Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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A Proud Infidel

@990, Mr. C2, It’s a well-known fact that large, corpulent mammals prefer to hibernate during the winter!!


Hypothetical question:

If someone was in the reserves, could they be reactivated and courts-martialed?


If PH1 Sheppard & the RADM are in Sd, why not get them together? 😎


Master Chief, sent you a confirmation plus additional info on your inquiry, to pass on to said RADM.

Shep is indeed in SD. Standing by.

Green Thumb

Dude looks like one of those bobble-head dolls.

Maybe TAH should look into producing one for each poser.

Maybe try for APL funding…..



Great idea, but these f*ckwads would probably sue to get any profits, on grounds similar to those that the Phony Chief here will probably be suffering under shortly for appropriating the image of PH1 Shep.

Like a failed politician on the make, is more like it.


Only if he has a mushroom stamp on that bald head of his…I’ll buy a bobblehead then


MrBlue: entirely possible. Alternatively, he may have found the “navyphoto.org” domain set up by someone else and decided to use that as a placeholder for the not yet located (and perhaps nonexistent) website for the “US Naval Photography Association”.

In either case, I’m thinking deliberate misdirection vice error. His use of the NANP seal on his bio page leads me to believe me that he certainly knows their website’s true address.


Sparks. Even with the count down, the 1000 mark WAS all yours for the taking. BZ!

Off to the races. See you dickweeds later.


I’m just the cook. Just a lowly, lowly cook. 🙂


Ex-PH2: so was Heisenberg.

People found out the hard way that he could be somewhat . . . dangerous. (smile)


Is that in reference to the Heisenberg principal? Or to Walter White? Or both?


For anyone curious about the Heisenberg principle, it’s this:

Nothing has a definite position, a definite trajectory, or a definite momentum.

I’d say that definitely applies here. As does Walter White.


Ex-PH2: yes. Or more precisely, the individual who defined the uncertainty principle – as well as Walter White. (smile)


Ex-PH2@943, “Someone with your people skills should easily be able to find employment in the food service industry”. A great quote from a great movie, and a not so great sequel. Unfortunately, that advice is not applicable to William Derek Church.


@1012 – Hondo – I’m sure he knows full well where NANP is. Somewhere in this thread (I’m too lazy to look for it now) is a membership list from a few years ago that indicated he was a member at that time (although he’s not currently a member).


@1006 – clamsgotlegs – It is possible to recall a reservist to active duty to face court-martial. I believe the same is true for a military retiree. For someone like Bernath, though, who has received a complete discharge and has no current military status, I believe the military has lost jurisdiction.


Good morning to all. I believe, IMHO, Daniel A, Bernath (Google Hit) knew full well where the site with the photo he used was. I mean obviously that’s where he got the picture. But he is not stupid enough to directly link people to it so they could easily see the original. Thus as Hondo pointed out, a deliberate misdirection. I would like to know who does own the site he linked to other than some place in Queensland, AU. It is just so very convenient having it exist if you know what I mean. But that is neither here nor there. Maybe he got lucky on that one. Luck Daniel, is so short lived, isn’t it? The fact remains, Danial A. Bernath, you STOLE the photo of an honorable man and used it publicly for your benefit. We have seen some photo-shopping here before but this goes beyond the pale of decency. Especially for a lawyer and an officer of the court. He isn’t some numb nuts in Bumfuck, Egypt (apologies to all of those from Egypt for the association to Daniel A. Bernath) playing on his computer. He is a professional person of self professed means, who of ALL the posers we have witnessed knew full well what he was doing and its implications when he did it. Motive, premeditation and benefit from the act he has committed. I think any jury and judge would declare, “Guilty As Charged”. Bernath I know you are watching this thread from afar. Your world is coming down around your ankles. So while you’re bent over trying to pick it up, lube up and get ready. Smarter people that me are on to you and WILL NOT let this go. So if you are thinking of recanting and apologizing, those options, while possibly still open, will be at MUCH HIGHER levels than the usual poser. I’m talking ads in your local paper, The Oregonian and such. Others here have far grander demands for you to make amends. AND IT’S ALL JUST FOR YOU DANIEL! 😀 😀 Isn’t this all FUN for you… Read more »

Combat Historian

I was taken out by a gall bladder attack during most of yesterday; will probably have to have gall bladder surgery soon, so I missed all of the comments sice I posted early yesterday. Man, you guys and gals have all battle stations manned and in full general quarters on this one. nastypats is going to regret he ever came on here to try to defend his bullshit.

nastypants, you are a pathetic loser who steals other people’s valor and professional work. You are the lowest of the low. GFY!!!


@1023 Combat Historian, I’ve been there with the gall bladder attack and removal. Wasn’t fun at all. I do pray for all the best for you. Please keep us updated about how you are fairing. Take care brother.


Bernath is recovering from his protein overload at the local glory hole last nigh

Combat Historian

@1024: Thanks, Sparks, will do…

Dale Scherfling

The guy he stole was retired Navy PH1 John Sheppard. I have his email if yu want.

Green Thumb

Is the VFW moving on this or not?

they have wiped a few posts so part of me thinks they are pulling the same stunt as Phildo’s MC.


@1024 Sparks

Get better man. I had my first ever colonoscopy yesterday. Both Docs were Indian and talking in their native language to each other the whole time.

I’m still trying to find my happy place.


@1028 I have had several colonoscopies. My gastro doc is Thai. Can’t understand most of what he says but he gives me enough drugs so I never feel any discomfort. Yea it’s a somewhat “exposing” experience isn’t it? My wife of course pulled out the oldest colonoscopy joke in the book. “Hey doctor, look for his head when you’re in there.”


@1023: Things appear to be well in hand here. Just get a glass of water, settle back, and catch up. Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath’s life is getting worse and worse.


@1027 – Dale Scherfling, I go WAY back with Shep. I’ve been sending him (and getting) daily e-mails. I sent Shep’s info to the blog admin.

Also, my peeps, I sent a request off to The Hair, Senior Chief Shipley, to put the word out to SEALs in SD about Shep, to maybe (call first and) pay him a visit, and he is passing it on.

You see what’s going on here, bernastypants?

All the people in the world are showing up to support an honorable man who sure as hell doesn’t deserve what you tried to do to him.

You, on the other hand, will go down in the books as a greedy, self-serving, self-centered, dickless splink who not only stole from his own clients, but also from two dying men. You have no one but yourself to blame for this. And when you’re gone, you will fade away like snow in the noonday sun.


What’s a splink, Ex?

A Proud Infidel

Hey Daniel A. Bernath the FAKE CPO, you ought to warn other posers that the crowd on this blog are people YOU DO NOT WANT TO MESS WITH, but hey, you’re obviously too stupid to acknowledge that!


ExHack, a splink is one of those grungy, useless things like cobwebs that stick to the bottom of something you put into storage. You go to retrieve the item from storage, maybe in the gardening shed, and find that there is some unidentifiable, but obnoxious and maybe gritty, stuff clinging to the item you really want. So you brush it off and it blows away in the wind. Or you hose it off and it disappears in the grass. Or if it moves, you stomp on it.

I just think calling birdbath bernutsky a shitstick is an insult to shit, that’s all.


Copy, Ex.

‘Chode sweat’ works in Phony Chief Bernath’s case as well.


“splink” could translate to “lower than whale shit” but, I know nothing about oceans except, ships float on ’em and fish of all sizes swim in ’em too.

Frankly Opinionated

I just tried once again to call Atty. Bernasty Crotch. Yesterday the calls went to his answering thingy.
Today: Kaching! “The person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time.”
He is aware that the feces is in the fan.
And I so wanted to do as he asked and give him a call.


Maybe I should call him! Offer him my broom,mop,shovel and bucket! How about it, Danny “BOI”?


FranklyO, he’s probably preparing a massive billion-dollar lawersuit against TAH and all the perps that therein reside.

Either that, or he knows he’s been found out and doesn’t like it.

He can’t exactly ‘get’ anyone for barfing on his character, for a couple of reasons:

A – Everything that’s wrong with him is in public records. That’s simply collected here, in one place.

B – He has NO character.


O-4E, trust me when I say those Indian doctors were talking about farts and not much else.



Have we directed media yet?

We need Pac NW TAH to send and or direct call all media in Portland to look at this sto
An exclusive is best … But if everyone is telling story … Equally goooood!

I do not have b and width to do all on media. If ev everyone chips in. We can have media beating down on him like crack whores claiming first time only!



Kid: 1st Place 3rd Division Under 8 GS

BLUF: Close your eyes, crazy shit fast fearless kids on skis!


@1042 Master Chief. If you see the posts from yesterday, I emailed the Portland Oregon paper of record, The Oregonian. I also sent same to two TV station’s local news reporters and producers. Hope we hear something from it.


He is not going to sue.

Think about the witnesses he might have to call:

ME and ALL my unresolved childhood issues – KMRIA!
EX-PH2 and the cat!
Jonn – Oh shit!
PH1 Shep – or his representative!
MCPON – all living will show up!
Every living CPO in the free world!
TAH – all within comuting distance or those who would gladly fly in to see the judge shove it directly up his CHT OVRBD VLV!

Green Thumb


Yeah, that what I have run across.

This turd is pulling a major Phildo and avoiding calls. (Hey, turd and Phildo in the same sentence? Coincidence?)


Yay! Then the splink has gone into hiding and may not surface, unless his tunnel fills up with water. 🙂

OH, Shep’s representative would be Mrs. Shep. He won’t want to mess with her.


Give my congrats to The Skier 3rd Div 1st Placer!!


Well, he did promise to be off on a cruise. Actually, I was hoping that at least that claim would be true, and that he would be far enough out to sea to be discouraged from doing the whole internet thingy.

Frankly Opinionated

RE#1049 OWB: Cruise my ass. His phone was taking calls in the message box yesterday, but today was not accepting calls. He is in touch, no matter where he is. He knows that he has been found out, and is most likely shaking in his boots, or contacting Paul K Wickre for an good real estate lawer to write a letter for him, or contacting a certain Pukey Purple Suited Heavy Drop Test Dummy, to come here and run cover for him.
He doesn’t have the class that it would take to accept responsibility for his actions and do the right thing.
He may fake falling off a cruise ship, and come back in the paperwork personage of one of his Social Security clients.


Or he might be traveling a cheap car (the plot thickens, so bear with me) all over the freaking place trying to track down the bitch who outed him, looking for the bitch in all the wrong places, so that he can pull a flaming wickre in public, maybe at the local Walmart Superstore.

Unfortunately, most of the country from the Rockies eastward to the Atlantic are under a storm watch from now until – what, maybe Twensday? – and he might get caught in a 40-truck pileup of semitrucks w/trailers on one of the interstates.

All this, because bernutsky the splink & codpiece clamp has spent his entire life ‘as a troublemaker’ (his words), a liar, and a thief.

How’s that?

You really CAN’T make this stuff up. I can see it now, on HBO: The Mean and Nasty Lawer Meets His Nemesis, who is one- third his size, and gets his arches stomped because he has no dick.

Green Thumb

This maggot should have just come clean and let it go.

Oh, how a rolling turd gathers no moss….


@ #1050: Well, even the most pathological of liars accidently tells the truth on rare occasions. Guess I just hoped that this was the one time it happened in his delusional world.

(OK, no, I didn’t really think it had happened this time either. But, sooner or later, when he least expects it, he will get caught telling the truth about something.)


Some folks just don’t know when to stop digging. Buttblast needs to come correct, before he tries something REALLY stupid.

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