Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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Wow. Just wow. I leave for one night and ALL THIS goes down?

You people are freakin’ AMAZING. I am honored to be able to claim I contribute in some small fashion.

Oh, and Bobo? I’m sure Buttblast Bernath might want to get used to hearing this one real soon…

“Set Condition 1-SQ for WSRT.” Ripple launch on that poor dumb fucker.


I need something:

Danny Boys address:

I need it now …


DANNY – Here they come!

2/17 Air Cav

Finding the body to which Bernath affixed his head and then finding and communicating with the man to whom the body belongs is beyond ninja. I would like to nominate MCPO and Sparky as the first two members of the TAH “Hunter-Gatherer Unit.”

2/17 Air Cav

CORRECTION. That should be Sparks, not Sparky. Mea culpa.


No offense taken. I wish I had more time to dedicate to curb-stomping these douchetools, and credit where credit is due, indeed.

And also props to PH2 to reaching out to an old shipmate.


MCPO – check at the bottom of the lawsuit for the plane crash…I checked on Google Earth a while back, it’s to his home in Tigard.

Jonn – If you want I can send this thread to Lars Larson to see if he is interested in talking to your or MCPO and possibly airing this on his show


MCPO: check your e-mail.


“Oh Danny-boi, some information ’bout you
You prob’ly don’t want all to know . . . “


And all of that would appear to be public record information, Danny-boi. So don’t bother with any threats.


NHSparky – Spin up missiles 1, 16, and 8.


Good reading, Hondo. Especially the bottom part of that page, the part where his admission to the Oregon bar is DENIED!

MCPO, if you do not already have it, all the pertinent stuff in on that page. Might be a good thing to pass along to the media?


One thing to point out to those of us in the Portland area that may have any idea of confronting Dipstick Dan… please read the following:

“(R) Applicant failed to inform the Board that a motion for sanctions was made against him for appearing at a deposition while carrying a concealed weapon and that a sanction was assessed against him in the amount of $750.”

Based on what we know about him, and his tendency to be aggressive, he may be armed at any time.



I was away from this thread for most of the day yesterday, and look what happens.

Sparks, damn good work. Your Google-Fu (Bing-Fu? Yahoo-Fu?) must be exceptionally strong.

Bernath, Stolen Valor in general is despicable. Stealing it from from a fellow servicemember (ESPECIALLY a fellow soldier/sailor/Marine/airman) marks you as a low-life, scum-sucking asswipe. Obviously you have such low self-esteem that you weren’t happy with your honorable service, and you had to embellish it to the point where you willfully, deliberately, and with malice aforethought did such stoopid shit as photo-shop (poorly done, I might add) your ugly mug onto someone else’s retirement photo.

How does it feel to know that your sorry sordid story will pop up every time someone does a search for you on the internet? Even if you pull down every single byte of text and photos that you posted, your smelly shitty spoor will remain out there forever, long after you are moldering in your grave.

PH1 Shepard, please keep us posted on how you’re doing. Thank you for your service, and we’re glad to see that your association with Ex-PH2 did not appear to ruin your reputation in any way, shape, or form. 😀 (getting ready to duck flying objects from a certain ex-photographer’s mate).

Is it safe to say that Bernath is undoubtedly going to be a first seed in the tournament?

Old Trooper

@911: Don Juando comes through with the bitch slap!!!


Marine_7002: won’t know until TSO’s committee winnows down the field. But at this point, I’d certainly guess a 1 or 2 seed.


Please, OT. It’s just Hondo. En la actualidad, tengo una gran Hacienda ni título de nobleza.


Hondo ..check email..

Tracking on all got emails!


@ #914: Absolutely concur with your comments. With his obvious anger management issues, and general lack of control, it would be best to treat him as a dangerous schizophrenic capable of extremely inappropriate reaction to any contact.

In other words: Do not attempt to confront this individual!

(No, this is not an attempt to diagnose anything. Just common sense advice based on his past performance and his probable reaction when he finally realizes that his world has collapsed around him.)

Old Trooper

@918: Sorry, still have your hispanic name rolling around the brain bucket this morning.

As for What Mr. Sheppard said in his comment wondering about Bernath being involved in more than lying? Well, we have the answer to that thanks to the Oregon Bar Association. He’s not just a career liar, but a thief as well (of course we knew that from him stealing the pictures that Mr. Sheppard took), from clients. The guy is a scumbag and deserves whatever he gets from this.


I need an email address and name of the most senior person at VFW National!


MCPO: see


The link appears to have the e-mail and phone contact info for the VFW’s National HQ Communications Manager and their DC office’s Director of Public Affairs. I’d guess either should be able to contact the national leadership fairly quickly.


Marine__7002, e-mail from Shep this morning. He is in good spirits, despite everything. And yes, he’s still an incorrigible flirt ;), but a girl’s gotta have her standards, right? Jonn has his info if any of you want to send him a message. Also, his 70th birthday was the beginning of January, so you might send him a birthday greeting.

NHSparky, I told you there was a snowstorm on your way. Glad you dug out!

I have work to do, but I’m keeping tabs on you all.

Especially you, birdbath bernutsky. >:}{


@923 @Ex-PH2: he sounds like a character. I still marvel at the serendipity of you and he re-connecting after all these years…through TAH, no less.


Recap on Bernath:

Local VFW


Lawsuit by Bernath:




10335 Hoodview, Portland, OR 97224 (503) 620-2404

10335 Sw Hoodview Dr, Portland, OR 97224 (503) 639-6666

13500 Sw Pacific Hwy #470, Portland, OR 97223 (503) 968-1855

13500 Pacific Hwy, Portland, OR 97223

Address confirmed below:


Acting Resume:



PH-1 John Shepard

Sir, thank you for your service and life’s career given to our country. I hold you in the highest regard. You are a true hero in my book for your service in Vietnam. I am so very sorry to hear of your health issues. I pray for all of God’s blessings as you endure this illness. Happy belated birthday as well! Though I am not A Navy veteran I hold you and the other Navy veterans I know, especially through this site, with great admiration. Fine people all. So from a brother veteran, thank you again for your service. Have a wonderful day sir and know if you ever need anything at all, please make it know here so that we may help.


Hondo … NUKE TIPPED ASROC’s released ….

Green Thumb

Dude should have no problem obtaining employment with All Points Logistics “legal” department.


NUKE TIPPED ASROC’s? Those don’t sound too healthy for some reason.


BREAKING NEWS – VFW NATIONAL NOTIFIED From: MCPO (name redacted) Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 11:19 AM To: ‘rlaw@vfw.org’; ‘jdavis@vfw.org’ Cc: I Guy All Posers Should Fear Subject: VFW IMPOSTER – FRADULANT US NAVY HONORARY CPO VFW Communications Manager and Director of Public Relations, Please see email string to VFW Oregon with attachment from the Officer of the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy. We have undeniable evidence of a VFW member out of Oregon, by the name of Daniel A. Bernath, who has among other things, stolen the likeness of dying RETIRED US Navy Petty Officer, has perpetrated a fraud regarding his fictitious Navy career, claims to be Honorary Chief Petty Officer, and has behaved and conducted himself in an indignant manner to a wide variety of true VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS members and supporters. The Stolen Valor Blog site, This Ain’t Hell, But You Can See It From Here … aka TAH … (and several other notable sites) have featured Daniel A. Bernath. Go here to see the damage he has done: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38816&cpage=19#comment-1111781 Just Google his full name to find out that he is no model citizen and certainly should not be in any way representing a fine organization like the VFW. Google: Daniel A. Bernath, Oregon https://www.google.com/#q=Daniel+A.+Bernath%2C+Oregon The Valor Thief Hunters at TAH that have uncovered this fraud will be going to the PRESS and AUTHORITIES TODAY. Due in part, because the communication to VFW Oregon of yesterday, was never properly confirmed nor has it been acted on by the ranking VFW Official in Oregon, we were forced to elevate this to your office. This IS a serious matter that requires immediate attention. Please confirm receipt of the email and feel free to contact me today at XXX-XXX-XXXX should you wish to ferret out this fraud! We are here to help! MCPO (name redacted) Valor Thief Hunter From: MCPO (name redacted) Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 10:05 AM To: VFW Oregon Cc: Same Guy as Above! Subject: RE: IMPOSTER US NAVY HONORARY CPO Chief (VFW Oregon), This issue has taken a turn that has horrified all… Read more »

Just An Old Dog

If only Birdbath “dirt-dart” Bernath had kept his cock-holster shut. or better yet apologized 90% of the shit coming out on him would have never seen the light of day,
But no, this fecal wart had to come in this house and posture, threaten and insult everyone. Since you called down fire on your own position the people that google your name can find out all the crap you pulled on this one site. Lets see.

You are and have :
Deadbeat dad.

Assault judges

illegally carry a gun into court

forge clients checks

incompetent pilot

disbarred for low moral character in Oregon

banned from being a Social Security client rep due to over 50 cases of misconduct

file frivolous law suits

lie about being an oxford trained attorney

embellished the hell out of your otherwise honorable service

forged letters of recommendation to try to pass yourself off as a “honorable CPO” which cant be bestowed unless the Navy in involved.

photo shopped your own face over the face of an actual veteran, basically stealing his identity.

Stolen photos from other photographers and claimed them as your own.

I think your major accomplishment was being able to piss off my favorite Squid EX-PH2 to the point that she made it a point to have you hunted down like the dog you are. She got a lady-boner the size of a baseball bat and she wasn’t content until she broke it off in your ass.


Picky detail here before we all go nuclear on the VFW: He likely qualifies for membership on the basis of his legitimate DD-214.

That said, this VFW Life Member encourages his expulsion from the organization based on his outrageous deeds toward other members and veterans who are also eligible to belong if they are not members. Immediately. With absolutely NO DELAY.

Should the VFW not act with all haste on this matter, I will encourage all VFW members I know to exert maximum pressure on the current leadership of the VFW to resign for their implicit support of this fool.

Delay on this individual at your own peril, VFW leadership.


Just An Old Dog: spew alert before any more sentences such as the last one in comment #932, please. Thankfully I was between drinks of water when I read it. (smile)


OWB: he does qualify for VFW membership. He legitimately rates 3 decorations that confer eligibility: VSM, AFEM, and KDSM (he rates this last as it was made retroactive to Jul 1954 and an exception to DoD policy allows dual receipt for both the AFEM and KDSM for the same period of service in Korea between 1966 and 1974).


However, the VFW’s bylaws might well allow for expulsion for cause; many veteran’s organization’s bylaws do. I’m not a VFW member, so I can’t say whether or not the VFW’s bylaws allow for that.


They do. And it has been done. It’s pretty easy to do when inappropriate actions are against another member or another vet who is qualified for membership. Should take very little time to accomplish.

I say this realizing that it has been a while since I’ve seen it, and with the current litigious society in which we live, it might take longer than it has in the past, but we are entirely justified in expecting a statement of some sort from the VFW before the end of the day.

This VFW Life Member demands it.


OWB: good to hear that. Now, let’s hope that the VFW has the guts to do what it’s own bylaws say it can – and here, damn well should.

My apologies, by the way. Seems to me I now remember you said elsewhere previously on TAH you were a VFW life member. You probably already knew everything I said above, and I should have realized that.

In my defense, I can only say that my CRS syndrome seems to get worse as I get older. (smile)



From: Joe Davis [mailto:jdavis@vfw.org]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 11:42 AM
To:MCPO (redacted)
Cc: Randi Law
Thank you. National HQ will review. 
Joe Davis
VFW Public Affairs Director
Sent from my iPhone


Calling all TAH members in Pacific NW.

Everything is in place.

Take it to the press.

All information has been provided by Bernath himself. It is all in this thread. We need to now redirect his info to Press. TV, radio, and print.

All of my comms are archived here and I am willing to go on record with press.

Jonn has my info.


Bernath, you want to question my and MCPON’s reach … “Stand by heavy rolls”.


Has anyone contacted the National Association of Naval Photography to see if they actually do award the title of “Honorary PHC” to some chosen members? Additionally, if it does exist, is there a method for revoking it? I’m guessing that, between photoshopping his head onto one of their member’s photos, trying to steal the photos of a fellow PH, and just all around ass-hattery, getting something done by the NANP should be a slam dunk.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the NANP has no idea that he is running around claiming a fake title that doesn’t exist.


To all TAH, MCPO-TAH wanted me to pass this on. When you enter the bar for the get together, make sure you have your unit hat on or other appropriate head gear.


Yes. Always entered covered. We like that in the Mess and CPO Club.


Is it time for that interview with Captain Tom Dodge and Paul Harvey? Or should I hold off for a few more watch sections?

I’m sure that birdbarth bernastypants is stocking up on lots of pieces of paper to sue TAH, et al., for $50 millions – and I do mean ‘millions’ – but we haven’t heard from him since his last blast of hot air. And I SO hoped he’d repeat his going full wickre on us.

I am SO disappointed, bubblebuttsky. Someone with your people skills should easily be able to find employent in the food service industry… as long as you don’t sneeze.


Do not be alarmed by a bell ringing. It is just crazy Navy Stuff. You know us and our Bells.


@941 and @942 – sneaky. Real sneaky. 😀


Well, y’all, since my retirement check doesn’t come from the Navy, I will not be wearing a hat into a bar any time soon. So sue me. 😀


Weapons away. Throw everything you got.


Marine_7002: not really. Most here at TAH were born at night – but it wasn’t last night.

But I’ll consider doing that anyway – right after MCPO and CBSenior have each placed their covers (e.g., headgear) on the bar in full view of all. (smile)


@946 Well with that tone of voice i think i will sue. I have one hell of a lawyer, his name is Daniel Barneth and he is a killer in the courtroom. Even if he does not win, he will crash his plane into your house and kill you that way if he has to.


Well, Hondo, some of us actually WERE born last night. And that’s ALL I can say about that.


@948 Easy peasy no problem. After old Danny boi gets done suing OWB for me I will be rich and will get to act like a total F**k Stick as well.


@ 949: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The average of the ranks of the retirees in this household is E-7.5, so I think we can handle just about anything ya got. 😉


@Oh not me OWB, I am a peace loving individual. I will have my Tier 1 lawyer Daniel Barneth go after you. He went to Oxford you know.


Also @ 949: Thanks for catching the tone properly. The other half doesn’t always do that, which can result in some unpleasantries, briefly. Duh. 😉

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