Limbaugh’s sex problem
I don’t listen to Rush…I have a job, well a couple of jobs if you count this thing I do here. But, Politico writes that 75 Congressional voices have been raised to defend college student, Sandra Fluke who claimed to Congress that her sexual activities may sink her budget while she’s in law school at Georgetown. Congressmen apparently have no other function these days than to defend excessively sexually active law students, what with the economy in such great shape and gas prices falling precipitously.
Fluke claimed that her birth control bill for three years of law school may be $3000. Really? That’s about what I pay for three years of property taxes, more or less. I don’t think my pr0n [sic] bill is anywhere near $1000/year.
Limbaugh might be right in this case, as he’s called her a slut and demanded that if she thinks that the government should pay for her birth control, she should post her sexual activities on line so we can observe how our tax dollars are spent.
The whole thing is, if she’s worried about paying so much for her birth control, maybe she should cut back on her sexual activities and focus on her law school studies. I’m pretty sure her parents sent her to law school to study and not screw her brains out. But I’m just guessing…who knows what is in parents’ heads these days.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Okay Cav, I’ll bite–since when do lesbians need ovaries?
Birth control can be pricey, but not $3000 a year unless they’re coating the pills in gold. I pay around $1400 a year for mine.
…the operative concept here being YOU pay…not me…not your neighbor…not your church or government. YOU. If all of these feminists are so empowered, then why are they substituting the government for their sugar daddy?
@NH Sparky / Claymore — apparently, she doesn’t. They removed it, because she wasn’t able to control the cyst … with contraceptives … 🙂
His show today was the most hilarious anything I’ve heard broadcast in a very long time. I laughed until it hurt.
If Rush is always this funny I may have to listen more often. Listening to the insane reaction to it is pretty funny as well.
@NHSparky I’m blaming you for all the orange juice that’s on my keyboard now! Birth control has several long term health benefits. Not to mention it’s just plain convenient to have your cycles exactly the same.
@TDS I didn’t hear about that, but I definitely want to know. If you find the article can you link it please?
@Claymore I have Pell Grants, the GI Bill, Stafford Loans, two academic scholarships, and a work study so I’m very fortunate financially. Not everyone is in the same position.
A link, to what would have been her testimony … it’s $3K over three years, not $3K per year …
She definitely has an agenda, and I’m not sure what she was thinking when she got into Georgetown (a Jesuit school … uhm, for God’s sake! 🙂 ) …
@CavScout Georgetown hasn’t enforced anything coming close to Catholic doctrine in years. I’ve visited the campus, and a good portion of the student body is as wacky as what you’d find at Vassar.
Ann: I doubt Limbaugh was proposing any behavioral regulation. I’m pretty sure his objection was to the use of public funding to support it.
You wanna play, you gotta pay. Just don’t ask the taxpayer to pay so you can play.
Correct me if Im wrong but arent some folks able to carry their kids on their own insurance if they are college students? Now, if their folks have insurance that covers BC cant they get the insurance company to shell out the money for it?
I know there are some folks who arent lucky enough to have family that can carry them on insurance but I sure seem to remember a whole hell of a lot of my high school classmates going over to the Planned Parenthood or county health department to get pills and condoms every month.
I dont see the problem with paying for a medication that someone actually needs. There are some medical conditions that BC does help with. I do however, have a problem paying for BC if its a matter of convenience for the person taking it. I knew quite a few females in the Army who were getting BC because they wanted the convenience of not having their monthly visitor.
Bottom line for me is this. If you need it I dont see a problem with the system paying for it. If you want if because its convenient, pay for it yourself or get a job that covers it with insurance.
Why is this 30 year old co-ed’s birth control a responsibility of the government? And why is she shouldering the cost of contraception? Are the guy’s she is giving it to too cheap to buy condoms??
I raised my children with “choices -n- consequences”. If they broke a house rule we would sit them down and review their ‘choice’ that led to the breaking of the rule. Then we would talk about the ‘consequence’ of that choice, the punishment, would be and how it was going to affect them.
Let’s recap here, Ms. Fluke chose to go to Georgetown ‘Jesuit’ (read Catholic) University knowing full well BC was not part of the school’s insurance plan. Now she want’s me, through my federal taxes, to pay for her BC so she can play ‘hide the weenie’ when ever she wants. HUH?!?
In that case I want the government to pay for my glucosamine. (It works for my knees) I busted them up while playing football in high school and Jr college. I use the glucosamine to keep my knees loose so I can play golf. And I’ll fess up, I used the GI Bill to finish my education.
@Aroberts Regulating your cycle is a health issue.
I can’t believe we’re discussing menstruation on This Aint Hell…
Why not Ann? Females want to all of a sudden discuss it everywhere else. If you want to regulate your time of the month thats fine, but what I am talking about is the ones who are using BC so that they NEVER have that time of the month….
And before you get indignant, last time I checked I wasnt a male.
@Aroberts and would you honestly want to spend a whole deployment trapped with PMSing women?
@Aroberts I was kidding. I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on the BC use issue.
The problem with a medical condition is that it’s not mine and I should not have to pay for someone else’s issues. I realize that endometriosis can be severe, but in all my years n health care, I have never know a single patient to need 3k worth of oral contraception n one year to quell cyst growth, or uterine lining problems. There are other solutions.
The problem for me and the idiocy of Fluke’s testimony is that it won’t stop such conditions from hitting others and nor will oral contraception availability have a significant impact of lowering pregnancy or abortion rates. The premise that it’s “free”, so more people will use it is a bogus one. It’s free for people who qualify to use medicare and medicaid, yet how many don’t apply? And isn’t Planned Parenthood proof that low cost or free contraception has not lowered any stats?
I spent 15 months in Iraq and honestly, the least of my concerns was whether any of my female battle buddies were on the rag or not. Trivial things like that really werent something that was on my radar, EVER. The only variety of bleeding I worried about was the variety that was caused by bullets or bombs.
I saw the slut’s testiclemeony on TV. I was quite frankly amused that she attended an elite DC school, that she for all the world to see … detailed how important her sex life was rather than her education. But what really bothered me rather than amused me is that government has entered the bedroom and it has no business there. And because governemnt has entered the bedroom, we will continue to hear more about the sex lives of those who have no humility.
@Claymore I have Pell Grants, the GI Bill, Stafford Loans, two academic scholarships, and a work study so I’m very fortunate financially. Not everyone is in the same position.
Too bad. The world needs garbage men too.
@Hondo You’re right, I concede the point about hyperbole. I was trying to say if he’s proposing any behavioral regulation then he should provide his own medical records regarding the deferment.
Rush’s medical issues aren’t going to end up costing the taxpayer however many billions for a new “right”. This woman is just another pawn in the push for more government, both in our checkbooks and most personal affairs. Oh they will say it’s all about helping you but understand this. This is about the power of control. Oh and a good issue to demagogue just before the election to eject SCOAMF from our lives.
supporters of this sort of thing are not going to acknowledge that the problem for most people is the taxpayer support of it. everyone needs something.. so the gov’t should PAY for it?
that’s absurd.
We don’t even understand what poor is, anymore. Ok, so what if she really did pay 3000 for contraceptive. stuff costs money. I’m sure she NEEDS that 3000 for something else, like her cell phone, internet, netflix, Rue21 credit card. I spend 50 bucks a month on coffee, and studies show that stimulants help with ADD…. so shouldn’t someone be paying for my damn coffee?
they are going to just continue to ignore “how is this the taxpayers’ responsibility.” It is because they want it to be.
#71 This woman is just another pawn in the push for more government, both in our checkbooks and most personal affairs. Oh they will say it’s all about helping you but understand this.
well made point.
Nothing is free. Everything is paid for with a price, by the taxpayers, but also the “beneficiary.” Everything the gov’t “gives” you, they become the controller– education, health….
ARoberts @60–Correct me if Im wrong but arent some folks able to carry their kids on their own insurance if they are college students?
Used to be 23 if Junior was a full-time student, going up to 26 under Obamacare, if it hasn’t already. But she’s 30.
And Boo–excellent point. I can link “studies” to just about any condition, malady, or infirmity, doesn’t mean the government should be subsidizing my lifestyle choices, good or bad.
she’s thirty? mother of god.
well, she could enlist…. get all the contraceptive she needs, screw whatever moves, get a little money for her 15 years of school, and actually be a contributing member of society.
It’s not the years…it’s the miles.
Actually, it’s NOT taxpayer money that would be funding her BC.
First, Obama said “Never mind your religious institution’s ban on funding BC, you’ll pay for it and like it!”
When that blew up in their faces, they said “No problem,YOUR insurance company MUST pay for it. Never mind if you’re self insured. Never mind if that still violates your principles (not “principals”, Ann).”
The Obama administration and its eager stooges in Congress and the feminist left have suddenly, out of nowhere, decided that the ONE medical treatment that MUST be provided, free of direct cost, to EVERYONE, is birth control.
Ironically, the mandate Ms. Fluke is so passionate about would only cover Georgetown Uni employees and not Georgetown students. So even if the mandate is upheld, her coverage could still exclude BC pills.
Birth control is a drug, like any other. You can get prescription allergy medication, prescription anti-fungal agents for athlete’s foot, and prescription acne medication.
The drugs we now use for birth control are also used to control ovarian cystic disease, endometriosis, and premenstrual symptoms. Different insurance plans cover different types of drugs, and it depends on your plan if you get your prescription covered or not.
And the expense of covering birth control is a whole lot less than paying for unexpected, unwanted pregnancies.
Pinto–last time I checked, saying “NO” was still free.
And if the drug in question has/had a secondary side benefit of controlling ovarian cysts, why didn’t the doctor pursue that avenue and prescribe it on that basis? If the insurance company still stalls, I could see your point, but until then….
Then again, I still wonder why BC pills aren’t OTC by now.
@70 Claymore, let’s watch the “garbagemen” cracks!? I happen to be a garbage man and make a very good living doing it. Really! Our Solid Waste Equipment Operators can make up to pushing $60,000 a year, that’ including OT. Actually I drive a desk but it is with the Sanitation Dept.
For those who think Rush’s statements are some kind of bedroom spying social theocracy statement, I’d like to point out that nobody (including him) gave a shit what this woman was doing in her bedroom right up to the point that she sat down in front of Congress and demanded that other people pay for it.
@80 Sparky — BC isn’t over the counter because of the differences in dosage and effects. They are a complex drug that is best discussed with a physician before use.
A drug is prescribed for the condition for which it’s to be used. It’s illegal for a doctor to prescibe a drug for a non-existent condition. If the lady is using it for birth control, that’s the way it is prescribed. If she is using it for polycystic disease, then that is what the chart, and prescription, will say.
And saying “no”…I would ask “why?” when that is no longer necessary to prevent pregnancy? Any morale issue of that negative went out the window thirty years ago. Any morale issue I have with it is this: if I’m a big girl, and I want to have sex and not get pregnant, then I have the obligation to make sure that doesn’t happen, since I am the one who gets pregnant, and I’m the one who ends up with a child. But there are many ways to get, and afford, birth control these days. And no, they aren’t that expensive, comparatively speaking. We pay a lot more for a lot less for our needs as women. Want to check? Walk by any cosmetic counter and steel yourself for sticker shock.
Believe me, I had an ex-wife with an AMEX and a Nordstrom’s five minutes away. I know what that shit costs.
But again, all of us make choices with lifelong effects. Why is it we’re supposed to be the ones paying for them, or is this a simple case of forcing someone who, through moral or ethical prohibitions, refuses to do so? Going further, as you’ve stated, it’s not about contraception, but forcing SOMEONE ELSE to pay for it.
And as far as the BC goes, there’s lots of OTC meds that would fit under your description as well.
PintoNag: I think NHSparky’s point is, “Why should someone else have to help pay for it if you can’t afford it yourself?” Last time I checked, having sex whenever one wants isn’t a medical necessity.
Sorry, NHSparky, apparently you answered as I was typing.
I’m agreeing with your argument. If an insurer decides of it’s own volition to cover a prescription drug, fine. If force of any kind is being used to demand that an insurer cover a prescription drug…I would say that’s wrong. Any business should be free to provide any legal product it wishes, without being coerced to provide any product it doesn’t.
But I look at the hysteria, and have to wonder: would the debate be this hot, if it were a presciption hair growth product? Let’s be blunt, gentlemen. How many of you engage in sex for medical reasons?
I’d like to.
But then, I’m not a gentleman…
Sparky’s divorced? Well color me fucking surprised!
How come she left you, love stud? Little Sailor couldn’t stand at attention? Or was it your drinking problem? With that temper of yours I wouldn’t be surprised if you slapped her around some. Or maybe, just maybe she found out you’d swallowed more loads than she had, and that’s saying something.
I certainly hope your ex wasn’t saying that after she jettisoned your worthless ass.
A middle aged man retorting with a yo momma joke? I guess we can add your wit to the laundry list of reasons mrs. Sparky was running for the door.
Good job deleting your flaccid responses, you’ve got an image to maintain.
Spliffy, isn’t it about lights out? Never mind, your light has been out since long before you slithered in the door here.
$75 for a 6 month supply for the wife. 0% insurance coverage. $1000 a year seems completely fake.
Up, I’m taking a “no response” tack for a little while here. While he’s running off a Brit IP, Firefox browser (Firefox8), and a Mac OS, his javascript is disabled, so yeah, it’s entirely possible he’s running something like Tor, but more likely than not he’s just a worthless little shit who has nothing better to do than fap himself silly and jack threads.
Once he figures out he’s not welcome and adds nothing to the discussion (which makes him an even bigger waste of bandwidth than Joe, insipid, et al.,) he’ll move back to 4chan or reddit or whatever site 12-year olds hang out at these days and jerk off to hentai tentacle rape porn or whatever it does to make his underwear stiffer than a hunk of plywood.
And by Joe I mean our liberal out of Colorado, not our poster in @94.
#30″Here’s the punchline, sweetheart, the left is already attempting to do exactly that. My suggestion? Pay for your own shit and then no one can tell you what to do.” Exactly.
Limbaugh was clearly being sarcastic, they understood the subtely but they’re using this as another mallet of a wedge issue.
Ann Says: Birth control has several long term health benefits.
It also has the side effect of causing blood clots. So it’s not exactly all “health benefits”.
This was actually brought up by a vascular specialist who called in to Rush’s show.
But let’s not let facts get in the way of a good conservative-bashing agenda.
CavScout Says: She definitely has an agenda, and I’m not sure what she was thinking when she got into Georgetown
JWF exposed what she was thinking. She is a political activist who applied to Georgetown specifically to harrass the university into changing their policies and forcing them to go against their religious beliefs:
For me the interesting part of the story is the ever-evolving “coed”. I put that in quotes because in the beginning she was described as a Georgetown law student. It was then revealed that prior to attending Georgetown she was an active women’s right advocate. In one of her first interviews she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend, and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services, she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. During this time, she was described as a 23-year-old coed. Magically, at the same time Congress is debating the forced coverage of contraception, she appears and is even brought to Capitol Hill to testify. This morning, in an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show, it was revealed that she is 30 years old, NOT the 23 that had been reported all along.
In other words, folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to play her.
While she is described as a “third year law student” they always fail to mention that she is also the past president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.
And I just noticed that Just A Grunt posted this up-thread as well.
[…] apology March 4th, 2012 So Rush Limbaugh apologized to Sandra Fluke yesterday for calling her a slut and a prostitute. I don’t know why he needed to apologize, I haven’t heard any apologies over the years […]