Gigantic sissy shoots an AR rifle
![Gersh Kuntzman](
In the New York Daily News, the appropriately named Gersh Kuntzman writes about how frightening it was for him to fire an AR-style rifle;
The recoil bruised my shoulder. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.
Yeah, bullshit. Everyone who has ever been to basic training can tell you about the drill sergeant who put the butt of an M16 on his unprotected chin and fired off a few rounds, then he did the same with his crotch. If Kuntzman was bruised from firing an AR-style rifle, he has bigger problems than being scared of a black rifle. He should try firing my .338 Lapua Mag. The noise and recoil would send him running and whimpering back to New York City.
And there’s no such thing as “temporary PTSD”, you pussy. That anxious feeling and irritability that you describe is excitement – testosterone. I thought I’d explain it to you because you’ve never experienced the effects of that particular hormone.
Even in semi-automatic mode, it is very simple to squeeze off two dozen rounds before you even know what has happened. In fully automatic mode, it doesn’t take any imagination to see dozens of bodies falling in front of your barrel.
All it takes is the will to do it.
And, there it is; it takes will to kill people – the rifle itself doesn’t run down the street killing people randomly. It needs a person behind it and that’s the part that needs to be regulated. Not the inert piece of metal and plastic.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
You can’t call that a beard…
In his case it has to be called a Cumcatcher
I have this 870 12 ga deer gun. Thinking about bad guys who might come into my house and my immediate need to deliver some gentle persuasion, I made these 3-inch shells each with 15 00-buckshot and running about 1,100 feet per second. They print about a foot wide at 10 yards and tear the hell out of a target. The recoil is about the same as my model 70 in 375 H&H and, because the gun is light, recovery from the recoil was challenging. I took them apart. Now I’m going to 9 00-buck per shell – 9 shot is roughly a 1 and 1/8 oz load compared to 15 shot which is about a 1 and 7/8 oz load.
This guy seems far too fearful. Its a rifle. No more, no less. It doesn’t have much recoil relative to some of the stuff you guys mentioned. This guy sounds like someone who is intimidated by hot food or clothes that don’t match or a bad haircut. He laughs nervously when someone says, “Here hold my beer …” because he knows THAT he is supposed to laugh but he does not know exactly why.
I have shot an AR and an M16 and some other weapons like them with a 3-position safety. I never saw the brass bounce off the A2 brass deflector or fly past my face on an A1 upper. It was going way to fast to see. I had an AK in 223 that ejected the brass at about 1:30 from the shooter. I could see that fly away in my peripheral vision and it was a little distracting but not in any way frightening.
In the article, he said “It feels like a bazooka — and sounds like a cannon.” I submit to you that he has never held a bazooka or heard a cannon so those words and everything else he says is pure unadulterated horseshit.
The way the guy writes about the AR-15 leads me to believe that a Marlin 336 would break his shoulder. Pretty sure that was the model I had when I was a kid and I do not seem to remember the recoil being anything worth mentioning.
After reading Gersh’s whining, I kinda think a BB gun would bruise his shoulder and the crack of a .22 would give him permanent PTSD. He’s a whimp.
To clarify, I meant Gersh when I wrote “this guy”, not the guy above me.
We need to turn this douchenozzle upside down and see what we’re dealing with…..
Careful now, don’t shake him too hard. xD
this is satire, right? This is a joke,right? I mean, a guy named Cuntsman writing tons of bullshit about Evil Assault Glock A47K-15 clip rounds bruising him up? If it IS serious, someone should have told him he was holding the rifle wrong – the barrel goes under his nose, facing inward, and he won’t feel any recoil at all!
I’m with you, I think duffelblog did a guest article for the daily shmooze.
It was a type. He didn’t mean AR rifle, he meant air rifle.
Let’s make sure that when anyone googles the name GERSH KUNTZMAN they not only find it quickly, but also find out that GERSH KUNTZMAN is a liar, liar, pants on fire whiny little shit with no talent, no guts and no ability to write an article telling the truth.
And the backup for that statement is contained in all the comments posted to THIS article about GERSH KUNTZMAN, THE LIAR.
Gersh Kuntzman is a liar
But wait, there’s more!
The hits keep coming!
What a load of bovine scatology. The only thing truly memorable about shooting an AR chambered in 5.56/.223 is the fact that the ejected brass is hotter than freakin lava. Long ago in a galaxy far away at the range one landed on my neck from the shooter next to me and stuck leaving a cartridge case shaped blister.
I have a .45 that sometimes flings brass straight to the center of my forehead. Usually the first round or two after cleaning and storage. Unsettling, but not painful or anything. Shoots a good tight pattern, but clunky and noisy. I prefer my .380 pocketlite for pleasure and longer ranges. Smooth as a good sewing machine, light and flatter shooting than any 1911.
Only thing that I did not like about the M16 is that it is too short for drill. At least you could reach the ground with the m14.
It really sucks when you’re 6’3″, but we make it work as best we can like you little people out there.
I remember my first time doing the Brass Dance. My buddy’s AR launched one right down my collar, and my shirt was tucked in. Thirty seconds of contorting like I was having a seizure while gasping “FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK!!”
Unless I’m going to work or going to church, I never tuck my shirt in anymore.
Would have made a better story if Kuntsman got a hot case stuck in his bra.
I wonder how many blanks this assclown has taken in the face…
Good thing, too. I would not want a sizeable meatrod dropping blanks around my daughter.
Weak ass dude, indeed.
Pregnant farmgal weighing in. I’ve been generally avoiding rangetime right now (though I’m carrying my Beretta nonetheless, since there are people out there who think that pregnant means vulnerable and I prefer not to deal with those who moreover think that vulnerable means victim) due to various risks of noise, lead exposure, etc.
Nonetheless, if the situation came to it, and I had to reach for my bear gun, that is to say, one of the Mosin Nagants – so referred to as we do get bears around here – I can and will slap in a magazine and take aim and yes, fire. Pregnant belly and all.
Anyone who has fired a Mosin knows that the steel buttplate gives it a substantial kick. I’ve felt that kick, although I admit to being effete enough to prefer to use a rubber buttpad (or even a folded towel) between it and my shoulder. If I can do that, and am prepared to do that while carrying my unborn child if need be, I apparently have substantially bigger balls than this fellow.
…Seriously. Anxious and irritable after firing it ‘just a few times’? Which one of us the one irrational from an influx of hormones and unable to cope with day to day life in a calm and measured fashion? Apparently NOT the pregnant gun-totin’ woman!
The main difference, Farmgirl, is that you HAVE a vagina, but he IS one.
By the way, my Garbage Rod doesn’t kick all that bad. I think my ‘O3A3 has more felt recoil.
I also said magazine the one time clip was correct. I overcorrected and shot low, I guess! (Unlike this guy, who’d cry under the bed instead of shooting at all.)
Haven’t shot a O3A3 so I can’t compare, but I will say it’s a toss-up in my memory as to whether the Mosin or the 45-70 Gummint was worse…
Different kinds of recoil… the old Gubmint is a push instead of the sharp smack of a Mosin. Loaded to blackpowder levels it is probably the second most fun cartridge in the world to shoot after .22LR.
Congrats on the child. Keep us informed.
As to Frau Cunts”man?”,if “he” thinks an AR15 is bad (BWHAHAHAHAHAHA), I have an M44 (hard-recoil cousin to the Mosin-Nagant) that would knock his mangina into next week.
Haha, will do! Baby is a boy, I’m a tad over 6 months along now. It’s slowing me down a little – my husband has to do the heavy lifting, but I’m still driving my pickup truck and doing what I can to keep the farm going.
Grateful that I finished my degree before getting this far; the farm’s more fun than dealing with my anti-gun classmates any day!
This guy would fit right in with many of my ex-classmates, sad to say. No real surprise he stays in his liberal enclave echo chamber, aside from ‘scary’ brief trips to ‘try out’ AR-15s.
Has Farm Girl II kicked you in the kidneys yet? That’s going to hurt.
I’m an old lady. While I don’t yet feel the need to own a personal weapon, that day may come.
I’m hard-pressed to think of a place I haven’t been kicked, by now. He’s an active little dude, and I can tell I’m going to have to step up my game to keep up once he’s on the outside! Three more months until we get to meet him and start introducing him to the loud and scary world of bang-bangs. I’m sure Kuntzman would accuse me of child abuse.
I’m still trying to persuade my mother to at least learn to shoot. If she ends up babysitting here on the farm when we’re out for the day, it may become a requirement; I’d hate to think of her and the kiddo being here without protection relying on the rapid response team of the sheriff’s office. (No offense to them, but realities of rural living … and if it’s the kind of emergency which can tolerate a minimum of 15 minute delay, it’s usually not really an emergency.)
I wrote almost the same thing without even looking at this article, Jonn…
1) The recoil on Armalite rifles is negligible. My Drill has us hold the butt of an M-16 against our crotch and pull the trigger to send a life round downrange once. I’ve adjusted myself harder.
2) Armalite rifles eject brass away from your face, not across it. He’s a right-handed shooter, so he didn’t need a director, so it couldn’t have been flying past his face.
3) The smell you get is either gunpowder or cordite, not sulfur. It’s a completely different scent. Also, what the hell does destruction smell like?
4) Civilian .223 rounds are quieter than military 5.56mm rounds. I’ve fired more than my share, with the same hearing protection he was wearing, and I could barely hear the report.
5) How the fuck do you get a temporary case of PTSD? Who diagnosed it and what symptoms did he present? He said he was anxious and irritable for at least an hour. It sounds more like he shot a lemur while firing the rifle and didn’t know what adrenaline and testosterone felt like.
I shot left-handed in Basic and from what I heard about the brass deflectors they clip on, I told my Drill I didn’t want it. He had no issue with that.
Later that day I heard another Drill yell at private “leave this piece of shit off your rifle, don’t be a pussy” about the deflector.
Being left handed I had brass flip my ear once or twice, hit my arm lots, even burn my skin, but I kept firing because firing is awesome and chicks dig scars.
I think he has a temporary case of being a full-time chickenshit. He’s probably still being breastfed by his mommy.
I thought the bullet deflector was part of the upper/chassis? Although I may be mistaken.
It is now. The M16A1 had no built in deflector, there was a plastic clip-on doodad that was supposed to protect left handed firers.
Ahh right on, Thank you.
3) Similar to victory!
This is where I miss being a 240B gunner in Baghdad. Little pussies like him. He probably identifies as a coward, so this works to prove his case.
I don’t think he’s a kuntzman, I think he’s a cockzman. As in eats a bag of cocks.
“Everyone who has ever been to basic training can tell you about the drill sergeant who put the butt of an M16 on his unprotected chin and fired off a few rounds, then he did the same with his crotch”
With regret I must report that they didn’t perform that particular trick when I went through in 2014 (Ft Benning, regular BCT). 🙁 Times sure are changing…
I guess the Army was afraid that any recruits like Kuntzman here who saw that demo might soil their manties and curl up in the fetal position for 3 days.
Ah, yes… Bernath Syndrome.
What a candyassed bedwetting thumbsucker of a MEGA-WUSS!
Any chance this “guy” is related to Pajama Boy?
GERSH KUNTZMAN is in need of some VAGICIL for the painful itch and swelling in his MANGINA because he fired a AR-15!
Someone send the little hipster 15 cases… along with a ton of gummy dicks to make him happy!
hahahahahaha!!! I distinctly remember our Weapons NCO, SFC Goss-doing exactly what Jonn describes…putting it in his crotch and squeezing. There is NO kickback that I remember. Sigh. Another liberal trying to make a story stick for “gun control”
PTSD from firing a weapon at the range? Really fuckstick that’s your play?
If the recoil from that weapon bruised your shoulder I suspect your hands are as soft as a newborn babe’s tiny little ass….
If I ever wrote anything like that I hope my man friends would have the decency to come over to my house and smother me in my sleep for being such a giant fucking weakling that a couple of pounds of pressure bruised my weak as a baby shoulder muscles…
Good lord Gersh, hit the gym and get some calluses on your palms from something other than sitting around jerking off all day…you might be amazed at how good it feels to have a body that can actually take a hit and not be frightened like a child.
As I’ve said before, my Dad felt I should learn with a Man’s Gun, so his .30/30 Winchester ’94 was my introduction to the wonderful world of recoil. It did bruise my 10-year-old shoulder a little at first, but only at first. He gave my first Garand at 14, and I don’t get why so many people bitch about the M1’s recoil. It eases into my shoulder nice and smoothly with each shot. Granted, I’m a rather large-ish dude with a meaty shoulder, and I actually consider the M1 light, having taken it hunting in some steep country. I still have that M1. Balances well, cycles flawlessly, puts every round right where I want it, smooth trigger, soft recoil, and I know the manual of arms inside and out. It’s a fun rifle to shoot! And it has gotten me laid–teaching a willing and nubile young lady to shoot that Garand has never failed to pay off (the most recent successful example was the woman I’m now married to)! That M1 is my SHTF rifle, and I have a generous supply of .30-06 in my emergency stash to keep her fed. My M1917 US Enfield (Remington production, January 1918, stock has lots of French trench character) kicks a bit more, but still doesn’t hurt, and is fun to shoot. Same for my Enfield No.4 T-model that Grandpa brought home from Korea (traded his M1 to a British sniper while waiting to board the troopship for home in ’53). Same for my Russian Garbage Rod (Mosin Nagant ’91/30). My M1903A3 tends to punch a bit, being a .30-06 bolt gun that only weighs 6-1/2 pounds. What the hell, I still shoot it anyway. Same for the Vz.24 Czech Mauser I’m thinking of buying off the consignment rack. And 12-gauge scatterguns don’t faze me in the least. The only one I’m hesitant to shoot is my little sister’s Benelli Ethos (she had a very busy fire season on a Hotshot crew, and wanted to treat herself), but only because it’s the Maserati of shotguns and I’m not worthy! When I hear this… Read more »
I fire 5.56/.223 damn near every weekend and there is no recoil! There is a nice bang and a hole appears in the target. I get that lovely smell of Ode Federal/Winchester/Wolf/PPU. I have never bruised my shoulder with any 5.56 rifle. The Mosin Nagant, Springfield, Enfield or Mauser, maybe. But that is only a skin bruise which does not hurt. Fire a .458 Win Mag, that is a bit painful but so much FUN!!
My God there are a LOT of Pansies in this world. I have been shooting for over 35 years and this is the most ridiculous thing I have seen from the Anti’s to date. Grow a pair pal! My 23 year old, 5’5″, Art School Graduate daughter can handle my SCAR with no problem (getting it away from her is the problem). What a Maroon!
Oh, you are all a bunch of mean ol’ meanies! Just mean, mean, mean! I bet you made him cry!!
Next thing you know, we’ll see him in an ad on the internet about being bullied, because we all think that he’s a lying, self-involved little pants-wetter.
Well, rightly so. He IS a pants-wetter and, as has been shown here repeatedly, a lying sack of dog crap.
He’d wet himself if a dog barked at him or my cat hissed at him. No, my cat wouldn’t like him, either.
Oh, is GERSH short for GERSHWIN, a great American music man? What a shame it is, that he decided to associate himself with someone who did something with his life – writing songs and melodies and musicals like Porgy and Bess, stuff that we will all remember!
I have doubts that GERSH is actually GERSH KUNTZMAN’s first name. But that’s just my opinion, nothing else.
Lest I forget: GERSH KUNTZMAN is a boring, self-involved, glory-seeking lying sack of weasel crap.
First name actually Gerkin…
Durnburnit, nbcguy, you could at least post a spew alert!
“. . . panties-wetter. . . ”
There. Fixed it for ya. Yer welcome.
What a pussy, this walking cumbucket is exactly what is wrong with this country. This cock holster has done anything that could be considered manly. Temporary PTSD what a fucking insult to those of us who have served in combat and are still feeling the effects 10 years later, for the comment he should be given to ISIS to be used as a substitute goat. The best thing that could have happened to this douche was that his mom should have swallowed, took it up the ass, or took advantage of the roe v wade ruling.
The addendum to his wiki page:
In 2016, Kuntzman showed the world that he is devoid of a penis with a hit piece article in NY Daily News about his shooting experience with an AR-15. This article was conveniently written after a horrible shooting incident in Orlando, FL where a radicalized Muslim shot 49 people at a gay night club with a rifle that has some of the same characteristics of an AR-15. The shooter also used a pistol. In this article, Kuntzman displayed an inordinate amount of fear and used every possible method of dramatizing shooting a paper target possible, up to and including the use of “PTSD” as a descriptor. Meanwhile, there are literally hundreds of videos on showing both females and young children shooting AR-15’s without the detrimental effects that Kuntzman claims happened to him during his “experience”. Kuntzman showed the world he is a bleeding vagina with this rag of an article.
Looking at the edit history, that page has gone through 23 revisions in one day. The management finally got fed up and locked everything down tight so it can no longer be edited. The Twenty-Three Edits’ War.
Musta been the “temporary PTSD” that prevented him from writing an accurate article.
Have some google love Gersh Kuntzman, you fucking ass clown.
Gersh Kuntzwuss and his ilk are the types that faint at the scent of testosterone.
I wanna see photographic proof that this douchebag actually fired a weapon. And if you see it remember there is always photoshop.
Video on the link
GERSH KUNTZMAN should put his tampons in his ears if the sound of the AR bothers him.
Mr. Kuntzman,
To quote the great show Archer:
“Dude, even your balls are made of pussy.”
I have a quote from my cat, who objects to the word ‘pussy’ being used in connection with this bag of weasel crap:
GERSH KUNTZMAN my daughters have more intestinal fortitude than you. I cannot even imagine what sort of queer gender thingy you identify with because it is certainly not a MAN.
You need to go visit your parents and slap your dad….because he failed you.
By the way GERSH KUNTZMAN, thanks for minimizing the effects of actual PTSD with this bullshit tale you concocted.
I’m sure the REAL victims of trauma appreciate it you gigantic pile of elephant feces.
Ah, Jonn! You’re SO much nicer than I am!
GERSH KUNTZMAN needs to douche
And he needs some Vagisil for the itch.
“The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.”
Really….you should have spent time with my medical platoon in Iraq from 06-08; I had 18 year olds dealing with far more than you “suffered” in your 20 minutes of hell.
How dare you compare that to what the men and women who truly suffer from PTSD actually deal with on a daily basis.
What a cock sucking, no scrotum carrying cum sucking pussy.
I’ll add “pus-nutted booger-eating metrosexual candyass” to that as well.
It appears that Academy Sports is pussing out too.
Reckon I’ll be buying ammo somewhere else…
That name! geeeeeejuss!
I keep wondering if his mother has any children she claimed as her own.
What a coward.
His mother, like Lars’s, wishes she’d just agreed to anal.
Or perhaps, just said ‘not tonight, thanks’, just that one time.
I doubt she had any children who lived. This ‘man’ may be the afterbirth.
In sure his Mother still regrets him not being a blowjob she remembered to swallow.
He/She/It would really have whined if he got an M1 Thumb.
sj, speaking of things like that, I absolutely loved that one contrast picture of your trip to downtown Manitou Springs on your blog.
The Hemp Store right next door to The Mountain Man. What a picture. Dope on the left and gunz on the right.
I bought my first ever 54 caliber smokepole (as a kit) in the Mountain Man nearly 38 years ago for $49.00 and used it for elk hunting up in the Routt National Forest.
Enjoy the remainder of your trip.
Speaking of black powder, my favorite one was a .45 Kentucky Rifle I made from a kit when I was a kid (I cried when it got stolen in a burglary). These days I enjoy burning powder in either of my .58 rifles, an Enfield and a Springfield. Wanna talk about recoil? Try either of those with a 100 grain charge!
And I just had a thought…”bruised” shoulder means he clearly missed the shoulder pocket! hahahahahaha! #snowflake #liar #pantsonfire
Kuntzman A K A CUNTboi…you are a disgrace to my gender. Lorena Bobbitt (who btw, still looks pretty good) should take a slice at you. That is IF you have anything worth her sharpening her knife for. You should start an organization and call it Mommaboys Homogunophobic Little Bitches. You could meet often to discuss your PTSD from the kindalike combat stories you can conjure up. My guess is you go hide under the blankets when it storms, especially lightening. Our dogs do that; but wait a minute, they don’t piss themselves when they hear B B guns being fired. You really are Puss Boy of The Century. How’d you get by without being in the service? C. O. status would be just what was expected of you, candy ass. Hope your 15 minutes of fame has brought you some public exposure you so desperately needed. Tonight make sure mommy gets you a nice cold glass of milk, a cookie, a nice warm bed, and a hug where she comforts you by rubbing your hairless chest with her boobs. A fine case of manliness you are. Did you out yourself yet? Not to worry, it’s pretty clear. Do yourself a favor and don’t play with squirt guns or blow up balloons.
So deadly and dangerous. Same for paper air planes.
This world is so loud and dangerous these days. Just yesterday it freaked me out and ruined my day when a hummingbird farted while landing on the feeder. Seeking grief counseling today. My hat is off to you as another HELLOFAMAN.
jarhead, you left out the warm aroma therapy enema as part of his bedtime ritual with mommy.
As to the cold glass of milk, my bet is he still gets warm milk straight from mommy’s udders to go with the cookie./smile
In sure he looks forward every night to a nice warm enema from his Mommy before bedtime for being a good little boy!
I think his Mommy should have said “NO!” just that one time.
I really cannot stand hysterical men.
I’m sure his Momma realizes that the best part of him stained either the mattress or car upholstery that fateful night.
Who knows? Half of him might have been flushed down the John in an Okinawa whore house. Wait a minute, he wasn’t in the military to begin with. How’s this, in an “Around the World” trip, half of him may have been spit out.
Important news update to this thread.
Gerkin-Kuntz has written a follow-up piece (scroll to the bottom of the original article) where he admits to being a girly-man.
Addendum: I believe Gerkin-Kuntz did this to gain name notoriety prior to the off-off-off Broadway debut of his stage play which is slated for the second week of August.
Like they say, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity when your name is in the headlines.”
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