There He Goes Again . . . .
Well, it seems that everybody’s favorite non-SF, non-Tabbed, no-BSM, never-actually-a-LRP/LRRP (his first unit in Vietnam was re-designated from Long Range Patrol to Ranger long before he ever reported in) wannabe hero blithering idiot fine individual is at it again.
I simply don’t have the time or patience today to link to all of our favorite WitLessOne’s antics documented here at TAH. Search for “Wittgenfeld” and “Whittgenfeld” using this site’s Search Tool if you aren’t familiar with why the guy is “oh so beloved” here.
Be that as it may: y’all ain’t gonna believe that doddering old fool’s fine former soldier’s latest claim.
Apparently, I am actually Don Shipley.
Or at least a certain clueless tool WitLessOne thinks I am. Just go to this link, and take a look at the comments to his 17 January 2014 entry. (You’ll have to open comments, then open the two longer comments to find it. His blog is set up IMO rather clumsily.)
Damn – I’m a SEAL. That would indeed be a great thing. I wish I’d known that. Why didn’t someone tell me that before?
That must mean I’ve been through BUD/S. Wonder why I can’t remember ever being on the beach at Coronado? Or graduating from BUD/S? Or what my BUD/S class number was? Wouldn’t I remember all of those things?
Geez – that would mean I was in the Navy, too. Wonder why I can’t remember that either? I mean, I’ve been on a few Navy installations, and I’ve seen a few Navy ships. But I can’t remember ever setting foot on a US Navy ship or submarine – and I think I’d remember doing that, too.
It would mean that my spouse is named Diane. Funny, but I think I’d remember that also.
It would mean my son was a Navy SEAL. Whoah – I think I’d remember that as well.
You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d swear it’s just not possible that I’m Don Shipley. But our favorite WitLessOne thinks I am – and we all know he’s “never wrong”. After all, he’s a legend in his own mind. (smile)
News flash for ya, oh dipstick clown Induhvidual Formerly Known Professionally As “Thunder Chicken”: no, I’m not Don Shipley. As usual, you’re barking up the wrong tree. The reason that I “never answered you” (if you’re not baldfaced lying about asking me; you’ve certainly never sent me any e-mail asking me a damn thing) was that I never saw your alleged question. And in any case, I also have a life – one that includes far more pressing business than obsessively following everything you do, or disabusing you of every foolish notion you come up with.
Based on what I’ve seen, disabusing you of foolish ideas by itself would be a full-time job. For three people.
I must say I’m flattered, though. From what I’ve seen and heard about Don Shipley, he seems like one helluva fine fellow. I’m honored to be compared to him, and would have been proud to serve alongside him. Unfortunately, I’ve not had the pleasure of ever meeting him or his lovely wife. Maybe one day I will.
However, WitLessOne, before I end this article I have a bit of advice for you. Five bits of advice, to be precise. So you might want to listen closely. And if you don’t “get” one or more of them, have someone else explain them to you.
First: IMO you should pray Don’s not p!ssed you thought I was him, and publicly said as much. Because I don’t think I’d want Don – or his hair – p!ssed at me. I think you owe Don a bigtime apology. A very public one.
Second: since you seem to be oh so very interested in me, “buddy”, I’ll save you some trouble. I’m also not the Pope, Lady Gaga, the POTUS, the Queen of England, Vladimir Putin, Ahmed Karzai, Bette Midler, Al Gore, Madonna, Alex Rodriguez, Angela Merkel, the Dali Lama, Paul McCartney, Katy Perry, Sting, Gary Sinese, Psy, Payton Peyton Manning, the Emperor of Japan, Meryl Streep, or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. That should help narrow your search a bit. (smile)
Third: John Wayne is dead. So you might want to use another image when referring to me on your blog. (By the way: is that old movie poster image you used copyrighted? Did you secure the copyright owner’s permission to use it?)
Fourth: I have a screen-capture of the comment from your blog where you claimed that I’m Don Shipley. If that comment disappears from your blog, I’ll post those screen captures here.
And lastly: well, just watch this highly NSFW video for my last bit of advice. I really think you should take that video to heart. Daily.
Hat tip to TSO for bringing this bit of WitLess Idiocy to my attention. Oh, and by the way, WitLessOne: I’m not a retired 3- or 4-star anything, either. (smile)
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
What?!?!?!? You’re not the Pope?!?!?
Does that mean you’re not Bigfoot, either???
Well, NOW what do I do? I had all that bait set for you, thinking you were Bigfoot AND the Pope, candy, popemobile, pancakes and everything, and now, you say you’re NOT the Pope.
My day is just RUINED.
I call bullsh*t. I have never seen you and Al Gore in the same place at the same time. QED; I cannot rule out you are not Al Gore. Or Kareem Abdul Jabbar. In fact, you’d probably get WAY more awesomeness points awarded for being the secret identity of Kareem Abdul Jabbar. That’s got my vote.
This boi is definitely 54 cards short of a full deck, ye “54 cards”. I am including the two additional Jokers that accompany a full deck.
Well Whitless is good for something after all. Comedy.
“That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!”
ANCCPT: now, fella, there’s no need to be insulting. I demand a retraction.
Al Gore? How dare you! (smile)
This reminds me, Ex-PH2, when is your next “Babes and Bullets” book coming out? I couldn’t stop laughing through the first one.
I really wish you were Peyton Manning. That would make TSO’s, with his love afair with Tom Brady, head explode.
You don’t seem to have been commenting here all that long, Former 11B. You might be well advised to read up on this guy, using the method I suggested above, before defending him.
Other than being a racist, a misogynist, disrespectful to other veterans, a jerk, and an all-around loudmouthed ass, I’m sure he’s a fine fellow.
Pope Hondo. It has nice (papal) ring to it.
Dammit, Hondo, every time you or anyone posts links to dullard’s stuff, my computer digs its heels in and refuses to budge. And I have to start all over from scratch. You have got to stop frightening The Machine.
Twist, B&B#2 is ‘haze gray and underway’, and it is cookin’.
Gaga, definitely.
Explains a few things.
Nat the Dalai Lama? Man… Bill Murray’s gonna be pissed….
Hondo, I think he was being sarcastic.
Guess that anger management session he had to do to get his latest legal issue “nol prosed” didn’t quite take hold.
Oh well. At least one thing is for certain when it comes to DullASS–well, two, actually–1, he’s ALWAYS going to say stupid shit, 2–he’ll end up in trouble with the law at some point prior to his assumption of room temperature.
It’s not that he can’t help it–he’s just too fucking stupid.
Is time for a plunger!
Hondo, I was copying and pasting that from his site to make fun of him. I could have been clearer about my intentions, but I figured anyone who scrolled through his lunacy would get a chuckle out of it. This blog has been very consistent in supporting veterans regardless of branch, MOS, or era, this moron saying otherwise is just funny.
This is priceless … and again, never eat a jelly donut while reading this blog!
I just blew 1/4 of the donut out my right nostril and I had to run to the water fountain to flush the rest out!
Still tasted good!
I think there should be some sort of process for taking away the privileges that come with being an adult for guys like Whitlessone. Can his age be legally changed to 14? That ought to take care of driving, flying, voting, drinking, and serving in the military. None of which we want this assclown doing any more…
Oh, while I’m at it, dumbass Whipitnflogit, I did make you the villain in my first book, but you dropped dead of a heart attack in the middle of an interrogation in a zodiac, and a shark ate you.
But don’t despair: your cloned evil twin sister Bobbidan Christina Fayhay is appearing in my second book, and she has a mustache bigger than yours, and a really bad fake backwoods-in-the-Appalachians accent. Just wanted you to know.
@16-Aye. Getting an FUI takes the kind of stupid where you damn near should be castrated to prevent reproduction.
Former 11B: OK, ya got me. (smile) Yeah, I missed the sarcasm and thought you were being serious – mea culpa.
I guess that’s further proof that I’m not Don Hondo – although that would have a nice ring to it en Español . . . . (smile)
I guess Monkey Jungle tossed him out for making obscene suggestions at the chimps, again, so he’s back here.
Any bets in on how long it takes before Dullass shows up to post incoherent blather under a ridiculously long username?
And to think I might have been worried about what I was going to do for entertainment today. This dude seriously needs to find another hobby. Looking at his G+ page is a lesson in crappy stalking skills.
@22: Then it would be Don Juando……………
Bwahahaha!!! I crack myself up!
@24–you know he’s lurking, but I think his IP is blocked. Besides, if I wanted to see that godawful random capitalization, misspellings, mutilated syntax, etc., I’d read the texts off my (or any) 13-year old girl’s cell phone.
That should be @23…………ooops
Dallas, Dallas, Dallas…you idiot. Hondo is the Marlboro Man, don’t you know. He also starred in the Magnificient Seven under the alias of Yul Brenner.
HS Sophomore: nah, I ain’t that bald. Yet. (smile)
Oh, snortalicious! I see my photos are still up as well with information that is so fucking cluelessly wrong (including appeals to Sekritery Hagle), I’m actually wondering what the flying hell he was smoking when he wrote that!
Hondo, you may not be the Pope, but apparently you’re Satan, according to that picture. And you might be Hitler. And Shipley’s hair – that’s you too! And Robert Ludlum. And maybe Oprah. But you’re not the ObamaCare PajamaDouche.
Didn’t he decide that I was pre-op Jonn… or Claymore… or CV or someone at some point?
Holy shit!
What a fucking illiterate squirrel!! Witless is one ranting, panting numb nuts. And that blog of his is a piece of shit too. I could not make head nor tails of it. From what I can gather, he is real pissed at Jonn, TSO and Hondo. And the Stolen Valor Reich. Other than that, it is a hot, steaming pile of dog shit. Much like it’s creator.
Damn Nicki, I forgot to mention he is really pissed at you too. I know it keeps you up nights worrying……
However, after his role in the M7, he was trapped with no way to regrow his hair before his next Marlboro commercial. So in all of his glorious benevolence, Don Shipley, son of Neptune himself and protector of the waters of the world in general and those in the US in particular lent him a single strand of his hallowed, lush mane and in the space of a single day, it all grew back. You can never be a part of that collective universe of awesome, dallas. Sorry.
LOL! Yeah, I’m very stressed about this, hoping that Sekritery Hegle doesn’t come after me.
Doofus. Wow. And frankly, I have no idea why he is going after me either, other than he’s batshit crazy, and TSO and I have been friends for a while. I guess that qualifies me as a suicide blogger (whatever the hell that is). He’s also harassed several random women, accusing them of being Jonn or whoever else here, and I’m pretty sure these women have nothing to do with anything.
Sorry folks – can’t resist using this one again.
You want to know who I am, WitLessOne? Think a bit. Think hard. Get a friend to help if you like. Use your lifeline if you must.
You . . . know exactly who I am. Say my name.
Them’s some mighty strong hallucinogens you’re ingesting, Whipenflogit.
I could not waste any more that One minute of my life at his g+ blog, and I used that minute up at 1:50pm today.
@38-must be getting some o’ dem schrooms (and perchance a wee bit of rock) from MSGT. Soup Sammich…
I also believe you were transferred to the “75th Infantry Airborne Ranger”. Don’t know if he means a regiment or if you were the 75th infantry airborne ranger to graduate from secret-squirrel school. What a nut, but hey, congratulations on your multiple “secret government jobs”. Do they pay well?
Also, try as my might, that meme with the baby is pretty funny. You should steal it.
Sorry, “try as I might”. Spelling correct is the bane of my existence.
Dullass’s Blog consist of him putting up illiterate rantings about those that bust out phonies then cheering himself on.
I will let you guys in on a Teamguy secret.
Senior Chief Shipley’s Hair is actually a separate entity. It is highly intelligent and possesses powers similar to those displayed by the ‘Jedi’ in the Star Wars movies.
What I suspect happened here is that Senior’s Hair got bored (being effortlessly awesome, day after day, can probably get a little boring) and decided to pull some Jedi Mind Trick/Teams n’ Sh!t mischief in an effort to pass the time until 1700 on a Wed. (The Hair is fully capable of mixing and drinking his own drinks by using his Jedi Hair telekinesis-like powers, but due to the ‘Stripper Nooner Incident’ Senior Chief Shipley had to lay down the law and restrict The Hair; no Bacardi and Cokes until after 1700 on weekdays).
So when crazy fantasy LRRP boy had his visions (courtesy of The Hair and Jedi mind tricks), he saw Senior Chief Shipley, The Hair and all. He did not realize he was fcuking with 2 separate, powerful entities.
Sucks to be him.
Hahahahah I love that guy,I can just see him smashing his keyboard dress in his viet nam tiger cammies while on his 7 PBR of the morning.This douche is such old news.
Damn! Is there anything Shipley’s hair can’t do?
“Damn! Is there anything Shipley’s hair can’t do?”
It’s ‘The Hair’. Similar to “My name’s Plissken”.
Notice the similarities when it comes to hair.
Dallas “The Ding-Dong” takes it in the ass.
So he’s the middle man in Human Centipede with Phildo and Psul?
Word has it that they can all take it deep……
Don Hondo. Yeah, like it. A Lot.