Spot the error in this uniform

| April 20, 2009

From a reader via email comes this picture of Sergeant First Class Lieutenant Colonel George James of the Medical Corp Infantry Branch. Can you spot the error in his uniform? (He’s all over the internet, so researching him now, but you just know his story will be phenomenal.)

He’s the Chapter President of the Rachel Corrie (think they have pancake breakfasts?) Chapter 109 in Olympia Washington. And I strongly suspect his entire story is fake, so let’s take him down folks.

OK, my buddy looked through the ribbons and this is what he has:

Left pocket, what is with the Master Sgt rank on the pocket?


Jnt SVC Commendation (?) ARCOM Good Conduct (wrong spot) (also not eligible to Lt. Col.)
AAM army reserve/ng achievement medal too washed out to tell
?? Overseas Service Rainbow Bright Badge (looks like there is a device on it)
National Defense Saudi Lib of Kuwait The only thing this looks like is the Kuwait Lib of Kuwait award upside down, but I don’t see the black.

Jonn added: Here, I blew it up a bit;

ADDED: Sporkmaster
It seems that he is still at it.

Category: Politics

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MasterSpecialistLt.Col.Corporal “Veteran” for Peace James, Dude, there’s this magic thingy called the internet. Make an ass of yourself & everyone will know in milliseconds…


LTC George James Jr., USA/USAR (Ret)?
Cofounder, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 109, Olympia, WA.?
2008 Arlington Northwest Memorial Display and Vigil Project Leader

Chapter 109 is, of course, the “Rachel Corrie” chapter of VFP, which is odd, as I don’t remember her being a veteran.

TSO Wrote: Not a veteran she! Before being run over by a caterpillar, she was a flag burning activist and America hater, not at all unlike her brethren in this chapter of VFP.

The gag about “Rachel Corrie Pancakes” never gets old. No one has ever deserved to be run over by a bull dozer like this vapid jackass.

The Sniper

Holy ****. I have NEVER, EVER seen ANYTHING that ate up. EVER.

Wow. Just wow. It’s like he went to an Army surplus store, bought a bunch of uniform bling, ate it, then threw up on an old set of BDU’s. What an ass.


Saw the picture in the Seattle Times this morning. I was Navy, but thought something was screwy about having a medical badge and a CIB, That and both the Lt Col and Sgt devices and isn’t the CIB supposed to be above the ribbons?

TSO Wrote: You done good bud, because this guy is one of the worst I have seen. He is ALL OVER the place.


Not sure what you’re talking about, the only error I spotted was a “boonie” cap in the contonement area, which of course is a Field Grade offense.

I’m trying to place him, because he looks familiar, I think we might have been in the Stormwind Guard together, that or the Westfall Militia.


You all should be ashamed of yourselves. I got online today to do a paper on Rachel Corrie and came across this posting. Someone went to support something they believe in and was killed for no reason…yet you joke about it.

How would you like it if I started a blog laughing about the deaths of soldiers who faught for what they believe it.

This is sad…

Jonn wrote: You should be ashamed, Sch…er, Maryland Borne – I got online to do a paper on pea wits and the intertubes took me right to this comment.


Well, the ribbon order is all screwed up. ARCOM in front of MSM? All kinds of funky-dunky crap.

Let’s not even go with the CIB placement.

That’s a WWII dogtag off his left button, can’t get the rez high enough to read it. BUT- that may be for the MSG rank…

Can’t make out the unit crest.


Maryland: When Doing your paper you will note that she was a supporter of an Anti Semitic terrorist organization right? Or do facts fit into your worldview?


I remember it like it was yesterday, man. Once again, we’d pulled short straw for patrol duty up the Ching Chang river valley, so me and my squad saddled up for 13 days in the shit. The first couple of days were uneventful, except for Leroy getting bugs in his Afro Sheen and bitching about it for hours on end. LT sent his ass to walk point to shut him up. That’s when we happened up on this ville that wasn’t on our map. The elders approched us and begged us to help them with a local problem plaguing their fields. They were being terrorized by this huge rodent that was generally destroying the turf and digging holes everywhere. Before it was over with, SSG Spackler had virtually destroyed these poor people’s entire ville with gobs of C4 he’d shaped to look like squirrels and other shit! He’d blown gopher poontang from here to Bushwood. The dude had lost his freakin’ mind from smoking some weed he’d blended with grass he’d gotten from back home. We barely got the hell out of there alive, but now I’m all right…don’t nobody worry about me. It was a true Cinderella story, man. True enlightment.

SPC Jesse Joshua “Ty” McCaddy
Ching Chang Valley, Vietnam 1966-67


And Maryland. We may not all be college educated here, but we do know that in a human-buldozer confrontation the bulldozer will win.

B Woodman

WTF is that black-&-white patch I see in three places (left shoulder, right pocket, boonie hat) on his clothing (I don’t want to insult the name of “uniform”)?

That, and he’s wearing long-sleeve thermals showing with his sleeves “rolled” up.

B Woodman

Ahhhh. . . I think I caught another one, or two. All the ribbons are placed too low on top of the pocket, where the U S ARMY tape would normally be (missing).

It would also be interesting to look into this so-called “person’s” DD214 & see if he’s authorized to wear all that military bling he’s got thrown on there.

Ya’know, I just wish, for once, that there were a real-live honest-to-God military person around when these snakes come slithering out from under their rock to get their picture taken, just to bitch-slap them back to reality for wearing a f’ed-up uniform that they’re not authorized to have on. And then strip it off of them and leave them exposed (literally & figuratively) for all the world to see. Desecrates the memory of better people then them who’ve died to give these asses the freedom to go around exposing their foolishness.

Brown Neck Gaitor


Here is a picture of your peace lover for you.

TSO Wrote: Yeah, her Wiki page is a must read too. Anyone who thinks I am being mean, tough shit. If you are enough of an asshole to go overseas and burn an american flag to impress children, and then stand in front of a bull dozer, you get everything you deserve.


That looks more like a Master Sergeant rank too me. Yea the odds of someone making E-8 and O-5 in one lifetime seems kinda slim.

Also what is it with wearing awards on field uniforms?


You gotta give him some credit, though…he had the good taste not to put his Hoth campaign ribbon next to his Khitomer action award.


You know, I remember when I was 12 and in the CAP, I had a denim jacket with all of my CAP pins on it. Even though it wasn’t regulation, it really made me feel cool, so I understand the desire to put all sorts of pins all over the place. However, if you are part of a veterans organization like VPF is supposed to be, you really shouldn’t mess with your ribbons (like wearing something on your ASR).
Its just not cricket.

And Claymore, everyone knows Khitomer was an Inside Job.



If you jump in front of an armored bulldozer, or any sort of armored vehicle, the only thing I’m gonna agree you deserve is a Darwin award.

A bit of a non-partisan disclaimer:If anyone, for any reason, desires to involve them self in someone else’s war, swear down your colors, renounce your citizenship and don’t come crying to me if you come back missing body parts, or with bullet holes in your hide.



That’s fascinating. I did a google search for “Rachael Corrie” and got bored before I could find a link to this post.

Also, if you really are writing a paper, you might want to check your spelling at some point. Protip: most modern web browsers have a spell check function built in! Amazing times these. “faught”, indeed.


…Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


Outstanding! At least the local faker by me just has a CIB on his Air Force Class A’s (or whatever the air force calls them)

I should have taken a picture before I called him out on it. Hes never shown up again in uniform at any of the protests.

Airborne Injun

The ONLY error in this uniform is 170 lbs of shit.
And Marylandborne…you never answered my question the other day! Why not?


I did find his email address and toying with the idea of asking for his “story”.


Obscure Star Trek reference threadjack commencing.


That’s exactly what Brann Bronzebeard said to me when he couldn’t get the computer working in Halls of Stone.


See, the campaign ribbons can be problematic. I still haven’t been awarded the proper ribbons for my campaign against the Kvaldir. Now, some people would say it was merely because I was a “combat advisor” to the 4th Tuskarr Fusiliers, but does that mean the blood of good men like Karuk mean nothing from our struggles against the “Tuk-Hariq” (walkers of the fog in their tongue). The stain of their courage is on my hands, and you mock good men like Sergeant First Class Lieutenant Colonel George James of the Medical Corp Infantry Branch.

For shame! For shame!



If I had to guess, this is what the crest may be.

Dave Thul

Guys, you have this all wrong. This was a picture of an actor getting ready for the Disney on Ice version of Monsters vs Aliens. He is clearly Gen Monger.


Quick search through trust ol’ AKO:

George James’s Basic Profile
Basic Info
Full Name: LTC George James Jr
Service: Army
Army Basic Branch: AN
Organization: 66250th usah
Account Type: Army Retired

Contact Info
Phone: 306-570-xxx
Email: xxx(at)
Address: box xxxxxx,ms117 98501
Region: Olympia, WA

Jonn wrote: I edited some of his contact info.

Airborne Injun

Dave Thul…I hate to correct you, but this freak is clearly Mr. Rogers Combat Zombie…Won’t you be my neighbor?


All I truly want to know is if he earned a CIB, because if not, wrath of god type shit….

Jonn Lilyea

Yeah, I’m thinking we’re gonna get a response like we got from Pinhead – he’s honoring his father or his brother, or his neighbor’s dog by wearing stuff he didn’t earn and had it put on his uniform by a three-year-old. That’s how they honor stuff – by being jacked-up dorks.


I agree, and that IS TOTALLY UNSAT.

If I die tomorrow, none of you are authorized to wear my CIB. If you do, I will come back and whup your ass.


I think I want some of those VFP patches. They might be big enough to patch the holes in the seat of my jeans. Yeah, I know… to much time on my ass, but I do a lot of mowing and running equipment here and there.

Can’t tell from the pix if they’d be lumpy though?

Old Trooper

TSO you said “wrath of god type shit….”

Well, other than dogs and cats living together; mass hysteria….

Let me know what you find out, cuz I want to be there with ya for the second and third coming. I think a visit by the Provost with a little thing called “The Stolen Valor” charge will help this twit along. I don’t give a flying f**k who he is trying to honor, he has made a mockery of the same uniform that I wore and this kind of shit pisses me off.

AW1 Tim


The whole wearing of decorations and stuff on BDU’s, etc, got it’s start with the Vietnam veteran’s vigil groups who were standing vigils at the Vietnam veteran’s memorial in Washington (and elsewhere) to bring attention to the plight of MIA/POW still unaccounted for. I was part of one of these groups back in the late 70’s, early 80’s. Although we wore then-current fatigue uniforms, we made certain to keep to standards of dress, such as gig lines, bloused trousers, polished boots, etc. Bling was placed where it would be on a class “A” uniform, but also made certain that it was accurate and set properly, not looking like someone rolled a drunk through an Army/Navy store and glued everything on where it stuck.

I’m not saying it was kosher, just passing out the history as I knew it.

These guys like this Colonel, though, just creep me out. I can NEVER understand the whole “Stolen Valour” thing. Why anyone needs to do that stuff if beyond me. To my mind, anyone who took the oath and served honorably is my brother or sister. Don’t matter what their MOS was, their paygrade, whatever. They stepped forward when the call for volunteers went out, and that’s all that matters to this old Airdale.

Ah well…. that’s enough for now. Time to pur a drink and mellow out. 🙂

Don Carl

Wait! You mean he’s NOT a Master SGT Colonel? You know, like a super Sergeant Major, or, ala MASH a Corporal Captain?

Don Carl

Oh, and what Marine rolled up his friggin’ sleeves?


Not to defend this guy… but it’s possible he was enlisted and went to nursing school, and applied for, and received, a commission in the Nursing Corps, and if he was a E-8 they may have given him up to O-3 when he was Commissioned. No excuse for the rest of the soup sandwich he’s wearing… but just sayin…


Is this guy on the DHS watchlist with me and the rest of my retired vet brothers? Does one get a pass for being a Vet for Peace member since Janet Napo’s department could not possibly put them in the extremist group category…they are all about peace man.


Wow, I thought I’d never see a Spec.8 whats next? Trilobites for pets?

509th Bob

Maybe I’m “dating” myself, but….

When I was in (1976-1980), I knew (in CSC, 2/21 Inf./24th ID) a SFC who had said he’d been a LTC during Vietnam, but who’d been Reduction-In-Force reduced to his “permanent” enlisted rank of SFC. He was serving his time out, and would retire at his Reserve rank of LTC.

I had a squad leader (SSG Daniel Berg, 199th “Flaming Assholes” Inf., Vietnam combat vet) who didn’t call BS on the guy – which led me to believe that what he’d said was true. I was a one-term enlisted junior enlisted man, so what would I know? But I believed the SFC, and SSG Berg, and, thus, believe my understandings to this day.

So, maybe, JUST maybe, this guy had been a MSG, and a LTC, with a CIB. But that being said, it would NEVER excuse his F’d-up ribbon presentation! So, on that reason alone, I call BS!

I couldn’t make out the combat patch, but in profile it looks like maybe the 24th ID. This guy DOESN’T look like the SFC I knew, but it’s been 30 years, and the SFC I knew wasn’t Medical Branch, and (although I don’t recall his name) it wasn’t “James.”

My 2 cents worth. I offer no opinion about his VFP status, except that if he’s NOT a vet, he desperately needs to be prosecuted.


Well, other than dogs and cats living together; mass hysteria….

Yeah, that did cross my mind.

No Sheeples Here!

All the pins, ribbons, and badges on the fatigues do not belong there. They belong on a dress uniform, the jungle hat is a no go, ID tags go inside the T-shirt, the enlisted rank is a no go. The fatigues tell me he is a Lt. Colonel. Do not recognize the white patch on the hat or his breast pocket that’s a no go. Fatigues need to be pressed. The long john shirt needs to come off and replaced by regulation T-Shirt. He is missing his US Army tag over the top left breast pocket.

That’s what I find wrong. Damn near everything.


Hey, cut him some slack, he’s obviously crazy. He has his 1000yd stare down cold.


I love this blog.
This is beter than cable TV!
Where do you find these guys?
Please make them all go away!!


I don’t know if the guy is a real vet, a phony soldier, or why he wears what he does on that fatigue shirt. Maybe those medals and service awards (above the pocket) are all his. It is hard to fathom how an Army LTC in the medical corps could have first achieved the rank of Master Sergeant in the infantry and earned that CIB before becoming an officer (as one dog tag hangs near them, maybe he wears the MSG and CIB in memory of someone). I recall seeing many real vets and wannabes wearing “uniforms” way out of compliance with military regulation back in the 1970’s and few then said a word one way or the other about it. Looking at that photo and vaguely recalling AR 670-1, one thing I spot wrong is he has the Good Conduct Medal ahead of the Army Achievement Medal.


I looked in my closet at my old dress blues, again at “LTC James’” fruit salad, and now wonder what the red and white ribbon is on the top row. It is not either the Army’s Meritorious Service Medal or its Good Conduct Medal. From memory of the uniforms of Marines I served with a couple places, I think it is the USMC’s Good Conduct Medal. In general, I think this colonel suffers from a major case of constipation and needs to spend lots of time on the private until it passes.



Yeah, that used to happen. I don’t think it does anymore though. My grandfather knew a couple guys in Korea who had been promoted to officers during WW2 and then were told “you can go back to where you would be without the war, or you can get out.” Two of ’em were pilots, and thus eventually became officers again.

Of course, with the long term of service that implies, most of those guys could probably put together their uniform.


The douchebag has an MSM beneath an ARCOM in order of precedence. They need to prosecute this f’n moron. Not to mention, how’d he get a CIB? Was he infantry during Vietnam?