Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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Well, you may have noticed that we also outrank HIM! Now, if you want to include the civilian side of things, it gets even more interesting. Teehee.

Did I mention that several of my best friends are lawyers?

And I’m betting that my flight school exam scores were much better than his, too.


Jonn and folks here. I sent the following email to Susan Gage, Director of Local News for The Oregonian. The newspaper of record for Portland and greater Oregon. Susan Gage, Director of Local News Re: Help In Exposing The Truth About Daniel A. Bernath, Oregon Attorney Ms. Gage, There is a local attorney, Daniel A. Bernath who has come to quite some attention. He has claimed military honors to which he is not entitled. I will provide you with links below to two web site. One is called “This Ain’t Hell-But You Can See It From Here” or simply, TAH and the other is the Tualatin VFW Post 3452. The TAH web site is owned and administered by veterans of the US military. They have taken it upon themselves to guard the valor of true veterans. Especially those who have given their lives for our country and cannot speak for themselves. The information you will find at the web site, regarding Mr. Bernath, is not conjecture but indeed, facts which have been verified. None of the references in this email are new or original to me. They can all be read by the public at the TAH and VFW web sites. The TAH web site is given information about people who claim what we call “Stolen Valor”. The attorney I mentioned is the subject of a long thread of commentary. He photo-shopped his head onto the the picture of another Navy veteran. A man of honor who is currently 70 years old and retired from the Navy, having served 5 tours in Vietnam as a wartime combat cameraman and photographer. He is currently in very poor health. He also photo-shopped and poorly I might add, rank he did not attain. TAH is not about exposing fraud as much as it is about guarding the true valor of those who served. As well as honoring current and past military members. Unfortunately, the exposure of Stolen Valor takes up much of the site commentary because of the sheer number of people who claim false military credentials of all sorts. Mr. Bernath commented… Read more »


@OWB ya but did those several friends go to Oxford and have the shoes to prove it. Live in a big house on the Ocean in the middle of Oregon. I think not. Who would you rather have fly over your house? You or him? That thought will send a shiver down anyones spine.


An inquiry has been sent to the NANP Board of Directors regarding the following:

1. whether they have a process to declare anyone an “Honorary Chief Petty Officer”, and
2. if so, whether they have ever granted that honor to anyone named “Daniel A. Bernath”.

To be precise, Bernath claims to have received this honor from the “US Naval Photography Association” vice NANP. I can find no information on such an organization. I therefore also asked the NANP Board of Directors if they knew of any such organization named “US Naval Photography Association.”

Further: the domain for the “US Naval Photography Organization” that Bernath links on his VFW Post 3452 bio page (which I’ve printed to PDF and saved) is somewhat . . . interesting. It seems to be registered to a “Privacy Protection Service INC d/b/a PrivacyProtect.org” – in Nobby Beach, Queensland, Australia.

Somehow, that just doesn’t exactly strike me as the way a US-based veteran’s professional association would handle its website.

I swear, if I didn’t know better I’d begin to wonder if that organization (the “US Naval Photography Association”) is legit – or even really exists.


@929: I said that last night, silly, and you concurred by way of reply!

Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, if you ever really were a TSO (which Master Chief says you were not), you should be very afraid of these familiar words:


All your prohibited items are now being found. And unlike the Tee Ess Ayy, we’ve got elbow length rubber gloves for a cavity search.


Serious note to the room: I wonder if the media in Shep’s home city (a very large, military town) would be interested in this story. After all, it’s a retired resident of that city who was victimized. The media there might make a story out of Shep himself, as well as the Phony Chief. I have a few political froends there who might be able to refer me to media contacts. Thoughts?

And Ex: is Shep’s address still the one in that roster someone linked to above? I’ll pick him up a birthday card today.

Mr. Blue

#958- why do I get the strange feeling that the “US Naval Photography Organization” consist entirely of one Daniel A. Bernath?


@958 Hondo when I was looking for photos I went to that site. Lots of link choices that go nowhere and nothing but ads. I said this, whatever it is, is not a US Naval Association of anything site. Now maybe it’s some outfit holding onto the domain name in hopes of a sale someday. But they usually don’t populate a web site just to hold the name. Truly though, it is as phony as Bernath’s photo. For what HE purports it to be. He is holding it out as a link to a reference for his claim.

But in a big way it helped (us) and hurt (him). It was my Google search of this site which Daniel himself listed with the VFW, that lead me, 5 links down, to the real photo.

So thanks, Daniel A. Bernath for providing the link which led to the picture you ripped off from an honorable Navy veteran.


Hondo: if Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath would steal a sick man’s photos and his own image, and fake a letter from a dead Navy Captain, is there any doubt that he’d make up an organization from whole cloth to keep rocking the lies?


ExHack: not in my mind.

However, it’s always good to have some evidence backing a “gut feel”. And with a little digging such evidence often available. (smile)

— break —

Sparks: yeah, it looks like (in the words of Paul “Fitzy” Fitzgerald) Bernath “went an f****d himself” with that one. (smile)


Sparks. You are not only a modern day Sherlock Holmes, you are a new age Shakesperian marvel. Nice work.


@962: Sparks, Karma metes out justice so regularly because she usually gets lots of help from the f*ckwads she smites.

Hubris is always followed by Nemesis, Phony Chief Bernath. Learn this old saying well.

Blue Falcon Supreme.


@965 Thanks Master Chief. Trying to do my part. Being relatively new to TAH, I see that you guys have done all the heavy lifting over the years. For that I am very grateful. Your comment though, coming from you, is an honor. So are all the comments posted about me by others. I hold all of my TAH brother and sister veterans in great esteem.

So Daniel A. Bernath, GFY!!! But you may not have to because it seems you ALREADY have. Unless it was just so much fun the first few times.


Lady Karma may not be the one who’s visit he should fear, ExHack. Based on what this guy’s done, IMO there’s a good chance there might be a personal visit from Shiva and Kali in his future – metaphorically speaking, of course.

Or in words from another of the world’s religions: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”


@964: totally agree. Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath has proven there are no levels to which he won’t sink, and that his natural milieu is the sludge bottoming a sewer pipe, a rich stew of excrement for him to wallow in and feast upon. But having the goods makes it easy for the media. (shut eating grin back at you :-))

Noose is tightening, Phony Chief. Anything you want to say to the room today?


Can some one an attack toward TV news. My son is ski racing this weekend. I am BlackBerry thumbs only for next 72.

My sweet present to Danny Boy was launched earlier today.

The VFW was just an appetizer compared to sweet present.


ExHack: yeah, having documentation is good. That’s why I also printed the registration information page for “navyphoto.org” to PDF as well. (smile)

Frankly Opinionated

Sheesh! I stay off this thread for a day and a half, doing other things, and all hell breaks loose. Way to go Y’all. I love it when a Poser gets a swirly. I will give him a call as soon as my “anonymous” phone gets charged up, (I don’t want him blowing up my business phone or my personal phone.).

3/17 air cav

MCPO……..KGW TV in Portland Oregon is one of the better local stations. There phone number for news tips is 1-503-226-5000. They also have a Facebook page. Don’t know if this helps, but it could be a starting point.


I sent, basically the same email, to Ian Parker, Reporter and Producer at KATU television, Portland.

He has a reputation for covering the military community and their concerns. We’ll see what comes of it.


I sent the same info to KGW television Portland. Couldn’t find a link to individual reporters so I used the Contact option and chose News Tips. That’s three media outlets in the Portland area so hopefully something will come of it.

Frankly Opinionated

As we might expect, Daniel Bernath, atty for Paul K. Wickre et al, is not answering his phone. I used the number supplied by him above, in my effort to “send him some love”. 503.367.4204


You a very bad boy, ExHack. You are burning daylight.*cackle*


Y’all’s dedication to outing this phoney and protecting the true owner of the picture that was stolen is why so many people pretend to be you. You guys are truly someone to look up to and admire. It shows what the term “Brother’s in Arms” really means and makes me damn proud to be able to share the same website with y’all.

In another bit of “news” about a fellow former Brother in Arms, my Father just got out of surgery and everything went fine. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes.

Hondo – I did end up asking the CINC-ALL for some help. It looks like it worked. Thank you!

Jonn – I’ve got my “spam selfie” all ready to go, should I just use the contact us link?

Didn’t mean to derail the thread I just had an amazing moment of gratitude for all y’all that truly brought me a few tears.


ExHack, as far as I know that address is current.

And thank you for doing that.


Hondo, on the VFW bio page, he has the seal for the NANP, creating an impression between the organization and his “honorary” award. It’s possible that he “forgot” the name and URL of the organization that gave him the award, and what was put in was what he thought the name was.

He also has a very prominent picture of Navy Air Crew wings on his VFW bio, which, according to his FOIA paperwork, he didn’t earn. Conveniently, PH1(AC) Shepard was.


@978 Valkyrie, I am so glad to hear your father is doing well!!! Thank you for sharing that with us. You, he and the rest of the family will continue to be in my prayers for a speedy and easy recovery.


YOU! Daniel A. Bernath! Come here sonnyboy!
I so enjoy being a broom n mop plumber.


Who da fuck is this asshat, Bernath? HM?

Bruce F. Moore
2097 Allison Ct
Middleburg, FL 32068
bfmoore [at] concentric.net


You PH’s….found this while I was out plumbing the ‘net. Enjoy!



That navyphoto.org is a veritable cesspool of nothingness, by the way. Its “parked”, that’d be all…


@977: What? Moi? I’ve really done nothing substantive, ‘sweeper, but act as cheerleader for Master Chief, Ex-PH2, Sparky, Hondo and others. And of course do my part to help Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath hit the top of the GOOOOOOOGLE search.

@978: Val, glad to hear 🙂 Loves ya.

@979: Truly my pleasure, Ex. He sounds like a great guy on hard times. All part of “making him whole again,” as the lawyers would say.


@972: Hey Frankie: been lots of talk (from me, Ex-PH2 and others) about Karma about to repay Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath. You and a certain pup aren’t planning any trips to PDX in the near future, are ya? Bwahahahahahaha.


Valkyrie: great to hear that your dad’s surgery went well. That is indeed good news.

CINC-ALL often works in ways we don’t understand. But it’s been my experience He also listens, and never asks of us more than we can handle.

— break —

Bobo: if he’s using the NANP seal but not linking to their website, IMO he’s either a blithering idiot too stupid to use Google or is trying to mislead/misdirect.

I don’t think Danny-boi here is a blithering idoot. Tool, fool, jackass, and mendacious low-life bottom-feeding slimeball? Yeah; IMO he is all of those. But IMO he’s quite smart enough to use Google to find the correct link for NANP.

Feel free to draw your own conclusions, and YMMV.

Frankly Opinionated

@#985 Ex-Hack:
I think that the “Karma” that he is going to experience will leave much deeper marks than my Karma. She may bite on the ass, but he is about to be bitten in his wallet, and his oversized, falsely assumed ego.
His ass is ours, we’ve used it, and are nearly done with it.
I would, however, plan a trip to the hills of North Carolina if William Derek Church doesn’t show himself before spring. As my warrior mentor Sun Tzu would say: “Revenge is a meal best served cold.”


In all the piling on we’ve been doing, I missed @883, the second message from PH1 Sheppard.

Sir, you have nothing you need to qualify. You have never claimed you were a SEAL, unlike the many guest stars of YouTube Channel Buds131, home of Don and Diane Shipley, and The Hair. But no doubt, those men appreciated your chronicling their deeds, taking the dangers right alongside them.

Again, and none of us can say this enough – thank you for everything you have done for all of us, and claim honestly and humbly. If any good comes from this, it is that a real American hero’s life story is being shared with Americans who appreciate it. We honor your service Sir.



US Navy Rear Admiral (Ret.) out of Coronado has a portion of pain for Bernath. You see he served in ST-1. The moment he makes nexus between the good Shep and the bad Danny Boy … Well let’s put it this way … Danny Boy is going wish he was a Boatswains Mate rather than Photographers Mate.

Oh … one little detail I forgot to mention … I witneesed this RADM receive status of HONORARY CPO. Signed by the same MCPON who condemned Bernath in the posts above.


Danny Boy … Getting the picture yet?

Don’t worry, when I am done with you, you will know exactly who I am!

It is only fair … Because I know EVERYTHING about you.

Feeling Lucky … Punk!


Bernath needs to take his cheap little website down. Damage is so bad, I can’t imagine he is going to come to any site playing tough guy again.

As for Derek William Church, Frank…I think that guy is going to be in hibernation till next winter time hoping this all has boiled over. I suspect that is him Topix playing tough guy though.


Master Chief … you think your RADM would be interested in doing media appearances? I am reaching out to friends of mine in SAN who deal with the media there, to see if they have personal relationships with any reporters in that city who might be interested in the local angle.


He may very well. If he draws a nexus that he feels needs action. Let’s see.


OK. I think getting the San Diego media involved is yet another angle to pursue to help expose Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, considering the victim involved. Another city Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath will never again be welcome in. I’m seeing to getting media contacts. No promises, but working the angle I can.


Is Shep in SD? If so the RADM knows everyone! And media knows him!












Daniel A. Bernath…You hit one thousand!!!

A Proud Infidel

HEY, VAL, glad to hear the good news, I put a word in to the CINC-ALL as well!
@Frankie, Yeah, but I once read somewhere that “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” was an old Sicilian Proverb, just sayin’, I read it in an old George Hayduke book.


Sorry guys for stepping on it that way. I just couldn’t resist. Apologies offered all around.

A Proud Infidel

AAAWWWW. CRAAAAP!!! Missed it by ONE!! Oh well, time for another *BUUUUURRRP!* (Exxweeze me!)BEER!


@1003 LMAO Beer time.

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