Breanna Manning faces 25 to 60 years today

| August 20, 2013

manning tears

The Washington Times reports that military judge, Colonel Denise Lind will decide to day whether she’ll accept the defense proposal that manning gets 25 years for his espionage activities against the united States, or the prosecution’s request for a 60-year sentence;

On Monday, prosecutors asked the judge for a 60-year sentence, arguing that Manning should spend most of the rest of his life in jail because the secrets he released put other Americans in danger and ended up costing the U.S. government money.

Manning’s defense attorneys see differently. They say he should have to serve only 25 years in prison because he didn’t mean to cause damage to the U.S. government but intended only to expose wrongdoings — like a whistleblower.

The defense said that Manning shouldn’t have to waste his “young life” in prison, but that’s going to happen anyway, isn’t it? But then, he’s got time getting cut from his sentence for being “tortured” at Quantico. So he’s got that going for him.

Category: Shitbags

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Joe don’t waste you or our time…100% is 100% troll asshole and isn’t worthy of our time or *IF* he served, our respect.


So, it is saying that our Zionist masters would be anyone other than Jews? And Jews cannot be Zionists? Or only non-Jews can be Zionists?

Does that also mean that if I were a Jew, lived exclusively with Jews, and were employed by Jews that none of us could be Zionists?

How, then, could anything I might say here be influenced by my “Zionist masters” if no Zionist had any influence upon my life?


Meh. Ole 1% isn’t worth everyone’s time.

He’s a proven racist.

He’s proven himself ignorant on the very basics of how the internet works.

He pretends to be standing up for gays, but chooses words like “fag” as an insult.

He’s likely lying about having served.

Short version: He’s a human shitstain that doesn’t deserve to be acknowledged.

The Al

@103- even shorter version- he’s a liberal

Joe Williams

Chip, we need to to call this different kind of POSer every time they come to TAH AND tell us how to think. Joe

Just an Old Dog

100%, Don’t play stupid, you know damn well the meaning behind the crap you posted. The terms “fag” and “zionist” are derogatory towards gays and Jews. Another tin-foil hat bigot trolling TAH and getting pissed because we aren’t the racist idiots you’d hope to make friends with.


100percentidiot called Obama a warmonger? Wow, what a maroon!

I don’t like Bodaprez for a variety of reasons, some of them his being an utter slacker, a dabbler, and a dilettante. But a warmonger?

Hey, stupid, what CrackerJacks box do you get your news from? Oh, wait — you’re a BEEEG FAN of Alex Jones, right?

A Proud Infidel

Hey 100% IDIOT, did you even make it to the sixth grade before you dropped out of school and started drawing welfare? OOOOHH, I bet you could beat me in ANY videogame that ever was, but in real life, forget it, you’re just an “Internet Rambo” who will never have the guts to show up anywhere face to face, we’ve repeatedly seen and dogpiled your type here time and time again. So go back to your bunk at the homeless shelter and leave their free internet room alone!!


@100% Fucked: Pay attention

Zionism (Hebrew: ???????, Tsiyonut; Arabic: ????????, ?ahyouniyyah) is a form of nationalism of Jews and Jewish culture that supports a Jewish nation state in the territory defined as the Land of Israel.[1] Zionism supports Jews upholding their Jewish identity, opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies and has advocated the return of Jews to Israel as a means for Jews to be a majority in their own nation, and to be liberated from antisemitic discrimination, exclusion, and persecution that had historically occurred in the diaspora



100%, Don’t play stupid

JAOD, I don’t think he’s playing.


Mr/Ms 100% re: “Bradley Manning is the #1 petitioned candidate for the Nobel peace Prize and he’s a favorite amongst the European community for nomination”

Barry Obama has a nobel for doing jack shit. Find a better case.