Spenser Rapone; the commie LT

| September 26, 2017

A number of readers have sent us links to Gateway Pundit and LawNewz in regards to this fellow Spenser Rapone, who, as a USMA cadet posed with items supporting communism and expressed support for kneeling football players.

Someone looked him up on the DoD’s Global database this morning and found that he is an infantry 2nd Lieutenant, assigned to the 10th Mountain Division and that he’s currently attending Ranger School.

I’m not convinced that everything that’s being said about him is true or that it’s not a hoax perpetrated by him. I can’t imagine a cadet committing career suicide like that, though, except as a prank that got out of hand.

I’m sure that if he does express those political views, though, he’ll get hammered in his peer reviews at Ranger School.

1529 9-26-2017; West Point just released this statement;

Category: Who knows

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Silentium Est Aureum

HT: Bobo:

Freedom of speech allows us to identify the idiots more easily.

Dear LT,

To paraphrase Spock, “Live short and suffer.”

Or to quote a certain Kurt Russell movie line (not his but Baldwin’s): “You see that little twinkle in the corner of your eye? That’s your career dissipation line, and it just kicked into high gear.”


I hit the phantom “love” button for your comment!! <3

A Proud Infidel®™

He went full retard.
NEVER go full retard.


Phantom “love” button hit…Boom!!



jeffery d monroe

what the hell is up with that unauthorized t shirt anyway -That is not anyway and don’t care what it says DOD Regulation.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that’s a graceful violation of AR 670-1.


Looks like he’s got an AAM and a GCM there. That would suggest some prior enlisted service. A lot of work down the drain if this isn’t a prank.

Even if it is a prank, seems like one of very poor choice.

Old Trooper

Also looks like a CIB on the top.

Bruno Stachel

How long will it be before Yef the supposed “infantryman” (a.k.a. SuperGrunt) arrives to defend Rapone and tries to lecture all of us that Rapone cannot possibly be a communist who supports Antifa because Rapone is an “infantryman” with a CIB?



About a 3rd of the way down the page, there’s a picture of a CIB beside a DSA membership card with a caption: “@DSAVeterans issued me this CIB for satisfactory performance under hostile enemy posting online in the twitter firefight of 26JUL #TroopLeft”… I’m not particularly invested or experienced in investigating this crap, but a few cursory internet searches are showing nothing about prior service… can anyone verify if he actually earned a CIB?


That link’s got some great followup. This guy is out there. No way there weren’t indications of his radicalization along the way.

Though none of the articles mention it, prior service is the only way he’d be able to wear that. Looks like he’s wearing the CIB, an AAM, the GCM, NDSM, and Iraq Campaign with one star. Can’t see how all the (allegedly, or at least in their own heads) high speed, low drag cadre at the academy wouldn’t love to bust a cadet for stolen valor. Especially with their honor code. So I’d wager he’s earned what he’s wearing.

There are some spots held each year for currently enlisted troops at the service academies. Not sure if they still require congressional backing though.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Your not from Florida, are you and if you are, then I’m going to have to shit can my under the sink water purifier by giving it the float test in the lake out behind my place and go for the bottled H2O or move back to Long Beach LI NY.


30 years ago this probably would turn out to be a case of stupid kids being stupid kids, but getting lined out eventually.

Now, with social media, and the propensity for people to forget that ideas and attitudes change, and people really do grow up (occasionally) – the poor kid has trapped himself in a bad place.


You’re breaking my heart. Here’s to hoping he has ample time to reflect outside of the Army where he can’t influence any other Soldiers.

CB Senior

Believe that the Flag is America inviolate or a piece of Cloth with Stripes and Stars people can debate.
Our Uniforms are not up for debate. It is the direct symbol and lineage of OUR Service and the Unbroken Chain that ties us together.
You are Standing on the Shoulders of GIANTS when you wear that Uniform, and you chose to use that position to Piss on them from your high perch.
Be it a hoax or real. It is the same. You dishonored it either way.

The Other Whitey

If this wasn’t just an act of smartassery, then may his life and career suddenly get very…interesting.

jeffery d monroe

Me think he needs a ass beating by George Patton,Bradley,McArthur ,IKE,Marshall ,Westmoreland ,Moore,Abrams,Lee,Jackson,Grant,Taylor .

The Other Whitey

Sounds more and more like the little cocksucker ain’t fit to scrub a urinal any of those men may have once pissed in.


I’m sure that if he does express those political views, though, he’ll get hammered in his peer reviews at Ranger School.

Jonn I never went to Ranger school so maybe I’m not qualified to opine on this, but if he’s in Ranger school now, how would his “peers” even know about his actions unless he mouths off about it while in the patrol base? Aren’t they basically in the field the whole time?

Somebody please tell me they don’t let Ranger students take their smart phones to the field. Please.


Whoops, disregard my last, I didn’t read through. Haven’t had my coffee yet….


Because these guys are just like vegans and others. If you want to know they are there, they will always tell you.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Fighter pilots are the same way.


Roger that!

USMC 7577

Fighter pilots make movies.

Attack pilots make history.


Question: If somebody is a vegan crossfitter, how do they know what to brag about first?


Depends on if they are an Atheist or not.




Being a naturally dyed crossdresser


I don’t think it’s a hoax, folks:


Sadly, West Point is located in the Northeast – which vies with the Left Coast and Hawaii as being the most socialistic part of the USA. It stands to reason that it would attract a few of leftist political bent from time to time. And given the politics exhibited by the previous POTUS and his supporting band of idiots administration, I don’t find it too surprising that an actual SJW and Socialist Useful Idiot managed to garner an appointment.

Remember: the POTUS has 100 appointments annually to each of the Service Academies. Traditionally, those were handed out using an OML. However, it’s not clear if that practice was continued from Jan 2009 – Jan 2017; or what criteria were used to create the OML, if one was used during that period.


Good grief. So tired of all this BS.

Jon The Mechanic

From something that I saw, he was raised in Watertown NY, right outside the gates of Fort Drum.

This is going to be an interesting conversation to see if Newzjunky and the Watertown Daily Times pick it up.


Last I checked, being a Communist is still grounds for denial or revocation of security clearance.

If you lose your security clearance, you won’t remain a commissioned officer on active duty for long.

Bye now, Spenser.


I think they took the communist thing out years ago. As long as you don’t belong to an organization that advocates violence against the government or against the people (think KKK) political affiliations are a non-issue.


Sadly his facebook containes numerous ANTIFA contacts and he was even brazen enough to post a photo of an ANCOM flag on his bedroomwall

A Proud Infidel®™

Another nail in the coffin of his Military Career.


I would think Antifa should fall into line with these little terrorist organizations.

MSG Eric

They are giving it their best effort.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not just his Peer Reviews in Ranger School, that stunt could have an effect on his next OER as well.


I’m thinking his next OER is probably also his last.

A Proud Infidel®™

Could be, that boy gracefully fucked himself and his career. My bet is that he’ll get the boot from Ranger School and be told to not even THINK about trying to come back as soon as the School Cadre gets word of his shittyassed stunt! My understanding is that a service obligation comes with a West Point education, I wonder what they could do with him if that shit was an attempt to weasel out of his commitment?


Proud, in the Navy it was called the LSJO- Little Shitty Job Officer, and lasted right up to EOAS.

Jus Bill

Does Leavenworth incarceration count as AD time?

Silentium Est Aureum



I have a theory about this guy. He used the military academy as a means to a free education knowing full well that it was not going to be a career for him but instead, a stepping stone
to a career in left wing politics.
I don’t know how the Academy works but if he is given a less than honorable discharge for his seditious writings, is he required to reimburse the Academy for all costs related to his education?
If so, then I suspect that his degree from West Point will be a definite resume’ enhancer and some Soros funded organization will hire him and pay his restitution to the Academy and make him their political propaganda poster boy.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have NO doubt about that and I truly hope that the USMA has the power and Authority to revoke his degree.


Unless they changed it in the last 30 years, an RA commission from West Point comes with a four year AD obligation.


5 years. For all service academy graduates followed by 3 as a reservist

It’s been that way for at least the last 4 decades

MSG Eric

I’m guessing his Ranger Cadre are reading about this and saying, “Fuck me. Another dipshit issue we have to deal with from the media….”


God how did such a POS make it through West Point… apparently, the standards of that institution have dropped off significantly… Obviously this looser joined the military to work towards it, and our countries destruction, not with the intention of serving proudly… One does hope that his Cadre pay attention to social media, and hammer his dick flat! If he ever makes it into the field, he seems like a great candidate for fragging… not that i condone such activities….
And yeah, he looks like an Obummer appointment..

The Other Whitey

Accidents happen…


Thats probably what his father was thinking when he was concieved…


I foresee this… guy… falling down the stairs. A lot.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s likely HE was an accident that happened in the back seat of a car at a drive-in theater, he should have just been a stain on the upholstery.


His mother should have swallowed.


I guess there aren’t haircut standards at USMA.


You know who from Berkeley will soon arrive to defend this asshole.

HT3 '83-'87

What a dipshit! Communism already lost.

How can this guy continue to serve? He broke the faith and his security clearance should be revoked for cause.

We fire people for being stupid on social media…tell me why the Army can’t do the same.


I don’t have first hand knowledge but a little birdy said he’s gotten himself shit canned from Ranger school because he likes to be a smartass. If I get more, I’ll pass it along.


Thank you!!

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope so, and I’d like to think that his shittyassed stunts will put him on the “FUCK NO” list for schools, period!


Good…the Army needs Public Affairs officers too…


What’s killing me is by now Mattis knows about him…he’s got an entire staff that scours social media…and I can imagine he is about to have a “unsocial” chat with the Secretary of the Army…”what the fuck are you doing at Weak [sic] Point? I want scalps!!!”

Silentium Est Aureum

Someone said social media?

Where’s my ARCOM?

-SP8 Moerk


A Che wannabe is gonna be real popular as an IN PL with his troops. I feel embarrassed for his future chain of command already.

A Proud Infidel®™

Lieutenants got fragged in Vietnam for less than that.


Far less.


Oh, would you look at that, he’s listed in the enterprise global. Anyone want to let 2LT Spenser R. Rapone at […] what you think? I’m sure he’d love to hear from AD, veterans, and even everyday Americans not affiliated with the military about what a fantastic job he is doing safeguarding the People of the United States.


Good Lord. He actually posted his military email address. Oh, FFS, the stupid is strong in this one. Ever heard of gmail there, Sporty? Surely they got to have social media boo-boo classes in the Academy/OCS/TBS don’t they? I picture a full inbox in 3-2-1.


Wait a minute, I just re-read this. Did Rapone post that email addy publicly, or did PSA just do it by searching the Gal? I’m not about posting his work email, unless he did it himself.


Thanks mods!


Not hard to figure it out, if you know how military addresses work.

Holy Schitt

Why didn’t someone tell us that Lars had an idiot son?


Geezo Pete, man, could you post a spew alert before you do that?????


hahahahaha!!!! Spot on. I choked on my adult beverage. And I hit the phantom “love” button in my head!

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh yeah, the poodledick who told us not to fear commies or communism?


There’s nothing to fear from communism.

Everyone knows that.

A Proud Infidel®™

SO SAID the Zika-panicking poodledick.

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

Not my son, but I am very proud of him and to have him as a fellow officer. You guys are all jealous of him. You guys wish that you were like him and me, and that you guys were enlightened like we are.


Women want you.

And men want to be you.


“Men want you. Lesbian women want to be you” Fixed it for you.


Talk to your doc about upping your meds.


I remember having to sign a paper saying I wasn’t part of a group that wanted to undermine or overthrow the Government of this nation.

Maybe that paper needs to come back with some added political parties to it.


it’s been about 25 years, but I could have sworn they asked specifically about the Communist party.


Yes, in FED Govt too.

Communism and Democratic Republic DO NOT MIX WELL.


But Communists and Democrats do!

A Proud Infidel®™

Communists, D-rats, WHAT’S the difference between the two these days?


Actually, they mix quite well. Look at al of those countries named (currently or formerly) “Democratic Republic”. The U.S. is NOT a Democratic Republic; it is a Constitutional Republic. VAST difference.


Ah, no.

By definition the US is a Democratic Republic. It can by perhaps then be better described as:

The United States is a Constitutional Federal Republic (a federation of states with a Representative Democracy).

But what the hell do I know … this is my wheel house.


And further, the US has been referred to as a: Constitutional Democratic Federal Republic.

But again, by definition a Dem Rep.

Jus Bill

I remember seeing that question on my last PRI a while back.


Andy I’m doing it from memory and the current version of that question goes something like “Are you now or have you ever been a member of an organization whose stated goals is the dissolution of the government of the United States?”

He lied if he checked no. If he’d answered yes he wouldn’t have been admitted.

Then there’s the fact that as a Commissioned Officer he’s violating his oath.


I guess The Point isn’t really teaching the true tenets of Communism anymore. If you love Che so much, go to Venezuela LT.


And get a haircut asshole.


You saw his “Do”, too eh. Yea I thought they kept it high and tight at The Point.


And take off my country’s uniform!


Domestic enemies within the ranks.

Carlton G. Long

I enjoyed reading Butterworth’s “The Corps” series…and this Rapone fellow resembles how I always imagined Lt Macklin … Jack NMI Stecker would have known how to deal with this fool


Ken “Killer” McCoy would fillet him with his Baby Fairbairn.


And then, McCoy would have let him, alive, in the sun for the vultures.


Reading #8 currently. LOVE the series

The Other Whitey

The question is, would Stecker handle it personally, delegate the job to McCoy, or just put him with some infantry Marines in a combat zone and let the problem take care of itself?







Let’s start the ass-kicking there…


Good question. He didn’t get the kool aid at West Point.


He has jump wings, AASLT badge, a CIB and appears to have at least the NDSM and a campaign medal of some sort – could he have gotten in through the USMA prep school?

Do they still have that?


Just answered my own question. Yes, the USMA Prep School is still a thing. Used to be at Fort Monmouth, NJ, as I recall but now it’s on the grounds of the USMA.


So it’s possible he was a high speed soldier who was recommended to USMAPS by his company commander.


Or maybe a high-speed PITA whose chain saw an opportunity to rid themselves of. Wouldn’t be the first know-it-all that went from a irritating E-4 to an irritating O-1.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve seen units do just that as well as promote an NCO so they have to take a slot elsewhere.


I want my tax money back. Everyone should get a refund from this guy. He’s a waste of air and a complete waste of his female parent’s efforts.


He’s the latest addition to the lucky sperm club.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hereby make an official motion for The Official TAH Wall of Insults®™ to be raised against Spenser Rapone.


I second that emotion, and formally request the mighty TAH choir gather in his honor. All together now, with feeling! A wun ana two…

Josey Wales

Spenser Rapone – *PTUI*





OK Well I’ll have to work fast As I have a waiting vote in the Romeo Antonio Noel Papica III, aka Ran “Paprika” Papica thread. You wanted it, you guys got it and with SPADES, however I’ll keep it brief like ole’ Spencer’s military career probably will be, going forward, Wall of Insults®™ FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Spenser Rapone , was a USMA cadet and recent infantry 2nd Lieutenant, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, gaping ass fungus nugget, Cambodian cunt sauce, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, Poster-child for abortion, Swallowing Spoo Sampler, shit tonguing, munching wanktoaster, cock gobbling, lientery steatorrhea, sperm burping, tit, sniveling, codpiece licking toilet seat sniffer, lying bucket of Chihuahua shit, taintpimple, Pillow bitin pickle smoocher, Bowl of ass soup, Festering fuckwart on a sewer rat’s ass, needle dick bug fucker, Satan even said about you, “Boy is this guy a DICK!, Sparklepony, Toilet weasel, worthless, Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas, Blows winos behind bus stops for a nickel and gives change, More worthless than rubber lips on a woodpecker or tits on a boar hog, moldy bowl of ratshit, would wear Richard Simmons’ used jockstrap as a facemask, useless bag of monkey fuck, rancid floor buffer wax spreader, both of your Grandmothers should have had an abortion, just in case, Mayor Grundle of Scrotumburg and Anusville, waste of oxygen, prickwrinkler, anal sphincter canyon yodeling phallic squeezer, numbnuts, snowball, giggling beerflecked canker blossom , maybe a “buggerer of little boys”, rottencrotched, rump wrangling, colostomy bag curator, culo de chongo, booger eating fuckbucket, Lemon Party-lusting fruitcake, putrid, rotting, Santorum Stained Molting Muscrat, whoreson whale’s carcass, overzealous polyp burglar, bed wetting, follows in Victorious… Read more »


“Masurbates to videos of Jar-Jar Binks” . Cold blooded man, cold blooded. I’m drinkin a beer in your honor when I get home.


Yeah, that was for a guy in my office who is a Star Wars and Comic Book geek.
When he read it he laughed so hard he cried and choked.

I’m pretty proud of that one myself.


No trigger warning on that one.


Raise The Wall!


His mother should have left him in that swamp where she found him.

Silentium Est Aureum

His mother should have swallowed.

SSG Kane

She did….


I for one am grateful when the idiots out themselves early; saves us all time and ass-pain.

Mark Lauer

I have this pin I wear that says “Cold War Veteran”.
Cold War Vets have been pushing for a medal to recognize our service for over a decade now. There IS a commemorative called the “Cold War Victory Medal”.
Victory; as in, WE WON. We stopped communism from taking our country from us, and managed to keep it from taking over the west. We were VICTORIOUS!
Now, I see people wanting to introduce socialism to the U.S. I see children who’s parents hadn’t been born during the Cold War wearing Che Guivara tee shirts. I see this clown at WEST POINT doing the same.
I feel sick at heart. I feel let down. I FEEL BETRAYED.
Somewhere along the line, we allowed to much liberalism invade our schools. We let standards slip. We got scared of someone calling us names, like “racist”, and “homophobe”, and “sexist” if we didn’t bow to their view of the world. We started giving participation trophies so no one would feel bad, or any less than the other guy.
We lost our idea of American Exceptionalism, and had it replaced with America–land of the horrible white man.

Why, exactly, did I serve again?

Jus Bill

So that little turd could enjoy the fruits of our sacrifice.


Something about a black flag, and throats. Yeah


“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” H.L. Mencken

I concur.


Yes, it is difficult for those who fought the Cold War to realize that our efforts made the U. S. victory over the Soviets possible. No medals for this, no recognition. No battlefield victory as in some previous wars. When you see the asshats wearing “Che” T-shirts, and see and hear the slop that infests Berkeley every time a conservative wishes to speak there, it’s easy to wonder if we really did win.

Regardless, this particular waste of life (what do I call him? ChipNASA has already given him every name in the book) should be quickly purged from the military ranks. I hope Mattis has seen him already.

God Bless our Cold War vets!


Mark Lauer, if you could point me to info. regarding the “Cold War Victory Medal” that would be great.


Ah, how do I say this?

OK, so if this is a bad joke (and apparently it is not, based on simple search) … it is not funny.

And if it is true (based on what I have seen), this former enlisted man, USMA grad and RANGER student either is currently or will be under investigation soonest.

My crystal ball says, this is NO LAUGHING MATTER.

Slick Goodlin


United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God”


I really, really hope he’s not in Ranger School currently. Both because he needs to be kicked out of the Army entirely and made to pay back his USMA tuition. But he’s tweeting a whole damn lot to be a current Ranger Student. Standards?


If he is in Ranger School at present, he has no access to electronic devices, to include, computers, cameras, phones, tablets, etc. Either he hasn’t yet started, or isn’t going to start, or has washed out of Ranger School. Being caught using an electronic device is an immediate “No Go”.

A Proud Infidel®™

Wouldn’t shit like what he has pulled get him thrown out on say, an Honor Code Violation?


One of the articles linked at the ar15.com forum received confirmation from him that said he was in the field until Friday and could only reply infrequently until it’s over, so I’m guessing he has some form electronic comms. They really have enough downtime in Ranger school to be checking emails? FFS.


Yes. I know that’s how it used to be, but that’s really my point. My concern was two fold: 1) he’s a shitbag, 2) I hope standards haven’t fallen enough to allow a Ranger Student to tweet and retweet as much as this scumbag has lately.


IMO, keeping him in Ranger School for the remainder of his ADSO would be the very best outcome for this POS. He can starve, go without sleep, do endless push-ups, and maintain “social media silence” for the next several years before the training cadre finally tell him that he is a ‘No Go’ at Ranger School. Thanks for trying LT, here’s your OTH discharge. Best of luck, comrade. Fuck this punk.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if the Ranger School Cadre has found out about this yet? I can only imagine how they’ll fuck with him out in the field before throwing him out of the school if they haven’t done so already.

Jim Bono

Sorry gents but it appears to be worse then a prank. https://lawnewz.com/high-profile/communism-will-win-u-s-army-infantry-officer-posts-message-in-support-of-kaepernick/ As the discourse rolls on regarding former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick‘s decision to take a knee during the national anthem–and the movement his protest ignited–support for the blacklisted athlete-cum-activist is sprouting up across the country. Yesterday afternoon, on Twitter, some of that support came from U.S. Army Infantry Officer and U.S. Military Academy at West Point alumnus, Spenser Rapone. Rapone posts under the handle @punkproletarian and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. Under the hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick, he tweeted an image of himself raising the left clenched-fist of solidarity, support and resistance as well as the message, “Communism Will Win” taped inside of his West Point uniform cap. Also visible in the photograph is Rapone’s Combat Infantryman Badge–meaning he has fought in active ground combat. Rapone followed up his initial post with retweeted images of other #VeteransForKaepernick in their combat uniforms. LawNewz verified the legitimacy of the photograph with Rapone himself. He is currently in the field until Friday and unable to answer detailed questions, but a Medium post authored by the Infantry Officer details some of his views. He wrote, following the murder of socialist Heather Heyer during the Charlottesville neo-Nazi rallies: The toppling of the Confederate Soldiers Memorial in Durham, North Carolina has sounded the death knell for any and all displays of Confederate aggrandizement in the United States as well as abroad. Yet, the shadow of the Confederacy and its efforts to preserve slavery is not limited to the southern United States. The response to Rapone’s tweet has been mostly supportive–though some have raised concerns about his personal and job safety–and the image is quickly approaching viral status. He later sought to clear up any confusion by posting another image of himself. This time, sporting a Che Guevara t-shirt underneath his half-buttoned uniform, Rapone tweeted, “In case there was any lingering doubt, hasta la victoria siempre,” a popular slogan attributed to the late Marxist revolutionary, physician, and guerrilla leader who was ultimately killed and captured by the United States’ own CIA. View image… Read more »


You’d think his command would be made aware of this, and it’d be only a matter of time before this shitbird was out of the military, and repaying his USMA tuition…



A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if the USMA can revoke his diploma? That along with Dismissal would be a good start!

A Proud Infidel®™

Followed up with a one way trip to either Venezuela or North Korea.


Sounds like he shot himself in his third leg.

I know a current-serving Sgt who’d not mind giving this commie a bit of hand-to-hand combat training.

As a matter of professional courtesy, of course.

In fact, a certain never-served old guy wouldn’t mind getting to whup his tail, hisself.


Jonn I also shot a link to the story to the Division PAO up at 10th Mountain in addition to giving the PAO types in DC a heads up as wellwarlier today. He’s listed as part of the 2nd BCT there when you look him up in the global address book.

This is going to be a media relations nightmare.

A Proud Infidel®™

You can bet that everyone involved in any way will be craving revenge on that little shit of a 2LT, his CoC, the Ringknocker Mafia, PAO types,…


There is something going around Facebook that claims to have his CO’s number at the 10th Mountain Div.


Dumbfuck shot himself in the foot, and not being satisfied with that, put another round in the other foot. Like a meteor streaking across the sky he will burn hot and fast with nothing left but ashes.


If this fuckstick was a meteor, he’d a leave a shitstreak across the heavens.

Green Thumb

LT Shitbag.

A Proud Infidel®™

If only he could be on the receiving end of a few good and heavy blanket parties delivered by some heavily pissed-off Grunts to start the just rewards of his nuclear weapons grade asshattery…


He is google famous all over the place. Surprisingly, TAH is barely in the top 5. But here: https://www.ar15.com/forums/general/Communist-at-West-Point/5-2036047/?page=1
There are some posts that the Benning IG as well as his CO and the SMA are well informed.
In my 27 years of affiliation, one thing was pretty clear: you don’t embarrass (insert your branch here) without consequences. I think this counts. Guess he’ll be the new poster boy for the SJ crowd now that he’s being persecuted all across the interwebs.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he’ll suddenly be their poster boy while Bradley manning gets thrust into the shadows.


Graduated from The USMA under one of Obamas people.
Same type were pushed out under the KlinTock regime.

MSG Eric

I’m guessing everything was fine while Obama was the CINC. But, now that there’s a new sheriff in town, his luck isn’t going to hold out.

Just ridiculous that he lasted as long as he did, but realize that our former CINC went to Cuba, so I’m betting his Cadre and leadership were afraid to cause a ruckus since Obama is so affectionate with Communism.

Red Ghost

The conversation he’s going to have with his BN or BDE Commander is going to be epic!
My prediction: he’s going to resign his commission and then become the designated veteran mouth piece for a bunch of leftist organizations.


hehe… “mouthpiece”… i’m betting it won’t be his first time…


Yeah, right after he pays that tuition back.

Cocksucker gets everything he deserves.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if he isn’t going to get some face to face ass-chewings from his CO to the CG of Fort Drum before he really starts to reap what he’s sown beginning with a GLOR?


‘My prediction: he’s going to resign his commission and then become the designated veteran mouth piece for a bunch of leftist organizations.’

Or take what he’s learned during his military education and training straight to Antifa for them to use during their riots.


He comes out gay and claims he was forced out by Trump. Joins up with Bradley and does as you stated above.

HT3 '83-'87

UCMJ Article 133 Conduct unbecoming of an officer

Am I right, or am I right that he’s advocating giving aid to an enemy by stating communism will win?

Where are all the sea lawyers that used hang around the fan tail & crews lounge? Help me out here.


Its been decades since USMA got or produced “the best and the brightest”

It is currently a $400,000.00 per 2nd LT waste of taxpayer money and time


Triggered snowflake sparkle ponies, stop stomping on the kid. The kid is a smart ass pure and simple. Will prolly turn out to be a good officer, but with his attitude it’ll be a tough row to hoe but I like that type of smart ass moxie in a JO. If he was a true red commie, I doubt he’d sign up for the special forces; he’d be in a drum circle somewhere smoking pakalolo.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, ya mean we ought to just say “Aw shucks” and give the misunderstood poop stain a second chance, it was just a misunderstood prank or three?


API, we were all young and stupid once. Some of us (me) are old and stupid. This was obviously a prank gone bad. His greatest sin was letting somebody photograph his dumb ass. Hey kids, always remember WESTPAC rule number one – no cameras!

If I am wrong API, and he actually turns out to be some kind of pinko commie sympathizer, I’ll eat my combination cover.


You want fries with that?


If I must eat that combo cover SFC D, I’d like some whataburger ketchup please.

A Proud Infidel®™

Google search his name W2, then check out how many outfits have reported on him and his antics, he’s been doing that shit for a while and grab yourself some ketchup, salt and a beverage to wash it down!

MSG Eric

Start chewing. He’s the real deal from the looks of his twitter feed, facebook page, and even a Manning supporter.

A Proud Infidel®™

AMEN to that, I thought I was being nice by suggesting he fetch some salt and ketchup for a garnish and a beverage to wash it all down!


That kid is trolling the shit out of everybody and it’s hilarious. Does anybody here really think he is a communist based on his past service? I think it’s funny as hell. He’s prolly laughing his ass off too.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just fetch yourself some salt & catsup for a garnish as well as a beverage to wash it down…


You’re getting trolled and I’ll wait for the rest of the story after the shit storm calms down. Nothing like to jumping to overreaction. How FUBAR must the Army be to allow this traitorous fellow traveler to enlist in the army, complete Ranger school, go on a combat deployment and earn a CIB and then complete USMA, all while being a commie. Man, you army pouges must have dogs and chimps doing background checks on soldiers. I am sure this douche nugget kept his commie opinions to himself during classes, fooling everyone around him until graduation day, when he decides to tip his hand and show the world he loves the fucknugget Che, instead of working from the inside to destroy the evil forces of capitalism. Yeah, you’re getting trolled alright. Think I’ll hold off on eating my hat.

Lars should take troll lessons from this guy. He’d really get some TAH’ers all friggin’ worked up then.


In the Army, we had this reg about the uniform, and what to put on it. Guess they don’t have that in the other services. That alone would get him shit from his chain, but it must be an Army thing.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, we had this little shit while the USMC had Lee Harvey Oswald and John Murtha.

A Proud Infidel®™

I like you too W2, but THIS TIME I will disagree with you to the ends of the earth. That LITTLE SHIT of a 2LT has been making those posts for some time ow as well as making remarks disparaging the POTUS, VPOTUS and SECDEF, clear violation of Article 88 of the UCMJ as well as violating ART 134.


Nobody, not Bergdahl, not Manning, not Lee
Harvey, not Murtha, not John Walker, could pull off the misdirection this criminal mastermind did? Come on API, look at the dude in the photos and the other ones posted on the other right wing sites losing their mind over this guy. He just oozes smart ass. Also, how come nobody in his Ranger battalion, or who he deployed with, isn’t stepping forward to spill the beans on the guy if he is such a total commie douche? I ain’t defending the guy, just calling him what he is, a smart ass internet troll. Wearing the duck nugget Che shirt shows poor judgement and ain’t funny but a Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin like commie this kid ain’t.

A Proud Infidel®™

It goes deeper that that, he’s been openly posting disparaging remarks about the POTUS, VPOTUS and SECDEF in violation of ART 88 UCMJ as well as many other things AND his actions have been disowned by his own Father, he’s been doing just a little more than turbo-trolling!


OK API. I am not sure what’s bouncing around in this dude’s cranial cavity. Personally, I think he is trolling the shit out of people. Since he is on active duty, the indicator he is actually a pinko commie shitbird is when his clearance gets pulled due to unfavorable background info. You know somebody in the S2 is already pulling the string. That’s when the combo cover gets eaten, when he loses his clearance.

BTW, just in case I am wrong, are the button / screws for the chin strap and the officer’s crest included in that happy meal? Hard to swallow and harder to pass. Hopefully we can agree no metal objects are involved. Itakdakimasu!


W2, someone left a link to a comment that his father posted elsewhere, saying that he is completely embarrassed by what his son has done and doesn’t understand him. He all but disowned him publicly.


I don’t know Ex, it just doesn’t seem logical that this guy could be a commie and not have tipped his hand to somebody before his stoopid graduation photos. Walker did it for money, he could have cared less about the Soviets. If what everybody’s saying is true, this shitbird is doing it for ideological reasons so he should have left the military long ago and joined some group of nitwits like IVAW and not continued to serve the dark forces of capitalism by going to USMA. I also point back to the fact nobody that served with him previously has come out and attacked him. Dudes couldn’t wait to pounce on Bergdahl. This guy is some kind of Che loving commie super pinko and he never told anyone, ever? He kept it a secret at USMA and never told anyone, ever? I can only imagine a Lars like doofus at USMA spouting off the merits of socialism or communism and how fast that person would get beat down and then kicked out.

Of course all this may be a ploy to get kicked out of the Army so he doesn’t have to pay back to the goobermint the cost of an USMA education. That’s a conspiracy theory I’d definitely buy in to. I served with a guy who went through an ROTC program, took the money and then when he showed up on the ship somehow after about 8 months became a conscientious objector and wanted out. Maybe he was an conscientious objector, but when he got told he could leave but owed Uncle Sugar some coin for the edumication he received, he kind of backed down.

I will admit something is screwy here, I just don’t know what the angle is this doofus is trying to play. I don’t necessarily believe his dad said anything about him either. if it’s on the intertubes it’s prolly a lie anyway, well, except for anything you read at Jonn’s place. We all know that if it’s on TAH, it surely has to be true (shameless plug) except for this here story.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I’ll give you a much-deserved break, NO metal objects!


Thanks, bro!


Eh, I know TAH leans pretty far right but I’m not sure this guy is worth all the vitriol being expressed here.

I just want to make two points: First of all, no matter how you cut it, graduating from USMA is quite an accomplishment for anybody.

Hell getting INTO USMA is an accomplishment, graduating is at least an order of magnitude more impressive.

And assuming that what was on his uniform was legit, I’m not ready to call an airborne qualified, air-assault badged combat infantry veteran a “shitbag” just because I disagree with his politics.

That rack and his completion of USMA show that whatever else he is, he’s NOT a shitbag.

Second: As long as it doesn’t affect his performance as an officer, I don’t mind a little ideological diversity in the ranks. The military should represent the people of the United States, all of them, and there is a wide diversity of opinion within the US.

The guy is obviously young. Hey, I knew everything when I was 22, too. Didn’t you? 😉

It only took the next 20+ years of reality to knock the childish illusions out of my head.

One can hope that Rapone will be spending at least the next 5 years learning how to lead troops in the real world and maybe having some of his precious beliefs challenged there. If he makes it through without getting himself killed he’ll be a better officer for it and we’ll have a better Army.

A Proud Infidel®™

I disagree, anyone disrespecting the US Army uniform and tradition like that needs to be made an example of starting with him getting at least a GLOR.


No. I knew EVERYTHING when I was 16. I didn’t find out that I didn’t until I went into the Navy.

Bill (a NIMBY/Banana)

In response to yer question: no, I din not. Here’s a query fer ya: Are you shittin’ me?


You cannot be serious. There is Grand Canyon-sized gap between healthy ideological diversity and a sack of shit
who proudly sports the shirt of a murderer like Guevara.

A Proud Infidel®™

Especially from under a USMA Uniform!




hahahahaha, that’s a really funny post. You do have a sense of humor!

He is a shit stain. How is he going to react the first time he is sent into action against a Marxist/Communist opponent? Where will his loyalty lie?

Who could ever trust this guy and I’d say that all respect he may get from those under him is out the window. No Way can he lead men at this point.


If it’s going to take the next 5 years to learn how to lead troops, what the hell was he doing for his 4 years at the USMA? He could have gone to ROTC at Podunk U or gone the OCS route and saved us a lot of money.


Any infantry officer who is worth a shit knows how to lead troops within the first year of troop duty. The Army teaches you how to do it for over four years (unless you went through OCS). By the time I was 24 I had been a rifle platoon leader, weapons platoon leader, XO, and commanded a rifle company in combat. His actions show he hates the Army and wants out, or he has delusions he will become the Marshal Zhukov of the Soviet States of America.

HT3 '83-'87

I sent a screen shot to a West Point grad(Class ’06 Infantry) I work with, and he thought I was just busting his chops.
“You Navy guys…you’re always trying to fuck with Army”
Then I sent him the link and he did a Googgle search himself. Needless to say, he was no longer amused. He called it a “career limiting move” to say the least.


“He called it a “career limiting move…”

I call it a resume generator.

The Other Whitey

Only in those circles in which members self-identify as enemies of the United States.


So, this clown may be book smart and street stupid. Or he may be an all around fool. If the alterations to his Academy uniform were done by him and are supposed to be a prank, it was, at best, an extremely ill advised prank. That just isn’t a prank. It is dumb.

But, not knowing just what were the circumstances of those pics, who knows. Whatever they were, let us hope that he received appropriate counseling.


I hope we get an update on this IDIOT and ill take a shot of whiskey in honor of him being DISCHARGED!
Incredible waste of prior enlistment then graduating from West Point heading to Ranger School WTF OVER!
I can see where people thought this was a joke but he’s worse than the phonies IMO

A Proud Infidel®™

“I hope we get an update on this IDIOT and ill take a shot of whiskey in honor of him being DISCHARGED!”

I’ll enjoy a shot and a beer when I hear about that, preferably after hearing of his being thrown out with the previous day’s trash with at least a couple of GLOR’s and whatever other rewards for his asinine conduct they can give him! I’m sure that he’ll try to replace whatever manning as the left’s new media darling and they’ll throw him away just like they did Cindy Sheehag once they think he’s used up, may he one day die hungry, cold and forgotten.


I know of at least 58,000 people who would probably like to have some words with this leftover from a bad party. That’s just for starters. Doesn’t count the people who didn’t get to escape that hellhole at the last minute, or the hellhole next door later on.
Just take his shit, give him a court-martial, and drop his ass off in the middle of Pyongyang. Try to aim at the USS Pueblo.

Geez, I can’t stand this obnoxious excuse for a lack of birth control. I really can’t.


Seems that he has little buddies in the ranks. The Army had better root out this nest of vipers toot sweet. It’s absolutely disgusting that this sonofabitch has been allowed to get away with this for so long.

Had his worthless ass dropped from Ranger School, at least.


Do you have a source for the ‘little buddies in the ranks’ part?


Here’s a picture from his Twitter of him with two other soldiers giving a commie salute.


MSG Eric

I’m sure they’ll be getting a talking to, along with every single other Cadet he was at the Point with. Even his professors will be having conversations they don’t want to.

Way to go scumbag, you’re fuckity fucked and you are bringing people down with you. Communism is going to lose, yet again.


He’s about to become known to every future graduating class at West Point as “That Guy”.