Paul Tillson; Soup Sandwich’s older brother?

| December 21, 2011

[Editor’s Note: This Paul Tillson lives in New Jersey – he’s not the Paul Tillson in Oregon who we like immensely and served honorably without embellishing his military record]

AverageNCO sends us a link that was posted at Don Shipley’s Facebook page. This dude is at his own wedding dressed like this;

Yes, that’s a 2d award of a CIB over his right pocket, but it’s only because his left pocket is so crowded, I suppose. Of course, he couldn’t have pared down the number of weapons qualification badgesand the hangie-down thingies could he?

On the 2d award of the CIB, the AR 600-8-22 says;

f. Second and third awards of the CIB are indicated by superimposing 1 and 2 stars respectively, centered at the top of the badge between the points of the oak wreath. To date, a separate award of the CIB has been authorized for qualified Soldiers in the following qualifying periods:
(1) World War II (7 December 1941 to 3 September 1945).
(2) The Korean Conflict (27 June 1950 to 27 July 1953).
(3) The Republic of Vietnam Conflict. Service in the Republic of Vietnam conflict (2 March 1961 to 28 March 1973) combined with qualifying service in Laos; Dominican Republic; Korea on the DMZ; El Salvador; Grenada; Joint Security Area, Panmunjom, Korea; Panama; Southwest Asia Conflict; and Somalia, regardless of whether a Soldier has served one or multiple tours in any or all of these areas. The Republic of Vietnam Conflict Era officially terminated on 10 March 1995.
(4) War on Terrorism (Afghanistan, Operation ENDURING FREEDOM) and (Iraq, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM).
g. Subsequent awards of the CIB is not authorized for the same qualifying period, as outlined above.

So here’s a close up of his finery;

AverageNCO says that there are two Humanitarian Service Medals, but I went cross-eyed looking at that mess. He has a star on one of them, so I don’t why he’s wearing two. He’s also wearing a star on his Overseas Service Ribbon. Subsequent overseas tours are denoted by a numeral, not a star.

And that looks like an Army Distinguished Service Cross next to the Purple Heart. I see a Kosovo Service Medal next to the Iraq Campaign Medal, but no GWOT Expeditionary Medal or GWOT Service Medal, but like I said, I went cross-eyed and may have missed it. And is that an Antarctic Service Medal?

All I know for a fact is that the CIB should go on top of all that crap, the jump wings should go on the pocket and the two marksmanship badges should close up to his right.

He really needs to invest in some Brasso and clean up that brass with it instead of inhaling it.

And this is what he looks like from the right side;

Yes, that’s a Ranger Tab on his right pocket – all of those marksmanship hangie down thingies were more important than his Ranger Tab. I’m not up on current standards for unit patches on the Class A uniform, but I’m pretty sure that the unit patch isn’t a pin-on metal 82d Airborne Division thing.

It may be the light, but those buttons on his uniform look silver, not brass, and his service stripes indicate that he has more than 24 years of service and no Good Conduct Medal, unless there’s a Reserve equivalent I don’t see.

The wedding album said his first name is Paul and his name plate says “Tillson”. But there are no Paul Tillsons in AKO and there’s no Tillson who is a senior NCO.

Added by Sporkmaster:
For shame, for shame. I thought that you guys would have IDed these two medals. The Korean Service Medal and the United Nations Korea Medal. The funny thing I would like to hear how he earned them considering the ending date for the medals was 1953 and 1954.

UPDATE: POW Network writes to say they’ve already filed for a FOIA on this nose picker.

ADDED: Paul Tillson was convicted for defrauding the VA for 13 years and sentenced.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Is it just me or is that uniform about 6 sizes too big for that clown. Looks like the ending of the Tom Hanks movie “BIG”.


its clear she has one (two) asset(s) and she knows it.

But the real burning question is…has she gone home and punched her mom in the face for naming her “Elueza” yet?


OMFG. What the hell IS that????

On the photographer’s website, he has 7 hash marks on his right sleeve, and in another photo, 8 on his left sleeve!


The left sleeve has service stripes, the right sleeve has overseas service bars. One bar represents six months in a combat zone.


@Bobo – I haven’t seen that on the blues, and with the service stripes being all 8-up, I was like… WTF????

The photographer has “American hero” as one of the tags on that set of photos. Sad.

Adirondack Patriot

I especially like the wooly caterpillar on the back of his neck.

I guess there’s a critical shortage of razors in Bayonne, New Jersey.


This guy looks like a ugly chick. I say put the brides breasts on him and send him to state prison.


@Nicki – It’s all part of the change of making the used to be dress blue uniform the new Class “A” uniform (now known and the Army Service Uniform, or ASU). Again, the Army has completely destroyed a perfectly good uniform with the transition.


@Bobo – I got out in 2008, so I never got to wear the ASU, so this is really weird to me. Nonetheless, even not having had experience with the new blues, one can see how completely effed up this guy is!!!

Adirondack Patriot

“Paul” or someone wrote this in the photos link:

“Please check the latest regulation an where I purchases my clothing, by sending in a copy of my DD214?S WITH RIBBONS AUTHORIZED. I EXPECT A FULL APOLOGY THANK YOU.

Here is the link:


A full apology? Come on. As a Senior NCO myself no REAL NCO would be caught dead with screwed up Ribbons like on this guy, please. (Star in Overseas Service Ribbon, no number in NCO Prof Dev Ribbon, no Star in NDSM)

I really would love to see this guys 214. Plus no one by that name is even listed in AKO. I call it as I see it, FRAUD!!!

El Marco

Soupy 2? or LyingFrackingDumbass1?

Those wedding photos made me bilious.


Jonn, I tried to comment on the wedding photo page to have him clear things up here with a link to here, but you somehow have to be logged in there. I saw no place to log-in so no dice there.

Adirondack Patriot

D#14: Doc, you’re right. Wearing two Humanitarian Service Ribbons in two places, and then putting a “second award” device on the lower one.

Also, where is his Armed Forces Reserve Ribbon? With all those hash marks, he has to have 10 consecutive years somewhere. He should also have an “M” on the device for at least one mobilization. Hell, he went to Korea in 1953, Kuwait in 1991 and Iraq whenever. One of them must count for a mob!


You know, upon further reflection, this dingle-berry very well could be Soup’s long lost half-brother by the milkman. After all, blood will tell …


I saw this on a friends wall on facebook originally. I reposted it on the US Army WTF Moments yesterday because, well, it’s Fing hilarious.

About two hours ago I got this email.
______________________________________ sends:
I resent the fact you call me a fony soldier. Please check the latest regulation an where I purchases my clothing, by sending in a copy of my DD214’S WITH RIBBONS AUTHORIZED. I EXPECT A FULL APOLOGY THANKYOU

Paul Tillson

I just send off a quick reply and told him to google his name, if he thought this was limited to one guy on the internet laughing at him. So if any of you want to email SFC Tillson at SSGPAULTILLSON@GMAIL.COM and let him know how to set up a ribbon rack I’m guessing his next wife would probably appreciate it.


Isn’t this Soup’s androgynous half sister/brother? It seems to have the leftover feminine traits that old Soupy missed out on, but retains the family resemblance.
Makes you wonder who wears the pants and who wears the panties in that family. And, judging by one of the pics in the “portfolio”, they were attended by a Chief Petty Officer, Admiral 1st Rank of the Afghanistan Navy.
Strange, I just went back to the link to check on a photo, and it seems the pics were taken down.

2-17 AirCav

Hey UpNorth. Dammit. Where have you been? I had a really nice dinner ready for you for almost a week! You didn’t call! You didn’t leave a note! You didn’t even have the decency to say goodbye! What do you think this is, a blog where you can come and go as you please? Well, answer me that mister! Okay, strike that. Glad to see you’re back.


I’ve been fighting a hell of an infection, just went thru one course of antibiotics, and coughing about 23 hours a day.
Sorry about the lack of a phone call, you know, when your day starts out shitty and goes downhill, it makes for long, bad days.

Doc Bailey

@67: yeah you purchase your stuff from Marlow white, that doesn’t mean you were in the regs even remotely. Someone said he was NJARNG, anyone know what unit? I’d like to send his CO an e-mail about maintaining proper standards in his unit.

2-17 AirCav

@70. I hope you’re on the mend. Talk about coincidences. I had a helluva infection myself and was eating antibiotics until they stopped working. I ended up in the local ER where I got a shot in the butt with something that reminded me of the shots we got in Basic that froze up our arms and chests and hurt like a sonofbitch. At least this time I wasn’t put in the front lean and rest position for the entertainment of the drill sergeants!

Frankly Opinionated

Thanks for his e-address #67 Savage
I just sent him this tidbit, not expecting a response, as I believe that he is to much the puss to respond.
“Hey Douche:
I suppose that you are seeing an increase in your e-mail of late. I will touch on one thing and leave the rest to the others to call you out on.
In your Wedding photos, where you are wearing that ill-fitting uniform/costume, you are wearing a Ranger pin.
What the fuck for? You wouldn’t make a pimple on a Rangers dogs ass. Tell me you were Ranger, but when you do, tell me a few simple things that will verify it.
1. What was your class number?
2. What was the name of the Ranger Camp where you did the final phase?
3. What is the name of the Ranger who got the troops off the Normandy beach, and what slogan came from that.
Or just be the coward that we see you as and don’t reply
There are a plethora of points that I could make in the incorrectness of your uniform, not the least is the ribbon placement. The bride has a better looking rack than you wore.
Want to feel famous? Check yourself out here:, You’ve made the big time, dummy.”

Let’s post any replies that we get from him.


his email is

I have been in touch with this toolbox. he thinks he’s for real.
check out our email correspondence with him on this Facebook page:


his email is ssgpaultillson @ gmail . com
(without the spaces)

I have been in touch with this toolbox. he thinks he’s for real.
check out our email correspondence with him on this Facebook page:


The photographer removed the photos, apparently.


[…] What in blue hell is this? […]


@#71: Doc, if he was truly NJARNG I should have found him on the AKO White pages, no dice. No such person exists in AKO


I sent him a nastygram as well. Let us see if he responds.

Doc Bailey

I sent him a somewhat respectful nastygram advising he is in violation of the SVA. Does he respond? Does he run and hide? we shall see.

I would really love to hear though what the wife has to say about this.


Maybe the local news would like to interview them???


Mama, look, a douchebag!


For those of your who really want to see the rest of the pictures, they are still cached by Google for the moment . . .

Doc Bailey

Got this response from the E-mail I sent to him

Sorry My mailbox is full, I will respond to you at a later date

Andy Kravetz

I am blogging about this over at my site. If someone gets an update, post away here and I’ll add to it over at my site. Thanks to all the people who are keeping an eye out for this stuff. ‘ppreciate it.


[…] easy to see where people get fake medals and lie about their service record. Which brings me to this story. I am NOT saying this guy is a faker but if you read the comments in the story and below by […]

Virtual Insanity

So, Phillip Marlow jacked it up?


Do what’s right, legally and morally. Integrity is a quality you develop by adhering to moral principles. It requires that you do and say nothing that deceives others. As your integrity grows, so does the trust others place in you. The more choices you make based on integrity, the more this highly prized value will affect your relationships with family and friends, and, finally, the fundamental acceptance of yourself.”


Virtual Insanity

Marlow White. Oops.


Is it still a rule that you can wear every award that the unit to which you are assigned has earned, but only on home station? Never saw any point myself, but got trapped into it once in an honor guard for an event where they wanted as much bling on each of us as was possible.

After seperation from the unit, whether from retirement or transfer, you no longer got to wear those awards, of course. Like for a wedding. Or just because.

Maybe a phase of the moon clause has been added to the old rule?

Virtual Insanity

Yeah, Jonn…it was one of those moments where you hit “send” just as you realize what a dumbass you are. Or, I couild claim it was a Freudian, somehow:

“Eddie Mars: Your story didn’t sound quite right.
Philip Marlowe: Oh, that’s too bad. You got a better one?
Eddie Mars: Maybe I can find one.”

Adirondack Patriot

If he ever met Tillson, Phillip Marlowe would have pounded the snot out of him without flicking his ash.

Adirondack Patriot

Holy Smokes this thread took off! I want to make sure the finder’s fee goes to a soldier named Steve-O who originally posted it on Don Shipley’s facebook. This has been highly entertaining.


Here we are at nearly 100 posts and no one purporting to be himself has uttered a “come get me, bro” kind of statement. No defense. Nuthin.

Are we slipping? Hmm, maybe that should be “Are you guys slipping?” since I am really only a lurker here.

Adirondack Patriot

In looking at the wedding photos, I noticed another guy in uniform. I think it may be the bride’s brother. In all seriousness, they do look alike. He’s the guy in the whites with sergeant stripes.

I wonder if this clown Tillson felt that he had to impress the family and conjure up a career. I wonder what will happen when her family finds out he is a fraud?


AP, he’s the guy I commented on way upthread, the Admiral 1st Rank in the Afghan Navy. And, if that’s her brother, perhaps the family will be envious, not outraged?


I spent 5 years at Leavenworth (not at the DB, BTW). The Marlow White store is there and I bought uniforms, medals, and ribbons from them. I can say with almost complete certainty that they know AR 670-1 better than most officers.

There is no way in hell that anyone there would sew those jacked up service stripes on an ASU, much less jack up a ribbon rack like that. I have a feeling that jackwad is going to end up owing Marlow White an apology.


Why do dumb asses tarnish a career over stupid shit? I have seen it happen many a time with the older guys who have to many fishing stories to tell but this scuzz. Wow. He will have to answer and if he is still in the service, He is totaly F(&Cked. Wonder what his excuse will be? also his Mrs is either in on it or the most naive lady in NATO?