Art Leal and PTS

| January 8, 2016

Art Leal1

According to Your Basin News, there’s a fellow by the name of Art Leal who is handing out these cards to business owners when he sees someone carrying a weapon openly in their establishment in Odessa, Texas;

Art Leal PTS Card

It says that Art is a combat veteran who suffers from PTS and that he won’t be back to the business to spend his pennies because the sight of a gun triggers his PTS. I’m sure that the business owners are relieved that he won’t be back in Art Leal’s case. See Art is a Democrat politician who clearly has an agenda – to pander to the anti-gun nuts. I’m guessing that there are a few of those in Texas.

I was going to do a FOIA on Art, but there’s really no justification for that. He claims that he was a tank mechanic on an M-88 tank-recovery vehicle in the 24th Division during Desert Storm and that he’s 30% disabled. It would surprise me if someone lied about that and then made the blatantly disingenuous claim that the sight of a handgun triggering the PTS. In the article, a therapist takes up for Art;

“The mental scars and the mental recognition people have from that traumatic event the battle field and can go on for years and years,” [Dr. Sudip Bose] said.

Those scars are the reason why Leal’s passes out small cards to businesses allowing open carry. He wants to remind them and gun owners he suffers from PTSD and open carry could be a trigger for him or others with the condition.

I dispute that. It seems to me that Leal is just being a Drama Queen. Yes, he’s a combat veteran, in a very remote sense, but using that for his own political purposes doesn’t help the rest of us when he uses it to be a big crybaby. These guys are as bad as vegans who use their dietary choices as the first topic of conversations with new acquaintances. I’m not a big advocate of “open carry”, but bed-wetting Art Leal and his phony microagression doesn’t do anything useful for anyone except advance his own name-recognition and not in a good way.

Art Leal2

ADDED: This triggers my rage;

Art Leal open carrying

This beret triggers my rage:

Art Leal beret

This triggers my rage;

Lail war story

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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The next time Leal tries to hand out one of these silly–assed cards, someone should tell him to crawl back under the “safe space” of his rock.


Ironic how the DR that is quoted is not a mental health professional. He’s an ER doctor. So he isn’t exactly qualified to properly diagnose PTSD. But he apparently was a Major in the Army, who treated Saddam and got a bronze star. Maybe a FOIA on him….


He is, indeed, a stump-sucking opportunist of the worst kind. I’m sure he knows all the trigger words, too. In view of that, I will endeavor to find as many weapons-related terms as I possibly can to enhance my vocabulary and spit them out in his general direction.

That giant sucking noise you hear is your tax money heading in his direction. I suggest we break wind to block the flow.

Just An Old Dog

He claims to be a communuity leader, he’s one of those ethnic politicians, in his case Hispanic, who is sucking up the the Democratic party to get backing for his run for Mayor.

Fox Adler

Mr. Leal is a Member of the VFW in Odessa. Go there and meet him….before critizing him…I personallyknow him. Anyone that served in Combat missions and, is really a Veteran would not throw bull shit at another Veteran. And yes…out in the field we need mechanics and fuel for our tanks… I Checked Mr. Leal Out and he is a Decorated Veteran…Some of you should put your Credential to the Test and go Join the VFW , here in Odessa. However, maybe you won’t be Accepted because you’re NOT a Veteran or you Did Not serve Overseas…


Sockpuppet clean-up on aisle 4…


on my way….mop,bucket & clorox, extra strength.


Other clean up crew on its way. Soap and Water in the mouth as well as a good ear scrubbin. And a good turn of the wrench.


Make that soap “Don Maximo”. . .

Dave Hardin

So what, let it trigger his PTS. The rest of the world will just kiss his ass because he has issues. I just walk around all day on egg shells worried that I might do something to trigger PTS in a Veteran.

We used to have a word for these guys…wait its coming to me… I think it was…Pussy. Ya, thats it.

B Woodman

Just tell “him” to wash the sand out of his mangina.


I left that exact comment on his FB page. Deleted and blocked quicker than an LT getting lost with a compass.


I get that on Twitter all the time.
It’s a blast ain’t it?

Climb to Glory

Huge pussy. If I ever handed out one of those cards I’d kick my own ass.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Looks like Art is one of them Social Warrior types…

Looks like the Permian Basin Marines put out some “preemptive” warnings on their Facebook page

Care to guess his political leanings?

Maybe Lars needs to hook up with him?


That’s interesting. He’s claiming to have been a Sergeant. When everything he’s publicly posted states that he was a Specialist.
I was a Specialist twice and a Sergeant twice and I don’t think I ever got them mixed up to the point of not saying ‘that’s not right’.


Those arentry preemptive LOL. We might have found something he posted there and questioned his motives. Then someone might have gotten butt hurt.


Sounds to me like a proud graduate of the Worrywart Incentives Management Program.

B Woodman

I see what you did there.

Hondo rules! Praise be Hondo!

Island of Misfit Toys

The cards are insane and it seems a cry for attention. He has to be the only one I have heard of were this happens and the PC term of “trigger” is a bit overboard. Not to mention how much time in the saddle did he see as an M-880 in DS. I was in DS and OIF and there is a big contrast. I have no issues with people carrying weapons. Most vets I know own and would carry a firearm if their state allowed. He should get the sand out of it and rub on some Vagasil.


You know this guy has a sign in his yard that wants people to feel bad for him and not fire off firecrackers, because that will hurt his feelings and his self-entitled special needs as a veteran.

Art is an example of who makes us look bad. Instead of crying to the VA, he needs some wall-to-wall…

Island of Misfit Toys

Based off the photo it needs to be a big wall.

B Woodman

A rubber wall. “He’ll” bounce back better.


In November he posted about how he loves the sound of Artillery….but the visualization of a gun….whoa, that’s too far


Artillery, but not fireworks?


Instead of the attention whoring sign they can do what I do, listen to audio books with noise canceling headphones.


30%, he must have some severe issues. Imagine if the sight of a pistol sets him off.. imagine what a cardboard box in the median must do to him. He must have special driving diapers. I wonder where he gets them… I’d buy them, but I digress.


Nah, he is a DS vet – supposedly. A cardboard box would be just a cardboard box to him.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

I know I locked up the binders in my buddies driveway because his kid left a graden hose laying across the driveway shortly after returning. I still will not run over shit laying in the road, and a cardboard box in the median still gets my attention, somewhat. Yeah though, fuck this pussy. I am ambivalent about open carry, but it should not require a permit nor be illegal.


When I first got back after my 1st deployment I had to pass a field sobriety test because I was swerving away from trash on the side of the road. The LEO who pulled me over was very understanding.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

I got pulled over the first day by UPD for not waiting my turn properly at this wierd three-way stop signed intersection. I come close to telling him the white border indicates the stop is optional (inside joke which he probably would not have appreciated) Instead, I just took the ass-chewing and promised to be more cautious & considerate of other drivers. No ticket.


I have a 90% rating for Combat Related PTS. I haven’t gone 6 months anytime in the last 5 years without spending at least 48 hours in what you would call a padded cell.

Ive been subjected to every treatment you can think of up to and including ECT. I also have “intimate” knowledge with chemical restraint (thorazine ftw!!!) and locking leather handcuffs (they dont do straight jackets anymore). My gun owbership rights have been suspended (they’re not permantly gone, but I need a hearing to restore them) and they almost took my driver’s license.

My point is I would never expect the general public to make accomidations for my triggers (I personally find firearms comforting, which sucks that I cant be near them. But at the same time, I recognize that I shouldn’t have easy access to them) nor would I guilt trip people into walking on eggshells around me.

PTS, real PTS, is a fucking nightmare that I wish I didn’t have to deal with. Im not saying he doesn’t have it but his behavior seems skeptical to me.

Also if I see another fuckwit using PTS as an excuse for some crime, I’ll probably end up committed again.

Perry Gaskill

My guess is ol’ Art makes an exception to handing out cards at the all-you-can-eat buffet…

Daisy Cutter

The good news here is he is a public figure, therefore subject to public scrutiny (within reason). Can’t sue for defamation. Then again, he would probably enjoy the attention over the controversy.

I have my own issues with open carry. Mostly when I see people bring guns into a dog park. If your dogs get into a fight, the person with the weapon can be judge, jury and executioner and I’m in the position of only complaining after the fact with a dead dog. In fact, the person may feel I am now a threat after he pops my dog. I can’t think of any good reason to bring a handgun into a dog park, but that is just me. I would feel the same way about my bringing a bottle of poison into the park. No good reason and there is potential for something to go badly.

In Leal’s case, he is hijacking the entire topic and riding it for political mileage and media attention. Sadly, this will be his claim to fame and he will most likely double down and go national with his campaign.

B Woodman

“Can’t sue for defamation” (of character).

In order to sue for defamation (of character), first you have to have (a character).


Maybe definition of character?


Defecation of character?

Fox Adler

Mr. Leal is a Member of the VFW in Odessa. Go there and meet him….before critizing him…I personallyknow him. Anyone that served in Combat missions and, is really a Veteran would not throw bull shit at another Veteran. And yes…out in the field we need mechanics and fuel for our tanks… I Checked Mr. Leal Out and he is a Decorated Veteran…Some of you should put your Credential to the Test and go Join the VFW , here in Odessa. However, maybe you won’t be Accepted because you’re NOT a Veteran or you Did Not serve Overseas…


Clean Up needed in Aisle 8. An unknown hunter just dumped off a fox carcass…


Stuff a sock in it, sock-puppet.


How is he decorated as an E4 M88 crewman – AAM?


Also, I thought you had to be a combat vet to join the VFW? Overseas service could include my grueling years in war torn Munich…in the early 90s 🙂 .


Im a combat veteran with severe PTS issues and you can bet Id give this asshat shit for passing out these cards.

Also I am a VFW member and my “credentials” speak for themselves.

CB Senior

I bet he had no problem with all the guns that were in the DFAC though.
No Chocolate pudding for dinner is a tramatic event. I heard it was a mass casualty that flew around the chow hall and landed on many that day.
You know “You never get over Macho Grande”


Yes, my trigger is lemon pepper chicken wings… and Ugandans.

CB Senior



Morbidly obese people eating two scoops of ice cream on apple pie.


Rabbits with sharp pointy teeth.


It’s got teeth like….it can leap like……well look at the boooones.


Mine is the smell of Curry, but only when eaten by smelly TCNs

CB Senior

That WAS a memory I did forget, thanks.
Next time add a trigger warning to your post.

P.S. I am out of cards.


CB Senior

Have you forgotten those FABULOUS hairstyist from Madagasgar in the Baber Shop?

HMCS (FMF) ret.

The boobehs get me to do some weird stuff… that must be my trigger!


I find it very hypocritical of him to quote from the poem Invictus and then exhibit himself as a weak and sniveling attention whore.

Keepin' It Real

“Being confronted by armed assailants…” This begs the question — does he hand the card to the establishment owner BEFORE or AFTER he is confronted by armed assailants?

Lez be real here: he is talking about the POTENTIAL to be confronted and that speaks to perception. It is disingenuous to claim on the card that you were confronted when you were not. If the potential bothers you that is another matter so if he is going to pass out his silly cards, he should change the wording.

Also, if he walks out of too many places and vows to never return, he could be limited in his consumer options after a while. What happens if every All-You-Can-Eat buffet in town is no longer an option. That may trigger anxiety with him worse than any gun.

Peter the Bubblehead

If I lived anywhere near this guy I would follow him around 9at a discrete distance) and openly carry in every public business and accommodation he enters. Eventually there would be no place he could ever go back inside.


I’d drive and spring for the gas.


I’ll buy the snacks!

B Woodman

Don’t forget to record, edit, compile, and post the video for the rest of us to enjoy.

Pull up the chairs, popcorn, and beverages.


Wouldn’t the sight of a tank or a septic tank pumper truck set off his PTS?


Or sand? Or camels at the zoo? How about oil wells? The smell of burnt oil? Bottled water?

Only guns bother him and more than likely the only gun toting folks he saw in DS were Americans. The Iraqis were all holding white flags or MREs.

I don’t know how this guy can survive leaving his house or watching TV.

Isn’t that a silhouette of a gun on his card?


As a 30+ year therapist dealing with patients who had PTSD almost exclusively, I can say with all the professionalism I can muster, he’s a pandering, boot licking, pussy if he is serious about those cards. My guess is like others, he wants to draw attention to his creepy ass for some reason. Man do I hate people like this. I know real men with real PTSD who do not want to be around weapons, but none would stoop to something this ridiculous. Hell, one of them comes to one of our reunions every year where we do target shoot, sometimes with Tannerite targets, and he does not turn fetal and cry. Asshole!

Daisy Cutter

Silentium Est Aureum

Hey Art, how fucking difficult is your life if you have to dig that deep to find something to hurt your bleeding mangina?

Suck it up, buttercup.


I’ll just leave this CARD right here. Stolen from someone on Facebook. (I hope Jonn or TSO will allow the image in the thread because it’s a perfect rebuttal.)




Chip is in the running for being the Interwebs Winner of the Day…




Oh, that’s beautiful. You know, though, judging by the size of that pig, any restaurant would lose loads of revenue if he went away. Perhaps a squad of armed Soldiers should patronize the place and make up for the lost business.




nbcguy:Now THAT’S what I’m talken about…



A Proud Infidel®™

He seems about as strong and tough as lukewarm Jello as well as being a sniveling slovenly candyassed snotnosed 24K Bernathian attention WHORE. If he’s THAT scared and offended by people carrying guns then why doesn’t he move to some heavily gun-controlled utopia like Chicago, DC or NJ? Fah’ Kheem!


looks like he changed the settings on his FB page right after a link to this page was posted.


Island of Misfit Toys

One of the biggest things I have with this BS, is that most of us who deal with real issues from having been down range do so privately and keep it to ourselves or within close circles of those near us and prefer the world at large not know. This adds to the false image of combat vets and the image that often keeps people from seeking help. For me I know what can cause issues and will avoid the situation (which according to the VA is a no no) or gut it out as I did going to ball games with my office and having to ride the crowded metro. The one time I had a co worker who was also a vet notice I was a little keyed up and helped. Who wants to advertise this? Someone seeking attention. This really takes away from those who face real struggles each day especially those that may be. The majority of people get through the day and do not want to impact others or to do the hey look at me. I suspect he has another agenda.

Pinto Nag

That fact that he suffers from a mental illness does not give him permission to target my civil rights. Mr. Leal: go see about admission to a facility that can help stabilize your condition, so you can live a normal life again, free of irrational fears of your fellow citizens.


Where’s his therapy dog? Gotta have a dog!


I’m going to get a card that reads “I’m sorry I had to leave your business because someone had a therapy dog that might bite me.”


He needs to get hooked up with Tina Marie Kersten Lightfoot. She already has a service dog (SGT Chewy) and is in Texas just like him.

She would fit right in with his lifestyle seeing as how she was a 94B Food Service Specialist.

She could do all the cooking at home and he’d never have to go out in public for a meal, especially at the all you can eat buffet where he might see a “trigger” and have a PTS episode.

Problem solved. Two birds with one stone and all that.




“Past Board Member Black Chamber of Commerce”

Interesting….This guy is all sorts of confused isn’t he??

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s the confused type you see scratching his watch and winding his butt. Going gung-ho anti-gun in TX? He must have less than half the IQ of dust or lint AND he’s more fuxxed up than a gay black transsexual Jewish NeoNazi in the KKK!

Green Thumb

Just another non-Infantry fuck faking the funk and acting like he was one of the boys and was “there”.

If he has an honorable discharge, then I thank him for his service.

After that, time for him to move out and stop acting like he is traumatized from turning wrench.

This shit gets old. And quick.



Everybody wants to be Infantry until it’s time to do Infantry shit.

B Woodman

Oh, FUCK no. I supported the infantry, and was more than happy to be commo support.


Hell yes to that!


…and they’ll accuse you of hiding behind your ruck. Oh yeah, the easy life.

Dave Hardin

Everyone want to be infantry until the shit hits the fan, then they call Arty.

Ahhh, its good to be King.

Green Thumb

Its always good to have arty at the party, but the only problem – their usually tardy.

Racked out on the FOB….


Poor baby. ?


The only time one should open carry is when one’s concealed carry weapon is accidentally exposed. Open carry, particularly of long arms, is in your face intimidation and makes me wonder for what folks are trying to accommodate.

That said, what a wuss. The sight of Obama and/or Hillary stickers on cars triggers my fear that our country is in free fall, but that doesn’t mean I have the right to ask the mall to bar such cars, though I would like to find a bar with such policies.

This guy needs to get over himself.


Susan, put your Big Girl Panties on and stop being afraid of inanimate objects. You are FAR more likely to be killed by some distracted driver using another inanimate object than by a law-abiding open carrier.


well, actually she’s right… most of the asswipes in Texas glorying in open carry are “lookee me I’m baaaad” jerks whose sole benefit to the rest of us is that they will attract the attention of the baddies first – hopefully enabling the rest of us to make careful accurate shots.

Nigel Brooks

Personally I don’t see the point of open carry.

In Texas the qualification requirements to be able to open carry a firearm are the same as concealed carry.

Other than advertising to the world that you have a firearm in your possession, and you’re carrying it because the law says you can – I’m not sure what the point is.

As a retired LEO I don’t want to be displaying my firearm for all the world to see.

Pinto Nag

Open carry is fairly common here. You will still see it in the little towns; ranchers stop in the local greasy spoon with a hogleg on their belt. It’s not there to fight bad guys; it’s a tool they carry for their work on the range, like they carry wire cutters for fence.

Having said that, however…I agree with your comment about intimidation. Even with it legal to do so, I would not carry openly except in the backcountry.

B Woodman

“The sight of Obama and/or Hillary stickers on cars triggers my” desire to push those cars with my big, bad pollution spewing SUV bumper over a cliff.

(phew!) Thanks for helping me relieve my PTSD. (/sarc) (and no, I don’t have Teh PTSD)


I agree to a point. Id say its also appropriate to open carry a pistol if for some reason concealed carry is restricted, such as waiting for your permit to be issued.


What this really is the fact he was a wrench turner that deep inside wanted to “do some killin'” and now is making up for it in this way.
As if saying “I couldn’t PEW, PEW and I don’t want you to PEW, PEW!” (cue 3 year old tantrum)


My guess, looking at his photo, is that he will never leave that card at his local Dunkin Donuts.


Hahahahahahah almost made coffee come out my nose.


My Wife’s from Odessa and I have family there. I have lived there intermittently over the years and was there in December. Odessa is an oilfield town and as such is full of huge oilfield trucks with loud exhausts belching black exhaust, giant trucks mounting various kinds of cranes for moving all manner of heavy oilfield equipment.

If poor little Art’s PTS is triggered by remembrances of things associated with combat and he spent most of his time working around loud, black exhaust belching M-880’s with cranes, then I’d think he spends much of his time in Odessa in abject terror. Yet he wants to be mayor of a such a place?

What a phony, chickenshit bastard, one who hurts the cause of those who suffer honestly in silence. Bet ol’ Art can really woof some war stories at the Legion Hut. We all know this turd’s contemptible type.

Knowing the politics of Odessa, I can assure you, a gun control Democrat doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected dogcatcher much less mayor, veteran or not. So on top of being a phony showboat, ol’ Art’s not very bright either, loudmouthing his opposition to open carry in an area where every voter most likely owns multiple guns.


Oh, God, Odessa! I think we spent one year down there and then moved to Brownwood. The sandstorms were so awful, the sand came in through the tiny gaps in the window frames. Is it still like that?




The Pearl of the Permian Basin!


Everything west of the Marfa front is like that.

CC Senor

I’m a nit picker, so I suspect Art, as a 63E (M1 tank systems mechanic) was riding around in an M88 VTR.

Even guys like me, a 63Z, had given up our M880s for the M1008 or M1009 CUCV. The only M880 I saw during DS/DS was the contact truck version with the Arkansas NG.

CC Senor

As recall, the 24th ID were the ones that lit up the retreating Iraqi column after the cease fir3e had been declared. No problem with that but it seems like buring tanks would be more of a trigger than a side arm.

Keepin' It Real

If that is the case he may not want to go into any Texas BBQ joint.


If he used the term ‘burning tank’ or M880, most people wouldn’t have a clue what he meant.

By using a more familiar term ‘handgun’, he can get a reaction lik ‘oh, I know about that’ from the uninformed.

Words are the trigger, not the actual object.


One of our MLRS batteries (A/40 FA?) had an M880 with the deep water fording kit installed. Basically, straight exhaust pipes. The TC said it gave him more horsepower. You could hear that thing 5 klicks away.


What a little bitch.

Green Thumb

I think this pretty much covers it.


Oh, dear. You guys are just being mean to this fat little fuckwad. You have to use the correct response to his whine, as follows:

Behold! The field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it, and see that it is barren.

This is the first commandment and the second is like unto it.

Thou shalt not wander in my field of fucks, if thou art impure and inebriated for thou shalt fall down upon thy inglorious face and lie in mud like the swine thou art.

And the third doth follow:

Thou shalt carry thy weapon aimed skyward when thou dost enter my field of fucks, for shouldst thou aim it at the dirt with thy booger hook on the bang switch, thou shalt shoot thyself in the foot and shall suffer my wrath endlessly.

Here endeth the lesson for today.

Now, most of the time, it is only necessary to use the first part of that, as you all know. Hoewever, in the case of this tanker tread-flattener, I recommend using the entire response and quickly, too, so that he can’t get a word in edgewise. Try yawning in his face, too. I’d want to see a written confirmation of his PTS claim, because that line is getting TATTERED.

Unfortunately for him, hollering ‘PTS’ too often makes his claim doubtful. He’s milking it, just as someone else we know about. Drama queen, attention whore, grandstanding psyche fucker. S/He’s got it all.


I don’t think all of that will fit on a business card. Think I’ll just put “Fuck Off” on mine.


NBC54, it’s the verbal version of ‘Fuck off’ on the business card. You hand the offender the card and repeat the first part of the Field of Fucks lesson at the same time.

I would suggest including ‘Fuck Off’on one side of the card, and a repeat on the flip side in several languages such as French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, or whatever languages you prefer.


Wonder how it would look on a billboard???


Try this. Imagine this sign along a highway.


Mommy, can I bitchslap him? Purdy puleaaaaase.


This guy is a disgrace to VFW 4372

Silentium Est Aureum

I’m sure he’s real popular with the boys at that post.


He exploits the very real issue if PTS to bring attention to himself and his agenda; the lowest kind of scumbaggery. He negative-stereotypes combat veterans in the article to paint them as being scared to be in public places- disgraceful. This turd has all the earmarks of what used to be called a “spotlight” soldier. Please FOIA him, Jonn.


Yes, please do!


Why is Open Carry in Texas an issue which seems to attract the absolute worst of the worst between its proponents and opponents? It’s either this dipshit handing out his little cards, or some other dipshit in a fedora with an SKS slung to his back yelling “Come and take it!”, to anyone who will give them attention.


I bet he loses his shit every time he sees a CAIR press conference on TV. Good thing he doesn’t live in Irving; the sight of 14 year olds with clocks with probably cause a psychotic break. What a bag of dicks this clown is.


Will not with.




Is it just me, or does this ding-dong look like William Derek Church, the Liar of Lenoir’s, long lost primo?

My, My, My

Just an opinionated thought that came in my head.

First line on the Card: “Sorry, but I had to Leave”.

I would be curious if he could use this little paper nugget to dine and dash.

Regardless, I guess the site of a weapon makes his taint throb.


Oh, you are “sorry you had to leave”, huh?


Yeah, Art – don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya”


I was living in Charlotte, NC in 96-97 when they adopted “shall issue” concealed carry (I had just left AD at Bragg and was going to school.) NC was a part of the early wave of CCW adoptees.

The local democrats, of course, HATED the idea of CCW and predictably they forecasted gloom and doom, shootouts at every corner and blood in the streets, cats and dogs living together, oh the humanity, etc etc.

After the law passed, they then went around to local businesses handing out “No weapons” stickers and imploring the businesses to put them on their doors as it would prevent lawful CCW if they did. They tried to scare the businesses into thinking that if they didn’t display the stickers their candy shops or stationery stores would become wild west shootout scenes.

A few businesses did put up the stickers but of course when the predicted bloodbaths failed to happen, the campaign quietly died away. Since Texas just got open carry, I’m guessing this will as well.

I’m not a fan of OC either but this is just ridiculous. I wonder if Art gets the vapors every time he encounters a cop with a gun on his belt, since it’s apparently the mere sight of a gun that hurts his vajayjay.


Texas has “30.06” & “30.07” law. Businesses can legally ban CHL from their premises and now, open carry, too.


Yeah, but most of the “no guns” signs I’ve encountered don’t meet the requirements and are therefore unenforceable.


Dogs and cats living together?

Now that’s going too far!


I view intentional open carry of anything other than a long gun (e.g., for hunting) as an intentional dare by another brand of attention whore. Unless you’re some place where you know there’s a threat of snakebite, or something like that, I think it’s a sign of a weak ego.

And even if a snake does bite, it’ll most likely bite you before you can draw to kill it. So what is the point of doing it intentionally, except to scare brainless yuppies silly?


Hmmm….wonder if the Reporter who did the story on him has seen this picture/posting…


Obviously, this an aversion therapy session aimed at easing the disabled vet’s extreme PTSD triggered by the mere sight of a firearm. The picture allows the client relive the session throughout the day to reinforce his progress on the path to success. He’s come so far. So far.

just kidding…he’s a lying douche


Bite. His. Ass. Off.



Pinto Nag

If a situation is important enough to have an honor guard, shouldn’t there be some honor in it? I’m confused.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

It’s the widdle bullets in the big bang stick that triggers his FTS… he can’t handle that!

Keepin' It Real

Major hippo-crisy!

He could raise the point that it is OK if *he* is carrying the gun. When someone else has the weapon there is helpless feeling that blends in with loss of control.

There could be nuances to the PTSD that he needs to think of and articulate to a waiting public.


I wonder if half of what he claims is true or if he is another over the top bull shiter
there is a Libby running for congress up n Nevada pulling this same BS. this year can’t end soon enough….


Da fuq? Is he trying to channel Che Guevera?


beret looks chocked full 0′ brain farts

RGR 4-78

With a hog head like that he needs to shop for a spandex beret.


Yes in a way. Try Cesar Chavez & a member of L.U.L.A.C. Texas.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

He organized the first Cesar Chavez parade in Odessa… the logo on the shirt is the United Farm Workers (UFW)union. I remember for years that they organized a “Boycott Table Grapes” bullshit for some reason; can’t remember if it is still ongoing or if it ended.


Give this man a cigar! Good eye and memory, Chief! Proud of ya! HOOAH?


Yep, a Combat Veteran always wear their Beret in such fashion….


And here, I was trying to be nice.

This skillet-greaser pisses me off.

A Proud Infidel®™

Is that a GREEN Beret? What is he, a self-proclaimed member of the Sta-Puf Special Militia?


has anybody ran a FOIA.. on him yet ????


His canvas and easel are missing.


As previously stated, time to contact the Reporter who did the story on him and share with that person his LHO and CG pics…


Have at ’em, Lords know I’m going to…

Keepin' It Real

Kaci Jones is the reporter:

Guard Bum

So you can get a 30% disability for PTSD for being a tank mechanic in a war that lasted 4 days?

Well fuck me. I guess with Obummer’s EO he can’t buy any weapons now and I wonder if the VA knows he is routinely handling an M-14…what with his trauma and all.


Oh, come on! You can now claim PTSD for just reading about a war, even if you never went near one. Or if you ship was several thousand miles away from one, that’s even better.

Didn’t you know that?

Guard Bum

When I retired I was hounded by the VA for over a year about coming to group meetings for OIF and OEF Veterans. I know it was well intentioned and it came on the heels of the suicide epidemic but I had a hell of a time convincing them that I was fine.

I mean literally I kept getting phone calls wanting me to drive to Columbia Missouri (a 2.5 hour drive) because I had several combat tours including OIF which must have collected me into some sort of database. I would tell some social worker (young, female, obviously not a Vet) I had plenty of money, had a wife I adored, had great kids, a new career, and that the only mental issues I had was a regret I couldn’t do it all over again.

I have no doubt it would have been easy to scam a PTSD diagnosis but in light of the recent Executive Order; I wonder how many who actually do have PTSD will now keep it to themselves.




The last guy who came to my place for a plumbing problem was an ex-Ranger who had done a couple of tours (can’t recall locations.) He said when he outprocessed, one of the tables he passed was so he could get listed with VA for PTSD disability – he said essentially everyone out processing checked out through there. He’s apparently a pretty fit young man making decent money as a master plumber…who says he also has 100% disability. No idea whether his credibility was suspect but he seemed credible, didn’t claim to be a Rangerat first but when he said he was in the 75th an I recognized it, he opened up a lot more. Anyone recently out able to lend any credence to his outprocessing story?


When the Army committed me to my own special locked room for 30 says in 2010, one of the shits in out PTS group was there because of, I kid you not “his drill sergeant at Air Force Basic intimidated and traumatized him with yelling and physical exercise” Needless to say this spineless shit didn’t fare to well in group therapy with 12 or so combat vets who were forced to be there. (The Air Force kid was a voluntary commission). After his first group therapy session with us, we laughed him out of the room and the shit gead signed homself out that day.

So yes, I have seen PTS for some bullshit. Also didn’t some feminazi a while back make some huge stink by claiming she had PTS worse than combat vets because people were mean to ger on twitter?


Fuck this guy.

If he frequents a lot of establishments in Odessa, TX then he’s going to be handing out a lot of those cards. Since January 1st, LOTS of folks are open carrying in that state. Art should move to California so he can feel safer.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d rather be moved to say, Chicago, DC, NJ or he could move to Mexico to be Jimmy Janos’s butt pal AND STAY THERE!!!


^^^^^ Chicago, D.C., New Jersey. Even better.


As a bit of an aside and slightly off topic, here in Brevard County, FL, a vet who suffers from PTSD went off yesterday, shooting at police officers and creating a long standoff. After a nearly 12-hour standoff with authorities that included gunfire and tense negotiations, a 47-year-old man suspected of keeping SWAT team members at bay in Melbourne has been taken safely into custody. The man, identified as Michael Thomas Taylor, opened the front door at 10:25 a.m. and walked out of the apartment at the Coral Gardens complex as SWAT team members kept a watchful eye. Paramedics waited as officers brought him over to be medically examind for a small cut on his hand and an abrasion on his abdomen. Officers then send a robot into the apartment to search it as a precaution. An advocate for veterans came from the other end of the county and talked the man down and eventually out of the apartment which ended the standoff. Veterans advocates who helped defuse an armed standoff in Melbourne want to see a system where they could be called to assist law enforcement in similar situations. Dorothy Walsh, an advocate for veterans in Brevard, knew to call George Taylor, president and founder of National Veterans Homeless Support, when she saw news reports and recognized the address as belonging to someone she knew. Taylor was able to help talk the armed man out of his apartment at Coral Gardens complex off Wickham and Sarno roads and end the nearly 12-hour standoff peacefully shortly before 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Residents of the apartment complex, who had been moved to a nearby bowling alley, were allowed to return home shortly before noon. No one was injured. As an aside, this incident started with a domestic dispute over a pork chop. When the police were called, the vet reacted to police guns being pointed at him. On one hand, you cannot have people who react to the police by shooting at them on sight. On the other hand, you cannot have police in a community that is loaded with… Read more »

Pinto Nag

I’m not trying to start a fight when I ask this, but: When does personal responsibility for one’s actions come into play in a situation like this? A dispute over a PORKCHOP??? That sounds like batshit crazy to me, I don’t give a damn if he’s a veteran or not. As a civilian, if I act that crazy, I guess because I’m not a vet, the cops just have to ventilate me, seeing that I have no excuse for my bad behavior and there’s no one to call to ‘talk me down’? I love vets, and do think they’re special, but no one gets a free pass for asinine behavior, for any reason, in my book.


Pinto Nag,

I agree with you that a pork chop is not worth this.

At the same time, I am not sure that a pork chop dispute where the wife is off the premises is worthy of the police coming with guns out.

It seems the sight of the police guns coming at him set Taylor off.

There is no indication that the police guns were necessary other than the guy had guns in his apartment and was suffering from PTSD. So the police went full raid mode because of that and their actions helped trigger the shooting and stand off. The reaction of the police caused the incident to go from a simple domestic dispute to a siege / standoff.

I totally agree with you that a pork chop should not have set the man off, but fights between couples have been started for less. However, if you are the police rolling up on an incident where you are reacting to reports the man has guns and PTSD which are triggered by the sight of guns, why not look to get someone there who knows the man and or has experience in dealing with vets with PTSD? Why go full SWAT mode when there was a far better, easier and less violent alternative?

Yes, the man is responsible, but the police bear some responsibility as well, IMHO.

Dave Hardin

I am here for you PN, if you need talked down from a pork chop high…I have Skittles.

John D. Serrano

Seems like Art has an anonymous supporter on Facebook. That or he likes to pretend he has one:

HMCS (FMF) ret.

It’s probably Art… his Fractured Taint Syndrome (FTS) must be acting up something fierce this morning…


looks like a satire, not really support for the d-bag

John D. Serrano

It could be someone trolling, but teh stoopid is very strong with the anti-2a groups as it is.

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