Julie Frein, two year Air Force vet offers Arlington grave site to terrorist

| May 7, 2013

A couple of you sent this link to us about a two-year veteran of the Air Force, Julie Frein, has offered the space she thinks that she’s earned at Arlington National Cemetery to the family of Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. And, you know, she says that if we’re upset about that, we should “get over it”.

She goes on that “nobody, nobody deserves to rot above ground”. Actually, when I heard that no one wanted to take his body, my first thought was to put his rotting corpse on a stake in the ground and let the buzzards take what they want.

The only way Frein is eligible for burial at Arlington is because her husband is a retiree from the Navy, otherwise, she’s not eligible, according to the regs. In my mind, her gravesite isn’t something she can give away. I wonder how her husband feels knowing that he’s going to be planted alongside a murderer for eternity.

So glad I left Maryland and these weeping do-gooders behind.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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I’ve said it once and I’ve said it again .. where the HELL they find these people? I honestly spared my brain from hearing her, but she definitely reminds me of the “You need to be this tall to ride” … apparently some reporters take the “You must be THIS stupid to get an interview” kinda approach …


Of all the people who end up unclaimed, unwanted, cremated, and disposed of — and she decides to worry about a terrorist? I would certainly like to know what her husband thinks of all this. I notice he’s nowhere in evidence during the part of the interview shown above. Since she’s turning both of their lives upside down, shouldn’t he have a say in this?


The only way this will work is a water burial or an unmarked grave under a glacier.

Burial at this late date is a moot point, simply disposal of a corpse. The deadline was missed weeks ago. And I can’t say that I blame any cemetery for refusing to take this particular corpse. The residents of those places do not deserve to have their rest disturbed.

Seriously, there are people who are so dumb they would set fire to a cemetery over something like this. I don’t want that to happen anywhere.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Just grind this kid up and plow his remains into a cornfield…feed the resulting corn to some hogs and leave it at that…let the muslim terrorists know we will not bury sh1thead terrorists with any respect for their religion whatsoever, if we get our hands on your dead, muslim terrorist 4ss we are going to feed it pigs after using it to fertilize their feed grain…then we’ll butcher the pigs and serve your fertilized remains as bacon and ribs….

Giving this 4ssclown Julie Frein a nice general purpose beating would be a step forward as well…

B Woodman

Throat punch. Just. Fuckin’. Throat punch.


@ SJ … sorry for your lose!

2/17 Air Cav

@46. MickeyGSM. Is the GSM Gold Star Mother?

@SJ. I join with the others here in offering condolences. If you care to do so, please let us know when her services will be held.


I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that an American sees no problem with burying that piece of hog food in Arlington … the final resting place of multitudes of American Heroes since the Civil War.

Lord, please deliver us from the brain dead …

Hack Stone

So, in the unlikely event that he was interred/interned at Arlington (no telling with the current administration), would she like for him to recieve military honors, also? If we are going bat-shit crazy, let’s really go bat-shit crazy.

Bill C

From “The Outlaw Josie Wales”

Jamie: I wish we had time to bury them fellas.
Josey Wales: To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

Similar sentiment toward Mr. Tamerlan.

Common Sense

We have a guy in Longmont, CO who offered to bury him on his land, but I’m not sure it’s what his family is looking for:

“The only place where they belong is in a septic tank,” Bacria said.


Bacria is a refugee from Romania that built a good life here and he’s none too happy with what they did.

I say ship him back to Russia. I’m sure they’ll find an appropriate place for him.


[…] pals at This Ain’t Hell report that this drooling fucktard has offered to give up her (nonexistent) burial plot at Arlington National Cemetery to the […]


This is what happens when someone swallows their brain.

Hack Stone

Would he get the “full package”, horse drawn carriage, bugler, rifle volley, and the presentaion of a flag? Which flag should his family get, the American or Al Qaida? And would they be told “On behalf of the President and a grateful nation….”


I rather like Mr. Bacria.

But since we have the official response, that Fein can’t ‘transfer’ her plot, it again becomes a moot point.

Doesn’t Rikers Island have a prison cemetery? That would be most suitable. Like I said, the deadline for proper burial is long since past and he’s rotting in Hell now, so it’s simply disposal.

Oh, wait — what’s that garbage scow that floats around that no one wants to allow into east coast harbors? How about there?


SJ…my most humble and sincere condolences on your loss.

Tying in to the other thread…anyone here still think AF women are hot? Not even close if they’re as braindead as her. Looks are nice but I want a woman with something between her ears.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, Madam Frein will be disappointed. Of course, there’s always her backyard. And as a consolation prize, maybe she and her husband will name the bombers’ family as their life insurance beneficiaries.


Great… I know her husbands name… he’s a fellow linguist. Don’t think I ever served with him, but we are a pretty tight group. Sad to see that his wife would pull a “I need 15 minutes of fame” crap like this.

Bobby Powell (@TheTruthIsViral)

My name is Bobby Powell and I publish a news program on the internet. I’m doing research to see if I can connect Julie Frein with cop-killer Eric Matthew Frein. Her husband’s name would help clear or connect them.

If you wouldn’t mind, please send it to me via private message at http://www.facebook.com/TheTruthIsViral.


Seriously. Body farm. Then he can contribute to mankind.

Mickey GSM

@ 57 2/17 Air Cav yes GSM is Gold Star Mother.


Inadvertent Hijacked thread alert

You folks just made my day but then you have made my weeks because TAH made me smile when it was hard to smile. I didn’t post to start a pity party, only to establish creds as to what Arlington would/would not do. I’m taking 2 salt tablets and driving on.

As to Daniele’s ANC service notification to TAH that 2/17 asked for, if I can figure out how to do that with Jonn, WILCO. I plan to hold a reception afterwards in the Belgian restaurant that my bride of 30 years established in Occoquan. Would love nothing better than to buy the TAH hoard some Belgian beers in thanks for helping me keep my sanity. Thanks TAH Brothers and Sisters.

End Hijacked thread. Sorry. Steve



No need to be sorry about that. Worthy hijacking. I’m sorry to hear of your wife’s passing.


SJ: Jonn’s e-mail contact info is found at the “Contact Us” button at the top left of each page at TAH.

Hang in there, amigo. Come back any time you need to vent, or just need to talk. We listen.


USMC recruit depo Parris Island should have bootcamp bayonet qualifications on this woman’s face.



Marines don’t do bayonets anymore. None of the armed forces do. Remember? Obama told us so.

2/17 Air Cav

@71. It’s an honor for me to share a comment or two with you. Thank you.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@75 It kind of looks like they did use her face to test some hammers for durability…either that or they put out a fire on her face with a shovel…


What in God’s name is this woman thinking? She needs some serious mental help.


“The only way this will work is a water burial or an unmarked grave under a glacier.”

Just as long as it is not under the Greenland Ice Cap as there are two Coast Guardsmen and one Army radio man who are still waiting to be retrieved.

Hopefully DPMO will get to this recovery this summer.


@80 – Get them out first, then find a convenient crevasse near the center. Lift, swing twice, toss. End of story.

I think what bothers me the most about this silly broad is her remark that WE need to get over it. No.

SHE needs to be in a hospital where triage is being done on people who get hit with this kind of thing by one of these brainless idiots. And while she’s at it, she can clean the bedpans… with her tongue.

(Yes, I am pissed off.)

Green Thumb

The woman is looking for attention.

Plain and simple.

Look at the picture.


Let’s throw both the terrorist and this insipid hussy into the water next to Bin Laden.

Bubblehead Ray

I would happily donate a burial site right behind our Legion Post. We’ve been thinking about putting in an outdoor urinal.


Bubblehead Ray: see comment 20. Just remember to dig the pit really deep and use plenty of quicklime. (smile)


I would like to punch her in the face. Hard. Repeatedly. And I am a pacifist…


@86- I believe you spell that “pass a fist”.


Either throw the shit in the ocean or stake him to the side of a building! Great line from the movie Rango “Birds gotta eat too.”


Attention whores are gonna attention whore.


i still can’t get my lower jaw of the floor when i first read about this POS!


Treat his body as would be a prisoner. Offer body to parents and give them the option of the process. If they cannot afford the transfer option, cremate the body and forward the ashes to them. Even with the frustration, we must react with dignity as we would in a war (terrorist war)(of which he added to). We would not bury a enemy pisoner of war in Arlington Cemetary, gifted or not. Frein has lost her mind and people (liberals) like her are drowning this country way below our forefather’s imagination. God Bless America! We need it! One more Dunce Cap awarded!


Disgusting! This is the mentality that is ruining America. Hey Julie why don’t you move to some Muslim country so you can help all those poor people.

2/17 Air Cav

Some fellow in Vermont offered to bury the bastard, too, but in his family’s private plot, not in a public cemetery, let alone a military one. His basis for doing it was to apply the Christian teaching to love one’s enemies. I am probably not alone in being accepting of this fellow’s motivation and willingness to put that teaching into practice.


Anonymous: actually, enemy POWs were routinely buried in National Cemeteries during World War II. Many still remain there.


However, this asshole was not a “POW”. He was a terrorist bastard. I have no problem with disposing his remains as trash. His cowardly, terroristis acts IMO demonstrate he deserves to be treated as such.


2/17 Air Cav: my only concern with allowing the guy in VT to bury this tool is that it would establish a “martyr’s shrine” for al-Qaeda and/or their philosophical allies on US soil. That could attract additional terrorists – and additional terrorism.


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