The return of Kissing Bobby Dias
We haven’t heard from Kissing Bobby Dias for about four years. He labors under the misapprehension that POW Network exists to record the experiences of Vietnam veterans and POWs. He sends Mary some of his BS stories in hopes that he’ll become part of the Vietnam veteran legacy. The truth is that he never served;
But that doesn’t stop his writing about things that never happened. Here’s his latest tale to Mary, just the way he wrote it;
A Deserter And A Murderer, Not a POW
In 1967, I was on a hill waiting to watch a formation of 5 F-series fighter-bombers to come in to take their targets as they had been ordered to do. This was the second of 7 raids that targeted the home areas of some of the 3 trouble-making Vietcong clans- myself knowing what was under the tree canopy and me receiving aerial pictures to show the pilots where to put their bombs.My aim was to injure or kill people close to the leaders of the 3 trouble-making clans not the leaders themselves so that they could stop the others- in other words terrorize them into becoming peaceful, which they did.
The formation came in, dropped to attack level, but then one pulled up and went into the direction of the sea. That was John McCain- myself and each of the four pilots left in formation signed sworn statements that said John McCain deserted in battle. At first opportunity the United States Navy arrested John McCain on three charges: 1. Cowardice In The Face Of The Enemy. 2. Willful Disobeying An Order Of A Superior Officer(For throwing a paper away that he had been ordered to read by the Commanding Officer of the ship he was stationed on, that officer had ordered me to watch John McCain to see what he did. I signed a sworn statement about what he did/didnot do). 3. Willful Disobeying An Order Of A Superior Officer(for not hitting the targets as he had been ordered to do). John McCain was arrested and charged after being held in Hanoi City Jail(sign in English on top of the building).
I watched John McCain fly towards the sea but then turn to the north- I would soon know why he did that. When the admiral’s helicopter that was assigned to me picked me up I was taken to a field in Hanoi- a 3/4 square mile field that had been clearted by the US Navy’s Seabees. I saw John McCain’s plane it had been shot down by an anti-aircraft gun installed by the US Navy’s Seabees and two US Army personnel. The paper that John McCain threw away was a notice that two anti-aircraft guns had been installed there. If a-hole John McCain had read it he would not have been shot down and he would not have shot 18 people there in that field as they sowed seeds, seeds given to them by the USA. 11 of the 18 died there in the field, 9 were citizens of Hanoi so John McCain was arrested and charged with 9 counts of murder with premeditation( about a week before I had heard a very-drunk John McCain say: “I am going to kill some Cong”. The people killed by ignorant John McCain were not Vietcong- they were citizens of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, a country who had signed a mutual-aid treaty with the USA, President Truman signing for the USA and Ho Chi Minh signing for the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
I walked to the Hanoi City Jail to see John McCain. I say here that the infamous Hanoi Hilton had been torn down about two weeks before John McCain went on his murderous rampage- he just plain lies that he was a POW in the Haoi Hilton. He just plain lies that he was a POW- he was arrested for and tried and convicted and inprisoned on 9 charges of premeditated murder by a civilian jury(not an ordinary jury- every one was a graduate of Harvard Law School), also the judge and the court clerk and the prosecuting attorney and the defending attorney- better professional people than here in the USA in my opinion.
A note: when I entered the Hanoi City Jail I heard John McCain call the jailer a bunch of names, including a very racist name- squinty eyes. When I heard that I said to the jailer- “You can keep the mad dog(John McCain). Do you have a human being I can take back?” The jailer motioned to me to follow him and said “An angel….. Two angels” I took back two US pilots that had been shot down by small-arm fire- they appreciated life. John McCain sufferedin the Hanoi City Jail from his own idea of self worth being confined. While there Coward John McCain tried suicide two times.Bobby Dias
AKA Robert A Dias, Formerly US Navy
He’s a regular Forrest Gump. President Johnson offered him a promotion to colonel once, but he turned it down, according to more of his writings;
When President Johnson offered me an officer’s commission with full colonel after 6 months I refused, saying that an officer’s life would slow me down in times of emergencies of which I was best at. He agreed, saying that he sometimes wished the generals would get to work instead of wasting time kissing his rear. So, I was an enlisted man in the United States Navy- pay grade E-3, Seaman. Think of that sometimes when I speak of what I did when officers were effectively out-ranked by me- I remember two admirals watching me take a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier out of Tokyo Harbor- something I was qualified for but they were not after all their years experience(at the Officers’ Club?). When I started my active duty one admiral did try to “grab” me to his flagship but President Johnson hijacked(his term) me to the USS Paul Revere, saying that the Paul Revere was better for me than sitting while the other ship was being repaired (USS Forrestal, the ship John Mccain almost sunk all by himself. Isn’t he great!).
He also hates the traditional use of punctuation.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Jonn, I would like to thank you for killing off the few remaining brain cells I had left.
It could be worse – I have three more recordings of Douglas Dietrich attacking TAH on his radio show.
You deserve some sort of valor medal for voluntarily sorting through all of this bovine sheisse and not having an anyuerism….
Maybe a Medal of Victoria Honor Cross with V device and multiple mustard stains.
Not anything I ever want to listen to.
…”When President Johnson offered me an officer’s commission with full colonel after 6 months I refused, saying that an officer’s life would slow me down in times of emergencies of which I was best at…”
Hell, Bobby, you should ALWAYS accept a colonel’s commission when personally offered to you by the Commander-in-Chief…///
My question is, how does a Sailor get offered a commission to COLONEL? CAPTAIN (O-6 Navy type) would make more sense; not much, but it would at least be a rank for the correct service! Damn, this dude is batshit crazy!
Huh? What? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! Did this guy hit the hash pipe one too many times? Did he watch Platoon on an endless loop with a Apocalypse Now chaser?
Shut up, go away and what you say is bull manure. I could feel myself getting more stupid with every sentence!
Hash pipe? Oh, no, it takes more than hash for that kind of crazy. Crack or meth at least, or maybe oven cleaner and industrial strength airplane glue.
Good Lord can you imagine getting stuck on a plane ride next to this cock holster!?!
Semen Dias will never be over Macho Grande.
I swear I felt my IQ drop ten points while reading just the first paragraph, that’s some DRG level STOOPID!
…My brain hurts.
Oh for crying out loud…
This guy needs to pull his foreskin down around his neck so he can better see reality. What an absolute moron!
“Viet Cong clans”, eh? And all this time my Vietnamese sister-in-law was convinced that those fuckers were a politically-motivated communist guerilla/thug organization, not a tribe or ethnic group with a clan structure. In fact, she’s not aware of clans being a thing at all in Vietnamese culture. Maybe with the Montagnards, but not the Vietnamese (or Khmer for that matter).
“F-series fighter-bombers?” Like what, a 1972 Ford F-150? Yeah, “F-series” fighter kinda indicates *every* fighter aircraft since 1964 (1948 for the Air Force), that’s what the “F” stands for. And McCain flew an A-4 Skyhawk.
“Receiving aerial pictures.” Right, because the technology that allows a guy shlepping around in the jungle to do that in real time totally existed in 1967.
That’s as far as I got before the stupidity gave me a headache.
Lord ha’ mercy! Such stupidty! Not the brightest bulb in the box, is he?
After skimming this webpage and TAH posting from 4 years ago, I am convinced this guy is simply brain damaged , mentally challenged in some way, or both.
JFC ! I can actually feel my self getting stoopider ahftur redding dat. Duz enywon ellse hav dat prowblum?
yoo got is 2? Sam thin heer
gee i never knew the Sea Bees worked in north Vietnam or that there were so many harvard law grads in the north back in 67′
this is why you don’t let your kids eat the paint chips…
Just look at him…the guy is fucked up.
I wonder, did Mary tell him that he was a phony at least?
That website he created is a complete mess. Has links to more of his funny stories.
The Captain Kangaroo haircut makes him credible.
Mr Moose must have been dropping bowling balls on this one……
/he should not be around women and children.
Or men. Or small animals. Or large animals. Or machinery.
Good thing I had put my water bottle down before I read that!
It’s the rantings of a crazy man, but at least they’re entertaining rantings. I somehow get the idea that he fully believes all this happened to him, and I do hope he has other stories to tell. …Like maybe that one time he was swabbing the deck in back while Lando flew through the death star and saved the universe.
He wrote about Pol Pot once, explaining that he was actually a very bright and nice man that brought so much peace and quality of life to his people.
A long time babbling idiot that gets his kicks from being noticed.
So you’re in the Navy and President Johnson offers you an Officers commission with full Colonel after 6 months??? Not Captain but full Colonel??
Devils in the details but even without that fuck up it’s clear that Bullshit Bobby Dias has shit for brains.
LBJ must have realized that little bobby here was under-utilized in this here Navy and was destined to be the new Chesty Puller, but little bobby turned him down…///
Who would listen to this Bullshitter for longer than 10 seconds?? I’m house breaking a new puppy, I think I’ll print out a picture of Bobby for the bottom of his kennel to act as a dog shit magnet!
I loved the part about his mythical feud with John McCain. This dude must have been high as a kite writing this stuff.
Like the small detail that the F-5 was an Air Force asset and the Navy never used them. McCain, as a Naval Aviator flew A-4 Skyhawks off of aircraft carriers.
He may have been on a hilltop watching the drop, but it was being controlled by an airborne FAC in a small plane above the target.
last sentence–NOT! Anyway, with regard to this loon being on a hilltop in the Viet of the Nam.
Could we get him together with that Chris Ford secret military police guy?
Or would the Universe explode if that happened? Maybe a new black hole could be created. Some astronomers recorded one happening while they watched, a few weeks ago. I’d be a little concerned about environmental damage, of course, but I think they’d neutralize each other’s auras.
These two can’t occupy space as they are both made of the same matter…steam piling of shit.
A black hole? Can we put all of the posers and wannabees in it?
So here I am, sitting at my ‘puter just getting ready to enjoy some nice over easy eggs, toast and freshly brewed coffee and clicked on “The return of Kissing Bobby Dias”. Are you shitting me??!!
I didn’t spew any eggs or coffee on my screen, but I think some most definitely dribbled out of my opened mouth as I read this guy’s story & website.
My cheese and crackers got all muddy!
What the hell is this guy on?
The two dollar toupee he’s wearing does nothing to improve his credibility.
There is a lot that we still don’t know about mental illness
I sincerely hope this guy is mostly harmless.
Another manhole inspector that freebases used kitty litter hourly… I bet the aliens from Ceti Alpha Four control him via alien anal probe.
He looks like a retard.
That is because he is a retard, if his writing and story telling skilz are any indication.
Schizo. And anyone who wants to know what is going on inside the mind of a schizo needs to read that page.
being married to a moderate bipolar is enough.
Wow. Just. Wow. Such a vivid imagination.
I just want to know this…..
What is it he’s ingesting / shooting up / smoking / snorting, how much is it, and where can I buy some?
NOOOOOO, you don’t want any of that!!
What is scary is that he is probably a registered voter.
Possibly multiple times.
Oh. My. God. Weapon’s Grade Stupid just doesn’t do justice to THIS piece of work.
And speaking of nuts…\
All I asked for was a chance’: Chelsea Manning sobs while thanking Obama for commuting her sentence but will not apologize for leaking classified docs in transgender leaker’s first interview
CONTENT WARNING: Do NOT read unless you are medicated, in a “good place,” or can deal with the anger that will arise from this article and interview. Trust me. Don’t do it. Maybe a fidget spinner can help, but I will guarantee you will get angry.
It’s funny, as soon as I heard he was being released “thanks, Obama” were the first two words that popped into my mind too. When he said them, was he also rolling his eyes?
Grand illusions of manliness.Yea POTUS Johnson once offered to make me the Grand Admiral of the Swiss Navy, But decided I could better serve the nation doing 63B duties.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Billy Madison
Sorry. I was looking to see if anyone had posted the YouTube clip. Not seeing it, I posted it. Should have read all the comments first.
Methinks this guy does not know where Hanoi is.
Who the hell does this clown think he is fooling ?
other than himself
Is it a case of hallucinogenic use, imagination gone wild or mentally unbalanced ? or all of the above ????
WOW just WOW, smh
At least this turd is original.
I do wonder though if he actually knocked on the door of the Hanoi Hilton? Or maybe he had a platinum-status rewards card? Who knows?
Dude looks like some 80’s sitcom/show reject.
Can someone offer the Cliff’s Notes version of “kissing” part of his moniker?
Oh, never mind. I probably really don’t want to know.
Self named.
Gotta wonder if Bobby knows Bernath.
He talks like he’s sipped T-bird with Psul.
Fat-fingered the report button. Sorry.
He is definitely a DRG gang prospect. I can see him now on his knees working on getting his full patch for that biker vest.
Wow… what a nut job. His website has pictures of all the presidents he’s worked with… including Truman!
We think not…
That meth is a helluva drug.
It can’t meth, he still has teeth.
You know the man is legit when he captitalizes words like:
Just An observation.
He has been to SluRPer 41’s school of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Mental Illness
Does this guy look like the long-lost brother of Boris Johnson (former Mayor of London)?
This is what happens when you sip Sterno for too long.
Bobby sounds legit to me.
I remember you could crank off a few rounds at the slopes during an ambush, and then yell “neener neener, squinty eyes.”
They really hated that…
Bobby has seen things you would never believe…
Admirals who can’t drive nuclear powered aircraft carriers out of Tokyo Bay? The hell you say. Guess it’s all that time in the Officer’s Club, must have made them soft.
Fell through a rift in space-time from the mirror universe where Spock has a goatee?
Haldol, stat. 5mg repeat until sedated.
WOW, What a story. It’s like a sore pecker-You can’t beat it.