IVAW’s Kokesh on the war path

| June 15, 2008

My buddy, Robin, at Chickenhawk Express (actually my alter-ego according to the rocket scientists at Sir! No, Sir!) emailed me last night about the mighty Adam Kokesh bullying a new blogger at Blog 1. I lent my support to the blogger, gabe (whom I don’t know – but he seems to have his head screwed on right) and I wrote in his comments section that basically, Kokesh is a lot of hot air and his threat to “stomp” gabe “into the sidewalk” was merely bluster.

As you can read at the link, I also mentioned some of Kokesh’s more disingenuous moments including the fact the he still calls himself “Sergeant Kokesh” even though he’s been busted to LANCE corporal (that’s an E-3, by the way in the Army an E-3 is a PRIVATE First Class). Kokesh shot back in his reply that he’s never called himself “Sergeant Kokesh” since he joined the IVAW in the comment section of Blog 1;


Ya mean like this, Adam;


Or, like this;


And how would others get the idea you’re a sergeant when you haven’t called youself one since you joined IVAW?


I took this picture;

I took this picture – when you purposely averted your eyes as soon as you recognized me;

And I took this picture (seein’s how everyone in the room knew who the two “milbloggers” were – you knew who I was)

When I stood up to talk to you in the hallway of the Congressional hearings, and our eyes locked, you scurried away. Still want to talk about the truth?

I used to have a whole Adam Kokesh category here (you know that because you clicked on it plenty of times last year), but I trashed it because you’re not all that important. And now I have a record of your lies. If I’d had the foresight, I would have got a screen shot of your blog when you named it “Sergeant Kokesh Goes to Washington” before you named it “Revolutionary Patriot”. I’m sure I’ll turn up a cached copy of that sooner or later – you’ll be the first to know, count on it.

Give it up, kiddo, you’re out of your class here. That’s OK, you can pretend you never read this post, Adam and pretend to not know me when next our paths cross – and they will.

And my name is spelled J-O-N-N – how many times do I have to tell you guys?

UPDATE: TSO at “The Sniper” finds Kokesh threatening to use force against LEOs who come to apprehend a deserter they’re “hiding” at the IVAW “safe house”.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Mike Dennin-

You beat me to it, reference the Cease-Fire from Desert Storm which Saddam had violated many times before we invaded. We had also been forcefully enforcing the no-fly zones over Iraq before the invasion so were conducting combat operations over Iraq just not on the ground. Bush would have been under impeachment long ago if this was actually an illegal war. For those of you against this war, you can protest it all you want, but that does not make it illegal. What scares me is that if Obama gets in and pulls us out of Iraq, these same people will then be on him to pull us out of Afghanistan, because most of them don’t support that fight either or our form of government.

Mike Dennin

Jon –

We are not dealing with “potential or perceived” infractions of UNSCR 687 here – we are dealing with actual violations. For starters, Iraq (more precisely, Saddam’s Tikriti mafia) agreed

that it will not commit or support any act of international terrorism or allow any organization directed towards commission of such acts to operate within its territory and to condemn unequivocally and renounce all acts, methods and practices of terrorism

Do you (or truthseeker) propose that Baathist Iraq did not violate these terms of the ceasefire agreement/UNSCR 687?



You’re such a freakin’ patriot.

In the meantime, all your babble about “I just want to understand”, who cares?

I know you liberals think you have a right to everyone’s property and time, but you don’t.

If it’s an illegal war according to the UN Charter, where’s the UN action to stop us? There is none, just as no action to stop the was has passed in COngress.

Since your side says that anyone who says something that doesn’t come to pass is a liar (i.e., Bush Lied), YOU are a LIAR.



rochester veteran,

Grant was also a “documentary photographer” in El Salvador and Nicaragua during the 80’s chronicling America’s proxy wars.

Grant loves to speak of “America Imperialism.” What a loser.


rochester veteran,

Grant has come out and said that the people who flew the planes on 911 had legitimate beefs to do so, because we dominate Saudi Arabia and suck their oil out of the ground.

Yeah at a $120 a barrel something sucks, and I find it hard to see how the Suadi’s are dominated as Grant’s “militaristic, imperialistic” fantasy contends.

Jon de Wald

Mike, to paraphrase my earlier remark, Iraq was in chronic and serious violation of every UNSCR pertaining to it from 660 forward. The legal enforcement mechanism to correct these violations, however, is not one member state and a gaggle of its acolytes, some of whom have no military to begin with (like Iceland; great country but no army at all, except ours), deciding to take whatever action they choose to enforce a UNSCR and therefore paradoxically flouting the competence of the Security Council.

Bear in mind I said “legal” and not right or moral. The right and moral response to Iran’s naval provocations- messing with our ships and kidnapping allied sailors- would be to sink every single vessel of the Persian Navy to the bottom of the Persian Gulf. This, however, may not be “legal.”



The IVAW, VVAW and VFP are all associated with ANSWER. It’s well known that ANSWER is the front group for the Workers World Party, a neo-communist organization.

Raoul Deming


ANSWER started out from the International Action Center established by Ramsey Clark, where the IAC was staffed/taken over by the Worker’s World Party. WWP was run by brian and Richard Becker. Always wondered if those two were offsring of Norma Becker who founder the War resisters League.

Clark/Becker’s IAC/WWP was big into anti-globalization on 9/11 and an anti-World Bank/IMF protest was scheduled for Seo 29, 2001. That meeting was canecelled due to 9/11, so all dressed up with no place to riot, they formed the front group ANSWER and held a press conference 9/14/01 at the National Press Club.

There they announced the group’s founding and that there would hold an anti-war march on 9/29/01. I, along with about 500 patriots were there to oppose them at the Navy Memorial. ANSWER dropped their plans to rally there and marched on by to I believe the Capitol.

The peace movement can’t get along with each other, yet they expect us to make nice with terrorists, like that’s going to work for the terrorists. So, the Becker brothers took their ANSWER football and formed the “Party For Socialism and Liberation”. Take a look around http://www.pslweb.org

The rump of ANSWER was left at the IAC and they reformed as TONC, Troops Out Now Coalition. TONC is basically a non-player, minor league at best.

For the ’07 marches in DC, ANSWER put out a call to VFP (the old VVAW guys) for ringers, veterans who ANSWER would let march behind the ANSWER banner at the head of the parade. VFP sent them the IVAW and came out to strut their stuff in both VFP and VVAW colors. No BS there, plenty of photos of the VVAW pukes and their banners in the lead elemnet, in fact, bigger than the IVAW banner. Also look for the VVAW buttons and shirts.

Raoul Deming

Where did Elvis, our “Pest of Honor” go?

I hear that te IVAW want to rent a bus to go to the political conventions and are raising $$$ for it via BBQs.

Considering what happened to the last IVAW bus, I don’t think I’d pick a BBQ theme for fundraising.

Also, do they have their budget correct? There’s the cost for the bus but have they factored in the daily charge for collision, liability and fire insurance?

Before the paranoids like Bill “Bug Out” perry go wacko and claim “threats” of arson, let’s make one thing clear, there was no arson in Goody’s bus.

I’ve called the fire companies and the police, “Bug Out” Bill’s claims are Bill Shitt. Where’s the BATF investigation “Bug Out” promised everyone?

Take a look at http://www.yellowrosepeacebus.com and look at the vids in the right margin. There’s Goody using starter fluid to start the bus, leaning back like he’s EXPECTING a flash back and oh so happy when there isn’t one.

Considering that the engine is running in the bus fire video and Goddy talks about a fireball, if I had to bet, I’d bet starter fluid flashback.

But take that fire insurance anyway. You never know when you’ll have a discarded doobie roll somewhere on a hippie bus.

Mike Dennin

Jon –

The Gulf War ceasefire agreement (UNSCR 687) is not an agreement between Iraq and the UN, it is an agreement between Iraq and Kuwait and “the Member States” who participated in Operations Desert Storm & Sabre.

Furthermore, by refusing to enforce UNSCR 687, the UN failed to fulfill its duties and responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance and preservation of international peace and security. Far from acting in a competent manner, the UN’s refusal to enforce its Security Council resolutions could arguably be considered illegal conduct on its own part.

Jon de Wald

Mike –

UNSCRs are not agreements between anyone, save for the members of the Security Council, and Kuwait wasn’t one at the time 687 was adopted: they are edicts which can be and have been imposed by force.

As for its enforcement, France, the U.S. and the U.K. took it upon themselves to enforce it, almost entirely through high-altitude bombing. I don’t contend that those measures were either morally right or wrong but a tri-lateral arrangement among three Western powers cannot be construed as the will of the international community. It’s something of a paradox for us and our allies to obstruct the UN from devising a more inclusive, comprehensive and perhaps legal enforcement regime by first imposing our own through fiat, then blaming the UN when it doesn’t work.

My feeling is that the terms of 687- especially the disarmament work done by UNSCOM- were sufficient in restraining Iraq from upsetting regional stability. Our post-invasion scrutiny of Iraq’s WMD program confirmed what UNSCOM, UNMOVIC and the IAEA had found beforehand: Iraq had no WMD program.

However, Iraq certainly set out to lend the impression they had or could produce such weapons, but their single motivator was the threat posed to their security by Iran. Had Iraq been assured their security would be provided for vis-a-vis Iran, maybe they would’ve made smarter choices. No one can argue Iraq fulfilled all of its obligations under 687, but taking into account the compelling factor in their defiance (a nuclear-equipped Iran) as well as the fact that their program was not materially existent and barely even aspirational, I think the 2003 invasion was an extremely disproportionate response. A bombing campaign on the order of Desert Fox would’ve been far more suitable and immeasurably less costly in terms of American life.



Thanks for the run down of the various affiliations of the Worker’s World Party, ANSWER and the close association they have with the VFP, VVAW, IVAW and other various socialist “peace” groups.

Raoul Deming

rochester veteran,

I can take this show on the road and speak to any group that wants to listen about how is the leadership of the anti-American, anti-war front groups.



I’ll keep that in mind, thanks!

I’m trying to plant the seed in Rochester concerning the Support the Troops movement (such as GOE and Eagles Up) and also promote political conservatism, with the RochesterConservative Blog and the RC Pirate Forums. Things are just gaining some momentum and when I think I have enough interest (large enough group), I’ll let you know!

Thanks for the offer!


Why are all you people ganging up on this guy for reffering to himself as an E-5 when he did earn that rank at one point, big deal… Why not concern yourselfs with the actuel issues at hand.

What is this site Fox News? I came here because I was linked to this site from a Ron Paul video thinking it would be anti-war, and revolutionist. Turns out its a site for Red knecks to meet up and pig pile on top of people who threaten there poor little narrow view of things.

That man could very well be suffering for ptsd, you should all be f*&^ing ashamed of yourselfs.

May you all live forever.

Jonn wrote: You’ve never been in the military, so you don’t understand. It would probably be best if you confined your comments to things you know about. I could be suffering from PTSD for all you know, so you should be ashamed of yourself. And last time I checked, my “kneck” isn’t red – but I’ll look at it later to make sure.

My profile at YouTube said “Conservative blogger in Metro DC” – it didn’t have the standard “Ron Paul is my Lord and Savior and He will smite all non-believers” line so common with Ron Paulian YouTube account holders. So you should not have been confused at all.


[…] worst of it though, is that this guy is an electronic tough guy phony. He threatened a blogger with stomping him into the sidewalk. This thin skinned debutante is not who we need in congress. He is also not who we want in the […]