S&W and Ruger abandon California market

| January 26, 2014

California passed a law requiring new firearms sold there to have “micro-stamping” on the face of firing pins that would leave an imprint on expended cartridge which would be unique and lead law enforcement to the gun and hopefully the shooter. But, gun manufacturers claim that the micro-stamping process in it’s current form is not workable and unreliable. For that reason Sturm, Ruger and Smith & Wesson are leaving the California gun market, says Fox News;

“Smith & Wesson does not and will not include microstamping in its firearms,” the Springfield, Mass.,-based manufacturer said in a statement. “A number of studies have indicated that microstamping is unreliable, serves no safety purpose, is cost prohibitive and, most importantly, is not proven to aid in preventing or solving crimes.”

Southport, Conn.-based Sturm Ruger also announced this month that they will also stop selling their guns in California due to the microstamping law.

According to the Washington Times, DC had a similar law requiring microstamping which was supposed to take effect the first of the year, however, the city council had to pass emergency legislation to delay the unworkable law until 2016.

Unfortunately, that what these state legislatures want; they don’t want the gun manufacturers to sell their legal products within their borders without having to actually make guns illegal, which would cost them politically. So they’ll continue to make stupid requirements, in an attempt to limit sales to qualified, law abiding citizens.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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NR Pax

@41: VWP, put down the retarded and step away from it slowly.

Old Trooper

@46: I told the little dumbass the same thing. I doubt he is old enough to have been alive during Vietnam to begin with. He’s just a leftist college twerp that has been reading Marx under the umbrella of freedom brought by capitalism.

Old Trooper

@50: My used firearms will be worth a premium in Kalifornia.

Woo hoo!! I’ll finally be able to get that F650 Extreme Pickup!!


I really get the impression that vietetc. is about 15… there just isn’t that vibe that says he was around that long. Could just be me, but having been through that time personally, his rants sound canned and just a little off, kinda like Curt’s English. While it’s the same kind of gibberish, it ain’t authentic gibberish.


and actually on the original subject… S&W drew heavy fire under previous ownership for caving to government demands – back in the ’90s there was even a well publicised boycott of S&W products. This was effective enough that the Brits who then owned S&W, who had purchased the company for $112 million, sold it for $15 million.

We can only hope they follow Ronnie Barrett’s example: “if our products can’t be owned by civilians, we won’t sell or service them for your police, either”. I can’t afford a Barrett but if I could, that would be the ONLY gun to buy.

The Lurker Formally Known as Curt

#54, I hope there is another “Curt” here that I don’t know about…
If I get put in the same pile as VWFuckbucket, I may just take my ball and go home…Please advise…

2/17 Air Cav

@52 and 54. He has that affect of Jim on Taxi, without the humor–or income. He’s a broken record and stupid as the day is long. As soon as you see his tag, you know what he is going to say. The only question is how many words he will spell incorrectly in trying to say it. He likes to use the USS Liberty reference and that’s not something that 99.9% of people know. I peg him for between 55 and 60, with a long history of abusing mood-altering substances and a couple of stints in the nuthouse.


@54…that’s “authentic FRONTIER gibberish.” Can’t be mistaking Gabby Johnson for someone else, now.


The Lurker Formally Known as Curt: the other “Curt” here uses the name “Curt Kastens” for his comments.

I don’t think you’re in any danger of being confused with him, amigo. Your comments make sense. (smile)

Old Trooper

@57: I don’t think he’s that old. Even our old friend Joe isn’t as stupid as this guy, close, but not quite there.

VWP may have heard of the USS Liberty from someone and decided to use it.


Door….butt….way out.

vietnam war protestor

When I heard about what happened to the uss liberty I wondered why the us navy didn’t come to its aid. Then some years later the navy people talked and I found out that johnson didn’t want to embarrass israel and twice ordered the navy not to send aircraft to its aid saying he didn’t care if they sunk the uss liberty. Also too many fundo religious nuts treat the survivors like it was their fault! One had to leave his fundo church because of it. Funny I am more patriotic on this issue then you. (actually I am more patriotic on most issues then you!) I am even more happy now then back then that I supported the dump johnson movement! Live children not guns!

The Other Whitey

Damn, I’m away for a few hours and VWPissant is polluting yet another perfectly decent thread?


@56 Curt – what Hondo said.

@Sparky – didn’t want to denigrate one of the great movie lines of all time on vwp. He’s not worthy.

2/17 Air Cav

@62. Hey stoop. How old are you?

2/17 Air Cav

I undestand. That was too fast. Okay, try just one word at a time. Then, say them out loud, in exact order, five or six times, a little faster each time. Trust me, you can handle it:



@62 VWP you know you are only tolerated here. Your comment ALMOST had some coherence. At this point, to me that only means your new meds must be kicking in. If you want more tolerance here then provide some info. What is your DOB? What are some non-Googled facts about where you were and what you were doing in the 60s and 70s? Short of that, then don’t you have a study hall or detention to get to?

The Other Whitey

Okay, VWPussy. Since you failed to respond before, I’ll just have to C&P. VWPussy, here’s some food for thought, assuming you’re actually capable of thinking: The KKK is historically pro-Democrat. In fact, they pretty much owned the Democratic Party in the 1910s, 20s, and early 30s. Among their supporters was President Woodrow Wilson (the original New World Order supporter). Hell, West Virginia had a Democrat congressman until just recently who was an outspoken Klan member WHILE HE WAS IN CONGRESS. The House Committee on Un-American Activities was established by Republicans to investigate and expose subversive activities, and do you know who their biggest target was? Not the commies! The HUAC’s biggest and most successful investigation was against the Klan. The KKK is still Democrat today. Want proof? Democrats love public housing projects. Conservatives view housing projects for what they are: slums. Whites are disproportionately least likely to live in housing projects. Blacks are disproportionately most likely. These slums are filthy with crime, drugs, and misery, and prove to be an inescapable trap for most of their occupants. Democrats love Welfare. A disproportionately high number of blacks are dependent on welfare. Many don’t even try to find a job when they can just sit on their ass and get free money, even if it ain’t much. Black children born to Welfare-dependant parents grow up with that example, and literally don’t know any better. This helps to keep a disproportionately high number of blacks in poverty. Democrats have made public education a pet project since at least the 60s. Anybody with their eyes open can see that public education in America has been failing since at least the 70s, and progressively getting worse. Rather than fix the problems in education, Democrats prefer solutions like Common Core, which lowers the standard gives students even less. The schools targeted for adoption of these regressive programs are underperforming inner-city schools in poor neighborhoods. White kids are disproportionately least likely to attend these targeted schools, while black kids are disproportionately most likely to be affected. These already-poor black families can’t afford to bypass this problem by… Read more »

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

VWPieceofshit, here’s another one you apparently lacked the balls to answer.

VWPussy, you clearly didn’t read my last comment on the Cuomo thread, based on your response. I advise you to go back and read the last comments there, as OWB and I had some challenges to your little KKK thesis that thus far remain unanswered. I suppose I could C&P if necessary.
As for your suggestion that I join the KKK, there’s a few problems with that:
1) I am not a hateful, inbred fucktard, and therefore would not be welcomed. You, however, would fit right in.
2) I am a white man whose wife is not white, and am the father of a multiracial child. Your klan ass-buddies consider me a “race traitor” for that.
3) I’m Catholic. And like all good fascists, the KKK hates Catholics. BTW, the feeling is mutual.
So once again, get fucked in the most humiliating way possible, you fucking idiot.


@ NH … one brick at a time. I asked for two and they laughed!


@68 The Other Whitey, Thank you and Here-Here!

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

Still waiting, VWPussy…

The Lurker Formally Known as Curt

@59 Hondo, 64 David- thanks, I was nervous…
@72 the Other Whitey- I think you messed him up with your little history lesson. That, or his mom found him fuckin around on the interwebs again and beat his ass.
Hey, VWBugfucker- no answer for facts?


@68 Other Whitey

WOW! What you said…!


@69 CWP

WOW! What you said…!

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

So apparently all it takes to make VWPutz crawl back under its rock is to C&P my two rebuttals above (or similar)? Good to know! I kind of hate to keep rehashing my long-winded rant, but if that’s what it takes…

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

@ Curt & OldSarge, glad to help.

vietnam war protestor

@69 KKK now taes in catholics look it up. So get your white sheet and join your local klavern! This the second time I have pointed this out to you really they do take white catholics now. Democrrats do have big tent ;but not that big! Why did reagan give his first speech in philadelphia mississippi after he got the 1980 g.o.p.=kkk nomination ?


@78, hey, ass wipe, two words, Robert Byrd. Look him up. Or, get yo momma to help you look him up. He fit right in under that Dem big tent.


UpNorth–don’t forget that LBJ said, “I’ll have those n***ers voting Democrat for a hundred years” after he signed Great Society wealth redistribution into law.

Racist? Yup. Was he right? On that score, pretty much.

Mr. Blue

vwp, just because those things you dig out of your arse are yellow doesn’t mean that they’re nuggets of gold. It’s just nuggets of corn from your dinner.

Now stop trying to share them with us. We’re not interested.


VWP douchetard: Philadelphia, MS now has a black Democrat mayor and has since 2009. He is also a Pentecostal preacher, I believe. The last time I saw any KKK get together in MS, there were 3 of them and everyone, I mean EVERYONE, referred to them as “those retards running around in sheets”. They’re still around, I am sure- dumbasses like them- and you- are like roaches and never go away.

While David Duke did open up the KKK to white Catholics, I am sure most of the inbred stupid racist fucks in charge of that shit on the local level still hate the hell out of “them statue worshippin’ Catlicks”.

I have a splendid idea! Why don’t you, VWP, go troll the damn KKK. I am sure, since you are a dirty hippie, you would smell just like them. Maybe you could enlighten them with your wonderful grasp of the English language.

A Proud Infidel

Hey Folks, VWpisshead is a Kool-Aid-guzzling, inbred hippie, thus he is VERY allergic to facts, logic, and common sense. He/it will NEVER have the spinal fortitude to stand and deliver when it comes to facts, all he/it has are DU/KoS, and HuffyPoo talking points. VWpisshead, you are a living, breathing piece of proof of why there are laws against incest, every one of your posts I read further convinces me that YOU ARE YOUR OWN COUSIN!!!

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

@78 VWPussy, I see you threw out some lame-ass anecdote from a well-known lying asshole. I also noticed that your weakass argument completely ignored the rest of my points. So anytime you care to offer one of your halfass explanations to any of the well-substantiated points I brought up, take your best shot, bitch.

And again, if I’m such a white supremacist, please explain why I would be married to a woman who isn’t white.

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

Still waiting, VWPuddleofpiss…

Mr. Blue

#85- He’s busy digging for yet another ‘nugget’ of wisdom to share. From the usual location, of course.

2/17 Air Cav

vn war protester thinks this is his personal electronic billboard. He scrawls what he wants and disregards questions posed by others. He doesn’t engage in discourse or argument and he is unwilling to learn. He just throws out nonsensical statements that mean nothing and that’s that. So, why is he here? My guess is that he’s here because it’s the only place that hasn’t yet banned him and does garner some attention, even if it’s all negative.

The Other Whitey

So VWPussy is in fact a pussy. Who knew?

Joe Williams

The reject and blocked from 4chan and reddit that posted at #62&78.I have lived in the deep South all my life and have yet to meet any Klansmen. If they are so strong where are they? I live in a very small where everybody knows wshat everybody is doing in 54 minutes or less. Nobody has checked me out for possible joining. As usual all old lies and truth or facts to back up your claim. Are possibly the hippie I put on his ass in LAX for spitting on my uniform? Joe

The Other Whitey

@89 I doubt it, Joe. Something tells me VWPussy lacks the balls to ever confront someone in person.


Whenever I go to a topic on guns and notice a lot of comments I instantly know that VWPussy has came on and spewed his garbage.