9th Circuit decision to worry gun-grabbers
Yes, we were all shocked yesterday when the news came out that 9th Circuit Court actually made a decision based on the Constitution instead of the West culture, when they decided that the Second Amendment was being violated in San Diego where the issuers of concealed permits there required a “good cause” for the issuance. Much like the law in Maryland. From our favorite 2d Amendment journalist, Emily Miller at the Washington Times;
The case of Edward Peruta, et al v. County of San Diego, et al dealt with a concealed carry permitting process that made it virtually impossible for the plaintiffs to get a license. (California already has a total ban on open carry.)
Writing for the majority, Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain concluded that “San Diego County’s ‘good cause’ permitting requirement impermissibly infringes on the Second Amendment right to bear arms in lawful self-defense.” The court reversed the district court’s decision.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) funded the plaintiffs’ legal battle. Paul Clement was the lead attorney in the case and argued it before the Ninth Circuit.
“One of reasons the NRA thought this was a good case to bring was precisely the combination of California state law banning open carry and San Diego policy on licensing for concealed carry made it quite definitive that an ordinary, lawful citizen with an interest in self defense couldn’t carry no matter what,” Mr. Clement told me in an interview late Thursday.
Of course, the ruling is probably headed to the US Supreme Court. But, I can’t think of another of the enumerated rights in the Constitution that a citizen has to prove a need to the government in order to have that right.
Category: Guns
Man I am shocked. The first decision from The 9th Circuit, coming down on the side of the Constitution, in I can’t remember when! I bet the left coast libtards are crying in their Starbucks lattes this morning.
Sparks: same here, amigo. First decision coming out of the 9th Circus that makes any sense in quite a while.
Repent all – the Millenia is at hand! (smile)
@1, Sparks, DITTO, I hope it makes them shit themselves and blame Bush while they cry about the skidmarks in their underwear, after all, they MIGHT change it twice a month whether they need to or not!!
I seem to recall years ago reading a story about “forum shopping” where people looking to advance certain liberal causes would file in the 9th. So when this came down I was shocked. Maybe the pendulum has been nudged just a little the other way?
Halle-freakin’-luya! It’s about time the 9th Circuit got one right. CCW has been about the only liberal victory here in San Fiego for a long time, where the “Good Cause” requirement generally has meant that being a personal friend of gore (and his predecessor) constituted good cause, otherwise good luck.
The one thing the 9th Circuit never is, is boring.
I wonder if the NRA expected to lose and were already planning on an appeal. “Wait a minute, you mean to say we actually won our case in the 9th Circus? Son of a b****.”
No more abnoxious you-don’t-have-a-good-enough-reason “may issue” bullcrap in 9th Circuit-land…
I am sure the school children of san diego think there should be a good reason other then in case someone needs to shoot up a grade school!
ah, vwp…. knew I smelled something rotten. Though my deoderant was failing me…it’s only you.
#9 VWDipshit
I would bet the children of San Diego have at least read the 2nd Amendment, you twatwaffle.
Next, we need to have a federal judge rule on the illegal and unconstitutional ban of firearms at the Armed Forces Retirement Home, as well as at VA hospitals and on military installations.
All of the residents at the Armed Forces Retirement Home, who served honorably and have no felony convictions, and many of whom are former peace officers, have extensive training and experience with the proper and safe use of firearms while under extremely stressful conditions.
Also, many of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, myself included, already are licensed to carry concealed firearms.
@11 The school children of san diego also know about the massacre at sandy hook school and why they may die so you can own guns that can slaughter children. I do not beleive the parents of the 20 dead school children were as thrilled as you or nra child murder enablers are!
#14 VWDoofus,
How many would have died if ONE teacher or adminstrator had been allowed to exercise his/her 2 Amandment rights?
What stops a bad guy with a gun?
#14 VWDorkbait,
Can you read and comprehend?
@14: The pills must have worn off, didn’t they?
First of all, your argument makes huge generalizations on character and events.
Second, Sandy Hook happened because the son was insane and stole his mother’s gun, not used his own!
Your argument is stupid, emotion-based, and lacks any merit. If you even tried to present it to a court of law as evidence in favor of removing the second amendment, you would be laughed out of the courthouse and escorted by the bailiff to the nearest mental ward.
@15: Somebody shooting first. Every massacre of children could have been avoided if teachers could carry guns.
ok VWP I will Troll fish, First Its in the constitution, and finally 9th court is reading that pesky old 2A the way the rest of the nation has for the last 200 years. Next lets turn this around. Why do people need golf glubs? show a reason, that and base ball bats hurt and kill way more people every years than guns. Lets ban those. Same with cars. Why does anyone need a car? Guess what its not protected in the Constitution. The courts have ruled over and over that driving is a privileged. So lets make every one that want to drive show they have a real need, then lets make gas and insurance so expensive that only a limited number of the privileged can afford to do it. Last, Instead of making and passing laws based on what a gun looks like (oh its black and scary so it must be an assault Weapon) or making laws that are so insane(lets micro stamp every round sold) that they are impossible lets start enforcing the laws that are there. Use a gun in a crime and its federal. The truth is stupid gun laws only take guns out of the hands of the law abiding citizen. Now it sucks when some lunatic shoots up a school or a movie ect, but be real, enable the people,not cripple them. Carrying or owning a gun is a personal choice. What the news doesn’t cover are the times a mass shooting has been prevented by an armed citizen. I have been in a position that I had to draw my weapon on another person to prevent harm from coming to my family (Nashville TN Hany Anwar Habib) Now I did not have to shoot him, because as soon as he saw that big ole mean 1911 2 feet away from his forehead he pissed his pant (He really did) and put his hands up, and begged for his life. But had he taken one step, I would have blown his ass away and slept like a baby. Why? There are evil… Read more »
a18 So we should alow people to own atomic bombs because most people wouldn’t blow up cities and their is nothing in the constitution banning ownership of them! Fortunetly the mexican american birth rate will prevent any more republicans from being elected president or stealing it like bush! 100,000 minority kids turn 18 every month and 25,000 conservatives die of old age so Obama now 2016 Mrs Clinton and then are first latina president Loretta Sanchez. In 2016 there will be 5,000,000 more minority voters and almost 2,000,000 less angry old white conservatives! Since most don’t live in chicago they won’t be able to vote after they die! And we will put liberal anti gun democrats on the federal courts!
Ah, VWPutz, you’re back. Maybe you’d care to answer this time. Here it is. Okay, VWPussy. Since you failed to respond before, I’ll just have to C&P. VWPussy, here’s some food for thought, assuming you’re actually capable of thinking: The KKK is historically pro-Democrat. In fact, they pretty much owned the Democratic Party in the 1910s, 20s, and early 30s. Among their supporters was President Woodrow Wilson (the original New World Order supporter). Hell, West Virginia had a Democrat congressman until just recently who was an outspoken Klan member WHILE HE WAS IN CONGRESS. The House Committee on Un-American Activities was established by Republicans to investigate and expose subversive activities, and do you know who their biggest target was? Not the commies! The HUAC’s biggest and most successful investigation was against the Klan. The KKK is still Democrat today. Want proof? Democrats love public housing projects. Conservatives view housing projects for what they are: slums. Whites are disproportionately least likely to live in housing projects. Blacks are disproportionately most likely. These slums are filthy with crime, drugs, and misery, and prove to be an inescapable trap for most of their occupants. Democrats love Welfare. A disproportionately high number of blacks are dependent on welfare. Many don’t even try to find a job when they can just sit on their ass and get free money, even if it ain’t much. Black children born to Welfare-dependant parents grow up with that example, and literally don’t know any better. This helps to keep a disproportionately high number of blacks in poverty. Democrats have made public education a pet project since at least the 60s. Anybody with their eyes open can see that public education in America has been failing since at least the 70s, and progressively getting worse. Rather than fix the problems in education, Democrats prefer solutions like Common Core, which lowers the standard gives students even less. The schools targeted for adoption of these regressive programs are underperforming inner-city schools in poor neighborhoods. White kids are disproportionately least likely to attend these targeted schools, while black kids are disproportionately most likely… Read more »
Well – to the couple of Jane Fonda fans out there, let’s compare some numbers where it is either prohibited or owners must be licensed to own a firearm vs. the “free-for-all” we have here in the good ole USA (BTW, Free-for-All has got to be one of my all time favorite Uncle Ted songs). What is below is some info from a few countries that have restrictive gun and/or ammo laws followed by the numbers of gun related murders per 100,000 residents. For comparative purposes, in the United States, the right to private gun ownership is guaranteed by law 3.6 / 100,000.
In Mexico, only licensed gun owners may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition 10.0 / 100,000
In Jamaica, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law. Private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted under license 39.4 / 100,000
Licensed firearm owners in Jamaica are permitted to possess only 50 rounds of ammunition per year.
In Venezuela, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is prohibited. 39.0 /100,000
Why did I choose some of our Southern neighbors? How many Europeans are going to walk through our porous border security and set up housekeeping next door to your Aunt and Uncle? I didn’t even dare to post numbers from other exciting neighborhoods such as Columbia, Ecuador, etc.
Also note Jamaica – those folks have it going on as they are only allowed to “legally” possess 50 rounds per year but have a gun murder rate of 39.4. That’s an Expert Badge…
Bottom line – Everything out there is dangerous if abused or not used correctly. Cars, planes, 2X4s, you name it. Idiot-proofing the world around us (taking away weapons from law abiding folks) only leads to more idiots.
@19 Typical,
What you are trying is Reductio ad absurdum, That is taking a logical debate to an absurd level. So in reply, there are laws on the books that prevent individuals from owning Atomic or other types of weapons of mass destruction. Just as there are laws that prevent casual ownership of automatic weapons.
Next, instead of sticking to the topic you jump to politics. You have assumed that I and the rest of the readers here are Republicans. Second you have made a racial statement. That is is not cool. Politics is not about race.
The truth is there is very little difference between the Republican and democrat party. They both have they habit of changing party goals and values over time. The democratic party of the 40s-60s had very much the same opinions the republicans do today. And Vice Versa. I can name Great men on Both sides. I can also name failures.
I think when you look at the issues that you will see that the Majority of Americans with out regard to race, religion Nationality ect only want what is best for the nation as a whole. When one side of the other refuses compromise it only hurts everyone.
Now back to your remark on race. I did find that truly offensive. If you have to reduce yourself to racial remarks to make a point or to try to win a debate then you are doing yourself and your cause a great disservice.
And yes just so there is no misunderstanding, I am calling you out on that, I really was extremely offended.
@3 Proud you are right, because everything the liberals hate is still the fault of the economic policies of the Reagan and Bush Administrations. /sarc/
@19 VWP. Take your meds, then take a dirt nap, please, but first, GFY!
Meanwhile, in Venezuela, a socialist paradise that vwp would surely love to live in, the government is shooting protestors (http://gunfreezone.net/wordpress/index.php/2014/02/13/this-is-why-graphic-content/).
Chances are the government there will kill a larger number of children than died in any of the shootings that vwp likes bringing up. Which is okay with vwp, racist that he is.
Aw did VWP leave…
VietCong nut hugger,
What makes you assume that minorities and young people will always vote Democrat? They have had smoke blown up their asses by the Obungler administration for 5 years now. Their hope and change is high unemployent, a bungled foreign policy and an expensive health care fiasco that isnt working.
The shimmer have worn off the coin, and people are realizing it’s just a dirty ass penny. I had a long chat with one of my frends that was rabid anti-Romney, she has seen what Obamacare has done to her families health care and the huge bites that are being taken out of her income by the increased taxes under this fool, She deeply regrets voting for the fool. The next election she will look at everything and not vote with her vagina.
So VWP go drink your bong water and take a selfie with a Claymore.
@20 I keep telling you the klan now takes catholics. Democratic party has been left by most racists who have now joined gop where they find a home! Democratic party has battled racism and it it cost them the white racists of the south who have joined republican party. GOOD RIDDENCE! gop traded abraham lincoln for strom thurmond they can have him. AS for racism we protect as best we can the minoritys from republican racists! The racist russel pierce tried to make pass a law saying a mexican american who was born here but if one of his parents was illegal they couldn’t vote! Our black and brown brothers and sisters know who the racists are and who trys to protect them from the racists they are very hard to fool they know who their enemy is!
You can keep saying it, doesn’t make it true. Just like if I called a tail a leg and asked you how many legs does a dog have? The answer is still four, because calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one.
Keep in mind, all those psychos who shot up schools, malls, movie theaters, etc., KNEW that they were hitting soft targets, i.e., those so-called “gun-free zones” and that a majority of them either were taken out or offed themselves when confronted by someone with a gun.
So again, ask yourself–how many lives would have been SAVED had someone confronted Lanza, et al, before they had a chance to wreak their havoc? How many lives would have been saved had YOUR liberal policies of almost never allowing involuntary committal of the mentally ill (read: Lanza and Holmes, for examples) been reconsidered? How many lives would be saved if we teach people not to fear guns, but respect them? How many lives would be saved if we looked at the PERSON wielding the gun, rather than the gun itself?
And seriously, go lick a light socket. Make sure it’s on first.
@27 VWPieceofshit, how about you try to address the points I brought up instead of continuing to act like a fucking 6-year-old. Besides, your klan bosses can make all the invitations they want, we still hate you and all of your sister-fucking ilk. Must I C&P it again?
Considering it’s Valentine’s Day, NHSparky – I have a different suggestion as to what body part vietnam war protestor should insert into said light socket while powered.
Oh, and by the way, vietnam war protestor – wanna discuss a guy named Robert Byrd? Last I heard, he was one of yours the day he died. And unlike Thurmond, Byrd really was a member of the Klan in the 1940s – and recruited a load of others to join (reportedly approx 150).
Byrd like paul on the road to damascus changed! When are you going to change? Byrd voted against the illegal invasion of iraq unlike you.
He changed, huh? Seems to me he was using the “N-word” on national television as late as 2001.
And IIRC, he NEVER repudiated the Klan, nor did he ever distance himself from that group.
Keep trying, though, really.
Oh, and a little History 101 assignment for you. Do a little research on the history of the NRA, why they were formed, etc.
Upcoming Irony Alert: if the Republicians retake the House, Senate, and Presidency in the next couple of years, expect vwp and his ilk to pick up the principles* they dropped in 2008, including calls for armed socialist revolution.
*such things as “Question Authority” and “Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism”
vwp must have sand in his little mangina again… and access to Mommy’s AOL account so he can bless us with his vast wealth of knowledge and wisdom.
And if you believe that shit, I have some beachfront property in AZ to sell you….
Trying to have a conversation with V W P is like playing Whack a mole. Impossible to focus.
@VWPunked – Seriously? Your logic, your apples are oranges arguments, etc., are so f’cked up that you are a pathetic, bedwetting joke. Go choke your chicken, a$$hole.
VWP, you vapid moron, let me make this simple and ask you a question.
If you are in a theater watching a movie, and a bad guy comes in to shoot the place up, would you rather have:
A) A law on the books that says they can’t carry a gun in the theater, or
B) A good guy with a gun to shoot them and stop them?
VWP … Stop huffing! Get help!
Nah … Keep huffing … Great comedy!
Still waiting, VWPeckerwood. Anytime you feel like making an actual counterpoint…
Aw, fuck this. It’s Valentine’s Day, and I’m taking my wife out to the movies to see the chick flick of her choosing. Painful, I know, but I love her, and it will pay off when we get home. So, VWPuddleofpiss, I’ll be making sweet love to a beautiful woman tonight, while you’re trying to rape your hand.
So until we pick this up again, VWPussy, feel free to choke to death on your favorite dildo, you loathesome lump of rat shit.
VWpisshead, I see the thief who stole that Female Soldier’s rucksack as one of your ilk, I wouldn’t put that past you, I see you as the type who would do that, and when caught, you’d go on some rant that you were entitled to her gear and personal possessions! All you care about is posting your unabashed idiocy for all to see, and you prove beyond a doubt that liberalism is a Mental Disorder! You also prove that Diarrhea of the Mouth is a symptom of having SHIT FOR BRAINS!!
Each and every one of your rants further convinces me that you ARE your own cousin.
VWP I am all for a debate to exchange points of view. I however will not debate with someone who just regurgitates dogma and rhetoric.
And I am calling you a Racist, I have seen no one here make a racist remark but you.
The topic of this thread was and is about gun laws.
Like it or not we have a Constitution that protects out rights. Its truly is an all or none. To tamper with one right will surly open others up to tampering as well.
Now I do not Agree with many of our current administrations ideas, and thats ok, just as it is your right not to agree with past or future administrations ideas or goals.
I do know one thing for sure, no matter how long and hard the debate we as a nation must stay united in Spirit. It is the People of this Nation that make us strong. NOt the politicians. They serve us at our pleasure
Agreed. vwp is big time racist, but also a MASSIVE coward. He’s fine with little brown children getting killed by the gross, as long as the killers don’t look like him.
Hey, vwp, you hypocrite. You going to talk about children being killed each day in Venezeula? Any plans to protest the children killed and enslaved in the Sudan? What about Cambodia, Communist China, Somalia, and other parts of Africa? You going to answer, or are you going to cravenly hide from the question, you little racist coward?
He’s never given an answer to anyone, all he does is post idiotic drivel regurgitated fro sites like the DU, HuffyPoo, KoS,….
I am certain that vwpisshead is his own cousin!
Children are imprortant they are america’s post precious possesion. Look at the man from san diego crying all over the news because children found his gun and a little boy was shot and died! A child is shot and killed somewhere in a america almost every day. All for the nra’s blood lust for childrens blood!
Yeah, you stupid little pisshead, according to idiots like you, everybody should turn ALL of their firearms over to the Government, then it will all be JUSTfine, right? WHEN was the last time anybody saw criminals lining up to turn their guns in as soon as some law was passed? Violent criminals look for easy targets, those that they think will be unarmed, yet you want everyone disarmed! There is no reasoning with you, you can’t see past your stereotypes, according to idiots like you, every American Citizen buying a gun does so with the intent of using it to rob, rape, and murder, yet the opposite is true. Laws already exist forbidding people to leave a loaded firearm in a child’s reach. Yet it still happens. You are a very deluded idiot, devoid of logic or common sense, and OH, before I forget, where are your answers to the questions that I and other posters asked you, all you posted is DU/KoS, andHuffyPoo propaganda!!
Oy, vwp, you racist coward! What. About. The. Children. Killed. By. Their. Own. Governments?
Do you not have the ability to read? Did you not read my questions on 43?
Or perhaps you did, and you just don’t like that unconfortable feeling of thinking about it? Just how many millions upon millions of parents had to watch their children die by the hands of their own governments in the Soviet Union, Communist China, and Cambodia? Uncomfortable, isn’t it?
That and the multitudes of unarmed Men, Women, and Children murdered en masse by the Japanese And German Militaries during WWII, but all that stupid little cockroach turd will do is regurgitated far-left Kool-Aid, he’s a waste of flesh and oxygen!
@47 My father-in-law was forced by the Khmer Rouge to watch while the sons of bitches murdered his 3-year-old son. Suffice it to say that its kind of a sore subject. He survived the Killing Fields, after having already fought against the commies in Vietnam and Cambodia. He was able to escape with his wife and surviving children, including my wife (then a newborn) and brought them to America. It goes without saying that VWPussy’s heroes in the Khmer Rouge didn’t just let them waltz out.
VWPussy idolizes shitbags like Pol Pot (AKA the Asian Hitler). If my father-in-law were to meet VWPussy, the sheer magnitude of the ass-beating that would ensue would be both awesome and terrifying to behold.
I heard that VWP loves the cock.