Michael James Jarrett; recallable Marine Force Recon phony
Scotty sends us his research on one Michael James Jarrett who flashes a DD214 around that says he was a corporal of Marines but slotted as Gunnery Sergeant. Quite an accomplishment, heh? He didn’t award himself any medals which seems a little strange, except that he claims he has an “expert sniper” badge. Scotty says that there’s no such thing. Well here’s his DD214;
Especially interesting is the note in Block 18 that says that the Marine Corps needs to know where he is at all times so that if they need his irreplaceable skills, they can recall his valuable ass;
Well, the Records Center looked at the DD214 and said “Who? Huh?”
I guess we don’t have enough phonies ready for phony duty, so the Marines need some of them on a short leash, like special Mikey. By the way, his family reported that he was missing a few months ago, but then they discovered that he had “misused family funds” and his status went from “missing” to “wanted”. he’s been located and authorities extradited his ass back to West Virginia and he rests in the warm bosom of his family, or Bubba, whoever he’s sharing his cell with these days.
Category: Phony soldiers
# 49, I have your e-mail & will be responding asap.
Ok thanks
For what it’s worth, the separation code “NBD1” can either refer to Voluntary Retirement; sufficient service for retirement OR transferred to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve (FMCR) at service limits. The Reenlistment Code “RE-2A” suggests a voluntary transfer to the FMCR.
Paragraph 7006 (as noted on his “DD214”) of the USMC Separation and Retirement Manual governs retirements after 20(+) years. “No impact, no idea” regarding the Staff Judge Advocate Release issue.
When does the next tourney start?
We’d love to know how it goes Cavscout. Would you post you findings here for us? I’ve heard from local WV residents who have been involved that the Magistrate actually believes this guy so it will be interesting to see if someone can get him to understand. I wouldn’t put too much faith in the Mercer or McDowell county Sheriffs offices. They don’t respond to a lot of calls and reports. That’s partially why the crime is out of control in the mountains of WV.
Hey guys got it all figured out.. contacted the wv state police and got in touch with the sgt who actually picked him up from florida.. they investigated all of his bs about being a ex state trooper in maryland and also about his ” military career” its all fraud which we alrdy knew.. he hadnt tried to file va benefits but they said they are still going to monitor him so if he wld in the future they will slap a fed charge on the dirt bag.. but currently he is incarcerated and will be indicted on his current charges of credit card fraud
Well, good. Credit card fraud isn’t exactly a little slap on the wrist kind of charge, so he should be appropriately dealt with by those in a position to do so.
Any additional info on hearings? Court in which this will appear? Dates??
It will probably be around January, if handed over to grand jury the indictments will be handed down in February
I seriously doubt this image is photo-shopped. This is a case of 200 pounds of shit in a 100 pound sack.
I found this A Hole’s DD214. All the “Marine” stories I heard…on an on.. Not a Marine, but work with them. Brought it into work and they had a field day with all the discrepancies. SHAMEFUL
The family he stole from is NOT from nor do they live in West VA. Nor are they meth dealers or moonshine manufacturers. Slap in the face to the family (father is a vet and served) and slap in the face to all who served. Though that post was entertaining and comical. All of your descriptions of WVA and Mercer Country are true – The Walking Dead does not compare to the zombie apocalypse in Mercer County. It is depressing. What that man did to my sister is unforgivable. I will step into that nasty area one more time to hopefully see justice served and will never step foot again.
Never been to Mercer Co.. But I’ve been just about every where else in WV. The drug problem here is just as bad as any other state in the union. As is the manufacture of moonshine.
Thank you for stepping forward # 60 PO’d . I have your contact info & will open an e-mail link up with you just in case the PA of Mercer Co. needs verification on his FOIA.
WV is beautiful country – God’s country, and there are good people everywhere. Agree the drug problem is nationwide. It is sad. But there in that county when I visited…I feared for my life. There is not enough police to cover the vast area. I want to make it clear I am not upset with anyone on this blog. My call sign reflects how I feel for the man that did this. Thanks to all who served. I am eternally grateful.
Unfortunately I am this Idiot’s stepfather I tried to raise him right but guess i failed I never met his real father and don’t know anything about him other than what i was told and that was he is a hell of a nice guy. When I first learned of him posing as a marine I confronted him. I guess my lecture went in one ear and out the other. Actually he decided to disown this side of his family as we all knew of ALL his lies and he wanted to make sure that his other side of his family didn’t find out the truth about him. Thanks to his thievery the truth is out about him. He is a disgrace to all our true military. He is a disgrace to me thou I am not a vet. I worked as a police officer for 18 years and a 911 dispatcher 12 years at Patuxent River Naval Air Station. I was told he got this uniform at a thrift shop but as other have said it looks photoshopped to me. This idiot could’t even graduate high school. I want to apologize? to all our true military and vets for this idiots behavior as I fell partly responsible as I was unable to stop him from disgracing you. As PO’d says Thanks to all who served. I am eternally grateful. now I am disowning him!!!
APL material.
Stang70: no apology necessary; you tried your best. He’s made his own choices in this matter.
Thanks Hondo
Stang70. You Sir owe no apologies!
After the age of 16, it is the doer of the dirty deed who owes the apology.
This dirt bag disgraced his entire family. It’s sad that the judge believes this BS. I understand that the police officers can see through the lies but I guess the judge has the final say.
He’s not in jail. He asked to go to rehab where it is possible for him to escape. Why would they send him to rehab if they didn’t think he was getting out?
@ 60 PO’d.
I was the author of the satire. It was written not only to be humorous but also to bring light to the truth.
BLUF: We here KNOW what is going on.
Whether satire or serious, ever word written about these POS brings unwanted and most certain attention to the subjects of our scorn!
Too bad Commander Monkress is not on the watch.
We could all rest well.
@69 – I already knew you were the author but appreciate your reply. Just wanted to set record straight about the family he used and abused. This attention would be most unwanted by him. He can’t pose anymore. He is done. Your satire was witty, but hard to find humor when I have seen first hand the devastation he imposed on the people I love. I do know, however, no harm was meant by the post. God Bless all of you and take care.
Stang70, it’s all good, you did all you could, and that idiot has chosen his path. It’s only a matter of time until he comes across some real Ex-Marines and gets a “wall-to-wall counseling”!
These responses from actual family members remind me of Gunny Driveway’s original thread. Brings a tear to my eye.
I hope you folks recover your funds.
Well this idiot thinks since he coned the Magistrate and volunteered? for rehab that he is going free around 09 Feb. This is what he wrote in a letter his mother. But he is soon to be fooled!! I spoke with the prosecuting attorney and he’s going nowhere. The prosecutor said that he’s Definitely? taking him to the grand jury in Feb and he will probably go to trial sometime in April.
Thanks A Proud Infidel and MCPO NYC USN Ret and A Proud Infidel I told him in my lecture that once a real marine found out about him pretending to be a marine , he would stomp a mud hole in his fake a_ _ and when that day comes I hope that I am there!!!
As others have mentioned here, family members really don’t need to apologize for the actions of an adult member of said family. He’s an adult and he made his own bed to lie in; the rest of you are not at fault and has no need to apologize…
I am a close friend of the families and this POS faked his death, leaving behind a wife and a son with special needs with no money, no car, and no car seat. Hopefully karma will visit him. Shame, Shame, Shame. What a disgrace to human life.
Too boot, left them in the middle of isolated WV where they did not know a soul. He even stated that there were choppers circling around the residence via Government orders to protect the family due to his great importance to the Marines.
but Stolen Valor is a victimless crime….
#77: What scares me, is that people actually believe that crap.
The funny thing is, I was married to him during this time and we were living in Illinois…he was a security guard at Cub Food’s. My son, his first child, is standing next to him in the pic above. I was with him for a few years and married for 8 months but he was never in the military, he did not even finish high school. I met him when I was 16 and he was 20. He is mentally ill and needs help.
Also, his legal last name at the time was Zuchick, he changed it to Jarrett years later.
@teddiebear1209 I feel for you and his son first off but have known this man and befriended him for a long time. He spoke of his children often and his background with all 3 of his ex wives. He is certainly not mentally ill. Does being a liar and a con artist mean that the individual is mentally ill? NO it certainly does not. This man worked along side of me for several months and also was a good friend to him, along with the rest of the time. When he ripped off the old L&M store down the street from us, I began to realize his true character. What Michael did was wrong. He broke the law. That does not constitute a insanity plea. Are you a licensed psychologist and educated enough to diagnose him as being mentally ill? As much as he has confided in me, he stated the same about you, if this is the first ex wife that is.
A man that abandons three families.. He even bragged about it.
All these posers have mental problems, every one. That does mean they are insane and arent to be held accountable.
that is, he stated you were mentally ill yourself.
Exactly……… #84.
I am pretty sure if you were to ask Mary or Lloyd who owned L&M and even wife #3, I am sure they would not share your opinion of this monster being mentally ill. I know the store owners personally and they lost a lot of money over this guy. I also met his family he abandoned after he so called “disappeared.”
I am pretty sure if you were to ask Mary or Lloyd who owned L&M and even wife #3, I am sure they would not share your opinion of this monster. I know the store owners personally and they lost a lot of money over this guy. I also met his family he abandoned after he so called “disappeared.”
teddiebear1209 I disagree with you Michael is not mental I raised him and I happen to know he can be very bright! His biggest problem is he is lazy. all he wants to do is con people into believing he is a marine in hopes of getting their money.
Freedom? I think not.
Well said #84
@89- being very bright does not prevent mental issues
He’s a compulsive liar which is a form of mental illness. Yes I do have a BA in psychology.
I never said he shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions but if he does not obtain the help he needs while incarcerated his behavior will continue when he gets out…there is no rehabilitation in jail/prison.
Also, I’m not sure of his other wives but I left him. I kicked him out of my home…never trust a compulsive liar. I’m pretty sure his second wife left him too.
Not completely sure on the second wife….
So, you are a Dr?
A symptom, but not the underlying issue.
Thank you for clearing that up #98. Did you pull out your DSM to diagnose him or one of your text books?? A BA in psychology does not allow you the right to diagnose anyone. Sorry to break it to you….
Narcissistic, yes.. Mentally ill, no. I know this guy too well, sorry.