Palmer Psul Wickre and his blood oath (presumably against grammar)

| September 29, 2014

TSO’s Notes for those just now tuning in.

Phil was a phony SEAL who owned a big business. TAH exposed Phil as lying crap weasel. Phil asked his employee Palmer Psul Wickre to go after TAH. Psul went completely off the rails and threatened to kill us. Phil fires Psul. Psul continues being insane. Phil goes dark. After Psul is arrested for threats, he files suit against Phil, claiming he was working deep undercover for Phil for 3 months to take out TAH, and is owed $64,000. Phil wins lawsuit. TAH unilaterally declares ceasefire, because Psul is clearly insane. Psul decides to continue assault, then hires a phony chief petty officer as his lawyer, and joins forces with a phony green beret and a phony pilot to declare a fatwa on TAH. TAH responds with direct quotes, Psul responds with increasingly odd emails.

You wont publish it , it is too truthful about your mob. But I wanted you to get it to know that your tricks and bad words are deflected and useless.

I still intend to keep my blood oaths to you oafs. Nice ring there

Here is the truth about your miscreant, mob and essence. Read it and weep or dont. I still plan to pursue diminshiment of what you hold dear, using your own thoughts and words.

Good Luck, dying wart, and you too, mutton chop, in your shack.


Um. What?


I thought all the posts from my friends on your site hit the mark and you are a laughingstock.

Off mission, abandoned Phil, lost your stolen valor credentials. What warms the cockels of my heart is the image of Seavey sitting up night after night pouring through old tax and court records from 7 to 17 years ago, analyzing, sweating, typing, in that little upstairs bedroom on the right.

Dude, I hate to let you know, but I go to bed around 9:30 every night.  I sure as well don’t sit up at night pouring over old documents.  I get them sent to me, usually pre-cut to put into a post.  Pretty creepy you are checking out my house’s floorplan, but just an FYI, that room to the right is the bathroom.  I shower in there.  You trying to watch me in the shower Psul?

“Off mission” cracked up Jonn and I though.  We were so off mission we posted like 10 Stolen Valor guys last week.

Giving up ALL his time, to parse some old Court record about a civil case or a an old Class B misdemeanor from 2001, and trying to embarrass me. Hey Appalachian, half breeds, blue collars, Hayseeds and Hillbillies. I am absorbing ALL of your free time, at night way from your families or some gainful pursuit, while you fire “dud’ shells to some mark only you can understand.

Um.  What?

20 adults, spending 2-4 hours a night on the Internet, reading, typing, researching some old Court records, probing some long forgotten case from the 1961 where my parents were Appellants (they won) and then publiscizing my well known case against Omni, where we were the Plaintiffs, suing for recovery which we got.

I’m flattered you think I spend 2-4 hours a night probing your activities.  I think you have it confused with Big Bang Theory which I spend 2-4 hours a night watching.  Kaley Cuoco’s far more interesting than your manboobs.

Anyway, thanks for all the attention to detail, it makes me out to be the devil incarnate, while you waste your time, about 30-40 hours a week!

Yeah, no.

Like Charlie VC, I am diverting all your volunteer resource into some long past, that no one reads or cares about.

Rather than chase the new fake Colonel, you are mulling over and writing each other in a circle jerk about declarations of a $5 tie.

It was a $1 tie, $5 suit.  That’s some old money erudite behavior right there.  So different than us blue collar losers.  None of us wear $5 suits.

You will never know the truth about the 2008 bank default strategy, that we piled in on.

On that you are right.  I wouldn’t default on $50k to family members.

Your little Tabloid has made us the posterboys, me, my buddies, etc, for the low brow, “wasteland on the Internet”

Keep plowing your research into me, a civilian contractor, while it destroys your credibility chasing rogue vets.

Did not you learn Vietnam? Your being dissipated into hamlets, trails and villages, while you lose focus.

We lost in Vietnam because of tax records?  (please, dude, your, you’re, yore, all different.)

What is really funny, is there are now about 20-30 hard core ex-vets that type away, read old documents and proclaim some “news item”.

It goes without saying, that rather than have a life or spend family time, you are up on your Dell, probing over some scrip or scrap from all the way back to 150 years ago as to some “info as to my predecessors.”

I don’t own a Dell bro.

Do you really think that ANYONE cares or makes a passing moment on some old story on dead people in my blood line in South Dakota? You are making me famous and Jared, too. We are parlaying your threads in the the foolishness of your entire organization.

Yeah, Jared loves the attention.  You know who didn’t like it?  Fox News, I emailed them last week about their expert.  I also have appeared on that channel, so I sent his actual record to some of the producers.

What comes through loud and clear are two points:

1) Your readership is DEEPLY insecure about their social position and standing. They talk about the paint job on their car, or their meager land, or boat or gun or other property, as if to elevate themselves out of the limited choices they made as the lower tier of society, betting on the military as a career.

Out of uniform, broke, big Harley payments, your readership goes on and on about , ” no I am really a winner”.

Every one knows in my circle that we cant really sue you because as my lawyer says, “20 years as a SFC, leaves you without a pot to piss in.”

We cant get monetary recovery because you are all broke.

Well, not all of us can afford $5 suits.

2) The other major point that comes through is the posters and posers write about their life experiences, the only ruler they have. Over and over, ” I was an lineman, I built construction, I farm, I repair cars, I put up those antenna towers, I go to the shooting range, I talk about females as to slang in genitals, I drive a truck.”

It is all their.

They’re, there, their.  All homonyms, but you should learn which is used where.

You as a group are a blue collar group, that sells your labor as working with your hands. The bottom 5th of society, existing on the Government dole, trying to find relevance on the clothes you wore, and the social signals of a tin, cotton 1″ color died scrap of memory.

Nothing has changed– 150 years ago in the Civil War, the rich got out of the draft by paying your types to risk life and limb $200 to avoid the lottery. You idiots, went off to Chambersburg, Little Rouddtop, Gettysburg, Vicksburg and lost life and limb in a futile war that wasted the country, came to no good end, and 500,000 casulaties under the meat saw of battlefield doctors, sawing off your leg as to a musket ball.

You have not changed. False zeal on the battlefield led to death and dismemberment. You lost life and limb under the bravado of 50,000 men dying in a day.

I think this section here is my favorite.  Honor and glory mean nothing to you, and mean everything to us.

Nice life, Caryy on that fine tradition, by wasting your free time, away from any good social pursuit, following I, the master, studying my tax records.

What imbeciles

Mark thanks for all the documentary evidence. Maybe Mason will sell the rights to the Discovery Channel as to 40 louts stayng up at night scrutinizing my traffic stops in 1997!


Thanks so much, we have figured out how to make hay off your wasted time, broken lives and sheer envy.

Keep it up.


Ah yes, well, the envy keeps me warm when I can’t pay my heating bill from spending all my hard-earned cash on $4 suits.




Category: Politics

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“Out of uniform, broke, big Harley payments, your readership goes on and on about , ” no I am really a winner”.”

That sums up Phildo, tho fired him. Well, except that Psul didn’t mention the DUI.

Doc Savage

Oh……ouch….I think a little piece of my brain just broke reading that…that…what?

Was that supposed to be some kind of “I am superior to you” manifesto?

I think I just lost IQ points browsing that grammatical abortion.


I think that’s an example of Authentic “Lucky” Sperm Club Gibberish. It does seem to be a more intelligible example than usual, though.

And yes, the word “lucky” above is in quotes for a reason.




You are a better man than I am if you read the whole thing. I had to stop cause my head started feeling numb.

Farflung Wanderer

Alright, this guy is starting to piss me right the fuck off.

“Lower Tier of Society”? The hell? This is a classless (sorta; big gov’t and taxes sorta has created defacto classes) society, we don’t have “tiers” like in a Middle Ages Monarchy! Furthermore, members of the military are typically considered as one of the most honored occupations to ever take. It may not make you rich, but does Money make the Man?

Second: “No Good End”? Are you fucking senile? The end of the Civil War was an end to Slavery! Another step to establishing the rights of Man! It established the dominance of Federal Law over State Law, ending a Constitutional Dilemma that had plagued the Nation since Day One! And you mean to tell me there was “no good end”?

Fuck. Off.

You spit on the graves of the dead, you deserve every shite turn that happened to you.


Don’t get pissed off Wanderer.
That is his goal, to get all of us real veteran’s and the true heroes that ply this page to get pissed off if for nothing else to get free rent in your head.
Fuck this idiot.
I only feel bad for all the guys that are the Admin at this great web site. I could not imagine all the grief they get every day in their email boxes…
I love this site.
Chill out and stay away from sharp pointed objects and the Red Rider Daisy BB Gun or you’ll put your eye out !!!

Farflung Wanderer

Fair point. He probably lives off of getting a rise out of the people who go here.

Just for clarification’s sake, I’m not a veteran, just a Freshman in college. I hope I’ll join that number, though, but in the meantime I don’t want to claim, passively or actively, I’m not.

A Proud Infidel®™

Farflung, you’re already at least ten thousand times more of a Man than Wickre ever has been or ever will be. You’re honest, you know right from wrong, and you have a strong moral compass, attributes that neither he nor any other member of that clique of dregs will ever have. Stay on the path you are now, just tolerate the looney liberal profs in college, and go for what you want in life, you have what it takes to achieve, and if you ever need an example of what NOT to do in this life, that clique of dregs provides plenty, but I’m certain that you already know that!!

Farflung Wanderer

Thanks, Infidel, that means a lot. I’ll take your advice as best and as far as I can.

Thankfully, I don’t have to deal with liberal professors over here… Hillsdale. What a school.


“The bottom 5th of society, existing on the Government dole, trying to find relevance on the clothes you wore, and the social signals of a tin, cotton 1″ color died scrap of memory.”

I seem to remember one guy who posted here a lot. His wife collected a pay check every month from a US Representative and he pimped out contracts to the government. He used to provide some examples of his social status, such as his “expensive” Bethesda home (valued on Zillow at about $750K, or about average for a small home in the neighborhood), his collection of Jaguars, his attendance at a nice church, and all of his powerful inside the beltway friends. Interestingly, none of us blue collar types where impressed. For some reason, his name escapes me.


Government dole? Yeah, I’m waiting for all that free shit to come my way. 35 years in the workforce and since my HS graduation, I’ve been unemployed a grand total of three WEEKS.


Oh, I can’t wait until later, when I too have time to Fisk this into particulate finer than talc, but for now, Psulie-boi, allow me this:

Yes, I’m technically “blue collar”. Yes, I like my comparatively humble abode. While far less expensive than yours, the mailbox has a door and I have a garage that will hold not one, but TWO vehicles.

My income, the exact amount of which is none of your business, is not, as you say, in the “bottom 5th.” Quite the opposite, in fact; my income since I left the military has been well into the top quintile (go ahead, look that word up.)

But you have to understand, while money is nice, it is not an end-all, be-all for the existence of most around here. Money doesn’t buy class. I’ve known poor folks who were the nicest people you’d ever meet. I’ve known rich people who were total shitbags.

Were it solely for your attitude, I might actually feel sorry for you. But no, you have to harass people, threaten them, and just be a general wart on the asshole of life. The fact you, Bernath, Wittgenfeld, et al, run in the same circles should tell you something. Sad that you’ll never figure it out.

And on that note, time for me to go do my blue collar shit and keep this country running. Too bad you’ll never be able to claim you did anything of any use, except piss off.


Psul/Pslmer the magnificent clown. He and Wittlessone should take their comedy act on the road… hell throw in Nogas too. They could be a real hit until people realize it isn’t an act, and that they are all truly insane.


Trying to figure out if I’m an Appalachian, half breed, blue collar, Hayseed or Hillbilly.

If anyone can help me out, I’d appreciate it.


I prefer “Yahoo”, myself.


I was leaning toward “cretin” but that’s not one of the choices..


What about “Sharecropper” can we pick that?


I like that.

My grandpa used to call me “clodhopper” back in the day. That’s what I’m going with.


“She’s not Cretan, boss – she’s Porto Riccan!”


I rather liked “Yahoo”, too.

Pity they let Google get the better of them, isn’t it? (smile)

AW1 Tim

Well, if his emails & comments are indicative of the man (as I believe they are) then Paultard has personal experience with every one of those types in his genes.


Or them being in his jeans…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Jonn often uses the term dickweeds…so draw your own conclusions.


Coming from Jonn, ‘dickweed’ is an honorific, one which these clowns will never earn.


How do you think I feel? I’m Hispanic so how do I fit into that Hayseed or Hillbilly category? I mean I like old-school country and some bluegrass, among other things so I guess that might qualify me. I’m just so confused!

AW1 Tim

Hey Paultard,

No one here is an “ex-vet”. You’re either a veteran, or you are not.

You’re acting exactly like those self-appointed aristocrats in the south who considered wealth and possessions above everything else. So much so, that they started a civil war which cost us over 650,000 lives, not “500,000”. The facts and figures are out there, although I understand that research and comprehension are not among your strongest suits. Not even the $5 ones. 😉

But hey, just remember who won that damned war, and what happened afterward to all those self-appointed aristocrats and their wealth and property.

HS Junior

They adopted abusive sharecropping in place of slavery, joined the KKK, and continued their ignoble rule up until the end of segregation?


After reading half of the first quote I only have one question: What is your annual Aleve budget? I can’t imagine trying to read that crap on a regular.


I hope at some point a cliff notes version of the entire story gets posted. Trying to figure out what’s going on from his emails makes my brain hurt.

I haven’t been online much lately. Is it two or three grammar rapists apparently cyber stalking the site now?


TSO added notes at the very top of this page, a short chronology. Also you can take a look here:

I just spent 34.5 of the last 36 hours digging up that link for you. I hope you appreciate it. Research is hard.


Mr. Psul,
Next time you buy a spendy wedding ring ($25), please pay the extra 5 bucks to get the “irony decoder bezel”.

You are the only idiot in this discussion that has interjected family ancestry, haplog groups, and etc. To my knowledge, you are the only idiot in this discussion that has declared bankruptcy. I would be willing to bet that you have spent more time researching and responding than any other member of this conversation… but of course you were getting paid (or so you thought). I bet you’ll do anything for money, won’t you Psul. Your lawyer sounds like a real Einstein. Please keep paying his hourly rate, results notwithstanding. Idiot.

“You will never know the truth about the 2008 bank default strategy, that we piled in on.” I have referred this to the Treasury Dept. fraud hotline. I recall something about “see something, say something”. My regards to Ms. Ricci. – GDC


I’m also willing to bet that none of us are so obsessed with the goings on in the Wickre household as to hire investigators and researchers to find out.

Delilah T.

I know I’m not.

Remember, Bobo, AS TO is always in upper case.

A Proud Infidel®™

OY VEY, I love it when I’m proven right! Just like what I said about Daniel A. Bernath and Dallas Wittgenfeld, the same applies to Paul/Palmer Wickre. They WANT you to get upset or mad at them, and they will say, post or send whatever they think will do that. They want angry posts, calls, and emails so they can go file another tsunami of effluvia in another courtroom. They have never been productive members of society or worked hard to earn something, they just sit there being jealous while they try to figure out some scheme or another which will fail.


The other day I read some Bernath posts and comments from various interweb spots and came to the same conclusion you just pointed out. These guys are frickin’ super-trolls who do whatever they can to get a rise out of people so they can attempt to drag them to court to get money because they have no skills or talent to offer. Failing as a lawyer-pilot-wannabe actor? Post some goofy shit on the internet to get people angry enough to send you a nasty email. Can’t make it as a legitimate businessman? Pimp yourself out to be a paid troll for a valor stealing knob.

“I can’t do literary work for the rest of this year because I’m meditating another lawsuit and looking around for a defendant”
-Mark Twain

A Proud Infidel®™

Yup! I’m positive that Bernath is not just trying to agitate the Shipleys, he also wants to make as many of their fans as he can get angry at him, then he fabricates another lawsuit claiming that the Shipleys are behind the angry calls and emails to Bernath, that’s how slimy Daniel A. Bernath is, ditto with Dallas Wittgenfeld and Paul/Palmer K. Wickre.

HS Junior

Unfortunately, that probably will be his next lawsuit. With youtube commenters being like they are, I imagine there’s ONE person in the Shipley nation at least who will send a nasty email that will get him sued. It’s just so damn sad to watch.

John Robert Mallernee

ROFLOL ! ! !

I love that Mark Twain quote.

He’s my favorite author.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

For a guy who claims to not care at all about what you and Jonn are doing he sure spends an inordinate amount of time writing to you guys expressing his satisfaction at having such a better life than either of you or the folks here.

It would seem to me that he spends the same amount of time he claims you fellows do writing on an internet board defending his superiority.

If I recall correctly he could have let the whole APL deal drop and no one would have ever discussed this man on this, or any other stolen valor board again as he’s never claimed service he was just defending a man who had made such claims if I recall the beginning of this accurately.

In any event, I don’t envy you reading or dealing with this topic.


IIRC, his first two sockpuppet posts claimed military service.


There he goes with that wishful thinking and projection thing again. Whatever.

Meanwhile, it’s time for me to leave my paid for house, get into my paid for car, and go out and spend some of that modest-but-quite-comfortable retirement income on anything my widdle heart desires. Pslmer/Psul (or whatever he imagines his name to be this week) can only wish for the peace which comes from having earned one’s way in the world, then enjoying the product of that labor.

Success and sustainability – that is what most of us here already have, and others are working toward or preparing for.

It must be horrid to be so insignificant that demanding attention from persons of accomplishment seems like a good life choice. It’s not, but good luck with that. You seem to know intuitively that none of us (or any other sane person) would give you the time of day if you didn’t keep inserting yourself into our lives. Of course, you are the only one spending any time at all pondering how to do that. The rest of us have much better things to do – and are doing them.

My response to you has always been, and continues to be, Who? No, you are not part of my life’s agenda. But, since you continue to plant yourself into our path, we will continue to laugh and point at you while we get on with our lives. You are completely forgotten until the next time you present yourself for ridicule.

A Proud Infidel®™

I see him exactly as I see every member of that clique of dregs, ones who have never worked hard to achieve a goal in life or earn something that just sit in the shadows watching others work and enjoy life letting their minds seethe with jealousy while they connive and try to fabricate some scheme to take what they can from those who have earned it.


I really lost brain cells and IQ points reading that mindless drivel! Holy shitballs!

I’m not an Appalachian, nor am I a half breed, blue collar, hayseed or hillbilly. So I’m not sure if I neatly fit into Psulie’s Matrix of Hatred.

But wait… I’m a dirty Joooooooo! So yeah, I guess I do.


Myself, I come under the following groups:
1) Trailer Trash.
2) Biker Trash
3) Iowa Trash
4) Texas RV Trash
5) Texas Trash
6) Iowa Hayseed (I was born in Ottumwa, and it is pronounced Ottumwa, not Otoomwa like Denzel, or whomever it was, said in the “Tuskegee Airmen” movie
7) River Rat
8) Tractor Trash
9) Infantry Trash
10) Groundpounder
And a host of others that I wear with pride !!!


Damn, that’s an impressive list for Psul’s Hatred Matrix! I’m jealous that I only have the JOOO thing going for me.


Well, Nicki, you’re female also.

If I recall correctly, Psulie-boi isn’t exactly pleased with the idea of treating women as equals.

A Proud Infidel®™

Neither are the other members of that clique of dregs!


Hack Stone

Where did you get that clip of the judge addressing Paul K. Wickre during his last court appearance?


Must he use that word ‘probing’???? The images are – well, creepy!

‘Mutton chop’? I know who Lamb Chop is, but Mutton Chop? Is that some vague, Freudian reference or something?

‘working with hands’ says ‘craftsmen’. Lest we all forget, craftsmen were, and have always been the honored section of society, the people who knew how to make things and also fix broken things. Everyone went to them for that, including the ruling class back in them there olden times.

In fact, people still DO go to them, unless of course they’ve offended the plumber, who declines to unclog the toilet again despite the justified $250 charge for the trip and the rotorooter, or the local Jaguar dealership, who won’t let them and their crappy, rusty Jags in through the automatic door.

OH, the Harley-Davidson, the last bastion of yuppie youth, the emblem of teen rebellion… or something like that. Yeah, most of the yuppies on bikes that I see are riding Hondas, dimwit. They aren’t on Harleys or Triumphs, although I have seen a BMW and once glimpsed a Ducati. But then, those people aren’t phonies claiming to be vets. They’re just out on a Sunday morning bike ride to the nearest watering hole where they can all line up and talk about chrome and engine cc’s and trashing the Marriott at Sturgis.

Oh, and ‘hayseed’ and ‘hillbilly’ aren’t capitalized, and despite peckerwood’s illiterate, rambling, incoherent posting, I did not get a headache this time.

But 3 to 4 hours a night on this twaddle? I don’t think so. Dude, I spend those 3 to 4 hours on my own stuff. It’s far more interesting than you are and a lot prettier, too. You are not very important, you know, no matter how much you kid yourself and make a pest of yourself.

Man, this guy is one rung short of having a brain!


I still like my Ducati after 17,000 miles no chrome no plastic just an engine and tires.


I’ve been riding Harley’s since 1988 and still love the things.
Women don’t flash their tits at you if you are riding a BMW@, Gold Wing, minivan or Honda !!!
They do for Harley riders though !!!


This is true, Stixx, but the Honda crowd I’ve seen consists of yuppies with cash to spend who also wheel around with that little trailer hooked on the back end.

I do see Harleys, and occasionally, the road cruiser chopper with ape hangers. The choppers seem to go in flocks like geese.

Hack Stone

When I was on recruiting duty in North Dakota (way back in the day), I saw a guy riding down the interstate on a Harley. Not unusual, you say? Did I mention that he was in a wheel chair? Yes, no shit, a guy in a wheel chair riding a (seriuosly modified) Harley.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s my alphabetical Yinglish tribute to each and every member of the Bernath/Wickre clique, something I pretended I was saying to each of them face to face while I wrote it, ENJOY!! You thought you’d make us think you were alrightnik, but we saw right through you, and knew you were altar kockers! You have bopkis for beytsim. You’re chazzers parading with chutzpah proving that you know drek. Some think you’re fagele-like But we know you’re a furshlugginer farshunken farshnickert!! You’re a goniff that wishes he was a gantse macher, but we know you’re gornisht that will geshrei until people tell you to GAY KOCKEN OFFEN YOM!”, you’re all gornisht helm! You would hock what you can, even to a jeshua bucher. You think you’re kosher, but you prove you have no kishkas, and you kvetch until people say “KISH M’TUCHAS!” knowing that you’re brain-kaput klutzes! each of you has a luchi in kop, and you always act like it! You think you’re a macher, but you prove yourself to be a mamzer. You think you’re a maven and a mensch that deserves a “Mazel Tov’,but you’re really a mishpocheh of meshugeners that will be mechuleh!! You take naches in your narrisckeit, and you’re nebbishes and nebeches that like to noodge people until you’re blown off as a nudnik. You want others to say “OY VEY” and “OY GEVALT”, but it’s fantasy, you’re pisher! No matter how much you plotz,you’ll always get a potch in return, you PUTZ! You schlep your schlock of a lawsuit around like the schlub you are, a schmo that’s schmeering schmatta everywhere! In your shemozzle with us, whether you’re schickered or not, we don’t see you as a shlimazel, WE KNOW you’re a shmendrick! Your spiel of shmutz that you try to pass off as shtick is little more than a traif tchatchke! You are giving yourselves plenty of tsuris, you will soon have them flying around everywhere, even out of your tuchis, but you’ve brought it on yourselves. DON’T get verklempt about my post in Yinglish, but alas, YOU’RE A YUTZ, you can’t help… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s where you can translate the Yiddish words I used:

A Proud Infidel®™

Check out the link for translations, I insulted them from A to Z with Yiddish slang!


Doesn’t everybody talk about females as to slang in genitals?


I do, when I am not “sawing off your leg as to a musket ball.”

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

we go make much dance now?

may you please be to tell what language he are to make speak?


Psulie-boi’s next email:

Hahahaha…all your base are belong to us.


Lol, I was just thinking that…..


I wonder if I an give this whole debacle of words he tries to put together to the contractors behind the bar to get a whole bottle of bourbon as one drink. It seems like the only way I’d be able to read the whole thing without a headache.


Batshit Crazy

Mike Kozlowski

…I just read that rant, and now my brain hurts.



For the love of Oden and all you Vikings hold holey get off the Meth and Crack.


Don’t lump this knob in with upstanding heathens.

Mr. Blue

I’m also going to assume he has a blood oath against sobriety as well.


No. He has a “blood oath” against common sense and literacy.


I do believe he has gone full retard.

Watching the downward spiral is…just…amazing.

Hack Stone

Full Wickre. We have all agreed that term will now be referred to as going full Wickre.


And that folks, is the way it is…Personally, I believe Paul K. Wickre needs to take a very long staycation at Belview or Marion or SuperMax, maybe Sing-Sing.

A Proud Infidel®™

A stint in a rubber room wearing a strait jacket after a dose of Thorazine would be a good start!


So, lemme get all this straight. Please feel free to correct me.

Phildo of All Points To My Ass Logistics, thinks he’s turning the dogs loose when he has Paul (Of The Ballsack) come after TAH. Then Phildo realizes, “gee, this guy is bringing MORE bad press down on me and the intent was to tie up TAH. How did I hire this guy not knowing what a retarded ass licker he was. He’s a racist, a misogynist, a poorly worded and spelling nightmare. Now I am getting ten times the heat from TAH and that was not my intent. So I’ll fire his sorry ass.” I think that sums up how it went down. Then of course, Paul (Of The Ballsack) has to file a lawsuit against Phildo for back wages, he thinks he earned while undercover screwing with TAH on behalf of Phildo and All Pints To My Ass Logistics. Palmer (Of The Two Hole) loses said lawsuit and now is on a tear with TAH and all associated with us.

Did I sum up the history pretty well? Did I leave much out, other than his poor, incoherent grammar and strange spelling techniques?


Works for me…lol.

Hack Stone

You forgot that he introduced the term “lucky sperm club”, which certainly impressed us. In fact, the lucky sperm, a spermazoid on a shamrock, is the FirsTech/FirstTech corporate logo.


All he needs to do now is convert to Islam and the shark jump will be complete.




Abdul Psul al-Wickre?


of the ballsack.



Hack Stone

That was a literal laugh out loud comment. Now, how am I supposed to go to sleep if I keep laughing?

Kinda old ET1

Hmmm… I’m only half hillbilly you pompous prick. The rest Polish and Irish.*all of my paternal great grandparents were immigrants.
Mix that with 20 years of military service and my blue collar job. I must be contemptible in your”circles”.
But you know what? Fuck you,you inbred cocksucker.
I have something you never have had and never will have.
Have you ever had a total stranger stop and shake your hand, thanking you for the job you do?
Had an entire grade school class write you notes of encouragement and gratitude?
Nope, you haven’t.
I wouldn’t trade those experiences for any amount of money, and they have made me far richer than your pea brain can fathom.
Enjoy being known by the company you keep, you dickless blowhard.
*Oh and btw my blue collar job pays about the same as your wife’s salary. Ain’t that a bitch?

HS Junior

But do you have a princely selection of $5 suits and a crappy Jag on blocks in your driveway dragging down local property values? That is the question.


I don’t even have socks that cheap. Damn, I’m so unworthy.

Hack Stone

He degrades the man with the blue collar. The same guy that looks fabulous in a Montgomery County Correctional Facility issued orange jumpsuit.


Courtesy of the Charlie Daniels Band: “What This World Needs Is A Few More Rednecks”

What most people call a redneck
Ain’t nothin but a workin man
And he makes his livin by the sweat of his brow
And the calluses on his hands

Now you intellectuals may not like it
But there ain’t nothin that you can do
‘Cause there’s a whole lot more of us common folks
Then there ever will be of you

John Ginsberg

Psul may not appreciate much about TAH, but I do. And I appreciate what you guys do. I just wish I could find a way to provide support, but I have very little excuse, just a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle made expensive by sales taxes and high costs for food and the like, courtesy of the United States of America and the people. However, TAH, keep up your good mission.

Guard Bum

He actually did kind of nail me! Blue collar, retired SFC, farmer,hillbilly, and I have a Dell (no Harley payment though)! Eerie I tell ya.

It may be counter intuitive but this guy is clearly coming off the rails and probably the best course of action is to just stop posting his incoherent rantings and thus deny him the attention he seeks.

I can be no more angry about anything he has said or done than I could about any other mentally handicapped human being lashing out at the world because of the unfairness of life.

I think I will save my anger for a more worthy opponent and put this guy in the category of those who are unable to help themselves or allow others to help them and who inevitably self destruct. If you really think about it, he is actually quite pitiful.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I’ve gone cross-eyed after reading that drivel. What kind of a failed mental abortion do you have to be to write that garbage? Nevermind, already know the answer to that question.


From what I’ve seen during my life, the following is very often if not generally true:

1. Competent people (e.g., people who accomplish something worthwhile in life) consider their background irrelevant. In general, they concentrate on what they and others do.

2. People who are not competent, and thus have no significant life accomplishments about which to talk, often make much of their (and others’) background and ancestry. They fixate on those ancestors’ lives and accomplishments – real or imagined – to fill the void in their own empty existence. And they tend to delude themselves into thinking that the rest of the world cares.

Everyone can decide for themselves in which group our “good friend” Psul seems to belong.


Very true. I’ve had run-ins with the latter type. They wax long on their family lineage and accomplishments. I ask them one simple question, “Good for your family. But what have YOU done?” I’m usually met with stony silence.

HS Junior

Is there a separate group for people who do great and commendable things for four years of their life, then become non-contributing, malignant tumors on humanity until the day their birth certificates expire (I’lL lEaVe It tO YOu tO GUESS WhAt PeRsOn you AnD I KnOw WhO MIGHT MeET ThAt cRiterIA)?


I think one such group used to be called IVAW. But IMO they’re pretty much irrelevant these days.

HS Junior

And thank heaven for that.

Hack Stone

If you look him up on Facebook, Paul has a total of two friends. No shit, two friends. That is twice as many as I expected. And neither friend is his wife. There has to be a story behind that. Maybe she doesn’t want her friends and co-workers to know what a loser she married.


“Phil was a phony SEAL who owned a big business. TAH exposed Phil as lying crap weasel. Phil asked his employee Palmer Psul Wickre to go after TAH. Psul went completely off the rails and threatened to kill us. Phil fires Psul. Psul continues being insane. Phil goes dark. After Psul is arrested for threats, he files suit against Phil, claiming he was working deep undercover for Phil for 3 months to take out TAH, and is owed $64,000. Phil wins lawsuit. TAH unilaterally declares ceasefire, because Psul is clearly insane. Psul decides to continue assault, then hires a phony chief petty officer as his lawyer, and joins forces with a phony green beret and a phony pilot to declare a fatwa on TAH. TAH responds with direct quotes, Psul responds with increasingly odd emails.”

I just realized what this is. It’s a complex scientific discovery of what astronomers like to call, “the Black Hole of Stupid.”

TSO, maybe you guys should get a Nobel Peace Prize for science based on this discovery. Just sayin.


@Nicki-I’ve been following these threads for a while. Several keyboards have been ruined due to involuntary drink ejection; but your post takes the cake.

You owe me a new coffee cup! 🙂

The Black Hole Of Stupid. Can we use this to generate electricity or something?

The Other Whitey

I caught something in there about a blood oath–hard to tell, given psul’s inability to use the English language, but I think that’s what it said. Sounds like some kind of weird masturbatory fetish for psul.

Then he called everybody on the blog a “blue-collar hillbilly.” I, for one, consider that a compliment.

I gave up trying to make sense of psul’s chickenscratch when he said something about Vietnam and tax papers. He must be on some GOOD drugs if that makes sense in his tiny, addled brain. Hey, better living through chemistry!


Given his apparent fixation with his alleged superior “Aryan” ancestry, Other Whitey, I’m guessing it’s a crude attempt at Wagnerian symbology.

But I could easily be wrong.


Redneck, hillbilly, hayseed, blue collar…None of those bother me in the least. My family has a long line of hard work, dedication, and honor that no money inheriting blue blood can ever hope to match. Let Psul of the ballsack blubber all he wants. In the end all he has is his families accomplishments, the long nose he uses to look down on people, and the cheap silver spoon that’s shoved up his ass. I have my own and my families achievements to be proud of.

Green Thumb

I think Palmer (of the Ballsack) should file against Phildo again.




One? You may be giving him too much credit there, PH2. I’m pretty sure that portion of genetic code wasn’t even in the sperm that somehow managed to fertilize that egg.

Somewhere out there is a House meme about a tree working really hard to produce his oxygen…if my phone wasn’t a complete piece of crap, I’d have to put it here.


That sperm may have been donated by the drugged up pool boy. That would explain a lot.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or the Mailman, the Milkman, the Appliance Repairman,…

Jonn Lilyea

He’s distracted us from stolen valor so much that we’ve only done six since Friday afternoon.


Kinda reminds me of the drivel on DU, but substantially less literate.

Oh, and just to pile on his abuse of homonyms: “pouring” is what you do with liquids. “Poring” is what you do with documents etc.


Under normal circumstances I’d say I told you so. But, as I have told so with such vehemence and frequency already the phrase has lost all meaning. Therefore, I will be replacing it with the phrase, I have informed you thusly.


While on the tangent of TBBT, the thought which goes through my mind whenever one of these idiots comes near a keyboard:

Oh what fresh hell is this?


‘Oh, what fresh hell is this?’

Eloquent! Downright Shakespearean.

May I borrow thatZ


Don’t ask me, I stole it myself.


Yeah, I had to look that one up. It sounded like something from ‘Titus Andronicus’, but it wasn’t. It was Dorothy Parker. Damn good poet, too.


Psul of the ballsack has three shitty Jags, cheap suits, reneges on payments to family members, and has the audacity to disparage those who honorably served this great nation? Dear God in heaven. I own four cars, the oldest of which is ten years newer than his crappy jags. It’s obvious that his parents money couldn’t buy him common sense, honor, or even a decent education AS TO his atrocious spelling and grammar. The turd sells second rate software for a living. Everything about Psul of the ballsack is second rate.


Second rate? He aspires to second rate…he’s like fifth rate, fourth rate tops!

Green Thumb

He used to work at All-Points Logistics.

That speaks volumes about his character.

Hack Stone

He has exclusive distribution rights to those free K- Mart AOL discs that they used to give out. I think that he should give up pursuing the software sales and focus on his soft serve ice cream stand.


He’s boring.

End of story.


Psul you are such a low life dumbass, it used to be fun reading the insanity you spew, but it’s just getting old and boring.

HS Junior

I’m not an appalachian, a half-breed (whatever that’s supposed to mean; maybe I am), a hayseed, or a hillbilly.

I’m just a pure and odious asshole, period 😀


But at least you’re pure. It’s possible the sperm that created Psul of the ballsack was donated by the drugged up pool boy or the Hispanic gardener.


Just a thought. Maybe it was donated by the Jewish pawn broker down the road?

HS Junior

Tangential, but funny nonetheless; the thought of that prejudiced fuck finding out he was Jewish reminds me of this story. A Hungarian neo-Nazi politician, Csanad Szegedi, spent years railing against the “Jewishness of the political class” and other such good and wholesome things until one day, records were dug out of Auschwitz confirming both his parent were Jews who had died there. He’s since retired. Seriously.


Which just proves that life is stranger than fiction.

HS Junior


Country Singer

That’s hilarious! He’s a real life “Clayton Bigsby.”

For those of you that haven’t seen it, one of Dave Chappelle’s best skits. NSFW for Language Link:

Just An Old Dog

“But at least you’re pure. It’s possible the sperm that created Psul of the ballsack was donated by the drugged up pool boy or the Hispanic gardener.”

Psul (of the ballsack)’s mom Carrie Haynes was a Texas gal who moved to DC during WW2 and did Secretarial work, It’s probably very safe to say with her being away from the confines of home and around all those older powerful men the keys onof her typewriter wasn’t the only thing getting pounded daily.


Psul seems to forget that daddy comes from a bunch of Midwestern dirt farmers and mommy comes from a bunch of Texas dirt farmers. The only way that daddy happened to have two nickels to rub together was that he managed to find his way to DC during WW II. I’m sure that the real blue bloods inside the beltway chortle after he walks away thinking that he is just as good as they are. I’m there, Psul, at the events for the real people of good breeding in DC; The Cosmos Club, The University Club, the country clubs in Arlington. I’m wearing black tie and socializing at the open bar but, for some reason, I never seem to see you or your lovely wife at the events. Given you’re assumed entré based on the “lucky sperm club” I can’t imagine why not. How does it feel when a “half-breed” goes to places regularly where, given your penchant for moving violations, you couldn’t work as a valet?

NR Pax

So I was feeling a bit down today. I read this post and realize “Hey! I’m not Psul!” Now the day is looking shiny and new.

A Proud Infidel®™

From now on whenever i feel depressed and down in the dumps, I’ll think the same thing and drive on. Thanks NR Pax!


“Appalachian, half breeds, blue collars, Hayseeds and Hillbillies”.

Ah, you have claimed that the value of your wedding ring is 35 dollars and you wear 5 dollars suits.

So your lawyer says we are not worth suing … What does your PI say?

Give my regards to PI Jared “Who” Stern!

If Jared was who he says he is, he (or a representative of his firm) would have been in Atlanta.

He was no where to be found.

NO ONE ever heard of him and his NS, CT and intel tool kit!


I believe he claimed his wedding ring was worth $25 dollars, MCPO.

I guess he couldn’t afford the deluxe model. Must have opted for the standard at $25 plus two suits instead.

A Proud Infidel®™

Some say that $25 can get one pretty piece of Cubic Zirconium at a flea market or a TV Shopping Network, that seems right up Psul’s alley. He saves on clothing and jewelry leaving more money for his supply of MD20/20, T-Bird, Boone’s Farm and Night train!


What a sad, pathetic little man this Psul is. And boring, an insignificant dullard that is so totally tiring and boring.


Oh, and in my little corner of the trailer park, the one with the 74 Pinto up on blocks, we got together and decided we would no longer say “full retard” anymore. It will now be known as going “full wickre”. I’m sure Psul must be so proud.