Meet Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn, the youngest Marine SGM

| May 19, 2013

Bumped back up to the top because Mailahn wants us to take it down. He threatened us with a law suit until I sent him our attorney’s email address and now he just wants me to be cool (You used to be cool). Just some background; he’s ALLEGEDLY behind on child support, he ALLEGEDLY stole $12k from his daughter’s Little League Association. He ALLEGEDLY got fired for making $800 worth of phone calls from the fire station where he worked for phone sex – but I’m the reason he can’t find a job.

Lately, every time I try to be a nice guy, I get it stuck right in my ass, so those days have passed and Mailman is a fixture here. I think he started in again because the Stolen Valor Tournament is gearing up this week and he’s shooting for another one seed. But he even failed at winning the tourney last year.

Yeah, that’s Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn who claims to be the youngest sergeant major in the Marine Corps. He’d have to be with only nine years in the Corps, according to his hash marks on the sleeve. The good folks at POW Network decided that he needed broader exposure so they sent him to us.

They tell us he’s a 43-year-old car salesman who lives in his mother’s basement. He was a fireman until he ran up the firehouse phonebill with more than $800 in telephone calls to phone sex numbers and they fired his horny ass. According to his own profiles, he graduated from high school when he was 20 years old – a real over-achiever.

Did I mention that he was arrested for embezzling over $12,000 from the Barrington New Jersey girls little league association? Well, he did – that over-achiever thing working for him again. his defense in that case? He’s a Marine and he’d never violate his code of ethics and do something like that.

Well except that the NPRC has no record of him ever serving. Ever.

He has a philosophy that the more websites that he posts this information, the more credibility he has. So here’s his information posted on yet another website. let’s see how that philosophy works for him.

Oh, by the way, he just sent the good folks at POW Network an email threatening to…guess what…sue if they don’t remove the information from their website that he himself posted on the internet;

U have my info on your site I want it removed asap I gave no permission to have any of my info pix or anything on your site I would also like to have the name of whoever put my name on there I have the collingswood police dept looking into to who put it up there but I want it removed forthwith

I’m sure that “forthwith” had Chuck and Mary shaking in their shoes. I know it gave me a feeling.

I will keep sending u my request till u do oh and I contacted my lawer if its not down with in 2s hrs I will sue u

If I ever start typing like a twelve-year-old girl, I’d hope that one of you fine people would put me out of my misery.

So, now his “info pix” are posted on yet another website…I wonder what his “lawer” will advise. I’d better call my “lawer” and tell him that there will be one more in the “I’m here to sue TAH” line at the Mineral County Courthouse next Tuesday.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Mr Wolf, non-Esquire

#50 Ray-


You’ve won the race to teh end of teh internets…


@50- Jesus, Ray… that’s a sweet tune.

@52- See, THAT’s what I was talkin’ ’bout. Fuckers like that are heavy hitters. Ronald “The Mailman” Mailahn will have trouble weathering those bombing overhands if he squares off against them in the MacB’s. He’s stepped up his short game with a few emails to Jonn, but he needs to work on the long yardage by running a concurrent scam.

Lawsuit threats, once the hail mary pass of desperate douchebags, are now once-a-drive standard fare. Every fake vet is doing them; they’re like the West Coast offense of douchebaggery. No, the Mailman needs something unique, like that dipshit you posted telling wounded vets to get over their real wonds in the dignity and manner in which he got over his fake wounds. THAT shit is a fuck you flea flicker touchdown from 4th and long on your own 5 yard line.

You reading this, mailman? You’ve gotta make some changes, guy. Switch training camps. Forge up some egregiously mis-spelled, ranting docs while posing as a “lawer” to go with those lawsuit threats. Hell, maybe even replay one of your old stanby scams against a girl’s little league team, but do it in uniform this time. Do something to step up your game or you’ll never make the dance.

I’m pulling for ya, Mailman. You gotta deliver.


#52, Why do so many of these phonies embellish “careers” that lasted only weeks or months? Sadly, a family member of mine fell into the phony category years ago. About fifteen years ago I was hanging out with him after he got off work and listened to him tell his coworkers about his experiences in Granada. I was young and never was good at math, but do recall that he didn’t enlist until ’85. Around the same time he was known as a former “recon” guy (scout, maybe?), and IIRC he claimed service in 75th Ranger. In actuality, he was Infantry at Benning, did a few years in Berlin Brigade, and was discharged after almost six years as an E-1 (never made it above E-4) after his wife left him and he lost it. His service was admirable enough, and I haven’t heard any outlandish claims since, but I’ll always remember his drunken braggadocio that one night. A former brother-in-law almost got smacked down at the same relative’s house one night. One of my relative’s friends (the stereotypical big drunk brawler type) started getting on the former BIL about his choice of a Halloween costume. The brawler has a son who is an AD Marine and the former BIL deserted while on mid-tour leave from Iraq three years ago (he had it so tough working supply in an air conditioned building). Anyway, the latter decided ACUs would make a good “costume” and the brawler took offense to a coward deserter with a BCD wearing a uniform. Of course, the former BIl took the coward’s way out and tried to get my relative to intervene. It must be a sad life that these phonies live in. Either they served and couldn’t hack it, or they never did serve, and now they attempt to pass themselves off as something they never were. Of course, there are the minority that actually had honorable service and decent post-military careers, such as the relative mentioned above or “Rock” from last year. As a Recruiter, I told young men and women that I always hear older… Read more »


Jonn, if he sues, please please please call.


The real crime being committed here is his complete lack of any understanding of spelling and grammar.


Why did someone put links to his twitter and whatever else site? I didn’t want to see pictures of the disgusting masses of fat that he is associated with, and tied up in disgusting poses.

I’m not going to be able to get a boner for a week.

Andy FMF

Name tag says Malahn, but his name is Mailahn……(sigh)….he can’t even get his name correct.


I dont get the car salesman reference. I hope he at least like to get drunk!!!

Ronald Mailahn

Do u really think this bothers me ? It don’t post away lol u people have nothing better to do then this have fun I get a kick out of your post hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Ronald Mailahn

This website is a joke

Ronald Mailahn

Joke hahah I love my pix on this site please put more up I love it

Old Trooper

Hey Mailman; isn’t it time for your nap? Better tell mommy that you want a juicebox before you lay down.


Yeah, don’t look at the pictures of him hog tying Ms Piggy. The future boner you save might be your own.

Mike D.

The Red Che T-Shirt doesnt do him any favors, right? Kind of a dead giveaway.

Lets see…dude is 43?
Nine years worth of hash marks?

Im no steven hawking but my math says that he entered Corps in 2002 at 34 years old, when he was almost old enough to be the father of a modern boot. Technically possible i suppose but pretty f’in unlikely.

another stolen valorite takes a well-deserved bite out the pillow.

Ronald Mailahn

I love this please post more I love your making. Me famous.

Ronald Mailahn

U guys have nothing better to do then write about me wow thank you


Ron just went full retard.

Brandon B

Looks like this guy was also arrested a couple years ago for stealing $12000 from a Little League team.

Ronald Mailahn

U guys are so good to me I’m having so much fun

Ronald Mailahn

Yes I was and it was 9000 and it was paid back we all make mistakes unless your all named Jesus Christ


Thank you all I’m having a blast I love to be the center of the topic

Ronald Mailahn

U all are invited to my wedding next year I will have my dress blues on for it


No, no, no, Ronald. You confuse famous with notorious. Guess which category befalls your station in life, m’boy?

Old Tanker

Dear lord Skippy, get your lid on straight….


we all make mistakes unless your all named Jesus Christ

No, Scooter, a “mistake” is something that happens unintentionally, like forgetting to carry the “1” when balancing your checkbook.

You, OTOH, have INTENTIONALLY engaged in fraud and general douchebaggery.

Enjoy the misery which is coming your way. You’ve earned it.

Brandon B

As if stealing $9000 from children is any better than $12000? Fine piece of work.


Piece of something, that’s for sure.


I’m starting to wonder how many dead hookers this guy has buried in his mom’s basement.

Frank Ferris

I need to ask a favor particularly of Marine_7002. Would you kindly forward the original email to me that you received from Ron Mailahn where he threatened me with injury. I am that evil ex brother in law that he so intelligently spewed lies about so I am here to deliver facts. 1. I did not forward his information or photos to this or any other website but I wish I would have thought of it first. 2. I did not make my parents homeless nor are they homeless. I have a great relationship with them and they are doing quite well God bless them. 3. I was not dishonorably kicked out of the Army or Marines or even the Cub Scouts, I served and returned to civilian life. My records are easily found online and infact I was involved in local politics so if that had happened it would be all over more sites than Ron Mailahns photos. Mr Mailahn or Sgt Major Gunnery sir or whatever he refers to himself as this week has clearly broken the law by threatening me and I would like to see that he is held accountable. I will protect your identity its only his original email I need. Please send the email to frankferris1(at)gmail(dot)com and I thank you all for your service.


I am baffled by the red undershirt. Why would anyone do that?

#47 “harsment” Have to admit, that actually made me giggle.


Well, I can at least see why he was a 20-year old “graduate” of HS. More likely than not they just gave him something that said “Diploma” on it written in crayon and shoved his worthless ass out the door because they knew he’d never get past 4th grade.

But he can dial the shit out of those 900 numbers! Hey, scooter, you know you can surf all sorts of porn online for free, right? And I know this is going to come as a real rude shock to you, but those “operators” really weren’t getting off. Matter of fact, they probably record your calls to play back later for laughs.


Mailman is lying again. The stolen money was never paid back.

wonder what he used the money for? attracting high-class women liked the tied-up cow in the photos?

Ronny, you’re a total loser. btw, how’s mommy’s apartment these days? what’s the matter, can’t afford your own place on a retired Marine salary?

at least try and do one thing right in your miserable life and stop masquerading as a Marine. You mar the Corps and embarrass yourself

Brandon B

I just posted a link to this page, Mailahn’s personal email and his Twitter profile on FB, Twitter and my website. After 10 years in the Corps, my closest friends are all Marines 😉 Perhaps I’ll get sued as well.


Are we sure that this guy is bright enough to be declared sentient in a New Jersey court? I’ve heard of indicting a ham sandwich, but I am not sure this guy has the same intellectual fire power as the lunch.


I think he tied up the ham sandwich, TSO. Man, I may not eat solid food again for a LONG time.

Faik USMC SGT dats mee

Now let me tells yous guyz sumtin. Jus becauze I am from Knew Jerzee it doz knot meen I is not smart. I spent 6 yeerz in hi shcool so could bee a Mareene “1 of da phew”. I wil contack my lawyour if youz guyz dont’ stop dis!


He is a Liar! He never paid back the stolen money from the little league. He is a dead beat dad who doesn’t even pay his child support. Too busy buying rope, gag balls, and duct tape for him and his girlfriend. Have you seen her? That’s a lot of rope and duct tape!

Ron Mailahn

You are funny x brother in law tell them the truth in oak vally nj your mom and dad had a house they lived in and one day there was a note on the door that u did not pay your bill and your mom and dad did not talk to u or your wife tell the truth Fran u just got back with them your sister got u 2 back and if u did not send the stuff how did u find out about this site ? Your such a fake fran so please take me to court I would never wast a fight on such a nobody like u I feel so bad for your son having a sad dad like u and debbie she must have been so dispert to merry a person like u tell them how u quiet a good job a septa how u and your dad hate blacks how your dad is a member of the KKK I saw the sheet when I was married to your sister a the little man showed me.what was it u called black people? Oh shads yes I might be a lot of things Fran but I like all kinds of people.


Ron, you are really one fucked up son of a bitch.


Oh God, my fucking head hurts from trying to read that shit.

Brandon B

#90 Wow, my 9 year old can write more eloquently than that.


I got a ton of info on him now. Or at least the background check on him. Christine M Mailahn (Mom) ****** Mailahn (Unknown) ****** * Mailahn (Daughter). Have other stuff, but not tossing it up here.


Hey RON … You are a Putrid Rotting Mollusk. Come to NYC right now! Look me up. I am not hard to find! I wish to conduct a full USN/USMC training session on your spineless sack of shit!

Ron Mailahn

U guys wrote about me all day thank you


Come on TSO its not nice to tease, now I feel like Ms. Piggy would probably feel if Ron showed her his rope and gag ball and then kicked her out of his mom’s basement.


You just don’t get it, do ya Ronnie? May I call you “shitbag” instead–Ronnie is just so formal.

There comes a time where you have to grow up. Obviously you haven’t learned that lesson yet, but something tells me you’re about to experience a very steep learning curve here shortly. Enjoy.

Brandon B

Already got 3 replies from Marines in Cherry Hill and Philly.


The mail man has de-fucking-livered! Sure, it’s painful to read, but god damn- I haven’t seen that much crazy packed into a single incoherent sentence since McChippendale was here. Bravo, you stupid bastard!

Now that you’ve got us hooked, ya gotta follow these crowd-pleasing posts up with some real fireworks. Some PhotoShop work with your face over gysgt Hartman from Full Metal Jacket as proof that you served would be absolutely bomber. Or, scam a vet charity for some money. Hell, going to jail for slandering your ex brother in law would be keen. You’ve opened up the field, buddy! Now run with it!