Airsoft=active duty

| August 29, 2012

So, this guy claims he’s on active duty and you can tell he is because he’s wearing ACUs and, of course, there’s the CIB and the Ranger tab and the 75th crest on his hat. Never mind that he has one of those devil beards.

Funny, though, there are no jump wings. I guess he didn’t want to go full retard, but since there are no leg Rangers in 75th, I’d question him. And he’s wearing a 173rd combat patch – they’re an airborne unit.

From his YouTube comments;

So I guess that being an Airsoft wienie counts as combat. And he doesn’t look too old or fat to be a Ranger at all.

Thanks to Joel for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I guess the Surplus Stores have run out of 1st CAV patches.

I would love to see if he would care to join us here in W/L province to actually earn it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Precision Lasered Trademarks so he is selling stuff, these guys are always selling something….how is that not a crime? I understand the Stolen Valor decision regarding “tangible” value. But promoting a business while claiming to be a vet in order to either build credibility or boost sales with veterans in the market for your products seems fraudulent in and of itself. It’s a misrepresentation of your qualifications, and to me is no different than claiming to have an accounting degree for the purpose of winning some bookkeeping business, when in fact you never even went to college.


I so wish FB wasn’t blocked at work. I’d have the entire shop over at my desk laughing at this jackwagon.


I’m not sure, but did the 75th bring road guard vests on every mission? And jump with toe-tagged duffles?

I keep meaning to record my YouTube video diary. I was thinking of painting my toenails with the Army colors while dishing on how awesome I once was. Wearing a promask with a combat patch sewn in the hood.

What burns my buttons is that the 1/501st deployed with my old PSG as CSM, so someone out there could be rocking the 172nd patch with an airborne tab. No one ever fakes that one. Maybe it’s because they didn’t have a fancy shmancy combat jump.

Sgt Awesome

Ugh, the more I creep this guy, the more I want to punch him in the face. He fucking drips of douchebaggery.


Bobo: actually, he’s correct – records are now indeed kept at Knox for both the Active Army and USAR. HRC moved there a couple of years ago.

Middle initial appears to be E. DOB or SSN would help, but middle initial may be enough.

— break —

Sky Soldier: you might want to double check with a lawyer before you do that to ensure that’s legal. I am not a lawyer. However, from what I can find Texas is indeed a “one-party consent” state with respect to recording conversations.


Ok so I am confused. Whois lookup of his domain gives me Donald Ethredge, but Keith Taylor appears to be the guy in the video…hmmmm

Sgt Awesome

NHSparky a way to get around the FB being blocked at work is to type https// in front of it anytime the blocked website shows up. It is blocked at my office and that works everytime, it’s a pain in the ass having to type https:// in front of every link that is blocked. But it does the trick

Stuart Clark

This is what he sent me after I told him his site has become “hot” for stolen valor, and I only want to do business with Veteran Owned businesses:

“My 173rd was a uniting served in before ranger school and as far as hot I don’t give a shit. The only site is the one they created crazyncman has don’t this to me for years. To cast doubt on me because he can’t compete and he’s a child my military service Cosby have Jack to do with my videos or my company periodically have nothing to prove. To anyone. I proved it to me and my dad. And my grandfather questioning my service is an insult. I do not need anyone’s business that doubts me nor do I need to put up with any of this anymore. I worked hard in my Army days. Very very hard. And frankly say what you want its just cordells way of being an asshole like he always does you can tell him its not going to work I’m not leaving YouTube. I do not mess with him he should stop with me. As for my DD214 according to the Army it cannot be accessed by anyone. My words get twisted to suit others ideas of me. If you or any others can it accept my honor or my words I do not need you”


@57, I’m rocking the 172nd combat patch right now, just without the airborne tab since we were Stryker at the time.


Dilly dingus is upset he lost the Stolen valor Award and is now out supporting next years contenders… He is supporting another f’ing phony, what a shocker.

I notice the idiot says he served 25 years ago… when did the 173rd Reconstitute? Hmmm, seeing as the 3/325 was still in Vicenza and the 173rd was years from reactivating I would say it makes it absolutely impossible for him to have served in it. WTF is an “affilliation unit” anyhow?

PowerPoint Ranger

Did he hire a Nigerian email scammer to write that for him? If not, he and Gunny Driveway must have flunked the same English classes.


Why does it always have to be the CIB? Please oh please poser fuckcycles when you are putting on unearned badges be trend setters and choose the CAB instead.


@63 – we had a couple of Wainwrighters who deployed with my Guard unit…it was nice to have a couple of Stryker pros with our cherry Stryker outing.


173rd Reactived in 2002 in Vicenza.


Hondo – tracking HRC’s move to Knox, but his records most def reside at St. Louis.


From what I can find, the 173rd deactivated in 1972 after Viet Nam, reactivated in 2000. I recall that there were some guys in my ARNG unit who has served in the 173rd in Viet Nam and were happy to see them coming back in 2000. The 25 years ago claim would had put him in the middle of their deactivated time. Maybe he spent from 1972 until 2000 at the RTB.


JP: this clip appears to be the same guy, but he claims not to be Ethridge – he claims to have “partnered with” Ethridge. In the clip, he IDs himself as “The Jedi270”.

Looks like someone may have to physically visit Mr. Ethridge and see if he’s the same guy or not. This other clown may – or may not – be the same individual.


@68, I was pretty sure it was around then. When I left germany in 94 it was still the 325 in Vicenza. You have to love idiots who do not even try and get the history at least close to being right.
Think he may be good for the first round in next years contest, maybe more if he can ramp up the rhetoric a little, and having thunderdunce there to help, he just may be able to do it.



Bobo: if he left service before 1 October 2002, that is correct. If not, HRC maintains the records, but NPRC services records requests – to include FOIAs.

For those still serving, Active or USAR (including inactive USAR with service obligation) HRC at Knox maintains the records.


Just one small question: what is he doing with a pistol that has “property of U.S. Government” stenciled on it? Or is that another part of his fake buffet, where you take your choice of crap to swallow?

Hey, SkySoldier, find out if he has a skinny horse or an underfed dog. The Houston SPCA loves to bust people like that. You can get the sheriff after him.


@67, Even without the Airborne tab the patch is still pretty rare. I think around 6,000 of us Army wide are authorised it. It’s rare enough that I got sick of getting asked what National Guard unit I deployed with.



” Hey, SkySoldier, find out if he has a skinny horse or an underfed dog. The Houston SPCA loves to bust people like that. You can get the sheriff after him.”

From the looks of this fatass, I can guare-gotdamn-tee that if he has a dog or a horse, they’re both fighting for scraps. LOL!
/disclaimer – not that I haven’t put on a few pounds since I retired!!


Chip — Haven’t we all?



The entirety of this guy’s argument blew up when he responded to you with the following, as you noted above:

“As for my DD214 according to the Army it cannot be accessed by anyone.”

Last nail in the coffin, shovel dirt in his face and piss in his eye…..just another phony poser.

El Marco

Jedi? Really? The Batt Boys would stomp his ass, ‘specially since he likes to play with toy guns.


@75 Twist,
During my OEF 10 deployment with the 173rd, I actually had someone from the 101st look at my patches and ask what state my guard unit was from. He had no idea who/what the 173rd was.


@67 – that’s so true, our 172nd vets got asked “what state did you come from” by just about anyone who was never stationed up north. I was with the 501st at Fort Richardson when we reflagged from 6th ID (Light) to the 172nd, it was a happy day when we shed the boring 6-pointed star for the new patch. Not only was the old patch boring, but the whole “jumping Jew” thing got old for me, a “jumping Jew.”

When I first went to the PA Guard’s LRSD unit in 1999, we had a Vietnam vet (still jumping) rocking the 173rd combat patch. I can tell you what he didn’t have; YouTube or a Van Dyke.


It’s looking like “Jedi270” is indeed Keith Taylor.

Whether that’s a second persona for “Donald Ethridge” or not, still don’t know.


Hondo, if he’s operating a business and is looking for tax deductions and has an invisible partner (like a psychic vampire or a tapeworm), he could possibly claim a deduction for Donald Ethridge.


So it look like Keith Taylor, somewhere in Kentucky, is our guy.

Needs more info before you can FOIA him, I think.


@81, When I first got there the 501st was still part of the 172nd. We were jelouse that you guys got all the funding. We used to joke that Ft Wainwright was situated in unFairbanks.


Note regarding his “PawPaw” avitar:
Neither the Rangers of WWII database nor the roster in Robert Black’s “Rangers of WWII” show a Granville Hughes. They list:
Anthony R. 3btn
Charles E. 3btn
F. J. 6btn
Kevin F. 4btn
Russell 4btn

My appoligies to Granville if these databases are incorrect.


JP: looks like that would be a “yes” – unless we can verify that he and Donald Ethridge are one and the same person. And even then, SSN or DOB would help immensely.

m16 acog

hey ass holes im m16 acog and if u wanna know im not a dumb ass i was just asking a fucking question i dont think im a ranger and all that bull shit but other airsoft fucks do so i decided to ask why i dont know but i did im 14 and when i turn 17 im joining the navy not fucking army and wanna do eod unlike all u shit heads who are fat shut the fuck up and get a like these comments when public cus som mother fucker who is a fucking dumb ass go shit on yourself and i respect the jedi 270 more than all of u fucking combind so go fuck off


@88 Nobody was talking to you, kid. Does mommy even know you’re on the computer again?

Old Tanker

For our new stolen valor tourney we should just determine the winner by the number of comments they get!

Old Tanker

Oh no….this is going to get interesting…

88, thanks in advance for the entertainment, that is if my brain doesn’t explode trying to read whatever language you call that…


“i respect the jedi 270 more than all of u fucking combind”

So basically you don’t give a fuck about this Poser POS, because non of us do!… You wont even pass boot douche nozzle ..

m16 acog

actually i will i am a little gullibal and did the guy who posted this mean it to be to me being the ass hole or the jedi


Hondo, go to you can validate the address and get his birthdate for a small fee. That’s how I check all of the POSERS I am looking into. DOB is key to get a good FOIA reply.


m16 acog: Well, sonny . . . my background is Army. After deciphering (I think) that ignorant and illiterate rant you posted in comment 88, I’m kinda glad you plan on joining the Navy too.

But even if the Navy lets you join, don’t get your hopes up regarding EOD. That career field takes intelligence, good judgement, and self-control. You obviously have little in the way of those qualities – and I’m betting you won’t acquire them in the next 3 or 4 years, either.

m16 acog

msg retired are u talking about me or him please say not me

Stuart Clark

@88 do you kiss your mom with that mouth? If this is a demonstration of today’s youth, we’re doomed.


Does the ASVAB account for punctuation and the ability to put a coherent thought into writing? If so, I don’t think m16 is going to make the cut into any type of specialty unit, let alone the Navy. Sorry, buddy.

m16 acog

@ Stuart Clark, actually im an E2 for united states sea cadets and just went through boot this past summer so im allitle better than todays youth


Please don’t join my Navy, please don’t join my Navy….