Two IL men arrested for terror plot

| March 26, 2015

hasan edmonds1

Jerry920 and Bobo send us links to the story of cousins Hasan and Jonas Edmonds. Hasan was an Illinois National Guardsman. Both were arrested by feds for planning to provide material support to ISIS, according to ABC News;

Army National Guard Specialist Hasan Edmonds, 22, was arrested at Chicago Midway International Airport as he was trying to fly to Egypt, according to authorities. His cousin, Jonas Edmonds, 29, was arrested at his home.

Both men are from Aurora, Illinois, and will be appearing in federal court later today.

Hasan Edmonds first came onto the FBI’s radar in late 2014 as he hatched a plan for Hasan Edmonds to join ISIS overseas while Jonas Edmonds launched an attack inside the United States, according to the Justice Department.

According to Business Insider, Hasan was on his way to “link up” with ISIS before they pulled off an attack on a National Guard base in Illinois. Luckily, they stopped by to brief an undercover FBI agent on their intentions. Pretty soon we’re going run out luck in that regard.

Category: Terror War

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You are correct, our luck is going to eventually run out.


We have to be right every time and they have to be lucky once.

Pinto Nag

Whatever ‘luck’ we ever had ran out on 9-11-01. Now it’s just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


These terrorist are out there talking and recruiting others to join them. Why are these turds not being arrested sooner? Also what kind of background checks are being done on potential recruits, either none or very little. Seems that no one is watching the chicken coop and the foxes are going to eat the chickens pretty soon! We need to put the breaks on the spread of other religions…America needs to declare this is a Christian Based Country and are main religion is Christianity. I think we need to have a constitutional convention and make this the law of the land. Or else we will be a muslim nation…. Its one or the other, shit or get off the pot.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Or we could just declare all religions off limits.

That way the undue influence of fundamentalists never infects the law as it will never be allowed to enter the legal stream.

You might enjoy christianity, I can’t stand any religions and I don’t need some tool explaining his belief in santa style fairy tales of a benevolent being who watches over our every move.

Freedom of religion indeed, for me it’s the freedom to be unencumbered by it.

I’ll respect your right to believe whatever you like until you start talking like that, I don’t want your church jammed into my constitution.


It looks like you need to choose a religion…or should I say side. What ever it takes to win this religious war that’s coming. Just look at Europe and how the Muslims take over a country. You can choose only one side, and that would be Christians…the Muslims kill everyone who dont believe as they do. At least Christians will let you live and try to convert you…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Thanks for the advice.

I’ll choose what I chose back in the 70s when I served…”NO PREF”

B Woodman

Jim W,
And what about Jews? Buddhists? Sikhs? These are all non-Christian, fairly non-violent, just want to be left alone types that I would be GLAD to have my back.

Now, Mr Jim W PROVOCATEUR TROLL, crawl back under your rock. And STFU.



Amendment I

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…”

As a Spiritual/Pagan Marine who has had the pleasure to have served with Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Baptists, Wiccans and Non-Denominationals, I’d just like to say…



Ya I got the ball rolling. Really thought this would lead to discussing the pending religious war in the world. It did, but not on the path I thought. So I deserve the nasty comments. No easy answer. Freedom to choose a religion or non religion is what America is about. So how we going to stop this muslim crusade. Cause this home brewed terrorist are here, just waiting for a chance to do us in.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Jim I wasn’t intending to be nasty to you, my apologies if it seemed that way.

I just do not believe it’s only a Christian versus Islam deal…I think it will be an Islam versus pretty much everyone else deal and in that regard I am happy to join you as part of the “everyone else” crowd in burning everyone of those crazy bastards to death in a hail of napalm and magnesium….


I was talking to those whose feathers I ruffled with my comments above.

This is a world versus muslim thing. Hows America going to stop these turds. It pretty obvious we can’t change who we are, or our constitution. It just seems as though this country is asleep at the wheel. No one seems to care what’s going on. Here on this site its pretty evident the group is paying attention and get it.


Fact is that humans have been fighting over who has the best deity forever…it will never stop until one side is proven right. And somehow I don’t think that will ever happen…


Ok I shall play.

Really ? You come here and troll then try to back out when you are called out?

Kiss my non christian ass. You and other like are are the problem not the fucking cure.

This isnt in jest or a Joke, religion is not a bad or good thing the people that practice it are. The Person that is a good chrstian would have also made a good muslim or a a good jew, because they are good person. A bad christian would be a bad muslim or jew. Because they are a bad person.

SO fuck off, go play on reddit or some other place. Oh and dont forget to kiss my ass on the way out the door


I echo your thoughts on the matter, Enigma4You.

Mr. JimW your comments are an insult to the thousands of Non-Christian Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen who are fighting these ISIS clowns right now.

Eat a dick.


I didn’t back off. I was trying to say that somehow we as a country need to do something to prevent the Muslims from taking over our country. My thinking was that if we some how recognized a religion it would be harder for the Muslims to take us over. I Was not trying to start a slug fest here, and realized the error in how I wrote my thoughts. But, I’m pretty thick skinned. Made plenty of mistakes, this ain’t the first, won’t be the last. So get use to me!


You narrow minded bigot.
There are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. Every single one of them is an ivention of man. Every single one of them will tell you they are the only path. Odds are roughly 4,200 of them have it wrong.

To say Muslims are the root of the problem is no different than Hitler saying the jews were the cause of the problem.

Now I have a suspicion that you are not quite what you pretend to be. You act like a High School kid who thinks he is being clever. So as I said in my first comment

Dont let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.


Dumb ass did you read the tread. I don’t want a Muslim America. GFY. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass you, stupid fucker. You go play on reddit.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Ok ass wipe you have been on the board about 3 months. I see you playing troll and stirring shit.

Yes I read the thread and your asinine comments I cant help but wonder what special kind of fuck stick you are.You want to contribute to thread then do so. But when you stay stupid ass things expect to be called out.

Now what you said was lets change the constitution because all religions but your own scare you. What I am saying is people like you are the real threat.


I don’t like arguements. And don’t want to come here to argue, stir up shit or troll. I will not be back, I detest arguments. I feel like I’ve met some really fine brothers here. But, arguing is not in me. Thanks for the space Jonn. Good luck to you all!

Pinto Nag

I’m a Christian, although somewhat on the outs at the moment. My biggest complaint with my own faith is the prohibition on violence, because violence is the only way the current crop of fanatical Islamists is going to be brought under control. Jesus’ command to not resist evil is in direct contradiction to what we know works in dealing with the extremists.

So I think I’ll stick with choosing a side, instead of religion.


Note that at no time did he advocate turning the other cheek more than once.

JohnE – the est comment on multiple religions is still from Mr. Twain: “And God so loved Man, He gave him the One True Faith. Several of ’em.”
From Letters From The Earth

Virtual Insanity

Prohibition on violence?

Remember, when you seek to be more Christ-like, flipping over tables and whipping people with braided cords is within the spectrum of behavior.

John 2:15-17

“15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”

Pinto Nag

He also let a whole bunch of very unpleasant people beat Him, jam a crown of thorns on His head, spit on Him, and hang Him on a cross. Oh, and run a lance through his ribcage.

Anything else?

Virtual Insanity

Yes! Both are on the spectrum of possibilites when following Him. That’s my point. He cleaned the temple with violence because it was neded. He allowed Himself to be sacrificed for us, also because it was needed.

He didn’t apologize for the violence.

I’m saying, for me, the two are not mutually exclusive, they are things that had to be done.


I always wondered where this whole passive Christian BS came from, Luke 22:36 is pretty clear they were comfortable with violence

“Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”

Yep, don’t think telling your people who are going out into the world to preach the gospel to buy a sword for defense is passive.

AW1 Tim

This country was NEVER a Christian nation. Our founders made certain that NO religion would ever be considered a national religion.

They had enough of that crap while British subjects, being taxed to support the Church of England, whose titular head was the King.

Our 1st amendment ensures that the federal government may NOT enact a national religion, and I for one fully support that idea.

I am a practicing Pagan, but I have also defended Christians, Jews and others from the insults of islamites, and other anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, etc types and I will, because THAT is the foundation upon which our nation was built.

Having said that, I do not consider islam to be a religion. I consider it a dangerous cult, and one that should be treated as not only an enemy of our Constitution, but of civilization in general.


I hate this argument, but feel it is true. For every one idiot within an organization, there are multiples who are not…there are extremists everywhere, and they all suck.


If I am not mistaken, every one of the thirteen colonies had an ‘official’ religion until the country became unified under a federal government. To say the U.S. was “never a Christian nation” is laughable. The laws that we live by (less so recently, thanks to assorted left wingers) are but an expression of Christian beliefs and practices. While I fully support the so called separation of church and state, people should remember on what moral basis our country was founded on.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Of course they had one. The colonies were British. The Church of England is/was the official state religion of the UK. As the colonies fell under UK Rule, that would apply to them as well. One of the reasons for the Revolution was to get AWAY from the Church of England.

L. Taylor

I refuse to choose a religious side. I consider both Islamic and Christian extremists to be my enemies.

And both sides are trying to turn this into a religious war and force the rest of us to choose a side.

Pisses me off.


Can you name one Christian organization that is trying to turn this into a war?


The only one that I can think of is that Christian minister in Florida that is in the news about every other year. Terry something.?

BUT,, even considering him is not 100% because everything he has done has reactionary after the Islamic radicals did something first.


Your line of thinking is just as crazy as the Radical Islam follows. I don’t want their kookie beliefs, or yours, forced on me.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, he’s not blowing anyone up so there is a great distinction, even if one doesn’t look at the Grand-Canyon wide differences between Islam and Christendom. That said, I like the way things are under our Constitution, though that court-imposed “freedom from religion” has gone over the edge. If everyone in the country wanted to be a Christian, well, they are all free to be Christians. They are also free to be non-believers or adherents to any other religion. The radical terrorist bastard Muslims are not the enemy of ony Christians but all decent people.


There are radical terrorists in every religion/belief strata…many people think others should die because you don’t worship or not worship in the same way they do. IMHO these people are the enemies of all decent people.

2/17 Air Cav

JohnE. Congratulations, that was the most vacuous statement I have read here recently, troll comments included. An organized system of wanton, wholesale violence whose practitioners justify and work their terror in the name of a particular religion is shared between Muslims and what other religions? Or are you, as I suspect, equating the doing of violence by a Christian or a Jew or a (fill in the religion here) with the death and destruction done by untold thousands of Muslims?


I am in agreement with everybody else about staying out of religions establishment or denouncing/prohibiting.
I am a recovering Catholic and have instead established a serenity that I feel that can be found when one recognizes that the Universe did not initiate itself into existence.
That said, I see no reason to do anything else to force my beliefs on anyone else.
I also will not allow them to be enforced on me.
This is freedom, and the best part of freedom is that we get to choose what we want to believe.


And just how many of these guys have we not caught that have hooked up with the islamonazis in ISIS territory? Scary thing to think about.


QM1…You beat me to my question. Excellent point. If it is like most crimes, they catch around 10 to 20% of criminals. Yep, it’s a scary thought. The more they catch and publicize this way, the more devious the others will become. I think these arrests should be made public, to let all know they were caught. But the details, such as FBI undercover agents, monitoring social media and other means used to catch them, should be left out of the news.



How many more are there like these two?

2/17 Air Cav

“Pretty soon we’re going run out luck in that regard.” Yep. All it will take is a true believer, maybe two, who has an IQ of over 70 or so. That’s all I think it wise to say about that.

2/17 Air Cav

That murdering rat bastard’s IQ well exceeded 70 or so.

B Woodman

Somehow, the IQ-over-70 thing may be difficult for the ISIS/AlQ/etc jihadists to overcome.


@Ex-PH2 & 2/17 Air Cav


Anyone who doubts that there are ideological ISIS clones here in the USA right now are unwise. It’s a matter of time….and I hate feeling so certain, while at the same time discouraged that fellow citizens will be wounded or killed.

We should all be carrying and have a plan of action when and if we are in a place where a terror event occurs. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Notify police, observe, then act and respond to the emergency with the knowledge that other like-minded citizens will act similarly – be prepared to properly identify yourself and to (hopefully) identify the other good and bad guys. Initially, there will likely be no law enforcement on scene.

It’s going to happen, dammit and it’ll partially be up to people like us to help, whether it’s for engaging the enemy, providing detailed witness information, first aid and/or moral support.

Let the geeks get their I-Phones out to video the event – you and I will be kicking ass and taking (surviving) prisoners, if any.

Have a plan. Think.

When writing this comment I began to have some concern that someone may think I had some cheap Scotch with my Wheaties this morning and I’m going a little nuts – – – first, I would never drink cheap Scotch (a nice bourbon only) and second, the reality of a bunch of ISIS assholes shooting up a box store or a mall is a distinct possibility.

Did I say……..have a plan?

Who knows, maybe I am a little nuts.

AW1 Tim

Square in the black, brother. Square in the black.


One of the nice things to know is that there are a boatload of combat Veterans walking the streets and that the knowledge they hold will be very valuable in times that require it.
Some of us aren’t combat Veterans but still know a lot of the tactics necessary to deal with a threat.

Dave Hardin

Well, I have the ability to walk around the streets of the blue states and legally defend myself and others.

I think there is a big red blemish in the middle of the country.


Your map is outdated


I work at one of the big box stores, name not important. I carry everyday, all day. company rules be damned.


The only place I don’t carry is at the VA Northport, strictly out of respect for the fine people I have to see there.

Big Steve

I like the way you think


I will give you what my mother would say to the very idea that there could POSSIBLY be extremists in this country:

OH, it will NEVER happen here.

So when those two crazy men blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma City (remember that one? And NYC in 1993?), I asked her if she still thought it would NEVER happen here.

The angry look she gave me was the equivalent of buttheaded denial of reality. But that was my mom.

I’m a realist. I know they are here, hiding in plain sight. The word ‘disenfranchised’ is always used to describe them and the culture of poverty that they wallow in.

But since there are so many people of all ethnicities and origins who have pulled themselves up from nothing in this country, my response is ‘bullshit’.

A malcontent is a malcontent.

AW1 Tim

The Constitution does NOT support any cult or other group seeking to overturn it via anything but legal means.

If this nation finds ANY mosque where it is preached that jihad must be waged against these United States, where it is urged that violence or any other such intimidation be used, to overturn our Constitution, then we should act as the Israeli government does: Seize the property and raze it flat, then sell the land to the highest bidder.

In addition, any muslim cleric, follower, etc, who publicly states his/her desire to see violence used against these United States, to overturn our Constitution, etc, should be jailed and deported. If they are nationalized citizens, then revoke their citizenship and return them to their country of origin. Seize their assets and sell them to offset the costs of a trial, jail, and deportation.

Big Steve

There is no chance this country will ever have a president/government that would have the guts to stand up to the media and academia hysteria, UN outcry, charges of “racism,” liberal meltdowns, etc., and actually exercise such hardcore tactics.

No such luck.


No president?

I think we’ve have several who did exactly who you say none of them would ever do.

You should read something the comic strips occasionally.

Big Steve

I was talking in terms of current times and into to the future. I’m sure most will figure this out. If you believe AW1’s scenario will ever happen in modern times or the future, keep dreaming.

But thanks for your input, Navy photographer. 🙄

Big Steve

“You should read something the comic strips occasionally.”

If you can’t construct/write your petty insults correctly, just STFU.


Oh, that hurts! I left out a preposition (in) in a sentence. When did I criticize your failure to proofread, huh? PMSing, are you?


You could always hit him up for forgetting the word “of” in his comment about 10 down from this one.


So sadly true. Bush actually upped the quota for muslim immigration in the wake of 9-11.


“If I hade a son”


Watch it now. You’ll offend Lars. What are the odds he swoops in like the white knight wants to be and claims these two were profiled and set up?


Let him. His deniability factor is quite high.


Sorry guys, I will report myself to John and self punish myself to only smoking cheap cigars for one week.


I’m waiting for my first sunny 70 degree day so I can sit outside and have the appropriate adult beverage along with a delicious cheap cigar of which I have about twenty assorted.


I have a ways to go for a 70 degree day. But mud season is starting up.

AW1 Tim

Yeah, we got rain here today. Just enough to start to melt the snowpack and flood the lowland areas. Also thawed the top inch or so of the tundra, so we’re getting some mud, though it’ll likely freeze solid again tonight.


We have snow… again… I am sad. 🙁


Still melting and the saps flowing.
I just finished putting a new clutch in my bike and the wait is one.


Damn. Those Tea Party members are at it again!

AW1 Tim

Yeah. Damned Amish Tea party types.

C. Long

You can bet his Guard unit is under a microscope right now.

Big Steve

Another couple of knuckle draggers without any appreciation that they are living in a great country… one that so many other people in the world aspire to live in.

May these two pieces humanoidal, undulating protoplasm be punished severely.


If you think that religion is the driving force behind ISIS, you are mistaken.

It is not religion. It is ideology. Any ideology, including relisious ideology, can be used, and has been, as a means of getting people to willingly do horrifying things.

Don’t believe me?

Hitler’s SS and the Nazi youth groups

Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge

Joseph Stalin and his KGB

the Kim family and their cult of personality in North Korea

the Gang of Four and Mao Tse-tung in Communist China

Qin Shi Huang, the Chinese emperor who built the Great Wall and had people buried in it when they dropped dead during it constructio

Genghis Khan’s Golden Horde

Ivan IV Vasilyevich aka Ivan the Terrible

Robespierre and the Jacobins, the Reign of Terror via the guillotine

Napoleon Bonaparte, the Corsican who conquered Europe and declared himself emperor

I do not see much in the way of organized religion or God in any of those instances.

So if you want to rattle on about religion having anything to do with it, you’re mistaken. It is ideology, using or misusing something to get people do follow your lead and do things, frequently horrible things, without questioning them.

There is no religion involved in any of that at all. It is mob rule. I could bring up a more recent instance in a town in the south central midwest.

Dave Hardin

(I stay silent my friend)


Because worshipping someone as a living god is totally unlike religion… Sacred literature? Check. Fantastical story about the leader/prophet’s birth? Check. Rigid structure of worship? Check. Imagery/icons in houses and worn by believers? Check. Superiority belief over all others? Check. Need to proselytize to others? Check. Infallibility of leader/prophet? Check.

Sounds pretty religious to me. Granted, not all of your examples fit the bill to a T, but your top five most certainly do.

Really don’t want to get into a debate on religious extremism, I just hate to see the already debunked myth that commies = atheists and vice versa. They may have not have believed in a supernatural deity but they simply replaced it with a living one.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I am starting a new comment as a continuation of the JimW thread from above.

I feel I need to explain why I reacted the way I did to his stupidity.

On 9/11 I was enrolled in a private technical school getting some certifications I needed. The school was owned by Muslim man who I was and still am proud to call my friend. I saw a thriving small business fail I saw a mans lifes work go to ruin all caused by fear of something people simply do not try to understand.

I believe in our constitution. To hear someone say it needs to be changed so that we as a nation can discriminate against one group pisses me off. The goes against every thing we as a nation stand for. Our diversity in all ways is out strength. We have liberty something that damned few people in this world ever get a chance to experience but every one dreams off.

Threatening that diversity, Limiting the constitution and trying to take others rights will cause me to come out fighting every time.

Call me a fool but I believe in our nation.


In every cell involving more than one person, assume there is an FBI informant. I’m amazed at how good they are.


“Our diversity in all ways is out strength”

Only when that diversity is assimilated into the melting pot. Otherwise, you end up with tribal enclaves torching cars, like Europe.


“Diversity is our strength”…I thought I was at DailyKos there for a minute.

Just an Old Dog

There are about 2.6 million Muslims in the United States. If it was solely a religious matter thats way more than enough to have stirred up enough shit.


IMHO, If we say we are at “war with Muslims” or assert that this is a “war against Islam” we are violating some of the basic principles and liberties that this country was founded upon.

If we are “at war with Muslims” we are spitting in the faces of U.S. Muslim soldiers who are, right now, combatting extremism and intolerance in the Mideast.

If we are “at war with Islam” we are ignoring the fact that we have had positive and meaningful relations with Islamic countries like Jordan, The United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait.

We need to combat extremism and intolerance, no matter what dogma it hides behind.


King Abdullah II of Jordan speaking to European Parliament


I don’t see this as ‘war with Islam’.

The ideology of al-Baghdadi is not about Islam. It is about controlling the people he dominates to destroy the rest of us. He hates the West, meaning anything not Middle Eastern. If he can generate enough steam and bloodlust in people who follow him mindlessly, he can destroy what he hates. al-Baghdadi attracts ne’er-do-wells like these two Illinois idiots right along with disgruntled creatures like Nidal Hassan and clueless teens like those three girls who disappeared a couple weeks ago. He saw an opportunity and took it, and we see the result.

And al-Baghdadi damned well wants an all-out war. Everything he has said and done has been aimed at that, including inciting people to commit the atrocities we’ve seen.

On the surface, it does look like a war with Islam, but it is not. It’s just another despot on a power trip, like Pol Pot and Hitler. Religion is being used as the excuse, nothing more.


Well said.