Potok crawls out of his hollow log

| March 30, 2012

I figured that George Zimmerman’s Hispanic heritage and Jewish surname would keep the Southern Poverty Law Center out of the discussion of the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but no chance. CNN wants to call him an expert of some sort when they’re starting to feel uncomfortable about how they were wrong in the beginning of this story and it’s starting to look like Zimmerman had cause to defend himself;

Mark Potok, an expert on extremists for the Southern Poverty Law Center, says white supremacist attitudes often emerge during such hot-button controversies.

“You see this every time there really is something like this,” an attempt to portray victims as perpetrators and this slain 17-year-old as a “gangster thug,” he said.

If CNN meant “Mark Potok, an expert” like the History Channel’s experts on aliens and Bigfoot, then yeah, they got it right. I wonder why he doesn’t mention how every time a so-called disadvantaged child gets arrested or accused of a crime the perpetually outraged flood the television screens to tell us how he could never have done what he’s accused of doing, how he was a good kid and someone is lying about him. Or how they drag out their perpetually outraged expert Mark Potok to tell us how we’re all racist for pointing out the reasons we don’t feel much sympathy for criminals.

Potok…compared the slams at [Shirley Sherrod, the black Agriculture Department employee] with the crude doubt cast on Martin’s character and innocence.

Yeah, except that Martin was really a thug, according to the available evidence. Not that he deserved to die because of it.

Thanks to TSO for the link.

Category: SPLC

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Nobunny, PPR: you’re both on-target. Some broken noses bleed a lot; others, not much at all. And many people receive even rather serious impact-type injuries to the head and scalp and are fully lucid afterwards, with much less obvious sign of injury than you’d think. I’ve personally had my head impact concrete hard enough to lose approx a 3/4″ x 2″ patch of scalp as a result. The injury didn’t bleed anywhere near as much as I’d have expected (the blood didn’t even ruin the shirt I was wearing, though that’s likely also partly due to the fact that got great first aid immediately after the injury). And I was fully lucid immediately after the injury, and was capable of walking very shortly thereafter. (I knew the scalp wound was going to need attention and that there was a slight chance of skull/neck injuries, so I accepted transport to the ER.)

Call me hard-headed if you want to. I happily agree. (smile)

Yeah, insipid is talking out of his 4th point of contact here (his ass). But he does that all the time. He only rarely has a clue.

Old Trooper

BTW, Insipid, are you basing your accusation that Zimmerman is a racist on the NBC News 911 audio tape? Because if you are, then you need to find a less biased news outlet to view.



@22 Yeah, the NBPP are only calling for an arrest and not vigilante justice. That’s why their “bounty” (proper term: offer of payment for a hit) stated “Dead or Alive”


Gee, insipid jumping to conclusions based on the use of biased, selective, and incomplete data. Again. What a surprise. Yeah, Old Trooper – it certainly looks that the NBC audio of Zimmerman’s 911 call was selectively edited to omit some very key facts: (1) that the police asked Zimmerman what race Martin was, (2) that Zimmerman did not volunteer that information on his own, and (3) that Zimmerman had already observed suspicious behavior by Martin prior to his 911 call. The tape certainly appears to have been deliberately edited to make it look like Zimmerman volunteered that information on his own initiative and had no other reason to suspect Martin of nefarious intent other than his race. A reasonable person hearing both versions (NBC’s selective edit and the entire call) or reading both transcripts could very well conclude that the edit was a deliberate attempt by someone in the media to manufacture unfounded charges of racist behavior on Zimmerman’s part. There’s really no other reasonable explanation I can think of for omitting those maybe 10 seconds of very key audio from the version that NBC chose to broadcast. If anyone else has a plausible contrary explanation for what NBC did here that passes the common-sense and “smell” tests, I’ll be happy to listen. But I’m not holding my breath. And for insipid’s benefit, I’ll spell out for him why this is important. Responding to a question from a police dispatcher about the apparent race of an individual with a qualified answer picked from among one of the three choices the police suggested is a very different thing than volunteering that same information on your own initiative. Responding to a question about a potential suspects appearance, including apparent race, is a citizen’s duty when they make a 911 call. Volunteering information about race unnecessarily might – or might not – show racial bias, depending on the circumstances. Also for insipid’s benefit: the omission of Zimmerman’s description of Martin’s behavior is also significant here, and could well be further evidence of malicious intent on NBC’s part. The omitted material here shows that… Read more »


@#29, First of all, I probably worked far longer in the inner city than you have. Maybe not, but, an audio of a scream has no race. There is no way to say definitively that that’s Martin on audio. So, yet again, I’ll take dad at his original word, it isn’t Martin.
#2, I listened to the audio of Wheeler. My response is, So what. He said a test could have been given. Yet he didn’t say why, or under what circumstances. Yet again, I’ll go with my experience with investigations of this type, absent probable cause, a “toxicology test” can’t be given without obtaining a search warrant, regardless of what Wheeler said. Mike Papantonio? Meh, a member of a self-described “plaintiff’s lawyer” law firm? “A Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer”? You do realize, don’t you, that that means he’s not a criminal trial lawyer?
As was pointed out upthread, you really ought to read up on the elements of a crime before you type and expose your colossal ignorance for the world to see.
And, you’re absolutely certain there is no paramedic’s report? How about the original police report that documented Zimmerman’s injuries? Or was the cop that made that report a racist too?

Just Plain Jason

For some reason I see flashbacks of the hour and a half tape that led up to the fifteen second video that everyone saw of the Rodney King tape.

Old Trooper

@58: Let’s not forget the forged Dan Rather Texas Air National Guard records of a certain President, either. Of course, as Dan told us, “it’s not the accuracy, but the seriousness of the charge”.

Old Trooper

I wonder; is Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, NBPP, Obama, Spike Lee, or Will Smith going to comment on this?


I won’t hold my breath

Just Plain Jason

Hey now OT they only comment on things that will mean money in their direction, not the other way around. What pisses me off is that there are 17 year olds murdered everyday in America and it doesn’t have anything to do with race and these ass hats don’t say shit, but now when there is a chance for Al and Jessie to make a buck or two they show up. They would rather cling to hey it somebody else’s fault so they can make a buck rather than try to have a little integrity. Then if someone does say what the problem is…they ostracize them. Hell even Jessie Jackson started saying the same thing once in his “hood in our own streets” speech then backed off. Look what is said about Bill Cosby now? Oh and Herman Cain? Don’t take responsibility for your own actions blame. God I really hat Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, zero integrity having asshats.


This is about two things. 1. energizing the base. The Pres needs a huge turnout from the black community in Nov. and it does no good to lable Zimmerman as hispanic…need those votes also. 2. lays the foundation in case the Pres is voted out of office in Nov. The left will then already have the Race card cued up and ready to play.


#48 I’ve broken my nose twice and it hasn’t bled either time. It hurt like crazy, but never bled.


Well, it looks like even NBC realizes they have a lipstick-covered pig on their hands re: the altered transcript. They’re supposedly doing an “internal investigation” of how that happened:


Proof’s in the pudding, NBC. Let’s see if heads roll or if you try and sweep this under the rug.


And add another data point: a neighbor now indicates he saw Zimmerman with obvious bruises on his face and head and a swollen nose the day after the shooting. And the neighbor also says that he recognizes the voice screaming on the 2nd 911 call as being Zimmerman’s voice.



Video from SPD’s security camera’s in the sally port….


City of Sanford, FL website: http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.html Click on “Trayvon_Martin” link…. Have fun! Insipid, how’s this little exchange working for ya now?

Just Plain Jason

All obvious racist lies and conspiracy! I think it is all a setup between the Mexican Mafia and white power organizations…because now Mexicans are white for this portion of race card once this is over they will be Mexican again.


Where is insipid? In jail in Tijuana after a bar fight? Maybe he laid his hog down on the interstate and is in the hospital?


insipid said he might go see Hunger Games. Maybe he got delusions of adequacy, played, and lost?

Just Plain Jason

Maybe he saw the hunger games realizing that it was the endgame of a socialist society got depressed and played the game by himself and is currently lost in the woods.

By the way the books are really good. The wife and I are going to see the movie soon.

Old Trooper

insipid is doing what he always does; when facts get in the way of his preconceived and preprogrammed narrative, he just disappears from the conversation, after calling us all poopie heads.

While the videos don’t show much in the way of blatant bandages, you can notice that his nose does look swollen and that there is some sort of injury to the back of his head (even an officer looks at the back of his head). Now, how many people are taken into booking with bandages, etc.? I have seen mug shots where there were still fresh wounds that hadn’t been tended to, yet, so I’m not surprised that there is no appearance of him receiving medical attention, yet. Of course, insipid would probably already know that, if he hangs out with the occutards like he said he does.


Well, it looks like NBC chose the “sweep it under the rug” option.


Apology my ass.


@#58 – After no arrest or an arrest or no conviction, I see flashbacks of the Reginald Denny tape.

Yat Yas 1833

Fellas, fellas… Let’s not forget Insipid is always good for a laugh! Just because his tin foil hat is on a little too tight doesn’t mean…yeah it does. He’s an idiot.


Just Plain Jason if you can, see it in IMAX. It was pretty good and from what I’ve heard stayed true to the book.


Well, well. Looks like that famous “racial epithet” Zimmerman was accused of using on the first 911 call – probably wasn’t. And that’s according to the same CNN guy, Gary Tuckman, who first said it did sound like a racial slur.


Interesting what forensic analysis will do sometimes. If idiots don’t rush to judgement, that is.


I’m sure our favorite cage slap-fighter insipid will be along any second now to apologize.

Yup–any minute now…


“Mark Potok, an expert on extremists for the Southern Poverty Law Center…”

My personal assessment: about the only thing Potok has any expertise in is sucking dicks; just like Insipid and Joey.

And BTW Insipid…I’d still like to kick your ass. And Potok’s and Joey’s for that matter.


If insipid actually responded to #76 it would be in the form of: “The dirty racist pig cops wouldn’t have let that angel of a boy lay in the street for four days if he had been white”.


It looks like I was wrong in #72 above. NBC has reportedly fired the indiv responsible for the edited Zimmerman tape.


Frankly, in this case I’m glad I was wrong. Not sure if it means that NBC still has a scrap of journalistic ethics or if it was a cold business decision (“this situation’s costing us, and this guy’s radioactive – get rid of him”). But for whatever reason, they did the right thing.


No Hondo, it really doesn’t. Frankly, if they gave a shit, they’d plaster the name of that producer all over the air like they did Zimmerman’s name.

Then again, courage of their convictions was never a strong suit of the MSM. But they’ve got finger-pointing and muckracking down to a fine art form.