Almon Henthorne; phony Marine Corps hero
Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow Almon Henthorne who claims that he earned a Navy Cross, a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, a Combat Action Ribbon and a POW Medal just to start with. He claims that he was a Recon Marine and a Scout Sniper and that he left the Marine Corps as a Gunnery Sergeant (E-7). His nickname in his little motorcycle club, Patriots 4 Veterans, is “Gunney” (yeah, I know it’s misspelled, but he wrote it not me).
But the US Navy doesn’t remember it like that, because he wasn’t a Marine;
He had about 22 months of service in the Navy, not the Marine Corps, when many of his generation refused to serve and he left with only the National Defense Service Medal at the rank of Seaman Recruit (E-1), but his ego needed more. We’ve heard that he claims that his USMC service was classified and that we can’t get access to his records…total BS. While operations might not be on his records because of the classifications, the fact that he served would not be hidden.
He locked down his Facebook pages last night and started threatening folks, because it’s perfectly legit to bully folks in order to qualify for valor awards.
Need a Semper Fidelis tattoo?
Compare that to earlier this morning;
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Yup, it looks like this assclown has satisfied just about every item on the Official TAH Stolen Valor Extreme Poser Checklist.
Let’s review:
– ‘USMC Marine Corp’
– ‘Gunney’
– ‘MOS Force Reconnaissance Number # 4552’
– Phony Force Reconnaissance
– Phony Scout Sniper
– Phony POW
– Phony Navy Cross
– Phony Silver Star
– Phony Bronze Star
– Phony Purple Heart
– Phony Combat Action Ribbon
– Motorcycle
– Leather Vest covered in Poser Bling
– Doo-Rag with snazzy barbed wire design
– Tattoos
– Ponytail
– ‘1000-Yard Stare’
– ‘Classified’ USMC service records
– Raging case of the PTSD (PTSD claim noted over at the Military Phonies website)
– Threatening people who have exposed him
Other than waiting to see if he’s ‘lawered up’ yet, have I missed anything?
Someone said he’s got his daughter defending him, so…
-Hiding behind someone’s skirts
Good catch.
I also forgot ‘Sock Puppets’.
Lot of poser 101 and some of 102 in his crying and screaming….same stories, different poser. Getting old.
no dog?
This seriously made me LOL.
Created his own poser club to be the director/founder of. Tried to shake my head in wonderment over the audacity of this assclown but my head refused to move in protest…..
I went to his FB page a few times…he’s so effed up in so many ways, I don’t even know what to write.
Sounds like he’s MORE ATE UP than a chocolate dildo in a crowded gay bar on Valentine’s Day.
At least that chocolate dildo served a purpose, which is more than I can say for that bit of dislodged flotsam impersonating a Marine. 🙂
I’d like to see those dog tags. I bet they’d be worth a few laughs.
Are gold jump wings, scuba bubble and multiple awards of expert rifle/pistol part of the jarhead poser starter pack?
Let’s don’t forget about the fucked up bed sheet on his background pic.
The entire photo is fucked up including the dumbass look on his mug.
That bedsheet was taken from the Honeymoon Suite at The Wally Johnson Motor Lodge at the foot of Hill Street. You can tell by the spooge stains.
By the way, I don’t care that they call it Coast Highway now, it will always be Hill Street to Hack.
That’s just a start:
Resident of Florida? (Check.)
“Dew” rag? (Check.)
Motorcycle vest? (Check.)
And he has a meat gazer’s grin to boot!
he needs to be bleeding, wet, cold and sandy just for the POW medal.
Stacy0311, Jarhead grunt to Jarhead grunt, are 0311 still called “rocks”, as in 03rocks? We of the 0331, 41 and 51 type used to slap that on you guys in my era (81 to 85). Of course we always got the customary “fuck you asshole” in return. Just trying a little Jarhead humor bro! Semper Fi Devildog!
Mike. Marine0331
Always remember: 0311-everything else is just support
I wanted to be an 0311, but I knew my right from my left, so I was overqualified. 🙂
I wanted to go into tanks but my recruiter said my ASVAB score was too high….. 🙂
03-walk-a lots
Well, my unit (Lima 3/8) was a Helo assault unit so we flew most everywhere. But for the most part that’s true.
I’m not touching that one!!!
And you got no support without signal.
You got me on that one Leatherneck!!!!
What a bag of shit. And he’s sporting that cross on his vest. I don’t get it, why?
I’ve often wondered why some sport the Cross. I believe it is to convey the impression that one is ‘right with God’ and would never portray themselves as something other than what they are. When I see a cross prominently displayed, that’s a red flag. Not always, but at times.
I had to go look at it.
From what I can see, it’s one of those with a U.S. Flag overlaid on it. Probably intended as some statement of the US being [predominantly] Christian.
I’m always a bit cautious about those who display a Cross or an Ichthus (fish – and a 2000-year-old acronym), especially in conjunction with a business.
With all the bling he’s wearing (and I cannot identify most of it) I’m thinking he thought “Oooo! Pretty!” and bought it to add to his collection.
On the other hand, I have 2 or 3 Scout-related hats that have a lot of bling as well. (Not counting the Scouting uniforms and walking sticks.) But I can give a pretty good account of what every piece signifies.
As a rule of thumb, I have learned the hard way never to trust anyone who displays the fish on their business card.
OR sports one on the back of their car.
You can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day but if you give a man a rifle he doesn’t have to eat fish.
Looks like he never saw an online phony certificate he didn’t like either. derpsquirt
That I Love Me wall is impressive, considering he was in for an entire 22 months. I was in for 16+ years and don’t even have one.
All my horse show ribbons have faded. All my skating awards are buried in a box. All my cat show ribbons are in a bag.
People just toss that stuff out after you’re dead, anyway. It gets silly after a while.
Hey, what’s silly about ribbons for herding cats?
Did someone say “herding cats”???
OMFG…that’s funny
I love that commercial. It brings back… memories!
I remember watching that during the Super Bowl. One of the better ones that year. I think this one was the same year:
I just have an American flag on the wall in my office…good enough.
America: Fukk Yeah!
Bob Neener made a shitload of money off of “Gunney”….
His Facebook is back up..
It’s getting lit up. Betting it won’t be long before it goes poof again.
And his FB is down again.
Hmm, it was down when I checked it 25 minutes ago, now it’s up. Maybe he’s so dumb he doesn’t know how to shut down a FB account?
Maybe he had his Daughter do it for him?
says Sergeant on his FB Page…and he’s a Third degree Black Belt…doesn’t say in what exactly.
B.S. Im guessing.
I awarded myself a black belt in Yakimandu, Egg Foo Yung AND Chop Suey, my chopsticks are the deadliest thing on earth to anything on my plate! What’s his black belt in, Bullshitido?
3rd degree black belt – the things I could do with that. Too early. Not enough caffeine.
This guy is a jerk. I don’t feel like speculating about why supply was not his cup of tea, when supply ships and slots are juts as important as the rest of the Navy. I don’t get it.
This is the USS Hyades.
Gosh, gee whillikers, that’s the same kind of ship that the story of, “MISTER ROBERTS”, took place on!
I have a black belt too. I also have a brown mesh belt AND several of those web “boaters” belts. They’re my favorite!
Looks like the kind of dude that Chuck Norris would like to “query”. Chuck, are you on this blog?
I’m a ninth degree CHAIN BELT in KUNG-FU! (Apologies to Eddie Murphy).
probably the ancient Scottish Martial Art of “FUQUUU!” which is mostly a lot of headbutting and kicking people in the face when they’re on the ground.
Nowadays know as soccer hooligans.
“football yobs”?
Worked for John Smeaton OK
Maybe he trained with Cio “Ranger” Burrell?
The Least Dangerous Man in the World.
SA Grad of Bootcamp, zoomed all the way down to SR. Gee whiz, why doesn’t he get real creative and try to claim some sort of disabling disability like the other clankers?
His career apparently took a dive, and fell below crush depth.
Sporting the leathers, I see. Yes, this is definitely the real thing. LOL. I notice he appears to keep his longer hair in a pony tail. Is this because he lives to ride, or so that there’s no obstructed view when he’s slurping on his boyfriend?
pull it tight, use prepH on the skin. cheaper than a face lift.
Slurping…boyfriend. Damn, needed a spew alert.
He looks like a Ghey Whey and Cream of Sum Yung Guy connoisseur.
Hey Almon Henthorne, aka “Gurney” [sic], you are such a classic poser…thanks for putting all the effort into it! I just hate second rate phony performances. BTW, you get extra points for that long haired, tie died and vest photo…you look like the classic serial child rapist too! Bravo Almon Henthorne, bravo!
I do wish he had a service dog for the PTSD he almost certainly caught while being a hero. A dog always adds legitimacy to claims of heroism.
And thus I begin the Spam of all the Facebook groups he’s a part of. We’ll see how popular his he is when every biker in FA knows he’s a fraud.
Damn, so he can be ridiculed by a whole lot of other frauds…delicious irony
Almon Henthorne had honorable service in the Navy, but has dishonored it.
Almon Henthorne is not a Marine.
Almon Henthorne is a poser.
Almon Henthorne is a fake.
Almon Henthorne is a phony.
Almon Henthorne is sad.
I would like to make a motion the this turd be placed on the Wall of Shame
Second…but I’m obviously biased on this one.
DEPLOY the Wall of Insults!(c)
He dresses in the form of a male prostitute? His penmanship is atrocious, his attempts at being witty always fall short…… uhmmm that’s all I got for now.
I vote “AYE!” for The Wall of Insults®™ to be deployed.
Sorry guys, I was out of pocket for a few days. We have a request for the Wall of insults and a second and “AYE” vote so off to get this personalized for good old Almon…. STAND FAST…….. Wall of Insults®™ FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Almon Henthorne , phony Marine Hero, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken fucker, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, gaping, Cambodian cunt sauce, ball working asshole, Poster-child for abortion, Swallowing Spoo Sampler, shit tonguing, munching wanktoaster, cock gobbling, lientery steatorrhea, sperm burping, tit, sniveling, codpiece licking toilet seat sniffer, lying, taintpimple, Pillow bitin pickle smoocher, Bowl of ass soup, Satan even said about you, “Boy is this guy a DICK!, Sparklepony, worthless, Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas, moldy bowl of ratshit, would wear Richard Simmons’ used jockstrap as a facemask, useless bag of monkey fuck, rancid floor buffer wax spreader, both of your Grandmothers should have had an abortion, just in case, Mayor Grundle of Scrotumburg and Anusville, waste of oxygen, anal sphincter canyon yodeling phallic squeezer, numbnuts, snowball, giggling beerflecked canker blossom , maybe a “buggerer of little boys”, rottencrotched, rump wrangling, culo de chongo, booger eating fuckbucket, Lemon Party-lusting fruitcake, putrid, rotting, whoreson whale’s carcass, overzealous polyp burglar, bed wetting, follows in Victorious Felder’s bovine excrement -filled boots, as fucked up as an opossum eating shit out of a hairbrush, moron, Prevaricating Sphincter, Cock Bagel and Dick Doughnut, baby unit, you’ll never be the man your mother is, Odious Twonk, terminal crotch infection, asshat, dick pickle, wanker, herpes-ridden dung beetle target, first volunteer for being part of a jailhouse human centipede, should eat a nice steaming pile of monkey shit you ass clown, helmet wearing short bus riding window licker, more ate up than a chocolate dildo in a crowded… Read more »
I needed more caffeine earlier, I just realized that his proper full name is Almon Frost Henthorne, Jr..
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is a disgrace to Almon Frost Henthorne Sr.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. never was a Marine.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is living in a fantasy world of his own construction.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. served in the U.S. Navy, but was so high-drag/low-speed that the was discharged as an E1,
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. was a failure in the Navy.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is dishonorable.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is an embarrassment to his daughter.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. has deceived his future son-in-law – who may want to disown him.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. has lied to the community.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is now exposed as the fraud he is.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr.: sux to be you, but you’ve no one to blame but yourself for that.
Why would you say he had “honorable service?” Something happened in October of 1966 that resulted in descent from the lofty rank of E-2 to E-1 recruit and discharge with less than 2 years service. He was undoubtedly a dickstepper. Although, I agree he has dishonored what little service he did for his nation.
Yep, one of those 5 percenters that takes up 95 percent of the Chain of Command’s disciplinary time…this dude wasn’t fit fo be flushed into a CHT
Well, rgr769, unless I’m more confused than usual he received an Honorable Discharge. An HD as an E1 is indicative of some kind of stupid, I agree, but I was giving the benefit of the doubt.
I doubt we will ever know the type of discharge he received. The FOIA response just says, “discharged.” But something happened to cause him to be demoted to seaman recruit (E-1). He certainly wasn’t demoted because he was injured or had a serious illness which sent him to that Navy hospital for his last 2 months on AD. I am suspecting he may have been given an admin general discharge.
Maybe he was in the hospital with a case of crabs and a strain of clap?
Yet another pisspants candyassed booger-eating Sparkle Pony of a toad turd. It took far more to get booted out back then than it does now, was he a bed wetter? Sleepwalker? I wonder if this fart apple of a dingleberry will keep shitting his britches and threaten to lawer up? After all, he DID rocket to the rank of E1 before he got to thrown out!
He has accomplished quite a lot in his career:
Highly coveted NDSM
Rocketed to E1 in only 22 months
Went in as a SR (Seaman Recruit) came out as a highly decorated Marine
YEAH, you don’t see THAT happen every day, do ya?
Dirty Dozen patch?
Oh I bet!
Almon Henthorne, the good news is you took the heat off Terry Willey…he owes you a beer and a blowjob!
Oh for crying out loud…
this klowne went full tilt poser with all that bling after only 22 months.
Why in the hell do they do this crap when everybody knows they are a target if they claim anything, it’s bad enough if it’s true, but if it’s fake they are in for a gunpowder enema in about 30 mike mikes…
Dumbass cocksucker…
Not to mention living in constant fear of being asked something a highly decorated Marine should know and only be able to offer the ‘duh’ look.
Running into someone who legitimately served where you said you served.
In constant fear of simply being called on your bling by a genuine service member who can recognize BS.
Wonder how long he rocked the lie before being outed?
It’s just a damn shame. Man, take your E1 Honorable and live with it. No, it doesn’t sound as sexy as what you’re claiming, but at least you can live with it w/o being in constant fear of being outed. Hell, make up a funny excuse as to why you only had 22 months and exited as an E1. I don’t know; just tell people you were a legitimate dumbass or something.
Didn’t living in constant fear eat you up inside?
Someone on Military Phonies said, “He looks like a bag of smashed assholes in that uniform picture”
Excellent! 🙂
I like “He looks like a whole bouquet of smashed assholes.”
Joe Shit the Ragbag.
From his Linked in profile:
USMC Marine Corp
December 1964 – December 1972 (8 years 1 month)
My MOS was Force Reconnaissance Number # 4552, Plus 1976 to 1985
Dafuhkk, over
Maybe “US Marine Corp” means United Southern Marine Corporation, a manufacturer of bass boats and trolling motors, headquartered in Jacksonville.
He might have been a Second or First Rate Janitor over there!
This fairy princess wasn’t man enough to make it as a sailor and he sure enough would never make it as a Marine.
For the rest of his life now everytime someone looks at him he will wonder if they know he is a coward and a fraud.
Maybe Idaho will be his next home of record…he’ll be in good company
We are all wrong and he is right.
his dd-214 says so. You can’t forge on of those , you know.
I’m a faggot, asshole, scumbag, bum, according to him and his daughter.
His soon to be son-in law wants to meet face to face, cause he’s a bad ass biker. Little does he know that he is under investigation now for Stolen Valor due to a SFC pin on his vest.
This one goes much deeper than Stolen Valor, but most of them do.
We are also having a lot of bikers from Patriots 4 Veterans stepping forward thanking us for exposing him. He also wasn’t the actual creator of the MC. Word is that he stole it from the man who started the MC.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. has been exposed to Truth, and it hurts his feelings.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr.’s daughter can be forgiven for not realizing her Daddy is a fraud.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr.’s daughter’s image of Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is forever damaged, because of his lies.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is a scumbag father who deserves to be horsewhipped for lying to his own child(ren).
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is a disgrace to fathers everwhere.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is not a real man.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. needs to come clean and confess his lies, and quit being fake.
BOOM… time to keep pushing this. You are gith this is much deeper them just stolen valor..
25 Oct – 16 Dec 66 USNH Philadelphia. Was he hospitalized for bedwetting causing the springs in the top bunk to rust earning him a blanket party? This coincided with his reduction to SR.
I’m guessing he has FTS (Fractured Taint Syndrome), which led to him being booted out.
My guess is he has Sandinmanginitis.
April of 2015 is when his FOIA was requested. Longest return I’ve had yet from the NPRC.
Was there perhaps a Sr. who actually served honorably and didn’t disgrace himself with Stolen Valor? Wondering whether sorting between the two made it take longer.
It was the fact that we only mentioned his Marine Corps claims on his sf-180 that took so long for a return. The Tech at the NPRC did his homework and traced his name using the numbers we provided.
Ah, makes sense!
I would be embarrassed to walk around dressed like that. Or maybe there is something wrong with me. I don’t have a vest and no service dog.
No dog? There are plenty of lonely, winsome pooches at shelters that need good, loving homes.
I’m a cat person. I wonder, are their service cats?
Yes, there are.
There are many cats that need homes. It’s the senior cats that get dumped most often.
A service dog is SOOOooooo last year.
The newest thing is a service gerbil.
Gerbils are good for feeding pet snakes.
Just an observation.
Another substandard discharge maggot.
Court Martial is my best guess.
Well, if plaything he should be happy because there is a certain MC down there in Florida that would take him in a minute.
Bed sheet + improperly displayed fringed US Flag = LEGIT
This guy is the real deal.
I wonder how many “takes” he went through before choosing this one. I would love to see the discarded versions.
A great many honorable men and women died or were horribly wounded EARNING those awards he has decided he deserves. He’s a cockroach. Not only that, he cross services to become a Marine hero. I guess being a hero in the Navy wasn’t good enough for him.
Enjoy your Google Glory, Sir. You will be known forever in ways you wish you weren’t.
“He’s a cockroach.”
I disagree. I have ten times more respect for cockroaches than I do that dumkopf of a dickstepping dildoheaded dingleberry..
Oh Sh*t! Someone finally is posing with the MSG (embassy duty)ribbon. Now I’m pissed!Actually, this is all SO sad, but he’s still a douchebag not worth the toilet paper I wipe ass with.
Maybe I should refer to myself as “Topp”, since we’re now making up spellings.
Had me at ” Gunney”
Guy is so fake even his service dog has a service dog.
Fuck him and feed him fish heads.
I wonder what his black belt is in. Please don’t say BJJ.
He must be genuine, because everybody knows that Marines can’t spell.
I remember reading this joke in the “HUMOR IN UNIFORM” section of the “READER’S DIGEST” magazine when I was a boy.
A announcer at the Armed Forces Radio in Saigon was giving the time, saying,
“For you guys in the Army and Air Force, the time is 1430 Hours.
For you guys in the Navy, it’s eight bells.
And for you guys in the Marines, the big hand on your Mickey Mouse watch is pointing to – – – !”
I always heard it like this:
When civilians say “It’s 3;00 PM:
The Army says “It’s 1500 Hours.”
In the Navy some bell rings after some Sailor polishes it and goes back to painting the Vessel,
In the Air Force an O6 asks an E3 “Bill, do you know what time it is?” to which the E3 replies “YEAH Tom, Mickey’s big hand is on the twelve and his little hand is on the three.”
In the USMC they say “*OOG!*, *ARRGH*, *GRUNT*, GRUNT*, *GRUNT*, FUCK, KILL, *OORAH!!*”
Are there any non-valor thieves in motorcycle clubs? Because I am really starting to wonder…
Every time that I see a guy on a motorcycle nowadays who is wearing a leather vest covered in military bling, I immediately suspect that he’s a poser.
I guess I better stop wearing mine (occasionally), even though I’m not in an MC. However, I’m like you and am especially suspicious of anyone wearing their ribbon rack and qualification badges on their biker vest.
I have the poser trifecta. I do ride with the AL Riders group, have a vest (minus bling), and I live in Florida. On top of that, everyone’s favorite AF PJ poser John Turek used to live in my neighborhood. My wife and I met that piece of shit as he was trying to spin stories of awesomeness.
Sadly bro, your DD214 disqualifies you from being in the poser competition.
Step up your game.
Well crap, I do have three of them. But they were issued by the DoD vs the interwebs. So I’ve got that going for me; which is nice.
Funny you should mention Turek – he’s trying to make a comeback in my inbox.
Sorry to hear that.
Needs to have a big “C” for coward branded on his tattoos for every one of those medals he’s stolen. Good men suffered and many died to be awarded those medals. Good men went into harm’s way to be awarded the Combat Action Ribbon.
Old balls piece of flaming shit. He’s the rice paddy daddy king of Vietnam heroism and super secret black ops with a wall full of fake decorations to prove it.
His FB is linked to that VFW post. I can’t post at work, but someone may want to.
There is no link to my VFW post. He’s liked us for some reason – we’re in rural south central Indiana.
Sorry your good name got drug into the controversy by Almon Frost Henthorne Jr.
Sorry about that..I was posting on the fly since I was working. I should have checked the locale.
So now he’s gone ‘Full Potato’, eh?
— sigh —
For some reason, these extreme posers always want to go ‘Full Potato’ when they’re exposed, and it just ends up making everything so much worse in the long run.
Isn’t this him?
Another cockmeat sammich connoisseur…
Being a poser is the cherry on top of the sh*t sundae. Really not surprising, is it?
Sadly, not surprising at all.
The charities he is connected to are pissed, booted him out and are asking serious questions. Time to pay the piper shit nugget.
Paid the piper? That “uniform” picture says “paid the tuba quartet”.
Aww- for some reason, he made Patriots 4 Veterans a closed group all of a sudden. Why, it’s almost like he’s trying to cover his tracks now that people are calling him out on his bullshit.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. can run, but
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. cannot hide.
Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is finding out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
Ah, but the member list. . .
His Facebook is still up and currently lighting up like a Christmas tree. Daughter is doing all the damage control for him.
So Almon Frost Henthorne Jr. is hiding behind his daughter’s skirts?
Don’t discount the thought that the daughter is part of the scam.
Quite a bit of charity fraud in FL…
That’s as bad as purchasing and registering an airplane on one’s daughter’s name, then running it out of fuel and wrecking it.
I have seen small kids at Halloween in better improvised Marine costumes.
Is -anything- in that train wreck even remotely close to right?
HI Just ripped him a new one this dirt bag still has his FB up-so everybody go after him and make him sweat.
Almon Henthorne does NOT know me.
I also like how he claims “only” 8 years of service but has 4 GCMs.
It’s the little shit that makes me smile.
Holey Moley, to a neophyte this guy wearing those dress blues really looks AJ SQUARED AWAY. I had to increase the screen size to check out the performance record and it looked like he was in the Great Lakes boot camp same time as me. I went into boot camp in Oct. of 1963 class 475. I did not recognize his name but I checked out the Keel yearbook anyway but did not see his name. Gadzooks, WTF is wrong with these guys.
“Are there any non-valor thieves in motorcycle clubs? Because I am really starting to wonder…”
Do you know the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?
The position of the dirt bag.
Now that’s funny….and I’ve owned a few
I have this mysterious impression from somewhere that Mr. Henthorne will be making a public statement very soon.
any statement from him will no doubt sound like little more than an army of vaginas marching in a field of mud
His statement just went up on his FB page……
“Deflect, poor me, deflect, I’m a good guy,deflect.”
From shit for brains Gunney’s FB page: “My public apology: I am so sorry for miss leading the public, family and friends. I made a big mistake by wearing The Navy Cross, Silver Star (they were gifted to me by a family member of a close friend that died in Vietnam and I wore them in honor of him) POW ribbons on my uniform. I am lost for words, please leave my family alone, I am the one You hate . Thing’s are not always what they seem to be.. I beg my family and friends to forgive me for what I did. The most important thing in my life is My family and my charities, hope the public will let me continue the fine work my group does for 501c3 charities. I know It is hard to forgive me but give me the benefit. I have made so many mistakes In the past, I will not live long enough to write them down. There are two special people out there that are causing so much trouble because they screwed up in our group. Russell Cutter Mayer & Brad Haeffner. They are also spreading lies. But this is about me and Only me. For all the wrongs I did I apologize totally. I hope you find forgiveness In your hearts especially my charities. My Club Members and other clubs that I am associated with I apologize and hope you forgive me for my blunders. But I still will be called Gunney the way I spell it. God Bless you all.In closing I would like to thank Two people that brought me to realize what trouble I cause an I will never forget them. Now can we please get back to things that are pressing. Our support for our Soldiers In combat zone’s and our VETERANS. While I spent time in a Naval Hospital I thought everyday about the conditions of the VA. It was horrible too watch. Let’s everybody give at least a dollar to K.I.S.S, J.O.S.H an Honor Flight. Three great charities, they all three have web sites you… Read more »
Didn’t admit that he wasn’t in the Marine Corps or that that he never served in Vietnam. Wearing medals to “honor” someone. That’s no apology, it’s a solicitation for more donations.
He’s actively responding to posts on his facebook now, John.
He’s still insinuating he’s a sekret squirrel. We just don’t understand.
This is what he wrote a few hours ago;
True there are two sides. His side and the truth.
“Wearing medals to “honor” someone”
Gee, what a novel excuse!
Standard tactic, apparently:
Large public vowel movement
Dude is talking with us on his Facebook Page. Basically admitted everything and is trying to sweep it under the rug.
admitting but also making lame excuses.He did it to honor veterans, he honors all veterans yadda yadda yadda. FFS
Who is taking bets that the apology post will disappear by morning?
Meanie, I guess you probably expect people to stop calling him “Gunney” too.
Next thing I know you will expect him to turn over all those awards and certificates to his MC for proper disposal.
Life is a compromise Jonn, he admitted to the fake awards you could at least agree to let him keep the Marine title.
Its your title, sure let him keep it.
Ahh…nope, probably not gunna do that.
I just linked his apology to ASMDSS Underground. Can’t wait until all their members head over to join this convo. I’m having a blast reading y’all tear him up.
If he had every rug in Persia, he could not sweep that mess underneath.
That was the most weasel word filled “apology” I’ve seen in years. He still doesn’t see where he did anything wrong, and the only reason he’s “sorry” is that people were “attacking” his family- and the only reason people were attacking his family was because the family came out swinging for the fences with the attacks.
He’s gone full retard. That MC he is either trying to honcho or be a part of needs to completely cut him loose or be shunned by every other club and charity organization in the area.
He is a full on non apologetic asshole.
Yeah he’s gone full potato
Apparently he has resigned from said MC, and I have a message from one of their members that an internal investigation has been started. I’ll keep everyone posted on any updates.
I think someone posted an update over at
Ermahgerd….ahmma be sore from laughing.
Well, that was awkward.
That has to be some of the worst fake certificates I have ever seen!!! He is in the running with Dennis Chevalier and Forgin’ Frank Visconi.
Neener made a ton of money off of ALMON HENTHORNE, STOLEN VALOR ASS HAMSTER!
BOOM! FB page is down or locked down tight.
but the internet fame will live on
It’s still there and open for comments. . .
It was down for a little bit last night. I guess fuck knuckles thought shutting it down for a little bit would make people forget.
And it’s back down again- I guess fuckstick got tired of everyone pointing out he didn’t really apologize as much as he tried to make it “donate to these charities I support”
how long ya think it will be before he contacts the site begging for his removal, yanno….because he apologized and his family has suffered enough.
His “Honorable Discharge Certificate” was signed by BGen Crossly, a retired Army flag officer.
And his “promotion warrant” to Sergeant (circa 1966) says his date of rank is Feb 21, 1966.
Effective dates of rank are the first of the month for regular promotions and the second for meritorious promotions… unless I’m missing something.
He fucked that up, too.
…oh, and LtCol Donald N. McKeon was the Battalion Commander during October 1966, not the guy who signed his “promotion warrant”.
Okay… I’ll stop now.