TAH set in
And I would have liked to have known you
But I was just kid
Your bottle of MD 20/20 emptied long ago
Your legend ever did

Unelmployment was tough
The toughest role you ever played
You helped Phil create a superstar
And pain was the price you paid
Even when you were fired
Oh Green Thumb still hounded you
All the blogs had to say
Was that Psul was found passed out in the nude

(repeat chorus)

Thank you…*wipes tear*…thank you


Wait — isn’t today “after Tuesday” day?

And we’re still here? Huh.


My mother taught me, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.” Here’s what I’ve got to say about Psul.


So, how about this heatwave we’re having?



And we’re still here? Huh.

Yep. Just like the Spartans at Thermopylae, but in that case, the Persians were a valid threat…


I’m just chalking his 48 hour threat up as another massive failure on Psul’s list of life long underacheiving.


Nik, the Persians had a god-king plus elephants.

Otherwise, yes — THIS IS T.A.H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Throws a bouquet of daisy fleabane into the humid, stuffy, 96-degree air.)

Wow. It’s Thursday, which is after Tuesday, and we’re STILL here. We’re still kicking. WE must be on Broadway. (Timecop)

Frankly Opinionated

“There seems to be a high number of poser bikers this year.”
Nah, Green Thumb, those type “clubs” are better known as “Motorcycle Enthusiasts” than as Bikers. The REAL Biker clubs, (Hell Angels, Banditos, Warlocks, etc.), don’t tolerate that crap and would not only pull the phony’s colors but would send them home walking.
These phonies are members of VSO type riding clubs, (i.e. Am Legion MC, USMV MC, NamVets MC, etc.) and we’ve seen here what the VSO non motorcycle groups do or fail to do when the phonies join their units.
One would think that the VSO’s would be tighter on these guys than the non-military related clubs.