Art Leal and PTS

| January 8, 2016

Art Leal1

According to Your Basin News, there’s a fellow by the name of Art Leal who is handing out these cards to business owners when he sees someone carrying a weapon openly in their establishment in Odessa, Texas;

Art Leal PTS Card

It says that Art is a combat veteran who suffers from PTS and that he won’t be back to the business to spend his pennies because the sight of a gun triggers his PTS. I’m sure that the business owners are relieved that he won’t be back in Art Leal’s case. See Art is a Democrat politician who clearly has an agenda – to pander to the anti-gun nuts. I’m guessing that there are a few of those in Texas.

I was going to do a FOIA on Art, but there’s really no justification for that. He claims that he was a tank mechanic on an M-88 tank-recovery vehicle in the 24th Division during Desert Storm and that he’s 30% disabled. It would surprise me if someone lied about that and then made the blatantly disingenuous claim that the sight of a handgun triggering the PTS. In the article, a therapist takes up for Art;

“The mental scars and the mental recognition people have from that traumatic event the battle field and can go on for years and years,” [Dr. Sudip Bose] said.

Those scars are the reason why Leal’s passes out small cards to businesses allowing open carry. He wants to remind them and gun owners he suffers from PTSD and open carry could be a trigger for him or others with the condition.

I dispute that. It seems to me that Leal is just being a Drama Queen. Yes, he’s a combat veteran, in a very remote sense, but using that for his own political purposes doesn’t help the rest of us when he uses it to be a big crybaby. These guys are as bad as vegans who use their dietary choices as the first topic of conversations with new acquaintances. I’m not a big advocate of “open carry”, but bed-wetting Art Leal and his phony microagression doesn’t do anything useful for anyone except advance his own name-recognition and not in a good way.

Art Leal2

ADDED: This triggers my rage;

Art Leal open carrying

This beret triggers my rage:

Art Leal beret

This triggers my rage;

Lail war story

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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I wonder if an IP check would show Florida? Sounds a little like SuRRpQUeeFer


You know I think you’re on to something there.


Naw, he’s too – well, coherent – almost.

fox adler

Boys !! It’s Not Cool to conduct Psychological Warfare on a Disabled Veteran ! I will be talking to you , Boys !!

A Proud Infidel®™

BRING IT, shit-for-brains!


So let me get this straight: you support someone who is a compulsive liar and a drama queen, a manipulative con artist aiming at public office?

Wow. That puts you right up there with – oh, let’s see – with the rest of the quislings. Enjoy it, FAT BOY.

fox adler

Well Boys conducting Psychological warfare against a Disabled Veteran ain’t Cool…I will be talking to you, Boys real soon. . . In Person…so when you hear a Knock at the door this coming week ? Is probably me with a pen and a Note Pad…Don’t you think that is funny…


Open invitation tough guy. Just watch out for the dog because he does bite and I’m not going to be in a hurry to dissuade him.

A Proud Infidel®™

BRING IT you snotnosed candyassed shit-for-brained booger-eating Swamp Donkey!!! The last one who said he was coming was none other than *SLUUUURRRP!*41 and he’s still blowing winks behind bus stops for T-bird money JUST LIKE YOU.

A Proud Infidel®™

*winos, not winks.


Please continue the threats. Only make them sound more serious. You, knocking on one our doors with a pen and note pad???? What are you up to Leal? Looking for more war stories to tell? Please DO show up at my door…..unannounced at any time of day or night. You will be graciously welcomed.


Maybe FAT BOY is looking for a bowl of jello and a spoon.

Dave Hardin

Can I be first for a change? I am always left out of the loop and never get to play with the other kids.

Besides, I am easiest to find anyway.


You’re always first with me, Dave Hardass. Always. And we’ll always have Saigon… or Bien Hoa.

Where the Hell was Tommy’s Place, anyway?

Dave Hardin

Ahhhh….stop saying that stuff right in front of Jonn, you know how he gets.

You are not going to try and serve and of the durian stuff are you? Got near it once and broke out in a run.

Dave Hardin

any…and…whatever works.


No. If you want fiber, eat raspberries and blackberries and cucumbers.

I only serve real food. Fruit, cheese, bread and wine.


My son will be waiting with his red Ryder.


Dullas? Is that you? I thought you got your keyboard taken away for drunk typing.


Real smart Assholer…..I’d LOVE to hear of just one who has suffered your grandiose claims. Don’t EVER forget this, Leal’s minion. If you were ever in a position to screw with anyone’s benefits, I swear to God to put your ass in prison. You can’t redact what you have already mouthed off on this site. Nobody cares that you might very well be Leal himself, which makes sense. That would lend itself to you being in a possible position to get into eBenefits. Try it PLEASE. Thor and Company are in need of some fresh meat. You’ll be it if there are changes to anything. That’s a PROMISE I will stake my life on. Too stupid to realize where to draw the line aren’t you?

fox adler

You heard the phrase Probable Cause ? Your ISP’s logs will enable the proper Authorities to determine which Customer was using a certain IP Address on a certain Date and Time, and they must reveal that INFO if a Court has found Probable Cause that a Crime was or has been committed by that Person(s). Be Careful Boys !! Don’t Play Too Hard !!


Well, it is Bernath. Howdy.


And that’s a big IF because if you show up at my house and my dog tears you a new one that’s your problem.


Hey, lookee, lookee here, LT!

Extortionate threats posted!

Perhaps we should meet you over at the observatory, FAT BOY.


So far, LEAL, you fat-assed cheesey asshole, YOU are the only one making threats, and YOUR THREATS are extortionate in nature.

Now go back to your closet and grow the fuck up.


Mr. Adler,
I for one agree 100%. I hope you get the I logs for all these MISCREANTS. If you do, I recommend you contact Mr. Dennis Howard Chevalier of Ft. Worth TX. Chevalier is an ex USAF pilot who is now a private detective and electronics/computer genius expert. He even has CPPPPPPP credentials and he is always willing to testify in court as an expert witness. He has developed a revolutionary technique called “geolocation” in which he uses the IP address to “geolocate” someone. This technique was invented in SWEADEN but Mr. Chevalier has the certificate that allows him to do it here in the USA. Best of luck. These DICKWEEDS think they are invincible!

Fox Adler

Thank you , Sir !


That was sarcasm dumb ass.

Hack Stone

Someone needs to update their Sarcasm Recognition Software. There is a vendor in Bethesda MD that will give it you free with every purchase of Red Hat.

disgruntled veteran



Oh, my God, is he STOOPID!!!


GDC….nice work brother. You sure know how to bait ’em. Tell us your secret, How in the world can you so QUICKLY assess the I Q of your quest? You some kinda psychic?


GDC….After looking over the time for posts, it occurred to me it only took your fish six minutes to look up the meaning of and use the word MISCREANTS. Guess he does not have spell check though.


GDC… the minnow a favor and recommend an attorney. Maybe one down in Florida?


A shrink would be a better choice.


I give all the credit to the master… The Master Chief Petty Officer NYC RET or whatever he is calling himself now. I have studied his every word for meaning and nuance. He has gravitas! He is my guru. Also that Dave Hardin guy, when he talks english.

Kinda old ET1

You are a funny one, you dickless wonder.
Bring the heat, yet I suspect you couldn’t even bring your own jock.
uou seem to Dislike the first amendment as much as your butt buddy dislikes the second.


Damned we are all shaking! Did not know we were talking to the big bad wolf. I’m sooooooooo scared!

fox adler

Mr. Leal has been Classified as a Disabled American Veteran !!


Prove it.

Old Trooper

So am I; so what?

Silentium Est Aureum

Certainly wasn’t combat related. Your point?


Never heard of a classification of: Disabled American Veteran.

In fact, I am most certain there is no such classification.

However, VA, DoL and other agencies have classifications based on service and other criteria.

Sounds like someone is just making shit up!


Me too; and?

Joe Napper

A Disabled Veteran is any veteran rated as disabled by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The rating ranges from 0% to 100%. The percentage goes in 10% blocks and determines how much you may be paid each month by the VA. For example, years of running in service or parachute junping could have you rated 10% disabled in each knee.


And you have been declared an imbecile. Boy, you’d be better off going back into your closet. If you had one brain cell and understood the depths and consequences of Probable Cause, you’d be going out of your way to disappear.

fox adler

Don’t you cry Jarhead…I’ll excuse you this time… lol Sissy Boy…Cryin’ so Loud I feel your pain and feel sorrow…Dang…I though I was dealing with Leather Skin kinda guys…I’m still in the Swamp ! Pussies …Crying Little Girls…shit !! Ashshfukers !


Who you calling pussies, FAT BOY?


Now you’re back to not even trying again.

A Proud Infidel®™

Flop-boy Assler, if I had to build an extreme idiot from scratch I would use you as a blueprint.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Butt monkey got his ass banned by Jonn… probably consoling Art right now in a jailhouse way.

I’m guessing there’s a shitload of pain coming Art’s way from local vets and the community.


Clean up in Juvie Court, please. Some city has lost a misbehaved 10 year old name fox adler. Yawnnn…

Fox Adler

You will see and feel… real soon…Unemployed MISCREANTS RATS..


Oh, WHO is unemployed?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that YOU’RE the one that’s unemployed. My bet is that you’re some sniveling slovenly social services leech that thinks it deserves $15 an hour minimum wage just because… I’m sure you have made your own Momma regret not having an abortion.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Felcher probably lives in his Mom’s basement and uses dial-up AOL for internet access… hangs with Art and helps out in the latest SJW meetings in the Midland/Odessa area.

Both are Che wannabe’s…


Ten job changes in 10 years, huh? (See below)

Seriously, WHO is unemployed????? Wanna try that again, tootsie?

Hack Stone

Paul, is that you? This is déjà vu all over again. Someone comes on the blog defending his friend (who is too much of a pussy to speak for himself); calls the commenters muscreants and threatens their income. Unless your buddy is actually paying you $40,000 a month, and not just promising you the money, you may want him to fight his own battles. So please tell us how many Jaguars you own, where your sperm falls on the lucky/unlucky scale, and whether your mailbox has a door.


O. K. Bub, your Blowing Smoke lamp is out. Here is how we solve this like men. Give your name, address, home phone number and correct email address to the Administrator of this site. His address and home phone number can be found at the top. As a Marine I give you my word Jonn will not publish it…now or ever. He does has that kind of integrity let me assure you. He can forward it to me personally, give me about an hour and a half to verify it and I personally will contact you. I will gladly give you my name, home address and home telephone number. Then you can verify with Jonn.
Fear not tough guy; you will NOT be threatened, not have to put up with any profanity, nor have any reason to avoid my contact. We can stop all this nonsense right now if you want to. Thank You.


I don’t think this guy’s made out of that kind of stuff Jarhead.


I think he’s using the free WiFi where he gets paid.


A short investigation reveals that Adler the Addlepated is (or was) butt buddies with Art Leal’s brother.

I’m thinking that he is worried that a disruption in the Leal family harmony will cut into his nightly Youngman Rodeo time there in Odessa.

Hey, Fox, time to invest a few bucks in a fefe.


Well, he does seem to have a thing for leather.


well….who doesn’t? awww yeaaaz

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Texas version of Coldiron…. loser in life and loves to hang out at the local gay bar/rump riding rodeo…


On Saturday? Try harder.


I finally realized where I’d heard Mr Adler speak before!








A-hee-ahee ha-hee!
A-hee-ahee ha-hee!
A-hee-ahee ha-hee!



He’s a furry!


On a coffee break for the past two and a half hours?

Whadda ya doin? Growing the bean tree from a seedling?

Oh, that’s right. You’re “self-employed.”


Yep, as I stated, Ole Fox is back because he has a ManCrush on me and just can’t let go…Clean up in Area 51, please. Some doomed planet outside our galaxy kicked out a brainless alien that goes by the handle adler….Yawn…this kid is sooooooo boring…..


Why haven’t we heard from PVT Leal? His foxy lady is starting to bore me…


Looks like more thesis material. Pitiful thing that it is, babbling and mumbling unintelligibly. Such a shame.

Who says that stolen valor is a victimless crime? They should read through this drivel.


Don’t you think they deserve a warning, first?


Nope, no warnings. The stolen valor deniers should be forced to read though this and a few other random threads. No potty breaks – just start reading and continue reading until ready to sign an oath to never again suggest that stolen valor is a victimless crime.


I suggest, if no potty breaks, fill ’em up with quickly metabolized liquids first, before they read anything. And lock the latrine doors.


The Army White Pages lists two veterans named Arthur Leal. There’s an Arthur Leal III who is listed as a PFC; there’s also an Arthur Jacob Leal who’s listed as a PV2.


Bill, a quick look at the 1987 Yearbook from Odessa High School reveals that a Arthur Leal III was indeed a member of the graduating senior class.

Looked at the senior picture. Age progression verifies it’s the same guy pictured here for this thread.


Hmm. Full name? Looks like it.
POB: likely have that.
Branch of service and approx dates of service? Check.

Getting close to what’s needed for a FOIA. Only thing left is DOB.


DOB probably some time in 1969.

My twin sons were members of the 1987 graduating class of Fountain-Fort Carson High School and were born in May of 69.


A quick genealogy check reveals that a Arthur Leal III was born to a now deceased Arthur Melvin Leal II in Texas.

Your discretion as to the use of Melvin as his middle name.

disgruntled veteran

Here’s the information I found, according to this page, seems to be a pretty close match to this page, He’s 46 yrs old so he was born in and around 1969.

disgruntled veteran

He lists his dates of service from 1987- 1991 on this page. His middle initial is L and he’s 46 years old. I believe this is him.

Joe Napper

All you need for a FOIA request is his name, branch of service, and approximate time of service. The National Personnel Records Center should be able to find the right record with that information.


Este maleton tiene su cabeza pegada a su culo.


Thank you, Shawn, for posting this.


Is Fox Adler really fat Art, the other whale in the DAV pic, or some other wannabe? Looks like Art ate tanks instead of repairing them.

And wtf is it with TX and embellishing service, and local VSOs defend them until the bitter end?


I thought we had it settled long ago that Tina Marie WAS a SCUD, and an incoming SCUD, to be precise.

Green Thumb

After this I do not believe he will be elected.

I imagine he will take his beret and crawl back in his hole.

And what is with guys wearing the beret after the fact (getting out)?

It becomes useless. Not that it was not useless before….

Maybe wear it in bed with some hookers or something, but out side of that, put it in the closet with your uniform and leave it there.

Green Thumb

Also, the VFW seems to be turning into the Veterans of Fake (or Fairies of) Wars.

Check this link out.

It is sliding….and I mean hard (no pun intended).


GT, Thanks. I did check the link and I’ll bet a dollar to a donut that guy (?) straddling the bar for the upcoming McMackin’s Birthday Bash is in reality Robert Danny Hay of Helena.

You remember Bobby, don’t ya? He of the shortest USMC career in history.(1 month 6 days in 1970)

We never did get a picture of his face, so I’m speculating that really is him in all his glory.

Helena to Missoula is only 115 miles, less than a two hour trip using I-90. So Bobby making the trip is no sweat and we now know what he does for a living. Male stripper for birthday bashes at VFW posts.

You now owe me a 5 gallon jug of brain bleach.

Green Thumb

I remember Bob “the Maggot” Hay well.

Every time I look in a public port-a-potty or toilet and see a leftover diluted pile of Phil Monkress, Bob “the Maggot” crosses my mind.

Turds of a feather sit in the toilet together.



GT owes me 5 gallons of brain bleach and a fifth of cheap whiskey.

Climb to Glory

What the fuck.


I just reported that page to both National VFW and the Department of Montana cause that is some bull shit.


Arthur Leal the Third. January 2016’s version of January 2015’s PV8 Moerk, the ARCOM queen.

450 comments in two days and the count is still rising.

You wanted your 15 minutes in the Blue Falcon spotlight? You got it, except that spotlight will shine forever upon you.

You did it, now own it. Sucks to be you.


Oh, I also see that Art has been fleshing out his profile page. Changed his MOS from 63E20 down to 63E10.

He also failed to let people know from his Professional section that he has changed jobs 10 different times in the past 10 years.

Yeah, that job changing info is on the interwebz when you do a search of his name.

Sounds like he’s looking for a home and decided to run for Mayor in an attempt to finally settle down.

Climb to Glory

As I suspected; he’s just a fucking shitbag.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Bernathian class shitbag….

Joe Napper

Rank at discharge from the Army reserve was Private First Class (E-3), not
Specialist (E-4).

A Proud Infidel®™

That alone says he stepped on his dick after screwing the poodle!


Well I do have some CONFIRMED news that we have a bit of outdated material before us. The Mayor’s race was two years ago. Of course “I Ain’t Eatin’ Cheese Grits Here No More With Them Gun Totin’ Cowboys Scaring Me” lost to the current Mayor. Next Mayoral election is still two years away.
Meanwhile, my guess is this story is just getting legs in that area. Stay tuned! When your elephant-size mouth overrides your ant size ass, “Somebody’s Got To Be Held Accountable For All These Youngun’s Here!”


Stumbled across this, linked from a FB post–can someone brief me on what, exactly, I’m tracking here? It’s pretty entertaining (at least, the back-and-forth string to which I’m now adding), and I’d like to be clear on what I’m laughing at…


All right then…So, Fox Adler has a FB profile. I worked it last night and maybe I’ll hear back from a retiree I know of from out that way. Adler wants to play hardball so step up to home plate, sonny boy. Batter up.

disgruntled veteran

LOL, this is the best! I get more laughs here than anywhere!


Hopefully, at some point all these social media folks running to rim Leal’s ass will realize that the fact that those pages are scrubbing and blocking legitimate folks from commenting, it is much more likely that he is indeed misrepresenting himself and has an agenda.


…I dunno, maybe they just like the taste of it.

Hack Stone

So, does he shit himself when Guns & Roses is played on the radio?


By now my contempt for this dickweed has run its course. Last comment from me is on the picture of him and some other beached whale standing with their rifles, representing the local DAV as such: “Honor Guard for dedication ceremony for Wilson-Young Medal of Honor Middle School. We are proud the DAV could be a part of such an important event.”. That was quote/unquote.

So here’s a sample of a new card being made for me as I write:
Sorry I had to leave the event. I saw two replacements for Subway’s Jarred holding deadly weapons at the event and could not determine their intentions.

I am a combat veteran with ALSD ( Art Leal Stress Disorder ). Being confronted with armed individuals in what should be a secure place is a major psychological trigger for me.
I will never be back.
And I’m going to tell Art on you.


On the bright side…sometimes it’s guys like this that make me keep up with my PT, even when I lack motivation….never want to look like that weak, fat bodied POS.

Thanks Art.

Paul Schmehl

Do a FOIA on him. I’ll bet he never saw combat and he’s lying about PTSD. His kind always does. US Navy 68-74