Of legal claims and medical records….

| June 7, 2012

UPDATE: Not posting it, because it honestly doesn’t go to any of the actual questions.  I think I am covered legally, but out of 4 lawyers surveyed for this, I got 2 on each side.  So, just not worth it.  Also, no one should be concerned about Blue Falcon’s threats.  Hell, I just jumpy at a lot of things, this ain’t one of them, because (again) there’s no cognizable thing I have done wrong.   If the bar calls me, I can present them with all the stuff (reams of documentation), but my guess is they would tell him to get lost anyway. 


To the Blue Falcon claiming he will contact the Mass Bar, please go ahead.  Not sure you know how this all works, but I haven’t violated a single law.

Mr Jerry sent me the medical record.  I don’t want to discuss it, except to say that I am unconvinced.  Jerry also suggested that I should watch what I say about Poe’s DD214, DD215, and PEB/MEB stuff.  It was not meant as a threat, so do not jump on him.  However, his concerns so far don’t concern me.  He was worried that disclosing those documents would violate HIPAA.  They don’t, largely because HIPAA covers medical stuff, not other documents, and the PEB/MEB stuff is directly taken from the news station that he sent them to.

However, somewhat paradoxically, this medical record WOULD be covered by HIPAA.  Now, Jerry has released it to me, and says Poe okay’d it, but I have no record of that.  And to be perfectly honest, I don’t know how HIPAA works on third party disclosures.  Anyone a lawyer out there that knows anything about HIPAA?

Again, I am 100% certain I have done nothing even arguably wrong.  But just to be on the safe side with this medical thing, I could use an actual legal opinion.  Anyone know someone?

*It looks like I was right about not knowing the law, because it is HIPAA and not HIPPA.  It also looks like I might not be subject to it, but still need a lawyer if anyone knows one.  Want to be sure.  And lord knows that my income from this blog won’t cover the $200 an hour to make sure.

Category: Politics

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I think you guys need to add a “legal threats made” vs “actual legal action taken” counter to the sidebar. If nothing else, let these turds know they’re not original.

Can’t wait to see the basis for Blue Falcon’s ethics complaint. Dumbass.


0311, I also think Jonn needs to make a spinoff of All Worked Up involving his crazy antics as some poor schmuck tries to serve him court papers.