Local head of POW/MIA under fire
Les Brown
One of our ninjas sends us a news story from Elko, Nevada about valor thief Les Brown, and how he’s in full denial about the accusations and evidence that came to light on these pages. From the article:
ELKO – A U.S. Army veteran who started a local POW/MIA group 15 years ago is at war again, this time with “stolen valor” groups claiming he falsified his credentials.
Two online valor forums are posting allegations against Les Brown, commander of the POW*MIA Elko Awareness Association. The blogs put out by valorguardians.com and militaryphony.com claim Brown does not hold status as a master sergeant, was discharged rather than retired from service, and that he falsely wears the Combat Infantry Badge and Special Forces Insignia on his POW/MIA vest.
They also claim that there is no documentation to support Brown’s Desert Storm veteran status.
“Two days after I got home from Washington, D.C., I got a phone call from my police chief that an individual charged me with plagiarism and abuse of powers due to an article that was written in the Elko Daily Free Press,” Brown said at a meeting held Wednesday evening at Elko City Hall.
He was referring to a June 15 “Local Inspirations” feature that described his efforts to bring back forgotten soldiers and his community service involvement.
Brown works for the City of Carlin. Accusers began emailing Brown’s supervisor, the Elko Daily Free Press and several other people on July 19 claiming that Brown is guilty of “stolen valor.”
“This guy … has created a bunch of problems,” Brown said, laying down military credentials that he said refuted the claims. “He also says I did not serve in Desert Storm. Here is the DD214 right here that says I did and he also says that I don’t have a retired I.D. card and I didn’t retire as a master sergeant.”
“Les Brown committed a felony,” said the administrator at militaryphony.com in an email that was sent to the Elko Daily Free Press. “I am talking about donations that Brown has solicited while misrepresenting himself. Wearing an unearned Combat Infantryman Badge is a felony violation of the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 — especially if it was leveraged to raise money.”
“These hack websites are going after our vests,” Brown said. “They went after ‘River Rat’ in May for stuff that he was wearing on his vest. They talk about things we wear on our vests that we didn’t earn. Well, we all wear something on our vests that we didn’t earn.”
Brown pointed to a vest his granddaughter wore that has Marine Corps stripes on it to represent a program the group started for children.
Nice deflection, dragging a child into this. Speaks volumes about his character.
I’m not about to claim being an expert at reading DD-214s, but it seems to me he left as an E-4 with no awards that go along with becoming Special Ops (Parachute Wings, Dive Bubble), no CIB, and “..in support of Desert Storm.” is pretty vague. Also no awards FOR Desert Storm, either.
Hat tip to our ninja for the link. Read the rest of the article, including mention of one of our own, here: Elko Daily
Well, it’s good that Lester Kent Brown didn’t ever wear that vest.
Yeah, it was just a made up vest for his granddaughter to wear.
Not like Lester Kent Brown would wear a vest with Master Parachutist Badge, A Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Sergeant First Class rank insignia, a Ranger Tab…
No, just made up bling for his granddaughter.
(The picture on right from 2014, is available on the Association Facebook site)
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Army, Dick Stepping, Guest Link, Stolen Valor Act, Valor Vultures
I think other media outlets in Elko should be alerted to the Les Brown saga.
Yeah, I think good ol’ Lester has the Elko Daily Free Press in his pocket.
I take it that Elko doesn’t have that many veterans so Les stepped in to fill the void.
Paging Andy Kravetz…Paging Andy Kravetz
Please pickup the TAH courtesy phone.
Not much in the way of media outlets – the local NBC affiliate lost its agreement. Broadcast media is out of Salt Lake City.
The Elko Daily Free Press is the only game in town (Elko Independent is an online news source). Some radio in the area.
Elko, NV’s population is primarily of the LDS faith because they are so close to Salt Lake City. There are three LDS temples in Elko. Most I encountered while working in Utah were nice people but they stick together and protect each other against non-believers when caught or exposed. So no wonder the local media is covering for him, the same as they would for any other criminal. What happens to Brown will depend on his status in the church and relationship with the Bishop.
I would think that the local LDS community would take a dim view of Les and his embellishment, but your right about his status in the church and relationship to the bishop.
Maybe it’s time to get people at the state level looking at Les and the other members of the Elko POW-MIA Awareness Association?
This is starting to remind me of “Harvest Home” with Les playing the role of Worthy.
Just replace the word corn with “vest”.
I done did that early on. No response even though I mentioned they probably work with this phony for events. A response from the County Prosecuting Attorney’s generic e-mail was she was referring the matter for review. Not holding my breath. People in those parts are like our cats, they prefer to cover up their droppings so the smell goes away.
You’re confusing LDS “temples” with “chapels”. Elko has 3 chapels, no temples.
I Googled Temples and three came up. None have e-mail. I will not dispute their name, not my lane. However, when they built a beautiful house of worship outside the Dugway Proving Ground main gate it was called a Temple. I attended a memorial service there and when Senator Hatch mentioned I was in the house, all looked skyward waiting for the ceiling to fall in.
Interesting. The Mormon faithful can’t even get into the temple without a recommendation from the bishop, involving an interview process that’s more intrusive than a TS clearance.
Of further interest, the only two LDS “Temples” there are in Nevada are in Las Vegas and Reno. Any other places of worship are called Ward/Stake Churches/Chapels or Bishop’s Quarters.
Yes, the “temples” are very large structures. I doubt Elko even has one. Their regular churches are called “wards” for the area they serve. I once lived in Utah, so I know quite a bit about the LDS church.
Someone’s gonna be all butt hurt when they se that
I keep having this vision of the dodos from Ice Age II chanting “Doom on you! Doom on you!”
That was the best use I have seen of that clip. Real, you did yourself real-ly proud. Congrats. Let’s see what ol’ PhoeniXXX has to say about that.
OK I was out yesterday and this is my “Monday” as it were….
That’s the funniest got-damn thing I’ve seen in a long, LONG time.
Good Joe, DAMN Good Joe.
(obscure tag line)
Thanks. It seems appropriate for someone that doubles-down on the lie, when the comments go over 500 and there is an ongoing saga.
Perhaps this could be a trend for cases that meet all these criteria in the future.
I just don’t want my ego writin’ checks that my body can’t case – otherwise, I would be similar to Les Brown.
Amazing to me (ok, I ain’t that smart…)that posers think they can challenge the wealth of knowledge and information the followers of TAH and Military Phonies have. This shit did not just pop up out of nowhere. A demand was created, and the beast kept feeding itself. Let “Les is more” be an example.
Don’t understand it.
Don’t understand it.
Don’t understand it.
God speed to all who are serving.
Let’s not forget why we are here.
(Searching for closest mirror…)
Let’s not forget why I am here.
b out
I know that I am not totally worthless.
I can always serve as a bad influence.
Enough evidence gathered for a re-deployment of the Trifecta yet? Asking for a friend. Anybody got any itch relief powder? Asking for my trigger finger.
BTW…The POS is the biggest POS of all the POses that we’ve seen in awhile. Hiding behind the skirts of his girlfriend wanna be reporter…meh. Hiding behind his sockpuppets while they get repelled…meh. Hiding behind an innocent child…RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!!!!!
Wait a bit on that, 5th/77th. Gut feeling that there is more to come.
Yes dear. Patience is one of the virtues I lost custody of in my final divorce.
Standing by with lanyards pulled snug.
Let’s wait and see what Ex-PH2 has to say. Take a deep breath, and keep that booger hook in neutral.
b out
“Gut feeling” but I have no inside info, any more than anyone else has.
It ain’t over ’til it’s over. And if you remember the long-winded nonsense that went on with some bad, embezzling lawer from CA/OR/FL, it ended badly for him.
Just restock the popcorn supply and hang in there.
Michael Yon may appear at any moment to decry “stolen valor” site’s harassment of POSers…
Making fun of that ass rat would be fun…
He’s too concerned with what’s happening over in Hong Kong right now…
I thought he was hiding out in Thailand…he is disguised as a slicky boy
Maybe we could end up hearing from that bunny fart of a wannabe Rodeo Queen as well?
Look, I know I said I was going to go back to lurking, but I can’t help it this time. This odd “circling of the wagons” is just… well, odd.
The language in their response was strangely defensive and sounds an awful lot like birds of a feather fearing the same peek into their own vest-oriented or public claims vs. actual military records.
I wonder what would happen if someone went to one of those meetings, as they have suggested, and examined this magic paperwork that supposedly explains everything? And why make someone have to attend a meeting to get it? Les had no problem plunking down his E4 paperwork as proof to the newspaper. Why not plunk down the rest so it can all be put to rest?
It’s a deflection tactic, as we all know. At issue more than anything else is Les claiming he was a retired E8 MSG. I just wonder if they would pony up said documents for people to view at a meeting, or would they would conveniently find a reason the documents would not be available? I suspect the latter would be the case.
Either that, or Les is spending a shit load of money furiously ordering fake online certificates to bolster his claims and needs time for them to arrive in the mail.
Chase, you are astute. See my post about members of a particular church above. I experienced this first-hand for over 5 years. They do not care about incompetence or matters such as this as long as they pay their tithing and do not drink alcohol in public (also coffee, tea, or other caffeine products).
did someone drop something?
“They talk about things we wear on our vests that we didn’t earn.”
That pretty much sums it up.
From the Elko POW-MIA Awareness Association Facebook Page (from a “John Rowe,” a person wearing the insignia of a Lieutenant in the Carlin Police Department in his Facebook public photographs):
As far as the vests are concerned, I have one that has numerous items of branch and rank that I wear proudly in support of what I’m displaying! I am not a veteran, …
Well, that about wraps it up.
Join the EPOWMIAAA and pin on anything you want. Hell, give yourself the Nobel Peace Prize.
With that logic, Cynthia Delaney, writer for the Elko Daily, can proudly claim that she is a winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and the Apex Award. You know “in honor of” journalists who actually won such awards.
So I guess anyone can start a police awareness association and wear badges, uniforms and drive really cool Crown Victoria police cars with sirens and lights. As long as they do it to honor real LEO’s.
Screw the Harleys. We want Crown Vics.
So, I suppose if a few of us show up in full Carlin police uniforms & equipment and start handing out commemorative parking and speeding tickets in Carlin, that will be OK with the Carlin PD cuz we are just honoring their service to the community and creating “awareness.” Anyone think that would be a defense to a charge of impersonating a police officer?
As far as these dipshits pinning anything they want on their vests, they certainly have the ability to do that, but not without our concurrent right to call them out when they couple it was a pack of stolen valor lies about their military service. They all seem to overlook the fact this man shows up at public parades (likely Veterans day ones) wearing a full U.S. Army BDU uniform wearing MSG rank, a CIB, master jump wings, and a 75th Ranger Regt. scroll as a combat patch. He has apparently been doing it since about 1999.
Good points.
I think the entire – “we have our own set of rules and pin anything we want on our vests” – is merely a quick adaptation philosophy to getting caught red-handed. They probably realize it is weak and silly, but it was the best go to excuse to avoid a charge of Stolen Valor.
Heck, I’d bet you’d find it now written in their by-laws with wet ink.
Yes, but that flimsy excuse does NOT apply to the 2 Desert Storm Veteran patches on his vest, front and back, with the 3 (unearned) medals that say he was in the DESERT SAND of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or Kuwait. Combined with the “combat” talk in the newspaper and at a dead Iraq Veterans annual memorial service, he’s totally guilty of of STOLEN VALOR.
As far as these dipshits pinning anything they want on their vests, they certainly have the ability to do that, but not without our concurrent right to call them out when they couple it with a pack of stolen valor lies about their military service.”
I remember a comment on another Stolen Valor page when someone defended wearing a uniform (with awards and decorations) as a costume, you know, like for Halloween, not to be taken seriously.
[I’ve got a picture of my oldest son at age five or so, wearing kid sized fatigues with the “uniform” fitted out like mine, including a red 7th SF Group flash on his kid sized Green Beret.]
And the response was: “It is perfectly acceptable to wear a military uniform, even with awards and decorations, as an interesting costume at Halloween. It is acceptable up until about age eight or nine.”
I would only add: “By age 18, it’s time to start earning your own.”
I would agree wholeheartedly. And my comment quoted above was merely referencing the fact that they can pin whatever on their vests and it is not illegal per se(short of a MOH or SS). But it certainly is deceptive and unethical. And in the case of Brown’s bling, no one should believe he is wearing it to “honor” someone else’s service.
Particularly deceptive and unethical when they have their hand out, accepting “donations”. If the make-believe stuff they wear on their vest is meaningless (to them), then why do it?
We’ve reached a new milestone in this country: people in Elko & Carlin Nevada are defining what is and is not Stolen Valor… lead by a fraud.
Imagine Les being involved with a case as a “reserve” police officer.
Even the most incompetant attorney would eat his lunch in court. Any case he ever touched is ripe for review.
Time for the Carlin PD to talk with the town attorney about their relationship with this obvious risk.
NO SHIT, Les Brown has made himself a liability to the Elko PD! I wonder if they’ll finally can Les Brown?
I think the Carlin Police Department should start themselves out with Les Brown’s claim of a retired military ID card. That should give them something to sink their teeth into.
Just saw that this was just posted to the Carlin Police Dept Facebook page:
Then, the official reply:
Beat me to it, Morgan…
Carlin Police Department Tracy Burns Carlin Reserve Police Officer John Rowe IS NOT speaking in an official capacity for our department. Chief Fobes did not give him permission to speak on our behalf either. Chief Fobes is handling the situation.
Chief Fobes is Facebook friends with Les Brown. I hope that he can remain neutral and fair when he follows the fact pattern.
Let’s all hope and pray but contact others so there is some oversight.
Coworkers, including supervisors and subordinates, are often Facebook friends. I wouldn’t be too concerned. —– I have GOOD NEWS about someone ELSE in Elko getting involved in getting to the bottom of Les Brown.. but I can’t reveal his identity until he makes the pounce. He’s the perfect person in town to look at all of Les Brown’s paperwork.
Remember, this phony works for the Carlin PD. Birds of a flock, etc.
That was Frank Dux. When he couldn’t defend the photo anymore, he switched to a story of it being a Halloween costume.
He had a Medal of Honor, but it was the Army variety. Plus his hair was not regulation.
Strange …
This site can’t be reached
elkodaily.com unexpectedly closed the connection.
And the Facebook version of the Elko Daily has suddenly dropped the entire story about Lester Kent Brown. As of 1120 Sunday July 28 the lead off story is a lady who saw blackbirds plucking out her eyes as she suffered from a high fever for a vaccine preventable diesease. I can’t read anything more about the fever and the blackbirds because the Elko Daily Free Press is apparently blocking me.
If anyone else has success on the former story, please repost it here.
It’s still up on the paper’s website
It’s still there on the Book of Face – timestamp July 26th at 10:00 AM
It’s still up on Facebook.
Story post link.
Does anybody in the TAH community live in Nevada?
I think it is time to get the NV Senators and Congressmen/women involved in something that may need their oversight. They will give more weight if it comes from a constituent of theirs.
Just ask for a Congressional or Senate inquiry from the person in your district.
US Congresswoman Dina Titus (D) – 1st District
Full name: Alice Constandina Titus
Private email: alice.titus@gmail.com & alice.titus@comcast.net
US Congressman Mark Amodei (R) – 2nd District (Elko, NV)
Private email: mark.amodei@aol.com (may be an old address)
Alternate email: amod3@aol.com (may be an old address)
Alternate email: meamodei@sbcglobal.net (may be an old address)
US Congresswoman Susie Lee (D) – 3rd District
Full name: Suzanne Kelly Lee
Private email: allen.lee@gmail.com (may be old address)
Private email: smlee4@me.com (may be old address)
US Congressman Steven Horsford (D) – 4th District
Email: TeamHorsford@StevenHorsford.com
Alternate: shorsford@aol.com
Alternate: shorsford@hotmail.com
US Senator Jacky Rosen (D)
Private email: jackysrosen@gmail.com
US Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D)
(Prior NV Attorney General – Lives in Spring Creek NV where Les does)
Email: info@catherinecortezmasto.com
For media inquiries, please email: Press@catherinecortezmasto.com
Private email: ccortezmasto@gmail.com
Contact: http://ag.nv.gov/Contact/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/NVAttorneyGeneral
RIP US Marine LCPL Bravo. —- I have been informed that LES BROWN and the Elko POW MIA group performs an annual Bravo Memorial in Elko…. AND… that LES BROWN repeatedly spins LIES about his own (non-existent) combat at these memorials. It disgusts an Iraq Vet in Elko who has been visiting these memorial services each year, now sees all this going on with Les, and has reached out to me. — Shame on you, Les. — STOLEN VALOR — Perhaps someone ELSE should be holding these annual memorials for a heroic US Marine. — https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/18261465/raul-samuel-bravo
The citizens of Elko and the POW*MIA Elko Awareness Association are not asking the right questions.
The correct questions are:
Is Les Brown the best choice for a person that should be heading up the POW*MIA Elko Awareness Association?
Is Les Brown the best choice to be speaking for veteran-related events and topics?
But… but… it’s all about the VESTS!!!!
The Elko POW MIA has been Les Brown’s baby from the beginning. The members are his friends and fans. It’s now his elephant.
They have a lot invested in him.
You could say the city has vested in him a certain cachet.
And Dumbo is shitting all over the place. Is Les gonna clean it up?
If I had to guess, based upon everything that has been uncovered about Les Brown, is that his day-to-day life is very shallow without his involvement in his POW/MIA Appreciation activities. The thought of him fading into the woodwork of Elko society (as it is) prevents him from stepping down, and his supporters in the organization aren’t willing to oust him and take the reins. If his organization folds and vanishes, I doubt if the citizens of Elko will miss it. Many will be glad the embarrassment of Les Brown is behind them.
My advice to Les Brown it that if you want to be a clown with your BS wanna-be vest and stories, get some size 35 clown shoes and wear them. You will be in he complete and appropriate uniform.
I have GOOD NEWS about someone ELSE in Elko getting involved in getting to the bottom of Les Brown.. but I can’t reveal his identity until he makes the pounce. He’s the perfect person in town to look at all of Les Brown’s paperwork.
Et delator es et calumniator,
et fraudator es et negotiator,
et fellator es et lanista.
Nescio quid habes ad haec respondere illi, Les Brown.
Best response I could come up with to ol’ Les hiding behind the “front” of others. He sure is one brave soul, isn’t he? Expecting other people to get between him and people who take his claims with an entire 50-lb bag of salt.
At least that dead bad lawyer/bad pilot in Florida stood up for himself, even if he was the epitome of the Lying Sack of Crap.
Check out the photos here. I see Master Sergeant rank insignia on the collar, CIB, jump wings, and Ranger tab. And guess what fellas? None of that make-believe bullshit is on a vest. THAT’S how you know he is totally legit.
Actually, upon further study, I think the tab says airborne. He’s wearing another tab on his opposite shoulder but it is unreadable.
Well more pics of “Master Sergeant” Les Brown in full BDU’s rocking all those badges, tabs and rank he never earned or achieved. “Surprise, Surprise, SGT Carter!,” as a certain fictional Marine PVT would say. I see for added authority he is wearing all his MP regalia for added sense of authority. I am wondering if he was looking for AWOLs or deserters among those school kids.
P.S.: Les likes to wear a 75th Ranger scroll on his right shoulder as a combat patch.
White threads….pretending to be a “winter ranger.”
That would really get me fired up, as I scraped ice out of the lugs of my jungle boot soles one night on patrol in Florida. Our class motto was “Icicle Rangers.”
This one looks like it says RANGER just above the MP dark sleeve.
Yup. Blew it on on my screen. That is a “Ranger” tab.
But that’s okay.
We all wear stuff we didn’t earn.
Waiting for the lost photo with the Combat Medic Badge.
‘Blew it ‘up’ on my screen’.
Damn fingers
Bingo. Not exactly a bunch of unimportant vest decorations, like the recent “official” statement from the Elko POW MIA. Post that BDU shit on FACEBOOK.
The problem is that everytime you alert them to something, Les gets fed the information and gets coached on what he now needs to polish up.
That almost sounds like you’re calling him the pivot boy in a circle jerk.
These pics of Les in full military regalia turn my stomach more than any others we’ve seen. Les is at Spring Creek Christian Academy as part of a Veterans Day 2018 school program. To see that fraudster near impressionable youth makes me want to puke. And Jesus wept.
“Students encircled Les…”
I got nothing to add to that,
the fear and worry says enough.
Sundae on a shit sandwich.
RIP Jonn.
*say* enough.
Awaiting Sister Mary Grace…
There is something very wrong with allowing men like that to have access to young children if he is merely speaking to them. It is even worse if he is allowed to hug them.
By the computer’s comment numbers tally, the three posts (19,23,and 26 July) on Lester Kent Brown has now achieved 800 comments.
However, there have been some clone comments posted that kinda pad those numbers, so YMMV./s
Wondering how long it will be before another sock puppet pops up and posts that Les Brown is under suicide watch and threatening to suck start a 12 gauge because of all the shame that’s been heaped on him?
I gots a coupla 12 gauges if he needs to borry one.
I’ll gladly donate some 00 Buckshot rounds as well!
I did a little research on Johnston’s Island where our hero was stationed for most of his 66 months active duty. This small atoll island is in the middle of the Pacific. In the 1980’s when Specialist Brown was stationed there, one of its main functions was as a chemical weapons storage site. There were two Army garrisoned there, a chemical unit and an MP company. Brown was most certainly assigned to the Chemical Corps unit as an ammunition storage specialist, as he had been trained as such in a five week course in 1981. In 1982 he was at Johnston Island, which is in the middle of nowhere in the Pacific. That is where he attended a non-combat scuba diver course. The course was likely taught so people stationed on the island could go scuba diving for recreation, since the island looks like a good place to go insane from boredom. That scuba badge is the only badge he can legitimately wear on an Army uniform besides a Marksman-pistol marksmanship badge. His own records prove he was never in combat, never went to jump school, never served in any airborne, ranger or special forces unit, and thus it is impossible for him to have earned a ranger tab, sf tab, or been a combat anything. But hey someone had to keep those chemical weapons secure and accounted for before they were destroyed.
Maybe he dabbled in the chemistry.
I don’t find any authority for any civilian SCUBA training and credentialing to authorize the award of the SCUBA badge on an Army uniform.
So far I’ve discovered two training programs that can lead to the award of what used to be called the SCUBA Badge aka “the Bubble.” One is the former “SCUBA school” in Key West, FL and now renamed as the “Combat Diver Qualification Course.” It has always been under the authority of the Special Warfare Center at Ft. Bragg, NC and trains Special Operations Forces, mostly Special Forces (Green Beret).
The other is a training program run by the Navy in Panama Beach, FL that trains mostly hard hat and salvage divers, most of the Army soldiers who attend are in the Engineers.
I am aware of the fact that Lester Kent Brown made, or caused to be made, two entries on his record of schools, both alleged to be “SCUBA courses”, both alleged to be seven weeks long, one in 1982 and one in 1983.
Somehow I have missed any documentation of when he was allegedly on active duty at Johnson Atoll, but according to records already posted at the leadoff TAH post:
he attended Ammunition Handler’s School (5 weeks) at the “M&M Center and School?” (what is that!?) in 1981, then seven weeks of SCUBA school in (pick one) 1982 / 1983; and was in Western Truck Driver School in 1985. All in
sixfive years andsixfive months of active duty?“M&M Center and School” = USAOMMCS = US Army Ordnance Missile & Munitions Center & School, Redstone Arsenal, AL.
Added – With the BRAC Closures/Consolidations,(as of 2005?) the USAOMMCS is now located at Fort Lee, VA.
He left active duty in 1984 at 66 months according to the FOIA summary. I suspect he did his civilian truck driving course after he left AD.
Thanks, I should have typed “5 years and 5 months.”
I’m not allowed to edit.
From Wikipedia re: Johnson Atoll:
In October 1983, the 267th Chemical Company was re-designated under the Johnston Island Chemical Activity. This re-designation included the assignment of a platoon of Military Police for security.
What do you want to bet that our boy was a member of the MP platoon assigned to provide security for the Agent Orange and later chemical weapons that were incinerated on Johnson Atoll?
I doubt he served as there as an MP. At the time he only had training as an 11C mortarman and his 55B MOS as an ammunition specialist. He was most likely assigned to the Chemical unit tasked with storing and maintaining the chemical munitions stored on the island. According to a 60 Minutes episode, all the chemical weapons from Germany were sent to Johnston Island where they were stored until they were incinerated along with the rest of the island’s stored chem weapons. The island also received a large supply of drums of Agent Orange, so Les may have that going for him with the VA.
From the Army reg, Management of Divers; 2–4. Qualification requirements This paragraph will be used by unit commanders to verify the requirements for all diver ratings. a. All divers must— (1) Maintain current basic life support cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator qualifications according to American Red Cross or American Heart Association standards. (2) Maintain current qualification dive status in accordance with paragraph 2–5. b. A second class diver must— (1) Be in the rank of private, private first class, or specialist or corporal. (2) Complete the Engineer Diver (MOS 12D) Phase 1 Course (A–433–12D) and Phase 2 Course (A–433–0024) at a DA approved diving school. (3) Be awarded and retain MOS 12D. c. A salvage diver must— (1) Be in the rank of SGT. (2) Be awarded and retain MOS 12D. (3) Complete DA Form 7690 (Salvage Diver Qualification Worksheet). d. A first class diver must— (1) Be in the rank of SGT promotable (P) or staff sergeant and previously qualified as a salvage diver. (2) Be awarded and retain MOS 12D. (3) Complete the Advanced Leaders Course (ALC) Engineer Diver ALC, Phase 2 (A–433–0058). (4) Complete DA Form 7691 (First Class Diver Qualification Worksheet). e. A master diver must— (1) Be in the rank of staff sergeant (P), sergeant first class, or master sergeant and previously qualified as a first class diver in accordance with paragraph 2–4d. (2) Be awarded and retain MOS 12D. (3) Complete the Senior Leader’s Course (SLC) for MOS 12D Army Master Diver Certification Course. f. An EDMT or Ranger training brigade diving medical technician (DMT) must— (1) Be proficient in all medical areas established in the Medical Specialist Course (MOS 68W). (2) Be assigned to an engineer dive detachment table of organization and equipment (TOE) organization or a TRADOC table of distribution and allowances (TDA) position as the emergency treatment SGT (68W20). In accordance with TR 350–70–16, USAES is the TRADOC proponent for dive casualty management. Ranger training brigade units will follow these qualification requirements to qualify an emergency treatment SGT (68W20) as a dive medical technician. (3) Be a graduate of… Read more »
I suspect that if Lester Brown had any Scuba training it was likely at a basic SCUBA course conducted on the Island so that those stationed there could recreationally dive. Johnston Island looks like an oversized aircraft carrier. I can’t imagine there would be much to do there when off duty if one doesn’t want to get into the water. I bet the MWR facility conducted civilian SCUBA training. So, yes, it is unlikely Specialist Brown is entitled to wear a military SCUBA buble badge.
Drink, scuba dive, fish, drink, watch first run movies, drink, and watch the sharks eat the mess hall garbage while drinking
I had fun on JI the two times I was there
Worked hard and learned a lot
Looks like my supposition is correct. Thanks for your reply from someone who has first hand experience on that island.
Curious about miltary pensions. Do they get listed as income on a 1040?
Are they taxed?
Paging Lois Lerner…..
How bout homeowners liability insurance?
You know, like when some sues you?
Paging Mutual of Omaha?
They are pension income and they are taxed, unless it is a disability retirement. When someone sues you and your homeowners’ insurance pays the judgment or settlement, it may be tax free if the money paid is strictly to compensate for personal injuries sustained by the party collecting.
Military retired pay is taxed by the federal government. About half of the states (including the PDRMA) do not impose an income tax on military retired pay.
VA disability compensation is free of all income taxation.
I doubt he’s getting a military pension, period. It may be the reason he’s hiding behind his circle of friends.
Its reported to the retiree on a Form 1099 and yes, you must report it on your fed 1040 as taxable income.
Les Brown sure enjoys being the center of everyone’s attention.
Les Brown likes to tell tall tales of his mostly nonexistent Military Bravado.
Les Brown really likes to traipse around in a blinged-up Biker Vest.
Les Brown is a 24K attention whore.
Les Brown in unrepentant on his proven stolen valor.
Les Brown is likely a reject Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear).
Les Brown is likely still a Reserve Police Officer in Elko NV.
Les Brown CLAIMS that everyone wears Decorations they didn’t earn, I and others disagree.
Les Brown NEVER served in the Middle East according to records found.
Les Brown served in Germany as an MP, likely writing parking tickets.
Les Brown looks and acts like someone I wouldn’t even hire to sweep floors and dump the trash.
Les Brown ought to get out more and meet with other Veteran Bikers he could tell his tales to, knowhutimean?
Les Brown looks like a bus stop hobo to me.
Les Brown already has close to 300 comments just on THIS thread alone, that’s a lot of Google®™ Power!
Les Brown is already finding out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Les Brown obviously likes to sport an “Aw poor me” expression on his face.
Les Brown is one sorryassed Sad Sack.
How Copy,
I copy API. I believe you say that:
Les Brown sure enjoys being the center of everyone’s attention.
Les Brown likes to tell tall tales of his mostly nonexistent Military Bravado.
Les Brown really likes to traipse around in a blinged-up Biker Vest.
Les Brown is a 24K attention whore.
Les Brown in unrepentant on his proven stolen valor.
Les Brown is likely a reject Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear).
Les Brown is likely still a Reserve Police Officer in Elko NV.
Les Brown CLAIMS that everyone wears Decorations they didn’t earn, I and others disagree.
Les Brown NEVER served in the Middle East according to records found.
Les Brown served in Germany as an MP, likely writing parking tickets.
Les Brown looks and acts like someone I wouldn’t even hire to sweep floors and dump the trash.
Les Brown ought to get out more and meet with other Veteran Bikers he could tell his tales to, knowhutimean?
Les Brown looks like a bus stop hobo to me.
Les Brown already has close to 300 comments just on THIS thread alone, that’s a lot of Google®™ Power!
Les Brown is already finding out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Les Brown obviously likes to sport an “Aw poor me” expression on his face.
Les Brown is one sorryassed Sad Sack.
Copy you five by five, API. Repeating for clarity:
Les Brown sure enjoys being the center of everyone’s attention.
Les Brown likes to tell tall tales of his mostly nonexistent Military Bravado.
Les Brown really likes to traipse around in a blinged-up Biker Vest.
Les Brown is a 24K attention whore.
Les Brown in unrepentant on his proven stolen valor.
Les Brown is likely a reject Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear).
Les Brown is likely still a Reserve Police Officer in Elko NV.
Les Brown CLAIMS that everyone wears Decorations they didn’t earn, I and others disagree.
Les Brown NEVER served in the Middle East according to records found.
Les Brown served in Germany as an MP, likely writing parking tickets.
Les Brown looks and acts like someone I wouldn’t even hire to sweep floors and dump the trash.
Les Brown ought to get out more and meet with other Veteran Bikers he could tell his tales to, knowhutimean?
Les Brown looks like a bus stop hobo to me.
Les Brown already has close to 300 comments just on THIS thread alone, that’s a lot of Google®™ Power!
Les Brown is already finding out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Les Brown obviously likes to sport an “Aw poor me” expression on his face.
Les Brown is one sorryassed Sad Sack.
How Copy
I copy “Les Brown sure enjoys being the center of everyone’s attention.
Les Brown likes to tell tall tales of his mostly nonexistent Military Bravado.
Les Brown really likes to traipse around in a blinged-up Biker Vest.
Les Brown is a 24K attention whore.
Les Brown in unrepentant on his proven stolen valor.
Les Brown is likely a reject Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear).
Les Brown is likely still a Reserve Police Officer in Elko NV.
Les Brown CLAIMS that everyone wears Decorations they didn’t earn, I and others disagree.
Les Brown NEVER served in the Middle East according to records found.
Les Brown served in Germany as an MP, likely writing parking tickets.
Les Brown looks and acts like someone I wouldn’t even hire to sweep floors and dump the trash.
Les Brown ought to get out more and meet with other Veteran Bikers he could tell his tales to, knowhutimean?
Les Brown looks like a bus stop hobo to me.
Les Brown already has close to 300 comments just on THIS thread alone, that’s a lot of Google®™ Power!
Les Brown is already finding out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Les Brown obviously likes to sport an “Aw poor me” expression on his face.
Les Brown is one sorryassed Sad Sack.”
API, I copy:
Les Brown looks like he would rather ride a rice rocket that a American Made Harley Davidson.
Les Brown needs to come clean and show the world his “classified” DD Form 214.
Les Brown is missing a Space Shuttle Door Gunner patch on his vest.
If Les Brown’s brains were dynamite, therewouldn’t be enough to blow his head off.
Les Brown is so dumb he can’t fart and chew gum at the same time.
Les Brown’s ass is usually jealous at the shit that comes out his mouth.
Les Brown’s birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
Les Brown has something on his chin… no, the 3rd one down.
Les Brown is proof the Fuck-Up Fairy has visited us again.
Les Brown is so fake that Ken and Barbie are jealous.
Les Brown is about as useless as an asshole with tastebuds.
Transmission was garbled…please verify my transcript.
Les Brown looks like he would rather ride a rice rocket that a American Made Harley Davidson.
Les Brown needs to come clean and show the world his “classified” DD Form 214.
Les Brown is missing a Space Shuttle Door Gunner patch on his vest.
If Les Brown’s brains were dynamite, therewouldn’t be enough to blow his head off.
Les Brown is so dumb he can’t fart and chew gum at the same time.
Les Brown’s ass is usually jealous at the shit that comes out his mouth.
Les Brown’s birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
Les Brown has something on his chin… no, the 3rd one down.
Les Brown is proof the Fuck-Up Fairy has visited us again.
Les Brown is so fake that Ken and Barbie are jealous.
Les Brown is about as useless as an asshole with tastebuds.
Transmission was garbled…please verify my transcript.
How copy,
Dang, only nine more comments away from 300 now.
Almost there. I’ve stopped doubling up comments on the 1st and 2nd pages. Only here now. (I’m new at commenting, after a long time reading (and enjoying) these pages.) 🙂
THIS is why some in ELKO, Nevada
are defending Les Brown
Pow Mia Chili Feed
When: February 16, 2019 @ 3:00 pm
Where: Elko Conference Center 700 Moren Way
Cost: $5.00
Contact: Les Brown 775-397-1492
So they’re kicking the proverbial can and circling their wagons around that lyin’-ass sad sack of unwashed Sphincters over something like that?
YES, the POW MIA in ELKO does cookouts several times a year.
Apparently, they are really really really really good, too.
Apparently their motto is something like “Fuck the truth in the name of money.”.
And, I’ll bet he’s making some good money off the people of Elko… probably over $50k per year.
AND the plot thickens…
🙁 Defending a lying asshole..
MarineDad61: I smell smoke in the air as well. Sometimes there is smoke, and there is no fire. Buy sometimes there is a lot of smoke, and it would take considerable diligence to see if there is a fire. This would probably require someone who is on the scene in Carlin, NV and can interview the persons involved, but here is what is available on the internet: First of all, go to: https://records.elkocountynv.net/Landmark It’s a web site for the official records of Elko County, Nevada. Do a “Name” search for “Brown, Lester.” 16 documents will pop up. The first item to appear will be his DD214 from his nine days of active duty during Garden Plot. OK. But keep looking, and you will see evidence that Lester Kent Brown: Lives in a 1989 Guerdon manufactured home that had the wheels removed when he moved into the trailer park, whereupon it was converted to real property. He and his then-wife G—e filed the appropriate paperwork to record the mortgage. Thereafter, he failed to pay Homeowner Association debts, and failed to pay child support. He was hundreds of dollars in arrears on his homeowner assessments and was at risk of losing his trailer. He was thousands of dollars in arrears on his child support after a divorce, and he risked civil and criminal contempt. He had judgments and liens filed against him, they are neatly outlined in documents at the web site above. The annual Elko POW-MIA Chili Feed began as a small effort in 2006, and raised just $500. But by 2013 it was a major event, raising over $20,000 per year. https://elkodaily.com/news/local/pow-mia-to-host-annual-chili-feed/article_b4ff09ac-765e-11e2-9fb8-0019bb2963f4.html This for an event wholly under the control of Lester Kent Brown, for an organization with a treasurer nicknamed “Fingers.” And in 2017 and 2018 Lester Kent Brown paid his arrearage of homeowner association fees in full, and pays his ex-wife the child support arrearage in full, and has both debts released by documents filed at the Elko County Registrar’s office. As a small 501(c)(3) The Elko POW-MIA Awareness Association is not required to file any financial reports… Read more »
Oh, and the signature on the 990 postcard is Lester Kent Brown, mailed from his home address in Carlin, NV.
Hmm. I wonder if the local State’s Attorney (or whatever Nevada calls that position) knows about the above?
If he/she did, they just might take an interest in the matter. Because the “optics” for this matter appear to this outsider to be . . . questionable.
From another post:
Contact: http://ag.nv.gov/Contact/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/NVAttorneyGeneral
Fill out this form: http://ag.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/agnvgov/Content/Complaints/2019-07.11.19_AG_COMPLAINT_FORM_TP.pdf
Then email it to: AGCOMPLAINT@ag.nv.gov
This link also might be of help:
Of course, it appears they’re in Elko. So depending on how “clannish” the area is, there’s also the possibility that at least some of the folks there they might be “friends” with Brown (and thus might not exactly be unbiased and impartial).
Well, they are out in the desert.
Not a lot of opportunity to be an outsider there.
Ain’t it great when you got a guy who spent years in arrears on his child support… And then trots out his granddaughter as a human shield.
A real “pillar of the community”…
Kinda reminds one of the Taliban and ISIS who like to put women and kids out front in a firefight. Or the Iranians who used to send out child units to clear minefields–gave them all plastic keys and told them it was their key to heaven.
OR like the Paleoswinians who take cover behind Women and Children when they attack the Israelis.
A considerable amount of mischief can be made with $49,999.99. It would probably be appropriate for a member of the EPOWMIAAA to demand an independent audit of the books.
If a member of Les’ little group had the guts to do that, you know what Les would be doing… and it would be an ugly scene in Elko if it were true.
AS TO the though that Les is “diverting” money from his organization for his personal used – we’ve never seen that with Stolen Valor before 😉
/sarc off
You are a funny, funny guy, Senior Chief.
If you want to also follow up with a true and accurate download of the DD214 at the top of this posting (the one from Eldorado County, California, indexed as Document Number 1991-42786)don’t waste your time.
A search of the data base from the Eldorado recorder:
will provide a gap between document 42785 and 42787.
If you give the Recorder a call,
she will tell you that under California law, DD 214’s are now “non-public information” and only Lester Kent Brown may recover a copy of what was filed.
WOW, 315 comments so far on this thread alone, IMHO Les Brown has made himself a Dutch Rudder Gang level of POSer/embellisher!
Update: Total of comments for all three postings on Lester Kent Brown:
——————– 852 ———————–
Added: For those keeping track (probably only me/s/) This thread needs 365 comments to make the next milestone of 900 total.
Who is the top talked about loser of all time?
Good question, but should probably be answered on another thread, such as the Weekend Open Thread.
The focus of these threads are Lester Kent Brown and his Sockpuppet Tom “Yoda” Wulf.
Gotta stay on target and not try to up the comment count./smile
Disclaimer: I’m not an Admin for this blog, only a fellow Miscreant Dickweed commenter.
Hasta be Bernath
Heh, I read that as Spanish.
Works either way.
Daniel Wall was 766.
In fairless, the Wall comments would have easily kept going but Jonn shut it down because Wall was enjoying the attention and kept posting to keep it going.
I’m not going away until I see a fitting end to this case.
Surely I am not alone.
I have no authority in the matter but I can be a real son of a bitch behind the scenes when my gears start turning.
This guy is attracting boo coo attention and I hope he gets plenty. That’s what he craves and that’s what will bring him down to earth. Hopefully not below it. Nobody wants that.
Marinedad61’s comment about the right guy in town being on the case of this Elko Army vet (who has too much metal on his vest) has given me hope. Can’t stand it when these guys get away with it. Makes this old man’s blood boil!
No update. No speculation. I do know the contact wants to do this, to assist both sides fairly, with a good look at everything Les Brown has, and with the ability to interpret it all. When I hear something, I’ll share it here soon afterwards.
Take a chill pill, Dragoon!
First of all, this jerk is NOT worth get your short in a bunch. This is “Spot the Phony/Loony” at its best.
Second, these people always, always, always have weak, lame excuses that don’t hold water but they don’t like being caught. This guy’s been CAUGHT. He is NOT worth getting your blood pressure skyrocketing. Just stock the popcorn and wait for the final scene in this one.
Just sayin’ again for shits and giggles:
Les Brown sure enjoys being the center of everyone’s attention.
Les Brown likes to tell tall tales of his mostly nonexistent Military Bravado.
Les Brown really likes to traipse around in a blinged-up Biker Vest.
Les Brown is a 24K attention whore.
Les Brown in unrepentant on his proven stolen valor.
Les Brown is likely a reject Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear).
Les Brown is likely still a Reserve Police Officer in Elko NV.
Les Brown CLAIMS that everyone wears Decorations they didn’t earn, I and others disagree.
Les Brown NEVER served in the Middle East according to records found.
Les Brown served in Germany as an MP, likely writing parking tickets.
Les Brown looks and acts like someone I wouldn’t even hire to sweep floors and dump the trash.
Les Brown ought to get out more and meet with other Veteran Bikers he could tell his tales to, knowhutimean?
Les Brown looks like a bus stop hobo to me.
Les Brown already has close to 300 comments just on THIS thread alone, that’s a lot of Google®™ Power!
Les Brown is already finding out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Les Brown obviously likes to sport an “Aw poor me” expression on his face.
Les Brown is one sorryassed Sad Sack.
How Copy,
API, I copy
Les Brown sure enjoys being the center of everyone’s attention.
Les Brown likes to tell tall tales of his mostly nonexistent Military Bravado.
Les Brown really likes to traipse around in a blinged-up Biker Vest.
Les Brown is a 24K attention whore.
Les Brown in unrepentant on his proven stolen valor.
Les Brown is likely a reject Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear).
Les Brown is likely still a Reserve Police Officer in Elko NV.
Les Brown CLAIMS that everyone wears Decorations they didn’t earn, I and others disagree.
Les Brown NEVER served in the Middle East according to records found.
Les Brown served in Germany as an MP, likely writing parking tickets.
Les Brown looks and acts like someone I wouldn’t even hire to sweep floors and dump the trash.
Les Brown ought to get out more and meet with other Veteran Bikers he could tell his tales to, knowhutimean?
Les Brown looks like a bus stop hobo to me.
Les Brown already has close to 300 comments just on THIS thread alone, that’s a lot of Google®™ Power!
Les Brown is already finding out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Les Brown obviously likes to sport an “Aw poor me” expression on his face.
Les Brown is one sorryassed Sad Sack.
Clear copy that Les Brown is a sorry-assed POSer.
Facebook is slowing down on the Les Brown posts, but I see this plastered around today….. —–
Please ——- Learn about STOLEN VALOR, from Retired Navy SEAL Master Chief Don Shipley. Notice in the Stolen Valor video below, the very 1st person in the video is a POW*MIA guy. We are trying to show you, the people of NEVADA, that this happens. It’s not impossible. It really happens. — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCS7VKCRazc
(Diane Shipley) – “You’re a liar and an embarrassment, out here with the POW”
(POW*MIA bling vest Seal Team Six SUTHERLAND) – “You know, Maam, I have proof of everything I did.”
—— Classic
Poked around the website for the local Harley dealer. They do a lot of military themed stuff but nowhere did I see mention of POW/MIA issues.
Seems like they stay away from that for some reason. They also don’t mention Les’s group.
I won’t link to them but I’m guessing the lack of mention is for good reason. If I were a Harley dealer I would not want Les’s mess on the lot.
Perhaps other local businesses are also “aware”.
Uncle Lester – The Brown Stain on Elko.
Wonder what happened to this guy:
So not only are they ass dep in SV, they’re still blowing Bowe Bergdahl?
The date on that is 2014, before Bergdahl was thrown into jail where he belongs.
I don’t find any current squawking about him coming out of them now.
The first comment sums it up:
It sounds to me this group has lost its credibility.
My earlier reference to Homeowners insurance needs some clarity.
Most policies include liabilility coverage for issues related to the property but not exclusively.
Example: You finance a new Harley using the equity in your real property. The Harley is now wedded to the property. Your liabilty for things unrelated to vehicle insurance just got sticky. Using the Harley for “business” related things? Is the Harley “pledged” to some thing that has lien on it?
Is the Awareness assoiation insured?
Is it required?
I could go on but there are many twists and turns in life and some of them become tangled.
Just grinding some gears.
Since my comment will be moderated, I doubt you cowards will allow it on your thread but I’ll try anyway. If you self-important dipshits were as smart and clever as you thought you were, you might actually be dangerous. You’re bragging about the number of comments on your threads like it’s some kind of badge of honor when you are padding the numbers by literally posting the same garbage over and over. That’s cute. I guess I’ll help you boost those numbers by laying a little truth on you boys. You have so many facts incorrect, it’s staggering. I am a civilian and I don’t claim to know dick-all about what Les Brown has done or hasn’t done in the way of SV. If he’s guilty, I hope he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. All your wet dreams about him getting emasculated, feminized and punished are very telling though, ladies. But let me set you fucksticks straight on a few things. Catherine Cortez Masto does not and has never lived in Spring Creek. I suspect you’ve never seen a Nevada map, otherwise you would know that Elko is already on there. Cynthia Delaney is not his girlfriend; she’s a fucking freelance journalist who often does articles on community members and events. And try to keep up where he works. The CITY of CARLIN. Not Elko, not the county. And I can see that reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit but he makes $2726.62 per YEAR at the city of CARLIN, not per week. Who fucking cares about the memorial vests? The guy has stated over and over that he didn’t earn the patches, they were gifts from families, and there’s no law against him putting patches on it. Pretty sure that was already established. Some dick on FB keeps trying to make the same half-assed attempt at a joke about his grand-daughter’s vest (‘whose granddaughter is this?’ har har har) that he clearly handed down to her but then you assholes want to talk about using and lying to children? Then you want to talk about… Read more »