S&W and Ruger abandon California market

| January 26, 2014

California passed a law requiring new firearms sold there to have “micro-stamping” on the face of firing pins that would leave an imprint on expended cartridge which would be unique and lead law enforcement to the gun and hopefully the shooter. But, gun manufacturers claim that the micro-stamping process in it’s current form is not workable and unreliable. For that reason Sturm, Ruger and Smith & Wesson are leaving the California gun market, says Fox News;

“Smith & Wesson does not and will not include microstamping in its firearms,” the Springfield, Mass.,-based manufacturer said in a statement. “A number of studies have indicated that microstamping is unreliable, serves no safety purpose, is cost prohibitive and, most importantly, is not proven to aid in preventing or solving crimes.”

Southport, Conn.-based Sturm Ruger also announced this month that they will also stop selling their guns in California due to the microstamping law.

According to the Washington Times, DC had a similar law requiring microstamping which was supposed to take effect the first of the year, however, the city council had to pass emergency legislation to delay the unworkable law until 2016.

Unfortunately, that what these state legislatures want; they don’t want the gun manufacturers to sell their legal products within their borders without having to actually make guns illegal, which would cost them politically. So they’ll continue to make stupid requirements, in an attempt to limit sales to qualified, law abiding citizens.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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When these companies pull a Barrett, I’ll support them for standing on principle.


So much for the leftist argument that they don’t want to take our guns. If they can’t ban them outright, they’ll legislate them out of existence.

I would love to see every manufacturer of every gun and gun related product, to include ammunition, tell states like California that they refuse to do business with those state governments that restrict a law abiding citizens right to keep and bear arms. Don’t sell those state agencies any guns or ammunition until the draconian gun laws those states have passed are stricken from the books and those governments fully recognize the citizens right to keep and bear arms. Enough is enough.


The gun makers need to get together and refuse to do business with any governmental unit in California. What will the politicians do if the P.D.’s weapons start to fail and they can’t repair/replace them?

The Other Whitey

As a California native, California taxpayer, and California state employee, I am once again appalled by the stupidity of my state’s “elected” leaders. Suffice it to say, I didn’t vote for any of them. And I sure as hell didn’t vote for Moonbat/Moonbeam.

2/17 Air Cav

The companies must have done a cost benefit analysis and said screw it. The result is that sales will end, which means that jobs will be lost directly and indirectly (e.g., no shipping or deliveries to California), which means that many people will be negatively impacted for, effectively, nothing. Or did I miss the part that this bullet imprinting magically will stop a shooter?

A Proud Infidel

@1-3, DITTO, All firearm manufacturers need to cease doing business with any and all State of California Government entities, PERIOD. Ditto with MD, NY, and NJ!!


Maryland started the Ballistic Fingerprinting Program back in 2000, where every dealer had to supply an expended shell casing for every new handgun (yes, revolvers too) sold. This program costs on the order of $2M annually, and thus far has been used exactly ONCE in a firearms case. And it wasn’t even necessary to convict, as the police already had the firearm as evidence.

California? The stupid is strong with this one.


From what i have read, it sounds like Ruger is doing a full pull out of the state, no new shipments, dont know if they will stop supporting what is in state, but sadly it sounds like S&W is only doing a soft pullout and will just not sell any new models so they dont have to comply with that new law. i could be wrong.


@6 APF, I’m stuck in Maryland, but I already have the firearms I require. Can’t say the same for others in my position. Believe me, we are closely watching the various 2A cases as they work through the judicial system.


@9 API, sorry. Fat fingered the keyboard.

AW1 Tim

Thing is, the morons who crafted the law don’t seem to realize how easy it is to swap out a firing pin.

Anyone can buy a replacement firing pin without micro-stamping, have it mailed to them, and with a little effort swap them out.

A real criminal genius would use the plain one for shooting, then put back the micro-stamped one when he got home.

“Criminal Genius”….. I make myself laugh. 🙂

Old Trooper

@1: Some businesses will put their principles on the back burner when it comes to continuing the money flow. Some don’t have principles to begin with. Others look at it as they are in business to make money and that is what they will do. What they don’t understand is that they soon won’t have a business, because the cost to do business will be too high.

Personally; I’m interested to see how the other firearms manufacturers are going to comply with Kalifornia law.


Not only do the manufacturers need to stop doing business with California, they need to stop doing business with any dealer that continues to sell their products to any state agency. Make CA toxic to even deal with and once the police can’t even get ammunition to train with anymore, let alone actually use maybe they will start reconsidering things.

Knowing the liberals however, they will just call to nationalize the firearms industry so only the government controls it


@12 Most of them are not. Right now for the most part it just means no new handguns will ever go on sale in California unless the roster is challenged successfully.


I love my home state though I absolutely cannot stand some of the idiots in charge and the people who vote for them.



Because projectile striation doesn’t already do this and have been used for decades by law enforcement. This is a very poor attempt at de facto registration and forcing cost on to those wanting to use basic rights.

Fuck you, California.

2/17 Air Cav

This stuff reminds me of something from years ago. Back when I was studying political science, I obtained a copy of the USSR Contsitution. I read it and re-read it and came away thinking, ‘Gee, what a grand-sounding document. It makes living in the USSR sound enviable for most of the reat of the world.’ Of course, I was keenly aware of the contrast between the Soviet Constitution and the CP’s practices. These many years later, long after the USSR folded, it strikes me that there is an ever-widening gap in the USA between our wonderful Constitution and the practical reality. It’s both sickening and maddening and it looks from my vantage point that the gap will soon be widening more. We shall see.

Dave Thul

#13 has the right idea. Ruger and S&W should refuse to sell firearms to law enforcement in California under the principle that it makes just as much sense to have microstamping on police weapons as it does civilian ones.


Reason number 3481 why I left that shithole and have been back exactly ONCE in the period since.

And ain’t it funny (or ironic) that a company based in MASSACHUSETTS is calling these bullshit rules unworkable? Yeah, tried to get a CCW permit in Boston lately?

vietnam war protestor

I guess the gun nuts will have to use some other brand of gun when they go into a california grade school to shoot the kindegartners with. Maybe the nra can import them if the gun nut feels uncomfortable shooting kindegartners with something other then a smith&wesson or ruger!


@20 VWP here it was a really good day and then…you. Since you are obviously recently out of kindergarten, I see how this is a concern for you.

A Proud Infidel

I have far more respect for a dog turd on the sidewalk than I do for vwpisshead! According to imbeciles like him, EVERY American Citizen purchasing a firearm does so with the intention of wiping out a grade school. Idiots like him/it fail to realize just how many of these mass shootings occur in “Gun-Free Zones”, something idiots like him/it embrace!

the Al

@20- did your mother have any children that lived, or were you raised on a steady diet of lead paint chips? I mean, there doesn’t seem to be any other possible cause for your blatant ignorance

vietnam war protestor

shooting children should concern all human beings even those here who pose as human being! Not every body with an atomic bomb would blow up a city ;but we still don’t let people play with atomic bombs!


Well, President Obama is allowing Iran to play with atomic bombs.

2/17 Air Cav

@24. That’s true. Back when I was about 7 and I was given my first A-bomb for Christmas, my parents cautioned me not to blow up a city with it. And you know what, I never did. On the other hand, I know a kid who played fast and loose with his A-bomb. He lived in a town of about 4,000 called Winkydink. I’m sure you never heard of it. It was simply wiped from all maps after Tommy screwed around and leveled the place.


vietnam war protestor, can you cite one example on this blog where someone has advocated shooting children? The issue that we have is that politicians pass legislation that without any thought. Just look at the recent blog of the California politician speaking of “ghost guns” and “thirty magazine clips”. I am all for outlawing “thirty magazine clips”, because, as far as I know, there is no such thing as a thirty magazine clip. New York was in such a rush to pass some type of firearms regulation that they unintentionally included law enforcement. The cities with the strictest firearm laws are vast wastelands of destruction and record violence. Why hasn’t firearms regulation stopped the record murders in DC, Chicago, Detroit and any other number of cities? And if you have not already been the victim of a violent crime, come back when you are, and let us know if you have the same opinion.

the Al

@24- funny, I’ve been around guns my whole life and never once felt the urge to go on a shooting spree in a school. Gee, it’s almost as if my parents raised me to be a responsible person who respected life and what a gun was capable of, as opposed to being raised by video games and the street


vwp–prima facie evidence that maybe living under power lines isn’t such a good idea after all.

Newsflash, dipshit–how many people in CA are using guns to shoot each other in drive-bys, etc., who look at this, the dipshit and his “ghost guns”, etc., and laugh their balls off while they shoot more innocents, who have no way of defending themselves?


Microengraving? Ballistic fingerprints? Anyone else get the impression that the gun grabbers are getting the inspiration for their new laws from reruns of Matlock and Murder She Wrote?

A Proud Infidel

If Gun Control Laws are SUCH a great panacea for crime, then why are the places that have the most of them such crime-infested hellholes?

A Proud Infidel

OH, and when was the last time anyone saw criminals lining up to turn THEIR guns in anytime a new law was passed, HEY, let’s outlaw the possession of firearms & ammo bu convicted felons and anyone who has ever been committed due to mental illness. HUH? Already done? Then it looks like we can’t trust Government, either!!

B Woodman

IF #20 VWPisser had put a (/sarc) or (/snark) tag at the end of his monomaniacal moronic rant, I would give him props for an excellent comment. Bt as it stands, ummm. . , not so much.

And I agree with all the other commenters about gun manufacturers and other support businesses (Brownells, etc) not doing any further business with the Gubbment agencies of gun control states (CA, NY, CT, MD, etc). No new guns, no old guns, no repairs or repair parts, no ammunition, nothing.

2/17 Air Cav

Don’t try the rational approach with that moron. He’s not even a war protester, just a poser, a wannabe. Time and again I asked him to cite a bona fide VN war protest or even a college sit-in that he was part of and…nothing. So, he sits in his filthy underwear in his mother’s basement or over someone’s garage and listyens to Jane fonda (spit!) tapes and Joan Baez (spit!) records, swigging cheap wine and burning candles and incense. He’s one of life’s losers but has all the answers. Yeah, he could have been somebody, I guess, but he got doped up during freshman finals and was convinced that somehow he would change the world from his fat ass.

Crimean War Protestor, aka A Proud Infidel

Me, my Wife, and our boy went out to the beach today, and we allied by some blonde-haired fleabag dropout hippie with dreadlocks that smelled up the place whe playing a guitar piss-poorly and singing even worse! I immediately thought he was from the same crowd as Vwpisshead!


VVP, just more incoherent ramblings from your addled mind.
Last I checked, none of my guns were used in any type of crime. Nor were they used in the shooting of any living creature. Otoh, they definitely shot up some paper, and the errant frozen mt dew bottle.
I carry everyday, but I’ve never shot it in anger or fear for my life. I have pulled it once to convince 4 fine young folks that they needed to make better decisions in life.

So, fuck off, son…


Everytime I read an article like this I stop by the gun shop and buy more guns and or ammo.

I purchased a brick of 22 for my son’s new Ruger rifle!

And put down payment on a BAHRWS!


I am singularly unimpressed with VWPisshead. His type aren’t even original. All they have is the same tired and vapid rant that exposes their bigotry and hate. He can’t even make a decent argument for his cause. Rather than attempt to engage them in debate, which their drug fried brains can’t comprehend, I simply laugh at their stupidity and go buy another gun.


Master Chief–you can get .22 ammo? I’m heading your way. It is simply NOT available here. None.

Mr Blue

vwp- always a source for self-refuting arguments.

vietnam war protestor

@27 I am sure no one here advocated killing children in vietnam either! Some how the little vietnamese girl got naplamed anyway and my lai occured. Dead children in iraq and afganistan are called collateral damage!

Old Trooper

@20: Please define “gun nut”

I want to know if you are for or against abortion, also.

Mr. Blue

And the vwidiot proves my point perfectly! In the next post, no less.


@ #41-VWPussie. Did the doctor hold you up by one ankle and slap ya mama after she hatched you OR did the better part of you dribble out on the mattress?


Wait…I know, I know…they kept the afterbirth and tossed the rest out.

Joe Williams

Dumbass @ 41, EX-PH2 told you who naped the village of the little girl . It was the Virtnamese AF against American ADVICE. Do I need to call her to correct your wilful ingorance? I must warn you she is in a take no pristoners mood! Be afraid, VERY afraid Joe


Hey MCPO? Where’s that tactical snowshovel kit you were gonna order? Did it get put on backorder?


@41 VWP, you truly aren’t that bright. Sadly, bad things happen in war and it’s usually the innocent who get hurt. That’s simply reality. It’s also a far cry from your pinheaded statement earlier saying that gun owners were targeting children. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and check into rehab? If you dry out now there’s a chance you’ll still have a few functioning brain cells left.


@4 Other Whitey – What you said.

VWPunked – You are beyond stupid, ignorant… all those things. Bedwetting asshat.

Just An Old Dog

IT’S A backdoor move by the state of california to get rid of firearms by making them so expensive to make that the companies wot want to set up shop here and there will be none availiable. With no guns in the state there will be no need for armed police. no guns no murder