Wittgenfeld week

| September 5, 2012

So, apparently, we’re not the only ones who are fed up with Dallas Wittgenfeld’s antics. The Special Forces Association has expelled him for abusing his membership in their organization.

The Special Forces Association has amended their requirements for membership since Wittgenfeld joined, so I’m pretty sure that we won’t see phonies clinging to their membership there as some sort of proof for their funny business again. You’ll notice the date of the letter is August 6th, so it was probably the thing that sent him over the edge in the last few weeks.

I wonder what his doctor at the VA will advise him to do as legal recourse. I can hardly wait to hear.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Currahee John

“I am not mute… I am being muzzled… like in Communist countries…”

Then how were you able to post this, dingbat?

Geez, the quality of doofuses around here sure has dropped of late.

OIF 06-07-08

You still can’t just let it go, no matter how many of your lies are exposed. You are not being muted or muzzled. You simply live in your own little fantasy world and you want everyone else to believe in your fantasy.

So maybe the SFA kicking you out will make you face reality instead. You Dallas Wittgenfeld are nothing but a first class loser.


My guess is that someone merely got fed up and pointed SFA at Wittgenfeld’s various false claims of SF status and his asshattery here – and that when SFA looked at it, they decided to 86 him. Good organizations don’t like people trashing their name by publicly acting like idiots while flashing their membership status.

— break —

Wittgenfeld: if you were being “muzzled” like in the former Communist world, you’d simply have disappeared and would never be heard from again. The fact that you’re still able to post here is proof – for the umpteenth time – that you don’t know shit from Shinola. You really should cut your losses and quit acting like a jackass.


Question for you dilly Dallas. Are you married or just shacked up? Be honest now. Inquiring minds want to know !


@49 Hope that dog muzzle works. Woof!

@54 I’d be curious to know just who would lower their standards enough to co-habitate with him.

Mr. Blue

#49: Hey Dallas, Ivan Denisovich called. He and the other zeks in the gulag were so touched by your story that they all cried into their gruel.

He's so full of it

Make sure to check http://www.fakewarriors.org/horv/horv_934.htm

Thunder Turkey claims he never said he was a Green Beret???? He’s married more than once and the divorce states “Extreme Cruelty” and neglect with 2 kids!

Yat Yas 1833

dullASS, you know the difference between you and a mentally challenged person? They know they have a handicap, you don’t. Please explain your expulsion from the Special Forces Assosiation as an “associate” member!!! They have decided you’re a lieing sack of sh1t and have called you on it. Now what’s your excuse? What’s sad is you can’t admit to yourself what you are. It doesn’t matter, all of us here and how many THOUSANDS of Internet users also know what you are. A lieing, coward, fake, son of a bitch. I’m still waiting for you to contact me so we can meet and we can settle my own disdain for you. You know why you won’t? Because you are a COWARD! Prove me wrong, Mr. Lilyea has my contact information and has my written permission to give it to you. He’s had it for months but you won’t respond, why? Because you’re a 100% chicken shit. The SFA has already branded you a fraud and a liar and now I’m proving you a coward.


ROTFLMAO Seems Dallas is not all he would have us belive he is. Hows that big SF boot feel up your ass? Seems like your past lies are finally catching up with you Later chicken shit radio boy



What does this guy, and God apparently, have against McD’s?


@60 I don’t know, but the St. Louis skyline almost peed itself. Almost.


Turd Burglar