Douche bag being douchie

| November 19, 2012

Meet Lindsey Stone, a self-proclaimed douchebag. See that picture? She thinks it’s hilarious because she’s being her douche bag self. Of course, she’s at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and she thinks that doing what she’s doing is like smoking under a “No Smoking” sign.

This is just us, being the douchebags that we are, challenging authority in general

Whose authority, Lindsey? The folks enforcing the “Silence & Respect” are soldiers. The Tomb is property of the Army, more accurately, the soldiers who are interred there. Of course, the sign is just supposed to remind you of your own proper conduct, the proper conduct you were not taught by your parents, apparently. There is no authority to challenge, really, well, except your upbringing, which by the looks of things is lacking.

Of course, the reason that you think this is funny is because popular culture tells you that the more outrageous you are, the more popular you’ll be. I believe your generation calls it “pushing the envelope” or something. Congratulations, Lindsey, you found the outer edge of the envelope, outside the limits of what we as a civilized society will accept.

Of course, Lindsey’s friends told her that she was wrong, but she left the picture up on her Facebook thingie – right through Veterans’ Day, so she wasn’t chastised quite enough to make her feel any measure of shame for her behavior.

Thanks to JP for the link.

Edit by NSOM:

Pending a follow up from Jonn, do not post home contact information for anyone you think may be Stone. It may not actually be her, innocent third parties may live there and just because YOU’RE mentally stable doesn’t mean the next person to read her home address is too. Her workplace and work number are fine, home addresses are not.

Category: Shitbags

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I wonder just how blown up the Management Team is going to find their inboxes in the morning.


I can get the deal with being funny but there are lines…and you crossed it.


@50: I’ll be in the vast minority with this opinion, perhaps, but I actually hope she keeps her job. I’d rather she work in a place where people know she’ll be and she has to face her idiocy and make up for it somehow than to have her vanish and not be held accountable.

I’m sure there are lots of ways we could turn this into a positive thing.


Well, you can do the nasty thing and leave angry messages on her voicemail at work, or clog her e-mail inbox with them. Or you can do something smarter and write a letter to the director of Life Cape Cod, explaining that you are veterans or families of veterans, some of whom were KIA or WIA, and you object to her behavior, especially at Arlington National Cemetery, and that you want a written apology from her. And send a print out of that photo with it, just to emphasize it. A LARGE print.

And be tactful. Act like the adults you are. But be direct. And while you’re at it, send a copy to the local newspaper.

Yeah, she needs a smack on the backside hard enough to blister it and make her eat her meals standing up for about two months, but it’s frequently more effective to take a more appropriate, and less confrontational, approach.

That’s all I have to say.

Aside from wanting to choke her on bear spray.


“And while you’re at it, send a copy to the local newspaper.”

My local paper is so lib-tastic, they might want to send her a medal. Ditto that for all the papers in the vicinity.


@55: I’m a liberal and I find this a disgrace.


Just sent a MCPO style email to the Ex Dir of Life.

I suspect Lindsey will not be employed by Life much longer … lets say by …. um … tomorrow!

They can not employ her any longer … based on her behavior in comparison to the org she works for … her actions are incongruent … she must be terminated … and the non-profit org board of directors will decide to terminate her. That is my prediction.


Someone please tell me they are sending this to her place of employment. It strikes me that someone who readily and proudly displays this type degenerate behavior (on a work trip no less) would have no problem abusing mentally challenged individuals they are paid to care for.

Id like to know if she is into “challenging authority” at her work with that level of disrespect.

I have a more productive idea of what she should be doing with that disgusting chubby digit protruding from her fleshy palm.


I used to be a pretty good kicker in my ball playing days. I bet I could still put her over a fence.There’s no way I could miss that @$$.


@57: I think you’re right, and I imagine those conversations are happening right now. I still think letting her keep the job contingent on a host of criteria and commitments is a better option.



And they might. They very well might let her keep her job. For all we know, they might well agree with her sentiments.


She has her own thread (possibly 2 sep threads) over at ARfcom now.


@61: Again, I’m a liberal, and I know a lot of other liberals, and can’t think of a single one who’d support this. We may disagree on politics, on how our military is used, or any other thing for that matter,… but ALMOST to a man, we hold those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country in the utmost of respect.

A few whackjobs aren’t representative of liberal attitudes.



“A few whackjobs aren’t representative of liberal attitudes.”

Agreed. And if I gave you the impression I thought they were, you have my apologies. I can see how you could have come to that conclusion. I have friends and co-workers who are liberal, and they wouldn’t support crap like this.

I’m just saying I’m not certain she’d be disciplined or canned over a stupid, disrespectful bout of idiocy like this.

I’m a bit of a pessimist.


[…] An Oddly Hopeful Sign For Me Meet Lindsey StoneNovember 19, 2012 By Mark Shea Leave a CommentJust one of many ungrateful jerks who make the world darker, colder, and stupider as they pee on the graves of people to whom they owe their fat, dumb, and unhappy lives.  Here […]


What is it that you DON’T THINK IT’S DISRESPECTFUL don’t you get? Being a douche bag is no excuse for being disrespectful. You are lucky a family member wasn’t there to see what an ass you made of yourself. Those are our fallen hero’s. Go be a douche bag at the president!!!


she has changed her profile picture on facebook and can now be seen wearing a Red Sox shirt. The class two classes ahead of mine, 01-04, at the Civil Affairs and PSYOP school at SWC got mercilessly PT’d and rat fucked by the General in charge of USAJFKSWCS(A) due to similar behavior, on a trip to DC that was supposed to be a reward. Unfortunately, being AIT Soldiers, they were held to a higher standard, and, both DS’ and 3rd U.S. INF Cadre called down to SWC… The CG of the school hooked that entire class up, and my class 03-04, was the first to be allowed back. We kept our mouths shut at the Tomb, out of fear. I took time out to pay respect to a hero of mine buried near the Tomb, Nick Roe, is buried quite close to it…


The Director of the organization she works for is apparently not going to be in for the next week or so. I received an auto-reply to my email informing me she is out of office and asking that I instead contact Jim Godsill, who is listed on their contact list as the CFO of the organization.


Although I am Canadian, it makes me sick how bush pigs like this claim they didn’t mean any “disrespect” for getting caught doing that? Do me a favor please. The next time you come across a Vet,show them this picture of you flipping the bird at a memorial/cemetery so that way,that particular Vet who see it,can shove his/her foot up your fat,candy associated………..SIDEWAT!


Frankly, I wouldn’t expect this to inspire a positive change in Ms Stone. She seems so self-absorbed that instead of looking at her behavior to figure out what evoked such ire, she would probably loudly complain. “It’s not fair”, “I was just playing around”, “They’re picking on me”.

On the other hand, it does give the organization to show what kind of people they are.


Im not a gynocologist, but I know a cunt when I see one


Picture says a thousand words next time make a better choice


@ 73 … Smack .. You go Girl!


According to Lindsey’s place of employment’s FB page the photographer has been named as Jamie Schuh. In my eyes he/she is just as guilty for participating in the photo.


@75 😀 I promise she is getting plenty of attention on Facebook. Not by who she probably ever wanted tho. Nothing like pissing off an untold number of Military members and spouses to get that twinkie guzzling ego in check for her.


@76: She. Jamie is a she, and on the management team.


“It has come to our attention that a member of LIFE staff has posted a photo on a personal facebook page that has upset others. This photo in no way reflects the opinions of LIFE staff members and/or anyone affiliated with our organization. We sincerely apologize for any offense that the photo may have caused and we are drafting an official apology to be released in the morning.”

The most recent post on the Facebook page of her employer.


Management should know better, just saying…


I spent 18 months in Afghanistan and buried 3 of my friends. I fought for your right to show little respect for people in uniform…your welcome.


We should thank TAH, its members, and Al Gore. For without Al and his invention of the internet, we could not have recieved such a speedly resolution to the douchebagedness of Lindsey Stone.

Yo Lindesy, four words: fast food career opportunities.



And just like that, her world implodes.

Virtual Insanity

Being a douchebag appears not to have been as much fun as she thought it might be.


The Life twitterfacebook thingy page is exploding with comments … BRAVO ZULU!


Damn, over 600 comments in a half an hour.


729 as of a few seconds ago.


LOL. 753 now, and they only have 669 likes.


Holy crap … the comments are landing like NGFS … rounds on target. Second prediction: Facetwitterlinkpagebook thingy will be shut down soon!

Oh the Humanity!


That’s not including the 300+ comments on their “We love Veterans” type post:


Watch for something on the TV news tomorrow.


Holy crap … the comments are landing like NGFS … rounds on target. Second prediction: Facetwitterlinkpagebook thingy will be shut down soon!

Oh the Humanity!

There are now 17 Billion comments because of this:


@79 wow Will, I went to that link you posted and the message they posted already has 900ish comments on it.

Yeah, that’s pretty heavy response, I don’t see Lindsey thru the day tomorrow, but I could be wrong.

@67…Lucky, small world. I had a feeling though. 😉


By my count, over 1300 comments. It’ll be interesting to see how things go from here and what kind of company LIFE is.


That’s 1300 between the two posts, the one from them and their Veteran’s Day Flag photo. That doesn’t count the stray posts on things completely unrelated.


All of you who commented, fuckoff


It was a harmless joke. Maybe if you all took your tampons out before looking at the picture you wouldn’t be so pissed and uptight.


There are multiple Anti Lindsey Stome Facepages out there. She need to hide, leave town, move to Cananada, she needs to do something … because it is all over!

Virtual Insanity

Tell us about yourself, Frank.


Frankie seems to have a problem with people expressing opinions about a self-described douchebag.