Weekend Open Thread

| January 19, 2018

January 19, 2018

Coffee Stories

In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, an old nine-story apartment building called the Café Apartment has been turned into a home for coffee shops, restaurants, and coworking spaces. “It’s very funny,” says Your Shot photographer Samsara Tran. “You could easily spend a whole day exploring this apartment.”

Category: Open thread

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Jon The Mechanic

I yield to you good sir.


Thanks Jon.

Wilted Willy

All yours Sky!


I replaced my F5 key with the F12.
It works, I tell ya!! 😉

Jon The Mechanic


Wilted Willy


Jon The Mechanic

You get the bronze medal today.


Hoh-Lee Chit!!!

Wilted Willy

Looks like a 3 way tie??


Still Gainfully Employed – and Top Ten Again.


Top 15. Honorary first, as usual.


Present, unaccountable, and happy to see the sun shining brightly in the sky!


Also, in Top Ten.

Commissioner Wretched



Late to the party, in , in 15


Think I’m gonna blow the sawdust off me, change my unders and head off to the casino. This “Firstest” thing might be an omen! 😉


Top 20

A Proud Infidel®™

Top twenty and Honorary First once again.


Aaaagh; missed it again.

Happy weekend to all of the usual suspects and disgruntled malcontents here on Team TAH!


Irredeemable deplorables, too!


Today is National Popcorn Day!

Speaking of Popcorn:

DB plead GUILTY today…was sentenced to 12 months in Jail, but it was suspended as time already serve, so am guessing he will be returning very soon to the Sunshine State. He also has to pay a nice huge fine and will be under unsupervised probation for 2 years.

Guess the Blizzard and the Snow/Ice and Cold weather in Virginia was too much for him to take.


Yes, and he still owes attorneys’ fees to a HUUUUGE bunch of people.


Odds on them collecting are about the same as Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi having a reasonable conversation about anything.


What’s the betting on when his next incarceration begins?


Vegas line over/under is at 78.5 days.

Last I checked, he has folks in a few other jurisdictions awaiting their proverbial pound of flesh.

2/17 Air Cav

Have you recovered?


2/17 Air Cav: Thank you for asking…almost back to good health thanks to family support, chicken soup (it works..thanks Ex-PH2 and OWB for the tip!) rest and medicines. Hope YOU have fully recovered as well. Please stay healthy the rest of the year…things come in threes, so am looking forward to reading your post again this coming December about Army’s third win over Navy…😉


Do we have any guesses how long until he violates the terms of his probation? Even unsupervised, there are bound to be some terms…


I’d venture to guess that BAD and his fellow founding butt buddies of the DRG are viewing TAH as we post…


Sorry, that should read dab, NOT bad


BAD works.


I missed DAB!

Frankie Cee

Missed him, with what?


I miss root canals without Novacain more.


More range time, MCPO


I guess his “lawer” talked him out of committing more legal DBaggery in the courtroom, and he threw in the towel. Too bad it wasn’t a felony conviction. I bet the authorities were happy the judge let him off with time served, so they don’t have to deal with him anymore.


While Danni-boi may be crazier than a shithouse rat, he’s not stupid. He knows how to play the game just well enough, to include saying the things and acting the way he needed to in order to secure his release.

He also knows it’ll be nigh on impossible to throw him in jail for any length of time.

My .02 is he’s back at it before he has his first bowl of Corn Flakes tomorrow morning.


It may not have been due to advice of counsel. There might have been “biological” mitigating circumstances. Asked by a reporter upon his release why his change of strategy, DAB was heard to reply,”My tired old ass couldn’t take it anymore.”


Maybe that was DAB’s Bunghole finally taking control of its life support system.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder which Jurisdiction will be next to incarcerate him and/or his MiNiOn CoHoRt?

Just An Old Dog

From what I understand he had been found guilty and sentenced to 12 months last year in April, everything since then was him trying to get the sentence reduced or vacated.
He did 3 1/2 months, which is probably more than he would have did if he had just went in when he was convicted last year.
The State generally doesn’t like to waste jail space on geriatric stalkers.
It took some real talent for him to get himself locked up that long.
He will be at it again


Originally posted by AnotherPat:

Guess the Blizzard and the Snow/Ice and Cold weather in Virginia was too much for him to take.

Not for me, I went running in all of that starting at 3 something AM. Saw the sky light up as a result of blizzard lightning a few times. :mrgreen: I wasn’t going to let that blizzard, or the snow storm a couple of weeks later, stop my routine. Spent the rest of that day shoveling my driveway. The most snow we got in this area in one day since I’ve been in this area (starting in 1991), and the longest stretch of temperatures in the teens and 20s since I’ve been here too… and the longest stretch of time I had to wear thermals under my regular winter running sets… Longest because I never had to wear thermals during my runs in this area before. We set a lot of “firsts” regarding winters in this area, including a couple of days of zero, or near zero wind chill temperatures. :mrgreen:

Daniel Bernath, a real deal disbarred lawyer, who never was a Navy Chief Petty Officer of any kind, was in our “metropolis” during all of this, he got to experience “history”. :mrgreen:


Well poop-cicles! I spent too much time on Kent Billingsley, phony SEAL and forgot to fap the ol’ F5.


No exciting news here, other than I have a new toaster, a Proctor Silex 2-slice deal which simply toasts stuff. I also have a new Black & Decker hand mixer (used to call them egg beaters). Got both from Ace when I went to get bird food, and I had some discount coupons, too.

Why Ace instead of BBBY? The overpriced toaster I bought at BBBY kipped out on me in the middle of toasting raisin bread and had been dying for about three months. I got tired of it, so I tossed it and got the familiar brands at Ace, with coupons, at a more modest price.


What’s on the menu for chow this weekend?

Are you going to break in that new kitchen gear?


Sherpherd’s pie and cornbread, and if I can get around to it, pumpkin pie with whipped cream.


Isn’t Ace Hardware the place where you got “hit On” by a couple of guys when you were shopping for a stove, Ex-PH2!! And here I’ve been wasting all my time hanging around the fruits & vegies aisles to pick up women. 😉



My understanding is that you can pick up a good date in the produce aisle, but getting one who knows her way around power tools can make for a pretty terrific long term relationship. Especially if she has her own instead of wanting to borrow yours.


On my daughter’s list for wedding gifts were a number of power tools.
They are still happily married.

I think you’re correct, OWB.


Ace doesn’t sell stovess, but yes, Ace was that place. 🙂

Menards sells stoves, as does Home Depot, but there’s an appliance repair shop that has showroom stuff from the big box stores at reasonable prices. I may go there first.

Oh, yeah, – I found a bunch of different types of simmering plates for stoves with gas burners. I will select one that looks good and give it a try.

A Proud Infidel®™

Repair Shops aren’t bad for finding deals, I once got a double door fridge with ice maker, door water and ice brand new for $450 because of a dime-sized dent in one of the doors near the bottom and to top things off, the guy who sold it to me bought my old fridge for $30 and took it away!

A word of advice, STAY AWAY from Samsung stoves and fridges, they have been a case of heartburn for many people who bought them.


Thanks, API. The guy at the appliance repair shop said Whirlpool is the best brand, and he doesn’t like Samsung, either.

I don’t like ‘gadget’ appliances. I only want a stove to cook things, not talk to me or override my time/temp stuff.

A Proud Infidel®™

Repair Guys know what’s best, as for washers and dryers I swear by Maytag, the ones I have are fifteen years old and so far I’ve had to open up the washer once to reattach a hose and I’ve had to replace the dryer drive belt and once again to replace the temperature sensor.


Yes, if I had 6 kids and 16 grandkids, that would make a lot of sense.





Gettin’ closer!

Bill M

Still here, still nowhere near first.




Yes congratulations – by a cat whisker!


Thenk yew, thenk yew.


35 or 6 to 4.


We see what you did there.


Well played!


So, as an infantry company commander in the NG, I directed some of my subordinates to come up with hands-on weapons training to provide to the Soldiers this weekend. I also created some PD, so that we could have a home-station drill where we actually did military things.

Now I’m hearing that if the government shuts down, we will drill tomorrow morning and go home at noon. No training, no pay (for some of my guys, this is their only income source), nothing.

Democrats have placed the needs of illegal immigrants over our military. Remember that.


Demo politico’s have no respect or real concern for our military; never have, anyway in the last 40+ years.


I also think the Democrats are wrong on this, and a government shutdown is a dumb move,… but I don’t think they’re putting the needs of illegal immigrants over the military. This is a political stunt – it won’t affect military pay unless the shutdown lasts until February 1st. That strikes me as pretty unlikely.

If that does happen, I hope Democratic leadership -forgive the oxymoron!- will take a huge hit. And they’d deserve it. But right now, this is all just posturing.


National Guard, buddy. Don’t drill, don’t get paid. Drill is tomorrow, but except for driving two hours for nothing each way, it looks like it will be cancelled.


I stand corrected, then. I didn’t realize Guard pay functioned differently.

Hope for the sake of the men in your command the senators can get their act together and pass a CR.


Even worse, it can adversely effect points for the year, and for some that could be a serous issue. Most should be able to make up lost days, but some will never make it up due to tight scheduling with their civilian employer.

Perry Gaskill

Mother Jones is now reporting that porn star Stormy Daniels might have once said she had to discipline President Trump by spanking him with a Forbes magazine. Of course it must be true. Who can you trust for authenticity if not a porn star?

So here’s a solution to the budget impasse: Trump calls up Mistress Stormy and asks her to turn Chuck Schumer over her knee for a few whacks with a rolled-up Congressional Record. Extra points if Schumer loses his glasses during the encounter…

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s see, the Russian Hookers hired to urinate on a bed his predecessor slept on, Russia Collusion , President Trump’s Physical and Mental Health, now they’re pimping allegations he had romps in the sack with a pr0n Star. Liberal mainstream media TARDOs are going off on any tangent they can like a dozen monkeys trying to fuck a football all at once! What’s next, are we going to hear them screeching that President Trump had a love child with a space alien while at Area 51?

Perry Gaskill

You might have just written the next headline for the National Enquirer, API. Work in an Elvis angle and we could be looking at a Pulitzer Prize…


Spew alert, PLEASE!


That child’s name cannot be mentioned here, but it was once known as poodledick


Like CPT11A says, the National Guard will be kicked in the nuts by the damn-0-crats by their stunts.

But do they care a rat’s adz? They feel sorry for a cop-killer who says he’ll do it again, because he illegal. But not our Troops.


I hope that’s pure hyperbole and you don’t really think that Democrats support of DACA is so they can allow cop-killers here illegally to stay in the US.

I’m against a government shutdown, but wholly for allowing amnesty for people who were brought here as children, live as upstanding citizens and contribute to society. Note there’s nothing in there about cop-killers.

It’s entirely possible -and in opinion, entirely reasonable- to support a CR and, separate, support DACA amnesty.


In the news today, California has threatened to prosecute any employer who helps ICE find illegal aliens.

It wasn’t that long ago California found an illegal alien not guilty of any crime when he shot and killed a woman.

California is run by the folks with (D) behind their names.

I’d say the case is strong for the damn-0-crats supporting murdering illegal aliens over U.S. citizens and the military.


I think the ICE issue is complicated – is there any compelling reason why Jorge Garcia, the guy in Michigan with a wife and two kids who are American citizens, should’ve been deported? He and his wife have spent $125K trying to get him legal citizenship, and he seems like a good father, and a good citizen, he pays taxes, has no record and was brought here when he was ten. Yet, he was deported by ICE.

Meanwhile, criminals should be targeted. But since anyone here illegally is targeted, including people who are contributing to their communities and have American families, some states feel like protecting those people is in their best interest. I’m not a lawyer so I can’t speak to that aspect, but to me it’s a pretty understandable position. Meanwhile, local police forces in those states will likely focus on the criminals. Which is good.

I think the Garcia Zarate case was just FUBAR’d by the prosecutors, who tried to argue he fired the gun intentionally, which was hard to prove, especially since the woman died after the bullet ricocheted off the ground. Charging someone with a crime they didn’t commit -even if they committed a different, related one- is a good way to lose a trial.

I’ve got no love for they guy and wish he wasn’t here, and I hope his time in jail (on weapons charges) are miserable. But we are a country of laws, and we can’t change them just because someone is clearly an asshole.

I support the military and DACA amnesty. I gotta believe that’s not an unheard of positions among Democrats, too.


“illegal” means against the law.

“Illegal alien” means an alien who broke the law to be here.

A “criminal” is someone who breaks the law.

Illegal aliens are criminals. QED

That one criminal’s actions are less damaging to society than another criminal’s actions is a matter of degree.

Merely being deported for being here criminally is the best an illegal alien can hope for.

At least in Texas, an illegal alien who murders someone can be, and has been, executed. If his family didn’t want him, he’d be buried in a pauper’s grave – otherwise after he was executed he would be deported back to his family and they could bury his mangy corpse.


Jaywalking is illegal. Let’s say you’re an infant, and your mother is carrying you, and walks across the middle of the street. She gets a fine. Do you, as an infant, also get a fine? Did you, as an infant, also break the law? Or would that require you to be of age?

Don’t get caught up in the semantics – you use ‘illegal alien’ (note, we’re just talking about people brought here illegally) because it specifically states illegality. And the other side uses ‘undocumented’ because it doesn’t. The question is, are children who were brought here not of their own volition guilty of committing a crime?

NR Pax

The mother in your example gets fined but the mother who illegally brought her child over does not. Bad comparison.


We’re not talking about the mothers, though. We’re talking about the kids who were brought here -maybe brought here illegally is the best way to put it- and their culpability or lack thereof.

You really think a child is responsible for decisions he didn’t make?

If you want to argue about the adults who came here, and how they should be deported, I think that’s much more understandable, though my preference would be to keep any who’ve made something of themselves and get rid of the troublemakers instead of a blanket deportation. But I wouldn’t argue strongly other way. Kids who didn’t have a choice, but have grown up here? They’re as guilty of breaking the law as a kid whose mom jaywalked while holding him. Which is to say, not at all.


Growing up in the USA as an illegal alien (“undocumented” is so Newspeak) still means one is an illegal alien.

That it is sad, and no fault of the child, that they are illegal, nonetheless they are here illegally. Hence they and their parents ought to be returned to the country where they are legal citizens. Let them blame their parents, but we as taxpayers and citizens have no duty to keep them.


See, I just view that as the whole ‘zero tolerance’ stuff that is so regrettably common.

It’s like saying, “If the police find you with illegal drugs, you should go to jail.” It seems sensible on the outset, but absent intent it’s meaningless. If I knock you out, plant some drugs on you, call the cops to tell them where to find you, and they find you, with drugs, should you go to jail? Or does intent matter here?

We have to balance humanity with legality – just as its illegal to speed, but we make concessions for people getting to a hospital, for example, we can -and should- welcome hard-working people who contribute to society and are Americans in everything but the piece of paper they lack. Doing that makes us better off, not worse off.

2/17 Air Cav

A couple and their two kids trespass on private property, vast acres of wooded land. There they set up residence in an abandoned cabin that has no trespassing and keep-out signs plastered on its door and windows. And there they live for several years until one day the sheriff pulls up. By your way of thinking, LC, only the parents should be evicted.


You said that with a straight face?


Garcia was here for 30 years, and spent most of that time dodging ICE. When it became obvious that they were going to catch up, he and his wife went to the law firm of Dewey, Scrooem and Howe, and dropped whatever amount you want to believe they dropped on ineffectual counsel.
In all of those 30 years, he never went back to get a passport and apply for a visa. He got what was coming to him.
As for amnesty, give them a process to obtain a work permit, and a capped residency permit, say 5 years, maybe 10? Renewable if they want, depending on their record when applying for renewal.
No amnesty, no citizenship, no vote. Ever!!


If he went back home to get a visa and a passport, he’d have had to wait ten years to come back to the only country he’s really ever known, and, at one point, his wife and family here. How many people do you think would do that?

If someone grew up here through no fault of their own, contribute to society, have an American family and no criminal record, we’re better off for having them here. I’m all for securing the border, but not separating families and punishing people whose only crime was that their parents broke the law to give them a better life.


So out of curiosity: What would you have the government tell the legal immigrants who have been here for years and spent thousands of dollars to earn citizenship? “Tough shit that you were a sucker. Maybe you should have broken the law.”?


I would hardly qualify someone a ‘sucker’ for doing things the proper. And we should absolutely push legal immigration and fight illegal immigration to make the latter even more risky than it already is.

But at the end of the day, people who didn’t do anything wrong shouldn’t be punished. Now, where do we draw the line? I honestly don’t know. If someone has been here a day, even if brought illegally, I don’t see why we need to keep them. If they’ve been here for their formative years, I think we do. That’s a pretty wide range of time that’s open for debate on what’s best.

For me? I personally think if they’re contributing to society -paying taxes, serving their community, etc- and have connections here, and no criminal background, they’re probably the kind of people we’d want in a legal immigrant anyway, so why not do the right thing and strengthen our country by keeping them?


-he- is in that mess, -because- he spent all those years as an active criminal.

Had he put all that effort into doing it legally, none of the bad stuff happens.

And if dems weren’t trying to import new dems, having lost so badly with Americans, we would not be having this conversation.


Re: the “zero tolerance” thing.

How do you think that came to be? Reagan said he’d fix it. Nada.
Clinton said he’d fix it. Again, nada.
IIRC, both talked about securing the border, too.
I, and those like me, are DONE with being compassionate.
When virtue is abused, it turns into something really hard and remorseless.


If LC wants to talk about intent, I’d describe him as “inheriting” intent. I’m not Janet Reno, so I don’t want to repatriate six year olds at gunpoint, but once you become an adult, the burden is indeed yours.

Fine, your parents messed up. Underage, as long as you’re not some sort of delinquent, I’ll be forgiving. But at 18, you no longer get to benefit from your parents’ crime. If you do, you’re no better than them.

Go home, get a passport/ visa and come back the right way. Otherwise, stay the fuck out. We owe you nothing.

(Unless you want to enlist in a high-need MOS. No signing bonus. Then you can stay and have a path to citizenship.)


So even if someone was brought here at the age of 1, grew up speaking English, having a normal American life, going to school, dreaming of joining the military or working in Silicon Valley,.. the moment they turn 18 they’re responsible for crimes their parents committed?

The trouble with the ‘go home and get a passport’ thing is if you’ve been here more than .. I can’t recall, six months or a year.. you’re generally forbidden from entering the country again for ten years. People who were born and raised here, kicked out for ten years,.. and even then, with a very iffy process to come back. That’s pretty crazy.

I’m fine with giving them a path to citizenship through the military, I’d just also expand it to pretty much anything where you’re contributing to society. You want to work as a doctor or nurse? Awesome. Scientist? Sure. Businessman? We’re all about small business. Keeping people who give more to the system than they take are the kind of people we want.. so why not keep them?


How about landscaper? Because that’s what Jorge Garcia was doing with his life. Could that not have been done by a hardworking albeit lesser skilled American?



He was working, paying taxes, raising a family -an American family, in fact- so yes, I feel that qualifies.

Could it have been done by someone else? Sure. But again, this country is all he’s known – he’s as American as you or I in his day to day life, he just lacked papers because a relative broke the law some 30 years ago. Punishing him -and his fully American family- for that seems pretty unnecessary.


I think we’ve said all that can be said, and we’re going to have to disagree. His fault or not, he wasn’t born in this country and I was. When I became a man, I volunteered and spent most of the first year of my marriage participating in a war. Garcia got a rather unremarkable job with no service to his country. That, paying taxes and having a family do not change anything. I’m not big on comparing the “American-mess” of different people, but if you want to take us there, then no, I do not and will not concede that he and I are equals as citizens and patriots of this country. Speak only for yourself on that one.


Should be obvious, but that is supposed to say “American-ness”. Damn phone.


The Dhimmirats will never go for any program that doesn’t end up giving the illegals the right to vote, because that is their only interest in these illegal aliens from south of the border. Their plan to control the country forever is to have our population replaced and out-voted with third world immigrants (legal or not) who will vote for the freebies they promise.

A Proud Infidel®™

THE ONLY THING that liberal D-rats are concerned with is accumulating as much power and wealth as they can and once doing so they want to do all they can to keep it and shut the gates to prevent others from doing so, thus their creation of Government Programs which encourage dependency and punish initiative, thus buying votes with Working taxpayers’ hard-earned and confiscated money.

A Proud Infidel®™

So if you say, sneak your family into Disney World without paying, are they supposed to let you and your kids stay because you’re already there? SCREW DACA!


Comparing Disney World to a country? Nobody lives in Disney World.

It’d be more like saying that if in some archival footage of Disney World, someone discovered that thirty years prior someone’s parents bought their kid, who they claimed was 9 years old, an entry ticket, but it came out that he was actually ten, so you sue the freaking kid because he violated the terms of the kid/adult pricing.

NR Pax

We already tried amnesty during the Reagan years and in return, we were supposed to be given border security and enforcement of the law.

Now the Democrats are demanding amnesty again and once again, offering nothing in return.


Well, good thing I’m not a Democrat. I don’t think the Wall, in its current incarnation, is much of a good plan, but I want border security too. And amnesty for those who have made something of themselves.

A Proud Infidel®™

IF the wall is SUCH a bad and “waaaayyyyciiiist” idea, then what about Mexico’s blatant hypocrisy when they bawl about us wanting a Border Wall while they have one on THEIR Border with Guatemala which is manned with Armed Guards?


The weapon in question was a Glock 19, I believe. The Glock 19 Gen 3 for instance, requires about 6lbs 9oz to pull the trigger, the Gen 4 about 9lbs 7oz. So, yes, Garcia Zarate did intentionally fire that weapon. It didn’t go off by accident. Once anyone pulls the trigger on the weapon, they’re responsible for what that bullet does. I don’t care if he bounced that round of the sidewalk, a wall and a lamp post, before it hit Kate Steinle, he was responsible for it. At the least, it was 2nd degree murder.


He obviously didn’t intentionally shoot the woman, though. And my understanding is that’s what the charges were for. It was a prosecutorial screw-up – I’m no lawyer, but I’m pretty sure second-degree murder requires intent to kill, even if not planned.

Someone who molests kids could be the most despicable asshole in the world, but if he didn’t murder someone and you charge him with first-degree murder, the courts should find him not guilty. I wouldn’t like it, just as I don’t like the Zarate ruling, but it’s kind of how the law works.


Whatever, he fired the gun, at the least it was manslaughter.
Maybe, if California locked up repeat illegals instead of enabling them, the victim would still be alive.


And I’d agree with you. Bit of a shame they didn’t just charge him with that – I imagine an involuntary manslaughter charge would’ve resulted in a conviction.


So what? They are two separate issues. Who is demanding that they be considered at the same time? Who is refusing to consider the budget until they get what they want otherwise? Therefore, any shutdown is caused by those people. Ya know, the ones making the demands.

Now, for people who accept that one plus one equals two, it is pretty clear, and entirely logical, to follow the responsibility for the shutdown, should it happen.

It’s not like this has never happened before, and somehow we all managed to survive. Most people felt no result at all. Yes, those who did suffered for no good reason at all, and it should not have occurred.


I didn’t say otherwise. For clarity, I’d prefer a clean budget bill, and, separately, a vote on DACA. As I said above, I don’t agree with the position of the Democrats on this shutdown – this is in their court.


Amnesty now, and maybe security later? Where have we heard that before?

No, LuCy, we are not playing kick the football again.


I think you’re reading this incorrectly – I’m for a clean CR bill now. I think not funding the government is utterly stupid.

My personal feelings towards DACA is that Congress should support it, but that comes later.


Nice dodge.

No, LC. We are -not- going to kick the amnesty football again.

There -must- be an end to the illegal influx. Then, and only then, do we discuss hoe to deal with the ones here.

-no- DACA amnesty consideration until we secure the boarder and cut the flow of criminal tresspass.

None of which has anything to do with the budget mess, other than amnestinians holding us all hostage to try to get amnesty and a Neverending influx to keep amnesties coming.

This ain’t about a clean budget, but it is about yet another demand for a clean amnesty bill.


No DACA, at all, without plugging the flow.


This right here is half the problem in American politics. You’re so intent on seeing a dodge because of how you perceive my politics.

Let me be even more clear:

I want a secure border. Period. A nation has every right -and, in fact, every responsibility– to secure its borders.

I said I wanted a CR because that’s what was up for vote last night.

Separate from both of those issues, I think people who are upstanding members of society and committed no crime themselves should be granted amnesty.

Given that I’m for a secure border, in theory that’s a one-time thing, else we encourage illegal immigration, which is obviously stupid.

So we mostly agree – plugging the flow is critical. I’m just less concerned about whether a presumably one-time (or very rare) DACA amnesty bill happens before or after the border security bill, since I think both should happen. And neither should be used as political leverage.

Going back to my very first comment, I think the Democrats are in the wrong on this. Clear enough? Or is that still somehow ‘dodging’?


Oh, wait – remember the infamous government shutdown of 2013?

Wasn’t it a Democrat who did that?

Are the Democrats so dumb they’ve forgotten that Their By Bodaprez did the same thing, mostly to piss people off?

Has it occurred to any of these imbeciles who are fanning their futile egos that they are only pissing off more voters when they do these things?


Why should they care? The press will cover for them and it’ll be the Republican Party’s fault if it happens.


No, it absolutely has not occurred to them. The Repubs are just now beginning to awaken to the fact or they would not finally be pushing back against the demands of the Demos. We can hope that they will eventually act like a majority party and start representing we the people. As in doin their jobs, preferably without all the posturing.


The Great Schumer Shutdown. I’m DOD “excepted” and am required to work as long as the funding lasts. I’ll have the military guys and gals, but no contractor support. Meaning it’ll take twice as long to accomplish anything.

Thanks, Chuck!


I’m DoD too but “non-essential” so may be looking at an involuntary vacation come Monday. My guess is that the Dems will force a short shutdown just to make a point and put pressure on the Republicans, but some kind of deal will probably be worked out in a few days. We’ll see.


#ShumerShutdown ?


Perry Gaskill

The photo reminds me it’s always seemed strange how some of the best coffee to be had was in Viet Nam, because most of the little people tended to be tea drinkers.

There used to be a tiny roadside cafe outside Ban Me Thuot with coffee locally grown and roasted. It was served in a mug with a half-inch or so of sweetened condensed milk at the bottom. On top of the mug they would put a tin drip device with the grounds. A separate tin pot of hot water let you choose how strong you wanted it to be.

Compared to C-rat instant, there was no contest.

It also so happened that the one serving the coffee was usually the daughter of the cafe owner, and hot enough to stop traffic. You needed to be careful of the protocol though. If you got too far forward putting moves on the daughter, there was a good chance you would piss off the other customers– not to mention the risk of getting your ass capped by the Papa San…


That’s the type found in many Navy mess halls.


Perry: I’m particular about my coffee. I have found only two commonly available at Publix or Sam’s that I drink: 8 O’clock and Dunkin Donuts.
I’ve found a few companies that sell single source coffee grown in Africa. Fairly expensive so we don’t get it very often but there is no mistaking that it is special coffee. Some of the beans from South America are also above average. I’ll try to find some from Viet of the Nam. We grind our own beans. It is not roasted until we order it, so by the time we get it only two days have passed since roasting. Enjoy !!!

Perry Gaskill

There are more options now than previously. I’ve been following online coffee discussions somewhat, and here’s the apparent consensus among those who are really into it. Most of which you might already know:

The better green beans come from specific growers similar to estate wine varietals. Like the princess in the fable, you might need to kiss a few frogs before you meet the handsome prince. On the other hand, most of the good ones not only ship, but also ship in small lots. Cost tends to be slightly less per pound than what you find in a can in the store.

If you want a really good roast, according to some, your best option is to roast it yourself, and only roast enough for two days. Between roastings, keep things in an airtight jar in the freezer. You have a couple of options for roasting short of going with a dedicated roaster. A popcorn popper will work for lighter roasts. For the very dark ones it’s workable to use a cast iron skillet, although you need to use it outside because roasts such as French or Espresso tend to generate lots of smoke.

My own preference for grinding is to use a mill grinder, and I’d call it pretty much a toss as to whether using a drip pot or a French press is best. YMMV


HH6 and I use wide mouth canning jars with a little goodie Food Saver attachment to evacuate most of the air, hence oxygen, before freezing.

Portion up a large buy (economy of scale) into many small jars … good to go.


Fifty twooth for Thunder today.
Works for me !!!

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) sucks ass and tongues two-holes for free.

Its a lot easier for him than providing points of clarification on his questionable Native American, Navy SEAL and Law Enforcement claims.

Hack Stone

Will Phil Monkress be working balls this weekend? Hack asks because Phil Monkress previously claimed to be a SEAL, so he must have meant one of those sea creatures that performs at a circus, because he sure as hell was not a Navy SEAL.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he’ll be working balls every chance he gets whenever he isn’t blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change.

Wilted Willy

What happens if they shut down the government and nobody notices? What good does it do if they all get back pay once things start up again? Sounds like a free vacation to me?? I can only hope Shummer gets bitch slapped by Trump and he goes crying to Harry Ried!! Fuck them all! All of my fellow TAH’s have a wonderful weekend. I’m going to take my grandson out and teach him firearm safety and let him pop off a few rounds with my AK!
Have fun everyone! I’m still waiting for the weekend menu from our favorite chef, Ex!!


What about Social Security payments? Nothing makes the nightly news(?)casts like reports on old folks who can’t go to the grocery store because the R’s shut down the government./s
My wife is due for her payment on Wednesday, I wonder how that’s going to go.


Social Security and disability payments will still be paid, no matter what. Some SSA employees may be furloughed during the shutdown.


If this is the doing of the Dems, they are so stupid they don’t even know they’re alive. Petty, petty, petty little bumps in the road, they are.


Thx, Ex.

A Proud Infidel®™

Typical fearmongering done by the D-rats, the sniveling DNC lackeys in the TARDO-operated liberal mainstream mess media that is cowered to by blubber-necked RINOs and DC Insiders.

A Proud Infidel®™

President Trump is no fool, he didn’t get where he is by accident and I’m sure he’ll throw this right back in the D-rats’ face even with the liberal TARDO media being their sniveling lackeys.

Frankie Cee

Sadly, I have not made progress in finding a Corrections officer at the Florida State Prison Chipley facility that will smuggle some KY lubricant in for poor, Serial Stolen Valorist Kyle Christopher Barwan, aka “Stretched”. Whatever will the poor guy do? It hurts his Meth affected teeth to have to bite the pillow. And his pretty little, 5 ft 5 in, 135 pound frame is so attractive to those big fellas.

Wilted Willy

Frankie, how about an air drop of 55 gallon drums of KY? I hope my pos brother David “Doc” Shrum joins him very soon now that NM is finally going to pass a SV bill! Then we can celebrate together!!! Take care Frankie!

Wilted Willy

I just got off the phone with my local VSO and she is still trying to get somebody to go after this scumbag! There is still hope, she is the only one that has ever said she will do some investigating on this asshole!
Take care my friend!

Hack Stone

You can save a few dollars by purchasing the generic version, “I Can’t Believe It’s Not KY Jelly”. Four out of five convicts can’t tell the difference.


Now THAT is funny!


Top something.

Fun week at Casa de Sparky while I’m out at the Western Annex.

Temporary conking out of the snowblower (since when do they not like ethanol-free premium?) but put the cheap crap in and it runs fine.

Furnace guy one wants $1700-2000 for a cracked housing and shot power vent. Got blown off, cancelled him, called another company. They come out, no cracked housing, power vent is fine (albeit noisy due to age) and he adjusted water outlet temp to 170 versus the 130 it had been (saving us a LOT of oil in the process.) Total cost: $200.

And got taxes done already. Can’t wait for next year, although I would rather owe $1000 than get a $10k refund.


I just 148.3 gallons of oil delivered, I feel violated.


I get about 3 of those a year.

The first tank usually lasts until around Xmas/New Year’s, the second until the end of February (if I’m lucky), and the third until I don’t need the furnace in late April or early May.

This year might be a little rougher on the wallet, both because of fuel prices and consumption.


I had a new blower motor installed in my furnace in the fall of 2016. I thought I’d have to be paying for a new furnace some day, which is not cheap at all, but this new motor makes the furnace run like a new machine. Also, it’s more efficient, cut my gas bill enough to give me a surplus credit (I’m on the budget plan) and that’s even better than a warm day in January.
With the sunny days we’re having, my big bay window lets in enough heat from the sun to keep the furnace quiet all day.


Well, it’s Friday evening and I’m waiting for word as to whether or not I have a job to report to on Monday. But I’m picking up a foster Greyhound tomorrow that I get to help teach the fine art of being a house pet so that balances things a bit.


I wish you good luck with that job, NRPax. Things seem to be picking up now. I hope so.

NR Pax

Thank you. I’m staying optimistic but believe me that we’ve had a rather dark sense of humor at the office.

Hack Stone

Things have been kind of slow at the proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government. We received one phone call, but they just wanted half a dozen soft tacos. So Hack went on line looking at companies, and he came across a company named All Points Logistics. They have a program called “I Got Your 6″, where, if an employee goes on line to defend Phil Monkress regarding his false allegations as to (see what Hack did there?) being a Navy SEAL, he will provide the employee a 6” Subway sandwich. And if things turn to shit with the employee getting fired, losing his home, money and reputation, Phil make things right by providing a medium sized beverage of your choice and either a bag of chips or a gourmet cookie.


Have a GREAT weekend, y’all!
4 hours and 13 minutes left until the Democrats yield reason completely.
Shutdown party at my house!!!!!


Weekend menu for cold weather.

Shepherds pie – easy to make. Instant mashed potatoes go on top of ground beef cooked with vegetables (shredded carrots, peas, corn, some onion if you like it, with a beefy sauce to thicken it). Or if you don’t want mashed taters, you can cook and slice small red potatoes to put on top.
Chowhound’s recipe looks simple, quick and easy, and there are photos, too.


I made cornbread with the Jiffy brand mix – very quick and easy and does well as corn muffins, too.

Add carrots, celery and radishes on the side, your beverage of preference, and for afters, get one of those really good brands of frozen pumpkin pies and bake it according to directions. Let it sit while you’re having dinner, then cut and serve with whipped cream. Good food is always a good choice.

Sunday: how about mac & cheese for supper? It’s good, hearty food in a winter setting, and easy to make. Just don’t use too much flour in the roux for the cheese sauce.


Buffalo or short rib mac and cheese.

Trust me.



Will the last government employee please turn out the lights and lower the flag, the Schumer Shutdown is here!

Thanks bunches, Chucky.


I just checked outside and sure enough the moon and the stars are still there.
Power did not go out and I can hear a freight train rumbling in the distance.
The coffee pot works same as ever.
Just to makes sure I’m going to sit here and wait for the sun to rise.

A Proud Infidel®™

Schumer the Shmendrick strikes again!


Yeah, unfortunately for the dumbocraps, when I got up this morning, the stove still lit up for hot water for my morning cuppa tea. The lights still go on, and the sky to the east was as red as the faces will be of those morons who think they own this country, when THEY DO NOT.

fsckity fsck

John Gduck – the turd with a face!


As a shipyard worker/retired Navy, let me give a hearty Fuck You!!! to the dimocrats who put ILLEGAL immigrants above AMERICAN citizens


We were told regardless of outcome to report Monday and let the sorting begin. Dear Senators Murray and the aptly named Cantwell resign in disgrace!!!!

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Weighing in with my own no-particular-topic-relevance news: two more little farmkids due this summer to join the farmtoddler!

No Mosin-Nagants though until they can handle the recoil.


Congratulations! Barnyards always need young’uns added to the herd. 😉

Be well.

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Thank you very much! Looking forward to when we know what we’re having, seeing as it’s a litter this time.


Wow! Two more kids to help out at haying time! Congratulations to all the Farmgirl family members!

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Thank you! Once we got past the shock at the first ultrasound (we had a feeling but confirmation was still shocking) it’s been quite exciting. Along with the usual set of adjectives that go with pregnancy.

The head rancher (aka my husband) has been doing yeoman’s work picking up as much of the slack as possible between my morning sickness and toddler-wrangling and all. Fairly sure it takes TAH and his weekly pin shooting to keep him sane!


I have two copies of the predecessor of the Mosin Nagant rifle: Berdan II (M1870) (10.75x58mmR).

The Other Whitey

Congrats, Farmgirl Momma!

I’m starting my kids out with M1 Carbines though. If they want a Garbage Rod down the road, they can get their own—which is not to say my Mosin Nagant doesn’t put holes where I aim it, mind you…


Another indicator that the adults are once again in charge: Some friends adopted a couple of kids from a friendly country south of the border and have finally received approval to bring them home.

So how is this political? They started the process 9 years ago. Country of origin happy to approve the adoption, and they did. It was our government that refused to allow these children, now legal members of an American family, into the country.

I’m just happy for this family that they will finally be united here. And disgusted that the same people who have now shut down government blocked these kids from coming here.


” … disgusted that the same people who have now shut down government blocked these kids from coming here.”

But they’ll let every murdering, raping, trafficker with multiple deportations, illegal alien, stay here with no questions asked.


The Donks pulled the pin. They demanded the unrelated “DACA” stuff be added to the spending bill and thus shut down the government by ending funding.


Because they are desperate to end discussion if the “FISA memo”. It is going to get folks -angry-. It is going to get some folks -prosecuted-.

And the Donks just demonstrated they are -desperate- to distract from the memo.


Because they -know- they are screwed if it gets out officially.

Mr. President, declassify the memo immediately.


Yep. That is why some of us started grinning when the useful idiots began asking the tough questions while apparently not knowing that it was their side that had actually done it all.

Chickens coming home to roost? Finally?


You all are just making my day! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Thanks for the heads up. Maybe I should have watched the news last night, after all, but I was outside watching the newly-minted waxing moon following the sun into the west, enjoying the balmy 33F evening breeze.


Your reminder for the day: Stay well, stay hydrated, wash your hands regularly, eat sensibly and avoid catching any strain of the flu. Too many folks dying out there.

So much for the broad generalities. Maybe some of our medical folks can add some good specific things which might help avoid illness.

Hack Stone

And don’t forget to check that fuel gauge before leave the flight line.


Wash your ass, it’ll make you feel like a new man?


I’m not a doctor but I do play one at home.

2/17 Air Cav

“[A]void catching any strain of the flu.” Yeah, well, no matter what you do, you’re screwed. Sure, you can carry a gallon of GermX around, but one trip to where there are any people at all, and it’s hello misery. I got the bug. I got a host of secondary infections. I actually caught 40 winks the other night while on my knees, chest on the sofa, because coughing all night isn’t very restful. It sucks. And it doesn’t want to leave.


Been waiting all week to see if anyone else has seen “Darkest Day” and might care to discuss it.


I haven’t seen that, but I did watch the Brit TV series ‘Survivors’, which was about people who survived a man-made flu bug that was able to mutate and move into other organisms like birds. It ended with one character on a plane waiting to take out the people who stole the vaccine, while the others on the ground went looking for him.
It was not too bad, considering that there was no supernatural stuff, just people trying to survive, doing good things and really stupid things.


Egads! The movie I saw this week was “Darkest Hour.” Hello!!

Almost never see a movie at a theater. Enjoyed this one very much. But, it should be just fine on a small screen.


Great movie; a lot of inside baseball about how he came to be the PM and the early days of the war when there was a serious possibility of a German invasion of England. Watching it caused me to watch “Young Winston” on TCM.


Lady Nancy Astor: Winston, if you were my husband, I’d poison your tea.
Churchill: Nancy, if I were your husband, I’d drink it.


Under 200th!

Holden Magroin

Adam B Appel now has moved his “charity” from Anchoage, Alaska to Pahoa, Hawaii. He’d previously been issued a cease and desist for a different fake charity but now has started another by the name of “Street Medic”.

My opinion is that the largest beneficiary of any charity operated by Adam Appel (or Adam Beowulf which he goes by now online) is Adam himself. This oinion is based on my knowledge of Adam Appel’s spotty work history, his previous fake charites and stolen Valor history as well as the fact that he’d also been taken to court by Alaska’s Elder Fraud divison for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from his mom.

Anybody that gives money to this douchebag without researching what’s aailable online can’t say they haven’t been warned.




Is Adam related to that Appel lady that was “lost” at sea for months? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/american-women-rescued-sea-stick-their-story-you-would-say-n818531


Yes indeed, it’s been one year exactly since that peter puffer SCoaMF aka JEF spent his last day as CINC at 1600 Penn Ave. The long national nightmare was/is over. MAGA!


Saved for just this occasion.


A Proud Infidel®™

Love it!!!


SEALs continue to generate some of their own bad press – Eric Greitens, Governor of MO, is being investigated by the FBI for accusations of blackmail in the affair he recently acknowledged having.

According to the woman, he effectively tied her up (with tape), blindfolded her, and said that if she ever mentions his name, pictures of her would be everywhere. That’s pretty fucked up.



If it’s true…. Never believe anything you read & only half of what you see.

A Proud Infidel®™

The liberal TARDO fake news media outlets are now pimping the story that President Trump had romps in the sack while married to Melania AFTER their stories of hookers hired to urinate on a bed, Russia Collusion, now this. What’s next? Allegations of a love child between President Trump and a space alien from Area 51? You HAVE to take stuff like that with a grain of salt, the liberal TARDO media we have today DOES NOT check facts before publishing or posting.


Uh, sure, the ‘liberal TARDO fake news’ … but here in reality, we’re talking about Greitens. And the issue is that had a story come out about his affair, you’d use that same old “liberal TARDO fake news” nonsense to dismiss it. Of course, he’s admitted it now, so you move on to the next thing, which is saying, “Well, sure, the guy cheated on his wife, but he totally wouldn’t do something like threaten the woman he was having the affair with about going public! He’s such an upstanding guy!”

Now, I don’t know if he taped her and threatened blackmail, though I’m sure the investigation is looking into it, but generally people who cheat on their wife -let alone shortly after their marriage!- aren’t exactly bastions of credibility and honor. That applies to assholes on both sides of the political fence – it’s almost as if you literally can’t admit the R’s sometimes fuck up just as bad as D’s.


One thing for sure….. a jilted ex lover, especially a woman, will say & do pretty much anything to get back at the married man of her dreams.
I know, I made the mistake of giving an alcohol fuelled mercy fuck to a creature at a bar only to have it think We were getting married next week & I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life.
She stalked me and followed me around like a bad smell for weeks and wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Women make up all sorts of shit & they don’t care who they throw under a bus if they think there is something in it for themselves.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Like I give a flying crap what Chuckie Schumer wants! Apparently, someone decided that the term ‘shutdown’ means no mail delivery or pickup in my area, which means that anything I put in my mailbox for pickup YESTERDAY is still sitting there, and there was no mail delivery today, either.

I will get several photos. Let me know if any of you have suffered the same fate?


Hmmm. Mine was delivered today.


Hmmm. Could be just our mail delivery person, too. Lots of people under the weather around here.


I woke up sick as a dog this morning.
Not teaching Sunday School tomorrow, hope I can make it into work Monday.


All you poor sick people are the reason I’m staying home and not going anywhere this winter. I do not want whatever it is that is going around.

Get well, Graybeard!!! And don’t think you can beat this by going to work. It will just be worse if you do that. These bugs are vicious!

A Proud Infidel®™

AS TO the Drats’ treatment by the press on this shutdown, many outlets are referring to it as “Schumer’s Shutdown and many are highlighting the fact that the D-rat party has placed 800,000 ILLEGAL ALIENS in a higher priority than they have Taxpaying US Citizens, the US Military, Veterans and many others. President Trump is no fool, he knows how to throw this right back in the D-rats’ faces.


Is it true that The Bernasty is on the loose again?


Yes, unfortunately, he has been released into the wild on 2 years of unsupervised probation. But I believe his presence is required in other districts during this two year period, so he may be busy with that.


Today, 20 January 2018, is National Cheese Lover’s Day.

Enjoy, Dennis! 🧀


Anti-gun person wises up in the classic way, and is about to discover the full PITA value of his prior beliefs.
