Weekend Open Thread

| February 8, 2014

Too many phonies this week, huh? Grab a bottle and a cigar, and have an open thread.

Category: Administrative

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Laughing Wolf

First! For those interested, here’s the “secret” project I’ve been working on http://laughingwolf.net/introducing-mission-valor/ here/


Do we need a biannual SV tourney yet?


Grab a bottle and a cigar, and take a big fat Giduck.

Throw a DQ twist on the end…it’s the weekend!


No surprise, but I am already thoroughly disgusted with the NBC et al coverage of the Olympics.

Big news from there is that Johnny Weird seems to have made it to Sochi, but is not really doing his usual flaming fag schtick. Good thing he’s not skating because what looks like a very bad toupe wouldn’t make it off the ice.


@2–clams–I’ve suggested either a quarterly “qualifier” or a dual tournament, kind of like an NCAA/NIT system, the “NIT” being for those poseurs, who, while decent, certainly don’t rise to elite douchebaggery status.


And just in case the liberals were screaming about how Bush was overstepping his bounds, today AG Holder is “ordering” states to recognize and give benefits in same-sex marriages, even where they’re not legal yet.

While I really don’t give a shit what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms, this smacks of having someone else’s beliefs foisted on the majority of people who don’t want or believe in it, and the backlash is something that these folks might not be ready to handle.


Wait. I’m confused about this whole same-sex thing.

Does this mean that if a lesbian hits on me in a bar and I turn her down, she can sue me for discrimination?

‘Cause I’d have to sue her right back for sexual harrassment.

Hey! ‘No’ means ‘no’.


Laughing Wolf, I’m curious about what you all are doing with Baen Books. I’m just starting out, but Amazon gives authors a very fair deal, and I take advantage of all their freebies.

Army Medical

Still laughing at William Derek Church. Hoping he beaches himself like a whale.


PH2–actually when I was but a nubly nuke going to prototype in Idaho, the joke was, “Baaaaaa means no!”

Then again, we asked for a uniform allowance for hip waders and Velcro gloves. Never understood why it got turned down.


A superb feel-good story if I ever read one, in case you haven’t already seen it:


Bravo Zulu, USS Dewey!


Maybe I’ll meet William Derek Church down at the “Darby Queen” and beat hell out of him. Then I’ll have me one of those famous double meat burgers. I reckon I like them there french fried taters purty good. Uhmmm, some folks call it a Kaiser blade…I call it a sling blade. Uhmmm…anybody can fix me some biscuits and mustard?…Uhmmmm

Zero Ponsdorf

Was at Woodstock chasing nubile young women (not really chasing much) after spending some time overseas in The Navy. How did YOU spend your youth?
Is this the right place to ask?


@11–damn this dust in here.

Zero Ponsdorf

NHSparky #14: I saw the link thing a while ago and decided to lighten things up.


@11 Marine_7002 Thank you and THANK YOU. I agree with NHSparks…must be my seasonal allergies. Semper Fi. I hope, not being a Marine veteran, it is okay to say that to you.


Zero–that story isn’t a downer in any sense of the word. Quite the contrary, it’s inspiring in damn near every sense of the word, and makes me proud as hell I can claim brother and sisterhood with such incredible men and women.


Well, since you asked: Youth? What youth? I always thought I was born 22 or so. Or maybe 45.

Well, there was a period early on that included ballet (don’t you DARE laugh, Zero, ’cause I’m not the one who fell in that hole out in the yard, and if I had, it would have been done much more gracefully), piano lessons, track competitions, tractor pulls, bull riding, and a few other things. Oh, yeah, 4-H stuff. And county fairs.

Then there were a few periods of time which we simply do not discuss publicly. Even with redacted names and places. But even those do not include Woodstock. Seems like I did get married while Woodstock was going on, but one had nothing to do with the other. I do remember there being a flat tire on a VW convertible in there somewhere, though.


Oh, you want lightened up? Here, this is for every poseur who has and will be illuminated across this web page as long as it lasts:

“You’re an emotional fucking cripple. Your soul is dog shit. Every single fucking thing about you is ugly.”

And that’s the nicest thing I’ll say about any of you fuckers.


@16 Sparks: Semper Fi to you too!

@14 NHSparky: Funny, I also had a mini-dust storm pop up in the room just about the time I finished reading that.

You sailors can take pride in what your fellow sailors did for PO Cloud.

Zero Ponsdorf

NHSparky #17: You are quite right, of course. In my defense… Every ship I served on has either disposed of as a target or scrapped. When I saw this story a coupla months ago I started thinking…


And not to jack TSO’s thread, I thought this would be a little tribute song to our SV “friends”:




Can someone explain why there seems to be two TAH’s? I go to the link in my bookmarks, and click it, and it takes me to the page where the first thread is “Walking Tall”. If I click on that thread and go to it, then click back on the “This Ain’t Hell” banner at the top of the page it takes me to the page where the first thread is the Gidduck Shovel Hurler one. I’m kinda confused, it seems that there are parallel TAH’s.


Post Test


@23 UpNorth I have posted the same answer to you 4 times and it does not go. My test post did so who knows.


@23–try clearing your browswer and hitting it up again. Failing that, it’s just TAH doing their version of the classic Star Trek episode, “Mirror, Mirror.”


I guess I can’t post anything coherent. Maybe I’ll try a LRP41 or a VWP style post. 😀


Well, Sparks, depending upon how much medication you have had at post time, it might not be too difficult?

As to the “where you land when checking in” issue, it’s not just from facebook. It happens occasionally here, but today it has happened all day. Maybe it’s a phase of the moon thing?

But “Mirror, Mirror” sounds good.


Sparks–good posters become dickweeds, and dickweeds becomes good posters…

Yup, straight out of Star Trek.


Not that I mind, mind you. Two TAH’s is better than a handful of Daily Kos’s, or DU’s. I’m just curious. And, Sparks, I tried that too, and a post or two disappeared into the ether, I don’t know where they went.
Sparky, I’ve gone so far as to exit everything, clear the cache and shut down and start back up. Same result, parallel TAH’s.


Clear IP config? That might also be necessary.


UpNorth, it depends on what Universe you’re posting in.

I cleared my browser and ended up in the Universe of the Cumquat Queen, then somehow managed to find my way back home. Another time, I ended up in Gormengast, waiting for Barquentine to die. It does get strange at times.


And in happier news, new episodes of “Obama Voters”, whoops, I meant “The Walking Dead” starting tomorrow!


So my 13 year old daughter broke her ankle today. How was your day?


NHSparky: for posers Zappa’s “Broken Hearts are for A**holes” might be more apropos. The chorus fits them perfectly.


Dang, Val! Hope it heals properly! How come Giduck is spelled with two (count ’em) “T”s? And, why is there air…

Virtual Insanity

#34 Val–

I spent the morning with an excellent bunch of volunteers showing our facility to 16 Gold-Star families, and flying them in the simulators.

There was a bit if dust in the air, there, too.

Laughing Wolf

Ex-PH2: Baen does a lot to support the troops, and the Baen Barflys even more so. Baen has in the past provided books to myself or to authors doing events with me in different locations (and for different groups), promotes those events and organizations; and, we’ve done some occasional odd an interesting. Pretty much whatever works at the time for both of us.

The Barflys looked at what Baen was shipping to the troops in the way of free books, and upped it about an order of magnitude I think. They then added other requested items, items they knew would be needed, and then even did a special insulated travel mug to send to deployed troops. I’m hoping to get some of the local and/or military BarFlies involved with Mission: VALOR.

Drop me a line at laughingwolfone at good ole g (mail) and I will fill you in more. Right now, we are leaving things flexible and open. 🙂

Laughing Wolf

Val — good thoughts and prayers go out for her and you!

Green Thumb

Have been busy.

Took the LSAT.

Phildo takes it ion the ass.

And the usual.

Tired and starting to tread “water”.

Green Thumb


My condolences.

She must be happy: TV, magazines, wait staff (parents), interested and sympathetic gentleman callers (teenagers and classmates, of course) and her friends.

Not bad.

Just kidding.


Happy thoughts, Val. Only happy thoughts!

Just watched our National Anthem for our gold medal winning snow boarder. Bless his heart (in the best sense of the phrase, please!) he stood there practically at attention, properly with hand over his heart, mouthing the words. They had earlier described him as the most free spirited US Olympian in Sochi! But I noticed that when he accepted the US flag after his win that he was very careful with it. Turns out that he is an Air Force brat! Dad trained him well. Thank you, Dad. Your son honored us all with his win and with his attitude toward our flag.


Nice to see someone in the Olympics loves the USA–even if NBC doesn’t.

Bob Costas is making Keef Olbertard look like a Tea Party devoutee.


Nice to see that the IRS loves the olympics too. Fine their asses for doing well for the USA. Just when I think I can’t get more pissed off about our government, I read something new and …

Joe Williams

FYI,in a week or two(I hope )I will be off the brandwidth for maybe a week. I willbe moving To Sand Springs, Ok. . I will be below the Keystone Dam on two and a half acres. The deer bed down in my soon to be front yard.Part of property line is shared a Boy’s Ranch is no hunting and no trepassing. Prime fishing and hunting easy distances.Check a another off the Bucket List.Loan is approved and trying to finish all the paperwork. Joe


@23 UpNorth

I have the same problem. I cleared the cache and cookies but still get the alternate TAH universe.


Valkyrie not sure what folks are offering thoughts for but as a member of your “extended” family you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers for all of God’s blessings. I don’t have to know because He does.

@23 NHSparky, cleared the cache and IP and that fixed it. Thank you.

Walking Dead STARTS TONIGHT folks! Another one I love and have never missed an episode of is, “Justified”. Love those crime dramas from down hillbilly way! 😀


I meant @31 NHSparky.

@28 OWB the pain meds to what they’re suppose to, first rate. But the side issues, such as typing and coherency are sometimes…well let’s say I leave somethings to be desired at times.

Thank you all for your understanding and patience with my dumb ass.


It has finally stopped snowing in my kingdom.


@49 PH2 – it HASN’T stopped here (SE Michigan). I just finished shoveling the drive (3 cars wide) and sidewalks, and the driveway is already covered with a thin layer.

The snow piles along my driveway are almost head-high now. I can’t throw the damn stuff any higher than that.

I am seriously thinking, for the first time in my life, of changing snow removal methods…been using the Armstrong method, I may have to finally break down and buy a snow blower (just watch, the next three or four winters will give us hardly enough snow to bother with, and I’ll be out a few hundred bucks).