Martha Knight; National Guard soldier arrested for claiming falsified leave
SJ sends us a link from North Carolina in regards to Martha Knight who was a National Guardsman there and she used that status to apply for leave from her regular job at a middle school. School officials along with Air Force National Guard investigators documented 20 falsified claims;
An investigation began when School Resource Officer Doc Roach became suspicious of Knight’s National Guard activity. These suspicions began during an investigation that began on February 6 when SRO Roach responded to Hope Middle School concerning larceny of cash from the girls’ locker room which occurred the night before during a basketball game.
Thanks, Ms. Knight, you make us look that much more devious and less attractive to potential employers. And, what, exactly, did you gain from it?
Category: Crime, Dumbass Bullshit
Stay classy.
And now there’s this:
This is the way things are now. This is a well established tactic. I expect these kinds of stories to be common in the next few years.
What’s with that smirk?
I hope she stubs her toe on the nightstand.
…and trips over the cat.
…at the top of the stairs.
…in the dark.
AND hits her funny bone, HARD, and gets a couple of those really bad splinters under her fingernails.
And when she is inevitably offered a pat on the back, that someone here also remembers to give her a bowl of soup too…..
And she forgets to let it cool off and she says to herself… “Self, I really so hungries” and then takes a bite of the soup and accidentally burns her tongue and the roof of her mouth.
And gets brain worms.
And sues for failure to warn that hot soup is hot…and wins.
But the ruling gets overturned on appeal and she gets NOTHING!!!
Oh yeah? But on the very day that ruling is handed down, she plays Power Ball and wins 186 million dollars.
…but then gets AUDITED by the IRS!
And is forced to read this string…
Out loud, as penance.
“And sues for failure to warn that hot soup is hot…and wins.”
With a court ruling that no soup preparations are allowed to exceed 80f degrees.
I don’t see a smirk. I’ve seen that same look on the faces of mildly retarded people.
She was employed as a school counselor, so I don’t think she’s retarded. She’s just a thief. (She was also charged with the locker room theft.)
Mentally challenged! LOL
Doc Roach?
That’s the guy’s actual, real name? Not, like, his rock-band stage name or something?
Doc Roach?
Why all the hate?
Wonder if he’s a “narc” – and/or has a cousin named “Ashley Roachclip”. (smile)
(Hat tip to anyone out there old enough to get the references.)
If I search my soul I might remember that reference 🙂
A Cheech & Chong character. I’m not remembering much about the actual routine – I’m sure that’s due to age (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it).
Accidentally hit the “report” button – sorry for the false alarm.
If I recall correctly, he first made his appearance on their 1st album in a fake commercial. Mr. Roachclip was the product’s spokesman.
The product they were pitching was called “Acupulco Gold Filters”. The audio was for take 403 of the “commercial”. (smile)
I’m rather surprised the officer wasn’t Sgt. Stadanko. I remember him from Sister Mary Elephant’s class.
Ahh you schooled me than I was thinking it was the cool jazz of the Soul Searchers on their Ashley’s Roachclip cut….
Them too, VOV. But Cheech and Chong have seniority by about 3 years – their 1st album came out in 1971, and ol’ Ash made his appearance thereon. (smile)
Thank you for the heads up I will grab that C&C clip and take some time to enjoy…
1974 right on the label, spot on as always my friend!
Here ya go, VOV.
Hey, it’s Cheech and Chong – OF COURSE it’s possibly NSFW, so use discretion (or at least headphones – smile).
Hey, if he’s wearing deck shoes he might be Dock Roach.
Do you know what his father’s name is? That’s right, Papa Roach.
This is despicable, especially when a NG soldier has a legitimate gripe against an employer, cases like this one hurt the cause of the Soldier going after an employer for a USSCRA violation. (Currently happening with me). Go screw yourself, you blue falcon you, and suck it. Suck it long, suck it hard, Trebek.
My current employer had a bad experience with such a thing. We had a person who had Battle Assembly every major event weekend. Some times twice a month.
To make things worse, they use to pay you for missed days due to military time up to 1/2 your annual pay. (on a deployment longer than three months they would pay you the difference between what you made in the military and would have made with them)
Our guy got “caught” when another NG member said that just does not happen. He was forging the annual training schedule and submitted altered orders for “extra” days on his AT.
After he got caught, we now only get 14 paid military days (still very good, just not as good as it was), and they now call the UA’s to validate each persons training.
They also reduced the number of Guard and Reserves they hired for a few years. They had to be wowed by someone before they brought them on.
One dirt bag like this lady, results in screwing over everyone else.
To be serious for a moment: this “fine individual” was using her military status as a prop to defraud her employer, the state of
SouthNorth Carolina.Many government employers offer paid military leave when someone is on National Guard or Reserve duty. The article Jonn linked indicates she obtained over 14 weeks of what was essentially extra paid vacation (71 days) over a period of somewhat more than 5 years (2009-present) by falsely claiming to be performing National Guard duties. That’s close to 3 extra weeks’ vacation a year.
Even at a schoolteacher’s salary, I’m pretty sure that 14+ weeks of salary qualifies as felony-level fraud. Hope she gets – and “enjoys” – spending some quality time with Betty and Gladys at the state pen.
Betty and Gladys might just wipe that stupid smirk of her face as well while they teach her the finer points of prison love interests.
Yo, Marfa, we be you gurl frens…
Poetrooper…Hey chill bro…it’s a black thang! 😀
In the little New Mexico town where we used to live, a police officer screwed the taxpayers for 13 weeks as I remember. At least it cost him his job and his LEO certification.
To be fair to the Palmetto State this individual was employed by Pitt County, NC school system.
My error – I checked the site where the original article was posted, thought I saw reference to a town named “Beaufort”, and from that got the wrong Carolina. The error is now corrected above.
Fucking shitbag.
What a scumfuck.
It’s always been my understanding that Guard and reserve units tend to do about 10 drills a year,,, all over weekends, so as NOT to interfere with civilian jobs, then to have 2 weeks over the summer.
So if things worked out the average guardsman or reservist would miss 10 Workdays a year while getting about 34 days training and military pay.
Actually, it’s more than that. “Drills” are the common name for Multiple Unit Training Assemblies (MUTAs). Each drill weekend is typically a MUTA-4 (one UTA is a 4 hr block of mil training. Each unit typically holds a drill monthly, so 44-48 UTAs is routine. (Can’t remember with certainty whether a drill weekend is required during the month in which AT occurs – I think so, but I’m not sure.) Some units may hold fewer drills, but they’re supposed to drill monthly. Each UTA accrues 1 days’ base pay. So for a drill weekend with 4 UTAs (MUTA-4), a member of a Reserve/NG unit receives 4 days base pay. However, if I recall correctly that’s it – no sep rats, no quarters allowance, no travel reimbursement. (I’m working from memory and could be wrong about the rations and quarters, ’cause for me it’s now been a while, but I don’t think I am. I know I’m correct about the travel reimbursement.) Drills are Inactive Duty for Training (IDT) vice active duty time. AT is considered temporary active duty service. Pay there is normal – 1 day’s base pay per day of active duty. As I recall, rations and quarters are also authorized. I believe travel is as well if it’s held outside the designated commuting area and govt transportation to/from the training site is not provided. Again, it’s been a while so I could be in error about this as well. Bottom line: a fully participating member of the Reserves/NG would receive 58 to 62 days base pay annually vice 34 days, depending on whether their unit drilled during the month they held AT. The linked chart is for Army, but Reserve/NG pay authorizations are the same for all services. Drills are typically held on weekends so unit members won’t have to miss work if they have a traditional M-F “day job”. (Yes, key personnel in a unit often do a fair amount of stuff on their “own time” during the week.) On occasion, selected personnel will be authorized to drill at alternate times. AT is typically conducted a… Read more »
You’re correct re the pay and allowances. Typical drill weekend is 4 days’ base pay but no allowances; each day of AT is one day’s base pay, plus one day’s worth of allowances.
I can’t speak to the other services, but in recent years the Army Reserve has experimented with some reimbursement for drill travel expenses for those who come from greater than normal commuting distance. The “lodging in kind” program paid for a room at a government-contracted hotel. There was also reimbursement of certain travel expenses, up to $300 per month. This was not across the board as I understand it, but was limited to certain shortage MOSs and hard-to-fill units, and senior ranks were sometimes excluded.
Thanks for the info. Hadn’t seen that part about the targeted travel reimbursement, and as I recall it wasn’t available when I was still drilling. If it had been, I’d have certainly checked it out to see if I qualified. (smile)
The current policy reimburses up to $300 travel expenses if you live over 150 miles away. That is a total for transportation, lodging, and meals. It is supposed to be limited to critical MOS/positions – although that may change.
LIK is available for O-3/E-7 and below only if limited funding is available. It is not a guarantee. The Army really screwed us over when they gave IHG control over lodging. It costs more to stay on post that to get a hotel room off post. Most places don’t have a barracks you can crash at, either. I’d stay at a Reserve Center on a cot, but a lot of places don’t have that option, either.
At least if it’s on your own dime it’s all tax deductible if you commute more than 100 miles.
Thanks for the clarification, looks like reserves actually double the time you get credit for on weekend drills, giving you about 4 days pay vice the 2 you are actually there.
“Ms. Knight, you make us look that much more devious and less attractive to potential employers”
Not to All-Points Logistics. I will even bet Commander Phil Monkress (CEO: All-Points Logistics) is lining up an interview.
This turdette has that APL vibe.