Useful Reminder

| July 4, 2011

A pal of ours sent this via email. A bit late for today, but…

YMMV, and I dunno if it’s appropriate for here?

Just struck me that this might be the kind of thing our Founding Fathers would have done had they the technology?


Category: Politics

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No Sam, it’s NOT part of the system. Running away isn’t right, it’s not fair to either you or the people you represent, and somehow justifying it is, frankly, horseshit.


NHSparky, what is your opinion on the Republican walkouts over the U.S. attorney scandal in 2008? Or on filibusters?


@Up North … damn you remind me to come in and beat you for beating me to what I wanted to say. Fracking Infantrymen wait a sec I’m an Infantryman.

Anyway Samuel the chances of a Federally appointed Judge or even one who’s appointed by a State Governor getting recalled/impeached is slim at best. I believe there is another in Louisiana who is also being impeached but how many others have been impeached for going beyond the scope of their jobs and creating Legislation from their position that they are not legally qualified to do? If they continue to do such why even bother o have elections for Congress and POTUS when any law that is created but disagreed with by anyperson can be stuck down by a sitting Judge who is APPOINTED not ELECTED.

As Up North stated this is NOT a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic and that wonderful document the Federal Government and Federal Judges are supposed to use to guide their decisions and law making is being shredded bit by bit. Perhaps a History Lesson is required here Samuel….What happened when King George III overstepped what the colonists felt was his authority? Yeah that’s right armed revolution and the creation of the USA. Hopefully the majority of people today are smart enough to take that revolution and make it peacefully at the Ballot Box.

Oh yeah and Sam it’s NOT working like it is written in the Constitution because if it was this entire conversation would not be happening.

(Going back to my cave now so please shut the door on your way out cause I am gonna take a nap.)


Good lord, read posts thoroughly before commenting.


Filibustering is an allowed part of the judicial process–abandoning the halls of Congress or your various state capitols in order to prevent a quorum is not.

And as far as the judicial firings, the whole business about them was horseshit to begin with, considering that ALL US attorneys serve at the pleasure of the president. Period. Of course, the hypocrisy of the fact that many of them were fired when Obama took office is lost upon you, I’m sure. But to that end, yes, they should have stayed and told the Democrats what a bunch of limp dicks they were.

You happy now?

Old Trooper

Sam re #48: I’m not advocating anything with that statement, because it is just a statement of fact, nothing more, nothing less. Nice try, though.

In re to #49: Ok; so you are now saying that running away from your responsibilities is ok and that failing to do the job you were elected to do is good?

Wow, just wow. How can you walk being all twisted up like that? I suppose if the conservatives were to regain majorities in both the house and senate and the Presidency in 2012; you would be ok if they banned abortion and gay marriage, along with a few other things, because, you know, that’s the system?

Old Tanker


Filibusters are part of the “system”…

Interestingly, I’m reading John Adams biography right now and the political discourse at the founding of our country was WAY more heated and violent than it is today, even George Washington was burned in effigy IN THIS COUNTRY!…whether anyone likes it or not a threat of violence has always been part of it…Shay’s rebellion and the whiskey rebellion come to mind. That’s just historical fact…


Filibustering is something done in the legislature, not a court.

And no, political violence has never, ever been acceptable. We also used to have polio floating around. Oh the days, right? We’ve advanced as a culture and you want to regress?

If legislation is passed that I disagree with, I vote accordingly and/or protest. I don’t muse about how it’s time to start shooting people.

The country has left you people behind. Wise up, go outside, talk to people who don’t agree with you, then come back here and tell me you want to shoot them if they vote against you next year.


Ponsdorf, sure. Sounds about right. The mindset of fighters tends to be nationalistic and very conservative. Some people can’t turn it off, and understand what contexts are appropriate occasions for paranoid interpretation, with a tendency toward violent response.

Riding the route between Fallujah and Ar-Ramadi? Time for paranoid interpretation, and a tendency toward violent response.

Democrats denying Republicans a vote on labor union legislation? Not an appropriate place for paranoia and violence of action.

Southern Class

And who is it that talks of violence? Just off the wire:
“Now the President of “change” tells Michael Baisden’s syndicated radio show that if Republicans take over it will mean “hand-to-hand combat” to keep the policies we Democrats enacted.”


Southern Class, please tell me you know the difference between someone using a metaphor, and someone actually calling for politicians and judges to be murdered.


And how did that come “just off the wire”? Google shows me that it was in circulation in 2010, and there doesn’t appear to be a source document. Just lots of copy/paste on right-wing websites.


#62 Sam: apparently you don’t know the difference yourself, but you’re pressing Southern Class on it. And for you, it is just off the wire.

You are a member of the Trolletariat, got it. Congratulations. Are you paid, or are you foolish enough to be trolling for free?

So what is the difference between a metaphor and hyperbole?


DaveO, I suggest you read the thread.

And no, it’s not just off the wire. Just off your e-mail inbox with a string of FWD’s in front of it, maybe. But it’s been around since October of 2010.

Southern Class

“ust off your e-mail inbox with a string of FWD’s in front of it, maybe.” NOT
“Just off the wire” A metaphor. Found it by online search, and FYI, I am not dumb enough to do e-mails with a string of FWD’s in front.
And in re watching the video that is the topic of this post, I can see it as a metaphor.
Take a hike.


“Any revolution implied here, ballots or bullets is not at all because the Conservatives do not have the presidency.

Were you speaking metaphorically there? What are your metaphorical bullets if they weren’t ballots? Don’t play stupid, just stop indulging in this apocalyptic fantasy.


Or this statement:
Sam, you obviously did not grasp the whole of the video; but only the threat of shooting parts of it. You seem not to have seen that this was the extreme of the threat, and something that any warrior who loves his country would espouse.

Hmm, so what is the “shooting part”, metaphorically speaking?


As a not-politically minded Canadian, I have to say that I liked that video. Great choice. Patriotic. Totally appropriate to “celebrate” your Independence Day. Always loved the score from Last of the Mohicans and this was a perfect blending of music and word.

I have read most of the comments, but cannot respond to them. However, from my perspective, I see this more from a global sensibility, with a darkness stemming from the outside world, perhaps not in what is remaining of my lifetime, but in the not too distant future.


Come on, “you people”, stop giving Sammie a rough time.
Metaphor? If you can give Obysmal the benefit of a large doubt, over “hand to hand combat”, “bring a gun to a knife fight”, “get in their face”, I guess I’m comfortable with viewing the video as a metaphor, much to your chagrin, I’m sure.
Unfortunately for you, you aren’t in charge of thought, just yet. Even though you probably think you should be.


UpNorth, seek help for ODS.


Sam, It’d behoove you to research & review the audio/video sound bites/clips of President Obama making those exact remarks during various appearances he’s made that UpNorth posted in his reply at #70.


Wow, this is just so much fun. the entire process of our government has been hijacked by the special interest groups, by people who think they know better than we do what is good for us, and by people who simply loathe/hate this country. I love the fact the money I work hard for is used for so many wonderful purposes to help others less fortunate than me. I love the fact that the money I work so hard for is spent so wisely by the duly elected members of our government. REALITY CHECK!!! Show me where in the Constitution it requires me to pay my hard earned money to the government so that it can be distributed to others. Show me where in the Constitution it requires me to pay money to the government to support the EPA, the Dept of Education, or any department not related directly to what is outlined in the Constitution. It wasn’t the will of the people to create Social Security, or welfare, or Medicare. It was the will of those in power to create a nation reliant on big government for their care and well being.


streetsweeper, it would behoove you to read what I said. Barack Obama’s comments are clearly metaphor. Do you honestly believe that Barack Obama intends for Nancy Pelosi to close with and destroy John Boehner with her MCMAP skills?

Meanwhile, commenters in this thread were expressing literal support for a violent response to not getting their way in elections, legislation, and judicial outcomes.

Read carefully. If you don’t agree with that notion, don’t come to the defense of people who do.


REALITY CHECK!!! Show me where in the Constitution it requires me to pay my hard earned money to the government so that it can be distributed to others. Show me where in the Constitution it requires me to pay money to the government to support the EPA, the Dept of Education, or any department not related directly to what is outlined in the Constitution. It wasn’t the will of the people to create Social Security, or welfare, or Medicare. It was the will of those in power to create a nation reliant on big government for their care and well being.

I’ve got to ask… on what do you base the claim that those things aren’t commensurate with the collective “will of the people”?


LOL, Cltcdrgn, is all of this you?

Man, wow. Alternate your screen names from time to time.


Barack Obama’s comments are clearly metaphor.

And yet you were so quick to jump down Sarah Palin’s throat with both feet vis-a-vis the Loughner case when Giffords lived in a “targeted” district, despite the fact he was just a fucking whackjob stalker and his shooting was anything but politically based, Sam.

Seriously, as I’ve stated before, nobody WANTS violence, but some of us realize the necessity, however regrettable or distasteful, of resorting to it when all lesser means have failed. But it seems that the liberals have done a much better job of talking up violence towards conservatives versus the other way around. Lemme know if you’d like some examples. I have a great many of them.

And yes, I misspoke when I said judicial versus legislative. Oh, woe is me for using the wrong word–yet as I stated before, thanks for changing the subject and failing to answer my questions. Obfuscation–you’re doing it quite well, actually.


I’ve got to ask… on what do you base the claim that those things aren’t commensurate with the collective “will of the people”?

Then put it up to a vote of the people. Those departments and agencies which a majority of the population deem necessary can stay. Everything else, take a fucking hike.

That’s your logic right there, bubba.

Old Trooper

Sparky; forget it. Sam was given many examples by me, yet has chosen not toanswer my questions and not to actually engage in a conversation based on the premise and examples I have given him. He’s a troll and a leftist that uses the standard leftist tactics right out of the Alinsky playbook. He’s not interested in a real discussion.


Old Trooper & Sparky: Wonder given the plays out of the Alinsky playbook, and refusal to engage in dialog (much less real debate), I wonder if Sam is a troll or paid troll trying to create the appearance of the violent right wing and/or trying to get someone to say something stupid so Mark Potok and others can jump on it. Just a thought, and not the first time it has been tried if that is true.


Anon–ain’t my first rodeo, and I ain’t gonna bite either.


Definitely a member of the trolletariat, and paid to hang out all day on this thread. Hopefully he’s making minimum wage, so he can pay taxes. It’s the patriotic thing to do.

#80: one need not say anything, simply exist, to become the objet d’horreur in an SPLC fundraiser.


I haven’t said anything about Sarah Palin. I am referring specifically to this thread where you are entertaining the notion of killing your fellow countrymen over what is evidently an ignorance of how government works.

We do not work off of a popular vote on the national level on a per-issue basis. We elect representatives. The idea of disbanding the EPA or the DoEd or Social Security is a fringe idea, it is not popular with mainstream America. You want a minimalist government. Most of the country does not.

Other than venturing into pointing out ^that^, which is incontrovertible and yet you think it is, my point here is solely that you need to stop fantasizing about killing your fellow Americans, be they citizens, politicians, or appointees, simply because the majority of the country does not agree with you.

That is not how this shit works, gents. Over 50% of the country voted for Barack Obama. They didn’t do it because they had reservations about Social Security or the EPA or federal education standards. You’re in the minority. Deal with it like responsible adults. Stop making vague threats of violence. Get off your fat asses, stop threatening your neighbors, get over your paranoid delusions, and go protest, stuff envelopes, or what-not.


Grow a pair and deal with it like a responsible adult. Not a psychotic child in Arizona.

Your comment, #16. The implication was pretty clear.

And funny how you completely ignored my quote of Jefferson. Well, maybe not–it totally blows your argument out of the water, but you’ve been sidestepping shit the whole thread.

Finally, you don’t think the majority of Americans would be in favor of doing away with the DOE, Education, EPA, et al, if they knew how fucking soup-sandwiched they are?

See scooter, you confuse conservative with none, which isn’t the case. Sure, the so-called gimmes are nice, until the bill comes due. We’ve kicked the can down the road since the 1930’s. Even FDR had no intention of making SS a permanent plan, and certainly not as pervasive as it is today. Let’s not even get into the waste, fraud, and abuse that is the federal government since the Great Society. So much for eliminating poverty there, eh?

Most of the country wants to be left alone to live their lives. Under today’s intrusive government, we’re far from that ideal.

Oh, and nobody is fantasizing about killing anyone, unless you’re thinking about guys like Alec Baldwin. You remember him, don’t you? Or Randi Rhodes? Her little bit about Bush? Yeah, wasn’t that cute?

Finally, 52 percent ain’t exactly overwhelming, dude. Carter got elected with 50.1 percent of the vote. Take away those two and not a single Democrat has received a majority of the popular vote in nearly 50 years. Not a good track record for ya.

Something tells me you’re a little scared based on what happened last November, and knowing good and fucking well what’s going to happen next November. Can’t wait to see you here the day after to tell us to get over it.


Jesus, is there a point you won’t miss?


More to elaborate: I have said nothing about the legitimacy of purpose of any institution in the government. My point, my only point, is that they are in place because they are the will of the people at the present time. I don’t care about what would happen if all of the people shared your point of view, but they don’t.

The government is legitimate. You disagree with its functions. Stop threatening to kill people.

If you aren’t one of the people who enjoys fantasizing about “when the rev’lution comes”, then I am not talking to you. Stop assuming I’m a liberal. If you want to yell at a liberal, go to DU.

I am only pointing out that you have lost the fight on ideas, I am not commenting on whether the ideas are legitimate. But getting a reputation as a bunch of Tim McVeigh wanna-bes is certainly not helping you convince ANYONE, especially the younger more liberal generation.


“You want a minimalist government. Most of the country does not”.
Right, that’s why folks like Alan Grayson, Mark Schauer and 60 some other liberals did so well in 2010, right?
And, again, you might think you’re the thought police, so you can devine what anyone here, or out in flyover country is thinking, but just cuz you think so, Shirley, don’t make it so.
But, thanks for pointing out what you consider “incontrovertible”. Even though it’s nothing more than an OFA talking point.


Well, the Democrats kept the Senate, and the Republicans took the House. Is it a Republican platform now that they want to abolish the EPA, the DoEd, and Social Security? Last I checked, that’s a Tea Party/Libertarian platform, but not a mainstream Republican platform.


And how is the fact that we work in a representative system not incontrovertible? Or an “OTA talking point”? Have you not taken civics?


No conservatives are arguing to take away Social Security. Make it solvent, yes, but not take it away. Just another lie from the left.

Saying the conservatives and the GOP are taking away SS, and Medicare, is and has been the #1 Democrat scare tactic for decades.


No conservatives are arguing to take away Social Security. Make it solvent, yes, but not take it away.

That’s my point. Jesus, will you people actually read my posts? If I just type the ingredients on the back of this ketchup bottle, will I come back and find you quarreling over whether or not Red #5 is just a liberal conspiracy?


Well, I would amend that to say that *most* conservatives are not arguing to take away SS. There certainly are some. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and a few of the other libertarian-minded/Tea Partiers certainly do want to abolish Social Security.

Southern Class

I am off to a victory celebration on how the citizens of Santa Rosa County, Florida, (Goooooogle it), beat the living shit out of the ACLU and their liberal/socialist supporters. Metaphorically beat the shit out of them, of course.
I suppose that when I next log on, Ol’ Trollin’ down the River, Sam will have driven the comments to well past the Century mark without making whatever point it is that he is trying to make.
Catch Y’all later.

Old Trooper

Re #83: Sam, over 50% of the country did NOT vote for Obama. You mean to say that he received a majority of the votes cast. Just as in a 3 way race, the winner would not receive over 50% of the votes cast, but rather a majority, whether it’s 34% or 40%, etc.


Old Trooper, good job. Pat yourself on the back for making an inference.

Southern Class, GOOD JOB! Your folks used the legal system and due process to come to a conclusion, how things are supposed to function in civil society. Now, let’s see if someone at DailyKos, or DU, posts a video montage encouraging lefties to take up arms against the government in retaliation.


…you know, metaphorically, of course.

0311 crunchie

Sam, the words in the video are mine. I wrote them back in 2009 in response to the video that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, along with some equally demented Hollywood types put out in which they pledged to be servants to Obama. If you’re interested this is the original post; And this is the video it was in response to; The creepy part starts at around 3:17. Now, it’s already been said here but it bears repeating, reading comprehension is not your strong suit. You have developed a case of the vapors over the false assumption that my words were a call to arms and an urging to make the streets run red with blood. Allow me to point out to you a major concept that you seemed to have missed in your rush to find the next Timothy McVeigh under your bed. “Let it be known that we have used, and will exhaust, every peaceful option available to us,…” Not exactly what I would term “Johnny get your gun” incitement. And I challenge you to find anywhere in what I wrote any imperative, stressed or implied, for people to be killed. I assume that you are familiar with the concept of the four boxes that our Founders gave us through the Constitution with which to resist tyranny and the destruction of our republic, but in case you aren’t then I will explain. The four boxes to defend liberty are the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box, and they are to be used in that order. But you seem to feel that the cartridge box should be thrown away and not even considered. That is pure idiocy and deprives us of the single greatest tool that the Founders gave us, the one, and might I stress the last, resort available to us that ensures the other boxes have validity and are not to be ignored. One that no other people in the history of man have had enshrined to them in their very form of government. The point I was making… Read more »


You contradict yourself several times in your post. You say:

You have developed a case of the vapors over the false assumption that my words were a call to arms and an urging to make the streets run red with blood.

Then you say.

But you seem to feel that the cartridge box should be thrown away and not even considered … The point I was making is that if we do not resist the policies of this administration by all means at our disposal, then the time will come when we will be forced to do what none of us [want].

That’s a bit like someone saying “I’m not saying I’m going to shoot you for crossing the road. But I am saying that if you cross that road, I’m going to shoot you.”

Continuing on…

“And for further clarification in case you need it after reading the original post, this wasn’t, and isn’t, about losing an election or a policy position.”

Whew, that’s a relief.

But wait, then you say…

It was about the rising of a political movement that pledged fealty to a man, a man who demonstrates by his every action and policy position that he and his band of elite statist’s want nothing more than to establish a new socialist monarchy in the United States and to subvert the Constitution that I and most of the people reading this, swore an oath to defend.

On one hand, this isn’t about Barack Obama being president. On the other hand, this is about Barack Obama being president.

I don’t think the problem here is my lack of reading comprehension. I think the problem here is your cognitive dissonance.

The people of the United States have legitimately elected our current political suite to office. Until those elections become illegitimate, put your John Birch Society paranoid non-sense back in your gun locker.


And really? A cheesy campaign commercial is the cornerstone of your conspiracy theory that Hollywood is pledging fealty to Barack Obama?

Ask your doctor if Clozapine is right for you.

0311 crunchie

“That’s a bit like someone saying “I’m not saying I’m going to shoot you for crossing the road. But I am saying that if you cross that road, I’m going to shoot you.”” Not it’s not, no where near it. Being prepared to do something, and acknowledging that it is an option, and advising others of that option as a consequence of a certain action on their part, is no where near the same thing as telling some one to exercise that option. It’s the difference between telling your kid that they will get a spanking if they break the rules, and arbitrarily beating the shit out of them because you had a bad day. “On one hand, this isn’t about Barack Obama being president. On the other hand, this is about Barack Obama being president.” Did you read my original post? No of course you didn’t. It was, and is, about a movement that wants to subvert our Constitution. Obama is merely the latest leader of it, and in many ways is the tipping point in that he is more aggressive than other progressives have been. A policy disagreement is arguing over a farm bill. This is more, much more. “The people of the United States have legitimately elected our current political suite to office. Until those elections become illegitimate, put your John Birch Society paranoid non-sense back in your gun locker.” It’s not the elections becoming illegitimate, it’s when the elected officials make themselves illegitimate by violating their oaths of office and subverting the Constitution. By your line of reasoning any action taken by a legitimately empowered government is legal and proper. That has justified the murder of over 200 million people in the 20th century alone. “And really? A cheesy campaign commercial is the cornerstone of your conspiracy theory that Hollywood is pledging fealty to Barack Obama?” First, it wasn’t a campaign commercial. It was made AFTER the election. Again, you didn’t bother to watch the original video I was responding to. Second, it was their own fucking words. “I pledge to be a servant to our… Read more »