Weekend Open Thread (UPDATE on Jonn)
Well, bye!!
And so, the last eight years are over and done with. The sun sets on the past. We have a new day ahead of us. Let’s move forward and make the most of it.
Here’s your Weekend Open Thread. Have some fun, play nice with the other kids and be home before the street lights are on.
Jonn is doing very well. Sadly, he will not have nurses fawning all over him in the near future. Someone who I will keep anonymous (TSO), made a painfully long ride to sit lovingly by his side. It was all so sweet. Feel free to press the little clicky button up in the corner and help get Jonn a membership to Dollar Shave Club. All is well, he should be home soon.
Category: Do You Miss Me Yet?
well dayum….
starting to wonder how many I can get in before someone else appears….
Yes, you are officially FIRST!!!
Congratulations, you get the snazzy team of minihorses with a coach and teensy-weensy postilions, plus an all-paid vacay to a beach on the shores of some lovely island somewhere with a few coconut trees.
Congratulations, Companero.
So it is written; so it shall be done. David is recorded in the Book of Firsts.
Is Jonn at home yet?
Hope so.
There’s only just so much hospital green Jello a man can stand.
I don’t think he’s back home just yet. We’ll probably hear from TSO before long. Have patience.
Not counting that David posted 3 times, I end up the third poster, but since Claw didn’t claim it, I am officially
750 ml?
😉 at ya, David.
Whatever #…i was outside hoping I would see Marine one fly by but it wasn’t to be. I’m hoping that they’ll fly out on the C-32 747 Blue and White pains scheme headed west out of Andrew’s AFB, and then maybe I’ll get to flip him off as he flies by.
I could only watch on TV as the big green helicopter banked away into the distance… and I said ‘Well, bye! Be a stranger! Forget to write!’
Good speech by Trump, emphasizing America as a unified country. Let’s give him a chance.
You Ex-PH2 are more of a gentleman than I. My thoughts were be gone for good you sorry sonofabitch. They were also, Wow! do we have a hot first lady or what.
CM. You know that Ex- is a woman?
Oh, he knows. I take what he said as a compliment.
What I noticed was that the rain started slowly when DTrump took the oath of office, and then the pastor (after the rabbi) said ‘rain falling on you is a good sign), so I took it that way, too.
Fucking bullshit.
Top phuking 100 !!
How’s it feel David?
I was there – once.
Kinda shocking – I thought I would have a simultaneous post with someone. Then realized I didn’t…… by the third one I started to feel like either I was somehow on the wrong site or I was showing off so I shut up.
You need to gloat and rub it in!
First bitches!
You guys are first place losers!
Read it and weep cocksuckers!
No applause, just throw money!
ex-OS2 is right David – gloat while you can and lord it over us.
Cuz we’ll do the same, we can’t help ourselves.
Yes, there is no rule against gloating. If anything, as a matter of practice, gloating is the standard. Take ex-OS’s advice. Just don’t emulate him when it comes to not being first.
I thought gloating was obligatory on this blog.
I’m a firm believer in humility… I have lots to be humble about. My gloating is like my religion – my own damn business.
There’s a good editorial article in the local paper about Mattis as the choice for SecDef. If I can find a way to link to it or copy it, I will do so.
I served in the 7th Marines with him in the mid 90’s… he’s one appointment that Trump got right from the start.
I’d follow him through the gates of Hell… no questions asked!
I was in 3/4. which was the bastard child of 7th Marines ( we were at Pendelton while they were ay 29 Palms) Mattis still made it a point to see us a lot and let us know we were his.
Yea, I’m 97th this week!!!!
Ex-PH2, Dave and TSO – Bravo Zulu to the yeoman work that all of you have put in during Jonn’s absence… you’re the best!
Jonn – get well, we miss you (PS – I threw a little dough your way the other day, figured you needed to restock the cigars, adult beverages and keep the nurses happy ;-)).
Here’s hoping to happier days ahead for all of us and the USA – have a safe weekend everyone!
PS – Nice booking pic, DANIEL A. BERNATH!
Please tell me you got a link to it!
Try this link: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=69862
Thanks. Not seeing that thread should tell you how busy I’ve been of late.
Top 20 (maybe).
In the top 20th!!!
A personal best!
Saw an interesting stat while looking at icasualties.org the other day- last year was the first year since 2008 that the U.S. had more KIAs in Iraq than Afghanistan.
So here’s something I don’t even understand a little bit…I see the protesters in DC in a large crowd moving down the street and I see them stop to vandalize a Starbucks….and I think to myself these clowns don’t even know who the CEO of the Starbucks empire is these days…and I think, well I guess that’s fitting they’re so fucking stupid they wreck the business of a guy who only donates to Democrats…
Then I thought to myself, well that’s the real lesson here isn’t it? That the Democrats have been so blind over the last 6 years they didn’t even understand they’d lost the country during that time…all the House Seats, the Governors offices, the Senate seats….they’ve just been completely fucking unaware of what’s going on. It’s why they destroyed a Starbucks…the Democrats love them some Wikileaks for Manning and hate them some Wikileaks for Podesta’s emails…they love the Russians to sell them 20% of our Uranium resources, but they hate the Russians for leaking the truth about Podesta, Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schitz…
All of these inconsistencies and they still have no fucking idea why they lost, that’s a level of hubris or stupidity or some combination of both that’s difficult to comprehend. But it’s been a fucking hysterical time on the television lately….
Also on the topic of rigged elections here’s a little gem for your amusement…
VOV – the protestors don’t give a shit, they see Starbucks and the CEO as part of the establishment known in 70’s Blackxploitation films as “DA MAN”.
If it’s big and looks mean, it belongs to “DA MAN”!
To be fair, I think today’s ‘Republican’ party isn’t exactly the same as yesterday’s either – we could argue the old-guard Republicans have lost just as much as the Democrats have in recent years, the only difference is that the new brand of Republicans are using the same name as the old ones, so it obfuscates the numbers.
But on the whole, I totally agree the assholes who are protesting and throwing bricks at cops are everything wrong with the Democrats. I mean, seriously, what the fuck? Hurting people who are there to do a difficult job, and whose politics are probably widely varied anyway? The democrats (to me) are more in line with the principles I adhere to, but their actions generally leave much to be desired. And I contend that’s why they lost – I think the key principles of the Democratic party resonate with a large percentage of the US, but the party suddenly focused on personality, not principle. And they’ve suffered greatly for it.
I do expect the numbers of seats won & lost will start to swing in the other direction now, but to go all the way the Democrats need to stop being idiots, and that’s asking a lot.
LC. I have read your comments many times and I earnestly believe that this change to one of your lines above is apt: “YESTERDAY’S [The] democrats (to me) are more in line with the principles I adhere to….”
LC – just off the top of my head, I had this thought. Back 50 years or so ago, how many politicians were what I would call “professional politicians” (maybe went to law school then to work on someones staff, the run for office – no “real world work experience”)? Now in this day and age, it seems like quite a few of the politicians on both sides are “professionals”, no real world experience, like Chuck Schumer or Paul Ryan?
Just a thought…
VOV: My money is on hubris. They ‘know’ better what is good for us and they are quite vocal in letting us know it. Meanwhile, as proof of their superiority, they have examples such as Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and other shitholes to prove what sustained Dummycrat leadership can lead to over decades of sustained neglect. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll probably continue to get what you’ve always gotten. Just rat infested shitholes to prove how superior are the Dummycrat policies. BTW, the Dummycrats don’t have a monopoly on hubris or stupidity but it does seem they have less shiny turds as examples of their incompetence.
Meanwhile, there is a new sheriff in town and maybe, just maybe, a new and improved leadership from the top can trickle down and improve the lot of Joe Citizen. That was certainly lacking the previous eight years.
Something that no one seems to have picked up on: Obama is gone and HE DIDN’T PARDON HILLARY. Want to bet her butt’s so tight it could crush diamonds right about now?
Why? Trump himself said he’s not looking to prosecute her…that aspect of the Trump presidency was over before he took the oath. If you can believe his words post-election.
Thought at the time that he worded it such that it was not his priority to find a means to prosecute, but that he wasn’t closing the door completely on the possibility should the right circumstances present themselves. It rather sounded like a message to her that she might want to behave herself or things could change.
Trump’s not going to, but the Arkansas Attorney General is already investigating the Clinton Foundation… that means Bill, Hill, and Chel.
I wonder if anyone is looking into Chel’s hubby Mark, the Investment portfolio manager? His hedge fund bet big on economic recovery in Greece, and they lost BIG!
Both OWB and Flagwaver are correct VOV. Trump did not say he would halt the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton Foundation corruption. Also, he had Arkansas Attorney General, Leslie Rutledge, visit Trump Tower and the only possible connection between Rutledge and the Trump Administration has to involve a Clinton Foundation investigation. The Clinton Foundation has offices in Little Rock thus providing Rutledge with prosecutorial jurisdiction over their activities corporate wide.
Trump can quietly lend Arkansas federal investigatory resources all while proclaiming he has nothing to do with any Clinton investigation.
This rodeo ain’t over yet, Bubba.
The other possibility is that some of those international folks who made big contributions expecting considerably more future influence than they will now get may not be nearly as forgiving as we are. And I am not particularly forgiving. In the very least, she may spend a lot of her remaining years looking over her shoulder. Teehee.
Uh, you mean like really rich bad guys who saw some very large investments go up in smoke? You think dudes like that might look for some payback?
Tell me it ain’t so…
Even though we don’t exactly know who is on that list or what their expectations were, the likelihood that at least one of them has no sense of humor about the loss of a few mil, more or less, seems pretty great. Maybe a few do and others understand that they took a risk and lost. The rest are somewhere between seething and carrying some serious animosity for having been conned.
Uh, if ‘one of them’ is who I think you mean (no names mentioned), he lost $1 Billion when the markets rose after the votes were tallied.
I don’t mean anyone in particular, just running numbers, figuring probabilities. Others may know who her donors were – I don’t and am just assuming that at least a few of them are not nice people. For all I know, every one of them is willing to go after her in the literal sense of it. I just doubt that everyone on that list is kind, considerate, and forgiving.
So are you two saying that Karma may be closing in on HRC, kind of like the way a tornado shows up when you least expect it?
Wouldn’t that be a kick in the pantsuit?
Can’t speak for Ol’ Poe, but I ain’t sayin’ nothin’ ’bout nothin’! Just observing that folks what wallows in pond scum tends ta get a tad slimy.
OWB, you realize that your inference has personal implications for Ol’ Poe, don’t you. He’ll likely spend a sleepless night.
No way he’s gonna be able to stop giggling.
Then don’t think about how future international travel for both her and Bill may be curtailed because of this. Or how she might be forced to learn to make nice to her Secret Service detail in hopes that they will protect her.
I’m going to wait and see what happens on that score. My personal hope is that she fades to nothing because no one is interested in paying her speaking fees.
Ex-PH2, my thoughts exactly. Let her go home and get sloshed every night, since no-one gives a damn about anyone named Clinton now. Just a failed ghost.
If she committed crimes and the evidence is there, she should be prosecuted, just like you, me, or anyone else. Whether I want her to be or not is neither here nor there.
What she did mostly was lie her ass off about everything. That she is/was careless as hell with secure stuff is a given. I am a firm believer in karmic payback because I’ve seen it happen. The Clintons are declawed and defanged, for the most part. Whatever happens to them, they will have brought it on themselves.
I am of two thoughts here:
1. He can’t really pardon her because she has not bee charged with anything…yet. I am sure that you can give blanket immunity. But the Feds aren’t going after her. But…Arkansas is out there!
2. He HATES the Clintons! HATES!!! In a long and loving way. When the FBI started up with the investigation right before the election, that had Lynch and Obama all over it. Not that I think it had much to do with the outcome.
So, I think he is going to fate take over. With the Clinton’s luck, nothing will happen. Hopefully they will fade away, I doubt it but it would be nice.
Once again, Obama could not pardon her for practical and political reasons.
The Supreme Court has said that a pardon means a crime has been committed. That is something that Obama has denied all along.
Acceptance of the pardon by Clinton would be an admission of a crime. She has been adamant that she has not committed any crime.
For those reasons a pardon cannot and would not have happened from Obama.
Poet: Could be a money-making enterprise. Do you suppose she could convert coal into diamonds with her butt cheeks? Meh, maybe not. The thought of her butt touching anything somehow has little appeal. I’ll need a lobotomy to get that thought out of my head.
I just have to say, that is a horrible picture you are putting into our heads and you’re a dick for being so graphic about hillary with us on a Friday.
He also didn’t pardon Bergdahl.
I looked at that link, and the absolute best – most wonderful – part of the whole story is the following collection of words:
“former President Barack Obama”
Love that word “former”!!!!
Will he file for unemployment now? He could, and he’d get it.
What do you think he will do with his time?
After all, great leaders MUST have something to do when their ‘battle’ is over, don’t they?
PT, given the alternative of watching Hillary crush diamonds with her butt cheeks, or getting slapped upside the head with a halibut, I’d have to go with the fish…
Yeah, a 400 lb barn door halibut.
Maybe she’ll have one of them thar “assidents” that are part and parcel to Bill’s legacy….
Those cheeks could crush some serious diamond, couldn’t they?
I assume that it is not necessary to ask IDC-SARC about Melania?
Nah. He’s pretty consistent.
I already rubbed one out watching her walk over to give Michelle that gift box.
so I got seconds. again. oh well, worth it.
omg, yes…
Also, that blue dress she was wearing today reminded so much of Jackie-O’s classic blue dress.
However, besides Milania, what did you think about Ivanka this morning?
She is staring to impress me as a class act. Actually, both women are – I admire the way Melania seems to stay above the fray (unlike her husband, who just can’t not respond to ANYTHING.) Oh yeah – and they are both really attractive. Love me some Slav.
FLILF–First Lady I’d Like to…
FLIBIS? First Lady I’d Bang in a Second.
The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.
Thanks for that…I’d hate to forget that simple fact, the weekly reminders are fucking awesome!!
Makes me laugh every time brother.
Oh – lest we forget about his source of income, how soon may his government contracting stuff be ending? Or does he even have that going for him any more?
I have not had an urge to go back on Active Duty in a long time. Watching my Marine brothers escort the First Lady today sure makes it tempting.
Stunning, the woman is simply stunning.
Not denigrating other first ladies because they all showed a lot of class, but it has not been since Jackie Kennedy walked into the White House that we had such glamor and sophistication on display in our first lady. Nice to see.
Meanwhile, in excess of 90 arrests of protestors. Silly press looks to outnumber the protestors at this point and they are getting in the way of the police.
Have to agree. She is a looker. I wonder if the DC Cops had enough pepper spray and rubber bullets? I could loan them some!
All the Trump ladies are almost too stunning for words. Both beautiful and classy. Those daughters? Wow, wow! Right now I’m watching President Trump review the troops. He will be a strong advocate for active military and he has said he will clean up the VA. That’s a tall order but if it can be done, Trump is the man who can pull it off. I’m optimistic.
Well, among all the good feeling about having a new C in C, I heard from my son around 1245(XO B Co 1/5 CAV). He was stop lossed yesterday. Was getting out in 2018, now 2020. His mom is not happy. C’est la guerre.
Getting stop loss orders in the 5th Cav is a tradition that probably goes back to 1855 when the regiment was created.
Back in the days when we were the “Black Knights” (before the USMA took our name) the other units called us the “All Nights” because that is how we rolled…do nothing all day, but work all night because now it is an emergency.
3-5 CAV was the best unit in Germany…and the worst…LOL
Thanks for the update, Ex.
Any time, Ed.
The former community organizer is gone, as is his radical agenda. America is on a proper road after eight years of hurtful wanderings over unfamiliar and unwanted paths. Hallelujah!
To Quote Curley Bill:
Is Bernath still in jail(other than his mind)?
Never heard of her, you got bail money?
“(other than his mind)”: Mind? He has a mind? I. did. not. know. that.
Sap was speaking loosely, Frankie.
It was easier than typing “inter-cranial vacuum.”
But the inter-cranial vacuum is required for the way Bernath makes his spending money behind the dumpsters.
We’ve been living “rent free” in his mind for some time now…
During PRESIDENT Trump’s speech, I noted the times he said ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’, etc. He used them sparingly. I may have missed some. Now, had the Loser in Chief been speaking …
If I read the transcript correctly, DJT use “I” a stunning 3 times in the speech. “We” were to numerous to quickly count. Compare that with the SCoaMF’s 70+ personal pronouns used in a given speech.
We have the “Weekend Open Thread”, appearing once a week.
We have the “Morning Feel Good Stories”, appearing with our morning coffee.
What if we had an afternoon dump, (), titled “E-Mails from Idiots”, or some such title, with a posting of the e-mails received by the admins of the site. I am thinking that traffic is such that could be a daily thing.
H’mmmm. I will copy and paste this comment to the WOT as well.
Oh, and enjoy the “Change of Command” at POTUS, Y’all.
Damn: “I will copy and paste this comment to the WOT as well.” would have been deleted if I had been proofing properly. I am working on making a pretty big change in my life, (for the better, of course), and am a bit distracted/addled.
I was thinking, what if POTUS wrote his first “executive order” as: Stop the protests NOW!
Actually, while I didn’t make myself clear, I was thinking of the e-mails that come in from those who’s validity have been questioned, such as the OnEs FrOm ThE pUrPlE sUiTeD dUmMy, AnD hIs IlK. The keep a steady stream of rubbish coming to Jonn, CV and a couple others.
Excellent idea.
e-mails from idiots? All I get is Betty Crocker, whatever is posted on TAH on my posts as comments, and fan mail from some flounders. I haven’t had the ‘lost cousin of the Iberian Prince Juan de Fucqya’ just yet, but I’m sure it’s coming.
I think that Jonn and CV get more than enough to make for some good evening reading, with that Single Malt, and a good Cohiba.
I get 50+ unwanted junk emails daily. I’ve learned not to open them for fear of infecting my puter. A sampling from today, and a common theme, promise male enhancement using safe, readily available and naturally occurring ingredients. (They must have been talking with Mrs. HMC.) Also there seem to be literally hundreds of beautiful single women who, for reasons unknown, are looking for a nearly 70 y/o fat man in need of male enhancement. Oh, and with a little effort I can have $5000+ put in my checking account by tomorrow w/o even a credit check. I’m blessed with such an outpouring of generosity.
Noticing that Jonn was “Missing in Action” earlier in the week sort of took the edge off things. When we got reports, (firstly, via Facebook, then follow up here), I felt better. I wondered what could have befallen him, and recalled his post about a Pneumonia shot a couple of days earlier. All is good now, with him back, but it was nice that some of you stepped up and kept this thing on the tracks and moving along. We have “One hell of a gang”, don’t we?
Yes, there is a helluva crew here.
We need to put Ex-PH2 in for a NAM.
I’m thinking Navy Comm.
Nah, MSM… she runs a tight ship here!
Plus she spanked me twice… AND I LIKED IT!!!!!!!!
We could make her an “Honorary”, um, er, wait. Someone else did that for himself and it didn’t go well at all for him. We will just have to settle for some good, old school, flirting. She likes that.
You guys do know I can hear everything you say, don’t you?
Of course we do. I post nothing I wouldn’t say in person, a lesson I learned long ago.
That is funny as hell.
I’ve learned so much from this GANG! First and foremost DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING WHILE PISSED! I am humbled….
James Walls, phony UH-1 pilot is still slurping cock over at the UH-1 Huey Helicopter Facebook page.
Feel free to drop some friendly “fuck you” posts over at his personal FB page. It appears others have….
Speaking of UH-1’s, 45 years ago today was my last operational flight date for the Army.
Departed Phu Bai for DaNang at 0830 hrs, returned at 1800.
Total flight time in the air: 3.0 hours
Number of landings (down and back): 13
If I remember correctly (and it really is kind of hazy) we picked up a bunch of Artillery FO’s at various fire bases along the way for a meeting at the 24th Corps HQ’s and after it was all done, we all went to the Navy PX for some shopping.
All in all, a typical Ash&Trash flight.
The flight crew for bird #15144 consisted of:
AC-1LT Faletto
CP-WO1 Sandeman
CE-SP4 Claw
DG-SP4 Crocker
And with that, my career as an Army UH-1 Crew Chief was over and it was on to bigger and better things. (in the field of motor pool repair parts and supply, you know beans, bullets, tools, flashlights, thermos jugs, bed linen, hand receipts, inventory sheets, Statements of Charges, Reports of Survey, etc, etc.)
Oh, and Left Low Ball Jimmy Walls can kiss my grits.
Aw, Rat Shit. Almost fornicated the fido again.
That should be XXIV Corps, not 24th Corps.
A thousand pardons.
My last flight in a UH-1 in RVN was as a passenger flying from Chu Lai to Cam Ran Bay on abut 9/25/1971 for the Freedom Bird. At Cam Ran, I couldn’t believe they made me submit a urine sample. There was a PFC MP overhead on a stool in the latrine making sure we all pissed in our own cup. I was upset they would do this to a career RA officer until I noticed the guy at the next urinal to my right was an O-5. My actual last flight in a UH-1 was for a parachute jump in July, 1975.
Ah, yes, the Peehouse of the Crescent Moon. Same deal at DaNang.
No whiz, No fly.
They started that in 1971? That explains why I was asked to give a BM1 a sample when I was right in the middle of processing 20 rolls of Ektachrome for the Service Schools Command at Great Lakes. It was so annoying that I asked him if he was going to watch me, and he turned red and left, so when he came back, I gave him the lidded cup with a nice sampling of color chemistry in it. Some of that stuff was so nasty, if you splashed it on your skin, it would destroy your kidneys. I hope the testers were completely puzzled by it.
Yeah. The effing anti-war, anti-military influenced powers that be decided they had to drug test everyone below O-6 before they could leave RVN to return to the US. Although, no one seemed to care when I got on airliners three times to go to Taipei, Hong Kong, and Sydney for my two R&R’s and one week leave. I guess our military powers were unconcerned about my drug-addled state when I was interacting with citizens in other countries.
Did the Navy PX have better deals on Fresca?
They must have. Couldn’t find a single can anywhere in the AO.
Those Navy types must have really loved that Fresca.
Oh, wait, the Navy had ice machines in every hooch, along with a soft serve ice cream maker. That explains the “Sold Out” sign in the soda pop section.
How silly of me to have tried to get any Fresca in the DaNang BX.
Air Force had ketchup at 8th aerial port in Pleiku.
I crewed A and B models with Air Mob Company, 101st AVN BN(Prov) 101st Airborne, 1962-64. The A model that I crewed longest, #58-2091, was placed on a pedestal in front of 101st HQ in 1973, and stayed there until 2013, when it was removed and restored, and put in front of 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, all at Ft. Campbell.
Dang Claw, an O2 and W1 were in the cockpit? Not many stick hours were there? But then you could get a lot quick in that era.
Yes Sir, sometimes those Direct Combat Support (DCS) missions were a lot of hurry up and wait, sitting on the pad waiting for the VIP’s to wrap up the meeting. Totally different ball game when it came to Combat Assault (CA) missions for the day.
As far as the AC and CP, their ranks pretty well were in the normal range. Especially for the Warrants. Them guys could fly their asses off (in terms of thousand plus hours or more) and would not have the time in service/time in grade yet to make CW2 by the time their tour was up.
Also, rank was not necessarily a determining factor in who would be the Aircraft Commander or the Co-Pilot on a given day. That’s where the experience factor comes into play.
I’ll take a WO1 with eight or nine months of flying in our area of operations as an AC over a CPT or MAJ with two months in country any day.
I always heard that if you saw and O4/5 up front, it wasn’t good. They may have been good as a O2/3 but they didn’t get the hours later. I always wanted to see a Warrant, esp W2.
Claw and Air Cav, ever fly convoy escort? I hated that worse than the Da Nang mail run? Joejj
I don’t know about ya’ll, but I am surely going to sleep better tonight! Does anyone know where the former asshole in chief is going for his last taxpayer paid vacation? I hope he catches the clap!
California, to help with the revolt.
Naw, he is going to Palm Springs to play golf, thus assuring Lars he is not a slacker. Nobody works as hard on his swing and chip shot like this guy.
Dimes to donuts he’s a governor within eight years, and his wife a Senator. Wideload could also probably be elected governor or Senator, but I don’t think her health will hold up.
Naw. Neither one of them wants to take a “job” which would require them to be somewhere on a regular schedule. A college position somewhere is about as much commitment to a workplace as they could handle.
WW. I don’t give a shit, personally, but I heard on the car radio today that he was going to Palm Springs.
“I hope he catches the clap!” Is that something that gays can give one another?
Just sayin…
Quit playing videos and go read the article at the link on the thread about Mattis.
100th! I’ve never done the even numbered 100 before, so that’s kind of neat.
Glad you’re better Jonn.
I can relate to the President: I’m an old fart and a beautiful, young, lady flew into my life and kept me alive. I see the Pres with that beautiful lady holding his hand and I relate…except that I’m still just an old fart with no reveille alarm.
Can I get an Amen Claw?
Amen! (ad finitum or however it’s spelled for forever and ever)
I’m sure by now that I’ve had a USSS file opened on me. Since President Trump’s Inauguration Ceremony I have called the White House at least eighteen times asking to speak to 0bama himself and each time their Operator has told me “Barack 0bama is no longer the President of the United States.” and I can’t hear that enough right now, it’s like listening to an old favorite song again and again!
AW1Ed submitted, CWORet authorizes (kinda).
THE SECRETARY (of not so much) AT TAH
EX-PH2 (former)
FOR THE SECRETARY (of not so much)
COMMANDING (of nothing but his workshop and grill)
hear hear! Awesome!
Hear Hear HERE!
(Pix or it didn’t happen 😉 )
SHIT!!! Forgot the award! Here, you print it out and tape it to your vest.
This stupid link better work. Or you get mine mailed to you.
Stupid long redonkulous link, but Ex-PH2’s award is there.
I am honored.
Congratulations! It is well deserved.
That’s a purty green ribbon…it’ll bring out the color in her eyes.
I have the .docx which actually looks pretty nice. The pasted one above not so much, I tried format and whatnot. Failed in here. What the hell, it’s a great day today and ex-OS2 didn’t call me a cocksucker! whoop WHOOP!!!
I reserve that word for not posting first in the WOT and the posers.
You, my friend are Honorable.
Thank you, but I had some VERY good helper elves, miscreants though they may be in real life. No one functions in a vacuum. I could not have done it with out their/your help.
I will put it up on my Wall of Walls.
Besides, someone had to keep the ship on course, right? Chief of the boat was out on SIckie Poos, Top Secret Ordinanceman has a bad back and a rugrat to mind, and the weather was just awful. Protesters were everywhere, but when they tried to block the ship from getting underway, we let them have it with the contents of the overboard discharge pipe. The Marines also provided cover, firepower, and manliness.
Eight bells and all is well.
No Ma’am, I hear you. I was just showing some props. You really stepped up this week, tho. It was kinda based on a JarHead joke AWed started about Marines in general and the NAM. A few Friday post inauguration libations and I just ran with it. You certainly earned the first ever TAH NAM. Do you think Mattis will rescind it? I think not.
No, but if you can get him to sign it… then I’ll have his autograph and everyone else will die of envy. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I must add that I will ONLY fire for effect if asked to.
Otherwise, center mass and bombs away!
Very well deserved!
I would like to recommend that the following line be added to the award:
Naughty, naughty.
Am I Gehy? (not that there is anything wrong with being so). I have this urge to see what FLOTUS will wear to the balls tonight. I think I’m ok since I DGAS who made what FLOTUS will wear. I just want to see what she wears.
Just saw it. omg. IDC-SARC is gone
Nothing to worry about unless you decide you want to buy one just like it, sj.
Next question: Will she be in the same gown at the next ball? Remember back in the day when the first ladies might change gowns between balls? TMI???
(Yes, I will admit being fascinated that the Smithsonian had an exhibit of first ladies inauguration ball gowns. It really was pretty spiffy.)
That is one wowser of a dress.
I hope we will get some elegance back into the White House now. I remember that photo of Jackie Kennedy lighting candles on the table for a state dinner at the White House, wearing a gorgeous ballgown and elbow-length gloves. It has been a very long time.
I’ve always thought that Nancy Reagan and Laura Bush were/are pretty elegant. I did notice Mrs Trump’s gorgeous suit and matching shoes and gloves(!) this morning, though.
It’s the shoes that are the key, sj. If you start getting turned on by the First Lady’s footwear then I’m afraid you may be Geyh.
But look at the upside: You could add some cultural sensitivity to all us knuckle dragging Neanderthals here at TAH, informing us how to coordinate our footwear to our overalls so as to be more acceptable when we visit Starbucks for our lattes.
Today’s Fashion Tips for Men
Your socks don’t have to match if you’re not going to sit down
If your belt and shoes don’t match (i.e., black/black or brown/brown) you get a pass if your holster matches one of the other.
Never throw away an unmatched sock. You may be going somewhere where you don’t have to sit.
Never buy a tux. There are a great many meals and beers between wearings and, ultimately, you’ll have to rent one anyway.
Ugly shirts are precisely the reason the hooded sweatshirt was invented. Use it.
Comb over looks good to you but it looks good only to you. Same thing with a hairpiece. It is what it is. Accept it.
Bald men with big guns are hot tamales.
As in Jesse “The Body” Ventura in a pink tutu hot?
No, wait, that’s just wrong..
No, he never looked even remotely that good.
I was thinking more along the lines of The Rock.
And the new SECDEF is known (respectfully) as “Mad Dog”.
Now this is Hope and Change!
I just heard on the radio that he showed up at the Pentagon today. I guess he’ll take Saturdays off when all of our troops do. Perhaps he’s collecting name plates from desks. If I were a pentagonal with oBaMa’s dickprint on my lips, I would be very nervous this weekend.
My thoughts on the inauguration:
The OFFICIAL White House five hour long video recording of the inauguration:
President Trump’s inaugural speech:
Thank you John!
@ ex-OS2:
You’re quite welcome!
Can anybody answer this question?
President Trump and I are the same age, except I’m a few months older – – – , his birthday isn’t until 14 June (the ARMY’s birthday!), while mine is next Saturday.
Obviously, he’s in GREAT physical shape, while I am housebound with a collapsing spine.
When I watch all those folks at the inauguration, sitting up there on the reviewing stand or riding in limousines, or when I see those troops standing at attention for hours on end, I have to wonder – – – ?
What if one of those folks suddenly has to go to the latrine, right smack dab during the middle of the ceremony?
That cold rainy weather would REALLY stimulate my bladder!
How do those folks endure it?
Happy Birthday, OL MAN?? SAID with deepest respect for my elders??
Video recording of the Communists rioting in downtown Washington, D.C.:
Additional video footage of Communists rioting in downtown Washington, D.C.:
Thanks, John, for providing this.
The guy busting the storefront window needs to have the pink fluffy stuff ooze out of his eyes, ears, nose and throat in front of everybody. Betcha they leave after seeing that. I am not condoning violence, just pointing out something that could easily happen.
Bear spray…gotta live it. They should also use flor-orange spray paint on anyone smashing/looting, etc. They’ll make it easier to “single them out” for a little “R&R”… (ROT & RESTITUTION)
The next vid had a guy smacking the shit out of the pussies. “Hit a woman”….reaaaaaly, you mean you “men” didn’t guard/protect her? What….a…surprise…. You show up and act like that, GENDER ASIDE, one should EXPECT to get one’s ass handed to them.
Yes,they’re really PEACEFUL protesters, aren’t they?
As I recall, the protests about the Vietnam War can barely measure up to this peaceful, and obviously nonviolent crowd. Wonderful souls, aren’t they?
I just wish I’d been there with a firehose hooked up to a hydrant. A girl can dream, can’t she?
NEAR last..
?Jonns recuperating?
Heading to WESTWEGO, LA to support a friend who’s son a MARINE VETERAN AND POLICE OFFICER WHO WAS MURDERED BY A PUNK BITCH when he responded to a vehicle crash the punk caused while trying to kill a women who had him arrested for rape. AFTER shooting Micheal in the head he walked around the car and shoot the woman who was laying on the ground. A FUND ME has been opened for the Michaels wife and two children.
R.I.P. MICKY BOY ?????
THREE: Does it count as one each if I was misidentified by a name three times? YES #145 AND FUCK OFF WITTLESS DALLAS
Glad you are okay
217 arrested and my liberal friends are distancing themselves from them as fast as they can.
Liberal tears quench my thirst.
There are sympathy protest marches occurring in Australia today. I guess they don’t have anything better to do.
I was listening to FM Dot Com on my computer, which broadcasts from London, England, and the reported that there will be a Women’s Protest March in London today.
“the” should be “they”.
The women in England are marching to protest President Trump’s inauguration.
According to FM Dot Com, the women are also protest marching in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
That same broadcast reports that men and children have joined with the women.
Aw, shucks, us guys GOTS to go where the females are, huh?
That ain’t politics – – – , that’s Nature.
What is fucking hilarious is that the reporters outnumbered the protesters.
This is a scream. On DAY ONE of the Trump/Pence administration, the White House website dropped all mention of global warming. The change–she comes.
Oh! Wait! What! It’s – it’s gone?!?
And now is the summer of our discontent made glorious winter by these sons of January – or something like that.
You should see all the snow outside my window.
It’s time for eggnog and fruitcake, or possibly a dogsled race.
When I lived in Saint Anthony, Idaho, which is located near Yellowstone National Park and Jackson Hole, where Utah, Wyoming, and Montana come together, every Winter, we had the Great American Dogsled Race and a cross-country snowmobile race.
The boys from West Hog Flats got slapped around pretty good last night, losing a home game by 27. The -27/-28 is right on their average spread between offense/defense.
In regards to that other team from the county just to the south of WHF, they also blew their chances of a perfect season (and a 119 game losing streak) last night by winning their home game by 12 against the adjoining county to the west. So the suspense has ended, and with that so shall my reporting of their season. As far as the WHF season, only if a miracle occurs (like actually winning a Sectional game) will I give an update.
Many Thanks go out to the faithful followers of West Hog Flats Boys Basketball and we now return you to your regularly scheduled programing.
And a small bit of other basketball news that pertain to a couple of our TAH commenters:
Dave Hardin’s Cubs are 5-8 on the season, while Twist’s Warriors are 10-2.
What about the East Westchester North-stars, Champions of the Southern Conference?
I do appreciate their consistent display of abilities.
James Walls, aka Jimmy Balls, aka The Cocksucker, aka phony UH-1 pilot finally blocked me from his personal FB page after I carpet bombed it.
Fucking cocksucker.
James Walls is not a pilot.
James Walls was not a Huey pilot in Vietnam.
James Walls sucks cock behind dumpsters in Tarrant County Texas.
Feel free to drop some friendly “fuck you” posts on him.
Caught Trump’s address to the CIA, and I got to admit he was a rambling nonsensical embarrassment. He needs to remember he is the President now, The thinskiness, and desperate need for approval is getting tired. Going on, and on about his crowd size at the inaugural or the unfair media while speaking to CIA employees? Makes me wish Pence was the prez.
Wittless Wonder PURPLEHEART PARACHUTIST aka DALLASSCLOWN says he’s in CAMBODIA on a Quest to RETRIEVE SSGT JAMES M RAYS REMAINS. Eyes say he’s in Orange City, Florida the lying punk….
This is for you Ex-PH2:
It’s a short account of a fellow who was born in Rochester, New York and whose Dad worked for Eastman Kodak there. Dad must have talked about his work and his son must have listened intently because the boy developed a love for cameras, especially the 35 mm Mitchell, and photography. Well, when the son reached enlistment age, he joined the Marines because, his Mom would later say, they were the only the branch who used the Mitchell at the time. After Boot Camp, the young Marine attended an Army school for combat photography. Afterwards, he was assigned to a Marine unit and soon was off to Vietnam. On 12 October 1967 he was with his company on a recon-in-force assignment when it came up against a much larger NVA force. The two forces engaged and, at some point, the young combat photographer saw a grenade land among him and three other Marines. As he yelled an alert to them, he jumped on that grenade and smothered it with his own body. His name was William Thomas Perkins, Jr. and for that selfless act he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. He was all of 20-years old. Last year, his Mom donated that Medal of Honor to the Smithsonian, afraid that after her passing, it might end up in, as she put it, in a brown box in someone’s basement. It is part of a permanent, rotating exhibit there. Corporal William Thomas Perkins, Jr., USMC, is the only combat photographer ever to have been awarded the Medal of Honor.
Thank you, Air Cav. I do appreciate that.
There was a march at various sites around the country today, something to do with everything, apparently, but involving mostly white women, some 600 of them Canadians who came here to protest something or other American. Anyway, one of the DC participants is named Khai Willson. If you google that name you will see many hits, all having to do with her being a Veteran with a service dog. Yeah, anyway, here’s a link. Go to it. Page down until you see the bowling bowl on a clown hat with a dog and a sign. If looking at her doesn’t give you PTSD, nothing ever will.
“With a service golden retriever, Fargo, by her side, U.S. Army veteran Khai Willson walked toward the marchers with a sign in her hand: “I served for better than this.”
Willson enlisted in the military shortly at the Twin Towers fell and served for more than a decade, mostly as a linguist. She suffered a brain injury that left her with post-traumatic stress disorder. She was reluctant to discuss how it had happened, afraid that the memories could trigger problems for her in such a large crowd.”
Not sure what army that fat fucked served in but she forgot her honor vest. I would pay to see an FOIA on miss piggy.
Another gem:
“Her friend, teacher Maree Mitchell, 49, from Missoula, Mont., said she plans to make a difference in coming years by teaching her students how to identify fake news, a phenomenon that was widespread during the 2016 election.”
I was unaware that was on the school curriculum. I thought they were supposed to teach silly shit like math and spelling.