Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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600 + comments later and nothing has changed! Every one here has in one form or another thanked this fool for his service. We did have a couple of questions based upon what we collectively know, or think we know, about record keeping in the Army.

Instead of simply clarifying the issue, we got mega doses of attitude from an arrogant prick. And now we have another live one in here telling us that it is we who have the problem?

Only for those completely detached from reality.

Tim Ramey

I do NOT agree with everything that Dallas Wittgenfeld has said and done. I do, however, feel for a variety of reasons that Dallas has been very unfairly treated.

Let’s establish from the get-go that my mere disagreement with some of you does not entitle either you or me to engage in personal attacks of any kind. Let’s get that straight. Many of you, and I won’t say who, have used words, sentences and paragraphs that are very child like. Dallas may tolerate it but I can assure you that I will not.

I am the son of a Ranger School graduate who served in Vietnam with D/151 and many years later HHC, 75th Ranger Regiment. Dad was the Ranger Buddy of Dallas’ team leader, SSG Mad Max Anderson. Dallas served as Max’s RTO in team 4-1. Dad and Max both passed in 2010 and I miss both of them dearly. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=61259710

Max and my Dad both suffered from severe PTSD as does Dallas. I think if Dallas was a better communicator he would have fared a hell of a lot better with a lot of you.

I’ve researched the history of D/151 for many years. Though its probably too late, I’d like to be of service, if possible, to help resolved this issue – though, I realize for many of you, that’s not possible.

Still I will do what I can.


@ Tim … read the words of Dallas before you enter here and attempt to scold anyone. I deeply appreciate the service of your dad and buddy. But you are way out of line! VR, The MC.

Tim Ramey

I do not see how the fact that I moved to the Philippines in 2010 has any bearing whatsoever on anything? What exactly was your purpose in bringing that to light, for what it’s worth?

Oh and for the record, Mr Lilyea, some of the material that you’ve “researched” was written by me, for what’s it worth. I know for a fact that you already knew that but didn’t include that fact in your post, for what it’s worth.

I do so hope that you and I will get off on the right foot, but the manner in which you’ve started has already caused me alarm.

Tim Ramey

Master Chief, please show me my exact words that you consider to be deemed “scolding.”

No disrespect intended, just wanted to start off by saying I’m not going to tolerate be treated in the same manner as Dallas has been treated for no other reason that I don’t agree with some of the things that have been posted here.

If you don’t like that, Master Chief, you can always ignore me.



If you’re referring to Jonn’s #607, I believe that it was done as a way of semi-corroborating you are who you say you are.

What often happens in a “busted” thread is that people will jump in claiming to be the person’s brother, or buddy from their unit, or former CO, or Pastor, or whomever. Then they start extolling the virtues of the fraud. It’s an old game and Jonn was, I believe, confirming that you’re not playing it. That it appears you are a real person, not Dallas in disguise, who seems to be posting from the Philippines. I say “seems”, not to offer insult, but because I know how blindingly easy it is to fake a IP.

Tim Ramey

Just curious, as to the Green Beret issue, having known Dallas a lot longer that all of you put together, I remember when Dallas wore the Black Beret, and having looked at that photo again, are you guys sure that isn’t a black beret?

You guys are aware that the Rangers wore a black beret before the liberal democrat idiot Shinseki gave it to everyone?

Tim Ramey

Nik: very good point and one I hadn’t thought about. I thank you for taking the time to explain.

Apologies to John.


Tim, # 1 I am not big on ignoring someone who has taken a direct shot at me. # 2 read what he has written and analylize his documented behavior. NO credit for PTSD. VR, MC

Tim Ramey

I don’t personally know of Dallas’ association with the phony SEALS, not that I doubt you. But I am going to make it a personal mission to use my contacts to get a hold of the CIB orders, if they exist, and I will inform you of my findings whether they hurt or help Dallas.

My friendship, and/or association will not in anyway stop me from reporting the truth. If Dallas is the real deal I will report it, if he is a fraud I will also report the same.

Tim Ramey

Mr. Lilyea, I was speaking of my own direct experiences in the military and not referring to you. Attention to detail, Sir!

In my experience only, sir, beginning as a 17 year old Infantryman, I was immediately led by someone who couldn’t speak the English language and was dumber than a box of rocks. Personally I found that very common in the Infantry. Please show me where I insinuated anything other than that explanation.

And I will NOT feel bad for insulting the intelligence of those I found to be lacking – which was quite many.

As to your comments that I came here looking for a fight, I could say the same thing about you. You will notice that after being informed of your motives for the Philippines comment, I apologized.

You’re free to silence me or “moderate” me as you did Dallas.


Every enlisted LRRP/LRP/RANGER was awarded the MOS 11F2P/11F3P/11F4P regardless of any other MOS’ previously awarded. This is common knowledge in the Vietnam LRP/LRRP/RANGER community.Show me the award letter that Dallas received for the MOS 11F2P.11F3P or 11E4P even an 11B MOS. And then show us the 18F special forces award letter that dilly Dallas claims. And then show me the Bronze Star award letter that Dilly Dallas claimed. The 12 months that Dallas was in RVN He help the MOS of 05B2-0 & 05B2-P NOTHING ELSE . I don’t give a flying fuck how many patrols that he went on in a Ranger team. He was not a LRRP or LRP as your own damn history Bio . on the 151st clearly shows Ramey. Now we have given this lying SOB credit where credit is due. and by God we have busted his ass on credit he is claiming that is not due.Straight up. We are allowing this ass-clown to claim what is on his FOIA .. Nothing more, Nothing less.HE is NOT a LRRP/LRP….He is NOT infantry…HE is NOT Special Forces…HE did NOT earn the Bronze Star..Any ???’s Look at his FOIA !!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Man, this thread is like the old Halloween movies….you just can’t kill that b4stard….shoot it, burn it, shove it down a mineshaft it just keeps coming back to life….

I guess it’s the gift that just keeps giving…



Would you characterize it more as a weeble wobble, no matter how many times you knock it down, it comes back up?

Or would you say it’s more like digital herpes where it pops up, is irritating and kinda nasty for a while, then it just dies down only to pop back up another day?

2-17 AirCav

Damn, he nearly had me. Then he went and wrote, “Attention to detail, Sir!” Rats. Just another interloper and apologist for crud.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The latter probably hits closer to home, even though the former is entirely more amusing.

Tim Ramey

I’ve never seen or heard Dallas make any claim that he was awarded a BSM/w V. I’ve never seen a photo of him wearing a BSM w/V. All I’ve seen is a news paper report written by someone other than Dallas that says he was awarded a BSM w/V. Epic fail, Scotty! Typical Marine arrogance of trying to explain Army and/or Ranger vernacular to a former soldier and Vietnam War researcher. He was not a member of a unit designated LRP/or LRRP. Bravo! Is there anyone on the face of the earth other than your ignorant, arrogant ass who would have the gall to claim that the mission of the Brigade and Division Ranger Companies was anything other than Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols (LRRP) or that the mission of the three Field Force Ranger companies were Long Range Patrols (LRP). Hundreds of men who served in Vietnam Ranger companies call themselves/consider themselves LURPS. You still haven’t answered the fucking question, Scotty! Why were ALL 05B’s RTO who served in LRP/LRRP/RANGER units awarded CIB’s? All, meaning everyone! Answer: Because they were all OJT’d the MOS’ 11F as either a primary or secondary MOS. That’s why Dallas’ 214 and his FOIA mean nothing to me because I know my history and you do not. I have forgotten more about Vietnam war history than you will ever know. I have seen MULTIPLE DD-214’s from members of D/151 that had errors. Do a search on the ABCMR and there is an actual case of a D/151 guy who filed an application in front of the board because some clerk didn’t put his CIB on his 214. The fucking ABCMR approved his request but did so with faulty reasoning! Record keeping was notoriously inept during Vietnam. You are a total and complete ass clown who doesn’t know SHIT about anything to do with the history of the Rangers/Lurps in Vietnam and you never will. You are not that bright, Scotty. Jesus, you’d think if the American Legion was going to finance guys to do this stolen valor thing they would choose someone other than this… Read more »


On 1 FEB 69, the Department of the Army (DA) reorganized all regular army LRP units to “letter” Ranger companies of the 75th Infantry. DA also issued a general order that increased the authorized strength of D/151 from 214 to 230 personnel. This action increased the number of patrol platoons from three to four, increased the number of patrol personnel from five to six, and authorized a Major as commander. The order also changed D/151’s parenthetical designation from “LRP” to “RANGER.”


And you need to open your eyes and read the half dozen newspaper articles dating from 1972 to 1976 that clearly shows Dallas claiming the BS and of being a former Green Beret.
That’s. And the best you can come back with is insult me because I’m a Marine ? How simple minded are you Ramey ?

Tim Ramey

Thank you for the kind word, John, but do you really think that I could have ever gotten away with stolen valor with a Dad like mine? He would have fucking killed me.

For the record, I earned NO medals and one service ribbon-the ASR. I didn’t serve in combat, earned nothing, nada, zip, squat. No daring feats in foreign streets! I did get many blisters and did many, many pushups!

I did nothing, I earned nothing.

But guess what, my 214 says my MOS of 11B10 but my SIDPERS and my 2-1 says my MOS was 11B1P and that I graduated from Airborne School, which I did not, I got hurt and never returned. But according to Scotty I’m airborne qualified because I have orders and a 2-1 that says I am, even though I know I’m not.

I must be the first case of REVERSE stolen valor.

I’m guilty. Put me on your list, Scotty…

Tim Ramey

God it makes my dick hard when Scotty quotes my research (628).


And as for everyone who held the RTO MOS receiving the CIB in not 100% accurate either. I’ve researched cases of it going either way.Another line of your Bullshit that your not backing up with facts.
What, The Great self proclaimed Historian Tim Ramey of the 151st Airborne Indiana Rangers said it . So it has to be fact..

Grow up idiot.


Kinda looks like you just plain don’t know what the fuck your talking about all around here \ this morning Ramey..

Tim Ramey

Its goes even deeper than that oh not so bright one. It wasn’t just RTO’s, there were cooks, MP’s, clerks, mechanics, all sorts of weird MOS.’ If they completed Ranger Replacement training, they were awarded the 11 Fox MOS. ALL OF THEM.

One cook, Jimmy Worley, went on one patrol, ONE patrol. He was OJT’d 11F and presto! CIB!

There was no one who served in any of the patrol platoons in the Vietnam Ranger companies who did not hold or was not later awarded an Infantry MOS as a primary or secondary MOS. Not one.

If they served in the commo platoon, or headquaters platoon they didn’t get one. IF they went to the field on missions they ALL did. End of story.

Scotty, do not pass go, do not collect $200 you are wrong again.

Tim Ramey

Self-proclaimed? The only thing I’ve ever proclaimed is that I did research. No where have I said I’m the official historian for D/151. Many others have said that, but never me.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”

“A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies”

“Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society.”

“If you wish to strengthen a lie, mix a little truth in with it.”

These quotes have always remained with me years after learning who the authors were. The most telling was always “A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity.” The problem with America today is we forgive the people we agree with their lies, while trying to spotlight and enlarge the lies of those with whom we disagree while forgetting a simple fact that a liar is a liar is a liar. The man who lies to himself will lie to his family, his friends, his colleagues without concern for their feelings when the truth is discovered.

If you don’t doubt the association with phony seals, what difference do the parts of his story that are true make in your mind? If you don’t agree with everything Dallas has said and done (which leads me to believe you don’t agree with the parts where he lied) then those parts that are true will still remain tarnished by the lies. The truth always remains the truth, but the honorable part of your life is easily undone by the lies you tell, and those lies become the new face of your life. At that point no one knows when you are lying or being honest, you have lost your integrity. Setting the record straight only works in the absence of lies, not in addition to the lies.


Mr. Ramey… I am curious as to whether you are dispensing as much enthusiasm on this topic with the Special Forces Association as you are in engaging in this little contest with some on here. As I’m sure you are aware, on 6 August 2012, the SFA expelled Mr. Wittgenfeld from the organization on a preliminary finding for conduct that is “more severe than outright fraud.” This includes false claims.

Finally, and I couldn’t pass this one up… You say: “Thank you for the kind word, John, but do you really think that I could have ever gotten away with stolen valor with a Dad like mine?”

I know he can speak for himself, but “John” is actually “Jonn.” Attention to detail, sir! (really couldn’t resist).

Tim Ramey

John I don’t believe I ever mentioned your name as being financed by the legion? I know sometimes Dallas and others don’t pick up on your mistakes but I do.

Nice try though….


Do we all now need to visit docs for meds???


Ramey, I dont give a flying shit if he is legit as far as his CIB is concerned. I dont give a flying shit if he did OJT into 11B and was ABN qualified. What I care about is that Dallas is a turd of epic proportions. And the lies that he has told have brought what could well have been earned legitimately into question. I also care that he and his little cult harass a woman and poke fun at the fact that she lost her husband. Even if he had earned the BSM w/V hes still a fucking turd, a simple medal doesnt absolve him of that. He chose to be a turd and to lie about his service. Ever heard the saying that 1 aw shit out weighs 100 attaboys? Thats where Dumbass is at.



There’s two ways this sentence could be read: “Jesus, you’d think if the American Legion was going to finance guys to do this stolen valor thing they would choose someone other than this mental midget, Scotty….”

1. It could be read as though you were calling Scotty a mental midget.
2. It could be that you’re remarking to Scotty that someone else is a mental midget. Given that you’re mostly interacting with Jonn and Scotty, if you were talking to Scotty about someone, it’s reasonable to suspect you were talking about Jonn.

Your sentence was somewhat ambiguous. Then again, I’m just a Marine. What do I know?

Tim Ramey


1) Why is this termed a little contest as opposed to a big on and why a contest at all?

2) I stated in post 608 that “I do NOT agree with everything that Dallas Wittgenfeld has said and done…”

3) You’ve obviously mistaken me for someone who holds “JONN,” Scotty, you and the rest of the valor vultures in high regard. I do not. Not to be mean but I don’t know you and so far I’m not that impressed.

4) As to the SFA actions, I find it quite peculiar that JONN’s words were almost identical to the findings of the SFA board. It’s almost as…wait a minute, as if people from this site had fed information to the SFA. No, I must be mistaken, that could have never happened, right John, I mean Jon? Or I mean Jonn? Had a liberal hippie peace protestor that couldn’t come out and do the right thing and spell it John? Shit Happens.

5) I do believe that the letter states that Dallas has the right to appeal. Simply because the board found him violation doesn’t make it do. I will say I find the letter rather disturbing.

6) I see my role as defending the truth as regards to the CIB/Infantry issue with regards to Vietnam Ranger Service more so than Dallas. I don’t see anything that he wears on his uniform that he hasn’t earned. And if I’m proved wrong I’ll be the first one to admit I was wrong. I hope the reverse it true, too. But other than me, I doubt ANY of you has the honor to do so. Time will tell.

Tim Ramey

Oh and Milkooks I’m not in the fucking Army anymore, okay? I do have a first name or Mister is fine, too.


A mental midget being financed by the American Legion. Well at least you have the mental midget part half right. As for being financed by the American Legion clearly show that you don’t complete your homework before you claim things. I receive nothing from no one. This shows more inaccurate merits to your claim Ramey. Keep yapping boy.


Ah, I see someone is drinking the Yawnboi koolaid. I hope its grape flavored.



“Milkooks”… Ok, you’ve obviously been cuddling with Michael Yawn.

” I do have a first name or Mister is fine, too.”

So is Dickhead, since you seem to want to fling shit at people.

With that being said, Dickhead, I (like many others commenting here) couldn’t give a lesser fuck about Dallass’s awards, medals, etc. That’s not my beef with him. Yeah, he served,HOOAH!, BFD. That doesn’t excuse him from acting like a total piece of shit, making threats against people on this blog (including women) and just being a general Flying Assclown.


” Why is this termed a little contest as opposed to a big on and why a contest at all?”

This is what some may call a “pissing contest,” or “pissing match.” I was being polite. You came here knowing full well what was coming, and have been going tit-for-tat in a game of one-up the other guy. So yes, you created this contest and continue to engage in it as you sink deeper and deeper into the dreck… It’s also a “little contest” because you are not impressive or demonstrably extraordinary in any tangible manner. Not to be mean, but I only know you by what I observe here, and so far I’m not that impressed.

I’m also sensing another “Jonn/Scotty/insert name here conspiracy theorist. You know the type… someone who will malign a group of extraordinary men such as the SFA who must obviously be mindless nubs with no abilities of there own other than being at the complete whim and influence of Jonn et al.

I also mentioned that the SFA letter was a preliminary finding… again, attention to detail, sir… From my little corner of the Internet, you sound like just another self-grandizing schlump that starts off as reasonable-sounding before your true colors manifest themselves as you sink all the way to the bottom.

Green Thumb


Right on!

Old Trooper

Ok, Mr. Ramey; you lost any and all cred you had with me. How? Simply by using the code words of Dallas Wittgenfeld when he would rant on these here pages i.e. “valor vultures”, “milkooks”, “American Legion financed”, etc.

As you are so fond of saying; nice try.

As I am fond of saying; have a nice life.

I think we have given Mr. Wittgenfeld and his supporters enough ink for one day/lifetime. You can tell Dallas all about your argument here at this site, I’m sure it will give him a woody, which is what he’s after anyway. He likes the attention and I’m sure you and the rest of his supporters will give continue to give him an ample amount of it.

Frankly Opinionated

Hey, Tom Raney; who is this “John” that you keep trying to engage? (In comments 615, 630, 639…. I missed that one.
I don’t give one big ratsass about what medals, Dullas Whipitnflogit has earned or not earned. I only know that he is a LIAR and a THIEF. I know this from personal experience with his heavy drop ass. He stole my intellectual property, (a photo), which in and of itself was not a big deal, but he claimed it as his, making him a thief, and followed that up with accusing me of stealing it from him, making him a liar.

Just Plain Jason

The stupid it just hurts so bad…how does Dallas get some of the defenders he gets. It is just crazy.


Scotty, Timmy said he’s got the hots for you. (see #631) Watch your back!

This seems to be like that annoying weed kudzu. You think you dug out all the roots, but then it rains and you look out the kitchen window and it’s climbing right back up the fence and you have to get the backhoe out again and go after it.

I have no idea why someone would come waltzing in here and start inflating this balloon again. Perhaps it was because the silence was deafening from the DW corner.

Many of the people who come to this blog and post (or not) are Vietnam vets, some in country, some of them not. I think that makes them at the vert least quite qualified to discuss that particular era with impunity.

Maligning these people because they refute your input with their own experience is ridiculous, MR. Ramey. Rebuttal is valid, but it does make you right and them wrong. Dallas Wittgenfeld has repeatedly proven himself to be a compulsive liar. He has not been treated badly, he has invited it and if you’d bother to read his own posts under Long Range Patrol41 above, you’d see that. His infantile need to be the center of attention has led him down that path. Seriously, anyone who cooks up a story about skydiving in Vietnam for the amusement of orphans at a local orphanage, while dressed as a clown, is lying in his teeth. If you can’t see that, you have a problem and it makes you look dumber than a crank on a cucumber.

But since you know so very much about Vietnam, what’s the main ingredient in Khe Sanh hash?


That should be ‘does not’.


Rebuttal is valid, but it does NOT make you right and them wrong. — Corrected sentence reposted.


My passions don’t get inflamed by this guy to begin with, and when people step forward with well-intentioned interventions, it highlights the most exhausting problem with guys with really amazing service records going the extra distance to pad the resume.

I am extremely proud of my service. I had a lot of fun, a lot of misery, made so many friends, and had an improved outlook on the world around me. The other vets that I truly love as comrades seem to embrace the same things. I would be equally proud, and indeed, am humbled, by Mr. Wittgenfeld’s service, would it have been my own.

But how does any of that shape character? If a DD214 and orders-yet-unrevealed prove something that we’ve been missing; that Pinochio is a indeed a real boy with a human heart and soul, I have yet to see it. Humility in the face of derision (warranted or unwarranted) and calm in the face of slander are the hallmarks of a gentleman (or lady). Orders for a CIB are not going to undo threats and insults rendered to a lady.

Mr. Ramey, who stands amongst the righteous and responds with acrimony to accusations or questions? It sounds like you are saying the mere presence of awesomesauce applied liberally to a service record should confer a status beyond reproach? If, as you’ve said, you aren’t going to apologize for Wittgenfeld’s response to these matters, don’t you have to ask, what is the point? This is not an ensemble of “milkooks” looking to ruin a man; this is a chorus of people saying you cannot lie and you cannot respond with despicable hostility and then hide behind awards won, precisely because it comes at the expense of what honorable service *should* confer.

You know that, and Wittgenfeld damn well knows it, too. PTS, service records, etc., are not a place to retreat when people are caught doing something dishonorable.


Who’s your daddy?