Gunny Pinhead

| April 5, 2012

This ass clown has hash marks for 32 years of service, but he’s only an E7? I know the Army has an “up or out” program that ejects E7s when they hit 22 years.\ of service. I’m guessing that the Marines do the same. And four Purple Hearts, individually represented by a ribbon. Obviously, he’s not familiar with the way things work. Either he has the smallest head in the military, or the surplus store didn’t carry a hat in his size.

Mary writes to us: They are coming out of the woodwork. What the heck is going on?

If you scroll down from this picture, you’ll see that Mary has a name for the guy who rendered me speechless, the other day, but not enough to ID him yet.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Country Singer

I had no idea Kevin Bacon’s dad was a phony Marine.




If it turns out this guy has a page on a fetish site, let’s not visit.

Shit, thanks for the reminder. I’m still paying off the credit cards for the truckload of mind bleach.

Toothless Dawg

I don’t know but it looks like the Marine Corpse that obammy was talking about has been found


“Marine Corpse” is right.

First thing I thought when I saw that photo is that Boris Karloff from “The Mummy” joined the Corps.


Is there a ‘Fuck with the Marine Corps Convention’ in town?


If I ever had the time, I’d love to see if any publisher would consider this for a book. Can you imagine putting out something akin to “Stolen Valor” with these assclowns gracing the pages?

NYT Bestseller, for sure.


High Year Tenure is the least of this guy’s problems, however:

Marine Corps (Active) HYT

E-4 – 8 years
E-5 – 13 years
E-6 – 20 years
E-7 – 24 years
E-8 – 26 years
E-9 – 30 years

Note: An E-5 who has been passed over twice for promotion to E-6 may be separated at the end of their current enlistment, even if they have less than 13 years of service. An E-6 who has been passed over twice for promotion to E-7 may be separated at the end of their current enlistment, even if they have less than 20 years of service. An E-7 or E-8 may exceed 20 years of service only if they have not been passed over twice for promotion.
Marine Corps (Reserves) HYT

E-3 – 10 years
E-4 – 12 years
E-5 – 20 years
E-6 – 24 years
E-7 – 26 years
E-8 – 28 years
E-9 – 30 years


@ #57 – Anything is possible Sparky 😉 Seeing this newest contestant for phoney category on TAH puts a slight smile on my lips….


Pinhead, Ballduster, Macbeth, Matthis, Duncan.

Glossy photos.Nice layout. Instant bestseller.

If I had time for all of the research, I’d do it myself. Seems to me that y’all TAH bloggers have done all of the research already.

Did I just say “y’all”? I haven’t said that word since I got out of the Army.


This from SEIU talking about heroes from Occupy Wall Street and Madison of all places…

“The 99% Spring is coming.

Groups from every corner of our movement—inspired by the everyday heroes of Occupy Wall Street and Madison —are planning a massive campaign of bold nonviolent direct actions to make the voices of the 99% impossible to ignore.”

From an email….

Yep, those occupy hippie trash are real heroes ain’t they…




Re the book, the difficulty IMHO would be to get the best of the comments in there. The photo and accompanying TAH blurb on the left side of the page spread, and a group of “Best Of” comments (and even PS reponse[s]) on the right? According to John Kerry though, bein’ that we mostly here joined the military, the book would need more pitchers than tekst, we’uns not bein’ so smart, so that could be a problem. Anyways, I’d buy two of ’em fer sure, one to keep at home and one for the VFW hall.





AHAAHAA Aaaaa!!!!

Motherfucking fucking fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck! Fucking titty fucking fuck fuckity fuck!



I asked this guy

He said Gunny Pinhead’s hat fits just fine.


According to this guy
Pinhead’s hat fits just fine.

Eleven Bang Bang

Is that a Bronze Star on the second row? The second row?

Hack Stone

Numb-nuts used two seperate sets of hashmarks on each of his sleeves.


@67- There are two Bronze Stars, right below the row with the Silver Star. Identifying ribbons is a lot tougher when they’re out of order.

Eleven Bang Bang

@69 Oh good God, I didn’t even see that level of shitbaggery.


In the interest of completeness, here’s what I was able to make of this idiot’s ribbons, starting at the top and working down:

Top Row: AF Cross (or possibly USCG DSM)
2nd Row: PH – PH – PH (3 separate ribbons!)
3rd Row: Kosovo CM, CAR, USMC GCM
4th Row: can’t ID, DMSM, SS
5th Row: BSM, MFO Medal?, BSM (2nd ribbon!)
Bottom Row: can’t ID, Kuwait Liberation Medal(KU)(inveted), MSM

He’s also wearing a couple of weapons qual badges and a set of jump wings. My background isn’t USMC, so I won’t even attempt to try to ID the weapons qual badges.

But I think I have an ID. This must be the infamous “Dhoum Fakhar” we’ve all heard about.


Do you Marines take it as a compliment that most (all? I’m a newbie) of these clowns choose your Service to emulate? I’m Army so I feel insulted. 🙂


SJ: you might want to search this site for “Soup Sandwitch”, “Ballduster”, “Snake Eyes”, and “Chippendale SEAL” before making that statement. The USMC is hardly alone in being the target of posers and fakes. There’s just been a run on USMC fakes lately.

Toothless Dawg

@ #64 Semper – Post of the thread. I’m still laughing at the realism of it all


The clowns are out in full force! Funny how they all have that big stare. Again they watched to many movies, but it sure is comical that they dress up like this. Totaly amazing, sure hope their names and profiles get listed so that everyone can see how Junior is playing dress up.


I’m sorry he couldn’t find any Pacific Theater from WW II or the Korea service medal and UN medal. He looks older than I am; I’m surprised he doesn’t have the medal for the Marine Corps victory over the Arabs at Tripoli.


The top row is the Kuwait Liberation Medal(Saudi Arabia). He must have his rack upside down. Must be the PTS, doesn’t know which way is which. Semper Fi.

Easy 8

You can tell he’s been in the shit too long. He’s got the “1000 yard stare”.


why do we seldom see Coast Guard posers? And I have yet to see a Public Health Service or Civil Air Patrol faker. And contrary to some of the other comments, I’m not seeing a missing button. So fuktard at least got that right

Yat Yas 1833

@72 SJ, in a twisted way it IS a compliment that posers choose the Marine Corps but it’s also the biggest insult. I’m old Corps, I went thru recruit training in the ’70s when Drill Instructors still slugged you for screwing up, when the platoon missed meals for screwing up, when Drill Instructors came into the squad bay at 0200 to play ‘games’ like empty your footlocker and replace it in 25 seconds!

That they claim MY title, MY rank, MY decorations? You claim my honor without earning it? Fork you! I can only hope one of these rat bastages will pull this crap here in Phoenix. I will go to jail for kicking the sh¥t out of them.


robertM: On my system, the center of that ribbon looked more med/light blue than green. But if the center of the ribbon is green, you’re probably right.

But if so, the rack ain’t upside down – it’s just completely hosed. The Kuwaiti version of the medal is on the bottom row as he’s wearing them now.

I think they guy got together and partied with Androsky (AKA Soup Sandwich), huffed a bit too much shoe cleaner, and decided to try the bogus uniform thing himself. And like Soup, he was just too stupid to pull it off.

But I could be wrong. (smile)


Damn. #81 was me.

Gettin’ that 2nd cup of coffee now . . . .


Guess we’d better start up a bail bond & legal representation fund…Just in case Yat Yas catches a poser in his neck of the woods. LOL


why do we seldom see Coast Guard posers?

Too lazy to look for it now, but there was the case of a CG Warrant who faked a whole bunch of shit, including a SEAL Trident well before anyone in the CG went to BUD/S.

Like I’ve said before, nobody wants to fake being a bubblehead or a nuke, and that suits me just fine. You can’t take my Golden Field Day Badge or Order of the Royal Rubber Sucker away, those are MINE, I earned those fuckers, dammit!


@84 Sparky: it was Thomas Barnhart. His sorry sordid story is at

He was dead meat once Mary got wind of him.

“The case against him began when Mary Schantag of the POW Network got wind of the bogus claims. She began an exhaustive investigation that ultimately led to the state’s attorney’s office looking into the matter. On Jan. 25, 2008, he admitted his DD 214 was altered, and that he was neither a SEAL nor a combat veteran.”


@81/82 the upside down part was me just trying to be funny. Har Har. The KLM(SA) has the little gold date palm and crossed sword device pinned to the center of the ribbon. you can see it in the pix.


Streetsweeper, I think we might need that bail bond and legal representation fund for Semper, too… (post 64).


…except in his case, I don’t think bail will be an issue.


@84-When people ask me what I got a Battle ‘E’ for, I tell them for “stripping, sealing and waxing the blue tile in the Captain and Flag passageway.”


robertM: I enlarged the photo using different software, and now I think you’re probably right. I wish the resolution was a bit better in the original so I could tell with certainty.

I also may have goofed on the DMSM ID. When expanded, it seems to have a bit of black between the red and white, so that means it’s probably the Afghanistan Campaign Medal.

Wish I could figure out what the leftmost (as viewed) ribbon on the 3d row from the bottom is (same row as the SS), though. It kinda looks like the AF Organizational Excellence Award, but the stripe widths seem wrong. And unless the one at the bottom left (as viewed) is a severely faded or bleached Navy Cross ribbon, that one has absolutely got me stumped.

In any case, this guy is IMO an absolute drooling idiot.


Blue tile…(shudder)…all that does is bring back bad memories of the tender.

Yeah, I got mine (all 3 of them) for repeatedly doing the “Vulcan Death March.” Any nuke will tell you what that means, and yeah, it sucks as bad as it sounds.


Hondo: the bottom left ribbon is the USMC Drill Instructor ribbon. As for the 3d from bottom on the left, Looks like the GWOT service medal. Hard to tell with this resolution.

Vic Voltaggio

Looks like Crime scene tape behind this “Joker” such a shame and he had to pick a Marine Corps Uniform. Why aren’t there any Air Force wannabees? The MCL is trying to ferret out this losers and we always need the help of others to expose them Semper Fi to our honorable men and women who did serve.

Old Tanker

Vic, You’ll have to check out Soup Sandwhich…..AF posuer and he made this guy look legit!

Old Tanker


Here you go….AF posuer extraodinaire!


robertM: you could well be right about the GWOTSM – that could be yellow vice white on the first light-colored stripe inboard from the edge. And thanks for the ID on the USMC DI Ribbon; that looks to be it.

Guess after having to buy 4 sets of service stripes vice 2 and paying extra to have them sewed on he didn’t have enough money for an NSDM or the rest of his campaign ribbons. (smile)

Old Tanker


Meet MSgt Soup Sandwich

Bob Corsa

Who is this person and where does he reside.
Somebody already stated ” they are coming out of the wood work.

J Allan Woodard

@#57 Publisher —