I do not know this source, nor his political bent, if any, or whether or not his portrayal is accurate in whole or in part.
But, our own media ain’t gonna do it’s job, ever, on any issue at any time so info where we can find it, eh?
10 years ago
PS. Forgot.
The above is some guy’s attempts to figure out the Ukrainian thing by going to Kiev himself.
10 years ago
@1, the photos are amazing. I don’t know enough about what is going on there, but his photography is amazing.
10 years ago
A – Zvalt has steel nuts.
B – The Kievites have steel nuts, including the ‘grannies’.
C – Anyone who EVER tells me slingshots aren’t used in warfare any more had better look at the first photo in that report. And at the ballista (catapults).
D – I will never again look at chicken Kiev the same way. In fact, I will lift a glass to it.
frankly opinionated
10 years ago
Hey Jonn; how did Valkyrie pull this off? Did she flutter those beautiful long eyelashes? Did she wink? H’mmmm.
10 years ago
I just asked. Na na na boo boo!
Green Thumb
10 years ago
Welcome back Val.
Green Thumb
10 years ago
Phildo and his accomplices, to include the dishonorable Colonel, are still avoiding and not returning calls.
10 years ago
Thanks Green same to you. I hope school and your travels went well.
10 years ago
Speaking of Old Spice:
I was watching my favorite channel last night – TCM.
To my surprize “Jaws” was the “Essentials” movie of the evening.
While onboard the ORCA chumming for Jaws with a white rag held tighly over his nose and mouth, the police chief endured badgering from the skipper … Reaching down behind the transom the police chief retrieved a bottle of Old Spice, doused the rag with that peppery aroma, ensuring the lable was facing outward for all movie goers to see, and he covered his nose and mouth and continued chumming.
No mention of the product, but one thing is sure …
Old Spice helped in the slaying of Jaws!
2/17 Air Cav
10 years ago
@1. Yeah, those pics are stunning. The scenes remind me of Detroit at Halloween.
2/17 Air Cav
10 years ago
Okay, Open Thread by Val. I had occasion to read an ACT English exam the other day. Well, the dumbing down of America is understated, let me tell you. That test was so easy that anyone–and I do mean anyone–who made it through the 6th grade 25 or more years ago could ace it. It was frighteningly simple.
10 years ago
Here is what I wanted to ask (I’ll try to keep it as short as I can) Short story version: I had my step-daughter’s step father deported after he was released from prison due to abusing her for years, instead of him following through on his 11 years probation. Recently I was contacted by a man in South Africa who’s wife has now taken up with him and her 2 daughters are around this scum all the time. He’s gotten the wife hooked on drugs and babysits the kids alone a lot, daughters have turned against their Dad and asshole has lied about it and the wife believes him over the facts I’ve sent. Their life is mirroring what our’s was for years (age and look of kids ,step dad raising kids like they were his like I did with my daughter) So I’ve tried to research it and either I’m not asking the right questions or my Google-fu is not strong enough. I’ve been working on this for weeks , plus moving and my Father’s health so my brain is a little fried. What I’m wondering is if someone is considered a “Sexual Predator” in the states and is deported because of it , do they have to register in the new country? There is a hell of a lot I’m leaving out so if more info is needed just ask. They do have a registry but I don’t know if he has to register. His Dad is a Big Wig in the town and his cousin (who I broke his nose) is a local drug runner, and is employing him and paying off the local police we think. Any ideas or help anyone can offer would be so great. I can’t let another family go through this if I can help them in anyway. I am not even sure if I should have put this all out here like this, I don’t like airing such personal info but you guys are so great at research and helping people out I thought I’d get good advice and a direction… Read more »
Green Thumb
10 years ago
Got a 31 on the verbal side back in the day.
10 years ago
I think I scored somewhere around there in the early 1980’s. I remember getting a 32 composite.
And sadly no, it wouldn’t surprise me. I see what my girl brings home (she’s in 7th grade) they consider “honors” and I really fear for her future.
BTW–she has YET to learn cursive writing. I learned it in SECOND grade and was using it regularly by 3rd-4th grade.
2/17 Air Cav
10 years ago
Val. Whether or not a sex offender has to registry in the country in which he was not convicted is wholly dependent on that country’s law. So, that’s where you look. Or did I miss something in your question?
10 years ago
Valkyrie, if possible, you might consider contacting the police in the town where those people are living. Or, seriously, you might try contacting Interpol to see if they can help you. You know as well as I do there is a massive market in what you and I were talking about.
If you want to unload over your dad, you know how to find me.
2/17 Air Cav
10 years ago
@14 and 15. The ACT English test actually signals, by underlining, the grammar, spelling, punctuation, or other matter the question asks about. Thus, in the sentence, “Its a long weigh to Tipperary,” the first four words would be underlined, with the answer choices:
A) No Change
B) It’s
C) Way
D) It’s and way
For VN War Protester’s benefit, the correct answer is D.
10 years ago
Air – Nope that was about what I was asking, that and where to look for their laws on the subject. I mean I’m not sure what other countries see on the web versus what we see (is it the same info and all).
I think I put too much garbage in the question for people to understand it, and I wish I could delete the whole thing now. It’s too much and this is not the place for it. I was just desperate. I’ve caught too much crap about posting it, and I’m sorry to everyone for it. I’ll keep my posts to Military or current events everyone is interested in from now on. Sometimes I forget that the World Wide Web is a public place and act like it’s a group of friends sitting around a table talking. Like Jonn said on another thread “the internet is forever.”
I apologize once again.
frankly opinionated
10 years ago
Val, this IS the place, it is your post, and we will offer you what we know to be as near true as possible. We are with you on this. Later tater.
10 years ago
Ex-Ph2 – Check your email, I can’t find the files on your books you sent me.
Simpler and less messy question relating to #13 – How much is the Internet if any is censored in other countries? Or how does “America’s Internet” differ from other countries freedom of information?
These specialised courts allow sexual offences cases to be handled with sensitivity to avoid secondary victimisation of traumatised victims.
Sexual Offences and Community Affairs Unit
Since its establishment in October 1999, the Soca Unit has aimed to:
reduce victimisation of women and children by enhancing capacity to prosecute sexual offences and domestic-violence cases
reduce secondary victimisation of complainants and raise public awareness of the scourge of sexual offences and domestic violence
ensure proper management of young offenders
Supporting activities operated by Soca include its multidisciplinary Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCCs), recognised by the United Nations General Assembly as a ‘world best-practice model’ in the field of gender-violence management and response. TCCs are one-stop facilities that have been introduced as a critical part of South Africa’s Anti-Rape Strategy, aiming to reduce secondary trauma for victims, improve conviction rates and reduce the cycle time for finalising cases. TCCs are in operation in communities where the incidence of rape is particularly high.
Green Thumb
10 years ago
I thought it would have been “Cockeneray”.
Phildo’s taxpayer-funded and COL approved objective.
the last page of this link has the contact info of the different TCC centers. Maybe you can use Google to figure out the closest TCC to where the kids are.
10 years ago
Just an FYI for everyone–
While Google is all the rage, when looking for information, I find Yahoo to give better results. Google is more business/product driven whereas Yahoo is more information driven, IMHO.
I find more non-social media poser info on Yahoo than Google.
10 years ago
Thanks Clam – That’s what I needed just a jumping off point. Plus the idea of how to deal with the law in another country. Thank you so much.
10 years ago
From what I read about the TCC centers, I think you can send them all the info and they will take it from there. It looks pretty comprehensive and would help bypass any local LE contacts the perp might have. It looks like the TCC has the teeth to deal with the problem, IMHO.
Green Thumb
10 years ago
The Pro Bowl has fallen through the cracks.
I am surprised APL is not a sponsor.
10 years ago
Ok I’ve got what I think I needed, serious stuff over. Thank you!
Now let’s talk some Football!!! Go Broncs!!
10 years ago
Val, got the e-mails. Hang in there.
10 years ago
You know if the Super Bowl was at Lambeau Field, the stadium would have been dug out on the first day. Just sayin’
10 years ago
Val, dealing with the legal system of a foreign country is dicey at best. Calling a foreign PD, especially if you have any suspicion that they may be, shall we say, receiving enhanced remuneration, can even be dangerous.
If it is possible, perhaps you could ask the authorities who originally investigated the charges against him to follow up on him. At least they have more legal protections than you would have if an inquiry is made of the wrong party or parties.
Being suspicious of someone unknown asking questions of you, my main concern is to protect yourself from whatever might be going on over there.
That is coming from a non-attorney spokesperson. Oh, wait – not even a spokesperson here! Just a non-attorney person.
10 years ago
Why is there no movie about World War II glider pilots?
10 years ago
What do Phildo and I have in common?
We both flush fat John Giduck’s every day.
10 years ago
OWB – That is good advice. I’ve decided to just get copies of the court papers and send them to the Child Welfare office down there and let them handle it.
This was not the sole reason I wanted an open thread though I do thank y’all for your advice. I didn’t expect Jonn to give it my name (ask you and shall receive) I had noticed for a while there was an open thread so we could chit chat and catch up with each other or other current events that didn’t really go in the other threads. I’ve been away for a while and just wanted to catch up with anything going on for people.
Ex-PH2 – What’s the difference in a glider and a plane? I know I could Google it but there’s no way for a conversion if I do and I’m tired of talking to myself. My kids want to lock me up when I’m talking to myself and have a disagreement that leads to a screaming match. Less messy if I ask questions of people instead of Google. Not as much fun but no chance of the men in white showing up either.
10 years ago
Ok, who turned down the *$&@#&*((*@!!! thermostat outside? A bit less than 3 hours to go at work, and it’s starting to feel more and more like a meat locker in the Antarctica here.
Someone needs to ‘splain dis gobal warming chit to me. (Note the Ricky R. accent in that).
10 years ago
Valkyrie: the difference is simple. “What goes up must come down” applies to both airplanes and gliders.
However, gliders don’t have engines, and airplanes do.
Once an airplane runs out of fuel, it becomes a glider by default.
The ideal situation with an airplane is to come back down to terra firma BEFORE running out of fuel. However, our friendly neighborhood wannabee pilot and Navy CPO evidently missed ground school the day that that lesson was covered.
10 years ago
Oops that should be FAKE Navy CPO. My apologies to the Chief’s Mess.
10 years ago
I would think notify ocal authorities taht handled the case, suggest they might want to inform their oversea’s cohorts via Interpol. Just a thought…
10 years ago
Ok, I sorta understand jumping out of a perfectly good airplane for “fun”, but going up in an aircraft with NO engine!? That escapes me completely. I am now reading up on it to understand.
– Break –
Anyone ever seen the “Bad lip reading of the NFL”? This cracks me up!
10 years ago
Val: a bit more about gliders vs. airplanes:
The vast majority of gliders are launched by being towed behind another airplane connected by a long metal cable. When the tow plane takes off, it pulls the glider into the air. When the reach the desired altitude, the glider pilot releases the glider’s tow cable hook and voila’ – unpowered flight!
The glider pilot will often go looking for “thermals”, columns of warmer air rising from the earth. A good glider pilot can find and catch a good thermal (or thermals) and ride them for hours and hours.
And here’s the story of the “Gimli Glider”, an Air Canada Boeing 767 that DID run out of fuel while airborne, and was successfully flown (gliding) to an unpowered landing by the pilot. There’s an interesting parallel to USAirways Flight 1549 (the “Miracle on the Hudson” flight, the aircraft that landed in the Hudson River), in that both aircraft captains involved had to land their aircraft after both engines had completely lost power, and both captains were experienced glider pilots.
10 years ago
@41 Marine__7002, temps are dropping where I live by the minute and the wind is picking up, but the snow helps insulate my house at the ground level at a steady state temperature. However, I do have all faucets on minimum draw and that means that the hairy beasts in my house go play with the drips.
I just hope we do not have a repeat of the 2/2/11 blizzard. That was obnoxious. 4.5 ft of snow piled up against my storm door because I didn’t stay up all night and shovel. Learned me lesson the hard way. Get a nap first, have the Swiss Miss waiting, and shovel, shovel, shovel.
I’ll leave the light on for you, in case you get lost. 🙂
10 years ago
Ex-PH2 – better make that a search light. I need all the help I can get. And even that might not help enough. My friends all tell me that I’ve been lost for years. Heh.
We’ve already set a record in this area (SE Michigan) for snow in January. The snow piles alongside my driveway are almost back up to shoulder height and I’m getting my upper body workouts by doing all the shoveling by hand (no snow blowers for me, I’m too cheap to buy one).
Val – if you’re adventurous enough to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, then you’ll greatly enjoy a glider ride. I’d bet a dollar to a donut that you could find an airport where introductory glider rides are offered.
10 years ago
@11, AirCav, that’s what happens on Devil’s Night, in Detroit. And yes, there was more than a passing resemblance in those photos.
Because keeping up with the world is, supposedly, something that military types try to do:
I do not know this source, nor his political bent, if any, or whether or not his portrayal is accurate in whole or in part.
But, our own media ain’t gonna do it’s job, ever, on any issue at any time so info where we can find it, eh?
PS. Forgot.
The above is some guy’s attempts to figure out the Ukrainian thing by going to Kiev himself.
@1, the photos are amazing. I don’t know enough about what is going on there, but his photography is amazing.
A – Zvalt has steel nuts.
B – The Kievites have steel nuts, including the ‘grannies’.
C – Anyone who EVER tells me slingshots aren’t used in warfare any more had better look at the first photo in that report. And at the ballista (catapults).
D – I will never again look at chicken Kiev the same way. In fact, I will lift a glass to it.
Hey Jonn; how did Valkyrie pull this off? Did she flutter those beautiful long eyelashes? Did she wink? H’mmmm.
I just asked. Na na na boo boo!
Welcome back Val.
Phildo and his accomplices, to include the dishonorable Colonel, are still avoiding and not returning calls.
Thanks Green same to you. I hope school and your travels went well.
Speaking of Old Spice:
I was watching my favorite channel last night – TCM.
To my surprize “Jaws” was the “Essentials” movie of the evening.
While onboard the ORCA chumming for Jaws with a white rag held tighly over his nose and mouth, the police chief endured badgering from the skipper … Reaching down behind the transom the police chief retrieved a bottle of Old Spice, doused the rag with that peppery aroma, ensuring the lable was facing outward for all movie goers to see, and he covered his nose and mouth and continued chumming.
No mention of the product, but one thing is sure …
Old Spice helped in the slaying of Jaws!
@1. Yeah, those pics are stunning. The scenes remind me of Detroit at Halloween.
Okay, Open Thread by Val. I had occasion to read an ACT English exam the other day. Well, the dumbing down of America is understated, let me tell you. That test was so easy that anyone–and I do mean anyone–who made it through the 6th grade 25 or more years ago could ace it. It was frighteningly simple.
Here is what I wanted to ask (I’ll try to keep it as short as I can) Short story version: I had my step-daughter’s step father deported after he was released from prison due to abusing her for years, instead of him following through on his 11 years probation. Recently I was contacted by a man in South Africa who’s wife has now taken up with him and her 2 daughters are around this scum all the time. He’s gotten the wife hooked on drugs and babysits the kids alone a lot, daughters have turned against their Dad and asshole has lied about it and the wife believes him over the facts I’ve sent. Their life is mirroring what our’s was for years (age and look of kids ,step dad raising kids like they were his like I did with my daughter) So I’ve tried to research it and either I’m not asking the right questions or my Google-fu is not strong enough. I’ve been working on this for weeks , plus moving and my Father’s health so my brain is a little fried. What I’m wondering is if someone is considered a “Sexual Predator” in the states and is deported because of it , do they have to register in the new country? There is a hell of a lot I’m leaving out so if more info is needed just ask. They do have a registry but I don’t know if he has to register. His Dad is a Big Wig in the town and his cousin (who I broke his nose) is a local drug runner, and is employing him and paying off the local police we think. Any ideas or help anyone can offer would be so great. I can’t let another family go through this if I can help them in anyway. I am not even sure if I should have put this all out here like this, I don’t like airing such personal info but you guys are so great at research and helping people out I thought I’d get good advice and a direction… Read more »
Got a 31 on the verbal side back in the day.
I think I scored somewhere around there in the early 1980’s. I remember getting a 32 composite.
And sadly no, it wouldn’t surprise me. I see what my girl brings home (she’s in 7th grade) they consider “honors” and I really fear for her future.
BTW–she has YET to learn cursive writing. I learned it in SECOND grade and was using it regularly by 3rd-4th grade.
Val. Whether or not a sex offender has to registry in the country in which he was not convicted is wholly dependent on that country’s law. So, that’s where you look. Or did I miss something in your question?
Valkyrie, if possible, you might consider contacting the police in the town where those people are living. Or, seriously, you might try contacting Interpol to see if they can help you. You know as well as I do there is a massive market in what you and I were talking about.
If you want to unload over your dad, you know how to find me.
@14 and 15. The ACT English test actually signals, by underlining, the grammar, spelling, punctuation, or other matter the question asks about. Thus, in the sentence, “Its a long weigh to Tipperary,” the first four words would be underlined, with the answer choices:
A) No Change
B) It’s
C) Way
D) It’s and way
For VN War Protester’s benefit, the correct answer is D.
Air – Nope that was about what I was asking, that and where to look for their laws on the subject. I mean I’m not sure what other countries see on the web versus what we see (is it the same info and all).
I think I put too much garbage in the question for people to understand it, and I wish I could delete the whole thing now. It’s too much and this is not the place for it. I was just desperate. I’ve caught too much crap about posting it, and I’m sorry to everyone for it. I’ll keep my posts to Military or current events everyone is interested in from now on. Sometimes I forget that the World Wide Web is a public place and act like it’s a group of friends sitting around a table talking. Like Jonn said on another thread “the internet is forever.”
I apologize once again.
Val, this IS the place, it is your post, and we will offer you what we know to be as near true as possible. We are with you on this. Later tater.
Ex-Ph2 – Check your email, I can’t find the files on your books you sent me.
@19 Val
Simpler and less messy question relating to #13 – How much is the Internet if any is censored in other countries? Or how does “America’s Internet” differ from other countries freedom of information?
Sexual offences courts
These specialised courts allow sexual offences cases to be handled with sensitivity to avoid secondary victimisation of traumatised victims.
Sexual Offences and Community Affairs Unit
Since its establishment in October 1999, the Soca Unit has aimed to:
reduce victimisation of women and children by enhancing capacity to prosecute sexual offences and domestic-violence cases
reduce secondary victimisation of complainants and raise public awareness of the scourge of sexual offences and domestic violence
ensure proper management of young offenders
Supporting activities operated by Soca include its multidisciplinary Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCCs), recognised by the United Nations General Assembly as a ‘world best-practice model’ in the field of gender-violence management and response. TCCs are one-stop facilities that have been introduced as a critical part of South Africa’s Anti-Rape Strategy, aiming to reduce secondary trauma for victims, improve conviction rates and reduce the cycle time for finalising cases. TCCs are in operation in communities where the incidence of rape is particularly high.
I thought it would have been “Cockeneray”.
Phildo’s taxpayer-funded and COL approved objective.
I used to have a high opinion of VMI.
the last page of this link has the contact info of the different TCC centers. Maybe you can use Google to figure out the closest TCC to where the kids are.
Just an FYI for everyone–
While Google is all the rage, when looking for information, I find Yahoo to give better results. Google is more business/product driven whereas Yahoo is more information driven, IMHO.
I find more non-social media poser info on Yahoo than Google.
Thanks Clam – That’s what I needed just a jumping off point. Plus the idea of how to deal with the law in another country. Thank you so much.
From what I read about the TCC centers, I think you can send them all the info and they will take it from there. It looks pretty comprehensive and would help bypass any local LE contacts the perp might have. It looks like the TCC has the teeth to deal with the problem, IMHO.
The Pro Bowl has fallen through the cracks.
I am surprised APL is not a sponsor.
Ok I’ve got what I think I needed, serious stuff over. Thank you!
Now let’s talk some Football!!! Go Broncs!!
Val, got the e-mails. Hang in there.
You know if the Super Bowl was at Lambeau Field, the stadium would have been dug out on the first day. Just sayin’
Val, dealing with the legal system of a foreign country is dicey at best. Calling a foreign PD, especially if you have any suspicion that they may be, shall we say, receiving enhanced remuneration, can even be dangerous.
If it is possible, perhaps you could ask the authorities who originally investigated the charges against him to follow up on him. At least they have more legal protections than you would have if an inquiry is made of the wrong party or parties.
Being suspicious of someone unknown asking questions of you, my main concern is to protect yourself from whatever might be going on over there.
That is coming from a non-attorney spokesperson. Oh, wait – not even a spokesperson here! Just a non-attorney person.
Why is there no movie about World War II glider pilots?
What do Phildo and I have in common?
We both flush fat John Giduck’s every day.
OWB – That is good advice. I’ve decided to just get copies of the court papers and send them to the Child Welfare office down there and let them handle it.
This was not the sole reason I wanted an open thread though I do thank y’all for your advice. I didn’t expect Jonn to give it my name (ask you and shall receive) I had noticed for a while there was an open thread so we could chit chat and catch up with each other or other current events that didn’t really go in the other threads. I’ve been away for a while and just wanted to catch up with anything going on for people.
Ex-PH2 – What’s the difference in a glider and a plane? I know I could Google it but there’s no way for a conversion if I do and I’m tired of talking to myself. My kids want to lock me up when I’m talking to myself and have a disagreement that leads to a screaming match. Less messy if I ask questions of people instead of Google. Not as much fun but no chance of the men in white showing up either.
Ok, who turned down the *$&@#&*((*@!!! thermostat outside? A bit less than 3 hours to go at work, and it’s starting to feel more and more like a meat locker in the Antarctica here.
Someone needs to ‘splain dis gobal warming chit to me. (Note the Ricky R. accent in that).
Valkyrie: the difference is simple. “What goes up must come down” applies to both airplanes and gliders.
However, gliders don’t have engines, and airplanes do.
Once an airplane runs out of fuel, it becomes a glider by default.
The ideal situation with an airplane is to come back down to terra firma BEFORE running out of fuel. However, our friendly neighborhood wannabee pilot and Navy CPO evidently missed ground school the day that that lesson was covered.
Oops that should be FAKE Navy CPO. My apologies to the Chief’s Mess.
I would think notify ocal authorities taht handled the case, suggest they might want to inform their oversea’s cohorts via Interpol. Just a thought…
Ok, I sorta understand jumping out of a perfectly good airplane for “fun”, but going up in an aircraft with NO engine!? That escapes me completely. I am now reading up on it to understand.
– Break –
Anyone ever seen the “Bad lip reading of the NFL”? This cracks me up!
Val: a bit more about gliders vs. airplanes:
The vast majority of gliders are launched by being towed behind another airplane connected by a long metal cable. When the tow plane takes off, it pulls the glider into the air. When the reach the desired altitude, the glider pilot releases the glider’s tow cable hook and voila’ – unpowered flight!
The glider pilot will often go looking for “thermals”, columns of warmer air rising from the earth. A good glider pilot can find and catch a good thermal (or thermals) and ride them for hours and hours.
Here’s some more details for you:
And here’s the story of the “Gimli Glider”, an Air Canada Boeing 767 that DID run out of fuel while airborne, and was successfully flown (gliding) to an unpowered landing by the pilot. There’s an interesting parallel to USAirways Flight 1549 (the “Miracle on the Hudson” flight, the aircraft that landed in the Hudson River), in that both aircraft captains involved had to land their aircraft after both engines had completely lost power, and both captains were experienced glider pilots.
@41 Marine__7002, temps are dropping where I live by the minute and the wind is picking up, but the snow helps insulate my house at the ground level at a steady state temperature. However, I do have all faucets on minimum draw and that means that the hairy beasts in my house go play with the drips.
I just hope we do not have a repeat of the 2/2/11 blizzard. That was obnoxious. 4.5 ft of snow piled up against my storm door because I didn’t stay up all night and shovel. Learned me lesson the hard way. Get a nap first, have the Swiss Miss waiting, and shovel, shovel, shovel.
I’ll leave the light on for you, in case you get lost. 🙂
Ex-PH2 – better make that a search light. I need all the help I can get. And even that might not help enough. My friends all tell me that I’ve been lost for years. Heh.
We’ve already set a record in this area (SE Michigan) for snow in January. The snow piles alongside my driveway are almost back up to shoulder height and I’m getting my upper body workouts by doing all the shoveling by hand (no snow blowers for me, I’m too cheap to buy one).
Val – if you’re adventurous enough to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, then you’ll greatly enjoy a glider ride. I’d bet a dollar to a donut that you could find an airport where introductory glider rides are offered.
@11, AirCav, that’s what happens on Devil’s Night, in Detroit. And yes, there was more than a passing resemblance in those photos.
There once was a man named Paul,
Who was all about some balls….