Jarrett Otto Gimbl; phony wounded Marine

| September 10, 2014

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Scottie sends us his work on Jarrett Otto Gimbl who claims that he was injured in an IED blast that took out his chompers. It looks like he was injured, but probably by a blanket party rather than a blast. Here he is on Fox News;

He claims that he had difficulty adjusting to civilian life from his combat tours of Iraq and Afghanistan


But his DD214 says that he never left the United States – his only award after a year and 3 months of service was a National Defense Service Medals. But, hey, they don’t just hand those out, do they?

Jarret Gimbl

So, yeah, he’s a service-connected disabled veteran, but this looks like an ass whooping;

11 (2)

ADDED: The most confusing telephone conversation I’ve ever had;

I’m still not sure what he said. But he told me to “hold on” and then hung up after I told him that I was recording the conversation. Do all of you people in the north start talking in the middle of the conversation you’re having in your head?

Category: Phony soldiers

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According to Scotties page, this turd was bopped in the face with a baseball bat outside a White Castle. He was waiting at home for his administrative separation from the USMC due to drug abuse. never deployed, never saw combat. Yet somehow this shithead managed to obtain a service dog based on his lies of combat related injury. That’s a dog that could have gone to a truly deserving veteran. But stolen valor is a victimless crime.

Charlie Foxtrot

I wonder if his face getting smashed in was the result of a drug deal gone bad, maybe he tried to stiff his dealer?


Jonn, it’s hard to read, but I think that 214 says ZERO years and four months, not one year and 4 months. Also, last unit of assignment is USMC Arty Det, Ft Sill? Is that like where they send their gun bunnies for AIT? And the all important character of discharge and reentry codes have been redacted,so no real clue as to why he got booted.


ok, never mind, I misread that. dur.


0811 for 4 months = He only held that MOS for 4 months. The other 11 months of his enlistment was spent in Boot Camp or Training.


It says 8 years on his DD214, 4 months was for the MOS specialty was it not?

Just An Old Dog

His DD214 doesn’t say 8 years..
The time served section for year is actually the last 2 digits of the year he entered 07= 2007 the year he got out was 08=2008


All I can say is that with a last name like Gimbl, Google has not been kind to him. Dude has a lot of hits, and not to the face.


As a person who is owned by 5 dogs (if you think you own a dog, just remember who picks up whose shit), I can’t stand when these fuckers get a service dog. A dog is the one creature that will love you no matter what. It is a tragedy that that level of devotion is wasted on a shitbag like this.


And to make matters worse, that dog in the video is a dead ringer for my dog, Blondie. Man, fuck this guy!


I suggested we name our Shepherd Blondi. The wife objected.


Well, mine is named after Clint Eastwood’s character in “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”. I also had a black Lab named Tuco.


Here he is, quoted in an article at Miltary.com “Fake Service Dogs Bring Stress to Veterans”.

“I am outraged once again how veterans have to suffer, shared Jarrett Gimble, a former U.S. Marine who suffers from PTSD and has a service dog. “I recently attempted to go into a dept store and wasn’t granted permission because they believed my ID tags were fake, which caused me stress and was embarrassing.”


Oh fuck him with a cactus coated with hot peppers!


Might I suggest, rather than a cactus, a Roman Fasces (sans axe) constructed from stalks of fouquieria splendens instead?


I like the way you think, Hondo.


I hope Duffel Blog is paying attention. I can only imagine what they could do with a fake combat Marine receiving a fake service dog.

A Proud Infidel®™

I say UP HIS ASS SIDEWAYS with twenty dozen frozen porcupines!!

AW1 Tim

May I humbly suggest something like this?


It is against the law for a store to stop a service dog from coming in . However they can ask you to leave if the dog becomes disruptive or threatening . also you do not need ” papers ” or ” certification ” showing your dog is a service dog . You do not need a vest,tags or any such device . the American with disability act of 1990 covers service animals . A business may ask 2 things 1- is this a service dog ?
2 – what task does the service animal perform ?.
That is it period any other questions violates HIPA lay . I carry a card in my wallet I got from the VA about service dogs .


Perhaps it’s way past time to revise the ADA. Far too many people are claiming to have “service dogs.”


I have a service ‘GreenThumb’. When necessary, he provides appropriate responses for me. After scanning his ‘Terminator’ display, he usually responds with “Fuck you, asshole”, or “Turd”. Or something equally appropriate when I glance over at him Silent Bob style…

AW1 Tim

Restaurants and grocery stores, heck, any place that sells food, should be off limits to dogs whether they are a service critter or not.


He is sticking to his guns that he is 80% disabled. And is enrolled within the VA Healthcare system. Plus they were the ones that issued him his service dog.

His defense is that ” You can’t scam the VA “


“You can’t scam the VA.”

(uncontrollable and incoherent laughter, followed by gasping for breath, followed by more uncontrollable and incoherent laughter)


VA does not “issue” Service Dogs, they will give a refferal for one, and you would get it from several different accredited Service Dog agencies.
When it comes to scamming the VA, that happens every damned day!!


The VA is scamming the VA. Or so it would seem.


I would like to see an interview with the next wounded warrior in line for a dog that was told, “Nope. Sorry. All dogs were already given away”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

They named it Gunny. And you know, I love the dog and I just want to say this right now, that regardless of what they say about it, we’re gonna keep it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Victimless crime? More like fraud perpetrated by a jack wagon…


So the dog outranks him. Seems appropriate.


Fuck this POS faker.

I don’t have a service animal, was never offered a service animal, and don’t need a service animal … and I can’t walk. Fuck that lying sack of shit.

Sorry, I don’t usually get this pissed off, but it really burns my ass when I see fakers walking around with a service animal, knowing full well there really are disabled people that need them.


I’m with you there. The idea of a service dog has been stretched to the breaking point. It seems a person can get a service dog for almost any damned stupid ting.


This ought to be good. It looks like there is a change.org petition to get him a VA disability. According to http://www.change.org/p/veteran-s-association-help-this-vet-get-proper-disability, “As a United States Marine, Jarrett Gimbl was injured while on active duty. Gimbl sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). He was later honorably discharged for the United States Marines. He is fighting to receive adequete (sic) medical care for symptoms related to his TBI and PTSD. Despite his veteran’s association doctors diagnosis of these conditions the regional office has ruled that Jarrett is 0% disabled and is eligible only for medical insurance through the veterans association, but not for disability payments. This leaves Jarrett completely without any form of disability compensation and struggling to pay bills. This is especially problematic due to a well documented backlog in requests for care and insurance at the veteran’s association on the Federal level.”

I can’t create a change.org log in from the work computer, but I will when I get home. The folks championing the a$$hat’s cause need to know the truth.


I just sent in a abuse complaint detailing Gimbl’s lies and fraud.


Found her elsewhere and sent her a message with a link to here.


How’d that work out? The “sisters” are big fans. One of the admins to his Gunny-Service Dog FB page. Wonder if she knows the facts about his very short Marine career. I bet he’s tight-lipped about it. What’s wild is that all his fans probably never met this dude. They have no clue. Guys like Jarrett take the attention away from veterans who really deserve support. I guess there’s no difference to these folks between fighting in Sangin or Fallujah or snorted some lines on leave.

“Gunny” posts a lot on behalf of his master. That must be some dog.

Combat Historian

I feel sorry for the dog for having to live with this phony-ass fucker…


Further verification, as if needed: Stolen Valor…….POSER . — JARETT GIMBL Please share this with your Marine Corps League liaisons throughout New England, as well as any other veteran service groups and organizations within the area: The case: Jarrett Gimbl is a volunteer representative for Paws of War, an organization that provides rescue animals to combat – wounded veterans in need. While Paws of War is a repu- table non – profit organization with good cause, Gimbl is marketing the cause by representing himself as a wounded Sergeant of Marines. Gimbl has said in several written and on – air news pieces that he was wounded by an IED in Afghanistan. According to Gimbl, he sustained se- vere blast injuries to his face that required extensive surgical intervention. The truth: The real story is that he was released via court martial for failing a urinalysis at the joint service artillery school at Ft Sill, OK. While on holiday leave, Gimbl used cocaine and returned to Ft Sill to a command – mandated urinalysis. Gimbl was demoted from Private First Class to Private and sent home prior to his administrative separation. Shortly after his return, he was jumped outside a White Castle restaurant and struck in the face with a baseball bat. His total time of active duty service was 4 months. All of this information has been veri- fied at HQMC level. The situation: Gimbl is masquerading as a combat – wounded Marine Sergeant with 8 years under his belt. He continues to represent Paws of War in an unofficial capacity; however, the organization was notified of his false identity. He may continue to represent himself as a wounded Marine and attach himself to veteran causes in the New England area. Gimbl may also appeal for special assistance and charitable proceeds specifically designed for the wounded veteran population. Gimbl’s Facebook profile features many indications of his pseu- do – Marine Corps career, as well as a membership to a Recon Marine community group on the site. It is unknown at this time if Gimbl has enrolled himself with the MCL,… Read more »


Sorry guys … from my secret bunker in NYC I have confirmed that he was injured in an IED incident … just look at the photo above.

It looks like he mouthed off to someone who conducted a soft tissue pounding of his face. Such encounters by the general public are classified as IDIOT ENGAGED and DRUNK (IED) injury.

Nothing more!

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m jealous I didn’t think of that, it’s worth stealing, too!!


I just listened to the Fox interview:

Did he just say, “when I get home at night with my PDST and dog … I lay down, and I lick my dogs balls and he licks my balls … he gets it!”

Just checking!

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe the dog licks his ass to get the taste of Gimbl out of his mouth! A drug fiend that couldn’t even make it through training that got his face pounded downrange in CONUS that bawls for all he can get handed to him, Karma’s a BITCH when she bites back, one day that BOY will find it out the hard way!!


Ok, OK…..Master Chief and Infidel win, hands down for the best comments!! I almost spit my coffee on my laptop screen!


Thats a dam shame. A beautiful dog, that should have gone to someone in need. Well thats several months of dog training down the tubes.

Well at least the dog is getting licked.


Stolen Valor, the victimless crime. Just ask the dog.

Dave Hardin

I have to continually point out to people that part of the problem are the gullible fucks that give shit to these losers. They are almost as bad as the posers. They are so hell bent to display their , touchy feely, romper room, circle jerk, kumbaya, do gooder bullshit it doesn’t matter if its real or warranted. As long as it makes them ‘feel’ better.

Dave Hardin

Another fine organization just out to help the victims….I mean veterans…same thing right?

Legitimacy Information

This organization is not registered with the IRS.

This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990-N.

This organization’s exempt status was automatically revoked by the IRS for failure to file a Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF for 3 consecutive years. Further investigation and due diligence are warranted.


CB Senior

I need clarification? Was he blown up by an IED or IUD. I can believe the latter.


I think the correct technical description is “rejected by an IUD”. But I could be wrong.

A Proud Infidel®™

I just prowled facrebook, he still claims “Works at USMC”


I just reported his Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/GunnyESA as a scam. Hopefully it’ll be shut down soon.


They have a Go Fund Me page, and they are soliciting donations for another Dog… God knows the money is likely going into Gimbls pocket, and I am thinking the woman involved is deep in his pocket too.


Thankfully we can post comments to the page making people aware of who Gimbl really is.



Now this dickbag is posting that we’re all assholes and that he is legit. he’s posting on the Doggie web page his DD-214 with just about *EVERYTHING* blocked out and a VA service card.


So once again Jarrett’s integrity was called out… We as a family and as team stood our ground! We proved everything and they want to “block” us after



Come harder!!!

Y’all know god damn straight we are here for the veterans!!!

And.., well

AW1 Tim

I also reported his FB page for being a scam. We’ll see what happens, I guess.

OIF '06-'07-'08

If these idiots want to keep giving this jack ass of a con artist their own hard earned money, then so be it. If people believe him over the evidence that has been posted here and at Scotty’s site, then let them. It is their hard earned money that they are giving this con artist, not mine.

Now, has anyone contacted the Fox news station that ran this story to let them know about his con game?


I’ve started sending messages to those who’ve donated to him, letting them know he’s a fraud and liar.

Charlie Foxtrot

One thing is for sure, and it’s that if he thinks he can keep up this con game of his, he must still be doing some serious DRUGS!


His latest defense claim to me is that he called HQMC ( Even provided a number ). And a Marine that just made MsSgt said we have the wrong guy. Of course he didn’t give Top’s name.

Oh and according to him I blocked him too. Actually, He blocked me. But then he found out that I have 9 lives too.

A Proud Infidel®™

That pic of him under the waterfall looks like it was taken at a pool in either some nice apartment complex or a hotel. I wonder how much he’s conned out of people to live like that?


I posted links to this post and to Scottie’s site on his gofundme doggy page. Now let’s see how many of his supporters show up to learn the truth about that turd.


I contacted this moron and asked him why his name is spelled Gimbl vise Gimble … he said, “I dropped the e for ediot because I wanted to stand out”.

It worked chump!


I take it Pups for Peace no longer exists? I sure as hell couldn’t find any website for them.


What a scumfuck.


Okay, We are in Chapter 2 of POSer Tactics 101 with this idiot now. He is threatening lawsuit. He did pull one out of left field though. He contacted Jonn by phone. And told him that HQMC contacted him. And a Marine who just made E-8 made a mistake on his records. And they are sending him an apology tomorrow.


Yes … really I heard that happens some times in the military. Tomorrow the apology always comes. Those brand new E-8’s they sure are snappy squaring shit away at that there MCHQ Pentagon place.

Hack Stone

He will get that correction to his paperwork right after they finish up my Navy Commendation citation. And just so you know Gumbo, I have been waiting fourteen years, so don ‘t hold your breath.

Charlie Foxtrot

Hmmm,… Has he retained a certain lawer in the PNW?


Apparently they mixed him up with the other Jarrett O. Gimbl who served in the USMC at around the same time. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Combat Historian

Posers always move on to Chapter 2 when they realize their gravy train is about to be cut off…


I asked him for the name and number of his Attorney. His reply was that they will be in touch with me. I’m not holding my breath here.

A Proud Infidel®™

One thing is for sure, he’s squirming now that he knows his game has been uncovered!!


This idiot is brain dead big time. He gives the Commandant for the Marine Corps phone number as the Marine that he is calling at HQMC.

Commandant for the Marine Corps (CMC) Roberts, Sheryl A (703) 614-2500


WTF is the heavily redacted DD-214 on his Facebook site supposed to prove? The only thing that I can get out of it is that someone named Jarret Otto Gembel received some kind of service medal, has an honorable discharge and lived in New York. The official who signed it was a GYSGT, so I can assume that Gembel was a Marine.


Block 12 & 13 are evidence enough that he did not do any time down range (Iraq or Afghanistan deployment).

If this DD214 were a scratch-off, Block 28 is where I’d know I had a losing ticket. Gimbl knows it, too. Until then, his fans remain snowed by his drivel.

Combat Historian

Cocaine will do that to you…

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if he’ll join the Wickre clique, he sure seems full enough of teh stoopid!!
He’s definitely APL material as well!!


While researching some on this particular jackass, I found an interesting story about CPT. Luis Carlos Montalvan. He credits a service dog with saving his life. I see in a 2008 TAH post that CPT. Mantalvan is/was in IAVW leadership. It seems he is an embellisher. Interesting read: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/28/luis-carlos-montalvan-memoir_n_911840.html

According to witnesses, he was wearing Kevlar and IBA, was attacked by a truck driver with a small switchblade, fell over backwards, and received a scratch. Another soldier shot the attacker and killed him. Maltalvan was back on duty 3 days later, fully functional. Because of that incident, he has TBI and he caught the PTSD. He was awarded the Purple Heart but his CO did not recommend it. The article does a much better job of laying it all out that I can.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like a future TAH feature, check him out and make him famous!!


Oh, and he sued McDonalds for $40 million because he claimed they wouldn’t let his service dog in their restaurant. And he wrote a book, because he wants to be famous I guess.

E-6 type, 1 ea


I just read the article and it says he was in Iraq with Grim Trp 2/3 ACR. That was my old unit, and although I got out before they deployed, I am still friends with some of the guys who were over there with them. If you’d be interested in getting in touch to get some more details, I’d love to help out.


Are you spelling his last name with the accented “a”? 😉 Luis Carlos Montalván.


Fuck no, Jonn ain’t no Marine..ROFL


What a dipshit. Explains a lot about how/why he took a baseball bat to the face. Was he living those core values when he did the cocaine and pissed hot?

A Proud Infidel®™

This little shithead’s going FULL RETARD already? OOOH, I bet he’s dumb enough to join the “Wickre clique”!

Climb to Glory

Fucking shitbag.

Hack Stone

That conversation sounds like 70% of the conversations I have with my wife. She starts conversations with where she is in the middle of the conversation, and I have no fucking idea what we are discussing.

Hack Stone’s wife Rosetta comes back from walking the dog. Hack is busy watching Judge Judy make little kids cry.

Rosetta Stone: Her husband died.
Hack Stone: What? Who’s husband died?
Rosetta Stone: Her husband.
Hack Stone: Who’s husband?
Rosetta Stone: The secretary.
Hack Stone: What secretary?
Rosetta Stone: The secretary of the homeowners association. Her husband died.
Hack Stone: Couldn’t you have just said that the husband of the homeowners association secretary died?

I need a preamble on her message traffic to know what keymat to use. I feel like I am married to Gracie Allen sometimes.

Commissioner Wretched

Hack …

I wonder how many people will get the “Gracie Allen” reference. (I did, by the way.)

3/17 Air Cav

There’s a logical reason his records are all fucked up. His real last name is spelled Gumby Who was his 1st. Sgt? “Oh no it’s Mr. Bill”


Hey! I disclaim all responsibility for this dipstick!

3/17 Air Cav

You can’t get out of it you and Gumby, forever connected at the hip! (Smile)


Already hit the “full-tard” switch on his otto-pilot.
Yep, he’s gone full-otto.
Reckon I’ll grab an adult beverage and lounge with my feet up on the ottoman.
This is gonna be fun to watch.


Gimbl … Gumby … Gumbl … Gumbly …

“Always remaining Poser Flexible”.

Green Thumb

Looks like he got some of what was coming to him.


Green Thumb

I stand corrected.

I just read Scotty’s page in entirety and did a little research.

This man only had an appetizer.

He deserves the full dinner.

I love the FOX piece.

To bad dogs cannot speak.

Fuck this turd.

He needs an ice cream sandwich.


I’m surprised some of the turds sockpuppets haven’t shown up.

Puppet DeJour

Frankly, I’m insulted by what you insinuate. Everybody knows I’m not big enough to fill a sock. I’m more of a finger puppet.

The nerve….


I think it’s quite telling that the admin at the doggy site wrote of Gimbl’s DD-214, “So once again Jarrett’s integrity was called out.” Called out again? So the turd has been outed before? And those morons still don’t have a clue?



According to his petition site “Gunny” is an emotional support animal and NOT a service dog as Jarrett parades him about to be. Just another example of his integrity it seems.

Just An Old Dog

It looks like the fuckstick got monkey-stomped before his disharge came through. Since he was still “active duty” he would have been covered for his treatment and probably had it entered in his medical records.
The VA gave him “medical only” and specific to that injury because thats generally what happens to guys who have served for a short period of time. He managed to get in the system now he’s trying tp milk it.


So this dumbass gets hit in the head with a baseball bat and now claims at least to his little cult of followers that it was combat injuries from Iraq and Afghnaistan…. He changed the date of his enlistment.
No wonder he posted a completely redacted copy of his 214, because it would only reveal one service award every damned recruit received.
It is entirely possible this douche nozzle turned a night of drunken stupidity into a VA Claim for disability. If it occurred while he was in the service, he gets covered. It most certainly did not happen due to anything related to being in Combat.
Hell, even with a 3 year hitch (which he did not have) he would not have made a trip to Iraq and Afghanistan. Almost an entire year of that would have been in training, and to do back to back tours like that when Iraq was winding down… it just doesn’t even come close to passing a common sense test.
In closing… an appropriate hymn… Hymn, hymn…. Fuck him!!!


Has anyone contacted Faux News to tell they they SCREWED the POOCH on this one?!?!?

/farking news outlets


The queef had all negative comments removed from his go fund me site.


Let’s start a GoFundMe campaign to buy Jarret Gimbl a dick!


Maybe a GoFuckOff site would be more appropriate for him.


Gimbl lied again. There’s a shock.

A Proud Infidel®™

Is he still threatening to sic his lawer on you?

Jack Parker

This fake asshole is the cream of the cum stains. Not only is he a phony but also a home wrecker. He has now duped my wife into believing him and is putting the moves on her. She is also abusing the system and lied about our finacial state so she could get a service dog. Well they seem to be a match made in fuck tard heaven. Can not believe she did notresearch this a hole.Well she has a suprise coming from my laywer.

Green Thumb

Roger that.

Stay strong, brother.


No apology yet from the Commandant of the USMC?


The Gunny service dog page is the best right now. Serving up massive sympathy from the gullible masses. Does this guy REALLY work for Clear Channel like his Linkedin resume says? Looks like he’s acting again. Please, please…help Jarrett…prayers and checks, please!

Green Thumb

Maybe Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics could bring his “cause” into the fold?

Jonathan Braca

Ahhh..more crowd-frauding!!! http://www.gofundme.com/e7xsqo

Check the link for the new cause campaign. Interesting that this unknown Marine in Maine has the same conditions that Gimbl claimed in his news pieces?

Can’t believe someone put down a grand to this fraud. As you were…yes I can.

Green Thumb

This turd is a loooooser!