The House stages “sit in”

| June 22, 2016

Sit in

3E9 sends a link to the news that, frustrated by the failure of Senate Democrats to pass any gun control legislation, John Lewis staged a sit in on the House floor today;

“Sometimes you have to do something out of the ordinary. Sometimes you have to make a way out of no way. We have been too quiet for too long,” the Democratic civil rights leader said, as nearly 30 of his colleagues came to join him on the floor. “There comes a time when you have to say something, when you have to make a little noise, when you have to move your feet. This is the time. Now is the time to get in the way. The time to act is now. We will be silent no more.”

The group the[n] chanted from the floor: “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!” and “No bill, no break!” while the House remained in recess as of 1 p.m. ET.

Good for them – it worked so well for them in the 60s, they should try it again. It might be harder for them to get up off the floor now than it did 50 years ago, though. I know it is for me.

And former President Bill Clinton tweeted his encouragement, writing, “This is leadership” and linking to Lewis’ tweet about the sit-in.

Yeah, leadership. A bunch of old farts sitting on the floor (probably for the first time in their lives) is going to change the world. They should just sit there for the next two years, too – think how much that would change stuff!!! Better yet, they can all go on strike – just go home and don’t collect their pay and benefits for a couple of years, that would teach us a lesson, let me tell you! And they’d be doing a better service for their country than when they sit in chairs in the House.

Category: Politics

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More like a shit in.
I hope they don’t leave any stains on the carpeting.
Stupid assholes.
Just more ineffectiveness and attention whoring.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure there is already a carpet cleaning crew on call to clean up their slobber and drool stains on the floor after they’re done with their thumbsucking hissy-fit and I’m sure they’ll wet their beds tonight as well.


Carpet stains shouldn’t be a problem but they’ll be picking at their ass-cracks for a week trying to pry out those Depends.


I think he is the stupid S.O.B. that said they didn’t need to beef up the military on Okinawa because it would sink the island!! What kind of freaking moron would vote for a retard like that?


Actually that was Hank Johnson talking about Guam.


Don’t mind desert. I think he’s doing some sort of performance art experiment to make all right wingers look completely off the reservation.


When are they going to start stamping their feet and crying?

A Proud Infidel®™

I thought they already were. IMHO they’re acting like THAT CHILD in either a Laundromat or grocery store, THAT ONE bawling and carrying on because he or she didn’t get the candy they wanted right there and then.


Your tax dollars at work.


I’m glad none of them are from my state and that I didn’t vote for them.

If I had voted for them, I would be more pissed at their stupidity than I am now.

Anyone that did vote for them should be embarrassed right now, but I guess to some they represent courage.

A Proud Infidel®™

“There comes a time when you have to say something, when you have to make a little noise, when you have to move your feet…”
JUST WHEN WE THOUGHT those extremely juvenile self-centered overpaid attention whores elected to office couldn’t come up with a more juvenile hissy-fit, THEY PROVE US WRONG.



Ahhhh, nothing like a bunch of career politicians taking up the “Social Justice Warrior” mantle.

Lewis kinda looks like Trigglypuff.


OK, alright, I give in, they changed my mind.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO they’re pouting like Lars T. does every time someone calls him on his BS.


Next thing will be a hunger strike…nah, these elitist pigs won’t miss a meal for anything.


Might as well ask them to take a vow of poverty.




Or chastity


signed, the Democrat Party.

2/17 Air Cav

Lewis starting spouting off about the victims of violence and seemed not to be able to stop. Children, babies, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughter, sons…and that’s where I cut the video. This guy is a laugh a minute. Did I mention he looks like a well dressed Old Wino?

B Woodman

The last semi-sane individual leaving the room, turn out the lights and lock the door behind you.

L. Taylor

Liberals are making a huge mistake trying to make this a defining issue this season.

Hillary is a vulnerable candidate due to her low favorability rating and the public’s general lack of trust in her. So even a deeply flawed and disliked candidate like Trump has a chance against her.

This will come down to three primary factors (baring an indictment of Hillary or a GoP contested convention to eliminate Trump)…

1. How many moderate republicans move to Hillary.
2. How many Bernie supporters refuse to vote for Hillary and write in Bernie or vote Green or Libertarian.
3. Turnout. Trump supporters are more enthusiastic toward Trump on average than Hillary supporters are enthusiastic about Hillary. The plurality of voters do not much like either candidate. The turnout will be determined by those that are concerned for other issues and perceptions about where the candidates stand on those issues.

And Turnout is where the Gun control fight hurts Dems. People who own guns tend to be far more concerned with 2nd amendment issues than people that don’t. And they are far more likely to be motivated to turn out when issues concerning the 2nd amendment are part of the core issues of the campaign.

Those concerned about the 2nd amendment are more likely to vote Trump.

So democrats making this a core issue are helping increase turnout for Trump.

A Proud Infidel®™

I still remember the 1988 US Presidential Election when Mike Dukakis publicly stated that he did not believe in gun ownership or possession by any other than the Police or Military and the polls quickly swung in favor of G. H. W. Bush (Bush 41 to Californites) and let’s not forget the gun ban law that “Blowjob Willie” had passed by his demo-rat Clowngress that helped cause the turnover of 1994. IMHO the more the left screams for Gun Control the less people will vote for them!


I think you’re probably right. I’m sure most Dems see this as an opportunity to score political points, but they may well turn off more voters than they turn on.


OK – so Hell has officially frozen over cuz I pretty much agree with Larsy.
Mercy me.


Amazing, right? But credit where credit is due.


We do live in interesting times


Part of the strength of the NRA is that it is one of the most successful lobbying groups ever at getting its membership to actually vote. 5 million votes is a pretty powerful bloc, and in a big election they will probably get at least 60% out. Three million may not sound like much, but when you have around 150,000,000 voters, and only about 45-50% turn out in any Presidential race, a near-unanimous voting bloc of 4% is enough to swing the tide of most elections. Plus, though the NRA may have ‘only’ 5 million members, there are several times that many people who are gun owners who probably will not respond well to “we want to take your gun because we don’t trust you.”


Well said


Sometimes, particularly at times like this, I’m sad that Flight 93 went down in Shanksville, PA.

//”Too soon?”

Pinto Nag

Bad dog! No biscuit!


I used to sit on the floor… when I went to visit my mother at her apartment. I’d lean up against the couch, because she had this old console TV and sitting on the floor made it easier to watch the TV.

Sea Dragon

Give them each a rattle and a pacifier.



2/17 Air Cav

The leader is the first one who sits on the floor. The others are merely followers. What I want to hear but will not: “Sergeant at Arms! Present the Mace!”

Semper Idem

B Woodman

Yep. The Picard Double Face Palm


I love the fact that everyone (meaning democrats and their minions) keeps missing the part where the Senate Democrats voted down two bills the same night the Senate Republicans did.

The difference being that the bills voted down by Democrats had provisions protecting Due Process.



Most of you children are too young to remember sit-ins in the 60s. They were a lot of work for the cops because first you had to cuff them, then carry their skinny asses off to transportation. It would be worse now, most of these people are carrying more fast food than 60s protesters.

FWIW, I think that people in the 60s were more sympathetic to such BS – it was better political theater. These people are elected representatives and they are supposed to be more dignified than this. Besides if you look behind them, there are hundreds of empty chairs. WTF is that about? Did they ask for popcorn and nobody brought any? Did one of these United States Congress-persons lay on their belly, pound their fists, kick their feet, and screech like a chimp? Well then, can I have a video of that?

Semper Idem

That’s exactly what I was thinking. The sit-ins of the 1960s were a way for those powerless members of our society to get noticed. The civil rights crowd had legitimate grievances then. But seeing a bunch of powerful people doing the same thing is just pathetic.

I wonder how many Congressional candidates running against the incumbents in that video will use said video against them?

Pinto Nag

You put it better than I would have. Seeing our elected officials acting like spoiled brats left me speechless.


The purpose of the “sit-in” of the 60’s were the perfect response to “hey colored boy, you can’t sit here.” It was the original and very effective “occupy (fill in the blank)” movement. Mr. Lewis, it doesn’t work here. You were a brave man back in the day, and stood up when it was necessary and effective. This is not that day. Your party is advocating the same civil rights you fought for with the original sit-ins. If a Conservative / Republican proposed a measure such as your party proposed, revoking voting rights that are guaranteed by the constitution instead of the rights guaranteed by the second amendment, or possibly revoking your right to free speech, or free and peaceful assembly, or unreasonable search and seizure of property without due process of law, you would have screamed to high heaven. However, when you want to restrict due process because of a vague and largely unrestricted “no fly list”, you’re suddenly the voice of justice. I’m throwing a bullshit flag on your tantrum.


There’s no hippie like an old hippie


Just when I think that Democrats could not possibly get any dumber they go and do something like this…. and totally redeem themselves!!


“There comes a time when you have to say something, when you have to make a little noise, when you have to move your feet. This is the time. Now is the time to get in the way. The time to act is now. We will be silent no more.” Really!

Okay then, let’s break dance!!! Go ahead…bust a move!

Hack Stone

Maybe a game of Twister will spontaneously break out.

The Other Whitey

A bunch of liberal congresscritters sitting on their fat asses. How is this news?

Perry Gaskill


Some of the TAH legal beagles might have a better grip on this, but it seems to me that a group which impedes the normal workings of the House of Representatives is guilty of the criminal offense of contempt of Congress. And if Barack Obama supports such activity, which he does according to the CNN story, that could make him a co-conspirator and subject to impeachment.

So here’s a question: What liabilities, if any, does House Speaker Paul Ryan have in not enforcing the rules?

2/17 Air Cav

None. Those silly phukers can do damn near anything they want during session with impunity. Ryan could have called for the sergeant at arms to present the mace, to restore order, but then he would have been accused of loosing the police dogs or hitting them with rubber bullets and water from fire hoses.


Ryan actually had the BEST response, the one they used…

They called a vote, voted, and then adjourned for the weekend

” OK we’re done here, um, we’re leaving for the weekend, yall have a good time, um, hey clean up after yourself and no wild parties…k? ” 😀


What statement are they trying to make? That they are a bunch of spoiled brat control freaks? Are they going to pout and pound their little fists on the floor?

This is asinine childishness, not worthy of adults. Every one of these jackasses should be recalled by the voters in their respective states.


This is asinine childishness, not worthy of adults.

That’s pretty much a definition of Congress, no?


I was being polite. 🙂

Green Thumb

They pepper spray these clowns in California.

They would do well to remember that.


Did they get read children’s books, have nap time with milk and cookies too? If not I think they should do it again the right way.

I want to see a pink bonnet on John Lewis too.


Spoiled children who throw tantrums get ignored until they decide to act civilly.


The Republican’s turned off the mics and tv cameras and went home. Turn off the power and let them sit in the dark.


Occasionally, a fly swatter works wonders.


MOM D was dangerous with a wooden spoon.

A Proud Infidel®™

I still think that Momma Infidel®™ had THE fastest wooden in all the West back when I was just a yard ape.


So basically daycare for adults.


There is an adult in that picture?


Someone with the skilz needs to photoshop their heads onto frogs’ bodies, then post to the interwebz

Make them the laughingstock of the world.


How about baby caps and pacifiers instead?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Get them some woobies and a chorus to sing “Kumbaya” to them…

Doc Savage

*sigh*….liberal voters getting their money’s worth.

“A pig will always vote for the farmer that brings them free food….even when its bacon”

A Proud Infidel®™

“A SHEEP will always vote for whomever feeds it even when it’s the one fattening it up for the slaughterhouse.”


They still haven’t outlawed ammonium nitrate, diesel fuel and Ryder rental trucks.

New, temper-tantrum gun laws won’t stop anything…


Fertilizer is not an illegal substance. Neither is urine. Both are ingredients in gunpowder and fireworks.

Hack Stone

Unfortunately, California State Sen. Leland Yee (Democrat) was unable to participate.




I wonder if there are any adults in the Dem Party. This type of juvenile stunt emboldens our enemies around the world.

“If we can’t ram our agenda down America’s throats on the backs of 50 dead Americans then we will throw a tantrum”


No, there are not.


There at least a couple of dozen hilarious aspects of their widdle sit down. Too, too funny.

Ya gotta wonder if they understand that most of the country is laughing at them. Probably not, not that it matters to them. Although, many of them are unaccustomed to being laughed at. Someone REALLY needs to let them know.


I think they’ll find out, unless of course, they want to censor the news.


This is nothing new.

Green Thumb

I wonder if they are hungry yet?


I’d enjoy seeing this happen in the Senate. Harry Reid would never be able to get up. He’d have to stay there forever. Except for a Klan rally. He’d get up for a Klan rally.


The ultimate bit of this kabuki politics is that none of the morons sitting there have actually offered up any legislation on which to hold a vote.


And it isn’t going to result in the change they think it will. This is probably the best thing that could happen – gridlock Congress even more so they can’t get bills passed, including gun restrictions.

The downside is they’ll energize their base with the grandstanding, helping Clinton.


Yet they were able to find time to pass a bill that spends $1.1B to combat the zika virus.


Bets on whether it makes it through the Senate?

“Democrats vowed to derail the legislation in the Senate because it includes $750 million in budget cuts to other health care programs.”

No sense cutting other funding to pay for this according to Dems.


This pisses me off. There are three co-equal branches to the United States Government. These fine not-upstanding individuals aren’t sitting on the steps or a sidewalk or blocking the entrance to a building, they are sitting on the carpet in the main meeting room for the United States House of Representatives. This is insulting to the institution that there were elected to and insulting to everyone who values our representative political system.

I suppose that it is possible that there are citizens who support this juvenile behavior, speaking for myself, I feel embarrassed. These people are supposed to be leaders and representatives – not some BS thing but the real deal. WTF are they doing on the floor?


Look at it from my viewpoint: they’re still at it because they probably can’t even get up to take a bathroom break. Breakfast? I hope someone made a stop at McD’s for them. The more ridiculous they are, the better.

I expected better of people who are in the legislature. I will never take any of them seriously again, but I will point at them and laugh.

2/17 Air Cav

If they want to bring this to a fast close all that has to be done is to announce that Nancy Pelosi and John Lewis will employ the nudeclear option. That’s right. Capitulation or the two begin to strip. It would all be over in seconds.


Dunno about that, 2/17. Many people are mesmerized by the grotesque and can’t look away. Just watch any busy highway when there’s a crash and observe how many “lookie-loos” there are screwing up the flow of traffic because they just have to rubberneck.


yeah, but those are disgustingly twisted mangled bodies…. 2/17’s talking Pelosi.


Occupy HoR….when does the raping start?


err…when does the raping stop? (Everyday that Congress is in session, we lose a little more freedom)


Where is the NAACP and Al Sharpton, griping about how this pack of Libtards is likening gun control to the Civil Rights movement? That should get factions of the left at each other’s throats till this blows over.


The same group who fought FOR civil rights supporting a group of morons who want to RESTRICT civil rights…


They’re only civil rights if the Left approves. Otherwise, it is another attempt by the NRA/The Right to maintain power over the … what are they supposed to be doing?


Well, that was quick. Demotards have cancelled the shit-in for gun control. Better luck next time.


I hope their legs and behinds go numb and they can’t get up without professional help.

They have shown clearly that they are only in this line of work for themselves.

What a bunch of jerks.


Is that Hillary standing next to these nut jobs in one of her famous pantsuits? Maybe not. She doesn’t look fat enough.


They’re gunna shit all over themselves now…SCOTUS just made a ruling that strikes down Obeezy’s executive orders on illegal immigrants.


This is the new type civil disobedience: Folks who have been serving in this chamber for decades are protesting that they have done nothing constructive during that time. Of course, they are coming and going when they opt to do so, for sleep breaks or whatever else they do while not seated in their work place.

Yep, it’s the new way to have a crusade – sleep in your own bed, continue to eat your very expensive meals, and only sit on plush carpet in a climate controlled room. No chance of being arrested since they all have access to the room and the House is not in session.

It’s nice that the official cameras are turned off and that instead the members are broadcasting their own pics of the proceedings. Clever. They are providing evidence for all to enjoy. Forever.


Its over, someone said vacation time and they all ran for the door.


They should all lose pay for the time they were refusing to work.


Nah. Lobbyist just rang the dinner bell.


Lest we forget, this is not the first time that the House of Reps has engaged in ridiculous behavior. The infamous brawl of 1878 between Galusha Crow and Laurence Keitt takes the real prize. 30 people joined them.–House-of-Representatives/

Next time they do something like this, let’s start a betting pool.

Silentium Est Aureum

Meanwhile, Leland Yee is still in prison for weapons trafficking.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe someone should have called for a few septic tank vacuum trucks, they’re useful for removing SHIT like them!