Shirtless poser seeks undeserved praise (Kyle Barwan).

| August 25, 2010

I wanted to post this phony before I closed out because of what he lied and how he did it stand out from your normal faker. Meet Kyle Barwan, (listed at the bottom of the page. )

He is claiming that he was a ” Ranger, MP, 1st Cavalry, a sniper, a First Lieutenant, and claimed to have served a tour in Iraq.

Also claimed that he earned a Silver Star by pulling eight guys to safety after a IED blast.

Also he tries to act like he has been there done that on FaceBook.

The only real problem is that he he has only been in the National Guard and was kicked out for impersonating a Officer in 2007. Oh and he is claiming that he part of ROTC and recenty went to Camp Atterberry

Considering he did such a bang up job pretending to be Army Lieutenant do we really want him to be in charge of real troops?

Added: Also Amy found a MySpace page that has the same info as our friend here.


I found what was posted his Myspace account for the entry Army Sniper. Also he has another one that refers to being in Iraq.

UPDATE November 24 2010:
Police in Knox County are holding Kyle Barwan of Crestwood, Illinois on charges of possession of cocaine and impersonating a public servant, and even more charges may be coming.

Yep still at it.

Update: goes under the following names/usernames.

Kyle Reacher, Kyle Felucifer, Klutch, Klutch_Reborn.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Southern Class

You can’t log into your facebook page,,,,,,, Is that not your photo, bare shirted, taking your own picture of a star shaped tattoo on your right chest? How old is that? How long ago did it get posted into facebook? You ain’t telling these tales around Ft. Campbell, are you? Mom’s in Cadiz, bro is in or around Berea, h’mmmmmmmm. Wouldn’t be claiming to be what I was, eh? An Airborne Member of the 101st Airborne Division, (pre-Air Assault). Wouldn’t be a really wise thing to do in that neighborhood after dark. Folks up there appreciate their Screamin’ Eagles, something fierce.


I completely understand this sir I really do I donr live in kentucky I haven’t since 2008 that picture is from about april this year shortly after my stuff started getting hacked and I can’t figure out who has been doing it I don’t want any trouble
Sorry my computer is completely messed up right now any whom I don’t know who keeps doingf this I swear I have nothing to do with it. I don’t want to go to jail for this stuff its not worth going to prison over a rank patch its really not please understand that I want to take care of this so please I’m asking for help from anyone here I’m so embarassed over all this


You’re full of shit, and you’re pathetic. No one whose facebook account had been hacked would leave the lies that “someone else” posted there for all the world to see. Stop trying to pretend you’re something you’re not and grow the fuck up.


I don’t use a blackberry I do not have one this is making no sense to me I’m not going to ask you people to believe me that is your choice you’re free to that choice listen I’ve already apologized for what I have done you’re not going to find pictures of me in uniform unless you look at my military record I’m not parading around with stuff I have not earned that’s not right look all you want send the fbi or the police they won’t find anything I keep saying I’m not saying the things that I’m being accused of saying but I can not make you believe that all I’m going to say is I’m sorry I just want to be left alone also for your information I talked to a steven ohara of the fbi and he clearly stated and will be investigating that unless you can provide compound proof that I did what you said and accused me of doing other then status messages on a chat sight that you have no right to post my information or picture on this site so I’m telling everyone here and letting you here me clearly take it off or I’m presssing charges for invading my personal privacy and space its under charter number 32 so I’m done playing games leave my name out of your mouth and stay out of my life final warning this can be a felony offense I’m no longer posting any more messages upon this site you think this is hell you haven’t seen hell yet let my grandfather see this and he will flip shit he was a special forces soldier in nam and a bromze star veteran I’m only saying this once I will get a lwayer if I have to and to whom ever tried to get my dd 214 that’s illegal so I will be pressing charges


“I’m done playing games”

Apparently, he’s also done using punctuation?


Kyle, seriously–believe me, I have your best interests at heart when I tell you to go play in traffic.


And FWIW, Kyle, no, you’re not pressing anything, except your face against the window while you lick it on the short bus. One’s service record (generally speaking) IS a matter of public record. More specific information, such as service numbers, evaluations, records of NJP, etc., are typically available only if the member signs an SF-180. Basic DD-214 information (duty stations, awards, rank, etc.) ARE a matter of public record.

You have CLAIMED to be in the military, on active duty, as a commissioned officer, sniper, Ranger, etc. Think that isn’t going to raise a few eyebrows, scooter? And we don’t care what your grandfather is or isn’t, because frankly, if he DID know, if he was worth a shit, he’d be kicking YOUR ass around your shoulder blades for being such a douchenozzle.

You put information out there to the public and then claim your privacy was violated? Nice try. Something about being caught just burns your ass, but hey, it’s all good. Please, hire a lawyer. Spend money you don’t have on something you can’t win. Matter of fact, there’s a couple here who might be able to give you some free advice which might go along the line of, “Eat a fat bag of dicks.”

So to borrow from the Internet meme, “You dun goofed.” Stupidity isn’t painful, but in your case, it comes damn close.


You really shouldn’t try to threaten people with legal action when it is readily apparent you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. Your DD214 is publicly available shitstain.

Old Tanker

For clarification and to maintain accuracy I believe the resident lawyer said “steaming” bag of dicks…just trying to maintain the high standards we expect here 🙂

Southern Class

You’re considering a lawyer? I think all of here would agree that you really need the services of Attorney Richard Branum. He has a ton of experience defending people like you. Hasn’t one any cases yet, but who knows, there is always a chance of a fluke. Give the guy a try, he needs the money. If you have difficulty locating him, just leave a comment here and any of us can steer you to him.

Southern Class

Well, boys n girls:
We’ve been told by his brother that he is a piece of shit, and now here is someone else who has seen through him. I sent this lady a message, to let her know a bit about Kyle Barham, and she replied thusly:
Cynthia Stanton August 29 at 8:11am Report
Interested in how you came across him..Agree but cautious to who you are…and what post did you see? He used my family and stole from me..but again I am cautious as to who you are. Enough damage from him has been done already..

Southern Class

And this one just in:
Kristin Gumulauski August 29 at 1:56pm Report
Yeah… I know now… It was a past message… FYI. I don’t need s stranger bringing up a horrible past situation.


You people have it all figured out well I have secrets too maybe just maybe people are so nieave


Figured out? Posers like yourself are as deep as puddle; y’all aren’t hard to figure out. You all excuse, deny, or threaten in pretty much the same way, and you’re all equally pathetic.


I might actually be intimidated by your words, Kyle. If you knew how to spell them, that is.


My family and friends were victims of Kyle Barwan..if that is even his name. He stayed in my house stole from me and my family, racked up debt that I can not afford to pay, and told unbelievable tales before I told him to get out. He was sleeping with underage girls and even told everyone he was going to be a daddy. I began to question when he did not have a military ID and said that his “orders” were constantly being changed at the last minute. He had multiple fake ID’s and I feel such anger that he would take advantage of people, like my family, that honor and hold all military personnel in the highest regard.


But remember, boys and girls, folks like these are just “expressing themselves”, and there is no victim in all this.

Anyone still believe that bullshit? If people are willing to lie about what they did in the service (if they served at all), they’re willing to lie to scam your ass. Fraud is fraud is fraud.

And yes, Kyle. That includes you.

Southern Class

Be on the lookout for one phony ass who sometimes goes by KYLE BARWIN, sometimes from Indiana.
We want him. Your reward? That warm fuzzy feeling when you’ve done something good for your neighbor. Let us know where he is. There are legal agencies that will handle him if we alert them to him. You may even be saving him from himself. I don’t know what the reaction would be if he, say, were to sit in a bar with friends of mine and ran his mouth. Or, rather than tell us, just tell your local veteran friends where he is and then tell us of the results.
KYLE- One of these days, when you realize that you’ve dug yourself into a hole, you may want to stop digging; but for now, DIG, DIG, DIG, you dumbass. And have you reached atty Branum yet? I promise that he will tell you that he can help your situation.


I haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting this sad excuse for a man, but I keep hoping that I will one day. Luckily for him, he hurt the woman I care about and her family BEFORE we started dating. I was a 5812 (dog handler) fleet Marine during my enlistment and am proud that I served my country and I am extremely proud to have served with some of the finest men and women who are not with us today. So even if he hadn’t hurt a loved one, I would still be enraged by his actions that lessen their sacrifice. So Kyle, if you feel the need to protect your “honor”, you can always find me with the woman, whose kindness you repaid by stealing her son’s PS3 when you left.


Uh I don’t live in Indiana people and I’m no phony I’m telling you this right now I don’t wear a uniform at all I don’t display myself with fancy patches or medals you want me so bad here is were you can find me or my family up your ass fuck you all.

Sporkmaster: I know you are keep sending IP addresses from Ontario Canada in the city of Waterloo here here.


Still not fooling anybody, shit for brains.


Hahahahahahaha! Kyle, Boyo, your DD214 is a matter of PUBLIC RECORD! Anybody can search for it, as receive a copy, albeit with your Social Security Number redacted (blacked out). The FBI does not really like people who claim to be Veterans and have photographic evidence of themselves in uniform. Friendly advice: stay out of Iowa, they have a State Stolen Valor law now, or at least will, and stay out of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as I will be speaking with my State Senator about drafting one, and Senator James Webb about trying to bring back the Federal one this week. Have a nice life you miserable excuse for a waste of oxygen!


You want me so bad but yet no one has any proof that I’m doing these things no proof that I’m writting these things and no proof I’m wearing any uniform what I did was in the past I do not let that reflect me now leave me thhe hell alone please


Nope, sorry Kyle, you broke the law and denigrated the uniform we wore, or in many cases still wear. Not gonna happen.

Southern Class

Kyle, Kyle, Kyle;
You told me that you did none of this. You told me/us that your fb page was hacked, that your password was changed, that someone else was posting that shit on your fb page. Then you denied that it is you writing to us with a blackberry, as well as posting on your fb page with that same blackberry. Now you admit that you did this “in the past”.
You said: “I do not let that reflect me now……”
Tough shit dummy. This is not a computer game where you can just hit the reset button. What you did, what you do, follow you, and for a very long time in the minds of we veterans. You cannot lie your way out of a lie, or didn’t mommy ‘splain that one to you. Have not your family members, your friends(?), your preacher told you that this will not work? That you don’t get a free ride on someone else’s time?
Kyle, we “let that reflect” on you. Got it?
How many more of those “friends” on your facebook page will also call you a user, a loser, and a poser? So far all that I have contacted see you as pure, unfiltered dogshit.


So you tracked me down to canada man you people are very presistant? Well you are good at what you do and that’s showing peoples true colors I have apologized spokesperson isn’t that what you asked for yes?

Sporkmaster: POW network has yet to receive any emails from you.


Momma tried:

“GROW UP KYLE!!!! You really got yourself in a slump this time….Maybe this is the last time you’ll lie, cheat, and steal your way through life!!!! By the way this is not Joshua! It’s your Mother!!!!! IM tired and I do not know where you came from, but something tells me your about to get what you deserve!!! I think your father is done with you too! You need serious help! So GET SOME!!!!”

Southern Class

You have apologized? When, where? You have lied to cover your lies, blamed this all on others, and done nothing to show that you really really feel sorry. Your post #76 is the nearest that I can see to an apology, and it is NOT an apology at all, but an admission that you did the stuff. Even there, though, you claim it as being in the past. Is your pathetic life that shallow, that last week is “in the past”? Having the pleasure to say that I haven’t sat across from you and listened to your puke, I have based my assumptions as to your character or lack thereof, on the words of your family and “friends”(?). Your 130# 5’6” brother Josh agrees with us here that you are a sorry ass, as do your fb friends.
Apology? I haven’t seen one, either here, on facebook or in my inbox. Our Sporkmaster has much more ability to hold himself back than I. I won’t believe you until I see a post on YOUR FACEBOOK WALL admitting to everything, and a full apology to the shit you’ve put those around you through. And, since I am one of those old-fashioned farts who holds women high, I think that apology should also name the women you’ve wronged, and itemize how you’ve wronged them.
While that would take but a few keystrokes on your blackberry, dingleberry or huckleberry, I doubt seriously if you have the balls to do it.
Seeing you laying in the fecal position on the sidewalk would bring great joy to my life.
Waterloo, Ontario; h’mmmmm, not a long way from an old Army Buddy, Sgt 1st Class Rivet, who now lives in St. Clements, is it?

Southern Class

And yet another of his “friends” has weighed in with this:
Stephanie Marie Saldana August 30 at 5:08pm Report
ya that really him in the pic and ya he likes 2 lie,we dated for a bit and all he told me was lies i hate him…

Really peachy guy, eh?


I am not really sure who Kyle want to think he is..but the picture posted on the top is taken in my kitchen and I have seen his drivers license which says Kyle Barwan..born January 1, 1990…so he can claim whatever he wants but he knows exactly what he is doing..He was in Hobart, Indiana as of 3 weeks ago…


I’m outta country

Sporkmaster: I have known you have been in Canada for about a week, and I can say with good confidence that you are in the area of 295 Phillip Street, in Waterloo Ontario Canada. So trust us that we have a idea of were people are posting from. Also I know that you have been using the tower on the RIM corporation building for all the things you have posted here.

Old Tanker

I’m outta country

If you’re smart, you won’t come back….but then again, I’m assuming you have 2 braincells to rub together.


Oh no he’s in Canada!!!!!!!!

Any moment now IVAW is going to start listing him as a war resister in hiding from the US Army.


I was lucky enough to be taken in by phigirl when my parents kicked me out. She got nothing out of it, but because of her kindness, I have become the man I am today. I left her house for a while and that is when Kyle arrived to take advantage of this incredibly kind woman. It enrages me that he would dishonor the men and women that protect our freedoms in such a way, and that he would take advantage of the generosity of those whose feces is of higher quality than him. It is entirely possible that he is no out of country at all, as he has bragged in the past of being able to show fake IP addresses, something which is quite possible.

Southern Class

He might be able to do this if he could find someone that he could get to do it for him, but this turd is one of those who can do very little for themselves, by themselves. I was busy most of the night, and didn’t check with any other of his facebook friends but I will get to it now. What a loser.


Ok sporkmaster we need to talk one on one or whom ever is in charge of this so how can we do this


Uh oh people, he got the Internet Police after us! Consequences will never be the same!

Southern Class

What’s the matter with laying it all out here, Kyle? I am just getting going with inquiring of your facebook friends. So far, not one has responded with any sort of defense for you. Family, and others have all said in one way or another that you are dogshit. You lie to us like you think we are as dumb as you and would believe your lies. How in hell do you make your own brother say that you deserve to be in hell?
Sheesh, I have known losers before, but most of them took some years to get that bad. You’ve done it in 20? What is it? Drugs? Alcohol? Or just plain dumbassery? You don’t have one iota of respect for the military, women or friends.

Southern Class

And another of his “Friends” weighs in:
Steve Coxy August 31 at 11:29am Report
yea, I realized all thip awhile back…

This shithead is batting 1,000…………..Don’t nobody like him. How pathetic is that, eh?


I met this guy and while he’s an absolute fuck, he’s good at getting people to do what he wants them to. I’ll ask around with the people I know of and see what they know.


Fucked up thing about is southerncross I would love to tell you what’s wrong but not here not with all these people you wanna know what’s going on then we talk on a private basis othereise you can keep guessing you wanna help me then help I would appreciate it

Southern Class

Well Kyle, if you did tell us here in an open forum what you want us to hear, then your friends will hear it too and most likely not agree with you.